Structural Concrete - 2020 - Haavisto - Compressive strength of core specimens drilled from concrete test cylinders

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Received: 14 July 2020 Revised: 21 September 2020 Accepted: 24 September 2020

DOI: 10.1002/suco.202000428


Compressive strength of core specimens drilled from

concrete test cylinders

Jukka Haavisto | Ari Husso | Anssi Laaksonen

Unit of Concrete and Bridge Structures,

Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
The compressive strength of concrete is highly influenced by the properties of
test specimens, such as size and moisture content. This paper presents the
Jukka Haavisto, Researcher, Tampere
University, Unit of Concrete and Bridge results of compression tests on more than 650 test specimens made with four
Structures, PO Box 600, FI-33014 Tampere different concrete types, which are mainly air-entrained. The differences in
compressive strength between different types of concrete specimens were
Email: [email protected]
investigated with similar compaction and curing conditions. The tested speci-
mens were 50 × 50 mm, 80 × 80 mm, 100 × 100 mm, and 150 × 300 mm cores,
which were drilled from the cast cylinders. In addition, 150-mm cubes,
100 × 100 mm and 150 × 300 mm cylinders were included in the test pro-
gramme. The ratios of compressive strength between different core sizes and
core strength comparability to the cast specimens were found to be strongly
dependent on the concrete type. Drilling was found to have a clear weakening
effect on obtained compressive strength. The conversion factors for the com-
pressive strength between the core and the same size cast specimen was pro-
posed for 150 × 300 mm and 100 × 100 mm specimen sizes.

air-entrained, concrete, compressive, strength, core, cylinder, size effect, testing

1 | INTRODUCTION compressive strength from cast-in-situ or precast con-

crete, drilled cores are widely used. When compared to
Compressive strength is one of the most important prop- other assessment methods such as rebound hammer
erties of concrete. Furthermore, it is commonly consid- tests, ultrasonic pulse velocity tests and concrete pullout
ered as a reference for many other properties, such as the tests, core testing probably gives the best estimate for the
tensile strength and elastic modulus of concrete. Com- in-situ compressive strength of concrete. Therefore, core
pressive strength also gives a good overall picture of the testing is also often used for the calibration of other
quality of concrete.1 For the assessment of concrete's methods.2 However, the results of the core tests should
be interpreted with care, due to several variables such as
diameter, moisture conditions, and slenderness, that is,
Discussion on this paper must be submitted within two months of the
print publication. The discussion will then be published in print, along
the length-to-diameter ratio of test specimens. Further-
with the authors’ closure, if any, approximately nine months after the more, the compaction and the hardening conditions of
print publication. the core specimens are different from the standard test
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Structural Concrete published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of International Federation for Structural Concrete

Structural Concrete. 2021;22(Suppl. 1):E683–E695. E683

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specimens. Due to drilling, the surface of the specimen 2 | THEORETICAL BACKGROUND

differs between the cores and the standard specimens. All
these features may have some effect on the test result.3 Many of the properties of test specimens affect the
When estimating the compressive strength of concrete, it strength they provide. At least the length-to-diameter
should also be noted that the compressive strength in ratio, the compressive direction in relation to the casting
cores and in standard specimens may differ significantly direction, the effect of the drilling, the size and the mois-
from the compressive resistance of the structure, the lat- ture content have some influence on the compressive
ter also being affected by the concrete cracking, different strength of the test specimen.
loading rates and confinement effect due to the trans-
verse reinforcement.4
As water expands by approximately 9% upon freezing, 2.1 | Slenderness effect
this causes internal pressure on moist concrete. If the
concrete is not frost-resistant, it can be damaged. Frost- Transverse tensile strains are formed in the test specimen
resistant concrete can be produced by adding an air- as a result of the axial compressive force. Since the tensile
entraining agent to the concrete mixture. Air pores are strength of concrete is relatively low, these strains have a
produced during the concrete mixing, and air-entraining significant effect on the compression test result of the
admixture enables the fresh concrete to stabilize. The specimen. The degree of transverse expansion is different
entrained air voids are capable of absorbing the increased between the steel plates of the compression device and
volume of freezing water from the water-filled capillary the concrete test specimen due to their differences in
pores.5 Air-entrained concrete is used in cold climate elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio and surface area. There-
regions for outdoor structures, such as bridges, facades, fore, friction is formed between the steel plates and the
and balconies. concrete specimen during the compression test. This pre-
Comprehensive condition surveys are carried out reg- vents the transverse expansion of the test specimen. The
ularly on Finnish bridges. According to national instruc- effect of friction forces on the concrete specimen is lower
tions, concrete strength should be measured using cores further away from the end plates. Therefore, the length-
in every condition survey.6 Thus, it is important that the to-diameter ratio of the specimen has a clear effect on the
results of the core tests lead to the correct conclusions on compressive strength result.8
the compressive strength and in some cases even on the
conformity of concrete. Extensive attention was paid to
assessing the compressive strength of concrete via drilled 2.2 | The effect of the compressive
cores in the late 2010s, when excessively high air content direction
and thus very low values of compressive strength were
reported by air-entrained concrete used in some Finnish Plastic settlement occurs in fresh concrete. This can cause
bridge and deck structures.7 weaker areas under the aggregate particles and rebars
Since earlier studies on concrete's core properties due to bleeding water.4 If the test specimen is then com-
were mostly carried out on nonair-entrained concrete, pressed perpendicular to the casting direction, the wea-
the purpose of this study is to gain further information ker zone will be parallel to the principal stress and thus
on air-entrained concrete when determining compressive the compressive strength of the test specimen may be
strength by means of the drilled cores. The studied issues lower.9
were the size effect of the core specimens, the correlation
between the core strength and the same size cylinder
specimen strength, the effect of moisture conditions dur- 2.3 | Drilling effect
ing testing, as well as the correlation between the core
strength and the strength obtained from the standard During the core drilling, the diamond drill also cut the
specimens. The tested cores were drilled axially from the aggregate particles, while in molded specimens all aggre-
150 × 300 mm cylinder specimen, which means there gate particles are fully surrounded by the cement matrix.
were no notable differences in the compaction and curing The compressive strength obtained from the cores has
conditions between the core and cylinder specimens. This generally been found to be lower than the compressive
would have been inevitable if the cores had been taken strength obtained from the cylinders. One reason for this
from the real structure. Because the cores were taken at is that since the cut aggregate particles on the core sur-
different heights from the 150 × 300 mm test specimen, face are only partially bonded to the hydrated cement,
this also provided some information on the differences in the effective cross-sectional area of the core is possibly
density and strength values over the cylinder specimen. smaller than that of a correspondingly-sized molded
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specimen10 and the cut aggregate particles may pop out lower compressive strength values.1 This has partly been
of the specimen during compression.11 It has also been explained by the drying shrinkage. As a result of the dry-
suggested that drilling as a destructive method would ing of the hardened cement paste, the surface tension in
cause microcracking in the cement matrix and weaken- small pores increases, which makes the cement gel more
ing of the bond between the aggregate particles and the compact.16 Another suggestion has been that under com-
hydrated cement.12 In addition, different compaction pression, the increase in the internal pressure on the
methods are used between the structures and the test water-filled capillary pores causes lower compressive
specimens, which might also influence on the compres- strengths. It has also been suggested that this effect
sive strength. applies only to the fully saturated specimens. On the
other hand, due to the deformations caused by the com-
pression, the partially saturated specimen may also
2.4 | Size effect become fully saturated during the compression test.17

Although there is no uniform agreement on the effect of

the core size on the compressive strength of concrete, sev- 3 | CODE PROVISIONS
eral theories have been put forward for this effect. It has
been argued that small cores have weaker compressive When compressive strength is assessed in an existing
strength because the proportion of the drilled and poten- structure, the structure itself limits the possibilities of
tially damaged surface to the volume of the core is signifi- what kind of specimen can be used – for example, from a
cantly higher in small cores than larger ones.12 densely reinforced structure it is possible to take only rel-
According to the classical Weibull13 theory, the strength atively small diameter cores. Therefore, there is quite a
of the specimen would be followed by the weakest part of wide range of possible core properties given in test
the specimen. Large specimens are more likely to have wea- standards.
ker areas than small specimens, hence their compressive Core strength is easily obtained by dividing the ulti-
strength is probably lower. On the other hand, local mate load of the compression test over an average cross-
strength differences in concrete, such as those which have sectional area of the specimen. The difficulty arises when
been formed due to concrete segregation, become more the core strength is converted to that which is compara-
apparent in small cores. Tucker14 proposed another theory ble with the other types of cores or to match the standard
based on his experiments on molded specimens. He specimen strength, which is after all the value used in
suggested that the strength obtained from the specimen design and conformity assessments. Therefore, different
would be the sum of all parts included in the specimen. conversion factors and equations have been presented for
The bending deformation of the loading plates has core testing in several codes and national guidelines.
been also suggested to affect the strength of larger speci- The ACI Guide 214.4R-1018 provides a procedure to
mens due to the greater splitting effect.15 Despite this, by convert the core strength to the equivalent in-place
following the requirements of the test standards for the strength, fc, for considering several factors as follows:
load equipment, the effect of this phenomenon can be
assumed to be minor. f c = F dia  F mc  F l=d  F d  f core , ð1Þ
Bartlett & MacGregor11 reviewed all the above-
mentioned theories and compared them with experimen- where Fdia is a factor including the effect of the diameter;
tal results compiled from several different studies. They Fmc is a factor including the effect of the moisture condi-
concluded that the effect of the drilled surface was most tion; Fl/d is a factor including the slenderness contribu-
significant theory for the size effect on the compressive tion; Fd = 1.06 is a coefficient including the drilling
strength of concrete. contribution; and fcore is the measured core strength. The
definitions of the ACI Guide for these factors and com-
parison with those in other guidelines and codes are pres-
2.5 | Moisture content ented below. All factors are presented with the notation
style given in the ACI Guide.
Concrete cores are mostly tested in air-dried moisture
condition, while the molded 150 mm cubes and
150 × 300 cylinders are defined to be tested at the satu- 3.1 | Size effect
rated condition. The moisture content of the test speci-
men is widely known to have a significant effect on the There is a high variation in how different codes and
compressive strength. A higher moisture content will give guidelines considered the size effect of the drilled cores.
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3.3 | Slenderness effect

Depending on the code and instruction, it may be desir-

able for the core strength to end up with the cube
strength or with the cylinder strength. The reference case
(Fl/d = 1.0) for the procedure depends on that, hence the
reference length-to-diameter ratio is 1.0 or 2.0.
The ACI Guide 214.4R-10 (2010) gives an equation
for the effect of the l/d ratio as follows:

lcore 2
F l=d = 1 − ðβ −α  f core Þ 2 − , ð2Þ

F I G U R E 1 Comparison of conversion factors for size effect

given in different codes and guides where β is a factor including the effect of moisture condi-
tion (β = 0.117 if Fmc = 1.09; β = 0.130 if Fmc = 1.00 and
The factors given in ACI Guide 214.4R-1018 and Finn- β = 0.144 if Fmc = 0.96); α is a constant 4.3  10−4 1/MPa;
ish national guideline SFS 702219 will increase the fcore is the measured core strength; lcore is a length, and
compressive strength of small cores. In Sweden20 the dcore is a diameter of the core.
compressive strength of large cores are corrected to ASTM standard C42 (2020)22 specifies the conversion
the higher value, while with cores smaller than factors for the cores with length-to-diameter ratios of
100 mm, compressive strength is not changed. The 1.0–2.0. In the Swedish procedure, the slenderness effect
effect of the correction for the cores with a diameter factor is determined from the diagram presented in SS
of more than 100 mm is thus completely different to 13 72 0720 for length-to-diameter ratios from 0.5 to 3.0.
that given in the ACI Guide 214.4R-10.18 In German In the British national annex for standard BS EN
codes, the conversion factors for size effect are not 12054–1 (2009),23 the length-to-diameter ratio is considered
given. DIN EN 13791 / A20:2017–0221 assume air-dried by Equation 3a when converting the core strength to the
50 mm, 100 mm, and 150 mm cores with a length-to- cylinder strength and by Equation 3b when converting is
diameter ratio of 1.0 to correspond to the strength of made to the cube strength. The factors for slenderness effect
the soaked 150 mm cube. is no longer provided in the recently revised standard BS
The size effect procedures given in the above- EN 12504–1 (2019),24 since the other length-to-diameter
mentioned guidelines are summarized in Figure 1. To than 1.0 and 2.0 has been stated as exceptional there.
facilitate the comparison, all factors are presented in the
same format as in ACI Guide 214.4R-1018 and adjusted to 2:0 l
F l=d = dcore
if 1:6 ≤ ≤ 2:4 ðcylinder strengthÞ: ð3aÞ
have a core with a diameter of 100 mm as a reference 1:5 + lcore d
case (Fdia = 1.00).
2:5 l
F l=d = dcore
if 1:0 ≤ ≤ 1:2 ðcube strengthÞ: ð3bÞ
1:5 + lcore d
3.2 | Moisture effect

The moisture content factor in ACI Guide 214.4R-1018 is The slenderness factors given in the above-mentioned
Fmc = 1.09 if the testing of the cores is preceded by 48 hr guidelines are summarized in Figure 2. To facilitate the
of water soaking, and Fmc = 0.96 if testing is preceded by comparison, all factors are presented in the same format
storage for 7 days at a temperature of 16–21 C and below as in ACI Guide 214.4R-10 (2010) and adjusted to have
60% relative humidity. The factor Fmc = 1.00 is used if the length-to-diameter ratio of 2.0 as a reference case
the storage of the cores before testing has been in accor- (Fl/d = 1.00).
dance with the ASTM standard C42 (2020), that is, stor-
ing in a sealed bag or similar for at least 5 days after
moisture exposure caused by the preparation of the speci- 3.4 | Other effects
mens. European standards have specified that cores
should be tested primarily in an air-dried condition (DIN In addition, a conversion factor to take into account the
EN 13791 / A20:2017–02; EN 13791:2019; SS 13 72 possibility of the lateral reinforcement in the core has
07:2005). been given in BS EN 12054–1 (2009),23 and a conversion
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FIGURE 3 Compressive strength development of studied

concrete types
F I G U R E 2 Comparison of slenderness effect for air-dried
cores given in different codes and guides

fourth mix was a regular nonair-entrained concrete as a

TABLE 1 Mix proportions of the concrete mixes reference (Ref Mix). The studied concrete types were
selected to correspond to the commonly used concrete
Mix 1 Mix 2 Mix 3 Ref mix
types in Finnish infrastructure. The mix proportions for
Effective water- 0.40 0.48 0.39 0.52
the studied concrete types are presented in Table 1. The
cementitious ratio
maximum aggregate size in all concrete mixes was
CEM II/B-M(S-LL) 42.5 N 435 375 435 385
16 mm. The crushed aggregate was produced by crushing
Finnish bedrock (granite and granodiorite), the strength
Silica fume (kg/m3) – – 15 –
of which is stated to be remarkably high. The strength
Effective water (l/m ) 175 180 175 200 development of the studied concrete mixes was examined
Fine aggregate 0/1 mm 125 145 95 305 in accordance with standard EN 12390–3 (2019)26 with
(kg/m3) six 150 × 300 mm cylinders at five different concrete ages
Natural graded 0/8 mm 850 870 860 485 (Figure 3).
aggregate (kg/m3)
Crushed 0/8 mm aggregate – – – 270
(kg/m3) 4.2 | Casting and preparation of
Crushed coarse aggregate 740 750 755 710 specimens
6/16 mm (kg/m3)
Air-entraining agent (%)a 0.03 0.02 0.02 – The specimen types as well as the total number of speci-
Plasticizing agent (%) a
1.09 0.61 1.20 0.62 mens are shown in Table 3. Due to the high number of
specimens, it was necessary to divide a concrete casting
Amount of air entraining agent and plasticizing agent are percent-
of each concrete mix into two batches, which were made
ages of the mass of cement.
on the same day. An equal number of each specimen type
were cast in either batch. 150 × 300 mm cylinder speci-
factor to take into account the weakening effect of the mens were cast in steel molds while the cube specimens
compaction pores when determining the potential were cast in steel and plastic molds – both in equal num-
strength by means of the drilled cores is given in BS 6089 bers. All cores were drilled from 150 × 300 mm concrete
(2010).25 cylinders cast in plastic molds except for 150 × 300 mm
core specimens, which were drilled from 235 × 340 mm
cylinders – also cast in plastic molds.
4 | EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME The consistency and the air content tests for the fresh
concrete were performed twice for each batch – at the
4.1 | Concrete mixes beginning of the casting and after the first half of the
specimens were cast. The duration of the first half of the
The study covered four different concrete mixes. Three of cast was approximately 1 hr. The consistency was deter-
them (Mixes 1–3) were air-entrained concretes, while the mined by the slump test27 and by the flow table test.28
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TABLE 2 The results of the fresh concrete tests (at the beginning of the casting/at the midpoint of the casting)

Slump test (mm) Flow table test (mm) Air content (%)

Concrete mixture The first batch The second batch The first batch The second batch The first batch The second batch
Mix 1 130 / 70 160 / 90 490 / 430 470 / 400 4.1 / 4.2 5.6 / 5.2
Mix 2 180 / 180 160 / 120 530 / 530 520 / 470 3.9 / 5.3 4.4 / 4.9
Mix 3 180 / 200 200 / 190 480 / 490 540 / 480 4.0 / 5.6 3.8 / 5.6
Ref mix 180 / 160 120 / 110 500 / 510 460 / 460 1.8 / 1.9 1.8 / 2.6

TABLE 3 The compressive strength and density test results for each specimen type and concrete mix

Density Compressive strength

Concrete Specimen Moisture condition n ρ (kg/m3) s (kg/m3) fc (MN/m2) s (MN/m2)

Mix 1 Core 50 mm × 50 mm Air-dried 24 2,330 31 65.8 6.4
80 mm × 80 mm Air-dried 36 2,330 25 67.0 3.8
100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 24 2,290 20 62.4 3.4
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 24 2,330 8 53.4 1.7
Cyl. 100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 12 2,330 14 69.8 3.7
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 12 2,330 19 58.3 2.4
150 mm × 300 mm 72 h soaked 18 2,340 19 55.2 3.4
Cube 150 mm Air-dried 12 2,310 7 59.7 3.6
Mix 2 Core 50 mm × 50 mm Air-dried 24 2,350 17 53.4 4.4
80 mm × 80 mm Air-dried 36 2,330 19 54.6 3.2
100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 24 2,330 13 54.3 2.5
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 24 2,330 7 43.7 1.3
Cyl. 100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 14 2,360 10 65.2 1.7
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 12 2,340 10 47.7 1.1
150 mm × 300 mm 72 h soaked 18 2,340 13 45.5 1.0
Cube 150 mm Air-dried 12 2,340 11 56.8 2.4
Mix 3 Core 50 mm × 50 mm Air-dried 24 2,360 25 66.5 8.0
80 mm × 80 mm Air-dried 36 2,350 14 68.1 2.2
100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 24 2,350 8 65.0 2.3
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 24 2,330 5 47.1 1.0
Cyl. 100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 14 2,360 11 72.7 2.3
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 12 2,340 12 50.8 0.7
150 mm × 300 mm 72 h soaked 18 2,330 12 48.3 1.6
Cube 150 mm Air-dried 12 2,350 7 64.8 2.7
Ref mix Core 50 mm × 50 mm Air-dried 24 2,360 15 66.4 5.9
80 mm × 80 mm Air-dried 36 2,360 9 62.8 4.6
100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 24 2,350 6 62.6 4.3
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 24 2,350 4 46.2 3.3
Cyl. 100 mm × 100 mm Air-dried 14 2,390 8 70.1 3.5
150 mm × 300 mm Air-dried 12 2,360 5 50.4 3.5
150 mm × 300 mm 72 h soaked 18 2,370 10 47.5 3.8
Cube 150 mm Air-dried 12 2,370 7 63.0 4.1
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FIGURE 4 The different stages of the experimental programme: compaction (a), storing (b), drilling (c) and testing (d)

The air content of the concrete was determined by the (2012).31 Compression tests were made at the age of
water column method according to EN 12350–7 (2019).29 3 months in accordance with EN 12390–3 (2019)26 and
The results in Table 2 show that concrete slowly stiffens EN 12504–1 (2019)32 (Figure 4d).
during the casting, but for Mix 1 there was a significant Local density differences were examined from two
difference between these two measurements. 150 × 300 mm cylinders for each concrete mix from three
For practical reasons, all specimens were cast on one height locations. Perpendicularly drilled cores of 50 mm
layer. The compaction of concrete was carried out with a in diameter were cut into five specimens, as shown in
vibrating table according to standard EN 12390–2 Figure 6. The density was determined from these water-
(2019)30 (Figure 4a). The molds were covered with a plas- saturated specimens by dividing their mass by its volume
tic film for 46 to 50 hr before demoulding, followed by as determined by the water-displacement method.33 The
soaking in the water tanks until the age of 28 days. The samples were combined to give a density result from
temperature of the water tanks varied between 18 to three different depths from each height location.
22 C during the curing. Specimens were then stored in
laboratory conditions at temperatures of 19 to 22 C and
an of average 60% relative humidity until testing 5 | RESULTS A ND DISCUSSION
(Figure 4b).
The core specimens were drilled with the water- The mean and SD values of compressive strengths and
cooled diamond core drill bits (Figure 4c). Drilling was densities are presented in Table 3. The strength results
made parallel to the casting direction and centrally are obtained directly as a quotient of the ultimate load
through a 150 × 300 mm cylinder. Several core speci- divided by the cross-sectional area, without any conver-
mens were taken from the cylinder as shown in sion factors.
Figure 5. The cores were cut using a water-cooled dia- Figure 7 shows the relationship between the average
mond saw and both ends of the cores were grinded to strength obtained from each specimen type to the soaked
meet the requirements of standard EN 12390–1 150 × 300 mm cylinder's average strength. The widely
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FIGURE 5 Core sampling from the concrete cylinders

types. Depending on the concrete type, the difference var-

ied from −7% to +2%. This also gives some indications that
the significance of the size effect would be dependent on
the concrete type. There was no consistent difference in
the significance of the size effect between the air-entrained
concrete and the reference concrete.
In this study, the core diameter impact on the com-
pressive strength was observed to be quite different to
that in several other studies. Many researchers have
FIGURE 6 The location of density specimens on concrete observed the increase in compression strength with the
cylinders larger core diameters.11,36,37 At the same time there are
plenty of studies with no size effect observed.38,39
known34,35 slenderness effect is clearly seen in the test The results also showed a widely-known phenome-
results. The strength values obtained from 150 × 300 mm non37,39 of increased deviation in the results as the size of
cylinders are at a distinctly lower level than strength the specimen decreased. The coefficient of variation deter-
values obtained from test specimens with a length to mined from the results of Table 3 was 10% for 50 × 50 mm
diameter ratio of 1.0. core while it was 5% for 80 × 80 mm and 100 × 100 mm
cores. It is also worth mentioning that a 50 mm diameter,
which was used in some of the cores studied is smaller
5.1 | Size effect than the minimum requirement given in EN 12390–1
(2012),31 where the lower limit for the diameter is three
The compressive strength ratios between 100 × 100 mm and a half times the maximum aggregate size.
and 50 × 50 mm cores and ratios between 100 × 100 mm
and 80 × 80 mm cores are shown in Figure 8. Combining
the results of all concrete types, the compressive strength 5.2 | Core strength related to the
of 100 × 100 mm cores was on average 3% lower than the standard specimen strength
compressive strength of 50 × 50 mm and 80 × 80 mm
cores. However, it should be noted that there were signifi- The ratios between the average core, cylinder and cube
cant differences in the ratio between the different concrete strengths are shown in Figure 8. When including all tested
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F I G U R E 7 The
comparison of average
compressive strength and
standard deviation of each
specimen type to the
compressive strength average
obtained from the soaked
150 × 300 mm cylinders

concrete mixes, the strength ratio of 100 × 100 mm cores between different concrete types in the above-mentioned
and air-cured 150 × 300 mm cylinders was on average 0.85, ratios. It is noteworthy here that cubes are the only speci-
while the ratio was 0.81 between 100 × 100 mm cores and men type in this study, which was tested perpendicular
soaked 150 × 300 mm cylinders. These ratios are of the to the casting direction. Therefore, when comparing the
same order as the conversion factor 0.82 between 1.0 and strength obtained from other specimens with the cube
2.0 length-to-diameter ratios presented in EN13791 strength, the effect of the testing direction is also
(2019).40 However, there were significant differences in the included in the test results. It is more significant in con-
above-mentioned ratios depending on the concrete type. crete types, which are more sensitive to segregation.
The ratio between the 100 mm core strength and the air-
cured 150 × 300 mm cylinder strength varied from 0.78 to
0.93 depending on the concrete type, while the ratio 5.3 | Drilling effect
between the 100 mm core strength and the soaked
150 × 300 mm cylinder strength varied from 0.74 to 0.88. The ratios between cylinder strength and core specimen
Since the mix proportions between Mix 1 and Mix strength are shown in Figure 8 for 100 × 100 mm and
3 were almost equal except for the silica fume, which was 150 × 300 mm specimens. The curing, compaction and
included in Mix 3, the results give some indications that the storing of test specimens as well as moisture conditions
use of the silica fume might have an advantageous effect on during the compression test were similar between cylin-
the compressive strength in test specimens, with the length- der specimens and cores. Thus, the difference in the
to-diameter ratio of 1.0 compared with the strength of the strength between them is mainly caused by the different
specimens with a l/d-ratio of 2.0. One explanation for this surfaces of the specimens. Based on the test results, dril-
phenomenon could be possible differences in the effect of ling seems to have a clear weakening effect on the com-
silica on the compressive and splitting tensile strength prop- pressive strength. Similar findings have been achieved in
erties of concrete. This has been referred to, for example, in several other studies.36,44,45 In the current investigation,
the results of the studies by Amudhavalli & Mathew41 and drilling had more of an effect on compressive strength for
Jaber, Gorgis & Hassan.42 The splitting tensile strength 100 × 100 mm specimens than for 150 × 300 mm speci-
value could be expected to be of greater importance in the mens. This may be due in part to the smaller size of the
compressive strength tests of slender specimens due to the specimen, which results in the ratio of the drilled surface
lesser effect of the end friction. area to the specimen volume being much bigger on the
The strength ratio between 100 × 100 mm cores and 100 × 100 mm specimen than the 150 × 300 mm speci-
air-cured 150 mm cubes was on average 1.01 for all con- men. A difference in slenderness might also have an
crete mixes, while the strength ratio of air-cured 150 × influence.
300 mm cylinders and 150 mm cubes was on average Compressive strength of the 150 × 300 mm cores was
0.85, which agreed with the ratios 0.82–0.85 reported by on average 7%–8% lower than the strength of the cylinder
Zabihi & Eren.43 There were also clear differences specimens of the same size, while with the most common
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F I G U R E 8 Ratios of compressive strength mean values obtained from different specimen types and comparison to the ratios provided
by the different codes

core specimen size – 100 × 100 mm – that ratio was 11% difference observed between the air-entrained concrete
excluding Mix 2, which had a 17% ratio. These ratios are types and the reference concrete.
higher than the correction factors for the drilling effect The observed difference is slightly higher than that in
proposed by Bartlett & MacGregor.46 Li's48 study of 0.45 water/cement ratio concrete (4%), but
Based on the results, the effect of drilling on air- is considerably lower than the difference in 0.65 water/
entrained concrete did not differ from that of nonair- cement ratio concrete (16%). It is noteworthy that Li used
entrained concrete, and the magnitude of the drilling smaller 100 × 200 mm cylinder specimens in his study,
effect seems to be independent of the concrete mix. so the saturation rate can be assumed to be higher.
Bisher47 had previously observed that concrete age, the The differences in the compressive strength between
amount of cement or the type of aggregate did not have soaked and air-dried cores in various studies are signifi-
significant influence on drilling effect. cantly higher than those obtained for the cylinder speci-
mens in this study. Bartlett & MacGregor49 put together
data from several different studies and concluded that
5.4 | Effect of the moisture content the strength obtained from air-dried cores was on average
during compression test 14% higher than the strength obtained from the cores
that had been soaked for at least 40 hr. Khoury et al.34
The effect of the specimen moisture content during test- came to a very similar conclusion in their recent study.
ing was studied by comparing the compressive strength
values of 72 hr-soaked and air-dried 150 × 300 mm cylin-
der specimens. Figure 8 reveals that the compressive 5.5 | Strength and density differences in
strength average of the air-dried 150 × 300 mm cylinders test specimens
was 5%–6% higher than that of the same sized 72 hr-
soaked test specimens. The ratio seems to be independent Differences in density and compressive strength values in
of the concrete mix and there was no significant different parts of 150 × 300 mm cylinders were clarified by
17517648, 2021, S1, Downloaded from by Cochrane Peru, Wiley Online Library on [24/10/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

comparing the results of the core specimens taken from dif- 6 | CONCLUSIONS
ferent height positions. In addition, differences in density in
the transverse direction of the cylinder were studied. This paper presents the compressive strength results
It can be seen from Figure 9 that the compressive obtained from different types of concrete specimens with
strength increased in most test specimens from the casting similar compaction and curing conditions. The influence
surface to the bottom. This finding is in agreement with of the size of the core specimens, the correlation between
the findings of Moccia et al. (2020).50 A similar phenome- the core strength and the same size cylinder specimen
non is also seen in density results in Figure 9, but with the strength, the effect of the moisture condition during test-
difference that the cores taken closest to the casting sur- ing, as well as the correlation between the core strength
face in many cases have a higher density than the next and the strength obtained from the standard specimens
core below. Results also show that with the reference mix, were studied with more than 650 test specimens made
the density is almost independent of the height position. with four different concrete types. The conclusions of this
This indicates that the entrained air voids may not be study can be presented as follows:
evenly distributed in air-entrained concrete mixes. The
results of the horizontal density differences at different 1. The influence of the specimen size on the concrete
height positions are shown in Figure 10. compressive strength with drilled cores as well as the
correlation between core strength and standard speci-
men strength is dependent on the concrete mix. It is
recommended that a similar study with a larger num-
ber of different concrete mixes be conducted in order
to determine the effect of the different components
and properties of the concrete on the strength ratios
between different specimen types.
2. Drilling has a clear weakening effect on the com-
pressive strength of the test specimen. Based on the
test results, the authors propose a multiplying factor
of 1.09 for 150 × 300 mm core size and a factor of
1.12 for 100 × 100 mm core size for concrete types
with maximum aggregate size of Dmax = 16 mm if
the compressive strength obtained from the cores is
needed to convert to a compressive strength that
F I G U R E 9 The comparison of average density (a) and average corresponds of the same sized cylinders under simi-
compressive strength (b) at different height locations (c) of each specimen lar moisture conditions. Air-entrained concrete does
type to the total average values obtained from the same size cores not seem to differ in terms of drilling effect from the

F I G U R E 1 0 Density
results (kg/m3) at the different
height and depth locations of
150 × 300 mm cylinder
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