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COA Question BANK(Unit Wise)

Computer Organization & Architecture (Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University)

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

Q.No. Question Description Course Marks Difficulty Level
1 Describe the digital computer generation in brief. CO1 2 Low
2 Define bus arbitration with suitable diagram. CO1 5 Medium
3 Explain different functions of a computer system. CO1 5 Medium
4 Write short note on the following: CO1 5 Medium
(i)Common Bus system
(ii)Bus Arbitration
5 Draw a diagram of a bus system for four registers that uses three state buffer and a decoder instead of the CO1 5 High
6 Explain ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) ? Draw logic diagram of ALU that performs AND, OR logic CO1 10 Medium
operations and ADD, SUB arithmetic operations
7 Compute the following arithmetic operations in 8-bit registers. Use signed 2's complement notation. CO1 10 Medium
Indicate overflow/underflow, if any :—
(a) - 28 - (- 100)
(b) - 28 - 100
(c) 78 - (- 49)
(d) +50-5
8 Elaborate the following conditional control statement by two register transfer statements with control CO1 5 Medium
functions.If (P = 1) then (Rl<-R2) else if (Q = l) then(Rl^R3) 11.A computer has 16 registers, an ALU
9 Explain various addressing modes with suitable examples. CO1 10 Medium
10 Describe stack organization ? Compare Register stack and Memory stack. CO1 10 Medium
11 Describe use of registers in computer? Explain general Register organization with multiple bus CO1 5 High
12 Explain the need of having many addressing modes in your machine ?Discuss Indirect and displacement CO1 5 Medium
addressing in detail.
13 The following statements specify a memory. Explain the memory operation in each case CO1 5 Medium
(b) M[AR]←R3
(c) R5 ←M[R5]
14 An 8-bit register contains the binary value 10011100.Calculate the register value after an arithmetic shift CO1 2 Medium
right? Starting from the initial number 10011100, determine the register value after the arithmetic shift
left and state whether, there is an overflow.

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

15 Review about wrong with the following register transfer statements? a) xT:AR←AR,AR←0 b) CO1 2 Medium
16 Write a program to evaluate arithmetic expressions using three, zero address instruction: CO1 10 High
X= (A-B)+C*(D*E-F)/G+H*K
17 The memory unit of a computer has 256 words of 32 bits each .the computer has an instruction format with CO1 10 High
four fields : an operation code, a mode field to specify one of seven addressing modes, a register address
field to specify one of 60 processor registers and a memory address. state the instruction format and the
number of bits in each field if the instruction in one memory word.
18 An instruction is stored at location 300 with its address field at location 301. The address field has the CO1 10 Medium
value 400. A processor register R1 contains the number 200.Evaluate the effective address if the
addressing mode of the instruction is a) direct b)immediate c) relative d) register indirect e) index with
R1 as the index register.
19 Evaluate the no. of address and data line in a main memory of size 64K*16 CO1 2 Low
20 A digital computer has a common bus system for 32 registers of 16 bits each. The bus is constructed CO1 5 Medium
with multiplexers. How many selection inputs are there in each multiplexer? How many multiplexers are
there in the bus? What is the size of each MUX.
21 Explain Booth’s Algorithm in detail with flow chart. Implement multiplication of two operands (-12) and CO2 10 High
(+4) with the help of Booth’s algorithm.
22 Explain Unsigned multiplication algorithm with flow chart. Implement multiplication of 12 and 4 using CO2 10 Medium
Unsigned multiplication algorithm
23 Design a 3*3 bit array multiplier with a suitable diagram CO2 5 Medium
24 Discuss IEEE standard for floating point numbers. CO2 2 Medium
25 Discuss and Differentiate between fixed point representation and floating point representation. Explain CO2 5 Medium
with suitable examples
26 Explain the following with reference to floating point representation: — CO2 10 Low
(i)IEEE standard
(ii) Normalization
(iii) Biasing
(iv) Overflow & Underflow
27 State Booth Algorithm for multiplication of two numbers. Draw a logic diagram for the implementation CO2 10 Medium
of the Booth Algorithm for determining the product of two 8-bit signed numbers
28 State the division of the following positive number 1000/11. using 4-bit register. CO2 10 High
29 Design the carry look ahead adder. CO2 10 Medium
30 Design carry look ahead generator. CO2 5 High

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

31 Explain floating point addition and subtraction algorithm. CO2 10 High
32 Define Floating point overflow and underflow conditions. CO2 2 Medium
33 Explain the various steps required to design ALU. CO2 10 High
34 Explain steps to divide two signed numbers. CO2 5 Medium
35 Explain the process of dividing +7/-3 using restoring method. CO2 5 High
36 Explain signed multiplication algorithm with the help of flow chart. Implement multiplication of (+12)*(- CO2 10 High
4) using Unsigned multiplication algorithm
37 Design a 4 bit arithmetic circuit using a suitable block diagram. CO2 5 Medium
38 Design a 4 bit Bidirectional shifter with the help of multiplexer. CO2 5 Medium
39 Explain divide overflow. CO2 2 Medium
40 Describe carry look ahead in digital circuits. CO2 2 Low
41 Define CISC ? Explain it with its characteristics. CO3 5 High
42 A computer has 16 registers, an ALU with 32 operations, and a shifter with eight operations, CO3 10 High
all connected to a common bus system .
(i) Formulate a Control Word for a micro-operation.
(ii) Specify die number of bits in each field
of the control word and give a general encoding scheme.
(iii) Show the bits of the control word that specify the micro-operation R4 <- R5 + R6.
43 Define microoperation? How can microoperation be used for execution of an instruction? Explain with the CO3 5 Medium
help of an example.
44 Instruction cycle is divided into subcycles. With the help of diagram, explain the sequence in which CO3 5 Medium
subcycles are executed
45 Discuss how address sequencing is carried out in microprogrammed organization. CO3 5 High
46 Describe how control unit of a computer function? Explain with the help of a block diagram CO3 10 Medium
47 Define the following : CO3 2 Medium
(i) Microoperation
(ii) Microinstruction
(iii) Microprogram
(iv) Microcode
48 Describe the basic differences between a branch instruction, a call subroutine instruction, and program CO3 5 Medium
49 Describe the differences between CISC & RISC architecture. CO3 5 Medium
50 State the meaning of hard wired control unit? Give various methods to design hardwired control unit. CO3 10 High
Describe one of the design methods for hardwired control unit with suitable diagrams.

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

51 Explain wide-branch addressing? Explain with example. CO3 5 High
52 Define Microinstruction ? How is it different from microprogram sequencer ? Explain with the help of CO3 5 Medium
53 Describe how a processor execute instructions? Define the internal functional units of a processor and how CO3 10 Medium
they are interconnected
54 A system uses a control memory of 1024 words of 32 bits each..The micro-instruction has three CO3 10 Medium
fields:select, address and microoperation fields. The microoperation’s field has 16 bits. (a) How many bits
are there in the branch address field and select field?
55 Using the mapping procedure, determine the first micro-instruction address for the following operation CO3 5 High
a)0010 b)1011 c)1111
56 Describe the difference between a microprocessor and a microprogram? Is it possible to design a CO3 5 High
microprocessor without a microprogram? Explain.
57 Define interrupt? Explain various types of interrupt. CO3 5 High

58 Explain the hardwired control unit organization explaining each component clearly CO3 10 Medium

59 Explain advantages of pipelining with a suitable example. CO3 5 High

60 Define program control. Explain its types. CO3 5 Medium
61 Write short notes on any two of the following : CO4 5 Medium
(i) Auxiliary memory
(ii) Memory Hierarchy
(iii) Virtual Memory (iv) Cache Memory
62 Define semiconductor RAM memories? Show the read operation and write operation in static memories CO4 5 Medium
with examples
63 Explain the concept of Virtual memory. How address mapping is performed in virtual memory ? CO4 5 High
64 Define the difference between 2D and 2 ]2 D memory organization ? Explain it with the help of suitable CO4 5 Medium
65 A ROM chip of 1024 x 8 bits has four select inputs and operates from a 5-volt power supply. How many CO4 2 Low
pins are needed for the IC package? Draw a block diagram and label all inputs and output terminals in the
66 A two-way set associative cache memory uses blocks of four words. The cache can accommodate CO4 10 High
a total of 2048 words from the main memory. The main memory size is 128 K*32.
(i) Formulate all pertinent information required to construct the cache

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

(ii) What is the size of the cache memory
67 Define the terms address space and memory space. An address space is specified by 24 bits and the CO4 5 Medium
corresponding memory space by 16 bits. Find the following :
(i) How many words are there in the address space?
(ii) How many words are there in the memory space
68 Discuss the various organization of RAM. A computer uses RAM chips of 1024x1 capacity. How many CO4 5 Medium
chips are needed and how should their address lines be connected to provide a memory capacity of 1024
bytes ?
69 Explain various cache mapping techniques. A computer system has a 4k word cache organised in block set CO4 10 Medium
associative manner with 4 blocks per set, 64 words per block. The main memory contains 65536 blocks.
How many bits are there in each of the TAG, SET & WORD fields ?
70 Describe the difference between Direct mapping and Associative mapping procedures for organisation of CO4 10 High
cache memory with example. Give merits and demerits of both mapping procedures
71 Evaluate how many 128 bytes RAM chips are required to provide a memory of 2048 bytes ? Show details CO4 5 High
of connection clearly indicating address, data and decoder configuration
72 A virtual memory system has a page size of 1K words.There are eight pages and four blocks. The CO4 5 Medium
associative memory page table contains the following entries:
Page Block
0 3
1 1
4 2
6 0
Make a list of all virtual address (in decimal) that will cause a page fault, if used by the processor.
73 The logical address space in a computer system consists of 129 segments. Each segment can have up to 32 CO4 5 Medium
pages of 4K word in each.Physical memory consists of 4K Blocks of 4K words in each. Formulate the
logical and physical address formats.
74 computer employs RAM chips of 1024*8 and ROM chips of 512*8.The computer system needs 2KB of CO4 10 High
RAM 4KB of ROM and four interface units, each with four registers.,A memory mapped I/O configuration
is used The two highest order bits of the address bus assigned 00 for RAM,01 for ROM and 10 for interface
a). determine RAM and ROM chips are needed?
b) .Draw a memory-address map for the system
75 Describe memory hierarchy CO4 2 Low
76 Explain various types of ROM ? CO4 5 Medium

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CSE 2nd Year KCS302 (Computer Organization) Question Bank (Unitwise)

77 Write the difference between SRAM & DRAM? CO4 2 Low
78 Define locality of reference. Explain with an example? CO4 5 Medium
79 Describe Cache memory. How it is constructed. CO4 2 Medium
80 Describe why cache memory mapping is best and why? CO4 2 Medium
81 Explain Direct Memory Access (DMA). CO5 5 Medium
82 Explain Synchronous and Asynchronous communication. CO5 5 Medium
83 Define Interrupts with their types and exceptions CO5 5 High
84 Write short note on the following together with their importance: CO5 5 Medium
(i) Input-output processor
(ii) Serial Communication.
85 Describe why Input-Output interface is required? Describe various methods for I/O interface together with CO5 10 Medium
their merits and demerits
86 Define what programming steps are required to check when a source interrupts the computer while it is CO5 5 High
still serviced by a previous interrupt request from the same source
87 Draw a flow chart that describes the CPU-I/O channel communication in the IBM 370. CO5 10 Medium
88 Describe what is basic advantage of using interrupt initiated data transfer over transfer under program CO5 5 Medium
control without an interrupt ?
89 Describe Strobe control and Hand shaking for Asynchronous Data Transfer. CO5 10 Medium
90 Define programmed I/O. CO5 2 Medium
91 Explain various types of peripheral devices with a suitable example. CO5 5 Low
92 Determine the different modes of data transfer. Explain any one of them with a suitable example. CO5 5 Medium
93 With the help of block diagram, explain working of Direct Memory Access (DMA). Give a brief CO5 10 Medium
comparison of programmed I/O & Interrupt I/O.
94 Explain strobe methods with suitable diagram. CO5 5 High
95 Explain standard communication interface with a suitable diagram. CO5 5 Medium
96 Describe the advantage of using input output interface ? CO5 2 Medium
97 Write the difference between I/O Channel and I/O processors. CO5 5 Medium
98 Explain the difference between external and internal interrupt. CO5 5 Medium
99 Explain structure of Magnetic hard disk along with read and write operations. CO5 5 Low
100 Explain the exceptions in interrupt handling process ?.Explain in detail ?. CO5 5 Medium

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