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Outer space is also one of the mysterious topic in the real science world From
thousands of years , we mankind has been exploring the space for
space. The name of various astronomers and events happen for space
Thales of Miletus
According the Herodotus , Thales predicted the solar eclipse of May 28, 585
BC . Thales also described the position of ursa minor and he thought
calculated the duration of the year and the timings of the equionxes and
solstices .
space .
Galileo Galilei
contribution to observational
astronomy include telescopic
Saturn’s ring and analysis of sunspots . He studied the milky way and
hypothesis is true.
The observation and the study of the space from the earth wasn’t
effective much more than going into space and observe more preciously.
For this we need to fly over high and high. For this many scholar gave
Robert H. Goddard
advanced technology of
34 rocket between 1926 and 1941 achieving the altitude as high as 2.6
km and speeds as fast as 885 km/h . Goddard’s work as both theorist and
a rocket in vertical flight , give the weight of the rocket and weight of the
war he moved to United States . He worked for the United States army
the rocket that launch the United States first space satellite Explorer in
V-2 Rocket
Afterthe travel of man made object into space . It made people to think
It was launched into an elliptical
antennas to Broad cast radio pulses . Its radio signal was easily detected
by radio amateurs and the 650 orbital inclination and duration of its orbit
made its flight path cover virtually the entire inhabited Earth . The launch
This made human to travel a living life into space and In 1957 ,3
November USSR send first mammal in orbit the dog named lalik by using
sputnik 2 . The space exploration didn’t stop here . The rocket Luna 1
sent by USSR at 1959 was the first rocket to reach earth escape velocity
and it also attempted to impact the moons surface but it missed by 5,995
km. It was the first artificial object in heliocentric orbit and for first time
Yuri Gagrain
. His flight on 12 April, 1961 lasted 108 minutes as he circled the earth
for a little more than one orbit in the Sovient Union Vostok spacecraft .
UN Space Treaty
The continuous experiment for the space exploration for the space
including the moon and other celestial bodies which is known as ‘Outer
Space Treaty ’ . The treaty deals with the issues such as the nonappropriation
of outer space by anyone country , arms control , the
university professor .
said ,” That’s one small step for man , one giant leap for mankind"
At the end it is concluded that space exploration is not a small job to do.
It need sources , ideas , huge investment and other stuff. We human have
explored 1000 times of the data which we have at 100 years back . But
ending process .
Thank you