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Olympiad Training for Individual Study

Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》
3 December 2024

誼 se
陳 U
n《 al
h e rn
C nt e
a , I
Ev I S

OTIS, © Evan Chen, internal use only. Artwork contributed by Rishabh Mahale.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

§1 Reading
EGMO, Chapters 1-3.

§2 Lecture notes
This is some practice with the low-tech end of olympiad geometry, i.e. problems whose
canonical 1 synthetic solutions essentially only use:

• Angle chasing

• Power of a point

• Homothety

For one of the walkthroughs below, I need to make a note about homothety composition

that isn’t explicitly mentioned in EGMO. Homotheties are functions from the plane
to itself, so in particular they can be composed using function composition. Then the

誼 se
following result is true:

陳 U
Lemma 2.1 (Composition of homotheties is a homothety itself)

《 al
The composition of two homotheties with nonzero ratios k1 and k2 is a homothety

with ratio k1 k2 , unless k1 k2 = 1, in which case it is a translation.

h e rn
Proof. Work in a vector system over R2 . A homothety with ratio k is of the form

C t
h(~v ) = k~v + ~c for some vector ~c. So the composition is something like

a , I n
h2 (h1 (~v )) = k2 (k1~v + ~c1 ) + ~c2 = k1 k2~v + (k2~c1 + ~c2 )

v S
which is of the desired form.

y E T I
Note that ki may be negative in the above lemma. So the composition of two positive
homotheties or two negative homotheties will be a positive homothety, while the com-

position of two homotheties of opposite signs is negative, which is exactly what you
A classic example application is Monge’s theorem, which is shown below. In the EGMO
textbook it is proved as a consequence of Menelaus, but the more conceptual proof in
my opinion is to just compose the homotheties; this gives a length-free proof.
(Recall the exsimilicenter of two circles is the center of positive homothety. If you’re
allergic to this word for some reason, you can assume the circles are don’t intersect and
replace it with the intersection of the common external tangents, as shown in the figure

I emphasize “canonical” since most official solutions can be rewritten in a way that avoids inversion,
projective, etc. These problems are the ones for which even students who know this machinery would
feasibly find the low-tech solution first.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

Example 2.2 (Monge’s theorem)

Let ω1 , ω2 , ω3 be three pairwise incongruent circles, and let X12 , X23 , X31 be the
pairwise exsimilicenters. Show that X12 , X23 , X31 are collinear.


ω2 ω3



ZABF24E3 Walkthrough. Let h12 denote the homothety sending ω1 to ω2 , which is a function
from the plane to itself. Define h23 and h13 similarly.

誼 se
(a) The function composition h23 ◦ h12 is a homothety too. Which is it?

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(b) Show that h13 (X12 ) is collinear with X12 and X31 .

《 al
(c) Show that h23 (X12 ) is collinear with X12 and X23 .

e rn
(d) Conclude.

C h e
Remark (Monge d’Alembert). The proof above works equally well with one exsimilicenter

n n
and two insimilicenters (the center of negative homothety). Some sources use the name

a , I
“Monge d’Alembert” for the variant.

Ev I S
§2.1 Warm-up

Example 2.3 (Reim’s theorem)
We say two lines `1 , `2 are antiparallel with respect to m1 and m2 if the four points
`i ∩ mj are the vertices of a cyclic quadrilateral.
Fix two lines m1 and m2 . Prove that if `1 is antiparallel to `2 and `2 is antiparallel
to `3 , then lines `1 and `3 are either parallel or coincide.

§2.2 Problems

Example 2.4 (RMM 2018/1)

Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral and let P be a point on the side AB. The
diagonal AC meets the segment DP at Q. The line through P parallel to CD meets
the extension of the side CB beyond B at K. The line through Q parallel to BD
meets the extension of the side CB beyond B at L. Prove that the circumcircles of
the triangles BKP and CLQ are tangent.

18RMM1 Walkthrough. The key to this problem is identifying the tangency point of the two
circles in question, after which the rest falls apart.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

(a) Draw an accurate diagram and figure out what the common tangency point is. It
should be the intersection of a certain line and a certain other circle (other than
(BKP ) or (CLQ) of course). You should probably draw more than one diagram.

(b) Show that the point E you found in (a) lies on both (BKP ) and (CLQ). This
is possible with just angle chasing. This eliminates the points K and L from the

(c) Show that the circles are indeed tangent, for example by proving ]EBP = ]ECQ.

Example 2.5 (TSTST 2017/5, Ray Li)

Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I. Let D be a point on side BC and let ωB

and ωC be the incircles of 4ABD and 4ACD, respectively. Suppose that ωB and
ωC are tangent to segment BC at points E and F , respectively. Let P be the

intersection of segment AD with the line joining the centers of ωB and ωC . Let X
be the intersection point of lines BI and CP and let Y be the intersection point of

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lines CI and BP . Prove that lines EX and F Y meet on the incircle of 4ABC.

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17TSTST5 Walkthrough. Let ω denote the incircle of 4ABC.

《 al
(a) Identify the point Z = EX ∩ F Y in a good diagram. (This was worth a point!
Despite this, many contestants were unable to find it.)

e rn
(b) Consider the positive homothety sending ω to ωC . Determine its center.

h e
(c) Consider the negative homothety sending ωC to ωB . Determine its center.

C nt
(d) The composition of the previous two homotheties in (b) and (c) is a negative

n I
homothety sending ω to ωB . Determine with proof the center of this homothety.

va ,
This is not as simple as the previous two parts; you will need to use (b) and (c) to

do this part, as well as the simple observation that the center should lie on the ∠B


y T
(e) Conclude that EX passes through the point you claimed in (a).

Experts may notice that this walkthrough gives what is essentially a proof of Monge
d’Alembert theorem.

Example 2.6 (EGMO 2018/5)

Let Γ be the circumcircle of triangle ABC. A circle Ω is tangent to the line segment
AB and is tangent to Γ at a point lying on the same side of the line AB as C. The
angle bisector of ∠BCA intersects Ω at two different points P and Q. Prove that
∠ABP = ∠QBC.

18EGMO5 Walkthrough.
(a) What famous configuration does Ω and Γ give? Add in the relevant point M .

(b) Using (a), relate M P · M Q to the rest of the picture. This lets us erase Ω entirely.

(c) Show that ]M P B = ]QBM .

(d) Angle chase to prove the desired isogonality.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

Example 2.7 (Shortlist 2011 G5)

Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and circumcircle ω. Let D and E be the
second intersection points of ω with AI and BI, respectively. The chord DE meets
AC at a point F , and BC at a point G. Let P be the intersection point of the line
through F parallel to AD and the line through G parallel to BE. Suppose that the
tangents to ω at A and B meet at a point K. Prove that the three lines AE, BD
and KP are either parallel or concurrent.

11SLG5 Walkthrough. There is one step in this problem which is not low-tech in nature:

(a) Show that AE ∩ BD lies on line KI. (One way to do this is by Brokard’s theorem,
or equivalently Pascal theorem on AADBBE.)

Thus it suffices to show IP , AE, BD are concurrent.

(b) Among the points labeled in the diagram, find two nontrivial cyclic quadrilaterals
(and prove it).

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(c) Show that the problem is equivalent to P lying on the radical axis of the two circles

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you found in (b).

(d) Let H = P I ∩ F G. Using similar triangles, show that HE · HF = HG · HD.

n《 al
(e) Put (b), (c), (d) together to finish the problem.

h e rn
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Ev I S

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

§3 Practice Problems
Instructions: Solve [45♣]. If you have time, solve [56♣]. Problems with red weights are mandatory.

They say the world is a stage. But obviously the play is

unrehearsed and everybody is ad-libbing his lines.

Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes

[2♣] Problem 1 (IMO 2002/2). Let BC be a diameter of circle ω with center O. Let A
be a point of circle ω such that 0◦ < ∠AOB < 120◦ . Let D be the midpoint of arc AB
not containing C. Line ` passes through O and is parallel to line AD. Line ` intersects
line AC at J. The perpendicular bisector of segment OA intersects circle ω at E and F .
Prove that J is the incenter of triangle CEF .

[3♣] Problem 2 (Andrew Wu’s GGG4 Mock, Problem 4). Let ABC be an acute, scalene

triangle with circumcenter O, and let D be a point lying on side BC. The perpendicular
bisectors of DB and DC meet lines AB and AC at points P and Q, respectively. Point

誼 se
X is the reflection of D in P Q. Show that AX k BC if and only if D, O, X are collinear.

陳 U
[2♣] Problem 3 (USAMO 2000/5). Let A1 A2 A3 be a triangle, and let ω1 be a circle in
its plane passing through A1 and A2 . Suppose there exists circles ω2 , ω3 , . . . , ω7 such

《 al
that for k = 2, 3, . . . , 7, circle ωk is externally tangent to ωk−1 and passes through Ak

and Ak+1 (indices mod 3). Prove that ω7 = ω1 .

e rn
[3♣] Problem 4. Let Ω be a circle and γ1 , γ2 be circles internally tangent to Ω at P

and Q. Assume that γ1 and γ2 are also externally tangent at point T . Prove that the

C t e
line through P perpendicular to P T meets line QT on Ω.


[3♣] Problem 5 (Shortlist 2007 G2). Denote by M midpoint of side BC in an isosceles

a , I
triangle 4ABC with AC = AB. Take a point X on a smaller arc M A of circumcircle of


triangle 4ABM . Denote by T point inside of angle BM A such that ∠T M X = 90◦ and

T X = BX.
Prove that ∠M T B − ∠CT M does not depend on choice of X.

y T

[3♣] Problem 6 (MOP 2011). Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with circumcircle ω.
Rays AB and DC meet at P and rays AD and BC meet at Q. Let M be the midpoint
of P Q. Ray M C meets ω again at R (other than C). Prove that A, P , Q, R lie on a
[5♣] Problem 7 (IMO 2018/1). Let Γ be the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC.
Points D and E lie on segments AB and AC, respectively, such that AD = AE. The
perpendicular bisectors of BD and CE intersect the minor arcs AB and AC of Γ at
points F and G, respectively. Prove that the lines DE and F G are parallel.
[5♣] Problem 8 (China TST 2018/2/1). Let ABC be a given triangle. The variable
points D, E, F , respectively on sides BC, AC, AB, satisfy CD = BF and BD = CE.
Point P is defined as the second intersection of (BF D) and (CED). Prove that point P
lies on a fixed circle.
[5♣] Required Problem 9 (IMO 2007/2). Consider five points A, B, C, D and E
such that ABCD is a parallelogram and BCED is a cyclic quadrilateral. Let ` be a line
passing through A. Suppose that ` intersects the interior of the segment DC at F and
intersects line BC at G. Suppose also that EF = EG = EC. Prove that ` is the bisector
of angle DAB.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

[5♣] Problem 10 (IMO 2015/4). Triangle ABC has circumcircle Ω and circumcenter
O. A circle Γ with center A intersects the segment BC at points D and E, such that
B, D, E, and C are all different and lie on line BC in this order. Let F and G be the
points of intersection of Γ and Ω, such that A, F , B, C, and G lie on Ω in this order.
Let K = (BDF ) ∩ AB 6= B and L = (CGE) ∩ AC 6= C and assume these points do not
lie on line F G. Define X = F K ∩ GL. Prove that X lies on the line AO.
[3♣] Problem 11 (IMO 2017/4). Let R and S be different points on a circle Ω such
that RS is not a diameter. Let ` be the tangent line to Ω at R. Point T is such that S is
the midpoint of RT . Point J is chosen on minor arc RS of Ω so that the circumcircle Γ
of triangle JST intersects ` at two distinct points. Let A be the common point of Γ and
` closer to R. Line AJ meets Ω again at K. Prove that line KT is tangent to Γ.

[5♣] Problem 12 (Shortlist 2012 G4). Let ABC be a triangle with AB 6= AC and
circumcenter O. The bisector of ∠BAC intersects BC at D. Let E be the reflection of

D with respect to the midpoint of BC. The lines through D and E perpendicular to BC
intersect the lines AO and AD at X and Y respectively. Prove that the quadrilateral

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BXCY is cyclic.

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[3♣] Problem 13 (Russia 2018, added by Kazi Aryan Amin). Let ABCD is a convex
quadrilateral with ∠A = ∠C. Points M and N are on the sides AB and BC such that

《 al
M N k AD and M N = 2AD. Let K be the midpoint of M N , and H be the orthocenter

of 4ABC. Prove that HK is perpendicular to CD.

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[5♣] Required Problem 14 (Fake USAJMO P6, added by Kevin Wang). Let 4ABC

C e
be a triangle. Points D, E, and F are placed on sides BC, CA, and AB respectively

such that EF k BC. The line DE meets the circumcircle of 4ADC again at X 6= D.

n n
Similarly, the line DF meets the circumcircle of 4ADB again at Y 6= D. If D1 is the

a , I
reflection of D across the midpoint of BC, prove that the four points D, D1 , X, and Y

lie on a circle.


[3♣] Problem 15 (APMO 2022/2, added by Nurtilek Duyshobaev). Let ABC be a

y T
right triangle with ∠B = 90. Point D is lies on the line CB such that B is between D
and C. Let E be the midpoint of AD and let F be the second intersection point of the

circumcircle of 4ACD and the circumcircle of triangle 4BDE. Prove that as D varies,
the line EF passes through a fixed point.
[3♣] Problem 16 (USAMTS 4/3/34). Let ω be a circle with center O and radius 10,
and let H be a point such that OH = 6. A point P is called snug if, for all triangles
ABC with circumcircle ω and orthocenter H, we have that P lies on 4ABC or in the
interior of 4ABC. Find the area of the region consisting of all snug points.
[5♣] Required Problem 17 (ELMO Shortlist 2023 G7, by Karthik Vedula). Let E be
an ellipse with foci F1 and F2 , and let P be a point on E. Suppose line P F1 and P F2
intersect E again at distinct points A and B, and the tangents to E at A and B intersect
at point Q. Show that the midpoint of P Q lies on the circumcircle of 4P F1 F2 .
[5♣] Problem 18 (TSTST 2018/5). Let ABC be an acute triangle with circumcircle ω,
and let H be the foot of the altitude from A to BC. Let P and Q be the points on ω
with P A = P H and QA = QH. The tangent to ω at P intersects lines AC and AB at
E1 and F1 respectively; the tangent to ω at Q intersects lines AC and AB at E2 and F2
respectively. Show that the circumcircles of 4AE1 F1 and 4AE2 F2 are congruent, and
the line through their centers is parallel to the tangent to ω at A.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

[5♣] Problem 19 (Sharygin 2013/19). Let ABC be a triangle with circumcenter O and
incenter I. The incircle is tangent to sides BC, CA, AB at A0 , B0 , C0 . Point L lies on
BC so that ∠BAL = ∠CAL. The perpendicular bisector of AL meets BI and CI at Q
and P , respectively. Let C1 and B1 denote the projections of B and C onto lines CI and
BI. Let O1 and O2 denote the circumcenters of triangles ABL and ACL.
Prove that the six lines BC, P C0 , QB0 , C1 O1 , B1 O2 , and OI are concurrent.
[2♣] Problem 20 (Romania TST 2013/2/2). Two acute triangles ABC and XY Z have
a common circumcircle. Suppose the nine-point circle γ of 4ABC passes through the
midpoints of XY and XZ. Prove that γ also passes through the midpoint of Y Z.
[5♣] Problem 21 (IMO 1999/5). Two circles Ω1 and Ω2 touch internally the circle Ω in
M and N and the center of Ω2 is on Ω1 . The common chord of the circles Ω1 and Ω2

intersects Ω in A and B Lines M A and M B intersects Ω1 in C and D. Prove that Ω2 is
tangent to CD.

[5♣] Problem 22 (EGMO 2019/4). Let ABC be a triangle with incentre I. The circle

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through B tangent to AI at I meets side AB again at P . The circle through C tangent
to AI at I meets side AC again at Q. Prove that P Q is tangent to the incircle of ABC.

陳 U
[9♣] Required Problem 23 (Shortlist 2021 G4). Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed

《 al
in a circle Ω. Let the tangent to Ω at D meet rays BA and BC at E and F , respectively.

A point T is chosen inside 4ABC so that T E k CD and T F k AD. Let K 6= D be

e rn
a point on segment DF satisfying T D = T K. Prove that lines AC, DT , and BK are


C e

[5♣] Problem 24 (Based on CGMO 2020/7, added by Qiao Zhang). Let ABC be an

n n
acute triangle with AB < AC and ∠BAC = 60◦ . Let I be the incenter of 4ABC, let D

a , I
be the foot of the altitude from A to BC, and let M be the midpoint of AI. Prove that

∠ADM = ∠ABC − 30◦ .


[9♣] Problem 25 (IMO 2021/3, added by Abdullahil Kaf). Let D be an interior point

y T
of the acute triangle ABC with AB > AC so that ∠DAB = ∠CAD. The point E on
the segment AC satisfies ∠ADE = ∠BCD, the point F on the segment AB satisfies

∠F DA = ∠DBC, and the point X on the line AC satisfies CX = BX. Let O1 and O2
be the circumcenters of the triangles ADC and EXD, respectively. Prove that the lines
BC, EF , and O1 O2 are concurrent.

[1♣] Mini Survey. Fill out feedback on the OTIS-WEB portal when submitting this
problem set. Any thoughts on problems (e.g. especially nice, instructive, easy, etc.) or
overall comments on the unit are welcome.
In addition, if you have any suggestions for problems to add, or want to write hints for
one problem you really liked, please do so in the ARCH system!

The maximum number of [♣] for this unit is [109♣], including the mini-survey.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

§4 Solutions to the walkthroughs

§4.1 Solution 2.2, Monge’s theorem
Let h12 denote the homothety sending ω1 to ω2 , which is a function from the plane to
itself. Define h23 , h13 similarly. Note that

h13 = h23 ◦ h12

because the composition h23 ◦ h12 is a positive homothety mapping ω1 to ω3 , i.e. is h13 .
Plugging in X12 into this we get a point

Q := h13 (X12 ) = h23 (X12 ).

Since h13 has center X31 , it follows Q, X12 , X31 are collinear. Similarly, it follows Q,
X12 , X23 are collinear. This implies the result.

§4.2 Solution 2.3, Reim’s theorem

誼 se
Immediate by angle chasing.

陳 U
](m1 , `1 ) = −](m2 , `2 ) = ](m1 , `3 ).

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h e rn
C nt e
a , I
Ev I S

§4.3 Solution 2.4, RMM 2018/1

Extend line DP Q to meet the circumcircle again at E. We claim that’s the desired
tangency point.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)



誼 se

陳 U
]P KB = ]DCB = ]DEB
and so P KEB is cyclic (Reim’s theorem). Similarly, QLEC is cyclic.

《 al
In this we can eliminate the point K and L from the picture and focus on the

circumcircle of 4P BE, 4CQE instead. These are then tangent by noting

h e rn ]EBP = ]EBA = ]ECA = ]ECQ

C e
so the arcs EP and EQ have equal measure, as desired.

n I nt
§4.4 Solution 2.5, TSTST 2017/5, Ray Li

va ,
¶ First solution (homothety). Let Z be the diametrically opposite point on the incircle.

We claim this is the desired intersection.

y T I




Note that:
• P is the insimilicenter of ωB and ωC
• C is the exsimilicenter of ω and ωC .
Thus by Monge theorem, the insimilicenter of ωB and ω lies on line CP .
This insimilicenter should also lie on the line joining the centers of ω and ωB , which is
BI, hence it coincides with the point X. So X ∈ EZ as desired.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)

¶ Second solution (harmonic). Let T = IB IC ∩ BC, and W the foot from I to BC.
Define Z = F Y ∩ IW . Because ∠IB DIC = 90◦ , we have
−1 = (IB IC ; P T ) = (IIC ; Y C) = (I∞; ZW )

So I is the midpoint of ZW as desired.

¶ Third solution (outline, barycentric, Andrew Gu). Let AD = t, BD = x, CD = y,

so a = x + y and by Stewart’s theorem we have

(x + y)(xy + t2 ) = b2 x + c2 y. (1)

We then have D = (0 : y : x) and so

tx cx
AIB ∩ BC = 0:y+ :

c+t c+t

hence intersection with BI gives

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陳 U
IB = (ax : cy + at : cx).


n《 al IC = (ay : by : bx + at).

h e rn
Then, we can compute

C t e
P = (2axy : y(at + bx + cy) : x(at + bx + cy))

a , I n
since P ∈ IB IC , and clearly P ∈ AD. Intersection now gives

Ev S
X = (2ax : at + bx + cy : 2cx)

Y = (2ay : 2by : at + bx + cy) .

y T
Finally, we have BE = 12 (c + x − t), and similarly for CF . Now if we reflect D =

a , a ) over I = ( 2s , 2s , 2s ), we get the antipode
(0, s−c s−b a b c

Q := 4a2 : −a2 + 2ab − b2 + c2 : −a2 + 2ac − c2 + b2 .

We may then check Q lies on each of lines EX and F Y (by checking det(Q, E, X) = 0
using the equation (1)).

§4.5 Solution 2.6, EGMO 2018/5

If we let M denote the midpoint of arc AB
d then the inversion at M with radius M A = M B
fixes Ω, so it swaps P and Q, thus

]M P B = ]QBM.

Evan Chen《陳誼廷》 (OTIS, updated 2024-12-03) Elementary Geometry (Version Y)



誼 se


陳 U
]M P B = ]M CB + ]CBP

《 al
]QBM = ]ABM + ]QBA

e rn
implying the desired isogonality, since ]ABM = ]ACM = ]M CB.

h e
§4.6 Solution 2.7, Shortlist 2011 G5

C t
First by Brokard theorem (or equivalently Pascal on AADBBE) the points AE ∩ BD,

n I n
K, and I are collinear. Therefore we only need to show that IP , AE, BD are concurrent.

va ,
By angle chasing, AF IE and BDIG are cyclic. Now, let H = DE ∩ IP . Then

= = ,


hence H lies on the radical axis of these two circles.




Thus we conclude that IHP is the radical axis of (AF IE) and (BDIG) so we are
done by considering the radical center with the circumcircle of ABC.


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