A little garlic every day can go a long way in helping you to protect, as well as boost, your
health. To reap the most health benefits from garlic, eat it in its raw state. Cooked garlic loses a
significant amount of its medicinal qualities.
Reduces Weight:
Many researchers believe that the anti-inflammatory property in garlic helps regulate the
formation of fat cells in the body, one of the primary factors in obesity. Garlic also is highly
diuretic in nature due to its essential oils and its low molecular weight sugars.The anti-
inflammatory property of 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin) found in garlic may help inhibit this
conversion. This may help prevent weight gain. Regular consumption of raw garlic or garlic
supplements can help you maintain a healthy body weight.
Inhibits Cancer:
Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, while also prevents certain
tumors from growing larger and reducing the size of certain tumors. The presence of allyl sulfur
in garlic can slow down the progress of cancerous cell growth. This anti-cancer property is due
to allyl sulphides found in garlic. PhIP, a type of heterocyclic amine (HCA), has been associated
with increased incidence of breast cancer among women. According to studies, diallyl sulphide
found in garlic inhibits the transformation of PhIP into carcinogens. Daily intake of garlic is
important for those who have a family history of cancer to lower their risk of many types of
Prevents Hypertension:
Studies have shown that garlic also reduces high blood pressure. Garlic acts as a vasodilator
which helps to widen the blood vessels, making blood flow smoother. Also garlic plays a huge
role in preventing the formation of blood clots. This helps to lower blood pressure. People with
high blood pressure must take garlic capsules daily for up to five months to lower blood pressure
level. It is essential to consult a health expert before taking garlic supplements.
Combat Allergies:
Garlic has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties that help the body fight different types of
allergies. It also has been shown to reduce airway inflammation due to allergies (allergic
rhinitis). It is highly recommended that people with allergies take a daily garlic supplement
during the allergy season. Raw garlic juice is a good option for rapid relief from itching due to
rashes, bug bites or any other kind of allergy.
Treats Cough:
Garlic is a surprisingly good source of vitamins C, B6 and the minerals selenium and manganese
– all of which strengthen the immune system. Also, its antibacterial properties make garlic a
wonderful treatment for coughs and other throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity
of upper respiratory infections. Garlic supplements can be taken on a regular basis to reduce the
frequency of colds. Garlic also is highly beneficial in treating various disorders of the lungs such
as asthma. It also promotes expectoration with coughs, making it irreplaceable for those with
chronic bronchitis.
Protect Heart:
Garlic protects our heart against cardiovascular problems like heart attacks and
atherosclerosis. This cardio-protective property can be attributed to various factors. With age,
the arteries tend to lose their ability to stretch. Garlic may help reduce this and may also protect
the heart from the damaging effects of free oxygen radicals. The sulphur-containing compounds
of garlic also prevent our blood vessels from becoming blocked and slow the development of
atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). The anti-clotting properties of ajoene help prevent
clots from forming inside the blood vessels.
Cures Toothache:
The antibacterial, analgesic and anesthetizing properties in garlic can help cure a toothache.
Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and
surrounding gum for instant relief. Keep in mind that garlic can be irritating to the gums.
Respiratory problems:
Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties
help in treating throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract
infections. Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a
priceless medicine. Its ability to promote expectoration makes it irreplaceable in chronic
Aids Digestion:
Garlic helps promote, relax and tone the digestive system. It can prevent blockage of gastric
pancreatic and intestinal juices that are responsible for digesting nutrients. Garlic also triggers
the liver to release toxins from the body, while at the same time protects the liver from harm.
Skin Infections:
The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and
athlete’s foot.
Stir up passions:
Garlic’s aphrodisiac property is due to its ability to increase the circulation.
To get the full benefits of garlic, try to eat it fresh and raw. Those who can’t tolerate the taste of
raw garlic can take it in powder, flake, paste or pill form. For most individuals, garlic does not
cause any serious side effects. However, when consumed in large quantities, garlic may cause
stomach irritation, heartburn or flatulence.
Soothe Psoriasis :
Since garlic has proven anti-inflammatory properties, it could be useful in relieving
uncomfortable psoriasis outbreaks. Try rubbing a little garlic oil on the affected area for smooth,
rash-free skin.
Controls Weight:
Garlic could help you control your weight, according to nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who cites a
study that showed mice eating a garlic-rich diet reduced their weight and fat stores. Try to cook
with garlic daily for tasty and waist-friendly meals.
Remove a Splinter:
Placing a slice of garlic over the sliver and covering it with a bandage or duct tape has been a
folk cure for years. As natural remedies gain in popularity, current bloggers swear this one
Protect Plants:
Garden pests don't like garlic, so make a natural pesticide using garlic, mineral oil, water, and
liquid soap. Pour into a spray bottle and mist your plants to keep away destructive critters.