14-Introduction to Apriori level wise algorithm-03-09-2024

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Association Rule Mining-

Apriori Algorithm
Dr. Siddique Ibrahim
Assistant Professor
VIT-AP University 1
Case Study
• Imagine that you are a sales manager at Vijayawada
Electronics, and you are talking to a customer who
recently bought a LED TV and a Sound bar from the

What should you recommend to her/him next???

Information about which products are
frequently purchased by your customers
following their purchases of a LED TV and a
Sound bar in sequence would be very
helpful in making your recommendation.
Frequent patterns and association rules are
the knowledge that you want to mine in such
a scenario.

• Data mining is the discovery of knowledge
and useful information from the large
amounts of data stored in databases.

• Association Rules: Describing association

relationships among the attributes in the
set of relevant data.

Frequent patterns
• Frequent patterns are patterns (e.g., itemsets, subsequences, or
substructures) that appear frequently in a data set.
For example:
A set of items, such as milk and bread, that appear frequently together in
a transaction data set is a frequent itemset.
A subsequence,
• such as buying first a PC, then a digital camera, and then a memory
card, if it occurs frequently in a shopping history database, is a
(frequent) sequential pattern.
A substructure
• Can refer to different structural forms, such as subgraphs, subtrees, or
sublattices, which may be combined with itemsets or subsequences.
• If a substructure occurs frequently, it is called a (frequent) structured
• 10 customer purchased Bread
• 8Cus Bread
• 2 Cust Bread & suger
• 5 Cust Bread & coffee powder
• 6 Cust Bread & Milk
• 9 Cust Bread & Jam

Why Mining frequent pattern?
• Finding frequent patterns plays an essential role
in mining associations, correlations, and many
other interesting relationships among data.

• Moreover, it helps in data classification,

clustering, and other data mining tasks.

• Thus, frequent pattern mining has become an

important data mining task and a focused theme
in data mining research
Frequent itemset mining
• Frequent itemset mining leads to the discovery of
associations and correlations among items in large
transactional or relational data sets.
• With massive amounts of data continuously being
collected and stored, many industries are becoming
interested in mining such patterns from their
• The discovery of interesting correlation relationships
among huge amounts of business transaction
records can help in many business decision-making
processes such as catalog design, cross-marketing,
and customer shopping behavior analysis.
Market basket analysis.
• A typical example of frequent itemset
mining is market basket analysis. This
process analyzes customer buying habits
by finding associations between the
different items that customers place in
their “shopping baskets”

Market basket Transactions

What is Association Rule?

Find any interesting information
from the transaction.

Association Rule Mining
• Association rule mining searches for interesting
relationships among items in a given data set.
• Which groups/sets of items are customers likely to
purchase on a given trip to the store?
• Which are product are moving fast?
• Which combination will be pushed hardly for purchase?

Association Rule Mining
• Result will be used for advertising strategies, as well as
catelog design.

• A set of items is referred to as an itemset.
• The set {Laptop, Anti-virus software} is a
• The occurrence frequency of an itemset is
the number of transactions that contain
the itemset.
• This is known as freqency, support_Count,
or count of the itemset.
Support Measure
• Support indicates how frequently a rule or an itemset appears
in the dataset. It represents the proportion of transactions in
which the itemset occurs. In other words, it shows how
popular or common an item or a combination of items is
within all transactions.

• Support for an itemset X:

• For example, if 100 transactions were recorded, and 20 of

them contained milk and bread together, then the support for
{milk, bread} would be 20/100 = 0.2 or 20%.
Confidence Measure
• Confidence measures how often a rule is found to be true. In
association rules, it is the likelihood that a rule’s consequence
occurs given that its premise has occurred. In other words,
confidence measures the conditional probability that items in
the consequent (right-hand side) of the rule are also present in
transactions that contain the antecedent (left-hand side).

• For example, if the rule is {milk} → {bread} and the

confidence is 80%, it means that 80% of the transactions that
contain milk also contain bread.
Finding frequent itemsets and
strong rule
• A itemset satisfies minimum support if the
occurrence frequency of the itemset is
greater than or equal to the min_sup and
total no of transaction.
• A rules that satisfy both a minimum
support threshold(Min_sup) and a
minimum confidence threshold (Min_conf)
are called Strong.

Classification of ARM
• Boolean Association Rule: If a rule
concerns associations between the
presence or absence of items.

Classification of ARM
• Quantitative Association Rule: If a rule
describe associations between
quantitative items or attributes are
partitioned into intervals.

• age(X,”30..40”) ^ income(X,”50k...75k)
=>buys (X,iphone)

Apriori Algorithm
• Apriori is an influential algorithm for mining
frequent itemsets for Boolean association

• The name is based on the fact that the

algorithm uses prior knowledge of freqent
itemsets properties.
• Apriori is iterative and level wise search.
• First the algorithm generate 1-itemset this
is denoted as L1.

• L1 is used to find L2(set of frequent 2

itemsets)which is used to find L3 and so

Apriori Property
• To improve the efficiency of the level wise
generation of frequent itemsets.

• An important property called the Apriori

• It is used to reduce the search space.

• All nonempty subsets of a frequent itemset
must also be frequent.

• All subsets of a freqent itemset must also

be frequent.

• If an itemset I does not satisfy the
minimum support threshold(Min_sup),
then I is not freqent. i.e p(I) < min_sup.

• If an item A is added to the itemset I, then

the resulting itemset (i.e I U A) cannot
satisfy min_sup.
• Therefore I U A is not frequent itemset.
• If a set cannot pass the test, all of its
superset will fail the same test as well.

• It is called anti-monotone because the

property is monotonic in the contest of
failing a test.

Apriori Algorithm

Apriori Algorithm

Transaction Database D



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