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Published by
ams OSRAM Group

11-Channel Multi-Spectral Digital Sensor

v3-00 • 2020-Jun-25
Document Feedback AS7341
Content Guide

Content Guide

1 General Description....................... 3 9.1 I²C Address ................................................ 22

9.2 I²C Write Transaction ................................. 22
1.1 Key Benefits & Features .............................. 3 9.3 I²C Read Transaction ................................. 23
1.2 Applications .................................................. 4 9.4 Timing Characteristics ............................... 23
1.3 Block Diagram .............................................. 4 9.5 Timing Diagrams ........................................ 24
2 Ordering Information ..................... 5 10 Register Description ................... 25
3 Pin Assignment ............................. 6 10.1 Register Overview ...................................... 25
10.2 Detailed Register Description .................... 27
3.1 Pin Diagram .................................................. 6
3.2 Pin Description ............................................. 6 11 Application Information .............. 59
4 Absolute Maximum Ratings .......... 7 11.1 Schematic .................................................. 59
11.2 PCB Pad Layout......................................... 60
5 Electrical Characteristics .............. 8 11.3 Application Optical Requirements .............. 61
6 Optical Characteristics .................. 9 12 Package Drawings & Markings... 62
7 Typical Operating 13 Tape & Reel Information ............. 63
Characteristics ............................. 16
14 Soldering & Storage Information 65
8 Functional Description ................ 17
14.1 Storage Information ................................... 66
8.1 Channel Architecture .................................. 18
8.2 Sensor Array .............................................. 19 15 Revision Information ................... 67
8.3 GPIO/INT .................................................... 19 16 Legal Information ........................ 68
8.4 SMUX ......................................................... 19
8.5 Integration Mode ........................................ 20
9 I²C Interface .................................. 22

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General Description

1 General Description
The ams AS7341 is an 11-channel spectrometer enabling new consumer, commercial and laboratory
applications including spectral identification, reflection and absorption for color matching, fluid or
reagent analysis, passive ambient light measurement and color calibration. The spectral response is
defined by individual channels covering approximately 350nm to 1000nm with 8 channels centered in
the visible spectrum (VIS), plus one near-infrared (NIR) and a clear channel. The NIR channel in
combination with the other VIS channels may provide information of surrounding ambient light
conditions, including light source detection. Light source detection can be assisted by an integrated
flicker channel that can automatically flag ambient light flicker at 50/60Hz as well as buffer data for
externally calculating other flicker frequencies up to 2kHz.

AS7341 integrates high-precision optical filters onto standard CMOS silicon via nano-optic deposited
interference filter technology. A built-in aperture controls the light entering the sensor array to increase
accuracy. A programmable digital GPIO and LED current controller enable light source and trigger
control, as well as enabling expandability for an added external photodiode. Device control and
spectral data access is implemented through a serial I²C interface. The device is available in an ultra-
low profile package with dimensions of 3.1mm x 2mm x 1mm.

1.1 Key Benefits & Features

The benefits and features of AS7341, 11-Channel Multi-Spectral Digital Sensor, are listed below:

Figure 1: Added Value of Using AS7341

Benefits Features

8 optical channels distributed over the visible

Precision color, spectral composition and spectral range + clear and NIR channels
distribution measurments realized via silicon nano-optic interference filter
deposition technologies
● 1.8VDD operation, max 300µA
Low power consumption and efficient I²C
● Configurable sleep mode to <5µA
● Interrupt-driven device
● Dedicated channel
Integrated ambient light flicker detection on ● Independently configurable timing and gain
chip and light source detection through NIR
channel ● Automatic gain adjustment
● 50Hz and 60Hz flicker detection flags
GPIO can be used as external trigger input or
Electronic shutter/trigger and synch control
light source synchronization output
GPIO can be used as input for external
External photodiodes to expand detection range
photodiodes including mid-IR range

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General Description

1.2 Applications
● High-precision reflective color point and spectral measurements
● Fluid color, turbidity or reagent based constituent analysis
● Spectral power distribution and passive ambient CCT measurement for home and building
● High-end display color management

1.3 Block Diagram

The functional blocks of this device are shown below:

Figure 2 : Functional Blocks of AS7341

1.8V e.g.:

1.8V light
8CH VIS source

SCL 350-100 0nm

MCU SDA sensor surface

INT light in

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Ordering Information

2 Ordering Information

Ordering Code Package Delivery Form Delivery Quantity

AS7341-DLGT OLGA-8 Tape & Reel 13-inch 5000 pcs/reel

AS7341-DLGM OLGA-8 Tape & Reel 7-inch 500 pcs/reel

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Pin Assignment

3 Pin Assignment

3.1 Pin Diagram

Figure 3: Pin Assignment of AS7341 (TOP VIEW)





3.2 Pin Description

Figure 4: Pin Description of AS7341

Pin Number Pin Name Pin Type(1) Description

1 VDD P Positive supply terminal
2 SCL DI Serial interface clock signal line for I2C interface
3 GND P Ground. All voltages referenced to GND
4 LDR A_I/O LED current sink input
5 PGND P Ground. All voltages referenced to GND
6 GPIO DI General purpose input/output
Interrupt. Open drain output. Connect pull up resistor to
8 SDA D_I/O Serial interface data signal line for I2C interface

(1) Explanation of abbreviations:

DI Digital Input
D_I/O Digital Input/Output
DO_OD Digital Output, open drain
P Power pin
A_I/O Analog pin

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Absolute Maximum Ratings

4 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings“ may cause permanent damage to
the device. These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of the device at these or any other
conditions beyond those indicated under “Operating Conditions” is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. All voltages with respect
to GND/PGND. Device parameters are guaranteed at VDD=1.8V and TA=25°C unless otherwise noted.

Figure 5
Absolute Maximum Ratings of AS7341

Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit Comments

Electrical Parameters
VDD / VGND Supply Voltage to Ground -0.3 2.2 V Applicable for pin VDD
VANA_MAX Analog Pins -0.3 3.6 V Applicable for pin LDR
Applicable for pins
VDIG_MAX Digital Pins -0.3 3.6 V
Input Current (latch-up JEDEC JESD78D Nov
ISCR ± 100 mA
immunity) 2011
IO Output Terminal Current -1 20 mA
Electrostatic Discharge
ESDHBM Electrostatic Discharge HBM ± 2000 V JS-001-2014
ESDCDM Electrostatic Discharge CDM ± 500 V JEDEC JESD22-C101F
Temperature Ranges and Storage Conditions
TA Operating Ambient Temperature -30 85 °C
TSTRG Storage Temperature Range -40 85 °C
TBODY Package Body Temperature 260 °C IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020(1)
Relative Humidity (non-
RHNC 5 85 %
Maximum floor life time of
MSL Moisture Sensitivity Level 3

(1) The reflow peak soldering temperature (body temperature) is specified according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020
“Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices.” The lead finish for Pb-
free leaded packages is “Matte Tin” (100% Sn)

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Electrical Characteristics

5 Electrical Characteristics
All limits are guaranteed. The parameters with Min and Max values are guaranteed with production
tests or SQC (Statistical Quality Control) methods. All voltages with respect to GND/PGND. Device
parameters are guaranteed at VDD=1.8V and TA=25°C unless otherwise noted.

Figure 6:
Electrical Characteristics of AS7341

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VDD Supply Voltage 1.7 1.8 2.0 V

Operating free-air
TA -30 25 70 °C
Power Consumption
VDD=1.8V; TA=25°C
210 300 µA
Active mode(3)
VDD=1.8V; TA=25°C
IDD Supply Current(2) 35 60 µA
Idle mode(4)
VDD=1.8V; TA=25°C
0.7 5 µA
Sleep mode(5)
Digital pins
SCL,SDA input high
VIH 1.26 V
SCL,SDA input low
VIL 0.54 V
INT, SDA output low
VOL 6mA sink current 0.4 V
CI Input pin capacitance 10 pF
Leakage current into
Ileak -5 5 µA
Maximum capacitive
load GPIO

(1) While the device is operational across the temperature range, functionality will vary with temperature.
(2) Supply current values are shown at the VDD pin and do not include current through pin LDR.
(3) Active state occurs during active integration. (PON = “1” ; SP_EN = “1”) If wait is enabled (WEN = “1”), supply current is
lower during the wait period
(4) Idle state occurs when PON = “1” and all functions are disabled
(5) Sleep state occurs when PON = “0” and I2C bus is idle. If I2C traffic is active device automatically enters idle mode.

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Optical Characteristics

6 Optical Characteristics
All limits are guaranteed. The parameters with Min and Max values are guaranteed with production
tests or SQC (Statistical Quality Control) methods. All voltages with respect to GND/PGND. Device
parameters are guaranteed at VDD=1.8V and TA=25°C unless otherwise noted.

Figure 7:
AS7341 Optical Channel Summary

Center Wavelength Full Width Half Maximum

[nm] typical [nm] typical

F1 415 26
F2 445 30
F3 480 36
F4 515 39
F5 555 39
F6 590 40
F7 630 50
F8 680 52

NIR (Near IR) 910 n/a

Clear Si response/non filtered n/a

FD (Flicker Detection) Si response/non filtered n/a

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Optical Characteristics

Figure 8:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F1, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

LED: warm white 2700K (3)

55 counts
Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
Irradiance responsivity LED: 420nm (3)
channel F1(2) Ee = 57 µW/cm²
3200 counts
AGAIN = 512x
tint = 100ms
λp Center wavelength(1) 405 415 425 nm
Full width half
FWHM 26 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

Figure 9:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F2, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance responsivity LED: warm white 2700K(3)

Re_F2 110 counts
channel F2(2) Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
λp Center wavelength(1) 435 445 455 nm
FWHM Full width half maximum(1) 30 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

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Optical Characteristics

Figure 10:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F3, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance responsivity LED: warm white 2700K(3)

Re_F3 210 counts
channel F3(2) Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
λp Center wavelength(1) 470 480 490 nm
FWHM Full width half maximum 36 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

Figure 11:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F4, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance responsivity LED: warm white 2700K(3)

Re_F4 390 counts
channel F4(2) Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
λp Center wavelength(1) 505 515 525 nm
Full width half
FWHM 39 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

Figure 12:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F5, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance Responsivity LED: warm white 2700K(3)

Re_F5 590 counts
channel F5(2) Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
λp Center wavelength(1) 545 555 565 nm
FWHM Full width half maximum 39 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

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Optical Characteristics

Figure 13:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F6, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance responsivity LED: warm white 2700K(3)

Re_F6 840 counts
channel F6(2) Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
λp Center wavelength(1) 580 590 600 nm
FWHM Full width half maximum 40 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

Figure 14:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F7, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

LED: warm white

Irradiance responsivity 2700K(3)
Re_F7 1350 counts
channel F7(2)
Ee = 107.67μW/cm²
λp Center wavelength(1) 620 630 640 nm
FWHM Full width half maximum(1) 50 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

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Optical Characteristics

Figure 15:
Optical Characteristics of Channel F8, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

LED: warm white

Irradiance responsivity 2700K(3)
Re_F8 1070 counts
channel F8(2)
Ee = 107.67μW/cm²
λp Center wavelength(1) 670 680 690 nm
Full width half
FWHM 52 nm

(1) Parameter measured on a production ongoing sample bases on glass using diffused light
(2) The following diffuser is used in final test on top of AS7341: ED1-C50
(3) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341

0,9 LED 420nm

normalized LED spectra

0,7 LED 940nm

0,5 warm white
350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050
wavelength [nm]

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Optical Characteristics

Figure 17:
Optical Characteristics of AS7341, AGAIN: 64x, Integration Time: 27.8ms (unless otherwise

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

Irradiance LED: warm white

Re_CLEAR responsivity channel 2700K(5) 1750 counts
CLEAR Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
Irradiance LED: warm white
Re_FLICKER responsivity channel 2700K(5) 6810 counts
FLICKER Ee = 52.32μW/cm2
LED: warm white
2700K(5) 112
Ee = 107.67μW/cm2
Re_NIR responsivity channel LED: 940nm(5) counts
NIR Ee = 98 µW/cm²
AGAIN = 128x
tint = 100ms
Ee = 0μW/cm2
(1)(6) Dark ADC 0-4 count
Dark_1 AGAIN: 512x 0 3 counts
Integration time: 98ms
Ee = 0μW/cm2
(6) Dark ADC 5 count
Dark_2 AGAIN: 512x 0 5 counts
Integration time: 98ms
AGAIN: 0.5x 0.007 0.008 0.009
AGAIN: 1x 0.0145 0.016 0.0175
AGAIN: 2x 0.03 0.032 0.034
AGAIN: 4x 0.062 0.065 0.068
AGAIN: 8x 0.119 0.125 0.131
Optical gain ratios,
relative to 64x gain AGAIN: 16x 0.237 0.25 0.263
AGAIN: 32x 0.47 0.5 0.53
AGAIN: 64x 1
AGAIN: 128x 1.8 2 2.1
AGAIN: 256x 3.75 3.95 4.25
AGAIN: 512x 7.25 7.75 8.25
ADC AGAIN: 16x % full
noise(3) Integration time: 10ms scale
Typical integration ASTEP = 599
tint 50 ms
time(4) ATIME = 29
Integration time step
tASTEP ASTEP = 999 2.78 ms

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Optical Characteristics

Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

hca Half cone angle On the sensor 40 deg

(1) The typical 3-sigma distribution is between 0 and 1 counts for AGAIN setting of 16x.
(2) The gain ratios are calculated relative to the response with integration time: 27.8ms and AGAIN: 64x.
(3) ADC noise is calculated as the standard deviation of 1000 data samples divided by full scale.
(4) Integration time, in milliseconds, is equal to: (ATIME + 1) x (ASTEP + 1) x 2.78µs
(5) Refer to Figure 16:
Typical LED Spectra Used in Final Test of AS7341
(6) Register 0xD6 / AZ_CONFIG is set to “1” – auto zero done before every integration cycle

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Typical Operating Characteristics

7 Typical Operating Characteristics

Figure 18:
Normalized Spectral Responsivity

F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
F7 F8 Clear NIR Flicker
relative sensitivity

350 450 550 650 750 850 950 1050
wavelength [nm]

Figure 19:
Measured Spectral Responsivity Relative to F8(1)

F1_256x F2_256x F3_256x F4_256x

F5_256x F6_256x F7_256x F8_256x
Clear_512x NIR_64x F l i c k e r_64x
spectral responsivty relative to F8





350 390 430 470 510 550 590 630 670 710 750 790 830 870 910 950 990 1030
wavelength [nm]

(1) Fx_256x…AGAIN = 256x, diffuser mounted on top of package surface

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Functional Description

8 Functional Description
Upon power-up (POR), the device initializes. During initialization (typically 200μs), the device will
deterministically send NAK on I²C and cannot accept I²C transactions. All communication with the
device must be delayed and all outputs from the device must be ignored including interrupts. After
initialization, the device enters the SLEEP state. In this operational state, the internal oscillator and
other circuitry are not active, resulting in ultra-low power consumption. If an I²C transaction occurs
during this state, the I²C core wakes up temporarily to service the communication. Once the Power ON
bit, “PON”, is enabled, the device enters the IDLE state in which the internal oscillator and attendant
circuitry are active, but power consumption remains low. Whenever the spectral measurement is
enabled (SP_EN = “1”) the device enters the ACTIVE state. If the spectral measurement is disabled
(SP_EN = “0”) the device returns to the IDLE state. The figure below describes a simplified state
diagram and the typical supply currents in each state.

If Sleep after Interrupt is enabled (SAI = “1” in register 0xAC), the state machine will enter SLEEP
when an interrupt occurs. Entering SLEEP does not automatically change any of the register settings
(e.g. PON bit is still high, but the normal operational state is over-ridden by SLEEP state). SLEEP
state is terminated when the SAI_ACTIVE bit is cleared (the status bit is in register 0xA7 and the clear
status bit is in register 0xFA).

Figure 20: Simplified State Diagram

Power On


IDD = 0.7µA (typ)
PON = „0"

PON = „1"

IDD = 35µA (typ)
SPM = „0"

SPM = „1"

IDD = 115µA (typ)

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Functional Description

8.1 Channel Architecture

The device features 6 independent optical channels with a dedicated 16-bit light-to-frequency
converter. Gain and integration time of the 6 channels can be adjusted with the I2C interface. A wait
time can be programed to automatically set a delay between two consecutive spectral measurements
and to reduce overall power consumption. The other available channels can be accessed by a
multiplexer (SMUX) connecting them to one of the internal ADCs.

Figure 21: Simplified Block Diagram

6 x 16bit LTF ADC



CH1 ADC CH1 Data I2C

CH2 ADC CH2 Data
Interface SDA
CH3 ADC CH3 Data
interrupt INT
CH4 ADC CH4 Data handling
CH5 ADC CH5 Data
CH0 data
CH5 data
register OTP
4x4 PD array

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Functional Description

8.2 Sensor Array

The device features a 4x4-photodiode array. On top and below the photodiode array there are two
photodiodes with dedicated functions such as flicker detection (“FLICKER”) and near- infrared
response (“NIR”). A clear channel (“C”) – photodiode without filter – is provided at the left and right
bottom corner. Each of the filter pairs can be mapped to one of the six internal ADCs (CH0 – CH5).

Figure 22:
Sensor Array



F1 F3 F5 F7

F6 F8 F2 F4


F4 F2 F8 F6

F7 F5 F3 F1


The GPIO can be either used as input for external photodiodes or as synchronization input to
start/stop the spectral measurement. (SYNS/SYND mode).The interrupt output pin INT can also be
used to indicate the status (READY/BUSY) of the spectral measurement in mode SYNS and SYND.

8.4 SMUX
AS7341 integrates a sensor multiplexer (SMUX) that enables high-flexibility photodiode channel
mapping to the six available ADCs. The 6 ADC limit requires that any measurement that includes
more than six of the 8 VIS + 3 specialty channels will require 2 integration cycles. In all cases, after
power-up, the SMUX needs to be configured before any spectral measurement is started. ams
provides reference code and an application note on how to configure the SMUX. When flicker
detection (FD) is used, the flicker diode needs to be configured to ADC5.

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Functional Description

8.5 Integration Mode

The device features three modes to perform a spectral measurement. The integration mode
(INT_MODE) can be configured in register 0x70 (CONFIG). For auto zero configuration refer to
register 0xD6.

Figure 23:
Integration Mode Description

Mode Description Synchronization Integration Time Registers

SPM (spectral SP_EN = “1”

measurement, Default setting:
no sync) INT_MODE = 0x0
Integration is started with bit SP_EN ATIME [7:0]
No ATIME [7:0]
= “1”. Integration Time is set by ASTEP [15:0]
INT_MODE = 0x0 register ATIME and ASTEP. ASTEP [15:0]
WTIME [7:0]

SYNS (spectral SP_EN = “1”

measurement, Integration with external start:
start sync) Integration is started with INT_MODE = 0x1
ATIME [7:0]
rising/falling edge on pin GPIO. Yes (start) ATIME [7:0]
ASTEP [15:0]
INT_MODE = 0x1 Integration Time is set by register ASTEP [15:0]

Integration with external start and

SYND (spectral stop:
measurement, Integration is controlled via SP_EN = “1”
start/stop sync) rising/falling edge on pin GPIO and Rising/falling edge INT_MODE = 0x3
register EDGE. If the number of Yes (start/stop) on pin GPIO and
register EDGE[7:0] EDGE[7:0]
edges on pin GPIO is reached,
INT_MODE = 0x3 ITIME[23:0]
integration time is stopped. Actual
integration time can be read out in
register “ITIME”.

Figure 24 :
SPM Mode

I2C write enable register auto re-start




I2C read data registers I2C read data registers

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Functional Description

Figure 25 :

Start WTIME Start






I2C read data registers I2C read data registers

Figure 26 :

EDGE = 0x4 Start



1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th


I2C read data registers I2C read data registers

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I²C Interface

9 I²C Interface
The device uses I²C serial communication protocol for communication. The device supports 7-bit chip
addressing and both standard and full-speed clock frequency modes. Read and Write transactions
comply with the standard set by Philips (now NXP). Internal to the device, an 8-bit buffer stores the
register address location of the desired byte to read or write. This buffer auto-increments upon each
byte transfer and is retained between transaction events (i.e. valid even after the master issues a
STOP command and the I²C bus is released). During consecutive Read transactions, the
future/repeated I²C Read transaction may omit the memory address byte normally following the chip
address byte; the buffer retains the last register address +1. All 16-bit fields have a latching scheme
for reading and writing. In general, it is recommended to use I²C bursts whenever possible, especially
in this case when accessing two bytes of one logical entity. When reading these fields, the low byte
must be read first, and it triggers a 16-bit latch that stores the 16-bit field. The high byte must be read
immediately afterwards. When writing to these fields, the low byte must be written first, immediately
followed by the high byte. Reading or writing to these registers without following these requirements
will cause errors.

9.1 I²C Address

Figure 27:
AS7341 I2C Slave Address

Device I2C Address

AS7341 0x39

9.2 I²C Write Transaction

DATA BYTE(S), and STOP (P). Following each byte (9TH clock pulse) the slave places an
ACKNOWLEDGE/NOT- ACKNOWLEDGE (A/N) on the bus. If the slave transmits N, the master may
issue a STOP.

Figure 28:
I2C Byte Write

S DW A WA A reg_data A P


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I²C Interface

9.3 I²C Read Transaction

A Read transaction consists of a START, CHIP-ADDRESSWRITE, REGISTER-ADDRESS,
RESTART, CHIP-ADDRESSREAD, DATA BYTE(S), and STOP. Following all but the final byte the
master places an ACK on the bus (9TH clock pulse). Termination of the Read transaction is indicated
by a NACK being placed on the bus by the master, followed by STOP.

Figure 29:
I2C Read

S DW A WA A Sr DR A data N P


9.4 Timing Characteristics

Figure 30:
I²C Timing Characteristics

Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Unit

fSCL I²C clock frequency 400 kHz

Bus free time between start and stop
tBUF 1.3 µs
Hold time after (repeated) start condition.
tHS;STA 0.6 µs
After this period, the first clock is generated.
tSU;STA Repeated start condition setup time 0.6 µs
tSU;STO Stop condition setup time 0.6 µs
tLOW SCL clock low period 1.3 µs
tHIGH SCL clock high period 0.6 µs
tHD;DAT Data hold time 0 ns
tSU;DAT Data setup time 100 ns
tF Clock/data fall time 300 ns
tR Clock/data rise time 300 ns

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I²C Interface

9.5 Timing Diagrams

Figure 31:
I²C Slave Timing Diagram

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Register Description

10 Register Description
The device is controlled and monitored by registers accessed through the I²C serial interface. These
registers provide device control functions and can be read to determine device status and acquire
device data.

The register set is summarized below. The values of all registers and fields that are listed as reserved
or are not listed must not be changed at any time. Two-byte fields are always latched with the low byte
followed by the high byte. The “Name” column illustrates the purpose of each register by highlighting
the function associated to each bit. The bits are shown from MSB (D7) to LSB (D0). GRAY fields are
reserved and their values must not be changed at any time.

In order to access registers from 0x60 to 0x74 bit REG_BANK in register CFG0 (0xA9) needs to be
set to “1”.

10.1 Register Overview

Figure 32:
Register Overview

Addr Name <D7> <D6> <D5> <D4> <D3> <D2> <D1> <D0>

0x61 CH0_DATA_L [7:0]
0x62 CH0_DATA_H [7:0]
0x63 ITIME_L [7:0]
0x64 ITIME ITIME_M [7:0]
0x65 ITIME_H [7:0]
0x66 CH1_DATA_L [7:0]
0x67 CH1_DATA_H [7:0]
0x68 CH2_DATA_L [7:0]
0x69 CH2_DATA_H [7:0]
0x6A CH3_DATA_L [7:0]
0x6B CH3_DATA_H [7:0]
0x6C CH4_DATA_L [7:0]
0x6D CH4_DATA_H [7:0]
0x6E CH5_DATA_L [7:0]
0x6F CH5_DATA_H [7:0]
0x72 EDGE SYNC_EDGE [7:0]

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Register Description

Addr Name <D7> <D6> <D5> <D4> <D3> <D2> <D1> <D0>


0x81 ATIME ATIME [7:0]
0x83 WTIME WTIME [7:0]
0x84 SP_TH_L_LSB [7:0]
0x85 SP_TH_L_MSB [7:0]
0x86 SP_TH_H_LSB [7:0]
0x87 SP_TH_H_MSB [7:0]
0x90 AUXID AUXID [7:0]
0x91 REVID REVID [7:0]
0x92 ID ID [7:0]
0x95 CH0_DATA_L [7:0]
0x96 CH0_DATA_H [7:0]
0x97 CH1_DATA_L [7:0]
0x98 CH1_DATA_H [7:0]
0x99 CH2_DATA_L [7:0]
0x9A CH2_DATA_H [7:0]
0x9B CH3_DATA_L [7:0]
0x9C CH3_DATA_H [7:0]
0x9D CH4_DATA_L [7:0]
0x9E CH4_DATA_H [7:0]
0x9F CH5_DATA_L [7:0]
0xA0 CH5_DATA_H [7:0]



0xAA CFG 1 AGAIN[4:0]
0xAF CFG 6

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Register Description

Addr Name <D7> <D6> <D5> <D4> <D3> <D2> <D1> <D0>

0xB2 CFG 9
0xB3 CFG 10 AGC_H [7:6] AGC_L[7:6] FD_PERS [2:0]
0xB5 CFG 12 SP_TH_CH [2:0]
0xCA ASTEP [7:0]
0xCB ASTEP [15:8]
0xD8 FD_TIME 1 FD_TIME [7:0]
0xDA FD_TIME 2 FD_GAIN [7:3] FD_TIME [10:8]
0xD7 FD_CFG0
0xDB FD_STATUS 120HZ_ 100Hz_
VALID SAT 120Hz 100Hz
0xFE FDATA [7:0]
0xFF FDATA [15:8]

10.2 Detailed Register Description

For easier readability, the detailed register description is done in groups of registers related to
dedicated device functions. This is not necessarily related to its register address.

Explanation of register access abbreviations:

RW = read or write
R = read only
W = write only
SC = self-clearing after access

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Register Description

10.2.1 Enable and Configuration Register

The following registers are needed to power up and configure the device. To operate the device set bit
PON = “1” first (register 0x80) after that configure the device and enable interrupts before setting
SP_EN = “1”. Changing configuration while SP_EN = “1” may result in invalid results. Register
CONFIG (0x70) is used to set the INT_MODE (SYNS,SYND).

ENABLE Register (Address 0x80)

Figure 33:
ENABLE Register

Addr: 0x80 ENABLE

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7 reserved 0 RW reserved
Flicker Detection Enable.
6 FDEN 0 RW 0: Flicker Detection disabled
1: Flicker Detection enabled
5 reserved 0 RW reserved
SMUX Enable.
1: Starts SMUX command
Note: this bit gets cleared automatically as soon as
SMUX operation is finished
Wait Enable.
0: Wait time between two consecutive spectral
3 WEN 0 RW measurements disabled
1: Wait time between two consecutive spectral
measurements enabled
2 reserved 0 RW reserved
Spectral Measurement Enable.
1 SP_EN 0 RW 0: Spectral Measurement Disabled
1: Spectral Measurement Enabled
Power ON.
0: AS7341 disabled
0 PON 0 RW 1: AS7341 enabled
Note: When bit is set, internal oscillator is activated,
allowing timers and ADC channels to operate.

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Register Description

CONFIG Register (Address 0x70)

Figure 34:
CONFIG Register

Addr: 0x70 CONFIG

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:4 reserved 0 RW reserved
LED control.
0: External LED not controlled by AS7341
1: Register LED controls LED connected to pin LDR
Note: register 0x74
2 INT_SEL 0 RW 1: Sync signal applied on output pin INT
Ambient light sensing mode:
0: SPM mode (spectral measurement, normal mode)
1: SYNS mode
1:0 INT_MODE 0 RW 2: reserved
3: SYND mode
Note: in SYND mode it is recommended to use
register 0x60 to 0x6F to read out spectral data.

GPIO Register (Address 0x73)

Figure 35:
GPIO Register

Addr: 0x73 GPIO

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:2 reserved 0 RW reserved
1 PD_GPIO 0 RW 1: Photo diode connected to pin GPIO
0 PD_INT 0 RW 1: Photo diode connected to pin INT

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Register Description

GPIO 2 Register (Address 0xBE)

Figure 36:
GPIO2 Register

Addr: 0xBE GPIO 2

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:4 reserved 0 reserved
GPIO Invert.
If set, the GPIO output is inverted.
GPIO Input Enable.
If set, the GPIO pin accepts a non-floating input.
GPIO Output.
If set, the output state of the GPIO is active directly.
GPIO Input.
0 GPIO_IN 0 R Indicates the status of the GPIO input if
GPIO_IN_EN is set.

LED Register (Address 0x74)

Figure 37:
LED Register

Addr: 0x74 LED

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

LED control.
7 LED_ACT 0 RW 0: External LED connected to pin LDR off
1: External LED connected to pin LDR on
LED driving strength.
000 0000: 4mA
000 0001: 6mA
000 0010: 8mA
000 0011: 10mA
6:0 LED_DRIVE 000 0100 RW 000 0100: 12mA
111 1110: 256mA
111 1111: 258mA
Note: Bit LED_SEL (register 0x70) needs to be set
to “1” to control LED connected to pin LDR.

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Register Description

INTENAB Register (Address 0xF9)

Figure 38:
INTENAB Register

Addr: 0xF9 INTENAB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral and Flicker Detect Saturation Interrupt
When asserted permits saturation interrupts to be
6:4 reserved reserved
Spectral Interrupt Enable.
3 SP_IEN 0 RW When asserted permits interrupts to be generated,
subject to the spectral thresholds and persistence
filter. Bit is mirrored in the ENABLE register.
FIFO Buffer Interrupt Enable.
2 F_IEN 0 RW When asserted permits interrupt to be generated
when FIFO_LVL exceeds the FIFO threshold
1 reserved 0 reserved
System Interrupt Enable.
0 SIEN RW When asserted permits system interrupts to be
generated. Indicates that flicker detection status has
changed or SMUX operation has finished.

CONTROL Register (Address 0xFA)

Figure 39:
CONTROL Register


Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:3 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral Engine Manual Autozero.
2 SP_MAN_AZ 0 RW Starts a manual autozero of the spectral engines.
Set SP_EN = 0 before starting a manual autozero for
it to work.
FIFO Buffer Clear.
1 FIFO_CLR 0 RW Clears all FIFO data, FINT, FIFO_OV, and
Clear Sleep-After-Interrupt Active.
0 CLEAR_SAI_ACT 0 RW Clears SAI_ACTIVE, ends sleep, and restarts device

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Register Description

10.2.2 ADC Timing Configuration / Integration Time

The integration time in INT_MODE = “00” and “01” (SPM/SYNS) is set using the ATIME (0x81) and
ASTEP (0xCA, 0xCB) registers. The integration time, in milliseconds, is equal to:

Equation 1: Setting the integration time

𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑡 = (𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 + 1) × (𝐴𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑃 + 1) × 2.78µ𝑠

The reset value for ASTEP is 999 (2.78ms) and the recommended configuration for these two
registers is ASTEP = 599 and ATIME = 29, which results in an integration time of 50ms. It is not
allowed that both settings –ATIME and ASTEP – are set to “0”.

The integration time also defines the full-scale ADC value, which is equal to:

Equation 2: ADC full scale value(1)

𝐴𝐷𝐶𝑓𝑢𝑙𝑙𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 = (𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 + 1) × (𝐴𝑆𝑇𝐸𝑃 + 1)

ATIME Register (Address 0x81)

Figure 40:
ATIME Register

Addr: 0x81 ATIME

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Integration time.
Sets the number of integration steps from 1 to 256.
Value Integration Time
7:0 ATIME 0x00 RW
n ASTEP x (n+1)
255 256 x ASTEP

(1) The maximum ADC count is 65535. Any ATIME/ASTEP field setting resulting in higher ADCfullscale values would
result in a full-scale of 65535.

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Register Description

ASTEP Register (Address 0xCA, 0xCB)

Figure 41:
ASTEP Register

Addr: 0xCA, 0xCB ASTEP

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Integration time step size.
Sets the integration time per step in increments of
2.78µs. The default value is 999.
0 2.78µs
n 2.78µs x (n+1)
999 RW
599 1.67ms
999 2.78ms
15:8 ASTEP 0xCB 17999 50ms
65534 182ms
65535 reserved, do not use

WTIME Register (Address 0x83)

If wait is enabled (WEN = “1” register 0x80), each new measurement is started based on WTIME. It is
necessary for WTIME to be sufficiently long for spectral integration and any other functions to be
completed within the period. The device will warn the user if the timing is configured incorrectly. If
WTIME is too short, then SP_TRIG in register STATUS6 (ADDR: 0xA7) will be set to “1”.

Figure 42:
WTIME Register

Addr: 0x83 WTIME

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral Measurement Wait time.
8-bit value to specify the delay between two
consecutive spectral measurements.
Value Wait Cycles Wait Time
7:0 WTIME 0x00 RW 0x00 1 2.78ms
0x01 2 5.56ms
n n 2.78ms x (n+1)
0xff 256 711ms

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Register Description

ITIME Register (Address 0x63, 0x64, 0x65)

The register ITIME can be used to read-out the actual integration time in INT_MODE = “11” (SYND).
In SYND mode the integration time is defined by the register “EDGE” and the device is running
integration until the number of falling edges on pin GPIO is reached.

Equation 3: Calculating the integration time in SYND mode

𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑡 = 𝐼𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 × 2.78µ𝑠

Figure 43:
ITIME_L Register

Addr: 0x63 ITIME_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 ITIME_L 0 R Integration time in integration mode SYND

Figure 44:
ITIME_M Register

Addr: 0x64 ITIME_M

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

15:8 ITIME_M 0 R Integration time in integration mode SYND

Figure 45:
ITIME_H Register

Addr: 0x65 ITIME_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

23:16 ITIME_H 0 R Integration time in integration mode SYND

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Register Description

EDGE Register (Address 0x72)

Figure 46:
EDGE Register

Addr: 0x72 EDGE

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Number of falling SYNC-edges between start and
7:0 SYNC_EDGE 0 RW stop of integration in mode SYND
Number of edges = SYNC_EDGE + 1

FD_TIME Register (Address 0xD8, 0xDA)

The register FD Time 1 and FD Time 2 can be used to configure the integration time and gain (ADC 5)
of the flicker detection independently from the other ADCs. The FD_TIME register is an 11-bit register
with the MSB in register 0xDA (bit 10:8) and the LSB in register 0xD8 (bit 7:0). The bit FDEN (register
0x80) must be set to “1” in order to use the FD_TIME registers. If the bit FDEN is not set, ADC5 runs
automatically with the same gain and integration time as ADC0 to ADC4.

Equation 4: Calculating the flicker detection integration time

𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑡_𝐹𝐷 = 𝐹𝐷_𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 × 2.78µ𝑠

Figure 47:
FD Time Register

Addr: 0xD8 FD_TIME_1

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

LSB of flicker detection integration time
7:0 FD_TIME [7:0] 0 RW Note: must not be changed during FDEN = 1 and
PON = 1.

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Register Description

Figure 48:
FD Time Register

Addr: 0xDA FD_TIME_2

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Flicker Detection gain setting (ADC5)

0 0.5x
1 1x
2 2x
3 4x
7:3 FD_GAIN 9 R/W 4 8x
5 16x
6 32x
7 64x
8 128x
9 256x
10 512x
MSB of flicker detection integration time
2:0 FD_TIME [10:8] 0 RW Note: must not be changed during FDEN = 1 and
PON = 1.

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Register Description

10.2.3 ADC Configuration (gain, AGC…)

The following registers provide configuration for the 6 integrated ADCs (CH0 to CH5). It is possible to
adjust the gain, configure and enable the automatic gain control (AGC) and setup the auto zero
compensation for the engines.

CFG1 Register (Address 0xAA)

Figure 49:
CFG1 Register

Addr: 0xAA CFG1

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:5 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral engines gain setting.
Sets the spectral sensitivity.
0 0.5x
1 1x
2 2x
3 4x
4:0 AGAIN 9 RW
4 8x
5 16x
6 32x
7 64x
8 128x
9 256x
10 512x

CFG10 Register (Address 0xB3)

Figure 50:
CFG10 Register

Addr: 0xB3 CFG10

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

AGC High Hysteresis.
Sets the data threshold at which AGAIN is reduced
7:6 AGC_H 3 RW when spectral AGC mode is enabled. The threshold
is automatically calculated internally as a percentage
of full-scale. Note that full-scale is equal to (ATIME +
1) x (ASTEP + 1).

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Register Description

Addr: 0xB3 CFG10

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description


0 50%

1 62.5%

2 75%

3 87.5%

AGC Low Hysteresis.

Sets the data threshold at which AGAIN is increased
when spectral AGC mode is enabled. The threshold
is automatically calculated internally as a percentage
of full-scale. Note that full-scale is equal to (ATIME +
1) x (ASTEP + 1).
0 12.5%
1 25%
2 37.5%
3 50%
3 reserved 0 reserved
Flicker Detect Persistence.
Sets the number of consecutive flicker detect results
2:0 FD_PERS 2 RW that must be different before the flicker detect status
will be changed. Flicker detection interrupts on SINT
are affected by this setting. Flicker detect
persistence is equal to 2(𝐹𝐷𝑃𝐸𝑅𝑆 −1)

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Register Description

AZ_CONFIG Register (Address 0xD6)

The following register configures how often the spectral engine offsets are reset (auto zero) to
compensate for changes of the device temperature. The typical time auto zero needs to be completed
is 15ms.

Figure 51:
AZ_CONFIG Register

Addr: 0xD6 AZ_CONFIG

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Sets the frequency at which the device performs auto
zero of the spectral engines.
Note: If FDEN = “1” auto zero is also done for ADC 5.
The flicker detection measurement will be interrupted
and restarted in this case.
7:0 AZ_NTH_ITERATION 255 RW 0 Never (not recommended)
1 Every integration cycle
2 Every 2 cycles
… Every “AZ_NTH_ITERATION” cycle
254 Every 254 cycles
255 Only before first measurement cycle

AGC_GAIN_MAX Register (Address 0xCF)

Figure 52:


Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Flicker Detection AGC Gain Max.
Sets the maximum gain for flicker detection to
Default value is 9 (256x). The range can be set from
0 (0.5x) to 10 (512x).
AGC Gain Max.
Sets the maximum gain for AGC engine to
Default value is 9 (256x). The range can be set from
0 (0.5x) to 10 (512x).

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Register Description

CFG8 Register (Address 0xB1)

Figure 53:
CFG8 Register

Addr: 0xB1 CFG8

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

FIFO Threshold.
Sets a threshold on the FIFO level that triggers the
first FIFO buffer interrupt (FINT).
7:6 FIFO_TH 2 R/W 0 1
1 4
2 8
3 16
5:4 reserved 0 reserved
Flicker Detect AGC Enable.
3 FD_AGC 1 RW If set, device uses automatic gain control for the
flicker detect engine to maximize flicker signal and
avoid saturation.
Spectral AGC enable.
2 SP_AGC 0 RW If asserted, device uses automatic gain control for
the spectral engines to maximize signal while
avoiding saturation.
1 reserved 0 reserved
0 reserved 0 reserved

10.2.4 Device Identification

The following registers provided device identification. Device ID, revision ID and auxiliary ID are read

AUXID Register (Address 0x90)

Figure 54:
AUXID Register

Addr: 0x90 AUXID

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:4 reserved reserved
3:0 AUXID 000 R Auxiliary identification

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Register Description

REVID Register (Address 0x91)

Figure 55:
REVID Register

Addr: 0x91 REVID

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:3 reserved reserved
2:0 REV_ID 000 R Revision number identification

ID Register (Address 0x92)

Figure 56:
ID Register

Addr: 0x92 ID

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Part number Identification
7:2 ID 001001 R
Value 001001
1:0 reserved reserved

10.2.5 Spectral Interrupt Configuration

The spectral interrupt threshold registers provide 16-bit values to be used as the high and low
thresholds for comparison to the 16-bit CH0_DATA values (ADC CH0). If SP_IEN (register 0xF9) is
enabled and CH0_DATA is not between the two thresholds for the number of consecutive
measurements specified in APERS (register 0xBD) an interrupt is set.

SP_TH_L_LSB Register (Address 0x84)

Figure 57:
SP_TH_L_LSB Register

Addr: 0x84 SP_TH_L_LSB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral low threshold LSB
7:0 SP_TH_L_LSB 0x00 RW This register provides the low byte of the low
interrupt threshold (CH0).

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Register Description

SP_TH_L_MSB Register (Address 0x85)

Figure 58:
SP_TH_L_MSB Register

Addr: 0x85 SP_TH_L_MSB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral low threshold MSB
This register provides the high byte of the low
interrupt threshold (CH0).
Both SP_TH_L registers are combined to a 16-bit
threshold. If the value captured by channel 0 is
below the low threshold and the APERS value is
reached the bit SP_IEN is set and an interrupt is
7:0 SP_TH_L_MSB 0x00 RW
There is an 8-bit data latch implemented that stores
the written low byte until the high byte is written.
Both bytes will be applied at the same time to avoid
an invalid threshold.
Note: The LSB register cannot be changed without
writing to the MSB register. It is recommended to
write to SP_TH_L_LSB and SP_TH_L_MSB within
one I2C command.

SP_TH_H_LSB Register (Address 0x86)

Figure 59:
SP_TH_H_LSB Register

Addr: 0x86 SP_TH_H_LSB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral high threshold LSB
7:0 SP_TH_H_LSB 0x00 RW This register provides the low byte of the high
interrupt threshold (CH0).

SP _TH_H_MSB Register (Address 0x87)

Figure 60:
SP _TH_H_MSB Register

Addr: 0x87 SP _TH_H_MSB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral high threshold MSB
7:0 SP_TH_H_MSB 0x00 RW This register provides the high byte of the high
interrupt threshold (CH0).

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Register Description

Addr: 0x87 SP _TH_H_MSB

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Both SP_TH_H registers are combined to a 16-bit
threshold. If the value captured by channel 0 is
above the high threshold and the APERS value is
reached the bit SP_IEN is set and an interrupt is

CFG12 Register (Address 0xB5)

Figure 61:
CFG12 Register

Addr: 0xB5 CFG12

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:3 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral Threshold Channel.
Sets the channel used for interrupts, persistence and
the AGC, if enabled, to determine device status and
gain settings.

2:0 SP_TH_CH 0 RW 0 CH0

1 CH1
2 CH2
3 CH3
4 CH4

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Register Description

10.2.6 Device Status Register

The following register provide status of the device and indicate details about saturation, interrupts,
over temperature, device execution and ambient light flicker detection.

STAT Register (Address 0x71)

Figure 62:
STAT Register

Addr: 0x71 STAT

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:2 reserved 0 RW reserved
1: Device waits for sync pulse on GPIO to start
integration (SYNS / SYND INT_mode)
0: Spectral measurement status is busy
1: Spectral measurement status is ready

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Register Description

STATUS Register (Address 0x93)

The primary status register for AS7341 indicates if there are saturation or interrupt events that need to
be handled by the user. This register is self-clearing, meaning that writing a “1” to any bit in the
register clears that status bit. In this way, the user should read the STATUS register, handle all
indicated event(s) and then write the register value back to STATUS to clear the handled events.
Writing “0” will not clear those bits if they have a value of “1”, which means that new events that
occurred since the last read of the STATUS register will not be accidentally cleared.

Figure 63:
STATUS Register

Addr: 0x93 STATUS

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Spectral and Flicker Detect saturation.
7 ASAT 0 R, SC If ASIEN is set, indicates Spectral saturation. Check
STATUS2 register to distinguish between analog or
digital saturation.
6:4 reserved 0 R reserved
Spectral Channel Interrupt.
3 AINT 0 R, SC If SP_IEN is set, indicates that a spectral event that
met the programmed thresholds and persistence
(APERS) occurred.
FIFO Buffer Interrupt.
If FIEN is set, indicates that the FIFO_LVL fulfills the
2 FINT 0 R, SC threshold condition. If cleared by writing 1, the
interrupt will be asserted again as more data is
collected. To fully clear this interrupt, all data must
be read from the FIFO buffer.
1 C_INT 0 R, SC Calibration Interrupt.
System Interrupt.
0 SINT 0 R, SC If SIEN is set, indicates that system interrupt is set.
Refer to Status5 register.

STATUS 2 Register (Address 0xA3)

Figure 64:
STATUS 2 Register

Addr: 0xA3 STATUS 2

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral Valid.
6 AVALID 0 R Indicates that the spectral measurement has been
5 reserved 0 reserved

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Register Description

Addr: 0xA3 STATUS 2

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Digital saturation.
4 ASAT_DIGITAL 0 R Indicates that the maximum counter value has been
reached. Maximum counter value depends on
integration time set in the ATIME register.
Analog saturation.
3 ASAT_ANALOG 0 R Indicates that the intensity of ambient light has
exceeded the maximum integration level for the
spectral analog circuit.
2 reserved 0 R reserved
Flicker detect analog saturation.
1 FDSAT_ANALOG 0 R Indicates that the intensity of ambient light has
exceeded the maximum integration level for the
analog circuit for flicker detection.
Flicker detect digital saturation.
0 FDSAT_DIGITAL 0 R Indicates that the maximum counter value has been
reached during flicker detection.

STATUS 3 Register (Address 0xA4)

Figure 65:
STATUS 3 Register

Addr: 0xA4 STATUS 3

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:6 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral interrupt high.
5 INT_SP_H 0 R Indicates that a spectral interrupt occurred because
the data exceeded the high threshold.
Spectral interrupt low.
4 INT_SP_L 0 R Indicates that a spectral interrupt occurred because
the data is below the low threshold.
3:0 reserved 0 reserved

STATUS 5 Register (Address 0xA6)

Figure 66:
STATUS 5 Register

Addr: 0xA6 STATUS 5

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:4 reserved 0 reserved

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Register Description

Addr: 0xA6 STATUS 5

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Flicker Detect interrupt.
3 SINT_FD 0 R If SIEN_FD is set, indicates that the FD_STATUS
register status has changed
SMUX operation interrupt.
2 SINT_SMUX 0 R Indicates that SMUX command execution has
1:0 reserved 0 reserved

STATUS 6 Register (Address 0xA7)

Figure 67:
STATUS 6 Register

Addr: 0xA7 STATUS 6

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

FIFO Buffer Overflow.
7 FIFO_OV 0 R Indicates that the FIFO buffer overflowed and
information has been lost. Bit is automatically
cleared when the FIFO buffer is read
6 reserved 0 R reserved
Over Temperature Detected.
5 OVTEMP 0 R Indicates the device temperature is too high. Write 1
to clear this bit.
Flicker Detect Trigger Error.
4 FD_TRIG 0 R Indicates that there is a timing error that prevents
flicker detect from working correctly.
3 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral Trigger Error.
2 SP_TRIG 0 R Indicates that there is a timing error. The WTIME is
too short for the selected ATIME.
Sleep after Interrupt Active.
1 SAI_ACTIVE 0 R Indicates that the device is in SLEEP due to an
interrupt. To exit SLEEP mode, clear this bit.
Initialization Busy.
0 INT_BUSY 0 R Indicates that the device is initializing. This bit will
remain 1 for about 300μs after power on. Do not
interact with the device until initialization is complete.

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Register Description

FD_STATUS Register (Address 0xDB)

Figure 68:
FD STATUS Register


Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:6 reserved reserved
Flicker Detection Measurement Valid.
5 0 R Indicates that flicker detection measurement is
complete. Write 1 to this bit to clear this field.
Flicker Saturation Detected.
FD_SATURATION_ Indicates that saturation occurred during the last
4 0 R
DETECTED flicker detection measurement, and the result may
not be valid. Write 1 to this bit to clear this field.
Flicker Detection 120Hz Flicker Valid.
3 0 R Indicates that the 120Hz flicker detection calculation
is valid. Write 1 to this bit to clear this field.
Flicker Detection 100Hz Flicker Valid.
2 0 R Indicates that the 100Hz flicker detection calculation
is valid. Write 1 to this bit to clear this field.
Flicker Detected at 120Hz.
1 FD_120HZ_FLICKER 0 R Indicates if an ambient light source is flickering at
Flicker Detected at 100Hz.
0 FD_100HZ_FLICKER 0 R Indicates if an ambient light source is flickering at

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Register Description

10.2.7 Spectral Data and Status

The ASTATUS register is mapped to register address 0x60 and 0x94. It provides saturation and gain
status associated to each set of spectral data. Reading the ASTATUS register (0x60 or 0x94) latches
all 12 spectral data bytes to that status read. Reading these bytes consecutively (0x60 to 0x6F or 0x94
to 0xA0) ensures that the data is concurrent. All spectral data are stored as 16-bit values. If flicker
detection is enabled, spectral channel five (CH5 ADC) is used for the flicker detection function and
CH5_DATA will read “0”. The ASTATUS and spectral data registers are read only.

In SPM or SYNS mode, it is recommended to use the ASTATUS register 0x94 and spectral data
register 0x94 to 0xA0. In SYND mode, it is possible to use register 0x60 to 0x6F for easier

ASTATUS Register (Address 0x60 or 0x94)

Figure 69:
ASTATUS Register

Addr: 0x60 and 0x94 ASTATUS

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Saturation Status.
7 ASAT_STATUS 0 R, SC Indicates if the latched data is affected by analog or
digital saturation.
6:4 reserved 0 R reserved
Gain Status.
Indicates the gain applied for the spectral data
3:0 AGAIN_STATUS 0 R, SC latched to this ASTATUS read. The gain from this
status read is required to calculate spectral results if
AGC is enabled.

CH0_DATA Register (Address 0x95/0x96)

Figure 70:
CH0_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x95 CH0_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH0_DATA_L 0 R CH0 ADC data – low byte

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Register Description

Figure 71:
CH0_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0x96 CH0_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH0_DATA_H 0 R CH0 ADC data – high byte

CH1_DATA Register (Address 0x97/0x98)

Figure 72:
CH1_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x97 CH1_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH1_DATA_L 0 R CH1 ADC data – low byte

Figure 73:
CH1_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0x98 CH1_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH1_DATA_H 0 R CH1 ADC data – high byte

CH2_DATA Register (Address 0x99/0x9A)

Figure 74:
CH2_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x99 CH2_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH2_DATA_L 0 R CH2 ADC data – low byte

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Register Description

Figure 75:
CH2_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0x9A CH2_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH2_DATA_H 0 R CH2 ADC data – high byte

CH3_DATA Register (Address 0x9B/0x9C)

Figure 76:
CH3_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x9B CH3_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH3_DATA_L 0 R CH3 ADC data – low byte

Figure 77:
CH3_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0x9C CH3_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH3_DATA_H 0 R CH3 ADC data – high byte

CH4_DATA Register (Address 0x9D/0x9E)

Figure 78:
CH4_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x9D CH4_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH4_DATA_L 0 R CH4 ADC data – low byte

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Register Description

Figure 79:
CH4_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0x9E CH4_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH4_DATA_H 0 R CH4 ADC data – high byte

CH5_DATA Register (Address 0x9F/0xA0)

Figure 80:
CH5_DATA_L Register

Addr: 0x9F CH5_DATA_L

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH5_DATA_L 0 R CH5 ADC data – low byte

Figure 81:
CH5_DATA_H Register

Addr: 0xA0 CH5_DATA_H

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 CH5_DATA_H 0 R CH5 ADC data – high byte

10.2.8 Miscellaneous Configuration

CFG0 Register (Address 0xA9)

Figure 82:
CFG 0 Register

Addr: 0xA9 CFG0

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:6 reserved 0 reserved
Low Power Idle.
5 LOW_POWER 0 RW When asserted, the device will automatically run in a
low power mode whenever all functions are in wait
states or disabled.

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Register Description

Addr: 0xA9 CFG0

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

Register Bank Access
0: Register access to register 0x80 and above
4 REG_BANK 0 RW 1: Register access to register 0x60 to 0x74
Note: Bit needs to be set to access registers 0x60 to
0x74. If registers 0x80 and above needs to be
accessed bit needs to be set to “0”.
3 reserved 0 reserved
Trigger Long.
Increases the WTIME setting by a factor of 16.
1:0 reserved 0 reserved

CFG3 Register (Address 0xAC)

Figure 83:
CFG 3 Register

Addr: 0xAC CFG3

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:5 reserved 0 reserved
Sleep after interrupt.
If set, the oscillator is turned off whenever an
4 SAI 0 RW interrupt is active. SAI_ACTIVE is set in this event.
To activate the oscillator again, clear all interrupts
and clear the SAI_ACTIVE bit.
3:0 reserved 0xC reserved

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Register Description

CFG6 Register (Address 0xAF)

Figure 84:
CFG 6 Register

Addr: 0xAF CFG6

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

SMUX command.
Selects the SMUX command to execute when
setting SMUXEN gets set. Do not change during
ongoing SMUX operation.

4:3 SMUX_CMD 2 RW 0 ROM code initialization of SMUX

Read SMUX configuration to RAM
from SMUX chain
Write SMUX configuration from
RAM to SMUX chain
3 Reserved, do not use

CFG9 Register (Address 0xB2)

Figure 85:
CFG 9 Register

Addr: 0xB2 CFG9

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7 reserved 0 reserved
System Interrupt Flicker Detection.
6 SIEN_FD 0 RW Enables system interrupt when flicker detection
status change has occurred.
5 reserved reserved
System Interrupt SMUX Operation.
4 SIEN_SMUX 0 RW Enables system interrupt when SMUX command has
3:0 reserved reserved

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Register Description

PERS Register (Address 0xBD)

Figure 86:
PERS Register

Addr: 0xBD PERS

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:4 reserved 0 reserved
Spectral Interrupt Persistence.
Defines a filter for the number of consecutive
occurrences that spectral data must remain outside
the threshold range between SP_TH_L and
SP_TH_H before an interrupt is generated. The
spectral data channel used for the persistence filter
is set by SP_TH_CHANNEL. Any sample that is
inside the threshold range resets the counter to 0.
Every spectral cycle generates an
3:0 APERS 0 RW
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 5
5 10
… 5 x (APERS – 3)
14 55
15 60

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Register Description

10.2.9 FIFO Buffer Data and Status

The FIFO buffer is used to poll spectral data with fewer I²C read and write transactions. The FIFO
buffer is 256 bytes of RAM containing 128 two-byte datasets. If the FIFO overflows (i.e. 129 datasets
before host reads data from the FIFO buffer), an overflow flag will be set and new data will be lost.
The Host acquires data by reading addresses: 0xFE – 0xFF. The register address pointer
automatically wraps from 0xFF to 0xFE as data are read. Data can be read one byte at a time or in
blocks, (there is no block-read length limit). When reading single bytes, the internal FIFO read pointer
and the FIFO Buffer Level, FIFO_LVL, are updated each time register 0xFF is read. For block-reads,
the internal FIFO read pointer and the FIFO Buffer Level, FIFO_LVL update for each two-byte entry. If
the FIFO continues to be accessed after FIFO_LVL = 0, the device will return 0 for all data. The FINT
interrupt indicates when there is valid data in the FIFO buffer. The amount of unread data is indicated
by the FIFO_LVL.

FIFO_MAP Register (Address 0xFC)

Figure 87:
FIFO_MAP Register


Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7 reserved 0 reserved
FIFO write CH5 Data.
If set, CH5 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
6 FIFO_WRITE_CH5_DATA 0 RW bytes per sample)
Note: If flicker detection is enabled, this bit is
ignored. Refer to register 0xD7 for FDEN=”1”.
FIFO write CH4 Data.
5 FIFO_WRITE_CH4_DATA 0 RW If set, CH4 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
bytes per sample)
FIFO write CH3 Data.
4 FIFO_WRITE_CH3_DATA 0 RW If set, CH3 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
bytes per sample)
FIFO write CH2 Data.
3 FIFO_WRITE_CH2_DATA 0 RW If set, CH2 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
bytes per sample)
FIFO write CH1 Data.
2 FIFO_WRITE_CH1_DATA 0 RW If set, CH1 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
bytes per sample)
FIFO write CH0 Data.
1 FIFO_WRITE_CH0_DATA 0 RW If set, CH0 data is written to the FIFO Buffer. (two
bytes per sample)
FIFO write Status.
If set, ASTATUS (one byte per sample) is written
In case SP_AGC_ENABLE = 1, ASTATUS should
be written to FIFO buffer.

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Register Description

FIFO_CFG0 Register (Address 0xD7)

Figure 88:
FIFO_CFG0 Register

Addr: 0xD7 FIFO_CFG0

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

FIFO write Flicker Detection
If set flicker raw data is written into FIFO (two bytes
7 FIFO_WRITE_FD 0 R/W per sample)
Note: This bit is ignored if flicker detection is
disabled. Refer to register 0xFC for FDEN=”0”.
6:0 reserved 0100001 Reserved, do not change

FIFO_LVL Register (Address 0xFD)

Figure 89:
FIFO_LVL Register


Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

FIFO Buffer Level.
Indicates the number of entries (each are 2 bytes)
7:0 FIFO_LVL 0 R available in the FIFO buffer waiting for readout. The
FIFO RAM is 256byte, the FIFO_LVL range is from 0
entries to 128 entries.

FDATA Register (Address 0xFE and 0xFF)

Figure 90:
FDATA Register

Addr: 0xFE FDATA

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

7:0 FDATA 0 R FIFO Buffer Data

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Register Description

Figure 91:
FDATA Register

Addr: 0xFF FDATA

Bit Bit Name Default Access Bit Description

15:8 FDATA 0 R FIFO Buffer Data

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Application Information

11 Application Information
Figure 92 shows an example how AS7341 can be utilized to interface to an external InGaAs
photodiode. GPIO2 is mapped to an internal ADC.

11.1 Schematic
Figure 92:
Application Example with External InGaAs Detector

2.7V–5.5V 25-40V

AS1340 FB

Filter tuning


VDD InGaAs sensor
1.55–1.85µm NIR CASE
InGaAS-Anode C13272-02
GND AS7341

1.8V light

8CH VIS source NTC2
NIR/CLE AR light in

SCL 350-100 0nm LDR

SDA sensor

MCU INT reflective

ligh t in surface

Temperature supervision

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Application Information

11.2 PCB Pad Layout

Figure 93:
Recommended PCB Pad Layout

(1) All dimensions are in millimeters.

(2) Dimension tolerances are 0.05mm unless otherwise noted.
(3) This drawing is subject to change without notice.

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Application Information

11.3 Application Optical Requirements

For optimal performance, an achromatic diffuser shall be placed above the device aperture. The
recommended solution is a bulk diffuser that meets the minimum recommended scattering
characteristic shown below. For more details refer to the optical design guide or contact ams.

Figure 94:
Diffuser Characteristics

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Package Drawings & Markings

12 Package Drawings & Markings

Figure 95:
OLGA8 Package Outline Drawing

RoHS Green
(1) All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles in degrees.
(2) Dimensioning and tolerance conform to ASME Y14.5M-1994.
(3) This package contains no lead (Pb).
(4) This drawing is subject to change without notice.

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Tape & Reel Information

13 Tape & Reel Information

Figure 96:
AS7341 OLGA8 Tape Dimensions

(1) All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles in degrees.

(2) This drawing is subject to change without notice.

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Tape & Reel Information

Figure 97:
AS7341 OLGA8 Reel Dimensions

(1) All dimensions are in millimeters. Angles in degrees.

(2) This drawing is subject to change without notice.

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Soldering & Storage Information

14 Soldering & Storage Information

Figure 98:
Solder Reflow Profile Graph

Figure 99:
Solder Reflow Profile

Parameter Reference Device

Average temperature gradient in preheating 2.5 °C/s

Soak time tsoak 2 to 3 minutes
Time above 217 °C (T1) t1 Max 60 s
Time above 230 °C (T2) t2 Max 50 s
Time above Tpeak – 10 °C (T3) t3 Max 10 s
Peak temperature in reflow Tpeak 260 °C
Temperature gradient in cooling Max −5 °C/s

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Soldering & Storage Information

14.1 Storage Information

14.1.1 Moisture Sensitivity

Optical characteristics of the device can be adversely affected during the soldering process by the
release and vaporization of moisture that has been previously absorbed into the package.

To ensure the package contains the smallest amount of absorbed moisture possible, each device is
baked prior to being dry packed for shipping. Devices are dry packed in a sealed aluminized envelope
called a moisture-barrier bag with silica gel to protect them from ambient moisture during shipping,
handling, and storage before use.

14.1.2 Shelf Life

The calculated shelf life of the device in an unopened moisture barrier bag is 12 months from the date
code on the bag when stored under the following conditions:

● Shelf Life: 12 months

● Ambient Temperature: <40°C
● Relative Humidity: <90%

Rebaking of the devices will be required if the devices exceed the 12 month shelf life or the Humidity
Indicator Card shows that the devices were exposed to conditions beyond the allowable moisture

14.1.3 Floor Life

The module has been assigned a moisture sensitivity level of MSL 3. As a result, the floor life of
devices removed from the moisture barrier bag is 168 hours from the time the bag was opened,
provided that the devices are stored under the following conditions:

● Floor Life: 168 hours

● Ambient Temperature: <30°C
● Relative Humidity: <60%

If the floor life or the temperature/humidity conditions have been exceeded, the devices must be
rebaked prior to solder reflow or dry packing.

14.1.4 Rebaking Instructions

When the shelf life or floor life limits have been exceeded, rebake at 50°C for 12 hours.

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Revision Information

15 Revision Information

Document Status Product Status Definition

Product Preview Pre-Development Information in this datasheet is based on product ideas in the planning phase
of development. All specifications are design goals without any warranty and
are subject to change without notice

Preliminary Datasheet Pre-Production Information in this datasheet is based on products in the design, validation or
qualification phase of development. The performance and parameters shown
in this document are preliminary without any warranty and are subject to
change without notice

Datasheet Production Information in this datasheet is based on products in ramp-up to full production
or full production which conform to specifications in accordance with the terms
of ams AG standard warranty as given in the General Terms of Trade

Datasheet Discontinued Information in this datasheet is based on products which conform to

(discontinued) specifications in accordance with the terms of ams AG standard warranty as
given in the General Terms of Trade, but these products have been
superseded and should not be used for new designs

Changes from previous version to current revision v3-00 Page

-added figure 7 6
-fixed typos and document maintenance ALL

● Page and figure numbers for the previous version may differ from page and figure numbers in the current revision.
● Correction of typographical errors is not explicitly mentioned.

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Legal Information

16 Legal Information
Copyrights & Disclaimer
Copyright ams AG, Tobelbader Strasse 30, 8141 Premstaetten, Austria-Europe. Trademarks Registered. All rights reserved.
The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the
copyright owner.
Devices sold by ams AG are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its General Terms of
Trade. ams AG makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein. ams
AG reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this
product into a system, it is necessary to check with ams AG for current information. This product is intended for use in
commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range, unusual environmental requirements, or high
reliability applications, such as military, medical life-support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended
without additional processing by ams AG for each application. This product is provided by ams AG “AS IS” and any express or
implied warranties, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are
ams AG shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property
damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any
kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability
to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of ams AG rendering of technical or other services.

RoHS Compliant & ams Green Statement

RoHS Compliant: The term RoHS compliant means that ams AG products fully comply with current RoHS directives. Our
semiconductor products do not contain any chemicals for all 6 substance categories plus additional 4 substance categories (per
amendment EU 2015/863), including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where
designed to be soldered at high temperatures, RoHS compliant products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.
ams Green (RoHS compliant and no Sb/Br/Cl): ams Green defines that in addition to RoHS compliance, our products are free
of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)
and do not contain Chlorine (Cl not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material).
Important Information: The information provided in this statement represents ams AG knowledge and belief as of the date that
it is provided. ams AG bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or
warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. ams AG
has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have
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consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for

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