publication - Saumya
publication - Saumya
publication - Saumya
Tara, K., Singh, S., Kumar, R., Sundararajan, M.(2019), Geographical locations of
banks as an influencer for green banking adoption,
Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management 12(1), pp. 21-35 (Scopus)
Pandey P, Singh S & Pathak P, (2018) "Retail blues in black and white: an
emerging market context", International Journal of Retail & Distribution
Management, Vol.46 Issue:11/12, pp.1002-1025, (SSCI)
Kumari A, Garg C P & Singh S (2017), Modelling the critical success factors of
women entrepreneurship using Fuzzy AHP framework, Journal of
Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, Emerald, Vol 10, Issue 1, pp 81 - 116
(ESCI / Scopus)
Sinha P, Singh S (2017), Comparing Risks and Benefits for Value Enhancement of
Online Purchase, Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Vol. 19, No. 3
(September-December 2017), pp 307-326 (Scopus)
Gupta H & Singh S (2017), Social Media in Contemporary Marketing: YouTube
Advertising for the Guerrillas, Media Watch, Vol. 8 (3) pp 413-422 (Scopus)
Gupta H, Singh S & Sinha P (2016), Multimedia tool as a predictor for social
media advertising - a YouTube way, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(18), pp.
18557-18568 (SCIE / Scopus)
Safiullah M., Pathak P., Singh S, (2017) Social media as an upcoming tool for
political marketing effectiveness, Asia Pacific Management Review, Volume 22, Issue
1, Pages 10-15 (Scopus / ESCI)
Kuang, Y., Singh, R., Singh, S., Singh, S.P. (2016), A novel macroeconomic
forecasting model based on revised multimedia assisted BP neural network
model and ant Colony algorithm, Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(18), pp.
18749-18770 (SCIE / Scopus)
Kujur, F, Singh, F (2016), Social Networking Sites as a Multimedia Tool for Brand
Popularity – An Exploratory Study, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 9
No 45, pp 1 – 7 (Scopus)
Pathak P, Sharma R & Singh S (2014), Reinventing the Society – The Search
for a Paradigm’ MacMillan Publishers India Limited