Convertible Whole Life Assurance_PLI
Convertible Whole Life Assurance_PLI
Convertible Whole Life Assurance_PLI
Monthly Premium table for an assurance of Rs 5000/- Payment at death with option to
convert the policy at the end of 5 years from the commencement, in to an Endowment
Assurance maturing at the specified age
Monthly Premium Payable after the first 5
Years if option is exercised to convert the
Monthly Premium policy in to Endowment Assurance
Payable for the first maturing at the age 50, 55 or 58 Years
5Years and thereafter if (Premium in Rs)
option is not
Age at exercised but ceasing at
entry the age of 60 (In Rs) 50 Yr 55 Yrs 58 Yrs
19 7 14 11 10
20 7 15 11 11
21 8 15 12 11
22 8 16 12 11
23 8 16 13 11
24 8 18 13 12
25 9 19 15 12
26 9 19 15 13
27 9 21 16 13
28 9 22 16 15
29 10 23 17 15
30 10 25 19 16
31 11 26 20 17
32 11 30 20 17
33 12 31 21 18
34 12 35 22 19
35 13 39 24 20
36 13 43 27 22
37 14 47 28 23
38 15 54 31 24
39 16 64 33 25
40 16 77 36 27
41 17 96 40 30
42 18 126 46 33
43 19 188 52 36
44 21 364 58 39
45 22 - 69 42
46 24 - 85 47
47 26 - 113 55
48 28 - 166 64
49 30 - 319 78
50 33 - - 99
Note: For the purpose of this Table minimum age at entry will be 19 years of age and maximum 50