Introduction: Design goals - Types of Communication: Message-oriented
distributed systems: High performance communication - Simple transient messaging
distributed computing - Distributed with sockets - Advanced transient messaging -
information systems - Pervasive systems - Message-oriented persistent communication -
Architecture: System architecture Multicast communication: Application-level
tree-based multicasting - Flooding-based
multicasting - Gossip-based data
Multicast communication
• Network-level and transport-level solutions- a huge management effort, in
many cases requiring human intervention.
• With the advent of peer-to-peer technology, and notably structured overlay
management, it became easier to set up communication paths.
• As peer-to-peer solutions are typically deployed at the application layer,
various application level multicasting techniques have been introduced.
• Techniques:
• Application-level tree-based multicasting
• Flooding-based multicasting
• Gossip-based data dissemination
Application-level multicasting
• Organize nodes of a distributed system into an overlay network and use that
network to disseminate data:
• Oftentimes a tree, leading to unique paths
• Alternatively, also mesh networks, requiring a form of routing
Different metrics
• Link stress: How often does an ALM message cross the same physical link?
Example: message from A to D needs to cross hRa,Rbi twice.
• Stretch: Ratio in delay between ALM-level path and network-level path.
Example: messages B to C follow path of length 73 at ALM, but 47 at network
level ⇒ stretch = 73/47.
Flooding-based multicasting
• P simply sends a message m to each of its neighbors. Each neighbor will
forward that message, except to P, and only if it had not seen m before.
• Performance: The more edges, the more expensive!
• Let Q forward a message with a certain
probability pflood , possibly even dependent
on its own number of neighbors
(i.e., node degree) or the degree of its neighbors.
Gossip-based data dissemination
• Assume there are no write–write conflicts
• Update operations are performed at a single server
• A replica passes updated state to only a few neighbors
• Update propagation is lazy, i.e., not immediate
• Eventually, each update should reach every replica
If s is the fraction of ignorant servers (i.e., which are unaware of the update), it
can be shown that with many servers
If we really have to ensure that all servers are eventually updated, rumor
spreading alone is not enough
Rumor spreading
A server S having an update to report, contacts other servers. If a server is
contacted to which the update has already propagated, S stops contacting other
servers with probability pstop.
If s is the fraction of ignorant servers (i.e., which are unaware of the update), it
can be shown that with many servers
If we really have to ensure that all servers are eventually updated, rumor
spreading alone is not enough