Write your observations on the following learning modality used in Basic Education in the
conduct of classes in the New Normal Education.
In the implementation of the various learning delivery modalities, the challenge will be in dealing
with learners under any of the modes of distance learning or blended learning who are not capable of
learning independently, or who are not periodically supported by their parents or guardians. Also critical for
the implementation will be the mass production of the needed teachers and learners’ learning materials, as
well as the support of media institutions like TV and radio stations.
Verily, the learning environment amidst the COVID-19 pandemic will be very different. Yet, the
DepEd and/or School Organizations is optimistic that despite the various socio-economic situations of
families which affect the provision of learning support in the home, and the peculiar needs of different
learners, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), School Organizations also the
Government could be the key in providing quality basic education which is accessible and responsive in the
new normal.
Hence, the BE-LCP, School Organizations and Government aims to ensure the health, safety, and
well-being of the learners, teachers, and personnel in the time of COVID-19, while finding ways for
education to continue amidst the crisis. In particular, the BE-LCP, School Organizations and Government
has been designed with a legal framework responsive to the “new normal,” keeping in mind the
constitutional mandate to uphold the right of all citizens to quality education at all times . With regards of
this, as we all experience various learning modalities, we are capable to list down our different observation
and experience about Different Learning Modalities.
Learning Modality Observations Comments/Suggestions
1. Modular *We’ve noticed that in modular *Teachers, in our view, should not
learning, a lot of students, provide all of the answer keys to the
particularly in high school, tasks on their students’ modules
didn’t learn much and didn’t put since it will make the majority of
out much their effort in their students lethargic. They may
responding to their modules’ wonder why they should put
activities. Since answer keys are themselves through the hassle of
provided in their modules, reading and comprehending their
students be likely to just copy modules in order to answer the
everything in it rather than exercises or tasks assigned when the
reading and understand their answer keys are already available.
*Its better to have a balanced
*Students can study on their technique of teachers to help the
own and can value their time or students to understand the module
Republic of the Philippines
Echague, Isabela
having an advantage to time and how to answer the assigned
management but there are some questions per topic.Students must
problems that students are facing also adjust and learn by their own
in today’s new normal selves because we are having a what
education. Students are we call "New Normal Education" in
struggling to learn by their own today’s situation.
selves and they don’t have the
*Peculiar way of teaching and
capacity to do their own module
giving of modules must be
because they don’t know how to
implemented and must learn by the
do it. They just read their
teachers. Also teachers, must
module and there is a possibility
maximize the way they give
that they don’t contain any
modules to the students. Changes in
learning’s without the help of
curriculum, pedagogy and indeed
the teacher.
assessment style have all proven
*The use of modules necessary. So teachers and
encourages independent study. administrations need to make an
One of the benefits of using action and most comfortable way of
modules for instruction is the learning to their students. Also,
acquisition of better self-study teachers must visit their students
or learning skills among even once or twice in a week.
students. Students engage
themselves in learning the
concepts presented in the
module. But what we observed
and noticed, most of the
modules in elementary are not
applicable to the grade level
which may caused to the
students not to answer it, it is
because it is hard and not
searchable. The one thing is, the
parents are the one who answer
the modules for their children
and they also the one who
checked it, for the reasons that
the child don’t want to answer a
bundle of modules. Children
must only want to play and
scroll in social medias, not only
in elementary level but there is
also in high school level. they
are lethargic to answer their
Republic of the Philippines
Echague, Isabela
2. Online class *Students attend online class but *We suggest that after the
less participating in the discussion there must be a group
discussion. graded recitation or group activity.
3. Blended learning *Due to Covid 19, some school *The conceptual framework that
implement blended learning supports all blended learning
especially, in the public school programs is a people-first approach.
there are distribution of modules The requirements of the people
and online class. Obviously, involved — both the educator and
there are more challenges the student — must come first in
experienced the students in the every decision made in a blended
new normal education, such as learning program. Learning is
in self-studying, poor internet centered on relationships, according
connection, lack of sleep and to a people-first approach. Learning
time to answer all the modules to read and write is a social process.
due to the great number of In order to co-create learning
activities, distractions, and lack activities, programs that use a
of focus. Most of the students blended learning approach value the
say they just finish the given social relationships between learners
activities or module to pass even and educators.
though no learning’s to gain,
*Increased program support and
furthermore, some answers are
investment in tools and resources
from the internet.
are recommended; however, this
*Due to the widespread of will only be effective if we
Covid 19 pandemic we use concentrate on people rather than
different ways to continuously systems and operations. Change
learn and educate we have should not be carried solely by
different modalities, Example of educators. It takes a lot of work in
this are blended Learning with the background to make real change
Republic of the Philippines
Echague, Isabela
the use of technology and happen and to keep that change
internet as well printed module going. Blended learning in adult
students might learn effectively basic education can only happen
and having the guidance of the with a people-first approach.
teachers and parents might be
*Everyone can learn and no one left
easy for student to analyze,
behind that is the goal of every
define, describe each lesson that
school but we need to be considerate
teachers might give activity,
and know as a teacher that there’s a
assignment, even exam might be
lot of factors affecting there learning
easy for them to do or response
we need to hear there problems ,
because of the teaching
concern to come up with the good
materials and teaching methods
out come and teaching strategies and
of there teachers is effective and
method that is more effective,
very accessible.
useful.and might accessible for them
as a student.