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Your name: __________________

Period: ____
• From the list, select a virus or bacteria (all must be different-no
• You will research to find answers to the project components and
present your findings to the class.
• Your presentation can be in the following formats: keynote, Prezi, song/
rap, skit, poster/tri-fold, brochure (like you would find at the doctor’s
office), a video (iMovie or Clips), or some other format approved by Mrs.
• You have the option to work alone, or with a partner. (No groups of 3). If
you choose to work with a partner, choose your partner wisely!! BOTH
partners are expected to be engaged in the research and presentation
of the project.
• You need to include AT LEAST 4 sources

Research and Citing:

• You should use your research to present information to the class IN
• You need AT LEAST 4 sources total!
• They should be reputable sources! (Remember the CRAAP test)
Example: www.cdc.org (Centers for Disease Control)
• NOT Wikipedia!
• Must cite your sources at the end of your presentation using
hyperlinks - teacher should be able to click on it and go to the source.

• The quality of work, reputable sources you use, and knowledge you
demonstrate will factor into your grade for this project.
• If you choose to work with a partner, BOTH partners are expected
to be engaged in the research and making of the project, AND
have equal roles in the presentation to the class.

Your project must answer the following questions:

Your disease: ________________________

1. What is the common and scientific name of your disease?

2. What type of illness is your disease? (virus or bacteria)

3. How is your disease diagnosed? (blood test, physical exam, self-

diagnosis using symptoms, etc)

4. Are there different strands or types of your disease? If so, what are

5. What are the signs and symptoms of your disease?

6. How do you get the disease (ingest it, skin contact, body fluids, etc)

7. Who is most at risk for the disease?

8. What is the history of the disease? (How many people die from this
disease? Where is the disease found? How was it discovered? Who were
the scientists involved?)
9. How can the disease be treated or cured? How effective is the
treatment or cure? (If there is no cure…why? What makes it hard to cure?)

10. What can people do to protect themselves from this disease?

11. Any other interesting facts you would like to share.

Research Resources:
1. Library books on the cart (may use them in class only!)
2. Library databases (Lincoln website-go to Library Learning
Commons link under Classrooms, then scroll down.)
• elibrary -(username: sdlaxlincoln, password: bigchalk)
• Encyclopedia Britannica
• Galenet - (user: lac44058, pass: cougars)SIRS - (user:
sdlaxlincoln, pass: bigchalk)
3. Reliable websites - choose from this list
• Centers for Disease Control - (CDC) www.cdc.gov
• Mayo Clinic - www.mayoclinic.org
• Medline Plus - www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/
• Kids Health - http://kidshealth.org
• World Health Organization - www.who.int/en/
• Nat’l Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases - niaid.nih.gov

*If you still need more information after searching the above sources, try…

4. Sweet Search - www.sweetsearch.com. All of the content found through

this search engine has been reviewed by professionals.

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