2.2 The Cell Cycle including Mitosis MS

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M1.(a) 1. Push hard – spread / squash tissue;

2. Not push sideways – avoid rolling cells together / breaking
Neutral – to see cells clearly

(b) No (no mark)

Yes (no mark)

1. Chromosomes / chromatids are (in two groups) at poles of spindle / at

ends of spindle;
Do not accept ‘ends of cell’

2. V-shape shows that (sister) chromatids have been pulled apart at their
centromeres / that centromeres of (sister) chromatids have been pulled

(c) 28.8 / 29.

If incorrect, allow:

= 1 mark

M2.(a) (D)CBEA.

Step Reason

(Taking cells Region where

from the root mitosis / cell division
tip) occurs;

(Firmly To allow light

squashing through /

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The Cell Cycle including Mitosis PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

the root tip) make tissue layer


(c) (Increase)
1. Chromosomes / DNA replicates;
(First decrease)

2. Homologous chromosomes separate;

(Second decrease)

3. Sister chromatids separate.


(d) 1. (DNA would) double / go to 2 (arbitrary units).


M3.(a) 1. Rank all STs in ascending order;

2. Find value with same number (of people) above and below.
Accept find middle value

(b) Not ethical to fail to treat cancer.


(c) Yes since with ipilimumab:

1. Median ST increased by 2.1 months;

2. Percentage of patients showing reduction in tumours increased from
10.3% to 15.2%;

No because:
3. No standard errors shown / no (Student) t- test / no statistical test carried
4. (So) not able to tell if differences are (statistically) significant / due to
chance (alone);
5. Improvement might only be evident in some patients / no improvement in
some patients;

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6. Quality of (extra) time alive not reported;

If answers relate only to ‘Yes’ or ߢNo’, award 2 marks max
4 max

(d) 1. Faulty protein recognised as an antigen / as a ‘foreign’ protein;

2. T cells will bind to faulty protein / to (this) ‘foreign’ protein;
3. (Sensitised) T cells will stimulate clonal selection of B cells;
4. (Resulting in) release of antibodies against faulty protein.
3 max

M4.(a) Variable that is changed;

Reject ‘the variable that changes’.

(b) 1. Idea of a confounding variable;

2. (So) genetically similar;

2. Do not accept ‘genetically identical / same DNA’.

3. (So) have similar salt tolerance / response to salt water / response to

watering treatment;

4. (So) have similar yield / mass of seeds;

Do not accept ‘amount / number of seeds’ or ‘growth rate’.
2 max

(c) Mitosis;
Ignore cell division

(d) 1. Irrigation with sea water / C / D increased yield compared with no

irrigation / A;
For ‘yield’ accept ‘mass of seed’ throughout.

2. Yield was lower when irrigated with sea water / C / D compared with
fresh water / B;
Only penalise once for use of ‘amount / number of seeds’.

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The Cell Cycle including Mitosis PhysicsAndMathsTutor.com

3. Yield was lower when watered with sea water throughout growth and
seed formation / C than when watered with sea water just at seed
formation / D;
Accept use of figures from table.
’It’ refers to watering with seawater / mixture.
2 max

(e) 1. Irrigation with sea water / C / D increases concentration of salt in soil;

Ignore reference to standard deviation / quality of the data.

2. Lower water potential in the soil linked to reduced uptake of water;

3. Salt concentration in the soil might / might not increase in the future;
Mark point 3 includes the principle for mark point 1 so mp3
gains 2 marks (for mp1 and mp3)

4. Might decrease plant growth / yield in the future;

5. Less food / fewer seeds for future planting;

Mp 3 and 4. Allow ‘further’ for the idea of ‘in the future’.
3 max

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