Drinks-for-Under-Fives 2016
Drinks-for-Under-Fives 2016
Drinks-for-Under-Fives 2016
for children up to 5
working in partnership
This leaflet has information on the types of drinks to give to
children up to five years. Breast fed babies do not need any
additional drinks before 6 months. Formula fed babies may
need some extra water in hot weather. Water needs to be
boiled and cooled for babies below 6 months.
Breast milk is still the best milk after introducing solids and there are many
benefits of continuing breastfeeding for 2 years and beyond. Breastfed
children will have less need to have other drinks.
; Try not to let your child have any fizzy drinks, squashes, juice drinks,
flavoured milk or flavoured water, even the diet or low sugar varieties.
The sugar and acid in these drinks can cause tooth decay and it is not
known whether artificial sweeteners are safe for small children. These
drinks do not provide many nutrients and children who frequently drink
them may not eat well at mealtimes
; Baby and herbal drinks may contain sugar and are not recommended
; Tea and coffee are not suitable for children under 5. They reduce iron
absorption from food when taken with meals. A lack of iron may lead to
health problems. Children's behaviour may also change when they have
drinks containing caffeine
Reference: Caroline Walker Trust: Eating well for under 5s in child care. Nutritional
and practical guidelines. 2nd Edition (www.cwt.org.uk)
Photographs in this leaflet were taken at Rosedale Early Years Centre by Tessa
Hallman and at Kate Greenaway Nursery School and Children's Centre by
Lottie Davies.
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