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Descend Seeing Stars A Litrpg Sci Fi Adventure 1st Edition
David Burke
Second Edition
R a n g a r a j a n K . S u n d a ra m
Sanjiv R. Das
Principles and
The McGraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance, and
Real Estate
Stephen A. Ross
Franco Modigliani Professor of Finance and Economics
Sloan School of Management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Consulting Editor
Rangarajan K. Sundaram
Stern School of Business
New York University
New York, NY 10012
Sanjiv R. Das
Leavey School of Business
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA 95053
Published by McGraw-Hill Education, 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. Copyright © 2016 by McGraw-Hill
Education. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Previous edition © 2011. No part of this
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ISBN 978-0-07-803473-2
MHID 0-07-803473-6
All credits appearing on page or at the end of the book are considered to be an extension of the copyright page.
Sundaram, Rangarajan K.
Derivatives : principles and practice / Rangarajan K. Sundaram, Sanjiv R.
Das. – Second edition.
pages cm
ISBN 978-0-07-803473-2 (alk. paper)
1. Derivative securities. I. Das, Sanjiv R. (Sanjiv Ranjan) II. Title.
HG6024.A3S873 2016
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To my lovely daughter Aditi
to the memory of my beautiful wife Urmilla
. . . RKS
To my departed parents
Priya and Shikhar
. . . SRD
Brief Contents
Author Biographies xv 18 Exotic Options I: Path-Independent
Preface xvi Options 437
Acknowledgments xxi 19 Exotic Options II: Path-Dependent
Options 467
1 Introduction 1 20 Value-at-Risk 495
21 Convertible Bonds 516
PART ONE 22 Real Options 547
Futures and Forwards 19
2 Futures Markets 21 PART THREE
Swaps 567
3 Pricing Forwards and Futures I:
The Basic Theory 63 23 Interest Rate Swaps and Floating-Rate
Products 569
4 Pricing Forwards and Futures II: Building
on the Foundations 88 24 Equity Swaps 614
5 Hedging with Futures and Forwards 104 25 Currency and Commodity Swaps 632
6 Interest-Rate Forwards and Futures 126
Interest Rate Modeling 651
Options 155 26 The Term Structure of Interest Rates:
Concepts 653
7 Options Markets 157
27 Estimating the Yield Curve 671
8 Options: Payoffs and Trading
Strategies 173 28 Modeling Term-Structure
Movements 688
9 No-Arbitrage Restrictions on
Option Prices 199 29 Factor Models of the Term Structure 697
10 Early Exercise and Put-Call Parity 216 30 The Heath-Jarrow-Morton and Libor
Market Models 714
11 Option Pricing: A First Pass 231
12 Binomial Option Pricing 261 PART FIVE
13 Implementing Binomial Models 290 Credit Risk 753
14 The Black-Scholes Model 309 31 Credit Derivative Products 755
15 The Mathematics of Black-Scholes 346 32 Structural Models of Default Risk 789
16 Options Modeling: Beyond 33 Reduced-Form Models of
Black-Scholes 359 Default Risk 816
17 Sensitivity Analysis: The Option 34 Modeling Correlated Default 850
“Greeks” 401
Brief Contents vii
Bibliography B-1
Index I-1
Computation 1
35 Derivative Pricing with Finite
Differencing 3
36 Derivative Pricing with Monte Carlo
Simulation 23
37 Using Octave 45
Author Biographies xv 3.8 Futures Prices 75
3.9 Exercises 77
Preface xvi Appendix 3A Compounding Frequency 82
Acknowledgments xxi Appendix 3B Forward and Futures Prices with
Constant Interest Rates 84
Chapter 1 Appendix 3C Rolling Over Futures Contracts 86
Introduction 1
Chapter 4
1.1 Forward and Futures Contracts 5 Pricing Forwards and Futures II: Building
1.2 Options 9 on the Foundations 88
1.3 Swaps 10
1.4 Using Derivatives: Some Comments 12 4.1 Introduction 88
1.5 The Structure of this Book 16 4.2 From Theory to Reality 88
1.6 Exercises 17 4.3 The Implied Repo Rate 92
4.4 Transactions Costs 95
4.5 Forward Prices and Future Spot Prices 96
PART ONE 4.6 Index Arbitrage 97
Futures and Forwards 19 4.7 Exercises 100
Appendix 4A Forward Prices with Convenience
Chapter 2 Yields 103
Futures Markets 21
Chapter 5
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 The Functioning of Futures Exchanges 23 Hedging with Futures and Forwards 104
2.3 The Standardization of Futures Contracts 32 5.1 Introduction 104
2.4 Closing Out Positions 35 5.2 A Guide to the Main Results 106
2.5 Margin Requirements and Default Risk 37 5.3 The Cash Flow from a Hedged Position 107
2.6 Case Studies in Futures Markets 40 5.4 The Case of No Basis Risk 108
2.7 Exercises 55 5.5 The Minimum-Variance Hedge Ratio 109
Appendix 2A Futures Trading and US Regulation: 5.6 Examples 112
A Brief History 59 5.7 Implementation 114
Appendix 2B Contango, Backwardation, and 5.8 Further Issues in Implementation 115
Rollover Cash Flows 62 5.9 Index Futures and Changing Equity Risk 117
5.10 Fixed-Income Futures and Duration-Based
Chapter 3 Hedging 118
Pricing Forwards and Futures I: The Basic 5.11 Exercises 119
Theory 63 Appendix 5A Derivation of the Optimal Tailed
Hedge Ratio h ∗∗ 124
3.1 Introduction 63
3.2 Pricing Forwards by Replication 64 Chapter 6
3.3 Examples 66
3.4 Forward Pricing on Currencies and Related
Interest-Rate Forwards and Futures 126
Assets 69 6.1 Introduction 126
3.5 Forward-Rate Agreements 72 6.2 Eurodollars and Libor Rates 126
3.6 Concept Check 72 6.3 Forward-Rate Agreements 127
3.7 The Marked-to-Market Value of a Forward 6.4 Eurodollar Futures 133
Contract 73 6.5 Treasury Bond Futures 140
Contents ix
Chapter 9
No-Arbitrage Restrictions on
Option Prices 199
9.1 Introduction 199
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x Contents
Computation 1
Chapter 35
Derivative Pricing with Finite
Differencing 3
35.1 Introduction 3
35.2 Solving Differential Equations 4
35.3 A First Approach to Pricing Equity
Options 7
35.4 Implicit Finite Differencing 13
35.5 The Crank-Nicholson Scheme 17
35.6 Finite Differencing for Term-Structure
Models 19
35.7 Summary 21
35.8 Exercises 22
Chapter 36
Derivative Pricing with Monte Carlo
Simulation 23
36.1 Introduction 23
36.2 Simulating Normal Random Variables 24
36.3 Bivariate Random Variables 25
36.4 Cholesky Decomposition 25
36.5 Stochastic Processes for Equity Prices 27
36.6 ARCH Models 29
36.7 Interest-Rate Processes 30
36.8 Estimating Historical Volatility for
Equities 32
36.9 Estimating Historical Volatility for Interest
Rates 32
36.10 Path-Dependent Options 33
36.11 Variance Reduction 35
36.12 Monte Carlo for American Options 38
36.13 Summary 42
36.14 Exercises 43
Chapter 37
Using Octave 45
37.1 Some Simple Commands 45
37.2 Regression and Integration 48
37.3 Reading in Data, Sorting, and Finding 50
37.4 Equation Solving 55
37.5 Screenshots 55
Author Biographies
Rangarajan K. (“Raghu”) Sundaram is Professor of Finance at New York Univer-
sity’s Stern School of Business. He was previously a member of the economics faculty
at the University of Rochester. Raghu has an undergraduate degree in economics from
Loyola College, University of Madras; an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad; and a Master’s and Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University. He was co-
editor of the Journal of Derivatives from 2002–2008 and is or has been a member of several
other editorial boards. His research in finance covers a range of areas including agency
problems, executive compensation, derivatives pricing, credit risk and credit derivatives,
and corporate finance. He has also published extensively in mathematical economics, deci-
sion theory, and game theory. His research has appeared in all leading academic journals in
finance and economic theory. The recipient of the Jensen Award and a finalist for the Brattle
Prize for his research in finance, Raghu has also won several teaching awards including, in
2007, the inaugural Distinguished Teaching Award from the Stern School of Business. This
is Raghu’s second book; his first, a Ph.D.-level text titled A First Course in Optimization
Theory, was published by Cambridge University Press.
Sanjiv Das is the William and Janice Terry Professor of Finance at Santa Clara University’s
Leavey School of Business. He previously held faculty appointments as associate professor
at Harvard Business School and UC Berkeley. He holds post-graduate degrees in finance
(M.Phil and Ph.D. from New York University), computer science (M.S. from UC Berkeley),
an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, B.Com in accounting and
economics (University of Bombay, Sydenham College), and is also a qualified cost and
works accountant. He is a senior editor of The Journal of Investment Management, co-
editor of The Journal of Derivatives and the Journal of Financial Services Research, and
associate editor of other academic journals. He worked in the derivatives business in the
Asia-Pacific region as a vice-president at Citibank. His current research interests include
the modeling of default risk, machine learning, social networks, derivatives pricing models,
portfolio theory, and venture capital. He has published over eighty articles in academic
journals, and has won numerous awards for research and teaching. He currently also serves
as a senior fellow at the FDIC Center for Financial Research.
The two of us have worked together academically for more than a quarter century, first as
graduate students, and then as university faculty. Given our close collaboration, our common
research and teaching interests in the field of derivatives, and the frequent pedagogical
discussions we have had on the subject, this book was perhaps inevitable.
The final product grew out of many sources. About three-fourths of the book was devel-
oped by Raghu from his notes for his derivatives course at New York University as well as
for other academic courses and professional training programs at Credit Suisse, ICICI Bank,
the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Invesco-Great Wall, J.P. Morgan, Merrill Lynch,
the Indian School of Business (ISB), the Institute for Financial Management and Research
(IFMR), and New York University, among other institutions. Other parts were developed
by academic courses and professional training programs taught by Sanjiv at Harvard Uni-
versity, Santa Clara University, the University of California at Berkeley, the ISB, the IFMR,
the IMF, and Citibank, among others. Some chapters were developed specifically for this
book, as were most of the end-of-chapter exercises.
The discussion below provides an overview of the book, emphasizing some of its special
features. We provide too our suggestions for various derivatives courses that may be carved
out of the book.
Preface xvii
total-return swaps are examined in the chapter on credit-derivative products.) Also included
in Part 3 is a presentation of caps, floors, and swaptions, and of the “market model” used to
price these instruments.
Part 4 deals with interest-rate modeling. We begin with different notions of the yield
curve, the estimation of the yield curve from market data, and the challenges involved in
modeling movements in the yield curve. We then work our way through factor models of
the yield curve, including several well-known models such as Ho-Lee, Black-Derman-Toy,
Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross, and others. A final chapter presents the Heath-Jarrow-Morton
framework, and also that of the Libor and swap market models.
Part 5 deals with credit risk and credit derivatives. An opening chapter provides a
taxonomy of products and their characteristics. The remaining chapters are concerned with
modeling credit risk. Structural models are covered in one chapter, reduced-form models
in the next, and correlated-default modeling in the third.
Part 6, available online at http://www.mhhe.com/sd1e, looks at computational issues.
Finite-differencing and Monte Carlo methods are discussed here. A final chapter provides
a tutorial on the use of Octave, a free software program akin to Matlab, that we use for
illustrative purposes throughout the book.
Background Knowledge
It would be inaccurate to say that this book does not presuppose any knowledge on the
part of the reader, but it is true that it does not presuppose much. A basic knowledge of
financial markets, instruments, and variables (equities, bonds, interest rates, exchange rates,
etc.) will obviously help—indeed, is almost essential. So too will a degree of analytical
preparedness (for example, familiarity with logs and exponents, compounding, present
value computations, basic statistics and probability, the normal distribution, and so on). But
beyond this, not much is required. The book is largely self-contained. The use of advanced
(from the standpoint of an MBA course) mathematical tools, such as stochastic calculus, is
kept to a minimum, and where such concepts are introduced, they are often deviations from
the main narrative that may be avoided if so desired.
the book, we use verbal and pictorial expositions, and sometimes simple mathematical
models, to explain the underlying principles before proceeding to a formal analysis.
None of this should be taken to imply that our presentations are informal or mathemati-
cally incomplete. But it is true that we eschew the use of unnecessary mathematics. Where
discrete-time settings can convey the behavior of a model better than continuous-time set-
tings, we resort to such a framework. Where a picture can do the work of a thousand (or even
a hundred) words, we use a picture. And we avoid the presentation of “black box” formulae
to the maximum extent possible. In the few cases where deriving the prices of some deriva-
tives would require the use of advanced mathematics, we spend effort explaining intuitively
the form and behavior of the pricing formula.
To supplement the intuitive and formal presentations, we make extensive use of numerical
examples for illustrative purposes. To enable comparability, the numerical examples are
often built around a common parametrization. For example, in the chapter on option greeks,
a baseline set of parameter values is chosen, and the behavior of each greek is illustrated
using departures from these baselines.
In addition, the book presents several full-length case studies, including some of the most
(in)famous derivatives disasters in history. These include Amaranth, Barings, Long-Term
Capital Management (LTCM), Metallgesellschaft, Procter & Gamble, and others. These
are supplemented by other case studies available on this book’s website, including Ashanti,
Sumitomo, the Son-of-Boss tax shelters, and American International Group (AIG).
Finally, since the best way to learn the theory of derivatives pricing and hedging is by
working through exercises, the book offers a large number of end-of-chapter problems.
These problems are of three types. Some are conceptual, mostly aimed at ensuring the basic
definitions have been understood, but occasionally also involving algebraic manipulations.
The second group comprise numerical exercises, problems that can be solved with a calcu-
lator or a spreadsheet. The last group are programming questions, questions that challenge
the students to write code to implement specific models.
The Flow of the Book
Interest-Rate Forwards/
Futures, Hedging
15 –16 17
Advanced Options Option Sensitivity
23 20 –22
18 –19
Interest Rate VaR, Convertibles,
Swaps Real Options
24 –25 26–27
Equity, Currency, and Term Structure of
Commodity Swaps Interest Rates
35 –36
31– 34
Credit Derivatives
and Monte Carlo
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xx Preface
A first course in derivatives typically covers forwards and futures, basic options material,
and perhaps interest rate swaps. Such a course could be built around Chapters 1–4 on futures
markets and forward and futures pricing; Chapters 7–14 on options payoffs and trading
strategies, no-arbitrage restrictions and put-call parity, and the binomial and Black-Scholes
models; Chapters 17–19 on option greeks and exotic options; and Chapter 23 on interest
rate swaps and other floating-rate products.
A second course, focused primarily on interest-rate and credit-risk modeling, could begin
with a review of basic option pricing (Chapters 11–14), move on to an examination of more
complex pricing models (Chapter 16), then cover interest-rate modeling (Chapters 26–30)
and finally credit derivatives and credit-risk modeling (Chapters 31–34).
A “topics” course following the first course could begin again with a review of basic op-
tion pricing (Chapters 11–14) followed by an examination of more complex pricing models
(Chapter 16). This could be followed by Value-at-Risk and risk-budgeting (Chapter 20);
convertible bonds (Chapter 21); real options (Chapter 22); and interest-rate, equity, and
currency swaps (Chapters 23–25), with the final part of the course covering either an intro-
duction to term-structure modeling (Chapters 26–28) or an introduction to credit derivatives
and structural models (Chapters 31 and 32).
Finally, a course on fixed-income derivatives can be structured around basic forward
pricing (Chapter 3); interest-rate futures and forwards (Chapter 6); basic option pricing and
the Black-Scholes model (Chapters 11 and 14); interest rate swaps, caps, floors, and swap-
tions, and the Black model (Chapter 23); and the yield curve and term-structure modeling
(Chapters 26–30).
A Final Comment
This book has been several years in the making and has undergone several revisions in that
time. Meanwhile, the derivatives market has itself been changing at an explosive pace. The
financial crisis that erupted in 2008 will almost surely result in altering major components
of the derivatives market, particularly in the case of over-the-counter derivatives. Thus, it is
possible that some of the products we have described could vanish from the market in a few
years, or the way these products are traded could fundamentally change. But the principles
governing the valuation and risk-management of these products are more permanent, and
it is those principles, rather than solely the details of the products themselves, that we have
tried to communicate in this book. We have enjoyed writing this book. We hope the reader
finds the final product as enjoyable.
We have benefited greatly from interactions with a number of our colleagues in academia
and others in the broader finance profession. It is a pleasure to be able to thank them in
At New York University, where Raghu currently teaches and Sanjiv did his PhD (and
has been a frequent visitor since), we have enjoyed many illuminating conversations over
the years concerning derivatives research and teaching. For these, we thank Viral Acharya,
Ed Altman, Yakov Amihud, Menachem Brenner, Aswath Damodaran, Steve Figlewski,
Halina Frydman, Kose John, Tony Saunders, and Marti Subrahmanyam. We owe special
thanks to Viral Acharya, long-time collaborator of both authors, for his feedback on earlier
versions of this book; Ed Altman, from whom we—like the rest of the world—learned a
great deal about credit risk and credit markets, and who was always generous with his time
and support; Menachem Brenner, for many delightful exchanges concerning derivatives
usage and structured products; Steve Figlewski, with whom we were privileged to serve as
co-editors of the Journal of Derivatives, a wonderful learning experience; and, especially,
Marti Subrahmanyam, who was Sanjiv’s PhD advisor at NYU and with whom Raghu has
co-taught executive-MBA and PhD courses on derivatives and credit risk at NYU since
the mid-90s. Marti’s emphasis on an intuitive understanding of mathematical models has
considerably influenced both authors’ approach to the teaching of derivatives; its effect may
be seen throughout this book.
At Santa Clara University, George Chacko, Atulya Sarin, Hersh Shefrin, and Meir
Statman all provided much-appreciated advice, support, and encouragement. Valuable input
also came from others in the academic profession, including Marco Avellaneda, Pierluigi
Balduzzi, Jonathan Berk, Darrell Duffie, Anurag Gupta, Paul Hanouna, Nikunj Kapadia,
Dan Ostrov, N.R. Prabhala, and Raman Uppal. In the broader finance community, we have
benefited greatly from interactions with Santhosh Bandreddi, Jamil Baz, Richard Cantor,
Gifford Fong, Silverio Foresi, Gary Geng, Grace Koo, Apoorva Koticha, Murali Krishna,
Marco Naldi, Shankar Narayan, Raj Rajaratnam, Rahul Rathi, Jacob Sisk, Roger Stein,
and Ram Sundaram. The first author would particularly like to thank Ram Sundaram and
Murali Krishna for numerous stimulating and informative conversations concerning the
markets; the second author thanks Robert Merton for his insights on derivatives and guid-
ance in teaching continuous-time finance, and Gifford Fong for many years of generous
Over the years that this book was being written, many of our colleagues in the pro-
fession provided (anonymous) reviews that greatly helped shape the final product. A very
special thanks to those reviewers who took the time to review virtually every chapter in draft
form: Bala Arshanapalli (Indiana University–Northwest), Dr. R. Brian Balyeat (Texas A&M
University), James Bennett (University of Massachusetts–Boston), Jinliang (Jack) Li (North-
eastern University), Spencer Martin (Arizona State University), Patricia Matthews (Mount
Union College), Dennis Ozenbas (Montclair State University), Vivek Pandey (University
of Texas–Tyler), Peter Ritchken (Case-Western Reserve University), Tie Su (University
of Miami), Thomas Tallerico (Dowling College), Kudret Topyan (Manhattan College),
Alan Tucker (Pace University), Jorge Urrutia (Loyola University–Watertower), Matt Will
(University of Indianapolis), and Guofu Zhou (Washington University–St. Louis).
As we have noted in the preface, this book grew out of notes developed by the authors for
academic courses and professional training programs at a number of institutions including
xxii Acknowledgments
Rangarajan K. Sundaram
New York, NY
The world derivatives market is an immense one. The Bank for International Settlements
(BIS) estimated that in June 2012, the total notional outstanding amount worldwide was a
staggering $639 trillion with a combined market value of over $25 trillion (Table 1.1)—
and this figure includes only over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, those derivatives traded
directly between two parties. It does not count the trillions of dollars in derivatives that are
traded daily on the world’s many exchanges. By way of comparison, world GDP in 2011
was estimated at just under $70 trillion.
For much of the last two decades, growth has been furious. Total notional outstanding
in OTC derivatives markets worldwide increased almost tenfold in the decade from 1998
to 2008 (Table 1.2). Derivatives turnover on the world’s exchanges quadrupled between
2001 and 2007, reaching a volume of over $2.25 quadrillion in the last year of that span
(Table 1.3). Markets fell with the onset of the financial crisis, but by 2011–12, a substantial
portion of that decline had been reversed.
The growth has been truly widespread. There are now thriving derivatives exchanges not
only in the traditional developed economies of North America, Europe, and Japan, but also
in Brazil, China, India, Israel, Korea, Mexico, and Singapore, among many other countries.
A survey by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) in 2003 found
that 92% of the world’s 500 largest companies use derivatives to manage risk of various
forms, especially interest-rate risk (92%) and currency risk (85%), but, to a lesser extent,
also commodity risk (25%) and equity risk (12%). Firms in over 90% of the countries
represented in the sample used derivatives.
Matching—and fueling—the growth has been the pace of innovation in the market.
Traditional derivatives were written on commodity prices, but beginning with foreign cur-
rency and other financial derivatives in the 1970s, new forms of derivatives have been intro-
duced almost continuously. Today, derivatives contracts reference a wide range of underlying
instruments including equity prices, commodity prices, exchange rates, interest rates, bond
prices, index levels, and credit risk. Derivatives have also been introduced, with varying suc-
cess rates, on more exotic underlying variables such as market volatility, electricity prices,
temperature levels, broadband, newsprint, and natural catastrophes, among many others.
This is an impressive picture. Once a sideshow in world financial markets, derivatives
have today become key instruments of risk-management and price discovery. Yet derivatives
have also been the target of fierce criticism. In 2003, Warren Buffet, perhaps the world’s most
successful investor, labeled them “financial weapons of mass destruction.” Derivatives—
especially credit derivatives—have been widely blamed for enabling, or at least exacerbating,
the global financial markets crisis that began in late 2007. Victims of derivatives (mis-)use
over the decades include such prominent names as the centuries-old British merchant bank
Barings, the German industrial conglomerate Metallgesellschaft AG, the Japanese trading
2 Chapter 1 Introduction
TABLE 1.1 BIS Estimates of OTC Derivatives Markets Notional Outstanding and Market Values: 2008–12
(Figures in USD billions)
‘rose distinct
Above slave-sorrows, to his chariot linked,’