The Truth About Fairy Tales-Feature Article;Final Copy
The Truth About Fairy Tales-Feature Article;Final Copy
The Truth About Fairy Tales-Feature Article;Final Copy
Mischellaneous&Company Presents...
The truth
fairy tales
By Logan Monnity
Do you ever get tired of reading those boring fairy tales? I know I
get bored of reading the same, mind-numbingly boring, so cute
you wanna hurl stories every day. But, once upon a time, fairy
tales were horrible. Not ‘so cute you wanna jump out the
window,’ horrible. I’m talking horribly like they define it in the
dictionary.Horrible; Causing or Likely to cause horror. Now, you
might be thinking. Horrible?Dreadful? Shocking? I don’t think
so. And honestly, I can’t blame you for that. If you grew up
reading the books that pass as ‘fairy tales’ these days, I’d guess
that you can’t believe a word I'm saying. But, I’m not lying. You
see, in older days,(we’re talking at least 200 years ago) two
people lived. Two brothers, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. More
formally known as The Brothers Grimm. Between the two of
them, they began to write the stories that are today called ‘fairy
tales’. To tell you the truth, the original ‘fairy tales’ were never
meant to be read by children. But of course, as the world has
been unfortunately corrupted to ‘child-friendly’ everything, the
reality is that these original, horrible, bloody stories were passed
down and changed, then censored for the ability to be read by
children. That brings us to our next question, What were the
Now that I've gone and ranted about the world being corrupted for
children, another question comes to mind. What were the real fairy
tales? Now, the ‘real fairy tales’ were the Tales that were written to
be read by people who don’t gag at the word blood or run out of the
room screaming every time a story describes someone dying in
specific detail. But the real fairy tales were tales like Hansel and
Gretel, where they get their heads chopped off and sewn back on by
a piece of magical twine, then proceed to do the same thing to their
father to save him from being corrupted by a dragon. Or Faithful
Johannes, where a loyal servant, (most likely immortal,) serves
faithfully to the King’s father, and the King’s Father’s father, and the
This is a graph chart showing the population of people versus the King’s Father’s Father’s Father,and for so long, so dutifully, that he
gains the name of Faithful Johannes, but when the king meets his
amount of children in the population. future queen, in order to save her, Faithful Johannes must do three
things that could be called treason, to prevent them from dying or
mishap. He is then sentenced to death, only to reveal that it was fate
getting in the way, not him, and that he only did all of the things
that he did to save the King’s marriage. Stories like these get my
adrenaline rushing, but that makes me wonder; What was the First
fairy tale ever?
The first fairy tale?
The first fairy tale ever was called ‘The Smith And The
(smith meaning Blacksmith.) The Smith and The Devil is the
story of a Blacksmith who makes a deal with the Devil,
selling his soul for some power.(don’t try this at
home,kids!!)He then tricks the devil out of his own prize.In
one of the versions, the Blacksmith gains the power to wield
any materials,then uses this newfound power to trap the
Devil in an Immovable object, allowing the Smith to Renege
on the bargain he made with the Devil. The moral of the
story is NOT to do what this smith did, and in any case,
ALWAYS have a backup plan.Personally, I think what the
Smith did was a bit cruel, but smart, being as he was able to
renege on the bargain he made. BUT, IN ANY CASE, I’m just
being hypothetical. Fun Fact about the Devil,he’s not as
smart as you think he is. He likes to torture people in his
free time because he really needs to get an actual
Job.Now,moving on from this topic,How did fairy tales
come to be?
Fairy tales came to be..How exactly?
To be honest, I was wondering this too.So I did some
research. It turns out that the roots of the Fairy Tale genre
come from different oral stories that have passed down in
European Culture. The Genre was firstly marked out by
some writers of the Renaissance. Some examples of these
writers, you may have heard of, are Giovanni Francesco
Straparola,Giambattista Basil,Hans Christian Andersen,
and Charles Perrault. Now, of course, we’ve got the
brothers Grimm that helped pass down that legacy after
them,but,emphasis on the after, they came a bit later.If
you’re wondering like I am, what fairy tales started this, it
had to be the true stories of Little Red Riding Hood,
(Charles Perrault,1697), The Little Mermaid,(Hans
Christian Andersen,1836), Sleeping Beauty,(Giambattista
Basile,1634), Rapunzel,(Charlotte-Rose de Caumont De La
Force,1698), Bluebeard,Beauty and The Beast,and
Cinderella.But from The 1800’s forward, the Brothers
Grimm did most of the work.I’ve talked about the Brothers
Grimm so much without explanation, that brings us to the
This is a picture of the cover of the story The Smith and The next question. Who are the brothers Grimm?
Hypothetical Hypothetically,
hypothetical is an
adjective, based on, or
serving as a hypothesis.