Unit 1 - TACN-1.1 - Reading the News 1 (dragged)
Unit 1 - TACN-1.1 - Reading the News 1 (dragged)
Unit 1 - TACN-1.1 - Reading the News 1 (dragged)
Influencer Marketing
1. Read this excerpt from a blog about influencer marketing. Would you like to read
for more information from this blog? Why or why not?
What is influencer marketing?
2. Have you ever bought any products based on the review of an influencer? What
are the differences between a mega and micro influencer?
3. What is your own experience of any influencers or any products they endorse?
Share your experience with a partner
4. In your opinion, what kinds of product/service/activity would influencers often promote?
Focus on the newspaper: INTRODUCING A TOPIC
Sometimes articles introduce a new idea of a product. To do this, the writer must give
detailed explanations.
1. Read the article as if it was the first time you had heard of influencers. Can you
understand what an influencer job is after reading the article without your prior
knowledge of the topic?
a. Who are influencers and where do you find them?
b. What makes influencers different from celebrities in product endorsement?
c. When did influencer marketing begin?
d. How can someone become an influencer? How do they stay in business?
2. Do you think the author did a good job explaining the effectiveness of influencers
in marketing? What would you add?
Reading the News 1 23
Why Consumers Care About Influencers, and Why You Should Too?
More than half of people globally have bought something in the past six months
based on the recommendation of an online influencer.
Even the largest advertiser in the world — Read that again. Not because of a
Procter & Gamble — with its bleeding- recommendation from a family member, a
edge marketing approaches, didn’t spend friend or an online review. More than half
marketing dollars on mega-influencers of people globally have bought something
with millions of followers. It focused on in the past six months based on the
mid-tier and even smaller influencers with recommendation of an online influencer.
engaged audiences who could persuade Consumers also confirm another assertion
those fans to take action. we’ve discussed: It’s not always about
popularity. An influencer’s ability to
Fish where the fish are connect with them in a meaningful way
is a better indicator of persuasive success
So let’s take a look at why Procter & than how many followers they have or
Gamble is investing their considerable how famous they are. Edelman’s namesake
resources in influence marketing online. president and CEO, Richard Edelman, told
They’re doing it because the internet is Ad Age while discussing the report,
where consumers decide to buy products. “Influencers matter. They’re credible.”
People who buy hair care products don’t
watch TV commercials, look for an ad in 9
The indicators are there. So is the data.
the Sunday paper or flip through magazines Consumers give a damn about influencers.
anymore. Instead, they’re looking for Enlightened brands know this and give a
information online. And more than any damn about them, too.
other company in the world, P&G knows
to fish where the fish are.
People don’t trust traditional media.
And people demand trust. For several
years now, the Edelman Trust Barometer
has been the bible on understanding
consumer trust. And the special report
on brands may as well have been a big,
flashing neon sign that said, “Consumers
Trust Influencers!” In it, 63% of people
said they trust influencers’ opinions of
products “much more” than what brands
say about themselves. And 58% — almost
six out of ten consumers — confirmed
they had bought a new product in the past
six months because of an influencer’s
Reading the News 1 25
3. Has the article changed your viewpoint of influencers and influencer marketing
in any way? If so, why?
1. Guessing from context. Read the following words taken from the article from i to
v, guess their meaning by circling the suitable answer A or B.
2. Complete the sentences below with a word from Exercise 1. You may need to
change to the plural form.
a .................................. are substances that change colour when they are added to acidic
or alkaline solutions
b. This book began with the .............................that it is the optimists who get things done.
c. Under the constitution, the provinces ……………………….. all the powers not
delegated to the federal government.
26 Reading the News 1
a. finishing-touch item
b. drive awareness
c. The proof is indeed in the pudding
d. target audience
e. the bible on understanding consumer trust
f. give a damn about
2. Comprehension questions
a. What kind of product does the author mention in the article? How does it differ
from other similar products?
Reading the News 1 27
1. “Influencers make us feel individual”. How far do you agree with this statement?
2. How popular is influencer marketing in your country?
3. What kind of marketing strategies do you think will be popular on the Internet
in the future?
28 Reading the News 1
How Influencer Marketing Took Power, and What the Future Holds
9 14
This may sound unusually risky to those As an example, The Pasta Queen — a
steeped in old-school marketing tactics. To single chef — built a following of over a
an extent, you are giving up some control quarter-million followers in less than three
over your online conversation by putting and a half months.
the power of your brand in the hands of an
influencer. However, the trust built with In another instance, Dunkin Donuts
consumers by having this sort of two-way (rebranded now as simply Dunkin) snagged
relationship with a brand representative Tik Tok superstar and self-proclaimed
pays back in dividends. Dunkin Cold Brew junkie Charli
D’Amelio. In addition to sponsoring the
There are also many, more traditional influencer, Dunkin renamed its cold brew
methods to gauge the efficiency of an “The Charli.”
influencer, including:
As a result, Dunkin’s app downloads
• Quality of content spiked 57 percent above the previous 90-
• Rise or fall in page views day average, and the app itself set a new
• Search engine rankings record for active daily users. There was
• Improved reputation a 20 percent spike in cold brew sales on
• Consumer awareness. the first day, and a 45 percent spike on the
second day.
Why TikTok is a path to the future
What an uncertain economic future
Tik Tok isn’t part of the Facebook/ means for influencers
Google duopoly, so it’s often overlooked
despite being the seventh largest social 17
Of course, there’s another elephant in
media platform in use with 800 million the marketing room. Covid-19 has changed
users. It’s a shame, because Tik Tok is the way all businesses operate. Influencers
exceedingly friendly to businesses — both are no exception.
small-time entrepreneurs and corporations
alike. 18
Fortunately, influencer advertising
seems to run on par with the rest of
Its user interface is almost perfect for the advertising world. While there was
storytelling and brand development. For an advertising downtick in early 2020
starters, it removes the option to intrude (businesses wanted to avoid appearing
on user experiences — there are no static insensitive to the worldwide crisis, and
banners, no forced pre-roll, no GIFS — were already seeing a boost in natural
everything is immersive. If you run a video traffic during lockdown initiatives) the
ad, it will appear in a user’s feed alongside gears of advertising seem to be spinning as
the other users they follow. usual once again.
Tik Tok is about how you tell your story 19
If anything, the biggest hurdle to
and how you connect with your audience overcome is the change of spending
and community. The best storytellers with priorities. Because many consumers have
the best stories rise to the top. As its Global lost a fraction of their income, discretionary
Business page tells marketing leaders: spending is down while they focus on
“don’t make ads, make Tik Toks.” groceries and other household necessities.
30 Reading the News 1
The problem here isn’t necessarily will likely push new ways to stay in
a lack of work for social media influencers, communication with socially distanced
instead its a creative barrier. friends.
Instead of marketing to buyers with The point is, the need for advertising
a wad of spending cash in their pocket, is there — it’s just that the problem
influencers now must find new angles marketing agents are solving has changed.
to sell necessary products. Beauty We’re no longer selling to a world with
representatives have to sell their makeup discretionary income — we’re selling
and hair products to people who primarily products based on necessity, self-care,
appear before clients through zoom calls, and comfort during lockdown.
or work in pajamas. Tech influencers