House Drain is that portion of the plumbing system that receives leading the accumulated water away from the house at a relatively low
discharges of all soil and waste stacks within the building. rate of flow.
Four type of house drain Storm Drain is classified into three types.
1. Combined Drain is a type of house drain that receives 1. The Inside storm drain- sometimes located under the basement floor or
discharges of sanitary waste as well as storm water. within the walls of the building.
2. Sanitary Drain. This type of house drain receives the discharges 2. Outside storm drain- is installed outside the foundation wall of the
of sanitary and domestic waste only. building.
3. Industrial Drain is a house drain that receives dis-charges from 3. Overhead storm drain- is adopted when the floor of the building street
industrial equipment that contain some objectionable acid drainage is higher in elevation than the basement floor of the building.
4. Storm Drain conveys all storm clear water, or surface water CHAPTER 10
waste except sanitary wastes. trap used on plumbing fixture is a device scientifically designed to prevent
The Unit System is the most practical method to use in determining the the back flow of gases coming from the septic tank or sewer line passing
size of a house. through the out-let of the fixture.
These gases are identified as hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, methane, or
Numerous tests proved that the sloped of a house drain has contributed carbon dioxide and even a small amount of carbon monoxide considered
much to the effectiveness of the plumbing system. The house drain being a dangerous to human health.
horizontal pipeline must produce the necessary velocity and discharge
capacity at a must function without abnormal or subnormal pressure in the Originally, this P-trap was called Gooseneck at-tributed to its form like the
plumbing system neck of a goose.
7-6 House Drain Appliances Water Sealed P-Trap is Classified into Two
1. House Trap- is defined as a device installed in the house drain 1. The common seal - P-Trap has 5 centimeters deep water seal between
immediately inside the foundation wall of the building. the overflow and the dip, that will of-fer resistance against abnormal
House trap assembly conditions, only to the amount of pressure a 5 centimeters water will
Back flow valves develop.
Balanced valve 2. The deep seal - P-Trap has from 7.5 to 10 centimeters column of liquid
Unbalanced valve content between the overflow and the dip.
2. Area Drain-assembly consists of a running trap in-stalled under the
basement floor to protect it from freezing. The minimum size of an The P-Trap is the most common and practical shape available in various
sizes from 32 mm to 50 mm diameter. These are common sizes for fixtures
area drain is 10 mm or 4"
that are suspended from walls or supported on a pedestal such as:
3. Floor Drain- defined as; a receptacle used to receive water to be
1. Lavatories
drained from the floor into the plumbing system.
2. Sinks
4. Yard Catch Basin- is defined as a receptacle used to catch surface
3. Shower bath with less amount of water discharge
water drained from cemented courts, drive ways ,and yards
4. Urinals
5. Garage Catch Basin- s a device designed to convey wastes from
5. Drinking fountain
garage, wash rack, grease pits and repair floors into the house drain.
Garage Catch Basins Includes:
There are various forms of water sealed trap that could be used to serve
a. Drain tile receptor
plumbing fixtures. But among these various types, some are classified as
d. Sump pit
Permissible Traps while others are identified as Objectionable Traps.
b. Sewage ejector
e. Grease basins
The Permissible Type of Traps
c. Automatic water siphon
1. The P-Trap
2. The Drum Trap
Back Flow Valve is a device used in a drainage system to prevent the
Other Type of Permissible Traps
reversal of flow.
1. Stand Trap
Back flow valves are constructed in two patterns and are classified as:
2. Brass trap
1. The Balance Valve- is the most preferred, because it has the
3. High Hub Trap
characteristics of non-interferences in the movement of air inside
4. Low Hub Trap
the drainage system. 5. Extra Heavy Type
2. The Unbalanced Valve is not illustrated here, but its valve is not 6. Sink or Lavatory Type
preferred because of its recorded poor performance in the past. Objectionable Traps that are Found Defective
1. The full size S and the 3/4 S Traps
Grease Basins-Most stoppage in the plumbing system were found to be 2. The bag traps
caused by grease and oil contained in the waste dis-charges 3. Mechanically sealed traps
4. Light metal partition traps
House Sewer is defined as, that portion of the horizontal drainage system, The Two type of Drum Trap
which starts from the outer face of the building and terminate at the main 1. The 100mm x 125mm
sewer in the street or septic tank. 2. The 100mm x 200mm
House Sewer as, that portion of the horizontal drainage system, which Advantages of the Drum Trap
starts 90 centimeters from the outer face of the building House sewer is 1. Greater amount of wa125mmay pass through it in a shorter interval
sometimes called the Building Sewer. without the danger of trap seal loss
2. It has a higher resealing quality than the P-Trap.
The Main Sewer line is financed and maintained by the government. Disadvantages of the Drum Trap
Those houses along the street with main sewer line are required to 1. It is large and cumbersome.
connect their house sewers to the public sewer line. 2. It is unsightly if the installation is exposed to view.
3. Cleanout cover mechanism is above the water seal.
The house sewer is connected to the main sewer by boring a small hole 4. To clean the drum trap needs lubricant and a fiber washer at the joint
through the concrete pipe, using a sharpened steel chisel or electric drill. between the cover and the body of the trap.
the Main Sewer entering at 45 degrees angle or directly from the top.
Storm Drain is that unit of the plumbing system that conveys rain or
storm water to a suitable terminal.