Safety Studies
Accidents can result in significant financial, TUV India offers a comprehensive range of
environmental, personal and reputational damage. Safety Studies including:
Identifying and reducing technical risk is vital in order our experts to check the changes in the design and
to protect employees and other stakeholders, minimize performance of a ride including review breakdown
losses and safeguard competitive advantage. and maintenance history. During the inspection,
the unusual wear, damages and irregularities will be
Making informed decisions around risk avoidance and checked.
process safety investments requires organizations to Technical review workshops & desktop studies
consider not only technical expertise but also sound, -Hazard and Operability (HAZOP)
risk-based information. -Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
TUV India helps its clients manage a broad spectrum -Safety Integrity Level (SIL Assessments)
of risks, from preventing catastrophic incidents to -Layers of Protection Analysis (LOPA)
transforming safety culture across an organization. -Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis
We work collaboratively with our clients to provide (FMECA)
insights around potential technical risks throughout Quantitative Risk Assessments (QRA) (including
the lifecycle of a project - from early stage feasibility accidental release consequence modeling analysis)
studies and concept design through to full-scale Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment (FERA)
operation and eventual decommissioning. We provide
Building Risk Assessment (BRA)
analyses and guidance to help organizations ensure
2D/ 3D Fire and Gas Mapping Study
that their facilities are designed, operated and
Vent & Flare Dispersion and Radiation Study .
maintained in such a way that process safety and
Noise Mapping Study
major accident risks are at a level that is As Low As
Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) study
Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).
Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS) study
Hazardous Area Classification (HAC) study
Bow tie risk assessments
Process Safety Management program development
and implementation (including audits)
Emergency Response and Disaster Management
Planning (ERDMP)
Inspired by Knowledge
Process safety, design, and operations reviews We are proud to provide increasing levels of
Safety Integrity Level (SIL) - Assessment, Verification services to the best known, largest global and
and Validation; and national companies as well as medium and
Performance standards for safety critical elements/ small industries in diverse sectors like Oil & Gas,
activities Petro-chemical, Nuclear, Renewables, Infrastructure,
Food, Power, Manufacturing, Chemicals, Pharma,
Safeguarding people, assets and environment builds Paper, Automobiles, Railways, Aerospace, Defence, IT,
competitive advantage by partnering with TUV India, Health, Hospitality, Retail, etc.
our clients shall gain access to the information they
need to make clear decisions around investments to
Over 1400 competent and experienced TUV India
ensure process safety.
experts spread across India and over 14000 TUV NORD
experts all over the world, enthusiastically support our
With risk levels managed to ALARP, organizations clients by providing value-added services in Industry
can safeguard their reputation and enhance Inspection, European / International Approvals,
stakeholder relations, which helps to boost Management System & IT Certification, Sustainability,
competitive advantage. TUV India‘s Safety Studies are Energy Audit, Water Audit, Carbon Services, Building
substantiated by grounded technical assessments, Infrastructure & PMC, Renewable Energy, Food &
which enable companies to protect people, assets, Packaging Testing, Food Certification & Inspection;
and the environment while also optimizing business Testing of restricted and banned chemicals in
performance. Automotive and Electrical & Electronics components
and other regulated industries, Product Testing —
We help organizations in developing a better Electricals, Electronics and Industrial Machinery;
understanding of how different hazards and scenarios Product Certification; Petroleum, Chemicals & Gas
could affect the economics of a project or the Cargo Inspection; Petroleum, Chemicals & Gas Testing;
organization as a whole. Railway Technology; Engineering, Safety Studies, and
knowledge enhancing training programs under TUV
India Training Academy.
About Us:
TUV India Pvt. Ltd. (TÜV NORD GROUP) is a customer-
focused, innovative, and independent, technical,
quality & safety services organization, dedicated to