IM 05C01E12-10E
4th Edition
This user’s manual describes the communication functions of the UT100 Series controller and contains
information on how to create communication programs.
Read the manual carefully to understand the communication functions of the UT100 Series.
Note that the UT100 Series controller cannot communicate with a host device with a communication
protocol other than these.
■ Intended Readers
This manual is intended for people familiar with the functions of the UT100 Series Controller and
control engineers and personnel in charge of maintaining instrumentation and control equipment.
You are required to understand as a background knowledge the communication specifications of host
devices, in regard to their communication hardware, language used for creating communication
programs, and so on.
■ Related Documents
The following user’s manuals all relate to the communication functions.
Read them as necessary. The codes enclosed in parentheses are the document numbers.
• Model UT130 Temperature Controller (IM 05C01E02-01E)
Explains the basic operation of the UT130 controller.
Supplied with the UT130 Temperature Controller.
• Models UT150, UT152, UT155 Temperature Controller (IM 05C01E12-01E)
Explains the basic operation of the UT150/UT152/UT155 controller.
Supplied with the UT150/UT152/UT155 Temperature Controller.
• Model UP150 Program Temperature Controller (IM 05C01F12-01E)
Explains the basic operation of the UP150 Program Temperature controller.
Supplied with the UP150 Program Temperature Controller.
FD No. IM 05C01E12-10E
4th Edition: Jun. 2004 (YK)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1998. Yokogawa Electric Corporation
IM 05C01E12-10E i
Documentation Conventions
■ Symbols
The following symbols are used in this manual.
●Symbols Used in the Main Text
Draws attention to information that is essential for understanding the operation and/or features of the
See Also
Gives reference locations for further information on the topic.
■ Description of Displays
(1) Some of the representations of product displays shown in this manual may be exaggerated,
simplified, or partially omitted for reasons of convenience when explaining them.
(2) Figures and illustrations representing the controller’s displays may differ from the real displays in
regard to the position and/or indicated characters (upper-case or lower-case, for example), to the
extent that they do not impair a correct understanding of the functions and the proper operation and
monitoring of the system.
ii IM 05C01E12-10E
■ Regarding This User’ Manual
(1) This manual should be passed on to the end user. Keep at least one extra copy of the manual in a
safe place.
(2) Read this manual carefully to gain a thorough understanding of how to operate this product before
you start using it.
(3) This manual is intended to describe the functions of this product. Yokogawa Electric Corporation
(hereinafter simply referred to as Yokogawa) does not guarantee that these functions are suited to
the particular purpose of the user.
(4) Under absolutely no circumstance may the contents of this manual, in part or in whole, be tran-
scribed or copied without permission.
(5) The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
(6) Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this manual. Should any
errors or omissions come to your attention however, please contact your nearest Yokogawa
representative or our sales office.
■ Regarding Protection, Safety, and Prohibition Against Unauthorized Modification
(1) In order to protect the product and the system controlled by it against damage and ensure its safe
use, make certain that all of the instructions and precautions relating to safety contained in this
document are strictly adhered to. Yokogawa does not guarantee safety if products are not handled
according to these instructions.
(2) The following safety symbols are used on the product and/or in this manual.
This symbol on the product indicates that the operator must refer to an explanation in the user’s
manual in order to avoid the risk of injury or death of personnel or damage to the instrument. The
manual describes how the operator should exercise special care to avoid electrical shock or other
dangers that may result in injury or loss of life.
IM 05C01E12-10E iii
■ Force Majeure
(1) Yokogawa does not make any warranties regarding the product except those mentioned in the
WARRANTY that is provided separately.
(2) Yokogawa assumes no liability to any party for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, caused by
the use or any unpredictable defect of the product.
(3) Be sure to use the spare parts approved by Yokogawa when replacing parts or consumables.
(4) Modification of the product is strictly prohibited.
(5) Use this software with one specified computer only. You must purchase another copy of the
software for use on each additional computer.
(6) Copying this software for purposes other than backup is strictly prohibited.
(7) Store the floppy disk(s) (original medium or media) containing this software in a secure place.
(8) Reverse engineering such as the disassembly or decompilation of software is strictly prohibited.
(9) No portion of the software supplied by Yokogawa may be transferred, exchanged, leased or sublet
for use by any third party without the prior permission of Yokogawa.
iv IM 05C01E12-10E
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... i
IM 05C01E12-10E v
Chapter 6. Functions and Usage of D Registers (UT130, UT150/UT152/UT155) ... 6-1
6.1 Overview of D Registers ................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Interpretation of Lists of D Registers
(D Register Map Tables) ................................................................................. 6-1
6.3 Classification of D Registers .......................................................................... 6-2
6.4 Register Map Table ......................................................................................... 6-3
6.4.1 D Register Contents ................................................................................. 6-4
vi IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 1 Setup
1. Setup
This chapter describes the setup procedure required to be able to use the communication functions (PC
link, Ladder and MODBUS) and the communication parameters of the UT100 Series.
Set up the communication function parameters of the UT100 Series. (See Section 1.2.)
Connect a host device and a UT100 Series. (See the connection diagram below.)
* Communication programs should be created referring to the documentation of each host device.
RSA(-) RSA(-)
A(-) 4 4 Terminating
Terminating resistor
resistor 220Ω
220Ω 1/4 W
1/4 W
SG 5 5
RSA(-) RSA(-)
A(-) 27 27
Terminating Terminating
resistor resistor
220Ω 220Ω
1/4 W 1/4 W
SG 28 28
IM 05C01E12-10E 1-1
1.2 Notes on Setting Parameters
This section describes the setting parameters for using the communication functions and their setting
The details of UT100 Series communication functions need to be the same as those of the communica-
tion functions of the host devices to be connected. Check the communication parameters of the host
device first, then set up those of the UT100 Series.
1-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 1 Setup
Example of connecting four UT100 Series to a host device by setting address numbers of 1, 50, 10,
and 20
Personal computer
Maximum overall cable length of 1200 m for a maximum of 31 substations
● Parity (PRI)
Set the handling of parity to be carried out when data is sent or received. Set the same parity state as
that of the host device to be connected.
IM 05C01E12-10E 1-3
1-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 2 Communication Specifications
2. Communication Specifications
The RS-485 communication interface has the PC link communication, the Ladder communication and
the MODBUS communication.
Table 2-1 UT100 Series Communication Protocol
Communication Hardware 2-wire RS-485 communication system
Terminal Terminal numbers: 3 to 5 (UT130/UT150, UP150), 26 to 28 (UT152/UT155)
Communication Protocol PC link communication without sum check
Specifications PC link communication with sum check
Ladder communication
MODBUS communication (ASCII mode)
MODBUS communication (RTU mode)
Maximum Baud Rate 9600 bps
IM 05C01E12-10E 2-1
2-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
3. PC Link Communication
3.1 Overview
Personal computer
Maximum overall cable length of 1200 m for a maximum of 31 substations
The use of PC link communication enables UT100 Series to communicate with a device such as a PC,
easily. In this communication, you can use such device to read/write data from/into D registers or read
data from I relays, both of which are internal registers of the UT100 Series.
Hereafter, PCs are generally called “host devices.”
See Also
Chapters 6 to 9 for information on the D registers and I relays.
In the PC link communication, a host device identifies each UT100 Series with a communication
address of 1 to 99. Some of commands to use let you to specify broadcast that requires no address
numbers. For more information on broadcast specification, see subsection 3.2.2.
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-1
3.1.1 Configuration of Command
Commands sent from a host device to UT100 Series, consist of the following elements.
(7) Checksum
This converts the ASCII codes of texts between the character next to STX and the character immedi-
ately before the checksum into hexadecimal values and adds them byte by byte. It then fetches the
single lowermost byte of the added results as the checksum.
This column is only required for PC link communication with checksum. PC link communication
without checksum does not require this 2-byte space of ASCII code.
The control codes STX, ETX, and CR are essential for commands when you create a communication
program for PC link communication. Omission of any of them or incorrect order of them results in
communication failure.
3-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
Proportional bands, upper and lower limits of % data (0.0 to 100.0%) 0 to 1000
output, and others
Various modes, alarm types, and others Seconds, absolute values, and data Absolute values not including the
without unit decimal point
Data to be send from the host device: hexadecimal value of 500 (01F4)
* The position of the decimal point for “500” is determined by the DP (position of decimal point) parameter of the UT100 Series.
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1
STX Address CPU ER EC1 EC2 Command Checksum ETX CR
Element number number
(ADR) 01
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-3
3.2 Communication with Host Device
In PC link communication, when specifying D registers or I relays, the internal registers of UT100
Series, you can use their numbers as is. The specifications of the number of each internal register are:
• D registers: D**** (****: 4-digit numeric value)
• I relays: I**** (****: 4-digit numeric value)
Host devices to be connected to UT100 Series are those capable of handling the PC link communica-
tion protocol.
As an example of communication program, Section 3.3 shows an example of BASIC program created
using Microsoft Quick BASIC.
3-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-5
3.2.2 Specifying Broadcast
The personal computer sends data to all of the substations at one time.
The broadcast function enables all of the connected UT100 Series or other devices to receive a
command. Specifying an address number in Table 3-2 for the address number column in a command
enables the host device to write data from/into the internal registers of all UT100 Series or other
For UT100 Series, internal registers (D registers and I relays) are assigned with numbers for manage-
ment. (See chapters 6 to 9 for details.) For the internal registers of other models, see the documenta-
tion of the relevant model.
Table 3-2 Address Numbers
ADR Applicable Devices
BG UT100 Series only
3-6 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
3.2.3 Commands
BRD Reads I relays on a bit-by-bit basis.
● Function
Reads a sequence of contiguous ON/OFF statuses by the specified number of bits starting at a speci-
fied I relay number.
• The number of bits to be read at a time is 1 to 48.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 5 1 3 2 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 BRD I relay Comma Number Checksum ETX CR
element number number number or space of bits
(ADR) 01 (n)
Number of 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 … 1 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK d1 d2 d3 … dn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is “0” when the status is OFF or “1” when ON.
dn: read data to the extent of the specified number of bits (n = 1 to 48)
dn = 0 (OFF)
dn = 1 (ON)
● Example: Reading the status of alarm 1 of the UT100 Series with address number 01
The following command reads the status of alarm 1 (I0001) at address number 01.
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-7
BWR Writes data into I relays on a bit-by-bit basis.
● Function
Writes ON/OFF data into a sequence of contiguous I relays at intervals of the specified number of bits
and starting at a specified I relay number.
• The number of bits to be written at a time is 1 to 32.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes a checksum function. When performing communication
without checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 5 1 3 1 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 BWR I relay Comma Number Comma d1 d2
element number number number or space of bits or space
(ADR) 01 (n)
Command (continued)
… 1 2 1 1
… dn Checksum ETX CR
dn: write data to the extent of the specified number of bits (n = 1 to 32)
dn = 0 (OFF)
dn = 1 (ON)
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Setting the user-defined flag of UT100 Series with address number 01 to ON.
The following command writes ON into the user-defined flag (I0018) at address number 01.
3-8 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Reads the ON/OFF statuses of I relays at intervals of the specified number of bits in a random order.
• The number of bits to be read at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes a checksum function. When performing communication
without a checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 5 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 BRR Number I relay Comma I relay Comma
element number number of bits number or space number or space
(ADR) 01 (n) 1 2
Command (continued)
… 5 2 1 1
Number of 1 2 2 2 1 1 … 1 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK d1 d2 … dn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is “0” when the status is OFF or “1” when ON.
dn: read data to the extent of the specified number of bits (n = 1 to 16)
dn = 0 (OFF)
dn = 1 (ON)
● Example: Reading the statuses of alarms 1 and 2 of the UT100 Series with address number 05
The following command reads the statuses of alarm 1 (I0001) and alarm 2 (I0002) at address number 05.
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-9
BRW Writes data into I relays on a bit-by-bit basis in a random order.
● Function
Writes ON/OFF statuses into I relays at intervals of the specified number of bits on a per-I relay basis
and in random order.
• The number of bits to be written at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without a checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 1 1 5
Command STX Address CPU 0 BRW Number I relay Comma d1 Comma I relay
element number number of bits number or space or space number
(ADR) 01 (n) 1 2
Command (continued)
1 1 1 … 5 1 1 2 1 1
dn: write data to the extent of the specified number of bits (n = 1 to 16)
dn = 0 (OFF)
dn = 1 (ON)
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Setting four user-defined flags of the UT100 Series with address number 05 to ON,
OFF, OFF, and ON.
The following command sets the four user-defined flags (I0021, I0022, I0023, and I0024) at address
number 05 to ON, OFF, OFF, and ON respectively.
3-10 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Specifies the numbers of I relays to be monitored on a bit-by-bit basis. Note that this command simply
specifies I relays. Actual monitoring is performed by the BRM command after the I relay numbers are
When the volume of data is large and you wish to increase the communication rate, it is effective to
use a combination of the BRS and BRM commands rather than the BRD command.
• The number of registers to be specified at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without a checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 5 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 BRS Number I relay Comma I relay Comma
element number number of bits number or space number or space
(ADR) 01 (n) 1 2
Command (continued)
… 5 2 1 1
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Monitoring the PV burnout status of the UT100 Series with address number 05
The following command monitors the PV burnout status (I0007) at address number 05.
(This command is used for simply specifying registers.)
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-11
BRM Monitors I relays on a bit-by-bit basis.
● Function
Reads the ON/OFF statuses of I relays that have been specified in advance by the BRS command.
• Before executing this command, the BRS command must always be executed to specify which I
relays are to be monitored. If no relay has been specified, error code 06 is generated. This error also
occurs if the power supply is turned off.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 BRM Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
Number of 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 … 1 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK d1 d2 d3 … dn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is “0” when the status is OFF or “1” when ON.
dn: read data to the extent of the number of bits specified by the BRS command (n = 1 to 16)
dn = 0 (OFF)
dn = 1 (ON)
● Example: Monitoring the PV burnout status of the UT100 Series with address number 05
The following command monitors the PV burnout status (I0007) at address number 05.
(This command reads the statuses of the I relays specified by the BRS command.)
3-12 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Reads a sequence of contiguous register information on a word-by-word basis, by the specified
number of words, and starting at the specified register number.
• The number of words to be read at a time is 1 to 32.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 5 1 2 2 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 WRD Register Comma Number Checksum ETX CR
element number number number or space of words
(ADR) 01 (n)
Number of 1 2 2 2 4 4 … 4 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK dddd1 dddd2 … ddddn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is returned in a 4-digit character string (0000 to FFFF) in a hexadecimal pattern.
● Example: Reading a measured input value of the UT100 Series with address number 03
The following command reads the measured input value (D0002) at address number 03.
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-13
WWR Writes data into D registers and I relays on a word-by-word basis.
● Function
Writes information into a sequence of contiguous registers on a word-by-word basis, by the specified
number of words, and starting at the specified register number.
• The number of words to be written at a time is 1 to 32.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 5 1 2 1 4
Command STX Address CPU 0 WWR Register Comma Number Comma dddd1
element number number number or space of words or space
(ADR) 01 (n)
Command (continued)
4 … 4 2 1 1
Write information is specified in a 4-digit character string (0000 to FFFF) in a hexadecimal pattern.
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Writing “200” into target setpoint of UT100 Series with address number 03.
The following command writes data 200 (00C8 (HEX)) into the target setpoint 1 (D0120) at address
number 03.
3-14 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Reads the statuses of registers on a word-by-word basis, by the specified number of words and in a
random order.
• The number of words to be read at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 5 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 WRR Number Register Comma Register Comma
element number number of words number or space number or space
(ADR) 01 (n) 1 2
Command (continued)
… 5 2 1 1
Number of 1 2 2 2 4 4 … 4 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK dddd1 dddd2 … ddddn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is returned in a 4-digit character string (0000 to FFFF) in a hexadecimal pattern.
● Example: Reading the measured input and output values of the UT100 Series with address number
The following command reads the measured input value (D0002) and output value (D0004) at address
number 10.
The measured input value 200 (00C8 (HEX)) and output value 50 (0032 (HEX)) are returned as
the response to the above command.
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-15
WRW Writes data into D registers and I relays on a word-by-word basis in random order.
● Function
Writes register information specified for each register into registers of the specified number of words
in a random order.
• The number of words to be written at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 4 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 WRW Number Register Comma dddd1 Comma
element number number of words number or space or space
(ADR) 01 (n) 1
Command (continued)
5 1 4 … 5 1 4 2 1 1
Write information is specified in a 4-digit character string (0000 to FFFF) in a hexadecimal pattern.
Repetition of register numbers and write information by the specified number of words
ddddn = character string in a hexadecimal pattern
n = 1 to 16
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Writing “20.0” into target setpoint of UT100 Series with address number 10 and “15.0”
into the alarm-1 setpoint.
3-16 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Specifies the numbers of the registers to be monitored on a word-by-word basis. Note that this
command simply specifies the registers. Actual monitoring is performed by the WRM command after
the register numbers are specified by this command.
If the volume of data is large and you wish to increase the communication rate, it is useful to use a
combination of the WRS and WRM commands rather than the WRD command. If the power supply is
turned off, the register numbers specified will be erased.
• The number of words to be specified at a time is 1 to 16.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 5 1 5 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 WRS Number Register Comma Register Comma
element number number of words number or space number or space
(ADR) 01 (n) 1 2
Command (continued)
… 5 2 1 1
Number of 1 2 2 2 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
● Example: Monitoring the measured input value of UT100 Series with address number 01
The following command monitors the measured input value (D0002) at address number 01.
(This command simply specifies the registers.)
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-17
WRM Monitors the D register and I relays on a word-by-word basis.
● Function
Reads register information that has been specified in advance by the WRS command.
• Before executing this command, the WRS command must always be executed to specify which
registers are to be monitored. If no register has been specified, error code 06 is generated. This error
also occurs if the power supply is turned off.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
• The command shown below includes the checksum function. When performing communication
without the checksum, do not include the 2-byte checksum command element in the command.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 WRM Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
Number of 1 2 2 2 4 4 … 4 2 1 1
Response STX Address CPU OK dddd1 dddd2 … ddddn Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
The response is returned in a 4-digit character string (0000 to FFFF) in a hexadecimal pattern.
● Example: Monitoring the measured input value of UT100 Series with address number 01
The following command monitors the measured input value (D0002) at address number 01.
(This command reads the statuses of the registers specified by the WRS command.)
The measured input value 200 (00C8 (HEX)) is returned as the response to the above command.
3-18 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
● Function
Returns the model number of UT100 Series, whether any options are included, and the version number
and revision number are read.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 3.1.2.
● Command/Response (for normal operation)
Number of 1 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1
Command STX Address CPU 0 INF 6 Checksum ETX CR
element number number
(ADR) 01
Number of 1 2 2 2 8 8 4 4
Response STX Address CPU OK U■■■■■■■ Version Readout start Number of
element number number (Note 1) Revision register for readout registers
(ADR) 01 (Note 2) special device for special device
Response (continued)
4 4 2 1 1
01: Two alarms
T130: UT130 - 48 × 48 (mm) 02: Heater burnout detection and two alarms
T150: UT150 - 48 × 48 (mm) 04: Communication function
T152: UT152 - 48 × 96 (mm) 10: Two contact inputs
T155: UT155 - 96 × 96 (mm) 20: 4 to 20 mA DC retransmission output
1: Relay output
2: Pulse output
3: 4 to 20 mA DC output
4: Heating and cooling relay output
5: Heating relay outpout and cooling pulse outpout
6: Heating relay output and 4-to-20 mA DC cooling output
7: Heating pulse output and cooling relay output
P150: UP150 - 48 × 48 (mm) 8: Heating and cooling pulse outputs
9: Heating pulse output and 4-to-20 mA DC cooling output
1 to 3 only A: 4-to-20 mA DC heating output and cooling relay output
B: 4-to-20 mA DC heating output and cooling pulse output
C: 4-to-20 mA DC heating and cooling outputs
05: Communication function
11: Two contact inputs
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-19
3.2.4 Response Error Codes
See Also
Subsection 3.1.2, Configuration of Response, for the structure of the response in the event of error.
The error codes (EC1) and detailed error codes (EC2) of response are as follows.
Table 3-3 List of Error Codes EC1
Error Code Meaning Causes
02 Command error • No command exists.
• Command not executable
03 Register specification error • No register number exists.
• If a bit register (I relay) is used on a word-by-word basis, its specification is
not correct.
04 Out of setpoint range • A character other than 0 or 1 has been used for the bit setting.
• A value other than 0000 to FFFF has been specified in the word specification.
• The position of a start for a data load, save, or other command, is out of the
address range.
05 Out of data number range • The specification of the number of bits or words is out of the range of use.
• The number of data specified and the number of parameters for registers, etc.
are not consistent.
06 Monitor error • An attempt was made to execute monitoring without specifying the monitor
(BRS or WRS).
08 Parameter error • An illegal parameter is set.
42 Sum error • The sum does not match the expected value.
43 Internal buffer overflow • A data value greater than specified is received.
44 Character reception time-out • The end-of-data or end-of-text character is not received.
3-20 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-21
Example of the Program Created Using Microsoft Quick BASIC Version 7.1
(Reads the values in three D registers from register 0002.)
1000 ‘ === Main routine ===
1010 STX$=CHR$(2) ‘ Define
1020 ETX$=CHR$(3) ‘ Define
1030 CR$=CHR$(13) ‘ Define
1040 RCVCHR$= “” ‘ Initialize receive character string
1050 fRCVEND=0 ‘ Initialize flag
1060 fTIMEOUT=0 ‘ Initialize flag
1070 ‘
1080 SEND$=STX$+”01010WRDD0002,03"+ETX$ ‘ Create character string for send
1090 ‘
1100 OPEN “COM1:9600,N,8,1,ASC” FOR RANDOM AS #1 ‘ Open a port
1110 ON COM(1) GOSUB receivechr ‘ Specify interruption processing during
1120 ON TIME(5) GOSUB timeout ‘ Specify interruption processing at timeout
1130 ‘
1140 PRINT #1,SEND$ ‘ Send
1150 COM(1) ON ‘ Permit interruption during receive
1160 TIMER ON ‘ Start timer
1170 ‘
1180 DO ‘ Wait for receive end or timeout
1200 ‘
1210 TIMER OFF ‘ Stop timer
1220 COM(1) OFF ‘ Prohibit interruption during receiving
1230 CLOSE #1 ‘ Close the port
1240 ‘
1250 PRINT “>”+SEND$ ‘ Display sent character string on screen
1260 PRINT “<”+RCVCHR$ ‘ Display received character string on
1270 END ‘ END
1280 ‘
1290 ‘ === Subroutine ===
1300 receivechr: ‘ Interruption processing during receiving
1310 CHR1$=INPUT\(1,#1) ‘ Fetch characters from receive buffer
one by one
1320 IF CHR1$=CR$ THEN ‘ If received character string is “CR,”
1330 IF RCVCHR$=SEND$ THEN ‘ If received character string is the same
served command,
1340 RCVCHR$=“” ‘ Initialize receive character string.(Echo
Back Processing)
1350 fRCVEND=0 ‘ receiving flag remains initialized at 0.
1360 ELSE ‘ If received character string is different
from served command,
1370 fRCVEND=1 ‘ receiving end flag is set.
1380 END IF ‘
1390 ELSE ‘ If it is a character other than CR,
1400 fRCVEND=0 ‘ receiving end flag remains initialized at 0.
1410 RCVCHR$=RCVCHR$+CHR1$ ‘ Create received character string
1420 END IF
1440 ‘
3-22 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 3 PC Link Communication
IM 05C01E12-10E 3-23
3-24 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
4. Ladder Communication
4.1 Overview
You can establish a data link between UT100 Series controller and sequencer (PLC) by simply
creating a ladder program on PLC.
By specifying the register numbers of the D registers of the instrument as parameters in the ladder
program, you can write/read data to and from the registers using BCD codes (0 to 9).
You cannot access I relays when using ladder communication. First, obtain an understanding of the
ladder communication protocol, then refer to the examples of ladder communication in Subsection 4.3.
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-1
● Data Form of Commands
The table below shows the data forms of commands for D registers.
Table 4-1 Data Forms of Commands for D Registers
Type of Data Contents of Data Specified Form
PV high and low limits, target setpoints, and oth- Measuring range (EU) data Numeric data not including the deci-
ers mal point
Bias, deviation alarms, and other Measuring range span (EUS) data Numeric data not including the deci-
mal point
Proportional bands, upper and lower limits of % data (0.0 to 100.0%) 0 to 1000
output, and others
Various modes, alarm types, and others Seconds, absolute values, and data Absolute values not including the
without unit decimal point
* The position of the decimal point for “500” is determined by the DP (position of decimal point) parameter of UT100 Series.
4-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
Number of bytes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Number of BCD digits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2
Address CPU
number Parameter Read/write CR LF
Command/response element number 0 0 R/W +/-
(ADR) number data (0D) (0A)
2) CPU number
Fixed at 01.
3) Parameter number
Four-digit BCD data of D register number
See Also
For details on D registers see chapters 6.
4) 0
This position is fixed at 0.
5) 0
This position is fixed at 0.
6) R/W
0: Read
1: Write
7) +/-
0: Positive data (+)
1: Negative data (-)
8) Read/write data
In the case of a write operation, this is BCD 4-digit set data excluding the decimal point. In the case
of a read operation, it is the number of data items that are read.
9) CR, LF
Control code which indicates the termination of a command. The corresponding character codes are
CR = CHR$(13) and LF = CHR$(10).
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-3
4.2.2 Reading Parameters
Parameters from the PLC are read to UT100 Series Controller in the following configuration.
Capable of reading data from a maximum of 20.
Number of bytes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Number of BCD digits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2
Address Number of
number Parameter data items CR LF
Command element number 0 0 0 0
(ADR) number that are read (0D) (0A)
Number of bytes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2
Number of BCD digits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 4
Address CPU
number Parameter
Response element number 0 0 0 +/- dddd1 0 0 0 +/- dddd2
(ADR) number
••• 1 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1 4 2 2
••• 0 0 0 +/- dddd1
(0D) (0A)
● Example of reading a mesured input value (D register 0002) of UT100 Series with address number
[Command] “01010002000000010D0A”
Refer to the send data creation programs in Section 4.3 for examples of ladder programs of com-
mands. Also, refer to the receive data processing programs in Section 4.3 for examples of ladder
programs used in response to commands.
4-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
Number of bytes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Number of BCD digits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2
Address CPU
number Parameter CR LF
Command element number 0 0 1 +/- dddd
(ADR) number (0D) (0A)
Number of bytes 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1
Number of BCD digits 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 4 2 2
Address CPU
Parameter CR LF
Response element number number 0 0 1 +/- dddd
number (0D) (0A)
(ADR) (01)
● Example of writing 200 into target setpoint (D register 0003) of UT100 Series with address number
[Command] “01010003001002000D0A”
Note: Concerning D registers, refer to Chapter 6 or 8.
The measured input value 200 (BCD code) is returned in response to the above command.
[Response] “01010003001002000D0A”
Refer to the send data creation programs in Section 4.3 for examples of ladder programs of com-
mands. Also, refer to the receive data processing programs in Section 4.3 for examples of ladder
programs used in response to commands.
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-5
4.2.4 Response Error Codes
Data that the master station (PLC) may receive on an error occurrence and the descriptions of the
corresponding error are shown in the table below.
Read/Write data
Parameter number
Note: “ / ” in the following send and receive data examples is used for explanatory purposes only,
and is not part of the actual data string.
If a parameter that is not in the D register table or the I relay table is read, an error does not occur. In
this case, 0 will be returned instead.
4-6 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
DI module
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-7
4.3.1 Data Reading and Writing
4-8 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
4.3.2 Wiring
This section explains how to connect the two-wire computer link unit to two-wire UT100 series
Short-circuit the SDA(+) and RDA(+) terminals and the SDB(-) and RDB(-) terminals of the computer
link unit as the UT100 series controller is designed to operate in a two-wire system. Be sure to attach
220-Ω, 1/2-Watt terminating resistors, as shown in the following figures.
RDB (-)
SG 5 5
RDB (-)
SG 28 28
The symbols for the terminal assignments of the computer link unit and UT100 series controllers
• positive polarity by the letter A for the computer link unit and by the letter B for the UT100 series
controller, and
• negative polarity by the letter B for the computer link unit and by the letter A for the UT100 series
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-9
4.3.3 Configuring the Computer Link Unit
This section explains how to define the specifications of communication carried out between the
computer link unit and the UT100 series controllers.
The computer link unit is configured using its front-panel DIP switch, while communication param-
eters are used to configure the UT100 series controllers.
01 04 05 12
Baud Rate (bps) 300 600 2400 4800 9600 19200 Undefined
Shaded areas are not used for the communication with the UT100 series controllers.
4-10 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
Mode Definition
0 Unused.
4 1 to 3 Unused.
Mode 4 Non-procedural mode
5 Type-1 protocol mode
6 Type-2 protocol mode
7 Type-3 protocol mode
8 Type-4 protocol mode
9 to E Unused.
F Testing of separate unit
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-11
4.3.4 List of Devices Used
The following table lists the devices used in the examples of ladder programming for communication
4-12 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
PLS M502
Selection of Reset
transmission 3 flag
M500 P K
MOV 0 A0
MOV 0 A1
M501 P K
**** Rotation Command ******
M9032 P K
P L S M602
Selection of Transmission
transmission 2 2P
P L S M603
Selection of Transmission
transmission 3 3P
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-13
**** SP Data Setting *****
X0002 P H
MOV 1122 D201 Sets SP data
1 for address-
1 controller.
X0002 P H
MOV 3344 D201 Sets SP data
2 for address-
1 controller.
X0003 P H
MOV 9909 D202 Sets SP data
1 for address-
2 controller.
X0003 P H
MOV 7707 D202 Sets SP data
2 for address-
2 controller.
X0004 P H
MOV 5566 D203 Sets SP data
1 for address-
3 controller.
X0004 P H
MOV 4455 D203 Sets SP data
2 for address-
3 controller.
RST M305 Turns on the
read flag.
4-14 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
**** Process for Sending Read Command from Address-1 Controller *****
M601 X0020 Y0030 M305 P H
MOV 0005 D0 Sets register D0.
Transmis- End of Request to Number of
sion 1P transmis- send transmitted words
sion =5
MOV 0101 D1 Sets register D1.
Station No. = 1
CPU No. = 1
MOV 0100 D2 Sets register D2.
Number of first-
read parameter =
MOV 0000 D3 Sets register D3.
Read command =
MOV 0400 D4 Sets register D4.
Number of data
items read = 4
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
RST Y0030 Turns off the
End of request-to-send
Request to
flag when the end-
transmission send
**** Process for Receiving Data from Address-1 Controller ****** flag turns on.
X0021 P H H K
= 0101 D1 FROM 0002 0080 D100 1 Moves the
Request received data size
to D100.
to read
data P
MOV D100 Z Sets the received
data size in index
register Z.
FROM 0002 0081 D101 0 Moves as much
data as that
received from
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-15
**** Process for Sending Read Command from Address-2 Controller *****
M602 X0020 Y0030 M305 P H
MOV 0005 D0 Sets register D0.
Transmis- End of Request to Number of
sion 2P transmis- send transmitted words
sion =5
MOV 0102 D1 Sets register D1.
Station No. = 2
CPU No. = 1
MOV 0100 D2 Sets register D2.
Number of first-
read parameter =
MOV 0000 D3 Sets register D3.
Read command =
MOV 0400 D4 Sets register D4.
Number of data
items read = 4
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
RST Y0030 Turns off the
End of Request to request-to-send
transmission send flag when the end-
**** Process for Receiving Data from Address-2 Controller ****** flag turns on.
H X0021 P H H K
= 0102 D1 FROM 0002 0080 D120 1 Moves the
Request received data size
to read to D120.
data P
MOV D120 Z Sets the received
data size in index
register Z.
FROM 0002 0081 D121 0 Moves as much
data as that
received from
4-16 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
**** Process for Sending Read Command from Address-3 Controller *****
M603 X0020 Y0030 M305 P H
MOV 0005 D0 Sets register D0.
Transmis- End of Request to Number of
sion 3P transmis- send transmitted words
sion =5
MOV 0103 D1 Sets register D1.
Station No. = 3
CPU No. = 1
MOV 0100 D2 Sets register D2.
Number of first-
read parameter =
MOV 0000 D3 Sets register D3.
Read command =
MOV 0400 D4 Sets register D4.
Number of data
items read = 4
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
RST Y0030 Turns off the
End of Request to request-to-send
transmission send flag when the end-
**** Process for Receiving Data from Address-3 Controller ****** flag turns on.
H X0021 P H H K
= 0103 D1 FROM 0002 0080 D140 1 Moves the
Request received data size
to read to D140.
data P
MOV D140 Z Sets the received
data size in index
register Z.
FROM 0002 0081 D141 0 Moves as much
data as that
received from
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-17
**** Process for Writing to Address-1 Controller *****
M601 X0020 Y0030 P
MOV D201 D301 Copies SP data to
Transmis- End of Request to the
sion 1P transmis- send communication
sion buffer.
M601 X0020 Y0030 M305 P H
MOV 0005 D0 Sets register D0.
Transmis- End of Request to Number of
sion 1P transmis- send transmitted words
sion =5
MOV 0101 D1 Sets register D1.
Station No. = 1
CPU No. = 1
MOV 2001 D2 Sets register D2.
Number of write-
to parameter =
MOV 1000 D3 Sets register D3.
Write command =
MOV D301 D4 Sets register D4.
controller’s SP
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
RST Y0030 Turns off the
Request to request-to-send
End of
send flag when the end-
flag turns on.
4-18 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 4 Ladder Communication
MOV D302 D4 Sets register D4.
controller’s SP
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
RST Y0030 Turns off the
Request to request-to-send
End of
send flag when the end-
flag turns on.
IM 05C01E12-10E 4-19
**** Process for Writing to Address-3 Controller *****
M603 X0020 Y0030 P
MOV D203 D303 Copies SP data to
Transmis- End of Request to the
sion 3P transmis- send communication
sion buffer.
M603 X0020 Y0030 M305 P H
MOV 0005 D0 Sets register D0.
Transmis- End of Request to Number of
sion 3P transmis- send transmitted words
sion =5
MOV 0103 D1 Sets register D1.
Station No. = 3
CPU No. = 1
MOV 2001 D2 Sets register D2.
Number of write-
to parameter =
MOV 1000 D3 Sets register D3.
Write command =
MOV D303 D4 Sets register D4.
controller’s SP
MOV 0A0D D5 Sets register D5.
A set of CR and
LF codes
TO 0002 0000 D0 6 Transfers data to
the transmission
Turns off the
RST Y0030
End of Request to flag when the ent-
transmission send of transmission
flag turns on.
4-20 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 5 MODBUS Communication
5. MODBUS Communication
5.1 Overview
Personal computer
Maximum overall cable length of 1200 m for a maximum of 31 substations
Use of the MODBUS communication enables UT100 Series to communicate with a wide variety of
devices such as PCs. In this communication, you use such device to read/write data from/into D
registers, (internal registers) of the UT100 Series.
Hereafter, PCs are generally called “host devices.”
See Also
Chapter 6 or 8 for information on the D registers.
For the MODBUS communication of the UT100 Series, we provide the ASCII mode (ASCII system)
and RTU mode (binary system) for the communication mode.
Error detection Longitudinal redundancy check: LRC Cyclic redundancy check: CRC-16
Note 1: When the length of a message in the RTU mode, it is assumed to be “N.”
Note 2: When the communication rate is 9600 bps, 1 9600 24 sec or less.
In the MODBUS communication, a host device identifies each UT100 Series with a communication
address of 1 to 99. Some of the commands used let you specify broadcast that requires no address
numbers. For more information on broadcast specifications, see subsection 5.2.2.
IM 05C01E12-10E 5-1
5.1.1 Configuration of Message
Messages sent from a host device to UT100 Series, consists of the following elements.
(4) Data
This element specifies D register numbers, the number of D registers, parameter values, and so on in
accordance with the function code.
* The position of the decimal point for “500” is determined by the DP (position of decimal point) parameter of the UT100 Series.
5-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 5 MODBUS Communication
(1) When using commercially available SCADA or the like, specify the D register numbers by
changing them into reference numbers. D register numbers whose “D” leading character is replaced
with “4,” are treated as reference numbers. (When using a DDE server or others, specify these
reference numbers.)
(2) For communication programs created by the customer, specify registers using the hexadecimal
numbers of values that are obtained by subtracting “40001” from the reference numbers. (Thus,
hexadecimal numbers are those to be specified.)
Example: To specify target setpoint “D0120”:
(1) For a message using commercially available SCADA or the like, specify reference number
(2) For a message in a customer-created communication program, specify the hexadecimal number, or
0077, of a value (0119) obtained by subtracting 40001 from the reference number.
5.2.1 List of Function Codes
Function codes are command words used by the host device to obtain the D register information of
UT100 Series.
Table 5-2 List of Function Codes
Code Number Function Description
03 Reads data from multiple D registers. Capable of reading data from a maximum of 32 successive D
registers between D0001 and D0421.
06 Writes data into D register. Capable of writing data to one D register between D0101 and
08 Performs loop back test. See subsection 5.2.3, “Function Codes.
16 Writes data into multiple D registers. Capable of writing data into a maximum of 32 successive D
registers between D0101 and D0421.
• A write using the function code is not possible for read-only or disabled D registers.
• Broadcast can be specified for function codes 06 and 16 only.
IM 05C01E12-10E 5-3
5.2.2 Specifying Broadcast
The personal computer sends data to all of the substations at one time.
Broadcast is a feature in which all connected UT100 Series can receive the command concerned.
Specifying the number in Table 5-3 at the location of the address number in a message enables the
host device to write data into the D registers of all UT100 Series.
5-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 5 MODBUS Communication
● Function
This function code reads the contents of successive D registers by the specified number of them
starting at a specified D register number.
• The maximum number of D registers to be read at a time is 32.
• For the format of responses in the event of failure, see subsection 5.2.4.
● Message (for normal operation)
Element Start of Address Function Code D-Register Start D-Register Start
Message Number (ADR) (03) Number Number
Mark (:) (Upper Digit) (Lower Digit)
Number of bytes in
None 1 1 1 1
RTU mode
Number of bytes in 1 2 2 2 2
ASCII mode
Message (continued)
Number of Number of Error End of Message
D Registers D Registers Check Mark
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) (CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
Response (continued)
Contents of Contents of Error End of Message
D Registers D Registers Check Mark
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) (CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
● Example: Reading the statuses of alarms 1 and 2 from the UT100 Series with address number 17.
The following message reads four successive D registers starting at alarm 1 (D0101) and address
number 17 in the ASCII mode.
[Message] [ : ]11030064000286[CR][LF]
Start of message mark
“11”: address number 17, “03”: function code 03, “0064”: D register address 0101, “0002”: number
of D registers 2, and “86”: error check
* Numbers in quotation marks are hexadecimal.
The following response is returned with respect to the above message.
[Response] [ : ]110308005A000A84[CR][LF]
IM 05C01E12-10E 5-5
16 Writes data into D registers.
● Function
This function code writes data into successive D registers by the number of specified D registers from
a specified D register number.
• The maximum number of D registers into which data is written at a time is 32.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 5.2.4.
• Lets you specify broadcast (by setting “00” to the address number).
● Message (for normal operation)
Element Start of Address Function Code D-Register Start D-Register Start
Message Number (10) Number Number
Mark (:) (ADR) (Upper Digit) (Lower Digit)
Number of bytes in
RTU mode None 1 1 1 1
Number of bytes in 1 2 2 2 2
ASCII mode
Massage (continued)
Number of Number of Byte Data Data Error End of Message
D Registers D Registers Count (Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) … Check Mark
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) (CR + LF)
1 1 1 1 1 … 2 None
2 2 2 2 2 … 2 2
Response (continued)
Number of D Number of D Error End of Message
Registers Registers Check Mark
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) (CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
● Example: Setting a proportional band of 200, an integral time of 10, and a derivative time of 3 to
UT100 Series with address number 02.
The following message writes values 200, 10, and 3 in this order in the ASCII mode, starting at the
proportional band (D0105) of address number 02.
[Message] [ : ]0210006800030600C8000A0003A8[CR][LF]
Start of message mark
“02”: address number 02, “10”: function code 16, “0068”: starts register address 0105, “0003”:
number of D registers 3, “06”: byte count, “00C8”: proportional band’s value 200, “000A”: integral
time 10, “0003”: derivative time 3, and “A8”: error check
* Numbers in quotation marks are hexadecimal.
The following response is returned with respect to the above message.
[Response] [ : ]02100068000383[CR][LF]
Number of D registers: 3
5-6 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 5 MODBUS Communication
● Function
This function code writes data into a specified D register number.
• The maximum number of D registers into which data is written at a time is 1.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 5.2.4.
• Lets you specify broadcast (by setting “00” to the address number).
● Message (for normal operation)
Element Start of Address Function Code D-Register D-Register
Message Number (06) Number Number
Mark (:) (ADR) (Upper Digit) (Lower Digit)
Number of bytes in 1 1 1 1
RTU mode None
Number of bytes in 1 2 2 2 2
ASCII mode
Message (continued)
Write Data Write Data Error End of Message
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) Check Mark
(CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
Response (continued)
Write Data Write Data Error End of Message
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) Check Mark
(CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
● Example: Setting 70.0 to the target setpoint of UT100 Series with address number 01.
The following message writes “700” to the target setpoint (D0120) at address number 01 in the ASCII
[Message] [ : ]0106007702BCC4[CR][LF]
Start of message mark
“01”: address number 01, “06”: function code 06, “0077”: D-register address 0120, “02BC”: target
setpoint 70.0, and “C4”: error check
* Numbers in quotation marks are hexadecimal.
The response of the same contents is returned with respect to the above message.
[Response] [ : ]0106007702BCC4[CR][LF]
Target setpoint: 70.0
IM 05C01E12-10E 5-7
08 Performs a loop back test.
● Function
This function code is used to check connection for communication.
• For the format of response in the event of failure, see subsection 5.2.4.
• The specification of a D register number (marked with an asterisk below) for a loop back test is
“00” (fixed).
• Any value can be selected for send data.
● Message (for normal operation)
Element Start of Address Function Code 00 00
Message Number (08) (Upper Digit) (Lower Digit)
Mark (:) (ADR)
Number of bytes in
None 1 1 1 1
RTU mode
Number of bytes in 1 2 2 2 2
ASCII mode
Message (continued)
Send Data Send Data Error End of Message
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) Check Mark
(CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
Response (continued)
Send Data Send Data Error End of Message
(Upper Digit) (Lower Digit) Check Mark
(CR + LF)
1 1 2 None
2 2 2 2
● Example: Sending data 1234h to UT100 Series with address number 05 to check connection for
The following message sends “1234” (hexadecimal) to address number 05 in the ASCII mode.
[Message] [ : ]050800001234AD[CR][LF]
Start of message mark
“05”: address number 05, “08”: function code 08, “0000”: fixed, “1234”: send data, and “AD”: error
* Numbers in quotation marks are hexadecimal.
When connection for communication is normal, the following response is returned with respect to the
above message.
[Response] [ : ]050800001234AD[CR][LF]
“1234”: send data
5-8 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 5 MODBUS Communication
* The function code contains a function code (hexadecimal number) + 80 (hexadecimal number).
IM 05C01E12-10E 5-9
5-10 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 6 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UT130, UT150/UT152/UT155)
(1) D register number (3) Hex number (for MODBUS communication) Reading/writing via communication
(R: reading; W: writing)
(2) Reference number (for MODBUS communication)
IM 05C01E12-10E 6-1
6.3 Classification of D Registers
■ Classification of D Register Map Tables
The table below outlines how the D registers are classified by their numbers in the D Register Map tables.
Table 6-1 Classification of D Registers
Register No. Area and Data Categories Description Reference
D0001 to 0010 Process data area Operating data PV, SV, MV and other values Section
(Note 1) 6.4
D0401 to 0420 User area (Note 2), – Used for communication with the Section
represented by shaded host device. 6.4
section in the table ( )
D0011 to 0100 Must not be used.
D0121 to 0200
D0216 to 0300
D0313 to 0400
D0101 to 0120 Operating parameters Operating parameter P, I, D, etc. Section
area (Note 1) 6.4
D0201 to 0215 Setup parameters area Setup parameter AL, HY etc. Section
(Note 1) 6.4
D0301 to 0312
Note 1: Data for process values, operating parameters and setup parameters are stored as the types (EU, EUS, % and ABS without
the decimal point) indicated in the "Operating Parameters" and the "Setup Parameters" of the UT100 Series Temperature
Controller user’s manual. The OFF and ON states are represented by 0 and 1, respectively. The D registers D0401 to
0420 are read-only.
Note 2: The user area (register numbers D0401 to 0420) is reserved for 16-bit register data used in other software programs.
When working with host device, do not write to or read from this area as usually done.
No data may be written to or read from data storage areas with blank fields in the tables that follow.
If you attempt to do so, UT100 Series controller may fail to operate correctly.
6-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 6 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UT130, UT150/UT152/UT155)
IM 05C01E12-10E 6-3
6.4.1 D Register Contents
D registers are designed to indicate two or more events, such as errors and parameter data, using
combinations of bits within them. If any of the events shown in the following tables occurs, the
corresponding bit is set to 1. The bit remains set to 0 if the event has not occurred yet. Note that bits
in blank fields are not in use.
● D0001 Register-Bit Configuration of STATUS (Input Error)
6-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 6 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UT130, UT150/UT152/UT155)
● D0120 Register - CSP1 (Target Setpoint for Writing via Communication Only)
This target setpoint is for writing via communication only and is effective only if the SP1 register is
selected. Use this D register when you want to have access to target setpoints by means of commu-
nication. The same value written in this D register is also written in D0114:SP1. This register isn’t
backup for power failure.
IM 05C01E12-10E 6-5
6-6 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 7 Functions and Usage of I Relays (UT130, UT150/UT152/UT155)
The I relays numbered 1 to 16 store on-off status information. In normal operation, this area can be
accessed to read the on-off status.
When specifying an I relay number via communication, begin the number with an upper-case letter I.
For example, type I0014 to specify the relay (I relay numbered 14).
No data may be written to or read from data storage areas with blank fields in the tables that follow.
If you attempt to do so, UT100 Series controller may fail to operate correctly.
Area of I Relays
I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay
No. No. No. No. No. No.
Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code
1 9 17 UR1 25 UR9 33 UR17 41 UR25
2 10 18 UR2 26 UR10 34 UR18 42 UR26
3 11 19 UR3 27 UR11 35 UR19 43 UR27
4 12 20 UR4 28 UR12 36 UR20 44 UR28
5 13 21 UR5 29 UR13 37 UR21 45 UR29
6 14 22 UR6 30 UR14 38 UR22 46 UR30
7 15 23 UR7 31 UR15 39 UR23 47 UR31
8 16 24 UR8 32 UR16 40 UR24 48 UR32
IM 05C01E12-10E 7-1
7-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 8 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UP150)
(1) D register number (3) Hex number (for MODBUS communication) Reading/writing via communication
(R: reading; W: writing)
(2) Reference number (for MODBUS communication)
IM 05C01E12-10E 8-1
8.3 Classification of D Registers
■ Classification of D Register Map Tables
The table below outlines how the D registers are classified by their numbers in the D Register Map tables.
Table 8-1 Classification of D Registers
Register No. Area and Data Categories Description Reference
D0001 to 0010 Process data area Operating data PV, SV, MV and other values Section
(Note 1) 8.4
D0401 to 0420 User area (Note 2), – Used for communication with the Section
represented by shaded host device. 8.4
section in the table ( )
D0012 to 0102 Must not be used.
D0124 to 0206
D0264 to 0300
D0313 to 0400
D0103 to 0123 Operating parameters Operating parameter P, I, D, etc. Section
area (Note 1) 8.4
D0207 to 0215 Setup parameters area Setup parameter PSL, IN etc. Section
D0301 to 0312 (Note 1) 8.4
D0216 to 0263 Program parameters Program parameter EV, AL etc. Section
area (Note 1) 8.4
Note 1: Data for process values, operating parameters, setup parameters and program parameters are stored as the types (EU,
EUS, % and ABS without the decimal point) indicated in the "Operating Parameters" and the "Setup Parameters" of the
Model UP150 Program Temperature Controller user’s manual. The OFF and ON states are represented by 0 and 1, re-
spectively. The D registers D0401 to 0420 are read-only.
Note 2: The user area (register numbers D0401 to 0420) is reserved for 16-bit register data used in other software programs.
When working with host device, do not write to or read from this area as usually done.
No data may be written to or read from data storage areas with blank fields in the tables that follow.
If you attempt to do so, UT100 Series controller may fail to operate correctly.
8-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 8 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UP150)
IM 05C01E12-10E 8-3
Area for Process Data
D-Reg No. Ref No. H No. Register Name R/W D-Reg No. Ref No. H No. Register Name R/W
D0303 40303 012E RH *R/W D0401 40401 0190 R/W
D0304 40304 012F RL *R/W D0402 40402 0191 R/W
D0305 40305 0130 SPH *R/W D0403 40403 0192 R/W
D0306 40306 0131 SPL *R/W D0404 40404 0193 R/W
D0307 40307 0132 TMU *R/W D0405 40405 0194 R/W
D0308 D0406 40406 0195 R/W
D0309 D0407 40407 0196 R/W
D0310 D0408 40408 0197 R/W
D0311 40311 0136 RTL *R/W D0409 40409 0198 R/W
D0312 40312 0137 RTH *R/W D0410 40410 0199 R/W
D0313 to 0400 Must not be used. D0411 40411 019A R/W
D0412 40412 019B R/W
D0413 40413 019C R/W
D0414 40414 019D R/W
D0415 40415 019E R/W
D0416 40416 019F R/W
D0417 40417 01A0 R/W
D0418 40418 01A1 R/W
D0419 40419 01A2 R/W
D0420 40420 01A3 R/W
Shaded areas indicate a user area (D-register numbers D0401 to D0420). These registers are not available if the host
An asterisk ( * ) indicates that the number of writing actions is limited to 100,000 times
8-4 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 8 Functions and Usage of D Registers (UP150)
IM 05C01E12-10E 8-5
8-6 IM 05C01E12-10E
Chapter 9 Functions and Usage of I Relays (UP150)
The on-off status I relays numbered 1 to 16 store on-off status information. In normal operation, this
area can be accessed to read the on-off status.
When specifying an I relay number via communication, begin the number with an upper-case letter I.
For example, type I0014 to specify the relay (I relay numbered 14).
No data may be written to or read from data storage areas with blank fields in the tables that follow.
If you attempt to do so, UT100 Series controller may fail to operate correctly.
Area of I Relays
I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay I Relay
No. No. No. No. No. No.
Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code Name Code
1 11 21 UR5 31 UR15 41 UR25 51
2 12 22 UR6 32 UR16 42 UR26 52
3 13 23 UR7 33 UR17 43 UR27 53 HOLD
4 14 24 UR8 34 UR18 44 UR28 54 WAIT
5 15 25 UR9 35 UR19 45 UR29 55
6 16 26 UR10 36 UR20 46 UR30 56
7 17 UR1 27 UR11 37 UR21 47 UR31
8 18 UR2 28 UR12 38 UR22 48 UR32
9 19 UR3 29 UR13 39 UR23 49 RUN
10 20 UR4 30 UR14 40 UR24 50 RESET
IM 05C01E12-10E 9-1
9-2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Appendix Table of ASCII Codes (Alphanumeric Codes)
Table of ASCII Codes (Alphanumeric Codes)
In order to implement PC link communication, create a transmission/receiving program by referring to
the following table of ASCII codes.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 0 0 0 0 NUL DLE SP 0 @ P ` p
0 0 0 1 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q
0 0 1 0 2 STX DC2 “ 2 B R b r
0 0 1 1 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s
0 1 0 0 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t
0 1 0 1 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u
0 1 1 0 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v
0 1 1 1 7 BEL ETB ‘ 7 G W g w
1 0 0 0 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x
1 0 0 1 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y
1 0 1 0 A LF SUB * : J Z j z
1 0 1 1 B VT ESC + ; K [ k {
1 1 0 0 C FF FS , < L ¥ l |
1 1 0 1 D CR GS – = M ] m }
1 1 1 0 E SO RS . > N • n
1 1 1 1 F SI US / ? O _ o DEL
SP ($20): space
DEL ($7F): control code Control codes Character codes
IM 05C01E12-10E App. 1
App. 2 IM 05C01E12-10E
Revision Record
● Manual No. : IM 05C01E12-10E
● Title : UT100 Series Communication Functions
Network Solutions Business Division
2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 JAPAN
Phone: +81-422-52-7179 Facsimile: +81-422-52-6793
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Phone: +31-334-64-1611 Facsimile: +31-334-64-1610
Sales Branch Offices / Houten (The Netherlands), Wien (Austria), Zaventem
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