Positron Emission Tomography Molecular Imaging of the Major
Neurodegenerative Disorders: Overview and Pictorial Essay, from a
Nuclear Medicine Center’s Perspective
Ferdinando Calabria1, *,† , Mario Leporace1,† , Andrea Cimini2 , Maria Ricci3 ,
Laura Travascio4 , Antonio Bagnato1
1 Department of Nuclear Medicine and Theragnostics, Mariano Santo Hospital, 87100 Cosenza, Italy
2 Nuclear Medicine Unit, St Salvatore Hospital, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy
3 Nuclear Medicine Unit, Cardarelli Hospital, 86100 Campobasso, Italy
4 Unità Operativa Complessa (UOC) of Nuclear Medicine, Pescara Hospital, 65124 Pescara, Italy
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provide key structural information on brain pathophysiology.
Positron emission tomography (PET) measures metabolism in the living brain; it plays an important role in molecular neuroimaging
and is rapidly expanding its field of application to the study of neurodegenerative diseases. Different PET radiopharmaceuticals allow in
vivo characterization and quantization of biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels, from which many neurodegenerative
diseases develop. In addition, hybrid imaging tools such as PET/CT and PET/MRI support the utility of PET, enabling the anatomical
mapping of functional data. In this overview, we describe the most commonly used PET tracers in the diagnostic work-up of patients
with Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and other neurodegenerative diseases. We also briefly discuss the pathophysiological
processes of tracer uptake in the brain, detailing their specific cellular pathways in clinical cases. This overview is limited to imaging
agents already applied in human subjects, with particular emphasis on those tracers used in our department.
Keywords: PET; amyloid imaging; tau protein; molecular imaging; neurodegenerative diseases; [18 F]FDOPA; [18 F]FDG; MRI
and medial temporal cortices (Fig. 2). Varying sensitivities vanced stage of the disease [30]. To improve diagnostic
and specificities for AD diagnosis have been reported. Ac- accuracy, some studies support the utility of the dual tracer
cording to Smailagic et al. [26], the sensitivity and speci- brain PET with both [18 F]FDG and amyloid tracers in the
ficity in diagnosing AD are 76% and 82% respectively in a diagnostic workup of AD (Fig. 3), depending on the clin-
population with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). ical presentation [23]. The commercial availability of hy-
brid PET/MRI scanners is also improving confidence in the
management of NDs, by the added value of simultaneous
morphological and functional evaluation of the brain. In
the early stages of AD, with structural MRI it is very dif-
ficult to differentiate the signs of atrophy in the course of
AD from those related to physiological brain aging [31].
In general, full-blown forms of atrophy are bilateral and
symmetrical, prevailing in the temporal lobes and temporal-
mesial structures, including ex vacuo enlargement of the
ventricular and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces, and spar-
ing of the primary sensorimotor cortex. Moreover, the evo-
lution of atrophy in AD is more rapid than the atrophy oc-
curring with normal aging. MRI in patients with AD can
reveal increased amounts of white matter signal hyperin-
tensity in the periventricular and deep white matter regions
on T2-weighted and T2-fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
(FLAIR) sequences.
hypometabolic regions include the frontal and anterior tem-
poral lobes, cingulate gyri, uncus, insula, basal ganglia, and
medial thalamus. Hypometabolism is generally asymmet-
ric (Fig. 4), with a sensitivity and specificity of 88% and
91%, respectively [11].
Fig. 6. PET imaging of cortico-basal degeneration. A 59-year-old man was examined for clinical suspicion of corticobasal degen-
eration by [18 F]FDG PET/CT of the brain. Axial PET views (a) clearly show severe asymmetrical left hemisphere hypometabolism
and reduction in uptake in the right cerebellar hemisphere (crossed cerebellar diaschisis). Correlative CT (b) supported the diagnosis by
showing ipsilateral ventricular enlargement and atrophy.
pattern of glucose metabolism impairment on [18 F]FDG evaluation of ND patients. However, the current availabil-
PET is usually represented by bilateral parietal and poste- ity of hybrid PET/MRI scanners is currently insufficient to
rior temporal deficit of tracer uptake and hypometabolism replace conventional PET/CT imaging.
in the posterior cingulate gyrus [24]. Early diagnosis of A multimodal approach should, however, be com-
DLB has been challenging, particularly in the context of dif- bined with clinical examinations. The use of novel PET
ferentiation with Parkinson’s disease-related dementia and radiopharmaceuticals, such as Aβ and τ tracers, could fur-
other forms, such as AD and rapidly progressive demen- ther aid towards an in-depth understanding of this highly
tia. In fact, unlike other types of dementia, impairment of disabling disease [49]. On this topic, structural MRI does
glucose metabolism of the occipital lobes is not uncommon not seem to be useful since the MRI findings of DLB are
(Fig. 5), which is an imaging feature congruent with the nonspecific. Brain MRI studies have demonstrated vari-
clinical diagnosis of LBD [24]. Another feature sugges- able volume loss of white and cortical matter with relative
tive of early diagnosis of LBD is the relative preservation preservation of the hippocampus [50]. Compared with AD-
of amygdala metabolism, recently defined by Pillai et al. related forms of atrophy, most studies have reported that pa-
[43] as the amygdala sign. Functional MRI, especially on tients with dementia DLB had less severe temporal atrophy
hybrid scanners, could improve the diagnosis by highlight- [51,52]. However, an association between hypometabolism
ing a lack of connectivity between cortical regions [44]. and hypoperfusion correlating with [18 F]FDG PET studies
FTD is a neurodegenerative disorder presenting with and ASL in MRI has been demonstrated [53].
degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes. No ap-
proved pharmacological interventions for FTD are avail- 2.2 [18 F]FDG PET in Parkinson’s Disease and
able [45]. Patients often present social impairment and dis- Parkinsonism
inhibited, impulsive behavior [46]. In patients with FTD, [18 F]FDG PET is useful in the management of patients
a significant association between higher levels of educa- with cognitive impairment; however, it cannot easily de-
tion and lower brain glucose metabolism is seen, supporting tect the reduction in metabolism in the striatum, due to its
the cognitive reserve hypothesis—defined as the ability to high rate of normal distribution in healthy brain structures.
maintain cognitive functions relatively well at a given level [18 F]FDG PET can thus only support the diagnosis of PD,
of pathology—as reported in a recent paper by Beyer et al. by characterizing specific uptake patterns when the clinical
[47]. Although no pharmacological treatment is available diagnosis of parkinsonism or PD is unclear [54,55]. Thus,
for FTD, a precise diagnosis is needed to rule out psychi- in line with available data, brain [18 F]FDG PET may play a
atric disorders that are characterized by disinhibition and limited role in the diagnosis of parkinsonism [56,57], with
cognitive impairment [48]. the emphasis on the diagnosis of the dementia complex as-
MRI is also able to overcome the limitations of PET sociated with PD, which occurs in a significant minority of
imaging, by improving temporal and soft tissue contrast and PD patients. Eggers et al. [58] examined a cohort of 64
motion artifacts, and reducing patient exposure to radiation. PD patients, with both akinetic-rigid and tremor-dominant
In our opinion, PET/MRI will play a predominant role in the features, using [18 F]fluoro-L-phenylalanine ([18 F]FDOPA)
Fig. 7. Brain vascular injury. A 57-year-old man with Fig. 8. Uptake of amyloid PET tracers in relation to the depo-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma was examined by whole-body PET (a), sition of Aβ plaques in the brain.
showing pathological [18 F]FDG uptake in right inguinal lym-
phadenopathies. Axial PET/CT detail of the basicranium (b)
There are similar concerns regarding progressive supranu-
shows focal hypometabolism in the left putamen, due to deep brain
clear palsy (PSP) and multiple-system atrophy (MSA). PSP
infarct, as confirmed during patient anamnesis. patients generally show hypometabolism in the medial and
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, caudate, thalamus, and up-
and [18 F]FDG PET of the brain. They showed a clear differ- per brainstem. MSA patients have a hypometabolic stria-
ence between the two subgroups of patients in the ventral tum and cerebellum [65–67]. Positive brain [18 F]FDG PET
striatum, reporting a significantly lower neuronal glucose findings in such patients could also represent a gatekeeper
metabolism within the ventral striatum for akinetic-rigid for subsequent PET imaging with τ protein tracers, in or-
patients compared with those with tremor-dominant symp- der to improve the diagnosis, as one study recently demon-
tomatology. These studies could provide significant infor- strated [68]. In this latter study performed on 117 pa-
mation on the pathogenesis of PD and its complex molec- tients with parkinsonian syndromes, [18 F]FDG PET was
ular mechanisms [59]. However, despite the widespread found to be very useful in clinical routine evaluation of sus-
use of [18 F]FDG PET in clinical practice and extensive re- pected dementia related to parkinsonian syndromes, with
search, there is still very limited evidence for the use of a satisfactory differential diagnosis in two thirds of pa-
[18 F]FDG PET in PD patients. According to the majority tients. One third of patients would have potentially prof-
of researchers, [18 F]FDG PET is a clinically useful imaging ited from further evaluation by more specific tracers. In the
biomarker only for idiopathic PD and atypical parkinson- future, the radiomics signature with metabolic, structural,
ism or parkinsonian syndromes associated with dementia and metabolic information provided by hybrid [18 F]FDG
[60]. The potential impact of [18 F]FDG PET in this afore- PET/MRI should hopefully be diagnostically effective in
mentioned clinical setting could be of special interest, by distinguishing between PD and MSA, as reported by Hu
highlighting the different patterns of hypometabolism in se- et al. [69] who examined 90 patients. A possible role
lected brain regions. Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is for [18 F]FDG PET imaging may be also hypothesized in
a form of neuronal degeneration, a dementia involving the identifying those patients with post-ischemic vascular la-
loss of cognitive functions as well as movement and vision. cunae causing tremor (Fig. 7), thus excluding NDs [70], or
The loss of neurons in this disease is generally asymmetrical rare neurological conditions involving a movement disor-
or unilateral (Fig. 6), concerning only one brain hemisphere der [71,72].
[61]. For this reason, [18 F]FDG may be a reliable marker of
disease, helping to easily identify the disease location and 3. Amyloid Imaging
extension. AD is the most common neurodegenerative disease
In the early stages of CBD, MRI generally does not causing dementia in the elderly. Histopathology defines
reveal any changes. As the disease progresses, asymmetric this disease as linked to the accumulation Aβ plaques and
cortical atrophy involving the frontal-parietal lobes, corpus hyperphosphorylated neurofibrillary τ protein. Thus, the
callosum, and ipsilateral cerebellar peduncle may become Aβ plaques are the pathognomonic signs of AD, and their
evident. FLAIR sequences can show hyperintensity of appearance in the brain is an early event in the pathogen-
white matter tissue signal in the atrophic frontoparietal sulci esis. The first amyloid tracer was the Pittsburgh com-
[62]. The putamen and globus pallidum may appear hy- pound, used to image brain amyloid plaques. This tracer
pointense on T2-weighted images. Volume in the basal gan- is labeled with 11 C; the short half-life decay of the nu-
glia and hippocampus, unlike in AD, is conserved [63,64]. clide does not support its use in routine clinical applica-
tions [73]. Three fluorinated types of amyloid radiopharma-
ceuticals are therefore currently employed for PET/CT and
PET/MRI: [18 F]Florbetapir, [18 F]Flutemetamol (Fig. 8),
and [18 F]Florbetaben [74,75].
All fluorinated types of amyloid radiopharmaceuti-
cals have demonstrated a high diagnostic accuracy (sen-
sitivity 88–96%, specificity 80–100%) in the detection of
Aβ plaques, in comparison with postmortem data [76–78].
Imaging Aβ plaques with fluorinated-tracer PET is there-
fore becoming the most useful tool aimed at the in vivo
detection of brain plaque density and increasing the diag-
nostic accuracy in cognitively impaired patients. Negative
PET scans of patients with amyloid tracers generally show
physiological distribution of the radiopharmaceutical in the Fig. 10. Dual tracer imaging of Alzheimer’s Disease. [18 F]FDG
white matter, particularly evident in the axial slices of the and [18 F]Flutemetamol PET scans in a 61-year-old man examined
basicranium, which has been defined as the “sign of the sea- due to clinical suspicion of Alzheimer’s disease. [18 F]FDG 3D-
horses” (Fig. 9). PET and axial PET (a) show severe hypometabolism in the parietal
and temporal cortex, bilaterally, congruent with the clinical diag-
nosis. [18 F]-Flutemetamol 3D-PET and correlative axial images
(b) confirm the diagnosis, showing a pathological amyloid burden
in the parietal, temporal, and frontal lobes, in both hemispheres.
vivo. [18 F]FDOPA penetrate the cells carried by the L-type
amino acid transporters 1 and 2. These transporters are in-
volved in the permeability to the blood-brain barrier of the
tracer. Subsequently, this radiopharmaceutical is converted
into [18 F]Fluorodopamine by the amino acid decarboxylase
in central nervous system (Fig. 12). In the brain, faint up-
take is normally registered in the cortex and white matter.
The target tissue is only represented by the basal ganglia,
thus enabling the identification of cellular damage in the
caudate and putamen nuclei.
Fig. 11. PET imaging with τ tracers. The PET τ tracers present
high in vivo affinity with neuronal neurofibrillary tangles.
cant association in PD patients between the reduction in up-
take in the striatum and in the olfactory tract, suggesting an-
other criterion to distinguish between PD and other move-
ment disorders. SPECT imaging with cocaine analogues is
widely used in the management of PD patients [104] and
is the main reference standard for evaluating the diagnos-
tic performance of [18 F]FDOPA PET in the management
of movement disorders. The literature demonstrates a good
correlation between striatal [18 F]FDOPA uptake and striatal
I-ioflupane uptake, with similar values of sensitivity and
specificity in PD patients [105,106]. In addition, better re-
producibility of [18 F]FDOPA PET imaging has been noted,
Fig. 13. Physiological [18 F]FDOPA bio-distribution. Nor- due to the shorter half-life of the tracer, the shorter time of
mal distribution of [18 F]FDOPA in the striatum on PET (a) and the investigation, and the better resolution power of the PET
PET/CT (b) axial details of the basicranium, in a 56-year-old man scanner. In a recent study, the possible role of [18 F]FDOPA
examined for essential tremor and suspicion of Parkinson’s dis- in the imaging of the nigrostriatal pathway and sympathetic
ease. cardiac innervation was also proposed. This approach is
important as quantification of myocardial [18 F]FDOPA up-
take may help in differentiating patients with and without
Parkinson’s [107].
6. Translocator Protein
Translocator protein (TSPO) is a mitochondrial outer
membrane 18 kDa protein, located at contact sites be-
tween the outer and inner mitochondrial membrane, ini-
tially known for taking up benzodiazepine in peripheral
tissues [108]. Its functions, including cholesterol trans-
port and steroid hormone synthesis, mitochondrial respi-
ration, permeability pore opening, apoptosis, and prolifer-
ation, are still being investigated. Steroidogenic tissues,
Fig. 14. [18 F]FDOPA and Parkinson’s Disease. [18 F]FDOPA such as glandular and secretory, are particularly abundant in
axial PET (a) and PET/CT (b) details of the basicranium, in a TSPO, while the brain and liver express low levels of TSPO
60-year-old man evaluated for Parkinson’s disease in an advanced [109]. A non-mitochondrial localization has been reported
clinical stage, showing severe bilateral reduction in tracer uptake [110,111], for instance in red blood cells, endoplasmic retic-
in the putamen nuclei and moderate-to-severe reduction in uptake ulum, and nuclear membranes of erythroblasts, although its
in both caudate nuclei. role has yet to be determined.
TSPO is a channel with five alpha transmembrane he-
lices, able to form homodimers and a multimeric complex
MSA and eight patients with PD. The [18 F]FDOPA accu-
including the voltage-dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC1)
mulation was lower by a similar amount in the putamen of
[112], the ATPase family AAA domain-containing protein
both groups, while there was a greater reduction in uptake
3 (ATAD3), and the inner mitochondrial membrane cy-
in the caudate in MSA patients. These findings have been
tochrome P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme (CYP11A1), a
confirmed elsewhere. A greater reduction in uptake in the
signal transduction complex involved in intracellular Ca++
caudate of PSP and CBD patients in comparison with PD
pathways [113].
patients has been reported [101,102]. However, the overlap
In the healthy central nervous system, TSPO is ex-
between these populations was too great for a meaningful
pressed at a low baseline level, not homogeneously, in sev-
eral brain regions including the cerebellum and choroid
Concerning the clinical implications of Braak’s hy- plexus, with the ependyma of the ventricular system show-
pothesis [85], which considers that the earliest signs of PD, ing higher TSPO staining levels. Moreover, TSPO levels
such as hyposmia, sleep disorders and constipation may are higher in white matter than in gray matter. Astrocytes
precede the motor features of the disease by several years, and microglia do not display constitutive TSPO expression,
some researchers have increasingly focused on the non- while endothelial cells and the pericytes of blood vessels
motor symptoms in order to detect early PD and to slow or do [113]. TSPO may be overexpressed in activated mi-
stop its progression. Scherfler et al. [103] found a signifi- croglia and upregulated in astrocytes in the central nervous
system, due to ischemic damage or neurodegenerative dis- thors read and approved the final manuscript. All authors
eases such as AD, PD, and multiple sclerosis [114–116]; have participated sufficiently in the work and agreed to be
therefore, TSPO is a biomarker of neuroinflammation and accountable for all aspects of the work.
related diseases. In particular, abnormal protein aggregate
accumulation, typically found in neurodegenerative disor- Ethics Approval and Consent to Participate
ders, triggers the brain immune response through upregula- Not applicable.
tion of TSPO on activated microglia.
First and second generation TSPO ligands [117–119] Acknowledgment
have been developed for PET imaging of neuroinflam-
mation, labeled with either 11 C or, lately, 18 F, in an at- Not applicable.
tempt to overcome the short half-life of 11 C, the low brain
uptake and penetration of the intact blood-brain barrier Funding
[120,121], and with binding affinity to TSPO suitable to This research received no external funding.
PET imaging. Both first- (e.g., [11 C]PK11195) and second-
generation (e.g., [11 C]PBR28n and [18 F]DPA714) tracers Conflict of Interest
correlate well with amyloid and τ protein PET imaging The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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