Notes and News: Celebrations!
Notes and News: Celebrations!
Notes and News: Celebrations!
Benjamin David Vonk was born on Oct. 8, 2008, at
Five of our MOPS moms
(son of Beth and David) 11:27 a.m. She weighed 6
have welcomed new
lbs. 13 oz. and measured 19 Upcoming Events
additions to their families MOPS ON NOV. 20,
1/4 inches long.
in the past two months. DEC. 4, AND DEC. 18.
Check out these new
(daughter of Emily and Ben) Theresa Campbell, FROM 9 TO 11 A.M.
was born on Sept. 12, 2008, now Theresa Coogan,
at 11:41 a.m. He weighed 7 for her recent marriage to 2ND ANNUAL MOPS
lbs. 11 oz. and measured 20 Dan Coogan on Saturday, FUNDRAISING AUCTION
1/2 inches long. Nov. 1, 2008. We wish you DURING OUR DEC. 4
many wonderful years with MEETING
your husband!
Jonathan Martin Holub
(son of Heather and Marty)
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Volume 2, Issue 2
Mentor Moms’ Corner: Organizing Tips from an Unorganized Woman
By Lisa Cravillion black with big buckles. be good for me to have
While it looks great and I get electronic reminders, too. I “WHEN PEOPLE
I confess. I am a rabid list teased a lot about it, I don't figured it's impossible for me FIND OUT HOW
writer, and a rapid list loser. like digging in it for my mints to lose a desktop computer,
or cell phone or whatever. so it's feasible that having MANY KIDS I
I plan and plan, and scribble
lists, notes, reminders, then I Diving into the black hole can reminders on said computer HAVE, THEY
usually lose them. This is be frustrating, so I went on may be useful. To that end,
VERY frustrating for me. My eBay and found a marvelous allow me to share one of my USUALLY SAY,
dear mom is quite organized, purse organizer. Now favorite computer reminder ‘YOU MUST BE
and for whatever reason, I everything has its place. I programs.
didn't inherit her abilities with love it. Best of all I can SO ORGANIZED.’
that, or with sewing (rolling transfer the organizer from is a
eyes and remembering the bag to bag in seconds. fantastic free service that
failed apron attempt in 8th allows me to compose email
grade Home Economics). In my purse organizer I reminders to myself to be
Fortunately I did inherit her decided to place a cheap-o sent at later dates. I created
goofy sense of humor, planner from the Dollar a free account, then
cooking skills, and now finally Store, as well as a small proceeded to write myself
a bit of a green thumb, but notebook, three or four pens, various reminder emails. I
that's another story. mints, cell phone, wallet, lip made a few Letter Me Later
gloss, and reading glasses. notes to remind me of library
When people find out how The idea behind the planner book due dates and things
many kids I have, they usually was to use it whenever like that. (Let me just say
say, "You must be so someone talked to me about how sobering it is to have a
organized!" Ha! Not so! I upcoming events. It has large library fine... grrrr!) I
tend to be very easily helped some, and keeping created a free separate
distracted, and what happens the small notebook in the gmail account for use with this
is that instead of doing what purse has been great, service, then set the email
should be done, I spend a lot too. Now if I would only account to forward all mail to
of time thinking about things, remember to check the purse my main account. Voila`!
jotting them down, and planner and transfer Works like magic.
spinning my mental wheels. information to the main
calendar in the kitchen. Regardless of my ineptitude,
This past year I decided to I hope my tips might actually
organize my purse. I love Since I spend a good amount work for others. Enjoy!
big bags and I cannot lie. of time on the computer most
My biggest, shiniest bag is days, I decided that it would
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La Crescent MOPS Notes and News