lecture12 IR
lecture12 IR
lecture12 IR
The study of “ Foreign Policy “ is concerned with the study of that area of
Governmental activity which is related to relations between the State and other
international actors ( particularly other States ) within the international system.
The “ What “ here refers to the motives behind a certain State behavior, and the “
How” is concerned with the way foreign policies and decisions are made and
implemented , as well as “ How ” they affected international environment .
Definitions of “ Foreign Policy “ :
There are various definitions of “ Foreign Policy “ , among which we can cite the
following :
- Foreign Policy is the art of dealing with the enemies according to the necessities
of national interests .
- Foreign Policy is the system of activities evolved by a State for changing the
behavior of other States , and for adjusting its own activities to international
environment .
The concept of National Interest is the cornerstone or the key concept in analyzing
foreign policy .The starting point in foreign policymaking is “ National Interest” .
As long as the world is politically organized ,or politically divided into various
politically differentiated sovereign societies, the national interest will represent the
last word in world politics . Foreign policy is sometimes defined as the processes by
which States adjust their national interests to those of other States . Emphasizing the
vital importance of national interest in foreign policymaking and decision-making ,
Lord Palmerstone has overtly declared that : “ We have no eternal ally, and no eternal
enemy. Our interests are eternal , and those interests it is our duty to follow “.
The sum total of the goals of a nation’s foreign policy constitute its national
All actors on the international scene have interests. These interests may
include :
1) common interests
Actors may be said to have common interests when they share a set of
common values , and when the pursuit or achievement of certain interests by one
actor contributes to the achievement of interests of another. Actors may be said to
have conflicting interests when their values conflict , and when the achievement of
an actor’s interests excludes, or makes more difficult, the achievement of another
actor’s interests.
Only under exceptional circumstances are the interests of two actors, taken all
together , totally in conflict or held wholly in common. Thus, in the majority of cases
the relationships of States are a mix of common and conflicting interests .
When common interests prevail, the relationship is characterized by amity ,
friendliness, cooperation or alliance , while when conflicting interests prevail ,the
relationship is characterized by enmity, hostility or conflict .
facts of International Relations as a science ; in spite of this their work ( or the
foreign policy ) still belongs to the field of art .
There are many factors that condition or shape the foreign policy of any State
. These factors are usually classified into two groups :
1 ) External Factors :
2 ) Internal Factors :
such as geographical or geopolitical considerations , Demographic factors ,
whether quantitative or qualitative, Economic considerations , Ideology, National
Character , Nature of Political Regimes whether Democratic , Authoritarian or
Totalitarian , as well as attitudes of public opinion .
“ Policymaking “ means the formulation of the framework that guides or directs the
foreign behavior of the State , or the program of action leading the conduct of the
State in its dealing with other States .
Usually, foreign policies are implemented through the taking of consecutive and
complementary decisions .
“ Decision-making “ is the choice of a specific mode of action among the possible
alternatives regarding a specific foreign situation the State is facing .
Case : The policy of “ Containment” adopted by the US ,after the second World
War, was implemented through various decisions of American foreign policy in
various situations , such as : the offering of economic assistance to both Turkey and
Greece in 1947 ( Truman Doctrine ), and then to the rest of west European countries
in 1948 ( Marshall Plan for European Economic Recovery ) , the creation of the
NATO alliance in 1949 , as well as several cases of military interventions in different
parts of the world .
The main goal of the decision-making process is to reach the “ rational decision “,
or the best possible alternative or mode of action that is most likely to maximize its
gains ( interests or goals ) and to minimize the costs or the risks it may face while
trying to achieve these goals .