A Case-Control Study
Galit Almoznino DMD, MSc, MHA 1,2*; Avraham Zini DMD, Ph.D., MPH3; Avraham
Zakuto DMD4; Hulio Zlutzky DMD5; Stav Bekker DMD5; Boaz Shay DMD, PhD6,Yaron
Haviv DMD, PhD7; Yair Sharav DMD, MS8; Rafael Benoliel, BDS, LDS, RCS9
Lecturer, Director, Orofacial Sensory Clinic, Department of Oral Medicine, Sedation &
Maxillofacial Imaging, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem,
Head, division of big data Research, Department of Community Dentistry, Hebrew
University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;
Professor, Associate Dean; Head, Department of Community Dentistry, Hebrew University-
Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;
Clinical Director, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Clinic, Department of
Prosthodontics, Oral and Maxillofacial center, Israel Defense Forces, Medical Corps, Tel-
Hashomer, Israel;
Senior physician, Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Clinic, Department of Prosthodontics,
Oral and Maxillofacial center, Israel Defense Forces, Medical Corps, Tel-Hashomer, Israel
Clinic Manager, Head of Research, Endodontic Department, Faculty of Dental Medicine,
Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel;
Lecturer, Director, Orofacial Pain Clinic ,Department of Oral Medicine, Sedation &
Maxillofacial Imaging, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem,
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may
lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as
doi: 10.1111/joor.12743
*Corresponding author:
Background: The total tenderness score is commonly used in headache practice and
analyzed in this case-control study among 192 TMD patients and 99 controls. The study
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included a questionnaire and a clinical examination following RDC/TMD guidelines. Data
were analyzed using: Pearson’s Chi-Square, analysis of variance, t-test and Bonferroni post-
hocs. To examine the factors associated with MTS score in a multivariate manner, a
Results: MTS and TTS differed between TMD sub-groups and controls. Muscle tenderness
was positively associated with: female sex, whiplash history, parafunction, co-morbid pains
such as headaches and body pain, pain intensity, onset, frequency, and duration. In the
conceptual hierarchical multiple regression model, pain onset, frequency ,and duration, co-
morbid pains were mediators in the relationship between TMD diagnosis and MTS.
Conclusion: Muscle tenderness scores were positively associated with TMD disease
characteristics and comorbid pain conditions, which may reflect associations with disease
severity. MTS differed between TMD populations and may be used in routine patient work-
up, to assess MMD severity and changes over time as well as treatments response and as a
research tool. MTS can be used as a common methodology to describe both headaches and
The significance of muscle tenderness in painful masticatory muscle disorders (MMD) and
tension type headache (TTH) has long been of interest. Pericranial myofascial tissues are
considerably more tender in patients with MMD and headaches such as TTH than in controls,
and increased pericranial tenderness is recognized as the most significant abnormal finding 1-
MMD are categorized under the "umbrella" term Temporomandibular disorders (TMD), a
group of musculoskeletal disorders that involve the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the
masticatory muscles or both 4. TMD represent the most common chronic orofacial pain
of at least 3 tender muscle sites out of 20 sites 8. Its revised form (DC ⁄TMD) requires the
confirmation of pain locations in the temporalis or masseter muscles only 4, because these
sites have the highest specificity and sensitivity. The DC ⁄TMD states that other masticatory
muscles may be examined but their diagnostic sensitivity and specificity have not been
established 4.
Nevertheless, the current DC/TMD classification does not determine MMD severity,
changes over time, or response to treatment. The ability to determine MMD severity may
change the way we approach patient management by enabling different treatment protocols
according to TMD severity, such has been done for many chronic diseases such as asthma .
Moreover, the clinician will be able to assess changes in TMD severity over time, explain the
concept of severity to the patient, assess treatment response in different TMD severity levels
and assess TMD severity during research. This led to the question posed by Benoliel and
Sharav of what is clinically more important regarding disease severity: how many muscles
The muscle tenderness score 11-16, is commonly used in headache practice for the assessment
of the severity of pericranial muscle tenderness and contributes valuable information beyond
the number of muscles involved 3,12,17. For example, increased levels of pericranial muscle
symptomatic side14. In migraine patients, pressure pain thresholds levels and muscle
Headache Society (IHS), increased pericranial tenderness is the most significant abnormal
disorders patients the tenderness score was found to correlate to the pain scores better than
Accepted Article
the number of involved muscles and may add further information beyond the number of
high levels of muscle tenderness correlated with high levels of jaw and neck dysfunction23.
There is some overlap between "headache attributed to TMD" and "TTH with pericranial
muscle tenderness scores and pain characteristics is useful. This will facilitate communication
Our primary objective was to assess the total muscle tenderness score (TTS) in the diagnosis
of TMD.
1. Measure the masticatory and total muscle tenderness scores as well as the number of
involved muscles in patients with TMD compared to TMD-free controls and across
TMD sub-groups.
2. Analyze the associations between various demographic and clinical parameters and the
We hypothesized that the muscle tenderness scores are positively associated with disease-
related outcomes and co-morbid pain conditions. To lessen confounders like aging and
illnesses we only included young subjects without co-existing mental, psychiatric or physical
impairments which improved our ability to evaluate the impacts of other demographic and
clinical parameters on muscle tenderness scores. Thus, the study was limited to patients who
Study groups
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This is part of a series of papers focusing on the demographic, clinical and behavioral aspects
of patients with TMD 6,24. This case-control study was conducted between March 1st, 2011
and January 31st, 2013. Data were collected from consecutive individuals referred to the
prosthodontics referral center that coordinates the management TMD patients referred by
dentists and physicians from primary clinics all through the country.
Sample size calculation using WINPEPI software25 determined that at least 256 participants
in two groups with 60:40 ratio, was needed to provide 90% statistical power to identify a 2.0-
point difference in TTS, with alpha set at 0.05, and an estimated standard deviation of 4.4 for
the larger group and 5.3 for the smaller group, based on our experience in analyzing muscle
100 consecutive, fairly similar in age and sex TMD-free individuals attending a routine dental
Ethical approval
The study adheres to STROBE guidelines and met the requirements of the
Tel Hashomer Institutional Review Board (No. 1000-2010). All participants signed an
Inclusion criteria: patients attending for new screenings, aged 18- 30 years.
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Exclusion criteria for both groups were: drug/alcohol/mediactions abuse; Fibromyalgia;
patients with medical and/or dental emergencies; pregnancy or lactation; mental, psychiatric
TMD was diagnosed according to Axis I of the Research Diagnostic Criteria for
instrument at the time the study was performed. TMD patients were divided into three
diagnostic categories: (a) MMD- masticatory muscle disorders: comprised of Group I muscle
disorders ( I.a Myofascial pain ,I.b Myofascial pain with limited opening) (b) TMJD- isolated
without limited opening) and Group III (Other common Joint disorders: IIIa. arthralgia, IIIb.
osteoarthtitis, IIIc. osteoarthrosis) and (c) TMP - patients with both MMD and TMJ.
Controls, as well as cases, were examined and any of the controls who met the criteria for an
Data collection
The study included a questionnaire and a clinical examination, performed on both TMD
patients and controls, at the first meeting and before treatment. The interviewer administered
the questionnaire during the one-on-one consultation, on a standard form. The questionnaire
a) Have you had a traumatic event to the head and/or neck? (Yes / No) Details
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b) Have you had jaw fractures? Yes / No Details ________
headaches was assessed either from reported medical history or as a result of the patient
being diagnosed at our department as part of the patient evaluation process according to the
International Classification of Headache Disorders, 3rd edition (beta version) 1. In case the
individulal had both types of headaches, the question that was asked to decide what group to
Oral habits
4. Does your partner report that you suffer from sleep bruxism? Yes / No
Pain evaluation
Patients approximated the period since muscle pain began, duration of pain episodes and
frequency, and the presence of co-morbid body pain in other body sites. Current pain
Pain on unassisted mouth opening was asessed on a 4-point ordinal scale: 0 (no pain), 1
Clinical examination was performed in both TMD patients and control subjects, including
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masticatory and neck muscle tenderness to palpation. Muscle palpation was performed
according to the RDC-TMD guidelines. All examinations were conducted by one of two
senior authors (A. Zakuto and H.S.). Prior to the beginning of the study, a training and
calibration session was performed for the examiners to ensure mutual agreement and correct
interpretation of the measurements used in the study. All diagnoses were confirmed in the
clinic and then re-examined following data tabulation and summary by both senior authors
(R.B., Y.S.).
Muscle insertions were palpated 15. Muscles were palpated bilaterally in the same order for
all patients. Palpation was performed with small rotational movements of the assessor’s
second and third fingers during 4–5 seconds 15. Muscle palpation was performed with about 2
Masticatory Muscle Tenderness Score (MTS) was the mean sum of the palpation scores from
the masseter and temporalis muscles. Cervical muscles included the following muscles:
Tenderness Score (MTS) and Cervical Muscle Tenderness Score (CTS) were calculated
separately, and combined as The Total Muscle Tenderness Score (TTS). The number of
Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software version 22.0 (Chicago, IL, USA).
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Statistical significance was considered as P <0.05. Numerical variables were presented as
means and standard deviations, while categorized variables were presented as frequencies and
Univariate analyses between muscle tenderness scores and the independent variables were
To examine the factors associated with MTS score in a multivariate manner, a conceptual
hierarchical multiple regression model was adopted 30. This method employs sequential
their relationships 30. While conventional multivariable models, such as stepwise logistic
regression, are based solely on statistically significant explanatory factors, the hierarchical
conceptual analysis adopts a theoretical ordering, based on knowledge about social and
hypothesis that some variables have confounding effects and others have modifying effects.
General description
The TMD group consisted of 192 patients and the control group had 99 subjects. Eight
patients in the TMD group and one in the control were excluded due to missing data.
Table 1 presents the demographic characteristics of the study population. The mean age of
the TMD group was 21.22±4.01 years; 79 (41.1%) were males and 113 (58.9 %) females.
TMJ (n=26; 13.5%). There were no significant differences in of any of the demographic
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parameters between the TMD diagnoses (p>0.05).
The mean age of the control group was 20.81 ±1.49 years; 52 (52.5%) participants were
The TMD and control groups were matched for age and sex (p=0.3 and p=0.07, respectively)
(Table 1).
Tenderness Scores
ANOVA analysis and post hocs Bonferroni analysis of MTS, TTS and the number of
masticatory and total tender muscles among the study population are presented in Tables 2
and3, respectively. As expected, MTS, TTS and the number of masticatory and total tender
muscles differed between TMD sub-groups and controls (p<0.001 for all muscle tenderness
There were no statistically significant differences in these tenderness scores between the
controls and the TMJD group (p=1.0) (Table3). Across TMD diagnostic categories, there
were no statistically significant differences in these tenderness scores between the MMD and
We created two groups within the TMJD group (N=26) :non-painful TMJD (N=14) and
painful TMJD (N=12). There were statistically significant differences in tenderness scores
between painful and non-painful TMJD as following: MTS (0.27±0.34 vs.0.00±0.00, p=0.02,
respectively), number of masticatory tender muscles (1.00±1.28 vs 0.00±0.00, p=0.02), TTS
Univariate analysis of demographic and clinical parameters for the entire study group (N
=291) with statistically significant associations and correlations with the MTS, TTS and the
number of masticatory and total tender muscles, are presented in Table 4 (ANOVA analysis
for categorical parameters) and Table 5 (Pearson Correlations (R) analysis for continuous
(2) Grinding habit (MTS: p=0.002,TTS:p <0.001, the number of masticatory (p=0.045) and
(3) Increasing levels of pain on opening (p<0.001 for all muscle tenderness scores).
According to POST HOC Bonferroni test, there were statistically significant differences
(p<0.05) in the all tenderness scores between patients without pain on opening (none) to
those with any level of pain on opening (i.e. mild,moderate and severe)(<0.001 for all) as
(4) Co-morbid migraine, followed by TTH (MTS: p=0.006 ,TTS:p=0.022, the number of
Bonferroni test, there were statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in the muscles
tenderness scores only between patients with migraine to those without headache.
(5) Pain scores, including: VPS scores, longer onset, duration and more frequent pain
episodes (p<0.001 for all muscle tenderness scores), and co-morbid body pains: back +
tender muscles (masticatory +cervical) score (p=0.024), but not with MTS (p=0.190) and the
Clenching habit was positively associated with all tenderness scores (MTS:P=0.010, the
number of masticatory (p=0.004 and total tender muscles (p=0.0037), except for the TTS
(p=0.071) (Table4).
The univariate analysis demonstrated that the MTS score exhibited similar associations as the
TTS score, in agreement with the DC ⁄TMD. Therefore in the multivariate analysis we have
focused on the MTS score. To examine the factors associated with MTS score in a
Results of the multiple regression model for dichotomized MTS by median are presented in
Table6. Our conceptual modeling assumed that TMD diagnosis was the most distal
determinant, while age and sex (1st model), pain characteristics (duration, frequency onset) (2nd
model), co-morbid pain conditions such as body pain and headaches (3rd model), and current
levels of VPS (4th model), were confounders or mediators in the relationship between TMD
diagnosis and MTS. Following this step, the associations between each explanatory variable
The 1st model adjusted the odds ratio (OR) of MTS dichotomized by median for age and sex,
the 2nd model additionally adjusted the OR for pain onset, attack duration, and frequency, the
adjusted for VPS. There was a significant reduction in the OR of MTS, with each step of the
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model (Table 5): according to the 2nd model by 31.5% (from OR of 2.66 to 1.82), 3rd model
by 22.5 % (from OR of 1.82 to 1.41), and 4th model by 8.5% (from OR of 1.41 to 1.29). The
total reduction of OR of MTS from 1st to 4th model was 51.5 % (from OR 2.66 to1.29).
Furthermore, the relationship between MTS and TMD diagnosis lost statistical significance
according to the 4th model (p=0.160). The reduction in the OR as well as the loss of
significance in the last model, suggests that these mediators underlie the differences in MTS
when sorted by TMD diagnosis and explained the association. Moreover, as can be seen from
Table6, the Nagelkerke R Square, representing the proportion of the total variability
explained by the model, increased with each step of the model (from 35.7% to 67.3%).
According to the 4th model, pain duration (p=0.007) and frequency (p=0.012), co-morbid
headaches (p=0.002) and body pain (p=0.005) retained their statistical significance with
MTS, implying that they are also directly related to higher MTS median scores (Table 5).
The main findings of the present study are that pericranial muscle tenderness scores were
positively associated with the multiplicity of signs and symptoms. This may reflect the
positive associations between the muscle tenderness scores and disease severity as well as co-
existing pain conditions . The multivariate conceptual regression model suggests that MTS
may be a useful guide for treatment in TMD if taken together with VPS, onset, frequency and
duration of pain, and co-morbid pains such as headache and body pain. Only painful TMJD
patients, exhibited muscle tenderness scores, suggesting that the difference found between the
MMD and the TMJD is due to pain and not due to the diagnosis.These results are in line with
with MTS via parameters related to pain. Therefore, MTS, toghther with these parameters,
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may be used: (1) to distinguish between mild, moderate and severe MMD cases, (2) to assess
changes over time, (3) to explain concepts to the patient, (4) to assess treatment response (5)
Indeed, the present-day concept is that TMD, in particular MMD, is a complicated entity, not
only localized to the orofacial area, but also involving structures beyond the masticatory
apparatus 32. Our findings are also consistent with the findings of the OPPERA study that
pain upon palpation of masticatory, neck, and body muscles predicted TMD incidence 32
The current DC-TMD classification system distinguishes between cases and non-cases but
does not establish MMD severity 27. Currently, we assess MMD severity numerically in terms
of pain, using the VPS. However, the VPS is not a specific tool for MMD, and may be used
to describe every pain Moreover, pain referral is very common in MMD 4, and patients may
indicate painful sites unrelated to the anatomical origin of the pain. This further emphasizes
the need for other measures, not just VPS, to assess MMD severity.
Whether pain causes muscle sensitivity or vice versa is currently unclear. Pericranial muscle
order supraspinal pain modulation systems rather than muscle tissue abnormalities 33. Trigger
points may stimulate the trigeminal nucleus caudalis and trigger a headache attack 33. Indeed,
muscle tenderness was shown to increase during cephalalgic attacks 34. Furthermore a higher
frequency of headaches causes increased muscle tenderness 35, especially among TTH
patients 36. In agreement, in the present study, higher tenderness scores were positively
associated with pain onset, frequency ,and duration. Moreover, parafunctional habits, such as
grinding and clenching, both associated with long-term overuse of peripheral muscles were
parafunction is considered secondary to muscle pain according to the pain adaptation model
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Interestingly, in the present study, patients with migraine exhibited the highest tenderness
scores compared to TTH. Muscle tenderness could be involved in migraine 3,20, attributed to
central sensitization 20. Nevertheless, the association between muscle tenderness scores and
as the most significant abnormal finding, with likely pathophysiological importance 1. It may
be not only responsible for the acute TTH episode but may also trigger central sensitization,
Although we described our patients presenting with TMD and headache as suffering from
"TMD and co-morbid headache", they can also be described as patients with "a headache and
co-morbid TMD". An overlap clearly exists between the International Headache Society
(IHS) diagnoses of "TTH with pericranial tenderness" and "Headache attributed to TMD". In
fact, TMD-headache comorbidity is bidirectional 38. The relationship between TMD and
headaches may be casual or may involve more complex pathophysiological and evolutionary
elements 38. Both diseases seem to share a common genetic base, and both exhibit peripheral
and central sensitization, manifested by the development of craniofacial allodynia and muscle
tenderness to palpation 1,38. Moreover, the same nociceptive system is involved in both
diseases, with chronic painful stimuli originating from trigeminal nerve endings running
along common pathways to the central nervous system. Additionally, pain modulation in both
diseases involves the thalamus, brainstem nuclei, sensitive cortex, and limbic system 38. Due
to these similarities, it may be that MMD represents a facial variant of "TTH with pericranial
tenderness" similar to the concept of Orofacial Migraine, which had been currently
recognised as the facial variant of migraine in the recent edition of the Headache
between MMD and TTH exist: unlike TTH, MMD is characterized by unilateral, constant
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pain, that is present with jaw function. Further studies are needed to explore the TMD-
The major strengths of the current study are the large sample size (291 patients) and the
uniform protocol utilizing the standardized VPS scores and the validated RDC/TMD,
allowing comparison with other ethnic groups. We minimized confounders such as aging and
illness. A clinical examination was also performed in the control group, which allows the
comparison with subclinical TMD cases. Additionally, TMD and control groups included
treatment-seeking patients in the dental setting. Since TMD patients often consult dentists 4,
our control group seems a more valid compared to the general population 39.
Limitations of this study include the possibility of selection bias of this convenience cohort.
However, patients were referred from multiple clinics serving different populations Due to
the case-control study design, we cannot assume causality, and therefore this paper only
Routine patient workup should include the MTS, to assess MMD severity and changes over
time as well as treatments response and as a research tool. MTS can be used as a common
methodology to describe both headaches and masticatory muscle disorders and to facilitate
interprofessional research and crosstalk between headache and orofacial pain practitioners.
Table3: POST HOC Bonferroni analysis of muscles tenderness scores among the study
Table4: ANOVA analysis of tenderness scores and the number of tender muscles versus
demographic and clinical parameters
MMD: patients with Masticatory muscle disorders
Table5: Pearson Correlations (R) of studied parameters with tenderness scores and the
number of tender muscles in the study population
Table6: Results of a conceptual hierarchical multiple logistic regression model for MTS
Figure 1 – A pathway model for TMD diagnosis as a distal determinant affecting the
Each of the contributors provided substantive intellectual contribution to one or more of the activities
related to this manuscript as follows:
Galit Almoznino - Corresponding author, the principal investigator, made substantial contributions
to the study's conception and design, acquisition of data, and analysis and interpretation of data;
drafted the submitted the article and provided final approval of the version to be published.
Avraham Zini -analysis and interpretation of data and approved the manuscript.
Zakuto Avraham -Data collection of the TMD group and approved the manuscript.
Hulio Slutzky -Data collection of the control group and approved the manuscript
Stav Bekker -Interpretation of the results revised and approved the manuscript.
Yair Sharav -Interpretation of the results revised and approved the manuscript.
Rafael Benoliel –made substantial contributions to the study's conception and design, interpretation
of data, drafted, revised and approved the manuscript.
Number of total tender Control MMD -2.50* .33 <0.001 -3.39 -1.60
TMJD -.07 .41 1.000 -1.16 1.00
TMP -2.10* .251 <0.001 -2.77 -1.44