Course Outline_ESOn4008_Current_themes_2024
Course Outline_ESOn4008_Current_themes_2024
Course Outline_ESOn4008_Current_themes_2024
This course introduces students to the wide range of social theory that has developed in the
discipline of Sociology, providing exposure to classical, and contemporary theories. The literature
has been selected to introduce the works of key classics in sociology and to trace their influence
towards contemporary discussions. By the end of the semester, students will understand the basic
paradigms in the history of sociology, have knowledge of contemporary themes in sociological
theory and research, be able to use formal theory in the analysis of current social issues, be able to
think critically about and engage in debate over different theoretical approaches, and be prepared
to use sociological theory in their Master’s thesis work.
Course requirements:
- Regular attendance and reading the core texts
- Oral presentations in class (everyone will critically discuss one reading, as assigned) (10%)
- Mid-term written assignment (pre-exam) (20%)
- Final exam (70%)
Course structure
3. After Durkheim: Rituals in everyday life and the sociology of the self (Pavel Pospěch)
• Goffman, E. 1967. Interaction ritual: essays on face-to-face behavior. New York:
Anchor books doubleday & company, pp. 5-46.
• Rawls, A.W., 1987. The interaction order sui generis: Goffman's contribution to
social theory. Sociological theory, pp.136-149.
• Cahill, S.E., 1998. Toward a Sociology of the Person. Sociological Theory, 16(2),
• Tonkiss, F. (2003). The ethics of indifference: Community and solitude in the city.
International journal of cultural studies, 6(3), pp. 297-311.
5. Georg Simmel, modernity and forms of the social (Pavel Pospěch) (22.10.)
• Simmel, G. 1997. The Conflict in Modern Culture. In: Frisby, D. & Featherstone,
M. (eds). Simmel on Culture. London: Sage. Pp. 75-100.
• Simmel, G. 1991. Money in modern culture. Theory, culture and society 8: 17-31.
• Simmel, G. 1950. The Stranger. In: The Sociology of Georg Simmel. Pp. 402-209.
• Simmel, G.1950. The Metropolis and Mental Life. In: The Sociology of Georg
Simmel. Pp. 409-426.
7. After Simmel: Narcissism and the ethos of authenticity (Pavel Pospěch) (5.11.)
• Sennett, R. 1977. The Fall of Public Man. New York: A.Knopf (pp. 257-268).
• Lasch, C. 1979. Culture of Narcissism. New York: Norton. (pp. 31-70).
• Dean, J. 2017. Nothing personal. In: Schram, S. & Pavlovskaya, M. (eds.).
Rethinking Neoliberalism: Resisting the Disciplinary Regime. NY: Routledge. (pp.
• Twenge, J. 2006. Generation me: why today’s young Americans are more confident,
assertive, entitled--and more miserable than ever before (pp. 17-43)