Black shales from the southern Appalachian Basin and the southwest Welsh Basin have anomalous U–Pb and Nd model ages
suggesting syn- and post-depositional resetting of the Sm–Nd and U–Pb isotopic systems. This alteration to the primary detrital
signature of these two shale sequences is indicative of black shale diagenetic/depositional processes that obscure paleo-
environmental and provenance information recorded prior to and during deposition. The trace element and isotopic signatures of
these two shale sequences reveal a syn-/post-depositional history that is de-coupled from the coeval orogenic history of the region
making it difficult to reconstruct the tectonic and oceanographic conditions present at the time of deposition.
Both the Ordovivian Welsh Basin and the Devonian Appalachian Basin sequences host REE- and U-bearing diagenetic
phosphate minerals that play a critical role in the whole rock REE and U budgets. In the Welsh Basin shales, early diagenetic
apatite and a later monazite phase dominate the REE budget and cause the redistribution of REE early in the basin's history (ca.
460 Ma). This redistribution is recorded by the Sm–Nd system (450 ± 90 Ma) and the Nd model ages that are anomalously
old by as much as 20% (TDM N 2.0 Ga). This early history is complicated by a Permo-Triassic fluid event affecting the whole rock
U-budget and resetting the U–Pb isotopic system at 193 ± 45 Ma. The Appalachian Basin sequence appears to have a much less
complicated history yet still records a significant disturbance in both the Sm–Nd isotopic system (392 ± 76 Ma) and the Pb isotopic
system (340 ± 50 Ma) at about the time of deposition (ca. 365 Ma).
These two sequences suggest a pattern of diagenetic disturbance common to black shales. These processes are unique to black
shales and must be considered when interpreting provenance and paleo-environmental information from the black shale sequences.
Although these rocks are susceptible to alteration, the alteration may provide extensive information on the post-depositional history
of the basin while still retaining some primary depositional information. If black shale processes are considered during the
interpretation of isotopic and trace element signatures from organic-rich shales, it may be possible to recover an extensive basin
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Physics, Astronomy, and Geosciences, Towson University, 8000 York Road, Towson, MD 21252, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M. Lev).
0012-8252/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14
4 S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14
2.2. Appalachian Basin been interpreted to mark the deeper water transgressive
phase of the probable fourth order eustatic sea level cycles
The Devonian samples in this study are from distal (Filer, 2002). Both nodular concretions as well as one
marine shales deposited in the Appalachian foreland basin continuous bed of siderite are present as well. Most of the
(eastern United States) associated with the Late Devonian samples analyzed for the current study come from the Java
portion of the Acadian orogeny. Unweathered kilogram Formation (Fig. 4). The transition to the overlying lower
sized samples were collected from an exposure in Huron Member equivalents is abrupt, and this unit consists
southwestern Virginia (Fig. 2). The sampled interval is of about 60 m of generally massive dark organic rich
within the lower black shale member of the Chattanooga shale. Only two samples from the very base of the lower
Shale, and, according to a published reference section, is Huron Member were analyzed (Fig. 4).
equivalent to the Java Formation of New York State and Regionally, Devonian and younger strata were sub-
the overlying basal lower Huron Shale Member of the jected to fold and thrust deformation during the Late
Ohio Shale (Fig. 3, Filer et al., 1996). Over (2002) Paleozoic Alleghenian orogeny. The sampled exposure
examined the conodont biostratigraphy of this outcrop. He occurs in the roadcuts near the crest, but on the northwest
placed the boundary between the Frasnian and Famennian flank of the Powell Valley anticline within the Pine Moun-
Stages (364 Ma, Gradstein and Ogg, 1996) near the top of tain thrust sheet (Filer et al., 1996). Just to the northwest of
the Java Formation equivalents, about 1.4 m below the the sample locality, the strata are relatively flat lying, and
base of the equivalents of the lower Huron Shale (Fig. 3). the sampled interval is overlain by as much as 1650 m of
The Java Formation equivalents in the area consist of a the preserved younger Devonian, Mississippian, and lower
20 m thick interbedded sequence of thin (typically 0.3 to Pennsylvanian strata (Filer et al., 1996). The youngest,
1 m) organic-rich dark grey to black shales and thicker exposed lower Pennsylvanian strata contain bituminous
medium grey, organic poor shales. The sampled outcrop coals (Nolde et al., 1986; Henika, 1988), attesting to the
exposes the upper 18 m of the Java Formation (Fig. 3). significantly deeper burial by some point in the Late
Black shale-grey shale cyclicity is a basin wide phenom- Paleozoic. Based on the regional conodont alteration index
enon in the Java and older units, and the black shales have and the vitrinite reflectance data (Harris, 1978; Struble,
Fig. 2. Location of the section sampled. The solid line is a composite estimated shoreline with sediment input points labeled as lobes.
S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14 5
Fig. 3. Stratigraphic nomenclature applied to the study area in the Appalachian Basin. Shading indicates the two fourth-order basinwide sedimentation
cycles to be sampled.
1983), a maximum heating in the vicinity of 100–120 °C average upper crustal source (∼1.5 to 1.8 Ga) for
and the burial depth of about 3.5 km, assuming a typical Ordovician age (ca. 460 Ma) Welsh Basin sediments
geothermal gradient are likely (Hunt, 1979). (Thorogood, 1990; Evans, 1992; Lev et al., 1999).
According to Thorogood, the only deviations from this
3. Provenance and black shale processes in the source character are excursions toward younger values
Welsh Basin that are consistent with input from a volcanic arc source
during the Llanvirn and Caradoc. The source of the
Previously published Sm–Nd whole rock (shale) volcanic arc component is likely ash from active
isotopic data from the Welsh Basin suggest a uniform volcanism in the southern portion of the Welsh Basin
Fig. 4. Stratigraphic column of the section sampled. Total organic carbon (TOC wt.%) values are listed with the sample numbers.
6 S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14
Fig. 6. Plot of depleted mantle model age (TDM) vs. 147Sm/144Nd demonstrating the effects of changing 147Sm/143Nd on Nd model age. The dashed
line represents the pathway a normal Ordovician shale from the Welsh basin would follow by increasing and decreasing 147Sm/144Nd at the time of
sedimentation (e.g. 460 Ma). Data from work by Lev et al. (1999), Evans (1992), and Thorogood (1990) are plotted and exhibit an unusually large
range of 147Sm/144Nd values for shales derived from the upper crust. In addition these rocks lie outside the expected provenance range for the Welsh
Basin and lie along the predicted path for the diagenetic redistribution of REE.
S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14 7
Table 1
Whole rock Sm–Nd isotope data from Java Formation shales with in the Appalachian Basin
Sample ID Sm (ppm) Nd (ppm) 147
Sm/144Nd 143
Nd/144Nd ɛNd Today ɛNd 365 Ma TDM (Ga)
Fig. 10. Plot of depleted mantle model age (TDM) vs. 147Sm/144Nd demonstrating the effects of changing 147Sm/143Nd on Nd model age. The dashed
line represents the pathway a normal Devonian shale from the southern Appalachian basin would follow by increasing and decreasing 147Sm/144Nd at
the time of sedimentation (e.g. 365 Ma). These rocks lie outside the expected provenance range for the southern Appalachian Basin and lie along the
predicted path for the diagenetic redistribution of REE.
space, this redistribution event is clear (Fig. 10). As in the sition for this sequence. If the effects of the U-enrichment
case of the Welsh Basin shales, these Appalachian Basin on the Pb isotope system are accounted for, the whole rock
shales seem to have been affected by a syn-/post-depo- Pb isotopic signature at the time of deposition can be
sitional process capable of redistributing the REE. REE recovered. This type of correction has been applied by Lev
whole rock data and associated modeling for these rocks
published elsewhere (Lev and Filer, 2004) suggest that the
formation of a REE-bearing phase (i.e. apatite) during the
early diagenetic black shale processes discussed previ-
ously, is likely responsible for the disturbance of the Sm–
Nd system.
Fig. 13. Devonian age Appalachian Basin shales from Lev and Filer (in press) (black squares) are plotted in 206Pb/204Pb vs. 207Pb/204Pb space. Also
plotted are a Stacey and Kramers (1975) and μ = 8 Pb evolution curve along with a reference line showing Pb evolution from 365 to today. The white
squares are the Pb isotopic compositions re-calculated at the time of deposition (365 Ma). The re-calculated Pb isotopic compositions overlap a field of
Ordovician age shales from the northern Appalachian Basin with a predominantly Grenville aged source, possibly indicating a similar source character.
S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14 11
Fig. 15. Plot of TDM vs. 147Sm/144Nd demonstrating the effects of a changing 147Sm/143Nd on Nd model age. The dashed line represents the pathway a
normal shale with a model are in the range of 1.5 to 1.8 Ga would follow by increasing and decreasing 147Sm/144Nd at the time of sedimentation (e.g.
460 Ma).
12 S.M. Lev et al. / Earth-Science Reviews 86 (2008) 1–14
Fig. 16. Plot of U/Pb ratios vs. U concentrations (ppm) with a pathway
illustrating the effect on NASC during syn-depositional gain of U. Acknowledgement is made to the donors of The
Petroleum Research Fund, administered by the American
documented previously and a model of this process is Chemical Society, for support of this research. Support
presented in Fig. 16 (Lev et al., 2000; Lev and Filer, 2004). was also provided by National Science Foundation grant
DMR 0116619.
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