Newt - Kobold Sorcerer
Newt - Kobold Sorcerer
Newt - Kobold Sorcerer
4 Hero Points:_____
1 Ancestry:____________________
Kobold Heritage:______________________
Dragonblood Size:________
0 Gain 1 at the start of each session and when
granted by the GM.
Archetypes:_____________ Background:_____________
Spend 1 to reroll a check.
Spend all to avoid death.
Boost HIT POINTS Resistances:____________________________________________________________
STR _____
0 __ Max:_____
18 Immunities:____________________________________________________________
DEX _____
3 __ Conditions:____________________________________________________________
CON _____
0 __
Current:_______ TEML Attribute Proficiency Item
INT _____
1 __ Temp:_____ PERCEPTION __
T ___+___+___
1 6 = ____
7 Senses: ______________________
WIS _____
1 __ Dying:________ SPEED _______
25 ft. Special Movement ______________________________________
CHA _____
4 __ Wounded:_____
TRAINING NOTES: Untrained +0, Trained 2+Level, Expert 4+Level, Master 6+Level, Legendary 8+Level
Acrobatics __
T ___+___+___+___
3 6 = ____
+9 *Dragonblood: When you succeed on a saving T
Unarmored ___
Arcana __
U ___+___+___
1 0 = ____
+1 throw against a fear effect, you get a critical
18 U
Light ___
Athletics __
U ___+___+___+___
0 0 = ____
+0 success instead.
Medium ___
Crafting __
U ___+___+___
1 0 = ____
+1 *Sorcerous Potency: When you Cast a Spell from U
Heavy ___
Deception __U ___+___+___
4 0 = ____
+4 your spell slots that either deals damage or
Hardness Max HP / BT HP
Base Dex* Proficiency Item
Diplomacy __U ___+___+___
4 0 = ____
+4 restores Hit Points, you gain a status bonus to that
Intimdation __
spell’s damage or healing equal to the spell’s rank. 3 3 2 ____ ___/___ ___
T ___+___+___
4 6 = ____
+10 *Cap: ___
Circus Lore __ T ___+___+___
1 6 = ____
+7 Blood Rising (Reaction): Use Blood Magic as a
TEML Attribute Proficiency Item
_______ Lore __U ___+___+___
1 0 = ____
+1 reaction until the start of your next turn.
Fortitude __
T ___
0 ___
6 ___ = ____
Medicine __
T ___+___+___
1 6 = ____
+7 Reflexes __T ___
3 ___
6 ___ = ____
Nature __
T ___+___+___
1 6 = ____
+7 Will __
E ___
1 ___
8 ___ = ____
Occultism __
U ___+___+___
1 0 = ____
+1 Base Key Proficiency Item
L5 Skill Feat __________ Class Feat ___________ ________________ ____ ________ ______ ___ ___ ______ ______ _____________________
L6 Skill Feat __________ Class Feat ___________
T ___+___
4 8 __
6 = ____ T 10 +___+___
4 6 = ____
18 Remaining
Name Rank Actions/Cast time Range/AoE Targets Defense Notes
Caustic Blast ___
C __________
2 actions __________
30 feet __________
5-foot burst __________
basic Reflex _____________________________
PC1/319; 1d8 acid damage
Detect Magic ___
C __________
2 actions __________
30-foot emanation __________ __________ _____________________________
Ignition ___
C __________
2 actions __________
30 feet __________
1 creature __________
AC _____________________________
PC1/336; 2d4 (ranged)/2d6 (melee) fire damage
Read Aura ___
C __________
1 minute __________
30 feet __________
1 object __________ _____________________________
PC1/352; +2 circumstance bonus to Identify Magic
Shield* ___
C __________
1 action __________ __________ __________ _____________________________
PC1/356; +1 AC, Hardness 5 until start of next turn
Heal ___
1 __________
1, 2, or 3 actions __________
varies __________ __________ _____________________________
Fear* ___
1 __________
2 actions __________
30 feet __________
1 creature __________
Will _____________________________
Runic Weapon ___
1 __________
2 actions __________
touch __________ __________ _____________________________
PC1/354; becomes +1 Striking wpn for 1 min. (+1 hit/damage, 2 dice)
STEADY BALANCE: You can keep your balance easily, even in adverse conditions. Whenever you roll a success using the Balance action, you get
a critical success instead. You’re not off-guard while attempting to Balance on narrow surfaces and uneven ground. Thanks to your incredible balance,
you can attempt an Acrobatics check instead of a Reflex save to Grab an Edge.
SORCEROUS POTENCY: Because of the magical power inherent in your blood, your spells that hurt or cure are stronger than those of other
spellcasters. When you Cast a Spell from your spell slots that either deals damage or restores Hit Points, you gain a status bonus to that spell’s damage
or healing equal to the spell’s rank. This applies only to the initial damage or healing the spell deals when cast. An individual creature takes this damage
or benefits from this healing only once per spell, even if the spell would damage or heal that creature multiple times.