Practices on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle of University of Mindanao Criminology Students in Addressing the Issue of Climate Change
Practices on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle of University of Mindanao Criminology Students in Addressing the Issue of Climate Change
Practices on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle of University of Mindanao Criminology Students in Addressing the Issue of Climate Change
ISSN: 2581-7922,
Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2024
ABSTRACT: This study aimed to assess the Practice of reusing, reducing, and recycling of University of
Mindanao Criminology students in addressing climate change issues. The participants of this study were
Criminology students of the University of Mindanao, and are doing (300) research participants from each year
level were used for a total of 400 respondents. This study's research subjects are all enrolled Criminology
Students at the University of Mindanao who are taking Face to Face classes. The researcher used a survey
questionnaire to assess criminology students' Practice on reuse, reducing, and recycling of University of
Mindanao Criminology students in addressing climate change issues. The questionnaire for this study was
divided into two parts: the first was Reuse, Reduce, Recycle question, and the second part was the Perception on
climate change question. The researcher used Descriptive Correlational Research; when the data was gathered,
it was statistically analyzed and interpreted by the statistician using the mean. Overall, the Practice of 3Rs in
Addressing Climate Change Issues has a range of 3.64 which implies that the Practice of reuse, reduce, and
recycle by University of Mindanao Criminology students in addressing the issues of climate change is often
exhibited among participants. Statistical tools are used in analyzing and interpreting the data retrieved from the
questionnaire. The mean was used to determine the central tendency of the data, which is the Practice of reuse,
reducing, recycle of University of Mindanao Criminology students. The Pearson correlation coefficient was
used to analyze the data gathered from the respondents. The variables have a significant relationship as they
move in the same direction. They could use the result as supplementary data to show a locally- conducted study
about the subject and may conduct a further study using more participants to gain further information on this
subject matter to fill in the opportunities present in this study.
KEYWORDS -reuse, reduce, recycle, climate change, college students, Davao City, Philippine, Criminology
The world faces climate change, an unavoidable environmental threat of the 21 st century, and is looking
for ways to adapt and lessen its effects (IPCC, 2022). The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCC) defines climate change as "a change that is ascribed directly or indirectly to human activities
that modify the composition of the global atmosphere across similar periods." Life on Earth has already started
to alter due to climate change. Seasons are changing, temperatures are rising, and sea levels are rising
worldwide (NOAA, 2019).
The impact of climate change on our lives and the environment is a complex and multifaceted issue that
cannot be ignored. The changes in temperature and precipitation patterns and the increase in extreme weather
events significantly impact our food supply. Temperature changes, for instance, can lead to changes in crop
yields, crop pests, and disease outbreaks. Similarly, changes in precipitation patterns can lead to water scarcity
and drought, harming our food supply; climate change also affects transportation options. As the world gets
warmer, the demand for cooling and air conditioning will increase, increasing energy consumption and
greenhouse gas emissions. This can be a significant problem, especially in urban areas, where the concentration
of vehicles and buildings can exacerbate the problem. Furthermore, rising sea levels can also impact
transportation infrastructure such as roads, bridges, ports., wardrobe preferences, and vacation destinations.
This impact also extends to our future, health, and capacity for survival. However, the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) statement that "human activity has been the primary cause of the observed
warming since the mid-20th century encapsulates the consensus position (Qin, 2014, p. 17) for the reason that
we are the ones that raise livestock, consume fossil fuels, and remove forests that increase the atmosphere's
concentration of gases that trap heat.
Moreover, the education sector is also directly impacted by climate change, based on the evidence,
through repercussions such as infrastructure damage, material loss, student and teacher injuries and deaths, and
emotional stress brought on by exposure to extreme weather events. A study by Bucharest found that many
academic institutions lacked the resources to maintain effective waste management (Lojă, 2012).
In addition, Parocha. (2015) noted that despite numerous attempts to implement a solid waste strategy. It
was discovered that students did not know enough about segregation. However, teachers' competitiveness and
incentive to succeed in solid waste management activities encouraged students to segregate correctly. A study
by a reliable recycling program must be run because most of the waste produced on campuses is recyclable. The
achievement of a student is directly correlated with the school climate. Based on a study, it can, for instance,
increase graduation rates, attendance, achievement, and retention. There are numerous facets to the school
atmosphere. Educators can identify critical areas to concentrate on to establish safe and supportive climates in
their schoolsby defining a framework for assessing school climate. Beyond doing everything in our power to
reduce emissions and slow down the rate of global warming, we must adapt to the effects of climate change in
order to safeguard our communities and ourselves (Moqbel, 2018).
The study adopted the 3 R's as a Climate Change Mitigation Strategy (United Nations Environment
Programme, 2018); the theory posits that by implementing the 3 R's—reuse, recycle, and reduce—societies can
effectively reduce GHG emissions, conserve resources, and minimize environmental degradation. This, in turn,
contributes to the mitigation of climate change impacts. The references provided offer more detailed information
and can be a starting point for further exploration. By adopting the principles of reuse, recycling, and reduction,
societies can significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, conserve natural resources, and minimize
environmental degradation, thereby mitigating the impacts of climate change.
The Circular Economy theory supported the study (Geissdoerfer, 2017); the circular economy is an
economic model aiming to maximize resource value while minimizing waste and environmental impact. It
promotes a closed-loop system where products and materials are reused, repaired, and recycled rather than
disposed of as waste. This concept aligns with the principles of the three R's and provides a holistic approach to
addressing climate change. By implementing the principles of the Circular Economy, societies can reduce their
reliance on virgin materials and decrease the energy and resource consumption associated with extraction and
production. This, in turn, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and slows down the depletion of natural resources.
Shown in Figure 1 is the conceptual Framework of the study consisting of independent and dependent
variables. The independent variable is the practices of 3Rs (Paghasian, 2017) with the following indicators:
Reuse, which refers to utilizing products or materials for their intended purpose multiple times or extending their
lifespan through repair, refurbishment, or repurposing. It involves finding alternative ways to use an item
without being discarded as waste; recycling involves collecting, sorting, and processing waste materials to
transform them into new products or raw materials. It aims to extract valuable resources from waste and
reintroduce them into the production cycle, reduce referring to the conscious effort to decrease the consumption
of goods and resources, and minimize waste generation. It involves making choices that result in fewer
materials, less energy consumption, and reduced environmental impact.
On the other hand, the dependent variable is the level of Perception of climate change (Li & Monroe,
2017) indicated by personal-sphere will and way (PW), which refers to individual motivation, intention, and
ability to take action or make changes within one's sphere of influence. It involves personal choices, behaviors,
and actions contributing to addressing a particular issue or achieving a specific goal.; collective-sphere will and
way (CW) refers to a group or community's collective motivation, intention, and ability to work together and
take action to address an issue or achieve a common goal. It involves collaborative efforts, shared responsibility,
collective decision-making.; and lack of will and way (LW), which to a situation where individuals or
communities lack the motivation, intention, or ability to take action or make changes concerning a particular
issue or goal. It represents a lack of commitment, interest, or resources hindering progress or desired outcomes.
The following terms are defined operationally for a clear understanding of the readers. Practice on 3 R’
refers to the actions and behaviors of students at the University of Mindanao to reduce, reuse, and recycle
materials and resources to minimize environmental harms and address climate change. Climate change refers to
the long-term alteration of the Earth’s climate patterns due to natural or human factors, such as greenhouse gas
emissions, deforestation, and land use changes, that have significant impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and
human well-being; Green criminology refers to a branch of criminology that studies environmental harms and
crimes against the environment broadly conceived, including the study of environmental law and policy,
corporate crimes against the environment, and environmental justice from a criminological perspective.
The study aims to investigate the effectiveness of practicing the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to
address the climate change issue among students at the University of Mindanao. The study aims to achieve the
following objectives: first, to ascertain the level of Practice on the 3 R's (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) among
Criminology students at the University of Mindanao regarding Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. The second is to
assess the level of Perception of Climate change among Criminology students' personal-sphere will and way
(PW), collective-sphere will and way (CW), and lack of will and way (LW). Lastly, to determine the significant
relationship between the level of reuse, recycle and reduce practices and the level of Perception of climate
change among Criminology students of the University of Mindanao.
Furthermore, the formulated null hypotheses were tested at the level of significance of 0.05. It assumed
that there is no significant relationship between the level of reuse, recycle and reduce practices and the level of
Perception of climate change among Criminology students of the University of Mindanao.
The findings of the study provided baseline data to the following individuals or groups of individuals:
The administration; the results of this study were crucial to the college's executives in their needs analysis for
putting a Solid Waste Management Program through practicing the 3 R's in place on a campus-wide scale. The
results indicated that structure and facilities should be offered, rules should be followed, and penalties and
consequences should be implemented. The UM personnel will gain pertinent KnowledgeKnowledge about the
practices of their coworkers who participated, thanks to the study's findings. They will know the need for proper
garbage disposal in their line of work. The Criminology students: These people can better understand their roles
in promoting proper garbage disposal, mainly the 3 R's, thanks to the study's findings. They can serve as
positive role models for their families as well as other students. The future researchers this research will guide
future research on the impact of practicing the 3 R's in different educational contexts and regions, advancing
efforts to address environmental issues.
This part illustrates and discusses the methodology for acquiring data, evaluating data, and presenting the
instrument. The study design, research respondents, research instrument, research procedure, and statistical tools
used are all part of this.
Research Respondent
The respondents in this study were college students from 1st year to 3rd-year criminology students in the
first semester of SY: 2022-2023. The researcher took 400 Criminology students as respondents to the study. In
selecting the respondents, the researchers considered a purposive sampling technique because, based on (Ang-ug
et al., 2014), this technique is founded on the selection of respondents based on the premise that there were good
groups to address the phenomena and purpose of the study. The study took place at the University of Mindanao,
particularly in Matina Campus. In terms of inclusion, respondents taken were willing criminology students,
while in terms of exclusion, those students from other programs. Regarding withdrawal, criminology students
who have expressed willingness and later on changed their mind and opted to discontinue their participation
have all the right to do so; it was their prerogative, and the researchers respected their decision.
Table 1 indicates that the overall level of Practice of 3.36 (SD=.28), which suggests that students have a
high level of understanding and Practice of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) in addressing climate change
issues. This is supported by the study of Ramdan et al. (2022) that 74% of respondents ranked the 3Rs as the
first or most preferable way to dispose of waste, and the sources of information related to 3Rs were from
different mediums such as posters, news or newspapers, and through educational seminars and workshops.
Table 2
Level of Perception on Climate Change
Indicators Mean SD Descr
iptive Level
Personal-sphere will and way (PW) 4.38 .45 Very
Collective-sphere will and way (CW) 3.75 .66 High
Lack of will and way (LW) 4.25 .48 Very
Overall 4.05 .46 High
Table 2 shows that students have a high perception of climate change, with an overall level of 4.05
(SD=.46). This is consistent with the findings of a study by Hasan and Kumar (2019), which found that the
majority of farmers (61%) perceived climate change at a medium level (score 46 to 90). Students are also more
likely to be exposed to information about climate change through their education and social media. Moreover, a
study on farmers' Perceptions of climate change by Ado et al. (2019) found that 95% of respondents said that
climate change harmed their ability to produce crops, and 92.25% said that it harmed their ability to support
their households.
Table 3
Correlation of 3R's Practices and Perception of Climate Change
The Practice of 3R's in Addressing Issues in Climate
Perception of Reduce Reuse Recycle Ov
Climate Change erall
Personal-sphere will .258* .215* -.107* .24
and way (PW) .000 .000 .000 4*
The Practice of the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle) is significantly and positively associated with
personal-sphere will and way (PW), collective-sphere will and way (CW), and lack of will and way (LW), as
indicated by the R-values of 0.244*, 0.239*, and 0.236* respectively. The p-value of 0.000 indicates that these
correlations are highly statistically significant, providing strong evidence for the relationships observed. This
suggests that individuals who engage in the 3Rs tend to have a stronger sense of personal and collective
motivation and a reduced sense of apathy or lack of motivation.
Furthermore, the Perception of climate change is significantly and positively correlated with the Practice
of reducing (r = 0.394*) and reusing (r = 0.207*). This implies that individuals with a higher perception of
climate change are more likely to actively reduce their consumption and reuse resources. Conversely, the
Perception of climate change has a statistically significant negative correlation with the Practice of recycling (r
= -0.194). This finding suggests that individuals with a stronger perception of climate change may be less likely
to rely solely on recycling as a means of environmental conservation. These results are consistent with a study
conducted by Suberi et al. (2018), where 79% of the participants recognized the impact of climate change on
their daily activities. It further reinforces the importance of promoting the 3Rs as effective strategies for
addressing climate change.
V. Acknowledgements
The researcher would like to express our profound gratitude and admiration to the following individuals:
Thank you to Prof. Irish Pioneta-Bandolos, MSCJ, our research coordination and research instructor,
for providing the information we needed to complete this project.
Thank you to Carmelita B. Chavez, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education, for
allowing us to perform this research.
To Prof. Mechelle C. Gempesao, MSCJ, our research adviser, who trained, encouraged, supported, and
guided us while doing our research and also who kept us checking and disseminating information.
To our validators, Prof. Eduardo C. Berco Jr., MSCrim, and Prof. Andre A. Cardenas Jr., for their
KnowledgeKnowledge, encouragement, patience with health, and suggest ideas to improve our research.
To Prof. Joey C. Oliveros, MA Ed., our statistician, who assisted us with our data and directed assisted
us in our results and statistical procedures.
Thank you to our respondents who, despite their busy schedules as students, gave us their time and
patience to complete the surveys in person. To our Family and Friend who encouraged us and prayed for us.
Furthermore, we are grateful to our AlmightyFather. He istheglory.
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