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To create fresh value-oriented designs, add
versa lity, shape percep on, ride the wave of
challenges, make new mistakes, grow stronger,
reinvent and bask in the soul gra fica on of
illumina ng band experiences.
That’s the commercial, cultural and spiritual
ethos of White Warbler Communica on Pvt. Ltd.
WWC Studio
We are WWC.
Design Mavericks, Brand Transformers, Innova e Marketers, Master Storytellers,
Impac ul for the Digital Age!

WWC empowers brands - no mater how big or small - successfully embrace their
Brand Avatar Transforma on in a fast paced Digital and Hyper consumerist Age.

As your brand competes with the modern consumer’s shorter a en on span,

WWC breathes life into your desire for change and renewed vision — vision for a
revamped brand look & feel, vision to ace the market’s visual and commercial
pulse, vision to go beyond the mundane and ul mately, the vision to flourish and
grow in a highly compe ve business environment.

Our team understands the finer nuances of design in all its glorious
manifesta ons. Band Design, Packaging Design, Adver sing Campaign Design,
Photoshoots, TVCs, Marke ng Statergy & Events Design, Web Design, Digital
Marke ng. We do it all. And we excel at it.
WWC’s BuzzKit
As crea ve hustlers, we love breathing life into our ar s c ways and commercial strategies.

InspirAct or Inspire To Act.

That’s our crea ve philosophy for work & beyond. InspirAct is a unique chain of
Inspira on-Driven Ac ons, Designs & Environments exclusively created by WWC to benefit
brands and consumers.
In an era of Inspira on-Driven Stories and Compulsive Call-To-Ac ons, we empower consumers
make an informed choice through our crea ve campaigns.

In an era buzzing with repe ve Call-To-Ac onse help brands make sense of theirs.

Through crea ve collabora on, we help companies achieve deeper brand loyalty and deliver
beyond conven onal perormance metrics.

By minimizing chaos, we give way to meaning, we give way to inspira on, we give way to
informed ac on.

To achieve meaning, we dive deep into various Inspira on- Worthy A ribute of a brand or
product — tangible as well as intangible.
For Team WWC, the virtue of InspirAct lies in chronicling a brand’s journey - the milestones, the success,
the learnings.

Our designs and creative campaigns are deeply rooted in inspiration. When a brand story resonates with our
crea ve and commercial sensibili es, Buzz-Worthy Stuff Happens.
WWC’s 3-Fold Process: A Deligh ul Origami of Sorts

Creativity is a surprising process. Creativity is a well-articulated expression of ideas, thoughts and goals.

While we believe that each brand is unique, every project we accept is broadly broken down into 3 phases:

ContACT / Insight & Strategy

ReACT / Synthesis & Decision

ImpACT / Production & Q.C.

contACT / Insight & Strategy
Undertaking an exploratory journey through and beyond your brand and its immediate context.
We observe, listen to and ques ons our target customers and compe tors.
We dissect the market condi ons and dynamics o gain insight into your brand's drivers and roadblocks.

reACT / Synthesis & Decision

We look at each deliverable with prime two ques ons in mind:
First, is it memorable and well-designed?
Second, does it meet our clients’ goals?
We work on end-results un l the answer to both is a resounding “Yes!”

We define why your brand exists, what your brand will stand for and how it will reinforce an emo onal connect
with your consumers.

impACT / Produc on & QC.

Our premium quality Produc on design ensues that your consumers stop in their tracks and take a second
glance at your Brand.

As a ‘touch-point’ conscious agency, we work on building a Brand Personality that promotes consumer
engagement with your brand, at loca ons and environments that maaer the most.
WWC Capability & Services
We work with leading brands and smart emerging businesses to script their stories and create tangible
experiences that sets them apart from the compe on and creates a connect with their customers.

This includes illumina ng their band strategy, crea ng dis nct branding and visual iden es, packaging,
communica on, environments and digital experiences.

Iden ty Product & Packaging Communication Environment & Spaces

Name Range architecture Corporate communica on Office space

Tag line Special edi on pack Way finding / Signages Merchandising
Logo / brand mark Product 3d structure Brand language In store iden ty
Visual assets Compa bility & eatures Tone of voice Outdoor communica on
Brand language Visual communica on Annual report Fleet
Brand crea on Produc on assitance Social media
Artwork making Website
and n’joy
D r ink

D r ink and


Innovate Integrate Deliver

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