Get Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms : From Theory to Practice 1st Edition Zolghadr-Asli free all chapters
Get Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms : From Theory to Practice 1st Edition Zolghadr-Asli free all chapters
Get Computational Intelligence-based Optimization Algorithms : From Theory to Practice 1st Edition Zolghadr-Asli free all chapters
Automobile electrical and electronic systems Tom Denton
Computational Intelligence-based
Optimization Algorithms
Babak Zolghadr-Asli
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First edition published 2024
by CRC Press
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© 2024 Babak Zolghadr-Asli
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Zolghadr-Asli, Babak, author.
Title: Computational intelligence-based optimization algorithms :
from theory to practice / Babak Zolghadr-Asli.
Description: First edition. | Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2024. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2023019666 (print) | LCCN 2023019667 (ebook) |
ISBN 9781032544168 (hardback) | ISBN 9781032544151 (paperback) |
ISBN 9781003424765 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Computer algorithms. | Computational intelligence.
Classification: LCC QA76.9.A43 Z65 2024 (print) |
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ISBN: 978-1-032-54416-8 (hbk)
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DOI: 10.1201/9781003424765
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by Newgen Publishing UK
List of Figures xi
Foreword xv
Preface xvii
3 Genetic Algorithm 49
3.1 Introduction 49
3.2 Algorithmic Structure of the Genetic Algorithm 53
3.2.1 Initiation Stage 53
3.2.2 Reproduction Stage 55
3.2.3 Termination Stage 60
3.3 Parameter Selection and Fine-Tuning of the Genetic Algorithm 61
3.4 Python Codes 62
3.5 Concluding Remarks 65
Index 337
This is a unique reference book providing in one place: information on the main
meta-heuristic optimization algorithms and an example of their algorithmic
implementation in Python. These algorithms belong to the class of computa-
tional intelligence-based optimization methods that have addressed one of the key
challenges plaguing mathematical optimization for years –that of dealing with dif-
ficult and realistic problems facing any industry with resource restrictions. What do
I mean by difficult and realistic? Instead of simplifying the problem that needs to be
solved due to the limitations of the method, as was the case with many mathemat-
ical optimization algorithms, these meta-heuristics can now tackle large, complex,
and previously often intractable problems.
The book includes 20 meta-heuristic algorithms, from the now-classical gen-
etic algorithm to more “exotic” flower pollination or bat algorithms. Each of the
algorithms is presented as far as possible using the same structure so the reader can
easily see the similarities or differences among them. The Python code provides
an easy-to-access library of these algorithms that can be of use to both novices
and more proficient users and developers interested in implementing and testing
some of the algorithms they may not be fully familiar with. From my own experi-
ence, it is much easier to get into a subject when somebody has already prepared
the grounds. That is the case with this book, if I had it on my desk 30 years ago,
I would’ve been able to try many more different ways of solving problems in engin-
eering. With this book, I may still do it now!
Dragan Savic
Professor of Hydroinformatics
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Distinguished Professor of Hydroinformatics
The National University of Malaysia, Malaysia
xviii Preface
chapter, which we highly encourage you to do, you can go to a given chapter and
learn all there is to understand and implement an algorithm fully. Each chapter also
contains a brief literature review of the algorithm’s background and showcases
where it has been implemented successfully. As stated earlier, there is a Python
code for all algorithms at the end of each chapter. It is important to note that, while
these are not the most efficient way to code these algorithms, they may very well
be the best way to understand them for beginner to intermediate programmers. As
such, if, as a reader, you have a semi-solid understanding of the Python syntax
and its numeric library NumPy, you could easily understand and implement these
methods on your own.
1 An Introduction to Meta-Heuristic
Before we can embark upon this journey of ours to learn about computational
intelligence-based optimization methods, we must first establish a common lan-
guage to see what an optimization problem actually is. In this chapter, we tend
to take a deep dive into the world of optimization to understand the fundamental
components that are used in the structure of a typical optimization problem. We
would be introduced to the technical terminology used in this field, and more
importantly, we aim to grasp the basic principles of optimization methods. As a
final note, we would learn about the general idea behind meta-heuristic optimiza-
tion algorithms and what this term essentially means. By the end of this chapter, we
will also come to understand why it is essential to have more than one of these opti-
mization algorithms in our repertoire if we tend to use this branch of optimization
method as the primary option to handle real-world complex optimization problems.
1.1 Introduction
What is optimization? That is perhaps the first and arguably the most critical
question we need to get out of the way first. In the context of mathematics, opti-
mization, or what is referred to from time to time as mathematical programming,
is the process of identifying the best option from a set of available alternatives.
The subtle yet crucial fact that should be noted here is that one’s interpretation of
what is “best” may differ from the others (Bozorg-Haddad et al., 2021; Zolghadr-
Asli et al., 2021). That is why explicitly determining an optimization problem’s
objective is essential. So, in a nutshell, in optimization, we are ultimately trying to
search for the optimum solution to find an answer that minimizes or maximizes a
given criterion under specified conditions.
Optimization problems became an integrated part of most, if not all, quantita-
tive disciplines, ranging from engineering to operations research and economics.
In fact, developing novel mathematical programming frameworks has managed to
remain a topical subject in mathematics for centuries. Come to think of it, there is
a valid reason that optimization has incorporated itself into our professional and
personal modern-day life to the extent it has. This is more understandable in the
DOI: 10.1201/9781003424765-1
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2 An Introduction to Meta-Heuristic Optimization
context of engineering and management problems, where there are often limited
available resources, and the job at hand is to make the best out of what is at our
disposal. Failing to do so would simply mean that in the said procedure, whatever
that may be, there is going to be some waste of resources. This could, in turn,
imply that we are cutting our margin of profits, wasting limited natural resources,
time, or workforce over something that could have been prevented if the process
were optimized. So, in a way, it could be said that optimization is simply just good
common sense.
There are several formidable approaches to go about mathematical pro-
gramming. The traditional approach to solving optimization problems that are
categorized under the umbrella term of analytical approaches is basically a series
of calculus-based optimization methods. Often these frameworks are referred to
as derivate-based optimization methods, given that they rely heavily on the idea
of differential algebra and gradient-oriented information to solve the problem. As
such, the core idea of these methods is to utilize the information extracted from the
gradient of a differentiable function, often from the first- or second-order deriva-
tive, as a guide to find and locate the optimal solution. The main issue here is that
this could not be a practical method to approach real-world optimization problems,
as these problems are often associated with high dimensionality, multimodality,
epistasis, non-differentiability, and discontinuous search space imposed by
constraints (Yang, 2010; Du & Swamy, 2016; Bozorg-Haddad et al., 2017). As
such, often, these methods are dismissed when it comes to handling intricate real-
world problems as they are not by any means the ultimate practical approach to
tackle such problems.
The alternative approach here would be to use a series of methods that are
categorized under the umbrella term of sampling-based approaches. These, to some
extent, use the simple principle of trial-and-error search to locate what could be
the optimum solution. These methods are either based on unguided or untargeted
search or the searching process that is guided or targeted by some criterion.
Some of the most notable subcategories of unguided search optimization
methods are sampling grid, random sampling, and enumeration-based methods.
The sampling grid is the most primitive approach here, where all possible solutions
would be tested and recorded to identify the best solution (Bozorg-Haddad et al.,
2017). In computer science, such methods are said to be based on brute force com-
putation, given that to find the solution, basically, any possible solution is being
tested here. As you can imagine, this could be quite computationally taxing. While
this seems more manageable when the number of potential solutions is finite, in
most, if not all, practical cases, this can be borderline impossible to implement
such an approach to find the optimum solution. If, for instance, the search space
consists of continuous variables, the only way to implement this method is to
deconstruct the space into a discrete decision space. This procedure, known as
discretization, transforms a continuous space into a discrete one by transposing an
arbitrarily defined mesh grid network over the said space. Obviously, the finer this
grid system, the better the chance of getting closer to the actual optimum solution.
Not only it becomes more computationally taxing to carry this task, but from a
An Introduction to Meta-Heuristic Optimization 3
theoretical point of view, it is also considered impossible to locate the exact optimal
solution for a continuous space with such an approach. However, it is possible to
get a close approximation of the said value through this method.
Another unguided approach is random sampling. The idea here is to simply
take a series of random samples from the search space and evaluate their perform-
ance against the optimization criterion (Bozorg-Haddad et al., 2017). The most
suitable solution found in this process would then be returned as the optimal solu-
tion. Though this process is, for the most part, easy to execute, and the amount
of computational power needed to carry this task can be managed by limiting the
number of samples taken from the search space, as one can imagine, the odds of
locating the actual optimum solution is exceptionally slim. This is, of course, more
pronounced in complex real-world problems where there are often numerous con-
tinuous variables.
The other notable approach in the unguided search category is enumeration-
based methods (Du & Swamy, 2016). These methods are basically a bundle of
computation tasks that would be executed iteratively until a specific termination
criterion is met, at which point the final results would be returned by the method as
the solution to the optimization problem at hand. Like any other unguided method,
here, there is no perception of the search space and the optimization function itself.
As such, the enumeration through the search space would be solely guided by the
sequence of computational tasks embedded within the method. In other words,
such a method could not learn from their encounter with the search space to alter
their searching strategies, which is in and of itself the most notable drawback of all
the unguided searching methods.
Alternatively, there are also targeted searching methods. One of the most notable
features of this branch of optimization is that they can, in a sense, implement what
they have learned about the search space as a guiding mechanism to help navigate
their searching process. As such, they attempt to draw each sample batch from what
they learned in their last attempt. As a result, step by step, they are improving the
possibility that the next set of samples is more likely to be better than the last until,
eventually, they could gradually move toward what could be the optimum solution. It
is important to note that one of the distinctive features of this approach, like any other
sampling method, is that they aim to settle for a close-enough approximation of the
global optima, better known as near-optimal solutions. The idea here is to possibly
sacrifice the accuracy of the emerging solution to an acceptable degree to find a close-
enough solution with considerably less calculation effort. One of the most well-known
sub-class of the guided sampling methods is meta-heuristic optimization algorithms.
However, before diving into what these methods actually are and what they are cap-
able of doing, it is crucial that we improve our understanding of the structure of an
optimization problem and its components from a mathematical point of view.
Optimize f ( X ) (1.1)
X ∈R N
Subject to
gk ( X ) ≤ bk ∀k (1.2)
Lj ≤ xj ≤ U j ∀j (1.3)
in which f() represents the objective function, X is a point in the search space of an
optimization problem with N decision variables, N denotes the number of decision
variables, gk() is the kth constraint of the optimization problem, bk denotes the con-
stant value of the kth constraint, xj represents the value associated to the jth deci-
sion variable, and Uj and Lj represent the upper and lower feasible boundaries of
the jth decision variable, respectively. Note that in an optimization problem with N
decision variables, an N-dimension coordination system could be used to represent
the search space. In this case, any point within the search space, say X, can be
represented mathematically as a 1×N array as follows:
X = x1 , x2 , x3 ,…, x j ,…, x N ) (1.4)
variable; that is to say, we want to figure out which type of filter should be installed
to get the best result. The variable may also be binary in nature. This means that
only two possible values can be passed for that variable. For instance, if we want
to figure out whether an industrial site should be constructed in a place where we
tend to maximize the margin of profits. Here the variable could be either going
ahead with the project or shutting the project down. Mathematical programming
terminology refers to all three cases as discrete variables. Alternatively, a deci-
sion variable may also be a float number, which is a number drawn from the real
number set. An example of this would be when you want to determine the max-
imum amount of partially refined industrial site wastewater that can be released
back into the stream without violating the environmental regulatory thresholds set
to protect the natural ecosystem. In mathematical programming terminology, such
a case is an example of a continuous variable. Of course, in real-world optimiza-
tion problems, we may have a combination of discrete and continuous variables.
These are said to be mixed-type optimization problems.
1.2.4 Constraints
Usually, optimization problems are set up in a way that decision variables cannot
assume any given value. In other words, an optimization problem can be limited by
a set of restrictions or constraints that bounds them between often two acceptable
thresholds. Often, this is because resources are limited, and as such, it is impos-
sible to pour unlimited supplies into a process or an operation. For instance, if you
intend to optimize the company’s workflow, there are budget and human resources
limitations that need to be accounted for. In addition to this, there are some legal
or physical restrictions that pose some limitations to the problem. For instance, in
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that fiery Oil continually distilling. By the help of both which Stygian
Fires, the volatile subject in the Pan, is in a short space of time
(unless it was very impure before) without any diminution of its
weight fixed into a fixed Medicine. It is to be admired, with how
great virtue, either Fire is endewed, for fixing volatile Metals; also it
is pleasant to behold, how (when any drop of that Oil of Sulphur
driven upwards distills down again upon the burning Sulphur) the
flame that ascends then, will be red as bloud, which otherwise from
Sulphur onely ascends yellowish. The repeated Distillation of that
into the under set Vessel was by Philosophers called Inceration: But
when the whole resided in the bottom without any ascending fume,
that was by them called Fixation.
These operations I have performed with my own Hands, and seen
with my own Eyes. More at this time I dare not publish; for more
than enough is already spoken to impious Men. Which indeed I
should not have done, if this excellent Philosophick Work had not
been made too common already, or (to express my meaning more
plainly) if it had not fallen into the hands of unworthy Persons, to me
most ungratefull. For indeed I permitted onely some few of my
Friends to see this Philosophick fixing Furnace; yet the knowledge of
it was by them so far divulged, as I repented I had ever
communicated it. Nevertheless, instead of that, not long after by
God was given to me a certain other, far better and more elegant
gift, for he shewed me such an Instrument, as would far more
commodiously than the former, receive the ascending sulphureous
fume, so as none of it should be lost. Therefore this divine gift shall
by me be more warily kept than the former.
The Explanation of the C U T.
C H A P. II.
F ill an earthen Pan full of Sulphur, and set it under the Blind-head.
Kindle the Sulphur and keep it continually burning for eight or
fourteen days. And when the burning Sulphur causeth its Oil to
ascend, and the same again descends upon it, and this ascent and
descent hath so long been made, as untill the Oil is fixed, and no
more ascent is perceived, then let the Fire go out, and that which
you find in the bottom, looking black as a Coal, take out, pour clear
Water upon it, and make them boil together. In this boiling the
Water extracts the fixed Oil of Sulphur, which passed into Salt, from
the black Fæces. This extracted Salt distill through a Filter, and
permit the Water to exhale in Balneo; so the Residue will remain in
the bottom sweet, in the form of a sowerish gratefull yellow Salt.
Which take out, and put into a clean Crucible, where keep it hot, but
not red hot; then the Salt will wax red. This dissolve again and Filter,
and it will leave some Fæces. You may reiterate this operation if you
will, and the Salt will be so much the more pure. This Salt is of a
middle tast between sower and sweet: Of which five or six grains
being taken inwardly will penetrate the body and strongly provoke
sweat. But a larger Dose will provoke gentle Seidges, especially if
the operation be made in some Iron Pan, yet it contracts from the
Iron a sweetish tast, but that is not at all to be feared, because the
Salt plainly deposits this tast, especially if you heat it hot and
dissolve it, coagulate and heat it hot again, unto the third time. For
then it loseth that tast, and becomes a sweet red Salt, which is a
safe remedy against all Diseases, where there is need of sweating
and purging.
Note, here is need of caution, that in making it hot, your Fire be
not too strong, and so the virtues of your Salt diminished, which is a
thing accurately to be minded. Ancient Philosophers likened this
operation to such a Fire vomiting Dragon, as devours his own Tail,
and converts it into a salutary Medicine. The Dragon is burning
Sulphur, his Tail is its fiery Oil, which slides down upon the burning
Sulphur, and in it converts it self into an efficacious Medicine.
Note, I would have you give credit to me, in these Works, which I
here have opened in few words, are many things of great worth
contained. Therefore, if you be wise, you will more diligently search
into the matter, and find out much more than is here disclosed by
C H A P. IV.
C H A P. V.
C H A P. VI.
R ecipe of common Sulphur, Tartar, and Niter, of each one pound,
pulverise, mix and decrepitate them in a Crucible, kindling
them on the top, otherwise they will fulminate. When decrepitated,
melt and pour out the mixture, reduce it to Powder, and extract
thence the Tincture with Spirit of Wine. Burn away the Spirit of Wine
under the Philosophick Alembick, and what ascends reserve for your
use in Medicine. What remains in the bottom will be sweet and void
of all evil savour, because the Spirit of Wine hath burnt up all the
stink. This Medicine is a most excellent Diaphoretick.
How by help of the Vegetable Fire, Mineral Fires may be
extinguished, and the corrosive fiery disposition of them
converted into sweetness.
I t is very well known, that the greater common Fire doth always
(as often as one is set near the other) either extinguish the
lesser, or cause it to languish, the same also happens to Philosophick
Fires. As for example, Put into a Stone dish or Pan, Spirit of Salt,
Vitriol, Niter, or Sulphur, or some other acid Spirit, and three, four, or
six parts of the best Spirit of Wine which kindle, and the Spirit of
Wine will burn away, but the acid Spirit through the subtilty of the
flame becomes sweet. Which sweet Spirits, especially that of Sulphur
and Salt, manifest great Vertues in Medicine. Basil Valentine speaks
of the dulcified Spirit of Salt, that it extracts from Gold its Tincture;
and that he, who knows how to dulcifie it, will be honoured by
Philosophers. He in like manner teacheth, that Spirit of Wine is
seven times to be abstracted thence: Yet undoubtedly he intended
not the vulgar Abstraction, but this secret Abstraction rather, of
which we now speak. Because such Spirits are not dulcified at one
time, but Spirit of Wine is often to be abstracted thence by the help
of Fire, before they will be sufficiently dulcified.
C H A P. IX.
E very man knows, that the Nature and Property of common Fire
is, to absume every stinking Sulphur, to drive away Mercury,
and leave nothing but dead Ashes, with a little fixed Salt; which is no
Correction, but a violent Destruction and Corruption of good things.
Therefore, in preparing famous medicines, we should use a better
Fire, viz. such, as neither consumes Sulphur, nor drives away
Mercury, but onely ripens, cleanseth and swetens them; as will be
proved by these following Examples.
First let us make trial with the (to us abominable) Dung of men,
and see, whether its Stink can be totally taken away, and of it an
Universal medicine be prepared.
It is very manifest, that the Dungs of Animals crude and not
prepared, are of some use in medicine, and we know they have
been long in use with Galenists and Apothecaries: For they presume
to cure the Jaundies with Goose-dung; Feavers with Horse-dung;
Inflammations of the Bowels with the distilled Water of Cow-dung,
which they call the Water of all Flowers; and the Quinsey, with the
white Dung of a Dog, which they call Album Græcum. Pertinent to
the purpose, History makes mention of a certain Countryman
labouring with a Quinsey. To this man a Physician gives a Bill, by
which he was to go to an Apothecaries Shop, and buy Album
Græcum. The Bill he gave to a Boy in the Shop, who having read it,
looked into the Box in which Album Græcum was wont to be kept;
and finding the Box empty, bid the Countryman stay a little, and he
would serve him presently. But the Boy not wise enough to conceal
the Secret, runs presently into the Church Yard, where he gathered
some of the white Dung of Dogs, which he brought home, and put
into his Mortar to pulverise. The Countryman seeing this, spake to
the Boy thus: I pray thee lay aside those things, and give me what I
have need of; for I can stay no longer. To which the Boy answered:
This is that the Physician prescribed you; therefore stay but a little
while, for it will be beat enough presently. Then the Countryman
angerly said: What do you say, you Whelp! Must I buy Dogs-turd of
you for Silver? I have enough of that at home: Therefore you and
your Doctour shall eat it your selves for me. And having spoken
thus, he went out of the Apothecaries Shop in a great rage. Many
such Histories are variously commemorated: by which you may
clearly see, that the Dungs of Animals, although crude and not at all
prepared, have been used by Apothecaries. All which had they not
been usefull in Medicine, would long since have been abrogated. But
humane Dung, which deservedly is to be preferred before all other,
is not used medicinally; and that onely because of its evil smell. Yet I
have known some old Women give that to be taken inwardly by such
as laboured with Feavers (but without their knowledge) and so have
expelled those Feavers. There are some Chirurgeons so skilfull as to
know, that the Salt of humane Dung onely generates Putrefaction,
but on the contrary all other Salts preserve from it. Wherefore they
use that for putrifying such excrescent Caruncles, as they fear to cut
off, by reason of the intermixed Veins. Yet, that humane Dung (if
inwardly taken) wants not its effects, no man doubts: but because of
its great Stink, its use is to be abstained from, and not to be
admitted in medicine. Nevertheless, if it can be freed from its
abominable Odour, it may be used in medicine, otherwise not.
Wherefore, Paracelsus so highly esteemed it, as he said: From him
Heaven and Earth is hid, to whom humane Dung is not known. An
History, which shews what happened in Cæsar’s Court, between him
and the Court Physicians, plainly sheweth this. For when those
Physicians asked him to leave behind him some medicinal
Experiment unto them, Paracelsus ordered humane Dung to be
brought and laid before them. They seeing that, went away in a rage
and reviled him. But Paracelsus answered. You indeed run away,
thereby proving your selves unworthy of the Secret I purposed to
have discovered to you. Whence it is very manifest, that Paracelsus
knew how to render stinking Excrements fit for use. For
undoubtedly, he never administred them to any man, before they
were prepared; because he had other Medicaments always in
readiness. Now, that it may be known to be possible to take away
the Stink of Dungs, I will prove the same by the following.
To a sound and healthfull Man for two days together give nothing
to eat, but a little well baked Wheat-bread; or to drink, but good
Wine. His Excrements for these two days cast away. On the third day
let him eat a peculiar Bread, with which is mixed before it is baked
about an Ounce and half, or one Ounce of my Blood of Sol; also let
him have an Ounce and half, or one Ounce of the same Blood of Sol
mixed with his Drink, that it may thereby be tinged with a red
Colour. And all the third day let him eat nothing but this Bread, in
which the Blood of Sol, or Gold rendered irreducible hath been
baked, and use that Wine onely, which the Tincture of Gold hath
coloured. Then on the fourth day, let his Excrements (which will be
tinged with blackness like a Coal) be put into a glazed Pan or Dish,
yet with this Caution, that no Urine be mixed therewith; because
that will be injurious. Indeed these Excrements will have a very evil
Odour, but that you may take away their stink, and convert them
into an Universal Medicine, proceed thus.
If these Excrements be in weight one pound, or somewhat above,
pour on them two Ounces of well dephlegmated Oil of Sulphur, or in
defect of that, as much strong and well rectified Oil of Vitriol; mix
the whole well stirring it with a wooden Spatula, that the Oil may act
upon the Excrements: Expose the whole to the Air for one Night;
and that mineral Fire will calcine the Dung Philosophically, and
deprive it of all its stink, without any diminution of its Weight; which
is very strange. And if any part of the evil Odour should be left
remaining, add to it again one Ounce and half of the Mineral Fire,
and suffer them to stand together for one Day and Night. Then must
you also have in readiness the Animal Fire, viz. Spirit of Urine exactly
rectified, of which pour leisurely and by degrees upon the Dung, so
much, as until both those contrary Spirits cease to act each upon
other, and are still: For then those two contending Fires have
mortified each other, whence a middle Salt is generated. Upon this
mixture put into a Glass do you also pour so much of the Vegetable
Fire, (that is, of the best Spirit of Wine) as may rise in height above
it two fingers breadth. Set this glass in Balneo, and digest the whole
for twenty four hours: For in that time the Spirit of Wine dissolveth
that Salt, which proceeded from both the contrary Fires, together
with the Microcosmick Salt, Sulphur and Mercury; and from that
Gold, now the second time inverted, extracts the Tincture, which it
hath, and is thereby tinged red as Blood. This Tincture pour off, and
re-pour on other Spirit of Wine, and let that also stand twenty four
hours in Balneo for extracting what remains: but this will have but
little Tincture, because the first extraction drew forth almost all. Add
both extractions together, and in Balneo, with very gentle heat, by
Alembick abstract the Spirit of Wine from the Tincture; then will
remain in the bottom of the Vessel a very red and pleasant Salt;
upon which must be poured so much Aromatick Spirit of Wine, as
will suffice to dissolve all the Salt. Which Solution pour out from the
Glass it was dissolved in, into a strong and very clean Glass-bottle,
and keep it by you as a most pretious Treasure.
The Dose of it is very small: for if you give, at one time, 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, or 6 drops, it will provoke Urine, expel Sweat, and the Stone also
powerfully. But if the dose be augmented, it purgeth the Belly, and
that without any molestation. In a word, this Universal Medicine may
safely be used in all Diseases. Yet because I intend brevity, I forbear
to write more touching this Medicine.
The Excrements or Fæces, from which this Tincture is extracted,
are not to be cast away, but must be calcined with Fire till they are
red hot, and (after a strong Aqua Regia hath been poured upon
them) the remaining Gold, which was not before extracted, must be
dissolved. Yet you shall have very little of that; because the Man’s
Stomach did a second time invert that Gold, (which was once before
inverted) and made it reducible, so as it could be extracted with
Spirit of Wine by help of the Mineral and Animal Mercury. It is hard
for me to believe, that a more excellent Diuretick and Diaphoretick
Medicine can be found, than this Microcosmick Salt, which is tinged
with Sol. For you will know of how great vertue this Diuretick and
Diaphoretick Salt is, when you shall precipitate the acid Oil of
Sulphur (or in defect of that, rectified Oil of Vitriol) with good Spirit
of Urine, and reduce it into Salt. And will not such a Salt as this be
far more excellent, when Sulphur the (Philosophically calcined) Salt
and Mercury of the humane Body, together with the Tincture of Gold
have Access?
I have not writ any thing here of this Universal Medicine, to the
end it should be preferred before others, because I very well know,
we can of other Subjects prepare famous Medicines, and easily be
without humane Dung; but whatsoever I delivered here, I did it for
the good of all. For my part, I say, if any one hath no mind to
proceed in this Operation, let him forbear. It sufficeth me, that I
have signified to the World, how by the help of Art, all venomous
and stinking Subjects may be amended and cleansed.
Thus may the industrious Physician, by the benefit of the three
Principal Fires prepare many excellent Medicines, and before all
sluggish and careless Physicians be had in great honour by the Sick,
and obtain the favour of G O D and Men. For he may invert the
Venom of Vipers, Serpents and Scorpions, and convert the same into
an Antidote powerfull against the Pestilence, and other Venoms. He
also understands how to prepare a Medicament of Toads safe to be
given to dropsical Persons: of Spiders a Medicine healing the
Leprous; of Cantharides and May-Woms, a certain Salt good against
the Stone of the Reins and Bladder; of Earth-Worms, or Rain-Worms,
a venereal Experiment; of Opium, Tobacco and Henbane, a famous
Somniferous Medicine; of Wormwood a Stomachal and Antifebrile; of
Hellebore, Agarick, Spurge, Asarabacca, Squill, and the like, an
Universal Purging Salt; of Pearch-Stones, and Crabs-Eyes, a
Nephritick Medicine against the Stone of the Reins and Bladder; and
of Napellus, Stavesacre, and Wake Robbin, a famous Antipodagrick.
These, and other such most excellent and presently medicinal Salts
may after the same manner be prepared: These, for the health of
infirm Mankind I could not content my self to conceal. Indeed I
could have writ more at large touching this matter; but brevity,
which I now study, forbids a more ample Declaration.
C H A P. X.
Of the Nature and Property of that Fire, which lies hid in Tartar, or
the Stony Fæces of Wine.
C H A P. XI.
C H A P. XV.
Another Magnet.
Hang up in the hot Sun Jugs or Glasses full of such water; which
of their own accord will their contract so great Coldness, as you can
scarcely endure to touch them with your hand. To them, as is
abovesaid, water will adhere, and distil into the Tunnels set under
A Cold water is thus prepared. In common water, or Spirit of
Vitriol, dissolve of Sal. Armoniack and Salt-peter equal parts, as
much as can be dissolved. With this water fill your Glasses, and with
them, as is above shewed, extract water from the Air; and that will
be equal in vertue to the former. If you be desirous to extract
something more excellent from the Air, you must also expose to it
more excellent Magnets. For as is the Magnet so it extracts.
How from Gold its Tincture may be extracted by help of a Magnet.
R ecipe of most pure Gold an ounce and a half, and of the Stellate
Regulus of Antimony made with Steel, one ounce, both which
melt together in a covered Crucible; and whilst in flux cast at times a
little Salt-peter, until the Niter shall have extracted all the Regulus of
Antimony from the Gold, and turned it into Scoria’s. Permit the
whole to flow well for some time, that the Gold may well settle to
the bottom from the Scoria, which will flow like water. Then pour all
out into a Cone, where the Gold becomes a Regulus, which must be
separated from the Scorias. This Regulus of Sol comes forth much
paler than it was before. If this pallid Sol be again melted with the
aforesaid Martial Regulus, and the Regulus thence abstracted by the
help of salt Niter, the Gold will come forth a little paler than it did the
first time. If you repeat this Operation 8, 10, or 12 times, you will
find your Gold at length almost totally white, and that its Tincture is
extracted from it by the help of that Regulus. The Tincture of Sol is
absconded in the Scorias; this, by the benefit of a certain
Antipathetick Salt, will be precipitated from the Fæces liquified, like a
Regulus highly tinged.
Note: Yet in these Cases, the Precipitation must be warily handled,
lest you also precipitate the Regulus [of Antimony] together with it,
and so vitiate the Tincture. For this Extraction no vulgar Regulus is
conducent, but such onely, as is made of good Steel, and hath such
a property, as when a Flint is strook upon it, it yields fiery Sparks, no
otherwise, than as from hardned Steel. Which vertue, if it hath not,
it cannot rightly draw to it self the Tincture of Gold, but all
endeavour will be in vain. This Extraction, Cosmopolita, in his new
Chymical Light, hath very well described and discovered in these
words. Such Chalibs must be taken, as is endewed with power of
extracting that from the Rays of the Sun, which many have sought,
but few found. But further he saith: There is found yet another
Chalibs, which from Gold extracts its Seed (if it be united or copulate
with it 12 times) and thence is impregnated; but the Gold is infirmed
even to death. But the Chalybs or Magnet brings forth a Son, which
will be more excellent than his Father, viz. Gold, whence he
proceeded, whosoever knows this Magnet (of which Cosmopolita
makes mention, and an hint of the preparation whereof I have here
shewed) and understands how to use the same, in two or three
Days he will behold and find so great things, as with the joy thereof
his heart will be satisfied. For, if any one hath Philosophick Eyes, he
will see what is most pleasing, if not, he will be no more delighted
than a Swine, who among the Sweepings of Vineyards hath
swallowed an inestimable Pearl or Jewel, but knows not the
difference between a Pearl and that Dung.
C H A P. XX.
How by the benefit of a certain Metallick Salt, from Venus her Son
Cupid, or rather the true Mercury of Philosophers, may be
prepared in the space of One Day, so, as to sustain the Trial of
a Cupel: and indeed, it is neither Sol nor Lune, but a Tincture
most ample for certain white Subjects.