2.1. Data Model
Data in a GIS represent a simplified view of the real world. Physical entities or
phenomena are approximated by data in a GIS. These data include information on the
spatial location and extent of the physical entities, and information on their non-
spatial properties. GIS does not store a map in any conventional sense. Instead GIS
stores the data from which we can draw a desired view to suit a particular purpose.
Spatial Models are important in that way in which information is represented, affects
the type of analysis performed and types of graphic display that can be obtained.
In order to represent the spatial information and their attributes, the Data Model
represents the linkages between the real world domain of geographical data and the
computer and GIS representation of these features. As a result, Data Model, not only
helps in organizing the real world geographical features into a systematic
storage/retrieval mechanism, but also helps in capturing user’s perception of these
features. The two data models common in GIS are Vector data model and Raster data
2.1.1 Vector data model
A vector data model uses sets of coordinates and associated attribute data to define
discrete objects. Groups of coordinates define the location and boundaries of discrete
objects, and these coordinate data plus associated attributes are used to create vector
objects representing the real-world entities.
There are three basic types of vector objects (entities) along with their attributes:
points, lines, and polygons. A point uses a single coordinate pair to represent the
location of an entity that is considered to have no dimension. Gas wells, light poles,
accident location, and survey points are examples of entities often represented as
point objects in a spatial database. Some of these have real physical dimension, but
for the purposes of the GIS users they may be represented as points. In effect, this
means the size or dimension of the entity is not important spatial information, only
the central location. Attribute data are attached to each point and these attribute data
Figure 5.1 Points, nodes and vertices define points, line, and polygon features
in a vector data model.
to vector data.
Manhattan distance – distance along raster cell sides from one point to
Polygon entity: buffer zone has the same shape as original polygon, but larger
How many houses lie within 100 m of this water main?
What is the total number of patients within 10 km of the healthcare
5. Spatial overlay
This technique involves combining multiple spatial datasets to identify spatial
relationships, intersections, and overlaps. It can be used to analyze the interaction
6. Spatial interpolation
Spatial interpolation is the process of estimating values at unsampled locations
based on known values at sampled locations. Interpolated data is only an
approximation of the true value. This can be used to:
Create continuous surfaces from discrete point data, such as weather
observations or soil characteristics.
fill the gaps between observed data points
construct height contours
7. Surface analysis
Slope and aspect calculation
Visibility analysis: Identification of areas of terrain that can be seen from a
particular point on the terrain surface
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ArcGIS for Architects GE2304
8. Network analysis
Involves linear features or network of linear features that are topologically
structured (roads, rivers, pipelines, cables, etc.)
shortest path
time of travel
route tracing
9. Suitability analysis
suitability analysis is used to identify areas within planning area that are best
suited to particular land-use such as settlement, agriculture ,national park, and
other uses by considering different factors.
Example: Architects can identify the most suitable location for a new building
or development by considering different factors such as topography, slope, soil
conditions, environmental constraints, accessibility, views, and other site-
specific characteristics.
Buffering around polygons creates buffer zones extending outward or from the
polygon boundaries.
Map Overlay
Map overlay combines the geometry and attributes of two feature maps to create the
In a line-in-polygon operation
The output contains the same line features as in the input but each of them is
separated by the polygon boundaries on the overlay map.
Preserves only those features that fall within the area extent common to both the
input and overlay maps
Preserves only map features that fall within the area extent defined by the input
map. Features of the overlay map that fall outside the area extent of the input map
are left out of the output .The input map for IDENTITY may contain points,
lines, or polygons.
Map Manipulation
The Geo Processing extension tools
removes boundaries between polygons that have the same value of a selected
Dissolve removes these unnecessary boundaries and creates a new, simpler map
with the classification results as its attribute values.
Example: Addis Ababa wereda to Zone
Creates a new map that includes only those features of the input map that falls
within the area extent of the clip map.
Creates a new map by piecing together two or more maps.
Mathematical operators are performed on corresponding cells from two or
more layers to produce an output value
Input layers may be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided to produce output
Creates a new map that includes only those features of the input map that falls
within the area extent of the mask/clip map.
Surface Analysis
Slope and Aspect: Calculated from a grid of elevations (a digital elevation model-
2.3 Concept of DTM (Digital Terrain Model)
DTM represents the elevation of the Earth's surface using a grid of cells or pixels.
Each cell in the grid contains a numerical value representing the elevation at that
location. The size of the cells determines the resolution of the dataset, with smaller
cells providing higher resolution and more detailed information. While they are
related, they have distinct differences in terms of data content and applications.
2.3.1. Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
A DTM is a more refined version of a DEM (Digital Elevation model) that represents
the bare ground surface by removing or minimizing the presence of vegetation,
buildings, and other above-ground features. A DTM aims to provide a more accurate
representation of the bare terrain by filtering out non-ground objects.
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ArcGIS for Architects GE2304
2.3.2 DTM Data Sources
DTM can be derived from various data sources, including:
1. LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LiDAR is a remote sensing technology
that uses laser pulses to measure the distance between the sensor and the
Earth's surface. LiDAR data can provide highly accurate and detailed elevation
information, making it a preferred source for generating DTM.
2. Photogrammetry: Photogrammetry involves capturing overlapping aerial or
satellite images and using computational techniques to extract elevation
information. Photogrammetric techniques can be used to generate DTM,
although the level of accuracy and resolution can vary depending on the quality
and coverage of the imagery.
3. Ground Surveys: Ground-based surveys, such as GPS (Global Positioning
System) or total station measurements can also be used to collect elevation data
at specific locations. These measurements can be combined to create DTM for
limited areas or for ground truth and validation purposes.
2.3.3 Applications of DTM data
DTM data is often used in various applications, such as:
1. Terrain Analysis
For experts to understand the complicated topography of landscapes, DTM and are
vital tool. These models make it easier to identify slopes, aspects and curves by
depicting the Earth’s surface as a grid of elevation points. This information is vital
and useful for land-use planning, agriculture and environmental management.
2. Modeling hydrological systems
Watershed analysis, flood risk assessment and water resource management all depend
on an understanding of water flow. By defining drainage networks, locating
watershed boundaries and forecasting the movement of water over various terrains,
DEM provides substantial contributions. This information is essential to reduce the
danger of flooding and develop efficient storm water management systems.