Ome754-Industrial Safety Full Notes
Ome754-Industrial Safety Full Notes
Ome754-Industrial Safety Full Notes
Evolution of modern safety concepts – Fire prevention – Mechanical hazards –
Boilers, Pressure vessels, Electrical Exposure.
1. John V.Grimaldi, “Safety Management”, AITB S Publishers, 2003.
1. Safety Manual, “EDEL Engineering Consultancy”, 2000.
2. David L.Goetsch, “Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists”, 5th
Edition,Engineers and Managers, Pearson Education Ltd., 2005.
The Safety Officer: This is an employee in an industry that is charged with the
responsibilities of preventing accident.
Responsibilities of the Safety Officer
i. Induction of all persons on site
ii. Ensure adequate security on site
iii. Organized pep talk before the days job begins
iv. Organized site safety meetings
v. Record site safety statistics in safety statistics board.
Goals of Industrial Safety Management (ISM)
The following are goals of ISM;
i. ISM helps to reduce and prevent accident.
ii. ISM helps to reduce unprecedented financial cost of compensation and
treatment of disabled workers.
iii. ISM helps to improved the corporate image of the company.
iv. ISM helps to educate workers and employers on the best safety practice
across the world.
v. ISM helps to reduce heavy burden of insurance on the company.
vi. ISM helps to reduce injury, sickness and death caused by accident and
exposure to hazardous substance.
Explain about the safety considerations with regard to the high pressure
and high temperature operation:
High pressure operation:
Main Hazards of Pressure Equipment:
1. Impact from the blast of an explosive.
2. Impact from the release of High pressure steam, liquid or gases contained in
the equipment.
3. Impact from failed equipments parts.
4. Contact with released steam, liquid or gases.
5. Fire resulting from explosion or fire due to escape of flammable liquid or
Causes of Failures:
1. Inadequate design or material.
2. Defective manufacture
3. Poor installation
4. Corrosion or fatigue cracking
5. Improper operation
6. System error in operation
7. Malfunction of instrumentation
8. Inadequate repairs
9. Other factor such as weather..etc
High pressure reaction vessels are called autoclaves. They permit storage and
reactions of gases and liquids or both. Autoclaves are operated only in places
such that nobody can be injured if something go wrong with the equipment. The
equipment is equipped with safety valves, pressure gauges, safety vent and
inspection holes well sealed during operation. Personnel concerned with the
operation should be familiar with the contents. Pressure and temperature at
which the equipment is operated and tested, maximum admissible pressure and
temperature, material of construction of the vessel and its working volume.
Gas cylinders are generally used for storing gases under pressure. These
cylinders should be distinguished clearly by coloured band or paints and name
of the gas clearly written. The pressure regulator is also painted in the same
colour. They are handled always vertically and stored in a cool place. The metal
cap is placed in position to prevent injury to the pin valve, When the cylinder is
not in use.
Cylinders with poisonous gases or flammable gases should be kept in
specified places and should be checked for any possible leaks with soap
solution. The cylinder should always be operated through the pressure regulator.
The valve should be opened gradually and slowly.
Important safety rules to prevent high pressure hazards:
1. Pressure gauges should be free of air inside the tube. The gauges should be
installed above eye level. They should not be allowed to corrode.
2. Flammable gases at high pressures on rubbing against the wall of metallic
pipes cause static electricity discharge. Good earthling is essential.
3. Direct fired vessels should not be emptied suddenly. They are cooled by the
fluid running in slow velocities.
4. Two safety valves should be provided with one of them operating at slightly
lower pressures.
5. Bursting of ruptured disc vessels cause sudden high temperatures and may
ignite flammable gases. Sufficient venting is necessary.
6. High pressure equipments should be confined in special rooms having thick
walls. The high pressure gases must be quickly ventilated to the topmost point
of the buildings when any pressure release takes place.
7. Any leak developed may cause explosion or fire. Hence they must be
repaired quickly by slow release of pressure first and then carry out repair
8. Oils should never be used as lubricants when oxygen is stored.
9. Regulator inspection, hydraulic testing at 1.5 times the working pressure
should be carried out.
10. Too rapid rise in pressure should be avoided.
11. Joints should not be tightened under pressure.
12. All high pressure areas should be marked clearly and any unauthorized entry
should be prohibited.
Once hazards have been identified and the risks assessed, appropriate
control measures must be put in place.
The ways of controlling risks are ranked from the highest level of
protection and reliability to the lowest. This ranking is known as the hierarchy
of risk control. You must work through this hierarchy to choose the control
that most effectively eliminates or minimises the risk in the circumstances, so
far as is reasonably practicable. This may involve a single control measure or a
combination of two or more different controls.
The most effective control measure is to remove the hazard or hazardous
work practice. By designing-in or designing-out certain features, hazards may
be eliminated.
Replacing a hazardous process or material with one that is less hazardous
will reduce the hazard, and hence the risk. For example, it may be reasonably
practicable to use extra-low voltage electrical equipment such as a battery-
operated tool rather than a tool that is plugged into mains electricity.
Preventing workers from coming into contact with the source of an
electrical hazard will reduce the relevant risks.
Engineering Controls
Use engineering control measures to minimise the risk, for example
installing residual current devices to reduce the risk of receiving a fatal electric
Administrative Controls
Administrative controls involve the use of safe work practices to control
the risk, for example establishing exclusion zones, use of permits and warning
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE includes protective eyewear, insulated gloves, hard hats, aprons and
breathing protection. Most forms of PPE are not relevant to minimising
electrical risks in workplaces, except in relation to energised electrical work.
Administrative controls and PPE do nothing to change the hazard itself. They
rely on people behaving as expected and require a high level of supervision.
Exclusive reliance on administrative controls and PPE must only occur where
other measures are not reasonably practicable or as an interim control while
the preferred control measure is being implemented.
You should check that your chosen control measure does not introduce new
The controls that are put in place to protect health and safety must be
reviewed regularly to make sure they work effectively.
A person conducting a business or undertaking must review and as necessary
revise a control measure in the following circumstances:
when the control measure does not control the risk it was implemented to
control so far as is reasonably practicable
before a change at the workplace that is likely to give rise to a new or different
risk to health or safety that the measure may not effectively control
• if a new relevant hazard or risk is identified
• if the results of consultation indicate that a review is necessary
• If a health and safety representative requests a review.
One of the most commonly known explosive chemicals is trinitrotoluene, or
TNT, is a yellow solid and was first produced as a dye in 1863. It doesn’t explode
spontaneously and is very easy and convenient to handle.
The chemical tri-cyclic acetone peroxide, TATP belongs to a group of
molecules named peroxides, which contain weak and unstable oxygen-oxygen
bonds, and that are not found in TNT. This means that TATP is a lot less stable and
more prone to spontaneously exploding. It is 80% as strong as TNT. A firm shock
or knock is enough to trigger an explosion.
RDX is “nitrogen explosive”, its explosive properties are due to the presence
of many nitrogen-nitrogen bonds, rather than oxygen. These bonds are extremely
unstable, since nitrogen atoms always want to come together to produce nitrogen
gas because the triple bond in nitrogen is very strong and stable. And the more
nitrogen-nitrogen bonds a molecules has, like RDX, typically the more explosive it
is.It is often mixed with other chemicals to produce different effects, such as
making it less sensitive and less likely to explode unexpectedly. It is also
commonly used in controlled demolition of buildings.
a. Ethylene glycol
It has a moderate toxicity level, and can be metabolized into the more
dangerous oxalic acid. Ingestion of a large amount of ethylene glycol causes death,
knocking out organ systems systematically over the course of 72 hours. The
treatment is administration of grain ethanol, as the ethanol competes with ethylene
glycol for binding in body.
b. Sodium cyanide
A routine industrial reactant and binds to cytochrome oxidase, a protein in
the mitochondria, and stops the cells from using oxygen.
c. Strychnine
Commonly used as a pesticide to kill large unwanted pests like rodents and
birds and is easy to conceal.
d. Tabun
It is a nerve agent and is known for a fruity odor and can be sprayed as a
mist that causes convulsions and paralysis. Used in the development of deadlier
toxins like ricin and soman
e. VX
Used as a pesticide.
f. Batrachotoxin
The most potent non-peptide based poison known. The molecule is the most
potent nonpeptide poisons known to man, with a lethal dose of 100 micrograms for
a 150pound person. The molecule kills by permanently preventing neurons from
communicating with muscles, and treatments include tetrododoxin from puffer fish
and the other uses sagitoxin from red tide.
g. Sulfur trioxide
Sulfur trioxide is a molecule with the formula SO3. It is the precursor to acid
rain. It reacts violently with water, giving off clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric
acid. This chemical is widely used in certain industrial settings.
h. Dimethyl Mercury
Mercury is toxic in all of its forms, but this organometallic compound is
lethal as it is completely undetectable during inhalation, or crossing into the body
through intact skin. There may be no indication of exposure until you fall over
dead from the neurotoxic effects.
Elimination of a specific hazard or hazardous work process, or preventing it
from entering the work place, is the most effective method of control.
Eliminate hazard at the developmental stage
It is important to consider workers health and safety when work processes
are still in the planning stages. For example, when purchasing a machine, safety
should be the first concern but not cost. Machines should confirm to national safety
standards – they should be designed with the correct guard on them to eliminate
the danger of a worker getting caught in the machine while using it. Machines that
are not produced with the proper guards on them may cost less to purchase, but
cost more in terms of accidents, loss of production, compensation, etc.
Unfortunately, many machines that do not meet safety standards are export to
developing countries, causing workers to pay the price with accident, hearing loss
from noise, etc.
Occupational Health Safety and Hygiene ,If a practically dangerous
chemical or work processes cannot be completely eliminated, then it should be
applied with a safer substitute. This could involve, for example, using less
hazardous pesticides such as those based on pyrethrins (prepared from natural
product), which are considered to be less toxic to humans than some other
pesticides. This particular substitution is practiced in some countries because the
substitute chemicals do not leave residues on food and therefore reduced long-term
costs. The substituted materials may cost more to buy and may cause resistance in
insects. So you can see there are many factors to be considered when choosing a
chemical or chemical substitute.
It is not easy to find safer chemical substitute (in fact, no chemical should be
considered completely safe). It is important to review current reports every year on
the chemicals used in the work places so that safe chemicals could be considered
for the future. When looking for safer substitute a less volatile chemical is selected
of a highly volatile one or solid, instead of liquid. Other examples of substitutions
include using:
• Less hazardous instead of toxic ones.
• Detergent plus water cleaning solutions instead of organic solvents
• Freon instead of methyl bromide chloride as a refrigerant
• Leadless glazes in the ceramics industry
• Leadless pigments in paints
• Synthetic grinding wheels (such as aluminum oxide, silicon carboide)
instead of sandstone wheels.
Engineering controls
There are number of common control measures which are calledengineering
control. This includes enclosure, isolation and ventilation.
If a hazardous substance or work process cannot be eliminated or
substituted, then enclosing it so workers are not exposed to the hazard is the next
best method of control. Many hazards can be controlled by partially or totally
enclosing the work process. Highly toxic materials that can be released into the air
should be totallyenclosed, usually by using a mechanical handling device or a
closedglove system that can be operated from the outside.The plant can be
enclosed and workers could perform their dutiesfrom a control room. Enclosing
hazards can minimize possible exposure, but does not eliminate them. For
example, maintenance workers who serve or repair these enclosed areas can be still
exposed. To prevent maintenance workers from being exposed, other protective
measures (such as protective clothing, respirators, proper training, medical
surveillance, etc) must be used as well as safety procedures .Machine guarding is
another form of enclosure that prevent workers coming into contact with dangerous
parts of machines. Workers should receive training on how to use guarded
Isolation can be an effective method of control if a hazardous material can
be moved to a part of work place where fewer people will be exposed, or if a job
can be changed to a shift when fewer people are exposed (such as weekend or
midnight shift). The worker can also be isolated from hazardous job for example
by working in an air-conditioned
Whether it is the job or the worker that is isolated access to the dangerous work
areas should be limited to few people as much as possible to reduce exposures. It is
also important to limit the length of time and the amount substance (s) to which
workers are exposed if they must work in hazardous area. For example, dust
producing work should be isolated from other work areas to prevent other worker
from being exposed. At the same time, workers in the dusty areas must be
protected and restricted to only a short time working in those areas. Remember:
isolating the work process or the worker does not eliminate the hazard which
means workers can still be exposed.
Ventilation in work place can be used for two reasons:
1) To prevent the work environment from being too hot, cold, dry or humid.
2) To prevent contaminates in the air from getting into the area where workers
breathe, Generally there are two categories of ventilation.
Sanitary Facilities
Excreta disposal facilities::
Observation of many plants or industries indicated that latrines and toilets
used by the workers are of a primitive and unsanitary nature or in some cases there
are none at all. In some countries the public health services and labor legislation
lay down regulations concerning sanitary facilities to be provided including the
number for male and female workers.
Washing Facilities:
Adequate, suitable and conveniently accessible washing facilities should be
provided for employees. There should be a supply of running water; in addition
soap and clean towels should be supplied and common towels should be
discouraged as much as possible.
The recommended standards:-
• 1 wash basin for every 15 workers for clean work
• 1 wash basin for every 10 workers doing dirty work
• 1 wash basin for every 5 workers handling poisonous substances or engaged
in handling food stuffs
Refuse disposal
Proper solid waste management starting from the source to generation to the
final disposal site is highly required in industries where different kinds of wastes
are generated. Industrial solid wastes may contain hazardous materials that
required special precaution and procedures. But combustible solid wastes except
poisonous and flammable or explosive materials can be handled in the convenient
Liquid waste collection and disposal
Industrial liquid wastes if not properly disposed could pollute rivers, lakes,
environment and drinking water supply. Toxic liquid wastes should be diluted,
neutralized and filtered, settled or otherwise chemically treated before being
discharged into stream or river or on open land. Under no circumstances should be
toxic, corrosive, flammable or volatile materials be discharged into public drainage
7. Illumination/lighting
This is the light given by a candle, which has been agreed upon so that it is
approximately uniform. The intensity of illumination is measured by the foot-
candle. This is the illumination given by a source of one candle to an area one foot
Away from the source. For checking illumination, the foot-candle meter is very
useful. Inspectors in determining and measuring illumination at the factory workers
bench can use it. The window glass area of the workroom should be (usually) 15-
20 %of the floor area.
Advantage of good lighting
• Safeguards eye sight
• Reduce accident and hazards
• Saves the workers time and cuts down the amount of spoiled work and therefore
it is economically profitable.
Toxic chemical are poisonous to human system which are inhaled or some
times absorbed through skin affecting nervous and circulatory system. Some
examples are TEL, H2 S and NH3.
The potential hazard will depend upon the inherent toxicity of material and
the duration of exposure.Toxicity is measured by tests on animals, it is expressed
as the lethal dose at which 50% of the test animals are killed.LD 50 is lethal dose
fifty value.
KCN 10
TEL 35
DDT 150
Table salt 3000
Irritates skin, throat lungs and eyes. It can causes blindness this gas is fatal
on strong inhalation.Also NH3 is flammable LEL to HELO 15 to 28%.
Energy emitted from a body or source that is transmitted through an
intervening medium or space and absorbed by another body. Transmission is in the
form of waves but wave/particle duality under quantum physics. Radiation is
classified as being either non-ionizing or ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation is
longer wavelength/lower frequency lower energy. While ionizing radiation is short
wavelength/high frequency higher energy.
Ionizing Radiation
It has sufficient energy to produce ions in matter at the molecular level. If
that matter is a human significant damage can result including damage to DNA and
denaturation of proteins. This is not to say that non-ionizing radiation can’t cause
injury to humans but the injury is generally limited to thermal damage i.e. burns.
There is a great deal of information on the above chart. One of the most interesting
things is that the visible spectrum is essentially the divide between ionizing and
non-ionizing radiation. This makes sense clinically when we think of UV radiation
causing skin cancer.
• Skin (or eye) absorption: Skin (dermal) contact can cause effects that are
relatively innocuous such as redness or mild dermatitis; more severe effects
include destruction of skin tissue or other debilitating conditions. Many chemicals
can also cross the skin barrier and be absorbed into the blood system. Once
absorbed, they may produce systemic damage to internal organs. The eyes are
particularly sensitive to chemicals. Even a short exposure can cause severe effects
to the eyes or the substance can be absorbed through the eyes and be transported to
other parts of the body causing harmful effects.
• Ingestion: Chemicals that inadvertently get into the mouth and are swallowed do
not generally harm the gastrointestinal tract itself unless they are irritating or
corrosive. Chemicals that are insoluble in the fluids of the gastrointestinal tract
(stomach, small, and large intestines) are generally excreted. Others that are
soluble are absorbed through the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. They are then
transported by the blood to internal organs where they can cause damage.
• Injection: Substances may enter the body if the skin is penetrated or punctured
by contaminated objects. Effects can then occur as the substance is circulated in
the blood and deposited in the target organs.
The Dose-Response Relationship
In general, a given amount of a toxic agent will elicit a given type and intensity of
response. The dose-response relationship is a fundamental concept in toxicology
and the basis for measurement of the relative harmfulness of a chemical. A dose-
response relationship is defined as a consistent mathematical and biologically
plausible correlation between the number of individuals responding and a given
dose over an exposure period.
Health Effects
Human health effects caused by exposure to toxic substances fall into two
categories: short-term and long-term effects. Short-term effects (or acute effects)
have a relatively quick onset (usually minutes to days) after brief exposures to
relatively high concentrations of material (acute exposures). The effect may be
local or systemic. Local effects occur at the site of contact between the toxicant
and the body. This site is usually the skin or eyes, but includes the lungs if irritants
are inhaled or the gastrointestinal tract if corrosives are ingested. Systemic effects
are those that occur if the toxicant has been absorbed into the body from its initial
contact point, transported to other parts of the body, and cause adverse effects in
susceptible organs. Many chemicals can cause both local and systemic effects.
Long-term effects (or chronic effects) are those with a long period of time (years)
between exposure and injury. These effects may occur after apparent recovery
from acute exposure or as a result of repeated exposures to low concentrations of
materials over a period of years (chronic exposure).
Health effects manifested from acute or chronic exposure are dependent upon the
chemical involved and the organ it effects. Most chemicals do not exhibit the same
degree of toxicity for all organs. Usually the major effects of a chemical will be
expressed in one or two organs. These organs are known as target organs which are
more sensitive to that particular chemical than other organs. The organs of the
body and examples of effects due to chemical exposures are listed below.
Respiratory Tract.
The respiratory tract is the only organ system with vital functional elements
in constant, direct contact-with the environment. The lung also has the largest
exposed surface area of any organ on a surface area of 70 to 100 square meters
versus 2 square meters for the skin and 10 square meters for the digestive system.
The skin is, in terms of weight, the largest single organ of the body. It
provides a barrier between the environment and other organs (except the lungs and
eyes) and is a defense against many chemicals.
The skin consists of the epidermis (outer layer) and the dermis (inner layer).
In the dermis are sweat glands and ducts, sebaceous glands, connective tissue, fat,
hair follicles, and blood vessels. Hair follicles and sweat glands penetrate both the
epidermis and dermis. Chemicals can penetrate through the sweat glands,
sebaceous glands, or hair follicles.
The ability of skin to absorb foreign substances depends on the properties and
health of the skin and the chemical properties of the substances. Absorption is
enhanced by:
• Breaking top layer of skin by abrasions or cuts.
• Increasing hydration of skin.
• Increasing temperature of skin which causes sweat cells to open up and secrete
sweat, which can dissolve solids.
• Increasing blood flow to skin.
• Increasing concentrations of the substance.
• Increasing contact time of the chemical on the skin.
• Increasing the surface area of affected skin.
• Altering the skin's normal pH of 5.
• Decreasing particle size of substance.
• Adding agents which will damage skin and render it more susceptible to
• Adding surface-active agents or organic chemicals. DMSO, for example, can act
as a carrier of the substance.
• Inducing ion movement by an electrical charge.
Eyes. The eyes are affected by the same chemicals that affect skin, but the eyes are
much more sensitive. Many materials can damage the eyes by direct contact:
Liver injury induced by chemicals has been known as a toxicologic problem
for hundreds of years. It was recognized early that liver injury is not a simple
entity, but that the type of lesion depends on the chemical and duration of
exposure. Three types of response to hepatotoxins can be identified:
When assessing the suitability of PPE for the particular risks involved and
for the circumstances of its use, the following should be taken into consideration:
• The activity involved and the risks for which protection is needed. For
example, safety glasses may be required to protect against the risk of both
chemical splashes and projectiles.
• The physical effort required to do the job, how long the PPE has to be worn,
and the requirements for visibility and communication
• The environment and surrounding conditions, for example the weather if
working outside, temperature, noise, ventilation etc
• The health of the person wearing the PPE. PPE made of certain materials
should not be issued to workers if they are known to cause allergies, for
example latex gloves.
• where more than one item of PPE is required, they are compatible and
continue to offer adequate protection against the risks in question
• information from the PPE manufacturers/suppliers
• Information on maintenance and inspection of the PPE used should be
gained from the manufacturer or supplier and these instructions should be
• Periodic inspection of PPE should be undertaken to ensure maintenance
schedules are being adhered to.
• Storage of PPE
• Any factors which may affect the performance of the PPE
• Maintenance schedules
• Identifying defects
The training shall be repeated as appropriate and all records of training/retraining
shall be kept.
e. Use of Personal Protective Equipment
Where Personal Protective Equipment has been issued, steps shall be taken
to ensure it is properly used. This can be achieved by undertaking periodic
inspections to monitor the proper use of PPE.
List the summary of industrial wastes, their origin, character and treatment.
Highly alkaline, chemical
coloured, high precipitation
Cooking of fibers,
1. BOD and temp, biological
desizing of fabrics
high suspended treatment, aeration
solids and trickling
Dilution of whole High in dissolved
treatment by
Dairy milk, separated organic matter
5. trickling
products milk, butter milk mainly protein, fat
and ghee and lactose
activated sludge
Chemical exposure.
Chemical exposures are generally divided into two categories: acute and
chronic. Symptoms resulting from acute exposures usually occur during or shortly
after exposure to a sufficiently high concentration of a contaminant. The
concentration required to produce such effects varies widely from chemical to
chemical. The term "chronic exposure" generally refers to exposures to "low"
concentrations of a contaminant over a long period of time. The "low"
concentrations required to produce symptoms of chronic exposure depend upon the
chemical, the duration of each exposure, and the number of exposures. For a given
contaminant, the symptoms of an acute exposure may be completely different from
those resulting from chronic exposure. For either chronic or acute exposure, the
toxic effect may be temporary and reversible, or may be permanent (disability or
death). Some chemicals may cause obvious symptoms such as burning,
coughing, nausea, tearing eyes, or rashes. Other chemicals may cause health
damage without any such warning signs (this is a particular concern for chronic
exposures to low concentrations). Health effects such as cancer or respiratory
disease may not become manifest for several years or decades after exposure. In
addition, some toxic chemicals may be colorless and/or odorless,
may dull the sense of smell, or may not produce any immediate or obvious
physiological sensations. Thus, a worker's senses or feelings cannot be relied upon
in all cases to warn of potential toxic exposure.
The effects of exposure not only depend on the chemical, its concentration,
route of entry, and duration of exposure, but may also be influenced by personal
factors such as the individual's smoking habits, alcohol consumption, medication
use, nutrition, age, and sex.
Oxygen Deficiency
Oxygen Deficiency
The oxygen content of normal air at sea level is approximately 21 percent.
Physiological effects of oxygen deficiency in humans are readily apparent when
the oxygen concentration in the air decreases to 16 percent. These effects include
impaired attention, judgment and coordination, and increased breathing and heart
rate. Oxygen concentrations lower than 16 percent can result in nausea and
vomiting, brain damage, heart damage, unconsciousness, and death. To take into
account individual physiological responses and errors in measurement,
concentrations of 19.5 percent oxygen or lower are considered to be indicative of
oxygen deficiency.
Oxygen deficiency may result from the displacement of oxygen by another
gas, or the consumption of oxygen by a chemical reaction. Confined spaces or low-
lying areas are particularly vulnerable to oxygen deficiency and should always be
monitored prior to entry. Qualified field personnel should always monitor oxygen
levels and should use atmosphere supplying respiratory equipment when oxygen
concentrations drop below 19.5 percent by volume.
There are many potential causes of explosions and fires at hazardous waste
· Chemical reactions that produce explosion, fire, or heat.
· Ignition of explosive or flammable chemicals.
· Ignition of materials due to oxygen enrichment.
· Agitation of shock- or friction-sensitive compounds.
· Sudden release of materials under pressure.
Biological Hazard
Wastes from hospitals and research facilities may contain disease-causing
organisms that could infect site personnel. Like chemical hazards, etiologic agents
may be dispersed in the environment via water and wind. Other biologic hazards
that may be present at a hazardous waste site include poisonous plants, insects,
animals, and indigenous pathogens. Protective clothing and respiratory equipment
can help reduce the chances of exposure. Thorough washing of any exposed body
parts and equipment will help protect against infection.
Safety Hazard
Hazardous waste sites may contain numerous safety hazards such as:
· Holes or ditches.
· Precariously positioned objects, such as drums or boards that may fall.
· Sharp objects, such as nails, metal shards, and broken glass.
· Slippery surfaces.
· Steep grades.
· Uneven terrain.
· Unstable surfaces, such as walls that may cave in or flooring that may give way.
Some safety hazards are a function of the work itself. For example, heavy
equipment creates an additional hazard for workers in the vicinity of the operating
equipment. Protective equipment can impair a worker's agility, hearing, and vision,
which can result in an increased risk of an accident. Accidents involving physical
hazards can directly injure workers and can create additional hazards, for example,
increased chemical exposure due to damaged protective equipment, or danger of
explosion caused by the mixing of chemicals. Site personnel should constantly
look out for potential safety hazards, and should immediately inform their
supervisors of any new hazards so that mitigative action can be taken.
Electrical Hazard
Overhead power lines, downed electrical wires, and buried cables all pose a
danger of shock or electrocution if workers contact or sever them during site
operations. Electrical equipment used on site may also pose a hazard to workers.
To help minimize this hazard, low-voltage equipment with ground-fault
interrupters and water-tight, corrosion-resistant connecting cables should be used
on site. In addition, lightning is a hazard during outdoor operations, particularly for
workers handling metal containers or equipment.
To eliminate this hazard, weather conditions should be monitored and work
should be suspended during electrical storms. An additional electrical hazard
involves capacitors that may retain a charge. All such items should be properly
grounded before handling.
Heat Stress
Heat stress is a major hazard, especially for workers wearing protective
clothing. The same protective materials that shield the body from chemical
exposure also limit the dissipation of body heat and moisture. Personal protective
clothing can therefore create a hazardous condition. Depending on the ambient
conditions and the work being performed, heat stress can occur very rapidly --
within as little as 15 minutes. It can pose as great a danger to worker health as
chemical exposure. In its early stages, heat stress can cause rashes, cramps,
discomfort and drowsiness, resulting in impaired functional ability that threatens
the safety of both the individual and coworkers. Continued heat stress can lead to
heat stroke and death. Avoiding overprotection, careful training and frequent
monitoring of personnel who wear protective clothing, judicious scheduling of
work and rest periods, and frequent replacement of fluids can protect against this
Cold Exposure
Cold injury (frostbite and hypothermia) and impaired ability to work are
dangers at low temperatures and when the wind-chill factor is low. To guard
against them: wear appropriate clothing; have warm shelter readily available;
carefully schedule work and rest periods, and monitor workers' physical
Work around large equipment often creates excessive noise. The effects of
noise can include:
· Workers being startled, annoyed, or distracted.
· Physical damage to the ear, pain, and temporary and/ or permanent hearing loss.
· Communication interference that may increase potential hazards due to the
inability to warn of danger and the proper safety precautions to be taken.
If employees are subjected to noise exceeding an 8-hour, time-weighted
average sound level of 90 dBA (decibels on the A-weighted scale), feasible
administrative or engineering controls must be utilized. In addition, whenever
employee noise exposures equal or exceed an 8-hour, time weighted average sound
level of 85 dBA, employers must administer a continuing, effective hearing
conservation program as described in OSHA regulation.
Sound fields in the workplace are usually complex, due to the participation
of many sources: propagation through air (air-borne noise), propagation through
solids (structure-borne noise), diffraction at the machinery boundaries, reflection
from the floor, wall, ceiling and machinery surface, absorption on the surfaces, etc.
Therefore any noise control measure should be carried out after a source ranking
study, using identification and quantification techniques. The basic mechanism of
noise generation can be due to mechanical noise, fluid noise and/or
electromagnetic noise.
Mechanical Noise
A solid vibrating surface, driven or in contact with a prime mover or linkage,
radiates sound power (W in Watts) proportional to the vibrating area S and the
mean square vibrating velocity
Therefore care must be taken to reduce the vibrating area and/or reduce the
vibration velocity. Reducing the vibrating area can be carried out by separating a
large area into small areas, using a flexible joint. Reduction of the vibration
velocity can be carried out by using damping materials at resonance frequencies
and/or blocking the induced forced vibration. A reduction of the excitation forces
and consequently of the vibration velocity response by a factor of two can provide
a possible sound power reduction of up to 6 dB assuming that the other parameters
are kept constant. Typical examples of solid vibration sources are: eccentric loaded
rotating machines, panel and machine cover vibration which can radiate sound like
a loudspeaker, and impact induced resonant free vibration of a surface.
Fluid Noise
Air turbulence and vortices generate noise, especially at high air flow
velocities. Turbulence can be generated by a moving or rotating solid object, such
as the blade tip of a ventilator fan, by changing high pressure discharge fluid to
low (or atmospheric) pressure, such as a cleaning air jet or by introducing an
obstacle into a high speed fluid flow.
The aerodynamic sound power generated by turbulent flow is proportional to
the 6th to 8th power of the flow velocity (W ∼ U6 to 8), which means that a
doubling of the flow velocity (U) increases the sound power (W) by a factor of 64
to 254 or 18 to 24 dB respectively. Table 5.3 shows the effects of doubling of the
typical velocity together with other primary mechanisms.Therefore care must be
taken to reduce flow velocity, reduce turbulence flow by using diffusers and either
remove obstacles or streamline them. The next few examples show the applications
of these fundamental concepts to machinery noise reductions.
Reservoir compressed air pressure is usually in the range of 45 to 105 psi (300 to
700kPa). The air acceleration varies from near zero velocity in the reservoir to
peak velocity at the exit of the nozzle. The flow velocity through the nozzle can
become sonic, i.e. reaches the speed of sound. This results in a high generation of
broad-band noise with the highest values at a frequency band between 2 to 4 kHz.
Fans are used to move a large volume of air for ventilation, by bringing in
fresh air from the outside, blowing out dust, vapour or oil mist from an industrial
environment, and for a drying or cooling operation, etc. Industrial fans are usually
low-speed, low-static-pressure and have a large volume flow rate. Ideally, fans
should operate at the maximum efficiency point on the pressure flow curve
Therefore, the choice between axial or centrifugal fans is made by the
manufacturer to satisfy maximum efficiency at a certain static pressure/flow rate.
Three basic noise sources are:
1. Broadband aerodynamic noise generated by the turbulent flow.
2. Discrete tones at the blade passing frequency Fp (Hz) given by,
Fp = (Rotation in RPM x Number of blades/ 60), and the harmonics (2Fp, 3Fp,
3. Mechanical noise due to mounting, bearing, balancing, etc.
Compressors are usually very noisy machines with high pressure. There are
several types of compressor: rotary positive displacement (lobed impellers on dual
shafts, as shown in Figure 5.4), gear or screw compressors (Figure 5.5),
reciprocating compressors (Figure 5.6) and liquid ring compressors (Figure 5.7)
are the most common.The basic noise sources are caused by trapping a definite
volume of fluid and carrying it around the case to the outlet with higher pressure.
The pressure pulses from compressors are quite severe, and equivalent sound
pressure levels can exceed 105dB(A). The noise generated from compressors is
periodic with discrete tones and harmonics present in the noise spectrum.
Electric Motors
Noise from electrical equipment such as motors and generators is generally a
discrete low frequency, superimposed on a broadband cooling system noise. The
electric motor converts electrical energy to magnetic and then mechanical energy
with the output of a useful torque at the motor shaft. Part of the energy
transformation is converted to heat, causing a rise in rotor, stator and casing
temperature; therefore an electric motor must be supplied with a cooling fan
The cooling fan can be incorporated inside as in the case of an "OPEN"
motor or outside as in the case of a "Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC)" motor.
TEFC motors are more widely used, due to their robust construction which can
withstand a dirty environment. OPEN motors are less used due to possible
contamination by the environment. An OPEN motor is sometimes (but not always)
less noisy than a TEFC motor since the noisy fans are incorporated inside. There
are three basic sources involved in the noise generated by electric motors:
1. Broad-band aerodynamic noise generated from the end flow at the inlet/outlet of
the cooling fan. The cooling fan is usually the dominant noise source.
2. Discrete frequency components caused by the blade passing frequencies of the
3. Mechanical noise caused by bearing, casing vibration, motor balancing shaft
misalignment, and/or motor mounting. Thus careful attention should be given to
the vibration isolation, mounting and maintenance.
Typically used in applications such as chutes, hoppers, panels and tanks,
damping usually uses two noise reduction techniques: layer damping, in which a
layer of bitumastic damping material is stuck to a surface, and constrained layer
damping, which is more rugged and involves construction of a laminate.
Maxideck and Maxiboard from Sound Reduction Systems (SRS) can help
with soundproofing for floors. Maxideck, an acoustic flooring solution, can be
used in kitchens and bathrooms. It offers high levels of airborne and impact
insulation when used on timber. It can be used to comply with the Building
Regulations Approved Document E (2003), is easy to install and is only 28mms
Maxiboard soundproofing for ceilings and floors can also help meet Part E
Regulations and can be used to form enclosures and independent structures. It
takes screws and nails direct, and is extremely durable, yet only 17mms thick.
Curiously, when fans operate at peak efficiency, they're at their quietest.
Common noise reduction features are bends close to the fan and dampers. To
cut down on up to 12 dB, ensure at least 2-3 duct diameters of straight duct
between any feature that may disturb the flow and the fan itself.
Typically used in extraction, ventilation and cooling, ductwork involves
openings in walls and enclosures. Instead of fitting silencers, it is often possible
to achieve a 10 - 20 dB reduction in airborne noise from a duct or opening by
lining the last bend in the ductwork with foam or fibreglass, or constructing an
absorbent, lined right-angled bend to fit on the opening.
SRS has two products that can be used. Acoustic Socket and service boxes are
made from two layers of 10mm-thick high-density gypsum-based board and will
ensure the acoustic integrity of any metal or timber-framed separating wall
containing sockets and/or services. Meanwhile, Soundstop 5 is a multi-purpose
acoustic barrier that's ideal for ceiling voids or within partition walls. It reduces
room-to-room noise by up to 46dB.
In axial or centrifugal flow fans, you can increase noise control simply by
changing control systems or pulley sizes and resetting dampers.
Pneumatic exhaust noise can be reduced by up to 30dB by fitting silencers.
For back pressure, fit a larger coupling and silencer; for clogging, you need a
straight-through silencer, while multiple exhausts can be manifolded into a
single, larger diameter pipe.
Pneumatic nozzles are often used for cooling, drying and blowing. You can
usually replace the existing nozzles for quiet, high-efficiency units that can
reduce noise by up to 10 dB.
Typically used on machine feet, pumps and mezzanine installations, vibration
isolation pads are usually made of rubber or bonded cork and reduce vibration
and noise pollution.
In an open set of machine guards, halving the 'gap' open area can reduce
noise pollution by 3 dB. Reducing the openings, such as flexible seals, by 90%
can reduce noise by 10 dB.
Quieter timing belts with different tooth profiles aimed at controlling noise
can replace noisy chain drives. A new type of belt for noise-critical applications
uses a chevron tooth pattern that can cut noise by up to 20 dB.
The electric motors that drive fans and pumps can be replaced by general-
duty motors that are up to 10 dB quieter. These can be phased into the system
over a period of time.
For ore information about noise control techniques, please contact Sound
Reduction Systems or request a quote.
Vibration Control:
Vibration Isolation This method reduces the transmission of vibrational
energy from one system to another. Common vibration isolators are steel springs,
rubber pads or bellows. These devices are available in many shapes and are
capable of isolating masses weighing from a few pounds to thousands of pounds.
An automobile suspension is a good example of damped isolation. Shock absorbers
dissipate energy by pumping a fluid through orifices that offer a predetermined
resistance to highvelocity flow.
Many isolation systems use elastomeric materials to provide both the spring
force and damping. Some rubbers are capable of achieving useful damping at
certain frequencies, although at low frequencies most exhibit loss factors less than
0.2, or roughly 10 percent of critical damping. At resonance, when a system
dissipates the same amount of energy per radian as it stores, it is said to be
critically damped. Loss factor is equal to the percentage of critical damping
divided by 50. One way to compare the behavior of various isolators is to measure
their transmissibility. Typical transmissibility curves, as shown in Figure 6,
compare the vibrational acceleration response of materials used in isolation
applications. As the damping in a material increases, the system amplification
response can be minimized at or near the natural frequency. This can be especially
beneficial in applications such as stepper motors, which must run through a variety
of frequencies, or those applications that frequently go through a start up or
slowdown as part of the operation cycle. In applications with little or no damping,
amplification can reach as high as 23 dB, which would be a magnification factor of
14.2. Uncontrolled resonant motion in a device’s isolation mounts can have results
ranging from acceptable to catastrophic, depending on the operational properties of
the components involved. Undamped mounts have internal resonances that conduct
considerable high-frequency vibrational energy from a device to its support
structure. The large forces developed at and near resonance can easily damage
internal components or even tear a device from its mounting.
Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a top down, deductive failure analysis in which
an undesired state of a system is analyzed using Boolean logic to combine a series
of lower-level events. This analysis method is mainly used in the fields of safety
engineering and reliability engineering to understand how systems can fail, to
identify the best ways to reduce risk or to determine (or get a feeling for) event
rates of a safety accident or a particular system level (functional) failure.
Applications of FTA:
Fault tree analysis can be used to:
• Understand the logic leading to the top event / undesired state.
• Show compliance with the (input) system safety / reliability requirements.
• prioritize the contributors leading to the top event - Creating the Critical
Equipment/Parts/Events lists for different importance measures.
• Monitor and control the safety performance of the complex system (e.g., is a
particular aircraft safe to fly when fuel valve x malfunctions? For how long
is it allowed to fly with the valve malfunction?).
• Minimize and optimize resources.
• Assist in designing a system. The FTA can be used as a design tool that
helps to create (output / lower level) requirements.
• Function as a diagnostic tool to identify and correct causes of the top event.
It can help with the creation of diagnostic manuals / process.
OSHA stands for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the
United States Government.
OSHA is responsible for ensuring that workers are provided with a safe
working environment. Table 1-2 contains several OSHA definitions applicable to
accident statistics. The OSHA incidence rate is based on cases per 100 worker
years. A worker year is assumed to contain 2000 hours (50 work weekslyear X 40
An incidence rate can also be based on lost workdays instead of injuries and
illnesses. For this case
The OSHA incidence rate provides information on all types of work-related
injuries and illnesses, including fatalities. This provides a better representation of
worker accidents than systems based on fatalities alone. For instance, a plant might
experience many small accidents with resulting injuries but no fatalities. On the
other hand, fatality data cannot be extracted from the OSHA incidence rate without
additional information.
B. Fatal accident rate (FAR):
The FAR is used mostly by the British chemical industry. This statistic is used
here because there are some useful and interesting FAR data available in the open
literature. The FAR reports the number of fatalities based on 1000 employees
working their entire lifetime. The employees are assumed to work a total of 50
years. Thus the FAR is based on 10' working hours.
C. Fatality rate:
The last method considered is the fatality rate or deaths per person per year.
This system is independent of the number of hours actually worked and reports
only the number of fatalities expected per person per year. This approach is useful
for performing calculations on the general population, where the number of
exposed hours is poorly defined. The applicable equation is
Both the OSHA incidence rate and the FAR depend on the number of
exposed hours. An employee working a ten-hour shift is at greater total risk than
one working an eight-hour shift. A FAR can be converted to a fatality rate (or vice
versa) if the number of exposed hours is known. The OSHA incidence rate cannot
be readily converted to a FAR or fatality rate because it contains both injury and
fatality information.
There are a number of ways to construct an event tree. They typically use
Boolean (or binary) logic gates, i.e. a gate that has only two options such as
success/failure, yes/no, on/off. They tend to start on the left with the initiating
event and progress to the right, branching progressively. Each branching point is
called a node. Simple event trees tend to be presented at a system level, glossing
over the detail. The following is a generic example of how they can be drawn.
The diagram shows an initiating event (e.g. fire) and the subsequent
operation or failure of three systems (e.g. fire suppression) which would normally
operate should the event occur. Each system can either operate or not (somewhat
unrealistic, as in some cases, things may partially operate). Because of the
multitude of combinations of success/failure of each system, there are multiple
possible final outcomes (labelled a to h in the diagram).
The diagram also illustrates the way event trees can be quantified. The
initiating event is typically specified as an expected annual frequency (e.g. 2 times
per year) and the success/failure for each system as a probability.
Process HAZOP
– The HAZOP technique was originally developed to assess plants and
process systems
– A family of more specialized HAZOPs
– More focused on Human Errors than technical failures
Procedure HAZOP
– Review of procedures or operational sequences
– Sometimes denoted SAFOP - SAFe Operation Study
Software HAZOP
– Identification of possible errors in the development of software
• Review of complete process through P& IDs and / or flow diagrams
• Breakdown of the system into segments
• Standardized guide- words / parameters
• Application of guide - words to different process parameters to
identify possible deviations
• Based on some form of task analysis
• Other input is procedures, workplace layout schematics, man/
machine interface description
•Covers a ‘ family’ of specialized HAZOPs:
–Errors associated with design and use of computer- based interfaces
–Errors associated with the use of interlocks
–Function allocation HAZOP: errors associated with determining the
role of the operator in the system.
• Can be applied to all sequences of operations
• Focus on both human errors and failures of technical systems
• Best suited for detailed assessments, but can also be used for coarse
preliminary assessments
• Flexible approach with respect to use of guide- words
• Standard guide - words of Human HAZOP can be applied to the steps in the
• In addition a Procedure HAZOP should highlight:
• TIMING/ SEQUENCE: The steps are not performed in the correct sequence
"Failure modes" means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail.
Failures are any errors or defects, especially ones that affect the customer, and can
be potential or actual.
Failure modes and effects analysis also documents current knowledge and
actions about the risks of failures, for use in continuous improvement. FMEA is
used during design to prevent failures. Later it’s used for control, before and during
ongoing operation of the process. Ideally, FMEA begins during the earliest
conceptual stages of design and continues throughout the life of the product or
Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis must be done in a step-wise fashion
since each step builds on the previous one. Here’s an overview of the 10 steps to a
Process FMEA.
• Review existing documentation and data for clues about all of the ways each
component can failure.
• The list should be exhaustive – it can be paired down and items can be
combined after this initial list is generated.
• There will likely be several potential failures for each component.
• The effect is the impact the failure has on the end product or on subsequent
steps in the process.
• There will likely be more than one effect for each failure.
• Rate the severity of each effect using customized ranking scales as a guide.
• What are the chances the failure will be detected prior to it occuring.
Occupational Hygiene
It is a modern specialization concerned with assessing and controlling
hazards from atmospheric contamination, skin absorption, radiation and noise.
Control of Occupational Hazards
1. Elimination of the injurious substances or sources.
2. Reduction of exposure frequency.
3. Strict control of injurious substances at the point of origin.
4. Precision for washing and general hygiene.
The Flixborough accident is perhaps the most documented chemical plant disaster.
The British government insisted on an extensive investigation.
(i) Flixborough, England
The process where the accident occurred consisted of six reactors in series.
In these reactors cyclohexane was oxidized to cyclohexanone and then to
cyclohexanol using injected air in the presence of a catalyst. The liquid reaction
mass was gravity-fed through the series of reactors. Each reactor normally
contained about 20 tons of cyclohexane. Several months before the accident
occurred, reactor 5 in the series was found to be leaking. Inspection showed a
vertical crack in its stainless steel structure. The decision was made to remove the
reactor for repairs. An additional decision was made to continue operating by
connecting reactor 4 directly to reactor 6 in the series. The loss of the reactor
would reduce the yield but would enable continued production because unreacted
cyclohexane is separated and recycled at a later stage. The feed pipes connecting
the reactors were 28 inches in diameter. Because only 20-inch pipe stock was
available at the plant, the connections to reactor 4 and reactor 6 were made using
flexible bellows-type piping, as shown in Figure 1-10. It is hypothesized that the
bypass pipe section ruptured because of inadequate support and overflexing of the
pipe section as a result of internal reactor pressures. Upon rupture of the bypass, an
estimated 30 tons of cyclohexane volatilized and formed a large vapor cloud. The
cloud was ignited by an unknown source an estimated 45 seconds after the release.
The resulting explosion leveled the entire plant facility, including the
administrative offices. Twenty-eight people died, and 36 others were injured.
Eighteen of these fatalities occurred in the main control room when the ceiling
collapsed. Loss of life would have been substantially greater had the accident
occurred on a weekday when the administrative offices were filled with
employees. Damage extended to 1821 nearby houses and 167 shops and factories.
Fifty-three civilians were reported injured. The resulting fire in the plant burned for
over 10 days. This accident could have been prevented by following proper safety
procedures. First, the bypass line was installed without a safety review or adequate
supervision by experienced engineering personnel. The bypass was sketched on the
floor of the machine shop using chalk.
Bhopal, India
The Bhopal, India, accident, on December 3, 1984, has received
considerably more attention than the Flixborough accident. This is due to the more
than 2000 civilian casualties that resulted. The Bhopal plant is in the state of
Madhya Pradesh in central India. The plant was partially owned by Union Carbide
and partially owned locally. The nearest civilian inhabitants were 1.5 miles away
when the plant was constructed. Because the plant was the dominant source of
employment in the area, a shantytown eventually grew around the immediate area.
The toxic cloud spread to the adjacent town, killing over 2000 civilians and
injuring an estimated 20,000 more. No plant workers were injured or killed. No
plant equipment was damaged. The exact cause of the contamination of the MIC is
not known. If the accident was caused by a problem with the process, a well-
executed safety review could have identified the problem. The scrubber and flare
system should have been fully operational to prevent the release. Inventories of
dangerous chemicals, particularly intermediates, should also have been minimized.
The reaction scheme used at Bhopal is shown at the top of Figure 1-11 and
includes the dangerous intermediate MIC. An alternative reaction scheme is shown
at the bottom of the figure and involves a less dangerous chloroformate
intermediate. Another solution is to redesign the process to reduce the inventory of
hazardous MIC. One such design produces and consumes the MIC in a highly
localized area of the process, with an inventory of MIC of less than 20 pounds.
Factories act :
The Factories Act, 1948, has been primarily to provide safety measures and
to promote the health and welfare of the workers employed in factories.
Applicability: This Act applies to factories, or to those industrial establishments,
registered under the State Government, or established by notification in the
Official Gazette. This applies to any premises wherein 10 or more persons were
working on any day in the preceding 12 months, wherein manufacturing process is
being carried on. relating to safety and health of employees:
Labour welfare Act:
Applicability: Tamil Nadu Labour welfare fund act (1973) is for promoting
the welfare of the Labour here within the State of Tamil Nadu. It is applicable to
all factories covered under the Factories Act 1948. The maximum salary limit of
worker for availing benefits through these schemes is Rs.15,000/- p.m.
Labour Welfare Schemes under act:
1.Labour welfare centres which are functioning consists of tailoring section,
pre-schools and reading section.
2.Educational scholarship are awarded to children of workers, and
Educational incentive are given for rank holders in public exam.
3.Book allowance, assistance for computer training, spectacles assistance,
hearing aid assistance.
4.marriage assistance scheme, and funeral expenses
5.T.B. wards, holiday homes, and jeeva illam.
6.Uzhaippavar Ulagam a monthly magazine gives updates.
ESI act :
Safety consciousness is the awareness of the operator about the existing physical and
chemical hazard in the process area and to use suitable personal protective equipment.
The effective realization is to provide safe and healthy working conditions and to
enlist the active support of all staff in achieving these ends.
1. Selection of training
2. Conducting the training
3. Training evaluation.
1. Black Board
2. Flip chart
3. Flannel Board
4. Display Board
8. 20% of communication is achieved by ___________
a) Moving Pictures
b) Still Pictures with written commentary
c) Oral communication
d) Written communication
11. What are reason that leads to accidents .1. Due to Psychological
1. Consciously violate safety rule- will leads to accident due to in adequate training
It will derived from influencing the safety attitudes of workers including accident
To ensure safe and satisfactory job performance trainings is essentials at all level of
production and operation.
16. The employers themselves have recognized the fact that trained workers will
improve _____________ and ___________
Safety and productivity
Solid Co2, liquid N2, liquid air, effecting skin and body.
Acids, halogens and related acid affecting eyes . face and body
The object of safety communication is to transfer idea and knowledge from one person
to another so that the message will remain in memory and motivate action.
Petroleum solvent (fire, explosion, affecting yes skin and lungs) abrasive materials and
dust (affecting eyes and lungs)
Example 1: A welder does not use protective glasses , His eyes are damaged.
1. LPG Plant, NH3 Plant, H2so4 plant, TNT.
1. Classify Potential Hazard?
Unsafe act:
Unsafe condition:
I – 131, CS – 137, Co – 60
Toxic chemicals are poisonous to human systems, which are inhaled and sometimes
absorbed thro skin affecting nervous and circulatory system.
1. Improper lifting and handling of heavy loads
2. Unsafe slinging – best type or wise rope type.
1. Sharp edges
2. heat and flame burns
3. acid destroys
1. All flammable material like oil, grease should be removed from the area.
2. No smoking or open flame near work area
3. Gas cylinders should be handled strictly.
High temperature operation produce heat which reaches the human body by radiation,
conduction and convection.
1. Head ache
2. Fatigue
3. loss of concentration and efficiency.
15. What are the Important protection against High Temperature?
1. Oxidizing materials
2. Reacting with water
3. Spontaneous polymerization
Use inhibitors, provide cooling, pressure relief and use high temperature alarms.
Heat required o obtain high temperature in reactor is often provided by fire heaters.
Thermal stresses and hydrogen embrittlement rupture pipes.
To fit suitable pressure relief device, set at the design pressure. So that over pressure is
relieved in an control manner.
21. In high pressure reactor, what are the systems design includes?
23. ________ is used for gasoline blending
Gasoline blending
28. What are the operating practices while handling toxic materials?
1. What is Biotic?
Biotic is the living components of Environment. It consists of all the plant, animals
and micro organism which are present.
1. PH
2. Temperature
3. Topography
4. Soil type
5. Salinity
6. Relative humidity
3. Define Pollution?
1. Disposal on land.
2. Disposal into public Sewage.
3. Disposal into Inland surface value.
6. BIS _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. Function of BIS?
BIS stands for tolerance limit for inland surface. Water subject to pollution.
8. What are the different types of fire extinguishers.
mass of co 2 gas
Filling ratio =
mass of water to fill in
the cylinder at 15 o C
Accident analysis is the pre requisite to the selection of effective remedy. Accident
Investigation provides accident records as the basis for required.
60 atm
1. Human element
2. Faculty environment
Fire fighting extinguisher is classified into two
1. Manual
2. Automatic
17. For class B fire which type of material is used to put off the fire.
i. Foam type
ii. Protein or Fluro protein.
Sodium chloride with additives such as tri calcium phosphate, metal stearate and a
thermo plastic.
Class A fire
Class B fire
Class C fire
Class D fire.
21. What are the basic Accident Remedies that are following in industries?
1. Engineering Revision
2. Personal Adjustment
3. Instruction.
4. Discipline
1. Fire is a chemical reaction between one or more elements to produce heat and light.
2. Sparking of electrical equipment.
3. Open flames
4. Static electricity.
23. What are the condition needed for explosion?
a. An explosion is the sudden release of energy causing a pressure ware due to blast.
b. An explosion can occur with out fire such as the failure by over-pressure in a steam
mass of co 2 gas
Filling ratio =
mass of water to fill in
the cylinderat 15 o C.
28. What are the first aid have to be followed after acid burn?
29. What are the sign and symptoms of the Acute poisoning?
Irritation to the mucos membrane of the respiratory tract which may lead to bronchitis
and pulmonary oedeiva.
Social environment, fault of the workers and unsafe condition at workplace lead to an
accident causing injury to the worker.
A sphyxiant is a chemical (example, co) which gets in to blood stream thro’ skin or
breathing removes O2 from the blood unconsciousness or death in severe cases.
33. While working High temperature oil Industries what are safety precaution to be
34. While working High temperature oil Industries what are safety precaution to be
taken for Electrical motors and switches
35. For the moving parts of crushers, conveyors, gear box what king of safety
precaution we have to follow?
36. In Extraction plant which area is more hazardous?
1. Suitable boils, Instrumentation, Water level control and safety trip system.
39. Suitable goggles and we can use to protect from steam hazard
It is mandatory even for staff of as Casual nature. The E.S.I. Act to day is very
This Act provides regulations to impart suitable training to workers to learn safe
working practices and to increase productivity.
This act explains that the employee cannot plead in defence during law suits:
The object of this Act is to introduce social insurance and medical benefits for workers
affected by industrial accidents.
Safe working rules while dealing with explosive manufactures and also using
explosive for various purposes are laid down in this Act.
1. Smoking
2. Gas cutting and welding
3. Hot lines and surfaces
4. Rubbish burning
5. Unknown causes
16. What is accident cost?
In process industry accident cost is direct cost and indirect (Hidden) cost.
Numerous eye injuries are caused by dust. Flying particles, splashier, and harmful
radiations. It is difficult to cover periodically the various processes in which the worker may
be required to wear goggle.
This hose mask is similar to suction hose mask except that the air is forced through a
large diameter hose by a hand or motors – operated blower.
They remove toxic gases and vapours and particulate matter from inspired air example
of their used in spray painting work.
Bad and offensive odour gives poor workmanship + lower productivity. They must be
removed by using germicides. Changes in ventilation + general cleanliness. SF include wash
room and toilet facilities drinking water locker room + shower room.
24. ESI Benefits.
1. Sickness Benefits
2. Medical Benefits
3. Maturity Benefits
4. Dependable Benefits
27. Give example for Chemical Resistant materials ______________ and ___________
Maintenance Micro
Dust Filter
Vocational guidance is
i) To provide skillful workers
ii) To induce knowledge about safety precaution during their work.
iii) To prepare them for new working condition due to change of job area with safety
The major steps to be taken in the proper selection of equipment are unit operational
reliability, unit flexibility, with future expansion facility, emergency shut down facility, over
pressure control and over temperature control facilities.
Effective realization I to provide safe and healthy working condition’s and to enlist the
active support of all staff in achieving these end.
Occupational hazards (such as acids, arsenic, asbestos, CS2, Pb compounds, Hg etc) lead
to occupational diseases such as dermatitis.
5. What are the major steps to be taken in proper selection of equipment?
Steps taken in the proper selection o equipment are unit operational reliability, unit
flexibility, with future expansion facility, emergency shutdown facility.
Test on animals
Extremely toxic
Relatively non-toxie
11. What are the different types of water expelling fire extinguishers.
12.Importance of ventilation?
CO 100 PPM, CO2 5000 PPM, H2S 20 PPM.
High pressure CO2 eliminate O2 and acts as fire suppressor used for classes B and C.
A foundry having sand blash equipment lead to performed injuries and occupational
diseases during cleaning.
Acids, halogens and related acids affecting eyes, face and body.
Ammonia Nitrate is very sensitive to heat and shock causing explosion constant
exposure to ammonium nitrate interferes with O2 is blood damaging respiratory and nervous
20. Worker’s ignorance may be tolerated while dealing with new equipment.
22. What are the organization that works for the safety of industries?
Bhopal gas Tragedy 1984 Union Carbide Plant : leak of methyl isocyanate gas killing
injury many in ma scale.
Dow index is a fire and explosion index. It is a number calculated based on the process
and the properties of the materials. The larger the value of the index, the more hazardous is
the process.
25. What are the Industries which are hazard prone?
H2SO4 plant, NH3 Plant, LPG Plant, TNT Plant, LNG (liquefied Natural gas) Plant, Safety
matches factory.
The human factor is not less important” most of the accidents are caused potential
hazards, un safe acts (human factor) being part of potential hazard are not les important in
causing accident.
Dust explosion occurs in 2 stages : a primary explosion which disturbs deposited dust
followed by second severe explosion of the dust thrown in to the atmosphere.
5 to 8 bar.
30. CO2 gas in inside high pressure gas catridge at _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ atm.