96 Socializing Can

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Scenario #1: Location: A House Party

House Party Characters: Two Teens

Student A: Student B:

You are at a house party with a few of your friends You are at a house party with a few friends. Even
from high school. You’re bored because you barely though you barely know anybody, you don’t want
know anyone and you don’t like the music. Chat to leave. There is someone at the party that you are
with a friend and suggest an alternate activity. interested in meeting. You wish you weren’t so shy
so you could talk to this person.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. What do you think each kid will do next? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. Why does one of the kids want to stay at the party? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. Why does one of the kids want to leave? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. What alternative activity does one kid suggest?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

This party is so lame.

There must be something better to do.

I can’t stand this music.

I think we should split (leave).

I have my eye on someone.

I need to get up the nerve to talk to him/her.

Here goes nothing...

Let’s just stay a little while longer.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 1

Scenario #2: Location: Office Parking Lot

After Work Characters: Two Office Workers

Student A: Student B:

You are about to get in your car and head home You are about to get in your car and head home
from work. You see a fellow employee and you start from work. You see a fellow employee and you start
chatting. You both have no plans for the evening, chatting. You both have no plans for the evening, so
so you decide to hang out. You suggest dinner you decide to hang out. You have to be home by
and a movie. 8 pm to pick up your child from a club.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Why can’t one of the colleagues go to a movie? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. What do the speakers decide to do? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. Who are the speakers? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. Why do the speakers decide to hang out this evening?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

What are you up to this evening?

Do you want to do something?

We could catch a movie.

We could do dinner.

What do you have in mind?

I have nothing going on.

I can’t be out too late.

That sounds like a plan.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 2

Scenario #3: Location: Movie Theatre

At the Movies Characters: Two Close Friends

Student A: Student B:

You are with a good friend waiting for a movie to start. You are with a good friend waiting for a movie to start.
You know nothing about the movie you are about to You have been wanting to see this movie really badly.
see. Ask your friend what kind of movie it is, and find Fill your friend in about what you’ve heard about the
out about the reviews. movie. Remind your friend to turn off his/her phone.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. Why is one of the friends so excited? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. What type of film are they going to see? 2. Use some of the expressions
4. What does one friend remind the other to do? below in your skit.

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

I know nothing about this movie.

Fill me in.

Is it based on a true story?

What would I do without you?

I’ve heard so many great things.

It stars that guy from...

It’s up for a bunch of awards.

Don’t forget to turn off your cell phone.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 3

Scenario #4: Location: Downtown Street

Catching Up Characters: Two Old Friends from College

Student A: Student B:

You are window shopping and an old friend passes by. You are walking home from work and an old friend
You stop him/her and try to catch up on what you’ve stops you on the street. Explain that you have just
been doing in the last few years. Exchange phone moved to this city. Exchange phone numbers so
numbers so that you can get together sometime. that you can get together sometime. You could
use a friend around here. You don’t know anybody!

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. How do the two people know each other? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. What do the friends chat about write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. Where does the conversation take place? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. What do the two friends do before they say goodbye?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

(name), is that you?

How long has it been?

I’m just doing a little window shopping.

Let me get your number.

I didn’t expect to run into you here!

I’m new in town. I don’t know a soul!

I work just around the corner.

It will be great to catch up.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 4

Scenario #5: Location: Dance Hall

Staff Party Characters: Two Colleagues

Student A: Student B:

You are at a staff party. Most people are dancing, but You are at a staff party. Most people are dancing, but
you don’t feel like dancing. Chat with a fellow colleague you have a broken leg. Chat with a fellow colleague who
who is also watching the dance floor. Discuss who you is also watching the dancers. Discuss who you think
think will win the “employee of the year” award. End your will win the “employee of the year” award. End your
conversation as the lights dim for the big announcement. conversation as the lights dim for the announcement.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. What are they discussing? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. How do these people know each other? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. Why is the conversation cut short?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

I’m not really in the mood for dancing.

I’m not much of a dancer.

So, who do you think is going to win the big award?

I guess we had better take our seats.

I’d give anything to be out on the dance floor!

I have no idea who the winner will be.

Can you remember who won last year?

I’m sure we’ll meet up again later.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 5

Scenario #6: Location: A Backyard

Backyard BBQ Characters: Two Neighbours

Student A: Student B:

It’s summertime and you have your neighbour over It’s summertime and your neighbour has invited you
for a barbecue. Your kids are playing together. Talk over for a barbecue. Your kids are playing together.
about the weather and your plans for summer Talk about the weather and your plans for summer
vacation. Excuse yourself so that you can go vacation. Offer to help your neighbour with the food
and check on the food. preparation or setting the table.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. What does the guest offer to do? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. What summer plans do the families have? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. How is the weather?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

I’m so glad you could come.

The kids play so nicely together.

This is one of the hottest summers ever.

Do you have any big plans this summer?

Thanks so much for having us.

I’m glad the kids get along so well.

Thank goodness for air conditioning.

We’re going to do some camping trips.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 6

Scenario #7: Location: Outside an Elementary School

After School Characters: Two Parents

Student A: Student B:

You are waiting for your child to be dismissed from You are waiting for your child to be dismissed from
school. Chat with another parent who has a child school. Chat with another parent who has a child in
in the same class. Discuss the teacher and the the same class. Discuss the teacher and the upcoming
upcoming field trip that you are volunteering for. field trip. You wish you could volunteer, but you have
to work that day. Ask the other parent to take pictures.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. What do these parents think of the teacher? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. How are these parents connected? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. Where are their children going to be going soon?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

I’m glad they are in the same class again.

What do you think of Mr./Mrs. ?

I’m going to the field trip to... on Friday.

I’ll email you the photos.

(child) is always talking about (child).

I’m happy with how things are going this year.

I have to work, so I can’t volunteer this time.

Can you do me a favour and take some photos?

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 7

Scenario #8: Location: A Restaurant

Birthday Lunch Characters: Two Siblings

Student A: Student B:

It’s your birthday. Your sibling is taking you out for You are taking your sibling out for lunch for his/her
lunch. Discuss the menu, and get sidetracked by birthday. Discuss the menu, and get sidetracked by
talking about your dad’s health. Then go back to the talking about your dad’s health. Then go back to the
menu. Choose a meal based on your food allergy. menu. Decide on the same meal as your sibling.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1.  hat do they start chatting

W 1. Work together with your partner to
about while reading the menu? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
2. What do they decide to eat? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
3. Why are these people out for lunch together?
4. What food allergy does one of the siblings have?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

Thanks for taking me out for my birthday.

Everything looks so delicious. I don’t know what to have.

So, have you heard any updates about Dad?

Oh, yeah, we should order! I’m starving.

I’m so glad I got to see you on your birthday.

What are you going to have?

Mom filled me in on the phone last night.

I’m actually going to have the same.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 8

Scenario #9: Location: The Library

Social Media Characters: Two Friends

Student A: Student B:

You are at the school library with your friend. You’re You’re studying on your laptop but your friend has a
supposed to be studying, but you are addicted to problem. Someone wrote something about him/her on
a social media site on your laptop. You just read an a social media site. Tell your pal to stop wasting so much
update that mentions you and really bothers you. time. You quit using that site a few months ago and are
Share it with your friend and ask for advice. happier now. Remind him/her that the exam is tomorrow.

Class Questions Writing

Your class will have to be able to answer the Optional.
following questions after you perform your skit: Use a blank piece of paper or your notebook.

1. Where does the conversation take place? 1. Work together with your partner to
2. Why is one of the students upset? write a dialogue based on the scenario.
3. What are the students supposed to be doing? 2. Use some of the expressions below in your skit.
4. What advice does one student give the other?

Useful Expressions
Here are some possible questions and statements to include in
your role-play. You don’t have to use them all. You can use the
Notes column to change the expression to fit into your role-play.

Expressions Notes

I can’t get my mind off this.

Can you believe he/she wrote that?

I hate that I’m addicted to this site.

Do you think I should say something to him/her?

This site is such a waste of time.

You need to concentrate on studying.

Who cares about what he/she thinks?

You didn’t forget about the exam, did you?

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 9

Quick Cards

Scenario #1: Scenario #1:


Location: A House Party Location: A House Party

Characters: Two Teens Characters: Two Teens

Student A: Student B:
You are at a house party with a few of your friends You are at a house party with a few friends. Even
from high school. You’re bored because you barely though you barely know anybody, you don’t want
know anyone and you don’t like the music. Chat to leave. There is someone at the party that you are
with a friend and suggest an alternate activity. interested in meeting. You wish you weren’t so shy so
you could talk to this person.
• This party is so lame. Expressions:
• There must be something better to do. • I have my eye on someone.
• I can’t stand this music. • I need to get up the nerve to talk to him/her.
• I think we should split (leave). • Here goes nothing...
• Let’s just stay a little while longer.

Scenario #2: Scenario #2:


Location: Office Parking Lot Location: Office Parking Lot

Characters: Two Office Workers Characters: Two Office Workers

Student A: Student B:
You are about to get in your car and head home You are about to get in your car and head home
from work. You see a fellow employee and you start from work. You see a fellow employee and you start
chatting. You both have no plans for the evening, chatting. You both have no plans for the evening, so
so you decide to hang out. You suggest dinner you decide to hang out. You have to be home by
and a movie. 8 pm to pick up your child from a club.

Expressions: Expressions:
• What are you up to this evening? • What do you have in mind?
• Do you want to do something? • I have nothing going on.
• We could catch a movie. • I can’t be out too late.
• We could do dinner. • That sounds like a plan.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 10

Quick Cards cont.

Scenario #3: Scenario #3:


Location: Movie Theatre Location: Movie Theatre

Characters: Two Close Friends Characters: Two Close Friends

Student A: Student B:
You are with a good friend waiting for a movie to start. You are with a good friend waiting for a movie to start.
You know nothing about the movie you are about to You have been wanting to see this movie really badly.
see. Ask your friend what kind of movie it is, and find Fill your friend in about what you’ve heard about the
out about the reviews. movie. Remind your friend to turn off his/her phone.

Expressions: Expressions:
• I know nothing about this movie. • I’ve heard so many great things.
• Fill me in. • It stars that guy from...
• Is it based on a true story? • It’s up for a bunch of awards.
• What would I do without you? • Don’t forget to turn off your cell phone.

Scenario #4: Scenario #4:


Location: Downtown Street Location: Downtown Street

Characters: Two Old Friends from College Characters: Two Old Friends from College

Student A: Student B:
You are window shopping and an old friend passes by. You are walking home from work and an old friend
You stop him/her and try to catch up on what you’ve stops you on the street. Explain that you have just
been doing in the last few years. Exchange phone moved to this city. Exchange phone numbers so
numbers so that you can get together sometime. that you can get together sometime. You could
use a friend around here. You don’t know anybody!
• (name), is that you? Expressions:
• How long has it been? • I didn’t expect to run into you here!
• I’m just doing a little window shopping. • I’m new in town. I don’t know a soul!
• Let me get your number. • I work just around the corner.
• It will be great to catch up.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 11

Quick Cards cont.

Scenario #5: Scenario #5:


Location: Dance Hall Location: Dance Hall

Characters: Two Colleagues Characters: Two Colleagues

Student A: Student B:
You are at a staff party. Most people are dancing, You are at a staff party. Most people are dancing,
but you don’t feel like dancing. Chat with a fellow but you have a broken leg. Chat with a fellow
colleague who is also watching the dance floor. colleague who is also watching the dancers. Discuss
Discuss who you think will win the “employee of the who you think will win the “employee of the year”
year” award. End your conversation as the lights dim award. End your conversation as the lights dim
for the big announcement. for the announcement.

Expressions: Expressions:
• I’m not really in the mood for dancing. • I’d give anything to be out on the dance floor!
• I’m not much of a dancer. • I have no idea who the winner will be.
• So, who do you think is going to win the big award? • Can you remember who won last year?
• I guess we had better take our seats. • I’m sure we’ll meet up again later.

Scenario #6: Scenario #6:


Location: A Backyard Location: A Backyard

Characters: Two Neighbours Characters: Two Neighbours

Student A: Student B:
It’s summertime and you have your neighbour It’s summertime and your neighbour has invited you
over for a barbecue. Your kids are playing together. over for a barbecue. Your kids are playing together.
Talk about the weather and your plans for summer Talk about the weather and your plans for summer
vacation. Excuse yourself so that you can go vacation. Offer to help your neighbour with the food
and check on the food. preparation or setting the table.

Expressions: Expressions:
• I’m so glad you could come. • Thanks so much for having us.
• The kids play so nicely together. • I’m glad the kids get along so well
• This is one of the hottest summers ever. • Thank goodness for air conditioning.
• Do you have any big plans this summer? • We’re going to do some camping trips.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 12

Quick Cards cont.

Scenario #7: Scenario #7:


Location: Outside an Elementary School Location: Outside an Elementary School

Characters: Two Parents Characters: Two Parents

Student A: Student B:
You are waiting for your child to be dismissed from You are waiting for your child to be dismissed from
school. Chat with another parent who has a child school. Chat with another parent who has a child in
in the same class. Discuss the teacher and the the same class. Discuss the teacher and the upcoming
upcoming field trip that you are volunteering for. field trip. You wish you could volunteer, but you have to
work that day. Ask the other parent to take pictures.
• I’m glad they’re in the same class again. Expressions:
• What do you think of Mr./Mrs. ? • (child) is always talking about (child).
• I’m going on the field trip to ... on Friday. • I’m happy with how things are going this year.
• I’ll email you the photos. • I have to work, so I can’t volunteer this time.
• Can you do me a favour and take some photos?

Scenario #8: Scenario #8:


Location: A Restaurant Location: A Restaurant

Characters: Two Siblings Characters: Two Siblings

Student A: Student B:
It’s your birthday. Your sibling is taking you out for You are taking your sibling out for lunch for his/her
lunch. Discuss the menu, and get sidetracked by birthday. Discuss the menu, and get sidetracked by
talking about your dad’s health. Then go back to the talking about your dad’s health. Then go back to the
menu. Choose a meal based on your food allergy. menu. Decide on the same meal as your sibling.

Expressions: Expressions:
• Thanks for taking me out for my birthday. • I’m so glad I got to see you on your birthday.
• Everything looks so delicious. • What are you going to have?
I don’t know what to have. • Mom filled me in on the phone last night.
• So, have you heard any updates about dad? • I’m actually going to have the same.
• Oh, yeah, we should order! I’m starving.

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 13

Quick Cards cont.

Scenario #9: Scenario #9:


Location: The Library Location: The Library

Characters: Two Friends Characters: Two Friends

Student A: Student B:
You are at the school library with your friend. You’re You’re studying on your laptop but your friend has a
supposed to be studying, but you are addicted to problem. Someone wrote something about him/her
a social media site on your laptop. You just read an on a social media site. Tell your pal to stop wasting so
update that mentions you and really bothers you. much time. You quit using that site a few months ago
Share it with your friend and ask for advice. and are happier now. Remind him/her that the exam
is tomorrow.
• I can’t get my mind off this. Expressions:
• Can you believe he/she wrote this? • That site is such a waste of time.
• I hate that I’m addicted to this site. • You need to concentrate on studying.
• Do you think I should say something to him/her? • Who cares what he/she thinks?
• You didn’t forget about the exam, did you?

Copyright 2015, Red River Press Inc. For use by members of ESL Library in accordance with membership terms. 14

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