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Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
Personality speak of distinct variations in characteristic shapes of thinking, feeling and behaving.
It is one of the most important criterion given as a major requirement in the field of job advertisements
and even in beauty contests. Looking into the criteria for judging a beauty contests will completely
exemplify the significance of personality. People who witnessed beauty contests, more weight is
placed on poise over physical assets, likewise on personality over physical appearance or beauty and
figure. In addition, in getting a job, personality plays equally essential like conversational skills,
adaptability, ability to project one’s self as an impressive “personality”.
Most of the time, a worker is fired from his work not because of lack of skills for the profession, but
somehow for the reason that they could not get along well with their fellow workers. This is called personality
problem. Any person who works with people, like everybody does, relates to personality.
What Personality Is
Personality may defined as the sum total of the qualities and characteristics of a person as shown in
her manner of walking, talking, dressing, and her attitudes, interests, and ways of reacting to other people. It
refers to all the factors within the person that influence his characteristic ways of behaving, thinking and
feeling. It is your image on others. [Santos, Amparo. “Personality for Today’s Young Professional.” Page 4]
b. INTELLECTUAL - this refers to how a person talks and what she talks about is what matters in the
intellectual component of personality.
c. SOCIAL - these are good manners or correct manners which are included in this aspect. To do the
right thing at the right time, to act in the proper manner, to get along well with others –
these are all parts of the social sphere of personality.
Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
d. EMOTIONAL - this component of personality includes a person’s likes or dislikes, whether he/she is
outgoing or shy, whether he/she is calm or nervous, and whether he/she loses his/her
temper easily or “keeps her cool.” Personality problems, such as how to stay mentally
healthy or how to avoid mental disorders are some problems that are emotional in
e. VALUE SYSTEM - this includes a person’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and philosophy in life. This aspect
is referred to as character. It is shown in the way we judge whether our actions and
the actions of others are right or wrong.
[Santos, Amparo. “Personality for Today’s Young Professional.” Page 5]
A person's temperament is formed from infancy and never changes. It simply develops over time.
Studies have shown that temperament remains constant and serves as a means to help you determine how
you will react to situations. It's a way to recognize consistent personality traits. There are four (4) types of
temperaments namely: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy and choleric.
Several factors can affect the shaping of our personality. By observation, such behavior of a person can be
understood at which behavior has change on the personality characteristics of a certain individual. There are
Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
three main influences on personality development that we are going to look at in this lesson. These are
heredity, environment, and situation.
a. HEREDITY - this refers to the influences on your personality that you are born with – a set of genes
and chromosomes. These establish the curbs and there is not much you can do to change
these traits. They can include your temperament, which helps to determine how you react
to situations and how easygoing you are. In kids, it may affect how well they get along
with others. Genetics, of course, also determines how someone looks.
b. ENVIRONMENT - this is the nurturing aspect of our lives, in which we live and grow up. Environment
would consist of home, school, work, or other places that you spend a lot of time
and interact with. A person would behave differently depending on the situation
and to whom he is with.
c. SITUATION - These are the experiences that each individual person goes through. The various things
that people experience will leave imprints on and help to develop his or her personality.
Have you ever asked yourself what does the study of the human personality have to do in your
personal life?
The study of the human personality could very well be one of the most significant studies for it is an
understanding of your personality and of other’s can make the difference between satisfactory and
unsatisfactory adjustment. These are the importance of studying personality:
1. Understanding of your own personality and the personalities of your fellowmen will spell the
difference between success & failure in your dealings with them.
2. Most of us see only some small aspects of the true personalities of those around us. We only see the
image that is seen on the surface, which may not really represent the entire personality of the
3. Mistakes in evaluating and judging personalities are often one of the major causes for the
interpersonal problems.
Despite the fact that our personality is set early in our life, our experiences will have a significant impact
in our behavior. By chance, personality can get better. There is much more to our personality than the
impression we make on others. The following are some techniques in improving one’s personality:
Bring to mind that we are the prime mover of our own personality. The more you get engaged in the
world and the more you accept its challenges, the greater will be the chances to prove what you consider to
be true about yourself and to build your personality.
Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
Check 10
Check 10 that Check 10 which
Personality Characteristics starting with
best describe you could be improved
your strongest
Energetic and hardworking _______ _______ _______
Accepts success gracefully _______ _______ _______
Accepts defeats gracefully _______ _______ _______
Takes responsibility for mistakes and errors of judgment _______ _______ _______
Open to constructive criticism _______ _______ _______
A good leader _______ _______ _______
Good judge of character _______ _______ _______
A good student _______ _______ _______
Recognizes own prejudices _______ _______ _______
Trustworthy _______ _______ _______
Likes to work on a team _______ _______ _______
A loner _______ _______ _______
Has a good sense of humor _______ _______ _______
Takes pleasure in the accomplishments and success _______ _______ _______
Keeps temper under control _______ _______ _______
Highly motivated _______ _______ _______
Doesn’t need to get own way all the time _______ _______ _______
Can accept people, including children and parents, whose values
are different from own values. _______ _______ _______
Is growing, and accepts the pain and disruptions involved in the
process of development. _______ _______ _______
Likes challenges, even at the risk of failure. _______ _______ _______
Well qualified for the present (or proposed) job. _______ _______ _______
Likes to work with people. _______ _______ _______
Not satisfied until having done his or her best on any given task. _______ _______ _______
Is creative in finding other solutions when one method doesn’t
work. _______ _______ _______
Asserts own needs and isn’t victimized by others. _______ _______ _______
A “doer” – likes to get at what needs to be done. _______ _______ _______
Likes to carefully analyze and plan tasks to be done. _______ _______ _______
Works well under pressure. _______ _______ _______
Likes to work with reports, figures, data. _______ _______ _______
Prefers a lot of structure and organization. _______ _______ _______
Educational background is excellent. _______ _______ _______
Has much valuable experience _______ _______ _______
Takes good care of own body and possessions. _______ _______ _______
Has a pleasing personality. _______ _______ _______
Knows what he/she wants and generally gets it. _______ _______ _______
Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
Activity #2 STUDY QUESTION. Answer the following question as an assessment of your understanding
of the lesson.
2. If you were to apply for a job, how will you observe the five components of personality? You can
specifically describe for each component. 5pts
Study Guide for Module 1 introduced you to basic concepts of personality. You learned the following:
What personality is all about.
The components of personality are physical, intellectual, social, emotional and value system.
There are four (4) different types of temperament namely, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholy and
There are three (3) factors that affects personality and these are heredity, environment and situation.
The study of personality is important because it results to the attempt to improve one’s own
Study Guide in (FREE ELECTIVE-Personality Development) Module No. 1 – Personality: Definition & Its Components
Engler, B. (2016) Theories of Personality 9th Ed. Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd.
Masters, L., Wallace, H. (2011) Personality Development for Work and Life Cengage Learning Asia
Pte. Ltd.
Santos, A. (2012) Personality for Today’s Young Professional 3rd Ed. National Bookstore