1) The question paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING & GRAMMAR and LITERATURE.
2) Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
1.1 The author calls the child in the passage persistent because he/she_________.
a. acts bossy
b. threatens to attack the author
c. won’t budge unless attended upon
d. blocks the author’s way
1.2 In the passage, the author seems to be constantly fighting with herself as she ________.
a. cannot stand these children
b. cannot decide the right course of action
c. wants a world free of such children
d. wants to provide financial aid to them
1.3 Which option best describes the central idea of the passage?
1.5 Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘refuse’ in para 6?
a. wonder
b. reject
c. consequently
d. ineffective
1. The crowd at bus stops in Mumbai and its suburbs were growing bigger by the day.
Packed buses used to come and leave, with few able to get in. Frustration was building up
but commuters had little choice. As Mumbai tried to unlock its economy and more and more
offices opened up and industries were trying to get back to business, the attempt at normalcy
still required the restoration of a vital missing link, suburban, or ‘local’, commuter trains, the
city’s lifeline.
2. Since the Covid outbreak, local trains had stopped running in the Mumbai Metropolitan
Region (MMR), except restricted operations for health and essential services workers, those
in the pharmaceutical & food industries and bankers and lawyers. An exception was also
made for women commuters for whom train services resumed in October 2022 in two-time
slots, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 12.40 a.m., the last train.
3. The Maharashtra government was keen on a full resumption of local train services and had
been in talks, albeit unsuccessful so far, with the railways. In October 2022, the state
government requested the railways to open up the local train network for everyone in
Mumbai and suggested three time- bands for travel: 4 a.m. (the first local train) to 7.30 am,
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 12.40 a.m. The railways refused citing the risk to passengers
from the pandemic.
4. Before Covid struck, the suburban rail network used to run some 2,200 daily train services
across MMR. While the official capacity of each train is 1,700 passengers, nearly double that
number cram in during rush hour.
5. Under pressure to alleviate commuter woes while still ensuring that the new travel
arrangements were Covid-safe, the state government had considered staggered working
hours in the MMR. Most private and government offices in the MMR have 9-to-5 timings,
which puts great pressure on the city’s public transport system between 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. in
the morning and 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the evening. Officials believed crowding on public
transport could be significantly reduced, or at least managed, by changing office timings to
11 a.m.-7 p.m. and 2 p.m.-10 p.m.
Indian Railways was keen to resume Railways thought that resumption of local train
local train services in MMR. services was too risky for the commuters.
1 2
2.4 How many passengers were being carried by a local during the rush hours before the
Covid outbreak?
2.5 What suggestion was proposed by the state railway officials to reduce pressure on
public transport?
3. Write a factual description on any childhood memory that has had a great impact on your life. 5
(100-120 words)
A Career Fest was recently organised in your school wherein reputed colleges and universities
of Europe participated and gave information about their undergraduate and graduate programs.
Write a factual description of the same in 100-120 words.
iii. Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the following 1
The school has organized ‘The Achiever’s Award Ceremony’ to give recognition to the bright
intellects in the year.
iv. Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the following. 1
I gave away ________ money that I had to the person in need.
a. little
b. few
c. a little
d. the little
The male patient said, “I have tried all medication but this medicine is working well with me.”
5. Read the given extract and answer ANY THREE of the following questions. [1x3=3]
i. How did Abdul Kalam’s father help to reconcile his mother to his leaving home for further
ii. In which way did the sight of the last leaf affect Johnsy?
iii. What thoughts passed through the doctor’s mind as he looked into the mirror?
iv. How did St. Peter meet the old woman?
7. Answer ANY TWO of the following questions in about 100-120 words each. [4x2=8]
i. ‘The Last Leaf’ is a message of courage, hope and optimism. Do you agree? Why/Why not?
ii. How did the stupidity and greed bring about the downfall of the foolish king and his
iii. “…his (Einstein’s) mother thought Albert was a freak.” Do you think geniuses show
eccentricity in their behaviour? Explain giving your reasons and with reference to the
lesson ‘A Truly Beautiful Mind’.