June 3, 2024
Model : 308, 308.5, 309
Prefix : GW9, GG8, GG9, GZ8, GW8
Configuration : GW900001-GW999999, GG900001-GG999999, GZ800001-
GZ899999, GW800001-GW899999, GG800001-GG899999
Table of Contents
Cat Self-Service Options 1
General Preventative Maintenance Information 1
Maintenance Section 3
Access Door and Cover Locations 3
Lubricant Viscosities- Fluids Recommendations 3
Capacities (Refill) 6
S·O·S Information 6
System Pressure Release 6
Prepare the Machine for Maintenance 8
Initial 500 Service Hours 8
Final Drive Oil - Change 8
Initial 500 Hours (for New Systems, Refilled Systems, and Converted Systems) 9
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Obtain 9
Every 500 Service Hours 9
Air Conditioner/Cab Heater Filter (Recirculation) - Replace 9
Boom Swing Cylinder Pins - Lubricate 9
Boom, Stick, and Frame - Inspect 10
Cab Air Filter (Fresh Air) - Replace 11
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Replace 12
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace 13
Final Drive Oil Level - Check 13
Fuel Lift Pump Strainer - Replace 13
Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace 14
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain 15
Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain 15
Every 250 Service Hours 15
Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace 15
Condenser (Refrigerant) - Clean 17
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Obtain 17
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain 18
Cat Self-Service Options Ensure that the product will not be damaged or made unsafe by
the operation, lubrication, maintenance, or the repair
i08825806 procedures.
Introduction WARNING
Self-Service Options include the parts and instructions required Do not operate or work on this machine unless you have read
for customers to perform certain maintenance and repair work and understand the instructions and warnings in the Operation
themselves. Self-Service Options also enable the purchase of and Maintenance Manuals. Failure to follow the instructions or
referenced tools and products and include links to related safety heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Contact any
information available at Cat.com/Safety. Caterpillar dealer for replacement manuals. Proper care is your
1. Required Genuine Cat parts
2. List of recommended tooling
Failure to follow all safety guidelines prescribed in this document
3. Service Instructions and by governing authorities and regulatory agencies could
result in severe injury or death of personnel or machine damage.
For information about Self-Service Options, consult with your Cat
dealer. Contact your Cat dealer or email SelfService@Cat.Com to
share your feedback on Self-Service Options. WARNING
Do not perform any procedure in this Service Instruction until Personal injury or death can result from improper maintenance
you have read and understood the information, instructions, and procedures. To avoid injury or death, follow the procedures
warnings in the Operation and Maintenance Manual for your exactly as stated below.
product as referenced below.
Illustration 1 g06276183
Maintenance Section When you are operating the machine in temperatures below
−20°C (−4°F) , refer to Special Publication, SEBU5898, "Cold
Weather Recommendations" . This publication is available from
Access Door and Cover Locations your Cat dealer.
Operations and Maintenance Manual Refer to the “Lubricant Information” section in the latest revision
M0097987 i07311348 of the Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids
Recommendations" for a list of Cat engine oils and for detailed
Engine Access Door information. This manual may be found on the web at
The footnotes are a key part of the tables. Read all footnotes that
pertain to the machine compartment in question.
Engine Oil
Cat oils have been developed and tested to provide the full
performance and life that has been designed and built into Cat
Cat DEO-ULS or oils that meet the Cat ECF-3 specification, API
CJ-4, and the newer API CK-4, are required for use in the
applications listed below. Cat DEO-ULS and oils meeting Cat ECF-
3 specification, API CJ-4, the newer API CK-4, and ACEA E9 oil
categories have been developed with limited sulfated ash,
Illustration 3 g06279291 phosphorus, and sulfur. These chemical limits are designed to
maintain the expected aftertreatment devices life, performance,
Lubricant Viscosities- Fluids and service interval. If oils meeting the Cat ECF-3 specification,
API CJ-4, the newer API CK-4 specifications are not available,
Recommendations oils meeting ACEA E9 may be used. ACEA E9 oils meet the
chemical limits designed to maintain aftertreatment device life.
Operations and Maintenance Manual ACEA E9 oils are validated using some but not all ECF-3 and API
M0090571 i07868041 CJ-4 standard engine performance tests. Consult your oil
supplier when considering use of an oil that is not Cat ECF-3, API
Fluids Recommendations CJ-4, or the newer API CK-4 qualified.
Failure to meet the listed requirements will damage • Cat DEO-ULS Cold Weather
aftertreatment-equipped engines and can negatively impact the
performance of the aftertreatment devices. The Diesel Note: Oil drain intervals of the oils listed above are less than
Particulate Filter (DPF) if equipped, will plug sooner and require those of Cat HYDO Advanced oils. An exception is Cat TDTO Cold
more frequent DPF ash service intervals. Weather oil which allows 6000 hours or higher oil drain interval.
S·O·S Services oil analysis is required when the oils listed above
Typical aftertreatment systems may include the following: are used in Cat hydraulic system components and hydrostatic
• Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF)
Table 2
• Diesel Oxidation Catalysts (DOC) Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
Oil Type and °C °F
Compartment Performance Oil
• Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) or System Requirements Viscosities Min Max Min Max
• Lean NOx Traps (LNT) For applications requiring the use of fire-resistant hydraulic
fluids, Caterpillar recommends the use of EcoSafe FR-46 . This
Other systems may apply. product is a fully synthetic, non-aqueous hydraulic fluid. Water
Oils that are per API CI-4 or prior categories are not allowed. based and glycol-based hydraulic products are not
These oils have high ash and are not appropriate for use in recommended for use in Cat machine hydraulic systems.
engines with aftertreatment devices. EcoSafe FR-46 is an ISO 46 multi-grade product. For more
information refer to the product information provided by the
Table 1 manufacturer of EcoSafe hydraulic oil. Refer to your Cat dealer
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
for availability.
Oil Type and °C °F
Compartment Performance Oil
or System Requirements Viscosities Min Max Min Max Other Fluid Applications
Cat DEO-ULS SAE 0W-40 −40 40 −40 104 Table 3
Cold Weather
Crankcase Cat DEO-ULS Excavators, Front Shovels, Mass Excavators, Demolition Excavators, and Track Material Handlers
SAE 5W-40 −30 50 −22 122 Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
for all SYN
Machines SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104 Oil Type and Oil Viscosity °C °F
Cat DEO-ULS Compartment Performance
SAE 15W-40 −10 50 14 122 or System Requirements Grade Min Max Min Max
Coupling (If Cat DEO-ULS SAE 10W-30 −18 40 0 104
Special Lubricants
Hydraulic Systems
Refer to the “Lubricant Information” section in the latest revision
of the Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids To use a non-Cat grease, the supplier must certify that the
Recommendations" for detailed information. This manual may be lubricant is compatible with Cat grease.
found on the web at Safety.Cat.com.
Each pin joint should be flushed with the new grease. Ensure
The following are the preferred oils for use in most Cat machine that all old grease is removed. Failure to meet this requirement
hydraulic systems: may lead to failure of a pin joint.
• Cat HYDO Advanced 10 SAE 10W Table 4
Recommended Grease
• Cat HYDO Advanced 20 SAE 20W Compartment Grease Type NLGI Grade
°C °F
or System Min Max Min Max
• Cat HYDO Advanced 30 SAE 30
Diesel Fuel Recommendations
• Cat BIO HYDO Advanced, Multigrade
Diesel fuel must meet Caterpillar Specification for Distillate Fuel
Itis recommended to follow the maintenance interval schedule and the latest revisions of "ASTM D975" and "EN 590" to ensure
for oil filter changes and for oil sampling that is stated in the optimum engine performance. Refer to Special Publication,
Operation and Maintenance Manual for your particular machine. SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations" for the
Consult your Cat dealer for details. When switching to Cat HYDO latest fuel information and for Cat fuel specification. This manual
Advanced fluids, cross contamination with the previous oil may be found on the Web at Safety.Cat.com.
should be kept to less than 10%.
Second choice oils are listed below.
• Cat MTO
• Cat DEO
• Cat TDTO
• Cat TDTO Cold Weather
Caterpillar does not require the use of ULSD in non-road and
machine applications that are not Tier 4/Stage IIIB/ Stage IV/
Stage V certified engines and are not equipped with
aftertreatment devices. For Tier 4/Stage IIIB/Stage IV/Stage V
certified engines, always follow operating instructions to ensure
that the correct fuels are used.
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine
Fluids Recommendations" for more details about fuels, lubricants,
and Tier 4 requirements. This manual may be found on the web
at Safety.Cat.com.
Fuel Additives
Cat Diesel Fuel Conditioner and Cat Fuel System Cleaner are
available for use when needed. These products are applicable to
diesel and biodiesel fuels. Consult your Cat dealer for availability.
Illustration 1 g06343463 Biodiesel is a fuel that can be made from various renewable
(A) North America film resources that include vegetable oils, animal fat, and waste
(B) Europe, Africa, Middle East film cooking oil. Soybean oil and rapeseed oil are the primary
vegetable oil sources. To use any of these oils or fats as fuel, the
NOTICE oils or fats are chemically processed (esterified). The water and
Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel 0.0015 percent (≤15 ppm contaminants are removed.
(mg/kg)) sulfur is required by regulation for use in engines
certified to nonroad Tier 4 standards ( U.S. EPA Tier 4 certified) U.S. distillate diesel fuel specification "ASTM D975" includes up
and that are equipped with exhaust aftertreatment systems. to B5 (5 percent) biodiesel. Currently, any diesel fuel in the U.S.
may contain up to B5 biodiesel fuel.
European ULSD 0.0010 percent (≤10ppm (mg/kg)) sulfur fuel is
required by regulation for use in engines certified to European European distillate diesel fuel specification "EN 590" includes up
Stage V type-approved nonroad engines. Additionally, the Cetane to B5 (5 percent) and in some regions up to B7 (7 percent)
number should not be less than 45, and the biodiesel content biodiesel. Any diesel fuel in Europe may contain up to B5 or in
should not be greater than 20% volume/volume. some regions up to B7 biodiesel fuel.
Note: The diesel portion used in the biodiesel blend must be
Misfueling with fuels of higher sulfur level can have the following Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (15 ppm sulfur or less, per "ASTM D975" ).
negative effects: In Europe the diesel fuel portion used in the biodiesel blend must
be sulfur free diesel (10 ppm sulfur or less, per "EN 590" ). The
• Shorten the time interval between aftertreatment device final blend must have 15 ppm sulfur or less.
service intervals (cause the need for more frequent service
intervals) Note: Up to B20 biodiesel blend level is acceptable for use in
some Excavator engines.
• Adversely impact the performance and life of aftertreatment
devices (cause loss of performance) When biodiesel fuel is used, certain guidelines must be followed.
Biodiesel fuel can influence the engine oil, aftertreatment
• Reduce regeneration intervals of aftertreatment devices devices, non-metallic, fuel system components, and others.
• Reduce engine efficiency and durability. Biodiesel fuel has limited storage life and has limited oxidation
stability. Follow the guidelines and requirements for engines that
• Increase the wear. are seasonally operated and for standby power generation
• Increase the corrosion.
To reduce the risks associated with the use of biodiesel, the final
• Increase the deposits. biodiesel blend and the biodiesel fuel used must meet specific
blending requirements. To be acceptable for blending, the
• Lower fuel economy biodiesel constituent must meet the requirements that are listed
in Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids
• Shorten the time period between oil drain intervals (more Recommendations" Biodiesel , the latest edition of "ASTM D6751"
frequent oil drain intervals). , and/or the latest edition of "EN14214" .
• Increase overall operating costs. All the guidelines and requirements are provided in the latest
revision of Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine
Failures that result for the use of improper fuels are not Fluids Recommendations" . This manual may be found on the web
Caterpillar factory defects. Therefore, the cost of repairs would at Safety.Cat.com.
not be covered by a Caterpillar warranty.
Coolant Information
The information provided in this “Coolant Recommendation” Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Maintenance
section should be used with the “Lubricants Information” Interval Schedule" for a specific sampling location and a service
provided in the latest revision of Special Publication, SEBU6250, hour maintenance interval.
"Caterpillar Machine Fluids Recommendations" . This manual may
be found on the web at Safety.Cat.com. Consult your Cat dealer for complete information and assistance
in establishing an S·O·S program for your equipment.
The following two types of coolants may be used in Cat diesel
engines: System Pressure Release
Preferred - Cat ELC (Extended Life Coolant) Operations and Maintenance Manual
M0090571 i08200493
Acceptable -
- Cat DEAC (Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant) WARNING
NOTICE Personal injury or death can result from sudden machine
Never use water alone as a coolant. Water alone is corrosive at
engine operating temperatures. In addition, water alone does not Sudden movement of the machine can cause injury to persons
provide adequate protection against boiling or freezing. on or near the machine.
To prevent injury or death, make sure that the area around the
Capacities (Refill) machine is clear of personnel and obstructions before operating
the machine.
Operations and Maintenance Manual
M0090571 i07919250
Coolant System
Table 1
Approximate Refill Capacities
Component or System Sales Model Liters US gal Type
Fuel Tank (Fixed Boom) 145 38 Pressurized system: Hot coolant can cause serious burn. To
Fuel Tank (Swing Boom) 147 39 open cap, stop engine, wait until radiator is cool. Then loosen
Cooling System 14 3.7 Refer to cap slowly to relieve the pressure.
Operation and
Coolant Reservoir All 1 0.26 Maintenance
Engine Crankcase with Filter 11 3.0 Manual,
Hydraulic System (1) 55 14.5
Viscosities" .
To relieve the pressure from the coolant system, turn off the
Each Final Drive 1 0.26
machine. Allow the cooling system pressure cap to cool. Remove
kilograms pounds
the cooling system pressure cap slowly to relieve pressure.
Refer to
Operation and
Hydraulic System
Swing Gear All 3.9 8.6 Manual,
Viscosities" . The release of hydraulic pressure in a hydraulic circuit is
307.5 0.9 1.98 R-134a required before service is performed to that hydraulic circuit.
Refrigerant (2) 308 , 308.5 , 309 1.0 2.2 R-134a
Release the pressure in the following hydraulic circuits before
, 310 any hydraulic lines are disconnected or removed from that
milliliters ounces hydraulic circuit.
Refrigerant Oil (2) All 200 6.8 Glycol (PAG) Oil
• Boom hydraulic circuit
• Stick hydraulic circuit
S·O·S Information
• Bucket hydraulic circuit
Operations and Maintenance Manual
SEBU8038 i07445339 • Swing hydraulic circuit
S·O·S Services is a highly recommended process for Cat • Travel hydraulic circuit
customers to use in order to minimize owning and operating cost.
Customers provide oil samples, coolant samples, and other • Attachment hydraulic circuits (if equipped)
machine information. The dealer uses the data in order to
provide the customer with recommendations for management of • Pilot hydraulic circuit
the equipment. In addition, S·O·S Services can help determine
the cause of an existing product problem. • Return hydraulic circuit
Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Note: Refer to the Disassembly and Assembly Manual for
Fluid Recommendations" for detailed information concerning additional information concerning service of the components of
S·O·S Services. specific hydraulic circuits.
The effectiveness of S·O·S Services is dependent on timely Release of Hydraulic Pressure from the Main
submission of the sample to the laboratory at recommended Hydraulic System
b. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position without
WARNING starting the engine.
Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pressure and hot oil. c. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
UNLOCKED position.
Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system after
the engine has been stopped. Serious injury can be caused if
this pressure is not released before any service is done on the
hydraulic system.
Make sure all of the work tools have been lowered to the
ground, and the oil is cool before removing any components or
lines. Remove the oil filler cap only when the engine is stopped,
and the filler cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and
repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with
suitable containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool
Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and Illustration 2 g06184822
d. Move both joysticks in a circular motion to the FULL
STROKE positions multiple times until the pilot accumulator
Perform the following steps to release the hydraulic system has been exhausted.
pressure from the main hydraulic system.
Note: Pilot pressure is required to relieve hydraulic system
Note: For additional safety, wrap hydraulic joint with material pressure.
that could absorb/reduce any residual pressure of oil when
released. Loosen the joint slowly, pause, and carefully check e. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
hydraulic joint for tensions indicating presence of pressure or LOCKED position.
spring force in lines or components.
f. Start the engine and place the hydraulic activation
1. Position the machine on level ground. control lever in the UNLOCKED position for 10 seconds to
recharge the pilot accumulator.
Note: Do not activate any controls when recharging the
pilot accumulator.
g. Shut off the engine.
h. Repeat Step 3.b through Step 3.g until the high-pressure
lines have been released.
Note: Each time the accumulator is recharged, start the
joysticks at different positions or rotate in the reverse
direction. Doing so will ensure that the same circuit is not
being relieved each time.
Illustration 1 g06335090
Note: You can also move only the joysticks or pedals of the
2. Fully retract the stick cylinder rod. Adjust the position of the hydraulic circuit that requires service to the full stroke
bucket so that the bucket is parallel to the ground. Lower the positions after moving joysticks in a circular motion
boom until the work tool is flat on the ground. Refer to Illustration multiple times. This action will release the high pressure
1. only in that single hydraulic circuit. This action will also
release any pressure that might be present in the pilot
3. Release the system pressure from the implement and swing hydraulic circuit.
hydraulic circuits.
4. Release hydraulic system pressure in the auxiliary circuits.
Note: Perform Step 3.b through Step 3.d immediately after the
engine is shut off to insure adequate pilot system pressure is a. Start the engine and place the hydraulic activation
available to release the pressure in the hydraulic circuits. control lever in the UNLOCKED position for 10 seconds to
recharge the pilot accumulator.
a. Shut off the engine.
Note: Do not activate any controls when recharging the
pilot accumulator.
b. Shut off the engine.
Note: Perform Step 4.c through Step 4.e immediately after
the engine is shut off to insure adequate pilot system Personal injury can result from hydraulic oil pressure and hot oil.
pressure is available to release the pressure in the
hydraulic circuits. Hydraulic oil pressure can remain in the hydraulic system after
the engine has been stopped. Serious injury can be caused if
c. Turn the engine start switch to the ON position without this pressure is not released before any service is done on the
starting the engine. hydraulic system.
d. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the Make sure all of the attachments have been lowered, oil is cool
UNLOCKED position. before removing any components or lines. Remove the oil filler
cap only when the engine is stopped, and the filler cap is cool
e. Actuate the auxiliary circuit in both directions several enough to touch with your bare hand.
f. Place the hydraulic activation control lever in the
LOCKED position. Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and
g. Start the engine and place the hydraulic activation repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with
control lever in the UNLOCKED position for 10 seconds to suitable containers before opening any compartment or
recharge the pilot accumulator. disassembling any component containing fluids.
Note: Do not activate any controls when recharging pilot Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool
accumulator. Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids on Cat ® products.
h. Shut off the engine.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
i. Repeat Step 4.c through Step 4.f for each auxiliary mandates.
Note: Permit only one operator on the machine. Keep all other
5. After releasing the hydraulic pressure in each of the desired personnel away from the machine or in view of the operator.
hydraulic circuits, place the hydraulic activation control lever in
the LOCKED position. 1. Park the machine on a dry, level, solid surface that is free of
any debris.
6. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position.
Note: The surface must be solid enough to support the weight
7. Remove the hydraulic oil tank filler cap. of the machine and any tooling that is used to support the
8. The pressure in the multiple hydraulic circuits that require
service is now released and lines and components can be 2. Engage the parking brake. Place wheel blocks in front and
disconnected or removed from those hydraulic circuits. behind the wheels or tracks.
Note: Pressure can build up in the auxiliary lines if the 3. Lower all work tools to the ground.
attachment is not coupled/uncoupled immediately after the
pressure has been released. 4. Stop the engine.
Note: Refer to #@!!!#i07592807#@!!! for information on 5. Release the pressure in the hydraulic system. Refer to
lowering the work tool with the engine off. Operation and Maintenance Manual, "System Pressure Release"
for more information.
Prepare the Machine for Maintenance
Perform a visual inspection first. If the visual checks are
Operations and Maintenance Manual completed but the problem has not been identified, perform
SEBU9247 i07477696 operational checks. If the problem has not been identified,
perform instrument tests. This procedure will help to identify
Refer to the following procedure before you perform any system problems.
maintenance to the machine.
Initial 500 Service Hours
Final Drive Oil - Change
Operations and Maintenance Manual
SEBU9004 i05505790
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal injury. Do not
allow hot oil or hot components to contact skin.
Initial 500 Hours (for New Systems, Refilled
Systems, and Converted Systems)
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) -
Operations and Maintenance Manual
SEBU8676 i02049802
Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "General Reference: For additional information about coolant analysis,
Hazard Information" for information on containing fluid refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine
spillage. Fluids Recommendations" or consult your Caterpillar dealer.
2. Remove oil drain plug (1) , level plug (2) , and filler plug (3) . Every 500 Service Hours
Allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.
3. Clean the plugs and inspect the plugs. Replace a worn plug or
Air Conditioner/Cab Heater Filter
a damaged plug. (Recirculation) - Replace
4. Apply pipe sealant to oil drain plug (1) , level plug (2) , and filler Operations and Maintenance Manual
plug (3) . M0096944 i07558672
12. Stop the engine. The cab recirculation air filter is located in the cab, near the
floor left of the operator seat.
13. Check the oil level.
1. To remove the filter element (1) , depress the locking tab and
14. Maintain the oil level to the bottom of the opening for level pull out the filter towards the front of the cab.
plug (2) .
2. Install the air filter ensuring that the locking tabs are in
15. Check the drained oil for metal chips or for particles. If there engaged.
are any chips or particles, consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Boom Swing Cylinder Pins - Lubricate
Note: Dispose of drained fluids according to local regulations.
Operations and Maintenance Manual
M0090571 i07488347
1. Lower all work tools to the ground. Particular attention should be given to all welded structures. The
following items should be thoroughly inspected for cracks and
2. Wipe all grease fittings before you lubricate the grease for defects:
• Boom
• Stick
• Blade (if equipped)
• Lifting points
• Upper frame
• Lower frame
• Bucket linkage lifting eye
Illustration 1 g06335551
The areas highlighted are of particular importance but other
3. Apply lubricant to grease fitting (1) for the head end of the areas must not be neglected. The entire structure must be
boom swing cylinder. carefully examined.
4. Apply lubricant to grease fitting (2) for the rod end of the boom
swing cylinder. Boom
If the machine has been involved in any accident, the machine Stick
must be inspected thoroughly. Inspect the machine regardless of
the date of the last inspection.
The machine must be clean before the machine is inspected.
Proper repair of frames and structures requires specific
knowledge of the following subjects.
• Materials that have been used to manufacture the frame
• Frame member construction
• Repair techniques that are recommended by the
Illustration 2 g06335661
Consult your Cat dealer if repairs are necessary. Your Cat dealer Typical example
is qualified to carry out repairs on your behalf.
Check all welded joints and check the mounting points for the
All repairs should be carried out by a Cat dealer. If you carry out cylinder.
your own repairs, contact your Cat dealer for advice about
proper repair techniques. Blade
Lower Frame
Illustration 6 g06335783
Typical example
Check the weld joints in the lower structure. Check for loose
hardware or missing hardware. Check the ring of bolts that
Illustration 3 g06335664 secure the swing gear.
Typical example
If equipped with a blade, check the welded joints and check the
Bucket Linkage Lifting Eye
mounting points for the cylinder.
Lifting Points
Illustration 4 g06335779
Typical example
Illustration 5 g06335782
Typical example
Illustration 1 g06374824 Illustration 2 g06287281
The cab fresh air filter is located rear of the cab door, accessible 4. Loosen the four cover latches and remove the air cleaner
from the exterior of the machine. cover.
1. To gain access to the filter, remove thumb screw (3) and cover
(4) .
2. Once the cover has been removed, clear the debris from
around filter (5) .
3. Remove inner cover (2) by removing thumb screw (1) .
4. Remove filter (5) by pulling outward on the filter.
5. Install the new fresh air filter ensuring that the filter is seated
in the housing appropriately.
6. Install inner cover (2) and secure the cover with thumb screw
(1) . Illustration 3 g06287287
7. Install cover (4) and secure the cover with thumb screw (3) . 5. Remove the primary filter element from the air cleaner
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Replace 6. Clean the air cleaner cover.
Operations and Maintenance Manual
7. Inspect the O-ring seal on the air cleaner cover. Replace the
M0096944 i07560246 O-ring seal if the O-ring seal is worn or damaged.
NOTICE 8. Cover the opening of the air inlet to the engine.
Service the air cleaner only with the engine stopped. Engine
damage could result. 9. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing.
10. Install the new primary filter element.
1. Open the right rear access door.
2. Stop the engine.
Illustration 4 g00103800
11. Install the air cleaner cover. The arrows on the front must
Illustration 1 g06287267 point upward. Close the latches securely.
3. Squeeze the outlet tube slightly to purge the dirt from the 12. Reset the filter indicator by pushing in the reset button on top
outlet tube. of the indicator.
13. Close the right rear access door.
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace WARNING
Operations and Maintenance Manual
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal injury. Do not
M0090571 i07560737
allow hot oil or hot components to contact skin.
Always replace the secondary filter element. Never attempt to
reuse the element by cleaning.
The secondary filter element should be replaced at the time the
primary element is serviced for the third time.
The filter should be kept in service for no longer than one year.
Always leave the secondary filter element in place while you Illustration 1 g03483619
(1) Oil drain plug
clean the air cleaner housing. (2) Oil level plug
(3) Oil filler plug
1. Open the right rear access door. 1. Position one final drive so that oil drain plug (1) is at the
2. Remove the air cleaner housing cover. bottom.
3. Remove the primary filter element. Refer to Operation and Note: Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, "General
Maintenance Manual, "Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Hazard Information" for information on Containing Fluid
Replace" . Spillage.
2. Remove oil level plug (2) .
3. Check the oil level. The oil should be near the bottom of the
opening of level plug (2) .
4. Add oil through the opening of filler plug (3) , if necessary.
Note: Overfilling the final drive will cause the seals to move
out of place in the travel motor. Hydraulic oil or water to may
then enter the final drive and contaminate the final drive.
5. Clean oil level plug (2) and filler plug (3) .
6. Apply pipe sealant to oil level plug (2) and filler plug (3) .
Illustration 1 g06287327
7. Install oil level plug (2) .
4. Remove the secondary filter element. Pull out to remove the
element. 8. Install oil filler plug (3) .
5. Cover the air inlet opening. Clean the inside of the air cleaner 9. Repeat the procedure for the other final drive.
Fuel Lift Pump Strainer - Replace
6. Install a new secondary filter element. Push the element firmly
to properly seat the element. Write the date on the element. Operations and Maintenance Manual
M0097987 i07316376
7. Install the primary filter element and the air cleaner housing
In-line Filter
8. Close the right rear access door.
Final Drive Oil Level - Check
Personal injury or death may result from failure to adhere to the
Operations and Maintenance Manual following procedures.
SEBU9004 i05505792
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electrical components
can cause a fire.
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke while working
on the fuel system.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect the battery when
changing fuel filters.
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing the fuel filters.
The fuel will not be filtered and could be contaminated.
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel system
The fuel lift pump strainer is located behind the access door on
the right side of the machine.
Illustration 1 g06287598
Illustration 1 g06287597
Clean up all leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke while working Note: Dispose of used fluids according to local regulations.
on the fuel system.
4. Close the drain valve (5) .
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect the battery when
changing fuel filters. 5. Disconnect the water sensor (4) from the harness.
Note: Do not attempt to remove the sediment bowl from the
NOTICE housing. The sediment bowl is permanently attached to the
Do not fill the fuel filters with fuel before installing the fuel filters. housing. Attempting to remove the sediment bowl may
The fuel will not be filtered and could be contaminated. damage the bowl.
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel system
parts. 6. Unscrew filter housing (3) and remove primary filter (2) . A
filter wrench may be used to loosen the filter housing. Properly
discard the used filter.
The primary filter/water separator is located behind the access
door on the right side of the machine. 7. Clean the mounting base (1) .
8. Lubricate the seal of the new filter (2) with clean diesel fuel.
9. Install the new filter (2) into the housing.
10. Tighten the filter housing approximately 1/6 of a turn. Do not
use tools to tighten the filter housing to the filter base.
11. Ensure that sensor (5) is in the correct position and connect
to the wiring harness.
12. Open the fuel shutoff valve.
13. Close the access door.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal injury. Do not
allow hot oil or hot components to contact skin.
Illustration 1 g02872601
Water Pump Belt, Fan Drive Belt, and Alternator Belt Note: If a new belt is installed, check the belt adjustment
again after 30 minutes of engine operation at the rated engine
7. Install fan guard and close the engine access door.
Note: Remount the coolant overflow tank if the tank was
placed aside for better access.
Illustration 2 g06335116
(1) Adjusting bolt
(2) Alternator
(3) Mounting bolt
Illustration 4 g06373603
(4) Adjusting bolt
(5) Mounting bolt
Illustration 3 g06373597
(1) Adjusting bolt
(2) Alternator
(3) Mounting bolt
1. Open the engine access door and remove the fan guard.
Note: To gain better access, remove (place aside) the coolant
overflow tank.
Illustration 5 g06359276
2. Apply approximately 98 N (22 lb) of force midway between the (4) Adjusting bolt
(5) Mounting bolt
alternator and crankshaft pulleys.
1. Open the engine access door and remove the fan guard.
3. Measure the deflection of the belt. The belt should deflect 10
to 12 mm (25/64 to 15/32 inch) . Note: To gain better access, remove (place aside) the coolant
overflow tank.
4. If the deflection is not correct, loosen alternator adjusting bolt
(1) and mounting bolt (3) . Move the alternator (2) to adjust the 2. Apply approximately 98 N (22 lb) of force midway between the
belt tension. crankshaft pulley and the compressor pulley.
5. When the adjustment is correct, tighten bolt (1) to a torque of 3. Measure the deflection of the belt. The belt should deflect 7 to
25.5 ± 1.5 N·m (18.8 ± 1.1 lb ft) . Tighten bolt (3) to a torque of 52.5 10 mm (1/4 to 3/8 inch) .
± 3 N·m (38.7 ± 2.2 lb ft) .
6. Check the deflection of the belt again.
4. If the deflection is not correct, loosen mounting bolts (5) and Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) -
turn adjusting bolt (4) to adjust the belt tension.
Note: Loosening the jam nut on the back side of adjusting bolt
(4) prior to loosening the adjusting bolt may be necessary. Operations and Maintenance Manual
M0090571 i07488559
5. When the adjustment is correct, tighten jam nut on the back
side of adjustment bolt (4) to a torque of 15 ± 3 N·m (11 ± 2.2 lb ft) Note: It is not necessary to obtain a Coolant Sample (Level 1) if
. the cooling system is filled with Cat ELC (Extended Life Coolant).
Cooling systems that are filled with Cat ELC should have a
6. Tighten mounting bolt (5) to a toque of 45 ± 3 N·m (33 ± 2 lb ft) . Coolant Sample (Level 2) that is obtained at the recommended
interval that is stated in the Maintenance Interval Schedule.
7. Check the deflection again.
Note: Obtain a Coolant Sample (Level 1) if the cooling system is
Note: If a new belt is installed, recheck the belt adjustment filled with any other coolant instead of Cat ELC . This includes
again after 30 minutes of operation. the following types of coolants.
8. Install fan guard and close the engine access door. • Commercial long life coolants that meet the Caterpillar
Engine Coolant Specification -1 ( Caterpillar EC-1)
Note: Remount the coolant overflow tank if the tank was
placed aside for better access. • Cat Diesel Engine Antifreeze/Coolant (DEAC)
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and
repair of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with
suitable containers before opening any compartment or
disassembling any component containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication, PERJ1017, "Dealer Service Tool
Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain
fluids on Cat ® products.
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
• Never collect samples from expansion bottles. Refer to Special Publication, SEBU6250, "S·O·S Oil Analysis" for
information that pertains to obtaining a sample of the engine oil.
• Never collect samples from the drain for a system. Refer to Special Publication, PEGJ0047, "How To Take A Good Oil
Sample" for more information about obtaining a sample of the
engine oil.
Illustration 1 g06335663
Illustration 1 g06287364
(1) Engine oil dipstick
Obtain the oil sample of the engine oil through the opening for
the dipstick.
CAT, CATERPILLAR, LET’S DO THE WORK, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow,” the “Power Edge” and Cat “Modern Hex“
trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without