Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2
DAOA, Caesar Zeus
GABRIS, Gabriel
RIGOR, Catherine
Chapter 1
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
within the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand, which prepares students for professions
that necessitate critical thinking, strong communication skills, and creativity. The capacity to articulate
thoughts effectively, both verbally and in writing, is an essential skill that forms the foundation for
success in a variety of HUMSS-related professions, including education, law, journalism, and public
service. Proficiency in public speaking and writing represents two vital modes of communication that
require a command of language, logical organization of ideas, and clarity in expression. Nonetheless,
the connection between these two abilities has not been thoroughly examined, particularly regarding
Public speaking, as a form of oral communication, requires not just fluency and precision in language
but also the capacity to engage an audience, present logical arguments, and display confidence.
Lucas (2019) emphasizes that successful public speaking necessitates "preparation, organization,
and the ability to connect with an audience," which are skills that also align with those needed for
correct and logically structured while effectively communicating ideas (Hyland, 2019). These common
elements indicate that there may be a notable connection between public speaking and writing skills,
In the Philippines, students in the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) track are expected to
cultivate effective communication abilities to succeed in their studies and future jobs. However, even
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
though public speaking and writing are critical, these skills are frequently taught separately, which
may hinder students from applying what they learn across both areas. As stated by Alonzo and
Espina (2020), the curriculum for senior high schools in the Philippines places a strong emphasis on
communication skills, yet there is a lack of integration between activities that focus on oral and written
communication. This division prompts inquiries about whether enhancing one skill could benefit the
Exploring the connection between public speaking abilities and English writing skills among HUMSS
students is crucial for filling this gap in the curriculum. Investigating this topic can offer educators
valuable information on how to implement more cohesive teaching approaches that enhance both
competencies simultaneously. Furthermore, recognizing the link between public speaking and writing
can assist teachers in creating assignments that promote comprehensive communication growth,
ultimately preparing students with the necessary skills for success in their future careers.
In order to better understand how these abilities affect one another, this study intends to investigate
the relationship between public speaking and English writing proficiency among HUMSS students. By
addressing this gap, the study will provide useful suggestions for enhancing HUMSS students'
communication skills and equipping them for upcoming academic and professional challenges.
Theoretical Framework
Vygotsky’s (1978) Social Development Theory offers a foundational framework for comprehending the
development of these abilities. The theory suggests that language is crucial for cognitive development
and that social interactions facilitate the learning process. Public speaking, as an instance of verbal
communication, and writing, as a thoughtful and organized practice, are interrelated processes that
both aid in a learner's linguistic and intellectual development. Additionally, Kellogg’s (2008) studies
emphasize the cognitive similarities between spoken and written communication, indicating that both
require the "translation of thought into language" and depend on working memory to organize ideas.
Conceptual Framework
This study explores the relationship between public speaking skills and English writing proficiency
among HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc. The framework identifies inputs, processes,
Data analysis
HUMSS to determine
students correlation
English writing.
This study aims at establishing the relationship between students public speaking skills and
their proficiency in writing in the English language among HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's
Institute, Inc. With the growing demand for effective communication in various fields of work,
especially in humanities and social sciences (HUMSS)-oriented professions, it is important for both
oral and written communication skills to be developed. However, although public speaking and writing
are considered key skills, little research is conducted on how these two skills are related to each
1. What is the level of proficiency of HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc. in public
2. What is the level of proficiency of HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc. in English
3. Is there a significant relationship between the students' public speaking proficiency and their
Hypothesis (HA)
There is a significant relationship between the public speaking proficiency and English writing skills of
Hypthesis (H0)
There is no significant relationship between the public speaking proficiency and English writing skills
It involves exploring the relationship between English writing proficiency and public speaking skills
among HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc. Their performance in both areas in terms of
fluency, organization, confidence, grammar, coherence, and creativity is assessed. Data are to be
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
gathered through a survey questionnaire, where an analysis will be done if such factors have a
significant correlation or do not. However, the outputs will only apply to senior high school students at
Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc., and may not be generalizable to other institutions or regions.
The study only considers students enrolled in the HUMSS track for the 2024-2025 academic year.
The study does not consider factors outside of the classroom, such as individual motivation or outside
support from other people in the lives of the students. The study will also be limited because it relies
on self-reported data, which can be influenced by response bias. The study will not look into the long-
term development of these skills, nor will it look into how teaching methods might change subsequent
This study is important as it investigates the relationship of public speaking skills and English writing
proficiency for HUMSS students of Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc. Its purpose is to provide helpful
insights to teachers on how these two skills complement each other to be used as a basis in
designing more effective teaching approaches. Through this, teachers would be able to develop more
integrated learning approaches that help enhance the students' abilities in communication and thus
For students, the findings of this study will highlight the importance of developing both public speaking
and writing skills. It will help them understand how these competencies are interconnected and can
mutually reinforce each other, preparing them for success in fields that demand excellent
This study also contributes to the body of knowledge in the Humanities and Social Sciences track,
which addresses gaps in the existing literature on the dual development of speaking and writing skills.
It lays down a foundation for future research on curriculum innovations that highlight the integration of
communication skills. The study also benefits educational policymakers by providing data-driven
insights that can inform curriculum reforms to ensure a well-rounded education for senior high school
Finally, this study supports the institution in evaluating its teaching approaches and ways of improving
its programs to be conducted better for HUMSS students. Through the development of further
communication skills, the institution thus enhances learners' holistic development, thereby preparing
Definition of Terms
For the purpose of this research, "public speaking skills" would be interpreted as the students'
fluency and confidence in making clear and well-organized oral presentations. Such skills will include
speech structure, engagement with the audience, and clarity of expression. "English writing
proficiency" will be defined as the ability of the students to express ideas clearly and logically in
written English, focusing on grammar, coherence, creativity, and organization. Both of which will be
The term HUMSS will refer to the Humanities and Social Sciences academic track in senior high, an
academic track that gives importance to communication, art, and social sciences. As both public
speaking and writing require organisation and structuring of ideas, there will be an assumption that it
relies on cognitive processes like the working memory. Finally, "curriculum integration" will be the
term used for integrating activities and lessons that target enhancing oral and written communication
International studies have been made to examine the relationship of public speaking with language
proficiency that has enlightened the challenges and opportunities for improving communication skills
among students. One study is "Public Speaking Anxiety and English Language Competency" that
examines the relationship between public speaking anxiety and English language competency among
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
Bachelor of Secondary Education English majors. The study based on a descriptive correlation
research design established that, though the students had mastered the required skills in the use of
the English language, public speaking anxiety was not related significantly to language competency.
Yet, the study suggests the students require improved public speaking practice to overcome anxiety
Another pertinent research is "Investigation into Difficulties in Public Speaking among English-
Majored Students," which was a study on the challenges facing the students majoring in English at
the University of Phan Thiet. According to this research, public speaking anxiety is one of the major
barriers to communication abilities and professional development for the students. The paper points
out the need for teaching methods that can enhance the skills and confidence of students regarding
public speaking. These insights suggest that targeted interventions are necessary to help students
The thesis titled "The Students' Perception Towards the Effectiveness of Public Speaking Subject,"
speaking courses. The study underscores the importance of public speaking in enhancing students'
communication skills, both academically and professionally. It highlights how well-structured public
speaking courses can significantly support student development, leading to improved academic
National studies were conducted to find the challenges and solutions in order to enhance public
speaking skills for students. One such research study is "Enhancing Grade 11 Learners' Public
Speaking Skills through VGIM's E-Module," focusing on Parada National High School with improving
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
public speaking skills among Grade 11 learners. With the use of a quasi-experimental design, the
study evaluates the performances of students before and after utilizing VGIM's E-Module, revealing
that E-Module enhances significantly public speaking skills as compared to traditional teaching. Thus,
innovative teaching materials such as e-modules may provide effective solutions to communication
challenges in the Philippines. According to the Instabright Gazette (2021), "Public speaking is an
The study titled "Public Speaking Anxiety and English Language Competency of Bachelor of
Secondary Education English Majors" at Laguna State Polytechnic University examined the
correlation of public speaking anxiety with language competency in the case of English majors. In
general, research findings showed that students' English language proficiency is observed, while very
high public speaking anxiety has little to no impact on their language competency. The study suggests
that engaging activities to combat public speaking anxiety would help enhance communication skills
The other related study is "Public Speaking Anxiety in Oral Communication Among Grade 11
Students," which aims to establish the level of public speaking anxiety of Grade 11 students at
PHINMA-Cagayan de Oro College for the school year 2022-2023. A large number of factors, involving
students' motivation and self-concept, were identified from the research to influence student anxiety
levels. Significant variation in anxiety levels was indicated based on demographic characteristics. The
study emphasizes the treatment of public speaking anxiety by educational institutions to help reduce
students' anxiety levels when communicating with others and instill students' confidence in
Locally, the research titled "A Phenomenological Study on Learners with Fear of Public Speaking"
discusses the lived experiences of grade 10 students in Ilocos Sur who suffer from the fear of public
speaking. In-depth interviews of the research are aimed at looking into the reasons underlying the
fear and coping strategies while presenting in English. The findings suggest that fear of public
speaking not only deters students from engaging in oral communication but also impacts writing skills
because of the decreased confidence in verbal expression. This study underscores the strong need
for specific interventions for students' fears and helps improve both public speaking and writing skills
Chapter II
Research Design
A correlational research design, as defined by Creswell (2014), is "a quantitative approach in which
the investigator measures the degree of association between two or more variables or sets of scores
without attempting to manipulate them." The purpose of this design is to see if and how variables are
related and, through statistical methods, find the strength and direction of their relationships.
This study uses the correlational research design for examining the relationship between public
speaking skills and the proficiency in English writing of HUMSS students at Saint Joseph's Institute,
Inc. Using this type of design will help the researcher know if a significant association can be
established between the two skills, which will ultimately evidence their interconnection. This approach
resonates with the objective of assessing common competencies between public speaking and writing
This study will be held at Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc., San Juan, Candon City, Ilocos Sur. It is a
private educational institution offering the HUMSS strand in its senior high school curriculum. It is
therefore an ideal setting for this research since it emphasizes the preparation of students for
professions that require strong communication skills, critical thinking, and creativity, which are areas
The identified participants would be senior high school students who are taking the HUMSS strand for
the 2024–2025 academic year. The inclusion criteria for participants are as follows: the students must
be actively enrolled in the HUMSS track for the specified academic year, have completed courses or
activities related to both public speaking and English writing within the curriculum, and voluntarily
agree to participate by providing informed consent or assent with parental consent if under 18.
Students who are in other academic tracks, students who have no formal training or assessment in
public speaking or English writing, and those who decline to participate or fail to complete the
Research Instrument
The study will employ a questionnaire survey distributed via Google Forms as the main research tool.
This approach will be efficient in collecting data from respondents in a structured and accessible
manner. The questionnaire will contain sections designed to gather demographic information, assess
public speaking and English writing skills, and explore respondents' perceptions, attitudes, and
experiences regarding these competencies. For reliability and validity. Distribution, response
collection, and organization of data will become easier with the use of Google Forms.
The data collection process will start with approval from the ERC to ensure that the research is within
ethical standards and protects the confidentiality of the respondents. With ERC approval, permission
will be sought from the administration of Saint Joseph's Institute, Inc., San Juan, Candon City, Ilocos
Sur, for the study to be conducted and to gain access to the targeted HUMSS students.
After administrative clearance is granted, the individuals targeted as participants will be contacted. A
letter with an informed consent document attached will be sent out stating the purpose of the study,
measures taken for keeping data confidential, and voluntary participation. For the children, parental
After getting clearance, the questionnaire link from Google Forms will be shared through official
communication media with all respondents. Time will be allotted to the respondent to conduct the
survey within that time limit. To make sure about a high rate of return, reminders will be posted for
those respondents who would not have replied yet. Finally, after getting the data collection period
ended, responses will be kept at a safe location and then prepared to analyze.
Alonzo, R., & Espina, N. (2020). The development of communication skills in the Philippine K-12
Barnard, R. (2017). Public speaking anxiety and English language competency. Journal of
Hyland, K. (2019). Second language writing (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Kellogg, R. T. (2008). Training writing skills: A cognitive developmental perspective. Journal of Writing
Lucas, S. E. (2019). The art of public speaking (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
Nguyen, T. M., & Tong, V. T. (2024). Investigation into difficulties in public speaking among English-
Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard
University Press.
This questionnaire is designed to gather data for the study titled "The Relationship Between Public
Speaking Skills and English Writing Proficiency Among HUMSS Students at Saint Joseph's Institute,
Please answer the following questions honestly. Your responses will remain confidential and will only
Demographic Information:
Age: ________________
Grade Level:
Grade 11
Grade 12
7. I prepare adequately for public speaking tasks, such as organizing ideas and practicing delivery.
Rate the following statements regarding the connection between public speaking and writing skills.
1. Planning and organizing ideas for a speech helps me structure my written work better.
2. The skills I use in public speaking, such as clarity and organization, are applicable to my writing
4. Both public speaking and writing require similar levels of preparation and attention to detail.
5. Developing public speaking skills has improved my ability to express myself clearly in writing.
6. My teachers' feedback on public speaking and writing tasks has helped me see the connection
End of Questionnaire
Curriculum Vitae
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: August 8, 2007
Birthplace: Sta. Cruz, Manila
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Curriculum Vitae
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 26, 2007
Birthplace: Candon City, Ilocos Sur
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Curriculum Vitae
Mobile No.: 09927619746
E-mail: [email protected]
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: April 2, 2007
Birthplace: Valenzuela, Metro Manila
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Pentecost
Nationality: Filipino
Curriculum Vitae
Mobile No.: 09193882105
E-mail: [email protected]
Age: 17
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: January 3, 2007
Birthplace: Tagudin, Ilocos Sur
Civil Status: Single
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Curriculum Vitae
Mobile No.: 098115911693
E-mail: [email protected]
Age: 18
Gender: Male
(077)742-6012 [email protected] /SJI CCIS
Candon City, Ilocos Sur
A Basic Education Institution owned and managed by the Congregation of Sisters of St. Paul of Chartres
This research agreement is made on November 27, 2024, as we, Travis Cortado, Caesar Zeus Daoa,
Gabriel Gabris, Weshly Gonzaga, and Catherine Rigor, decide to collaborate on a research project
titled "Exploring the Relationship Between Public Speaking Skills and English Writing Among HUMSS
We agreed to be actively and justly contributory towards the research process. Failure on the part of
one member to carry out her or his commitment shall result in paying a penalty of 500 pesos. In
addition to the payment of such penalty, the person failing to meet up shall also assume the charge of
We acknowledge that failing to observe this agreement would result in academic and legal
repercussions. We, by signing below, agree to the terms stipulated in this agreement effective from