2023 Regulation BE CSE(AI&ML) Scheme and Syllabus
2023 Regulation BE CSE(AI&ML) Scheme and Syllabus
2023 Regulation BE CSE(AI&ML) Scheme and Syllabus
13. Courses of Study and Scheme of Assessment
(Minimum No. of credits to be earned: 164)
Hours / Week Maximum Marks
S.No Course Title Credits CAT
Lecture Tutorial Practical CA FE Total
Transforms and its
1 23N201 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23N202 Discrete Mathematics 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
Computer Organization and
3 23N203 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 ES
4 23N204 C Programming 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 ES
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course
67th ACM 30.07.2022
Object Oriented Programming
6 23N310 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 ES
7 23N311 Data Structures Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Foundations of Optimization
1 23N401 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 BS
2 23N402 Database Management Systems 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
Design and Analysis of
3 23N403 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
4 23N404 Operating Systems 3 1 0 4 40 60 100 PC
Database Management Systems
6 23N410 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
7 23N411 Machine Learning Laboratory 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course
67th ACM 30.07.2022
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course
67th ACM 30.07.2022
Big Data and Advanced Database
1 23N701 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PC
2 23N Professional Elective – 3 3 0 0 3 40 60 100 PE
Big Data and Advanced
6 23N710 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 PC
Database Systems Laboratory
7 23N711 Project Work - I 0 0 4 2 60 40 100 EEC
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course; MC –
Mandatory Course
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1 HS 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 10
2 BS 9 8 8 4 0 0 0 0 29
3 ES 9 11 2 0 4 0 0 0 26
4 PC 0 0 8 18 13 16 5 0 60
5 PE 0 0 0 0 3 3 9 3 18
6 OE 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 6
7 EEC 2 0 1 1 3 2 2 4 15
8 MC 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 24 21 23 23 23 21 19 10 164
CAT - Category; BS - Basic Science; HS - Humanities and Social Sciences; ES - Engineering Sciences; PC -
Professional Core; PE - Professional Elective; OE - Open Elective; EEC - Employability Enhancement Course;
MC – Mandatory Course
67th ACM 30.07.2022
DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Functions of two variables, limits and continuity, partial derivatives, chain rule, extreme values
and saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, Taylor’s formula for two variables. (9+3)
INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double and iterated integrals over rectangles, double integrals over general regions, Fubini‘s
theorem, area and volume by double integration, reversing the order of integration, double integrals in polar form. (9+3)
FIRST ORDER ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, modeling - mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling, decay and
growth problems. (9+3)
SECOND ORDER LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, homogeneous
linear ODEs with constant coefficients, Euler–Cauchy equations, solution by variation of parameters, free oscillations mass
spring systems, electric circuits. (9+3)
VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient and directional derivative of a scalar field, divergence and curl of a vector field. Integration in
vector field – line integrals, path independence of line integrals, Green's theorem in the plane, divergence theorem of Gauss
and Stokes‘ theorem. (9+3)
Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. J. Hass, C. Heil, Maurice D.W “’Thomas’ Calculus”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
1. H. Anton, I. Bivens, S. Davis, “Calculus”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, 2016.
2. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Michael D. G, “Foundations of Applied Mathematics”, Dover Publications, INC, New York, 2013.
4. Gilbert Strang, “Calculus”, Wellesley Cambridge Press, USA, 2017.
DC CIRCUIT: current-voltage –power-energy, electrical circuit elements: resistors-inductor- capacitor, source of electrical
energy. Ohm’s law-Kirchhoff’s laws, series and parallel circuits, Maxwell’s loop current method, Network theorems:
superposition theorem-thevenin’stheorem-Norton’stheorem-maximum power transfer theorem. (9)
AC CIRCUITS: Single phase AC circuits: Average and RMS values of sinusoidal wave form-RLC Circuit-Phasor
representation-active, reactive apparent power –power factor, analysis of RLC Circuit, three phase circuit: star and delta
connection-phase and line quantities-balance and unbalance systems(9)
ELECTROMAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC CIRCUITS: Electromagnetic induction; induced currents, Faraday’s law, induction
and energy, motional emf and Lenz’s law. Magnetic field-magnetic circuit-inductance and mutual inductance-magnetic
materials –ideal transformers and real transformers. (8)
SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES: Basic diode concepts-diode circuit: half wave rectifier-full wave rectifier-bridge rectifier-special
purpose diodes-zener diode –transistor fundamentals –transistor biasing-bipolar junction transistors-basis amplifier concept-
loading effect-power supplies and efficiency. (10)
OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Op-Amp Basics, Ideal characteristics of Op-Amp, practical Op-Amp circuits, differential and
common mode operation, Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, Op-Amp as Adder, Subtractor, integrator and differentiator.
Total = L: 45
1. Edward Hughes, John Hiley and Keith Brown, “Electrical and Electronic Technology”, Pearson education, 2020
2. Murugesh Kumar K, Basic Electrical Science and Technology”, Vikas Publishing House, 2016
3. Theraja B L, “Basic Electronic Solid State”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
1. Leach DP, “Digital Principles & Applications”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2021
2. Hambley A R., “Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications”, Pearson education, 2018
3. Boylestad R. L., and Nashelsky L., “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”, Pearson Education, Noida, 2013
67th ACM 30.07.2022
ELECTRONIC MATERIALS: Inorganic semiconductors – Elemental – Si and Ge - band theory, doping, compound
semiconductors – band gap engineering – applications. Organic semiconductors – conjugated polymers – mechanism of
charge transport, doping, states of aggregation, material properties – thermal, mechanical, electrical, chemical,
electrochemical. Applications – OLED, OPV – working principle. Liquid crystalline materials – display application. (9)
ELECTRONICS PACKAGING AND PROTECTION: Packaging materials-encapsulants and underfills - adhesives – chemical
types, application methods, factors influencing adhesion, soldering alloys – phase diagrams, lead free alloys, phase change
materials for cooling. Conducting inks for printed electronics - metal and carbon based – graphene, CNT– synthesis, structure,
electrical properties. Corrosion in electronics – types, protection – vapour phase inhibitors. (9)
ELECTROCHEMICAL POWER SOURCES: Electrochemical cells – emf, electrode potential, dependence of emf on electrolyte
concentration – Nernst equation. Batteries–performance characteristics. Materials, construction, reactions, characteristics of
lechlanche cell, primary lithium batteries, lead - acid battery and lithium-ion batteries. Supercapacitors – EDLC – fundamentals,
electrode materials, electrolytes, pseudocapacitors– materials. (9)
CHEMICAL SENSORS:– Sensors – basic components. Electrochemical sensors- potentiometrictransducers – principle, ion-
selective electrodes – configurations, response functions and selectivity, applications –potentiometric titrations, water quality
monitoring - pH, Hardness, fluoride ion sensors Amperometric transducers – principle, application - glucose biosensors,
conductivity sensors – principle – application in conductometric titrations. Colorimetric sensors - Beer-Lambert’s law,
components, application - determination of ferric ion in water sample. Chemiresistive sensors - principle, application –
environmental monitoring – CO2 sensor. Microelectrodes for sensors – fabrication. (9)
Total L : 45
1. Shashi Chawla, “A Textbook of Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai and Co. , 2005.
2. Cowie J.M.G,Valeria Arrighi "Polymers: Chemistry and Physics of modern materials", CRC Press, 2007.
1. Bansi D. Malhotra "Handbook of Polymers in Electronics", Rapra Technology Ltd., 2002.
2. Peter Van Zant "Microchip Fabrication: A Practical Guide to Semiconductor Processing", Mc Graw Hill, 2014.
3. Derek Pletcher and Frank C. Walsh. “Industrial Electrochemistry”,Chapman and Hall , 1993.
4. Florinel-Gabriel Banica, “ Chemical Sensors and Biosensors – Fundamentals and Applications”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
INTRODUCTION: Computational thinking - Logical thinking - Flow charts - Algorithmic thinking - Characteristics of algorithms –
Pseudocode - Example problems (9)
PROBLEM SOLVING AND DECOMPOSITION: Defining the problem - Devising a solution - Decomposition - Other effective
strategies - Patterns - Example problems (9)
ITERATIVE LOGIC: Iterator - Variable - Filtering - Dynamic filtering - Example problems (9)
CASE STUDIES: Text processing - Pattern search - Linear search - Sorting (10)
Total L : 45
1. Karl Beecher, “Computational Thinking: A Beginner’s Guide to Problem Solving and programming”, 1st Edition, BCS
Learning & Development Limited, 2017.
2. G Venkatesh and Madhavan Mukund, “Computational Thinking: A Primer for Programmers and Data Scientists”, 1st
Edition, Notion Press, 2021.
1. R.G.Dromey, “How to Solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2008.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
2. Peter j Denning , Matti Tedre, “Computational Thinking”, The MIT Press, 2019
3. Anany Levitin, “Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2017
4. Peter William Mcowan (Author), Paul Curzon (Author), “Power of Computational Thinking, The: Games, Magic And
Puzzles To Help You Become A Computational Thinker “, World Scientific Europe Ltd, 2017
LISTENING AND SPEAKING: Understanding listening – listening techniques - introducing oneself and others –seeking and
sharing information– description-conversation skills–extempore speaking– speech practice in varied formal contexts.(9+3)
READING: Reading strategies: skimming and scanning, predicting–reading comprehension: techniques – practice reading.
WRITING: Discourse markers – dialogue writing - completing sentences – jumbled sentences –paragraph writing –writing
compare & contrast paragraphs – Letter writing. (9+3)
Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Shoba K.N.and Lourdes Joavani Rayen,“Communicative English”, Cambridge University press,Cambridge,2021.
2. Raymond Murphy,“Intermediate English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi,2020.
1. Raymond Murphy, “English Grammar in Use”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2020.
2. Sudharshana N P and Savitha C, “English for Engineers”, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2018.
3. Anne Laws, "Writing Skills", Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2011.
4. Helen Naylor with Raymond Murphy, “Essential English Grammar”, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2019.
1. Algorithm and Flowchart
2. Programs using Decision Making statements and Looping Statements
3. Applications using Set, Lists, Tuples, Dictionary
4. Applications using Functions
5. Iterative
6. Text processing
7. Sorting algorithms
8. Linear Searching
9. Application Debugging
1. Romano, Fabrizio,“Learn Python Programming: A Beginner's Guide to Learning the Fundamentals of Python Language to
Write Efficient, High-Quality Code”, 2nd Edition. India, Packt Publishing, 2018.
2. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”,Second edition, Dreamtech press, 2019
3. Vijay Kumar Sharma, Vimal Kumar, Swati Sharma, ShashwatPathak,“Python Programming: A Practical Approach”, United
States, CRC Press, 2021.
4. Meenu Kohli, “Basic Core Python Programming: A Complete Reference Book to Master Python with Practical
Applications”,First edition, BPB Publications, 2021.
5. Cogliati, Josh,“Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python 3”,Platypus Global Media, 2019.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Determine the excitation potential of Argon using the Franck Hertz method.
2. Determine the number of turns & radius of the coil and magnetic field of ‘Helmholtz’ coil using Biot-Savart’s Law –
3. Find the Hall voltage, Hall coefficient, mobility & charge density of the given ‘Ge’ crystal using Hall apparatus.
4. Determine e/m (charge to mass ratio) of the electron by Thomson’s method.
5. Determine the charge of an electron by Millikan’s oil drop method.
6. Determine the wavelength of the laser source by Michelson Interferometer.
7. Determine the thickness of the film by Mach Zehnder Interferometer.
8. Find the finesse and free spectral region of the Etalon.
9. Analyze the mercury spectrum and find wavelength using polynomial equation.
Total P: 30
1. Department of Physics,” Physics laboratory observation”, 2022.
2. Jerry D Wilson; Cecilia A Hernandez Hall, “Physics laboratory experiments”, Boston, MA : Cengage Learning, 2016.
Total P : 30
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department.
1. Study of PC Components
2. Assembling and disassembling of PC.
3. Study of passive and active components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and transistor).
4. Generation of Signals (DSO, Function generator).
5. Construction of series and parallel circuits using resistors.
6. Study of Digital IC Technologies.
7. Verification of Logic Gates and Implementation of Boolean equations
8. Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Circuits.
9. Design and Implementation of Registers.
10. Design and Implementation of Counters
1. Hambley A.R., “Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2017.
2. Thomas L. Floyd,“Digital Fundamentals”, Pearson Education,USA,2015.
3. WikibooksContributors,”How to assemble your Desktop PC”, Platypus Global Media, 2011.
4. Govindarajalu B,”IBM PC and CLONES:Hardware, Troubleshooting and Maintenance”, TATA McGraw-Hill
67th ACM 30.07.2022
As per AICTE guidelines
Total L: 30
LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, inverse transform, linearity, s-shifting, transforms of derivatives and integrals,
unit step function, t – shifting, Dirac’s delta function, periodic functions, differentiation and integration of transforms. (9+3)
APPLICATION OF LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Convolution, solving differential equations with constant coefficients and
variable coefficients, integral equations, systems of ODEs by using Laplace transform technique. (9+3)
Z TRANSFORM: Z-transform, the relationship of the Z-transforms to the Laplace transform, some useful properties, inverse Z-
transforms, solution of difference equations. (6+2)
FOURIER SERIES: Fourier series – even and odd functions, half range expansion, convergence of Fourier series, basic
concepts of PDE’s, wave equation, solution of one dimensional heat equation and steady state two dimensional heat equation.
FOURIER TRANSFORMS: Fourier integral, Fourier cosine and sine integrals, Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform,
Fast Fourier transform – DIT algorithm. (9+3)
Total L: 45 + T: 15 = 60
1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Dean G. D, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB”, CRC Press, USA, 2017.
1. Peter V.O. Neil, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Cengage, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Wylie C. R. and Barrett L. C., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2019.
3. Jain. R. K. and Iyenger, S. R. K., “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2018.
4. Alexander D Poularikas, “Transforms and applications primer for engineers with examples and MATLAB”, CRC press, USA,
SETS, RELATIONS AND FUNCTIONS: Introduction to Sets - Set Operations – Computer representation of Sets - Sequences
and Summations - Cardinality of Sets - Relations and Their Properties - Closures of Relations - Equivalence Relations - Partial
Orderings – Functions: Injective, Surjective, Bijective, and Composition. (9+3)
MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND PROOFS: Propositional Logic - Applications of Propositional Logic - Propositional Equivalences
- Predicates and Quantifiers - Nested Quantifiers - Rules of Inference - Introduction to Proofs: Proof by contraposition, Proof by
contradiction (9+3)
COUNTING AND COMBINATORICS: The Basics of Counting - The Pigeonhole Principle - Permutations and Combinations -
Generalized Permutations and Combinations - Generating Permutations and Combinations (9+3)
RECURRENCE RELATIONS: Recursion – Recurrence relations: Linear First-order recurrence relations – Linear Second order
recurrence relations – Divide and conquer recurrence relations (9+3)
ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES: Algebraic Systems: properties – Groups, Semi groups, Monoids: Homomorphism of Semi groups
and monoids – Sub semi groups and sub monoids – Rings: Structure and Properties. (9+3)
Total L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications - Kenneth H. Rosen 7th Edition -Tata McGraw Hill Publishers, 2007
2. Tremblay J. P. and Manohar R., “Discrete Mathematical structures with application to Computer Science”, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2011.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Ralph. P. Grimaldi, “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction”, Pearson Education, Fifth Edition,
New Delhi, 2014.
2. Seymour Lipschutz and Mark Lipson,” Discrete Mathematics”, Schaum ‘s Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., Third
Edition, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Thomas Koshy,” Discrete Mathematics with Applications”, Elsevier Publications, Boston, 2004.
DIGITAL CIRCUITS: Binary Arithmetic-Boolean Algebra - Basic Theorems and Propertiesof Boolean Algebra - Simplification of
Boolean Functions- Digital Logic Gates - Karnaugh Map Method -Design of Combinational Circuits-Flip-Flops-Design of
Sequential Circuits. (10+3)
COMPUTER ORGANIZATION & PROCESSOR DESIGN: Stored program organization (Von Neumann architecture) -
Computer Registers -Stack organization - Instruction Formats - Addressing modes - RISC Vs CISC-Quantitative Principles of
computer design. (9+3)
MEMORY AND I/O SYSTEMS: Memory Hierarchy - Associative Memory - Cache Memory - Mapping policies – Cache
optimization; I/O Systems: Introduction-Interrupts-Modes of Transfer -DMA. (9+3)
PARALLELISM: Pipelining - Pipelining Hazards - Overcoming Hazards - Instruction Level Parallelism – Dependencies(9+3)
MULTIPROCESSOR SYSTEMS: Symmetric and Distributed shared memory architectures - Challenges – Cache Coherence –
Snoopingprotocol (8+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti "Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL and System Verilog”,
Pearson Education., USA, 2018, Sixth Edition
2. John L. Hennessey, David A. Patterson, "Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach", Elsevier India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2015.
1. Morris Mano, "Computer System Architecture", Prentice Hall of India, Prentice Hall of India, 2007.
2. Hennessy, John L., and Patterson, David A. “Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software
Interface. Netherlands, Elsevier Science, 2020”
3. Thomas L. Floyd "Digital Fundamentals", Pearson Education., USA, 2015
4. Carl Hamacher, "Computer Organization", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing, New Delhi, 2002.
5. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture", Pearson Education / Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
C PROGRAMMING BASICS: Introduction to C programming - C Program Structure - Program Compilation & Execution -
Character Set - Keywords - Data Types - Libraray functions - Control Statements :Branching and Looping. (6)
ARRAYS AND STRINGS: Single Dimensional Array, Two Dimensional Arrays, Multidimensional Array:Initialization, Unsized
Array Initialization. - Strings : Defining, initializing of strings, Processing strings, Array ofStrings - (8)
FUNCTIONS: Definition of Function - Prototypes - Storage Classes - Scope Rules - Recursion - Command Line Argument. (9)
POINTERS: Pointer Declaration - Operations on Pointer - Passing Pointers to a Function - Calling Function: Call by Value, Call
by Address - Return Statement - Passing Arrays to Function - Pointers and One Dimensional, two dimensional Array - Array of
Pointers - Dynamic Memory Allocation. (11)
STRUCTURES, UNION AND FILES: Definition - Processing a Structure - Typedef - Array of Structure, and Pointer to Structure
- Passing Structure to Functions. - Self-Referential Structures - Nested Structures - Union - Introduction to Files - File Access -
File Organization - FileOperations. (11)
Total L: 45
1. Byron S. Gottfried, Jitendar Kumar Chhabra "Programming with C", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company., New
Delhi, 2018., fourth edition
2. Kernighan B. W., Ritchie D. M. "C Programming Language (ANSI C)", Prentice Hall of India Private Limited., New
Delhi, 2010, second edition
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Herbert Schildt "C – The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company., New Delhi, 2010, fourth edition
2. PradipDey and Manas Ghosh "Programming in C", Oxford University Press., New Delhi, 2018
3. Yashavant P. Kanetkar "Let Us C", BPB Publications., 2017, 16th edition
4. H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel "C How to Program", Pearson Education., New Delhi, 2013, seventh edition
1. Design of combinational circuits
2. Design of sequential logic circuits
3. Arithmetic Operations in 8086 microprocessor
4. Searching and Sorting in 8086 microprocessor
5. Recursion in 8086 microprocessor
6. String Operations in 8086 microprocessor
7. Study of ARM programming environment
8. Interfacing LED and Switch with ARM
9. Interfacing 4x4 Matrix Keypad with ARM
10. Interfacing the LCD with ARM
Total P:60
1. Morris Mano M, Michael D Cilettim, “Digital Design”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2008
2. Walter A Triebel, Avtar Singh , "The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors – Programming, Interfacing, software, Hardware and
Applications", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009.
1. M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti "Digital Design: With an Introduction to the Verilog HDL, VHDL and System Verilog”,
Pearson Education., USA, 2018, Sixth Edition
2. Ray A K, Bhurchandi K M , "Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited,New Delhi, 2009.
3. Steve Furber , "ARM System-On-Chip Architecture", Pearson Education Limited, USA, 2010.
4. John F. Wakerly. Digital Design: Principles and Practices USA: Pearson Education , 2018.
1. Formatted I/O statements.
2. Decision Making statements: Simple If, If – else, Switch- case.
3. Looping Statements: For, While, Do – while.
4. Single dimensional arrays and multi-dimensional arrays.
5. Operations on Strings.
6. Pass by value and pass by address, Recursion using functions.
7. Structures and nested structures.
8. String handling operations using pointers.
9. Operations on arrays using pointers.
10. File operations using command line arguments
Total P:60
1. Byron S. Gottfried, Jitendar Kumar Chhabra, "Programming with C", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company., New Delhi,
2018,Fourth edition
2. Herbert Schildt, "C – The Complete Reference", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company., New Delhi, 2010,Fourth edition
3. PradipDey and Manas Ghosh, "Programming in C", Oxford University Press., New Delhi, 2018
4. Yashavant P. Kanetkar, "Let Us C", BPB Publications., 2017,Sixteenth edition
5. H. M. Deitel, P. J. Deitel, "C How to Program", Pearson Education., New Delhi, 2013,Seventh edition
0 0 20
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essential
Total P: 30
1. R.S. Aggarwal, “Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination”, S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
LINEAR EQUATIONS: Introduction tosystems of linear equations - gauss elimination - linear systems and invertible matrices.
VECTOR SPACES: General vector spaces- real vector spaces - Euclidean n-space - subspaces - basis and dimension - row
space, column space and null space - rank and nullity. (9+3)
LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS: General linear transformation - kernel and range - matrices of linear transformations - change
of basis - geometry of linear operators on R2. (9+3)
INNER PRODUCT SPACES: Inner products- angle and orthogonality in inner product spaces, orthonormal bases, Gram
Schmidt process, QR decomposition, best approximation- least squares. (9+3)
EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization- orthogonal diagonalization - spectral
decomposition- singular value decomposition- principal component analysis - discrete dynamical systems(9+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, "Elementary Linear Algebra", Wiley India, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Gilbert Strang, "Linear Algebra and its Applications", Cengage, New Delhi, 2012.
1. Gareth Williams, "Linear Algebra with Applications", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2012.
2. David C Lay, "Linear Algebra and its Applications", Pearson, New Delhi, 2016.
3. Friedberg, Insel and Spence, "Linear Algebra", Pearson Education, USA, 2015.
4. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, "Linear Algebra", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2015.
PROBABILITY AND DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES: Probability, axioms, Conditional Probability, Partitions and the Law
of TOTAL Probability, Baye's theorem, Independence, discrete random variables-definitions, probability mass function, families
of discrete random variables - binomial, Poisson and geometric random variables, cumulative distribution functions,
expectations. (9+3)
CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES: Continuous Sample Space, cumulative distribution functions, probability density
function, families of continuous random variables - uniform, exponential, Erlang and Gaussian random variables, expectations.
MULTIPLE RANDOM VARIABLES: Joint cumulative distribution function – joint probability mass function – marginal
probability mass function - joint probability density function - marginal probability density function - independent random
variables- expected values– Covariance, Correlation and Independence. (9+3)
STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Definitions and Examples - Random Variables from Random Processes - Independent,
Identically Distributed Random Sequences - The Poisson Process-Properties of the Poisson Process - Markov Process -
Discrete-Time Markov Chains - Higher Transition Probabilities: Chapman–Kolmogorov Equations - Long-Run Behavior of
Markov Chains (9+3)
STATISTICAL INFERENCE: Foundations for inference - Variability in estimates - Confidence intervals - Hypothesis testing -
67th ACM 30.07.2022
Central Limit Theorem - Inference for numerical data - t-distribution - ANOVA and the F Test - Inference forcategorical data -
Inference for a single proportion - Difference of two proportions - Testing for goodness of fit using chi-square - Testing for
independence in two-way tables (9+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Roy D Yates and David J Goodman, "Probability and Stochastic Processes", Third Edition, Wiley India, New Delhi,
2. David M Diez, Christopher D Barr, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, “OpenIntro Statistics”, 3rd Edition, Creative Commons
license, 2017
1. Saeed Ghahramani, "Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes", CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,
USA, 2018.
2. Douglas C Montgomery and George C Runger, "Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers", Wiley India, New Delhi,
3. Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H Myers, Sharon L Myers and Keying Ye, "Probability and Statistics for Engineers and
Scientists", Pearson, New Delhi, 2016.
4. David Spiegelhalter, "The Art of Statistics: How to Learn from Data”, Pelican Books, 2020.
5. Michael J. Evans, Jeffrey S. Rosenthal,” Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty”, second Edition, WH
Freeman, 2010.
INTRODUCTION:Need for Data Structures - Types of Data Structures - Abstract Data Type –AlgorithmComplexity Analysis -
Best case and worst-case complexities - Asymptotic notations (6)
ARRAYS AND LISTS:Array Representation and Operations - Matrix representation using Multi-dimensional arrays - Linked
List Representation - Operations on a Singly Linked List - Types of Linked List - Polynomial Addition - Sparse Matrices (11)
STACKS AND QUEUES:Stack ADT - Representation and Operations - Expression Handling - Role of Stack in implementing
recursive algorithms - Queue ADT - Representation and Operations - Types of Queues - Circular Queue - Deque - Priority
Queue (8)
TREES: Terminologies - Binary Tree - Traversal - Expression Trees - Binary Heap - Priority Queue implementation using
Binary Heap - Binary Search Tree - AVL Tree - m-way search trees - B Tree - B+ Tree - Applications - Trie Structure (11)
HASHING AND GRAPHS: - Hash Table - Hash Functions - Resolving Collisions - Rehashing.GRAPHS: Graph Terminologies
- Types of Graphs - Representation - Breadth First Search - Depth First Search - Topological Sort (9)
1. Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C", 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2016.
2. Venkatesan R, Lovelyn Rose S, "Data Structures", 2nd Edition, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2019.
1. Jean Paul Tremblay, Sorenson, "An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications", McGraw Hill Publishing Company,
New Delhi, 2017.
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", 2nd Edition,
Universities Press, 2019.
3. Salaria R S, "Data Structures and Algorithms using C", 5th Edition, Khanna Book Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
4. Amol M. Jagtap, Ajit S. Mali, ”Data Structures Using C - A Practical Approach for Beginners”, Chapman and Hall/CRC;
1st edition , 2021
5. Aaron M Tanenbaum, Moshe J Augenstein and Yedidyah Langsam, "Data structures using C and C++", Prentice Hall,
PRELIMINARIES: Definition of Software – Software characteristics – Types of Software – Evolution of Software – Software
Development Lifecycle – Waterfall Model – Incremental Model – Prototyping – Spiral Model – Unified Process – Agile
DevelopmentApproach – Software Myths. (8)
67th ACM 30.07.2022
SOFTWARE DESIGN: Architectural Design: Views and Viewpoints – Styles and Patterns – Layered Architecture. Detailed
Design:Functional Decomposition – Object Oriented Design – User Interface Design – Good Design Attributes – Design
Specifications – Coding Standards(8)
SOFTWARE TESTING: Testing fundamentals: Black Box and White Box Testing – Test Cases – Equivalence Partitioning –
Boundary Value Analysis – Basis Path Testing – Cyclomatic Complexity. Testing Strategies:Unit Testing – Integration Testing
– System Testing – Acceptance Testing. Special Testing: Regression Testing – Smoke Testing – Stress Testing - User
Interface Testing – Test Automation – Test Documenting and Reporting – Testing Object Oriented System (8)
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT: Software Quality:Views of Quality – Quality Attributes – Cost of Quality –
Quality Control vs. Quality Assurance – Formal Technical Reviews – Guidelines for Reviews – Quality Metrics. Software
Configuration Management: Software Baselines – Version Control – Change Control – Software Configuration Audit. Software
Maintenance: Maintenance Phase – Activities – Reengineering – Metrics(9)
1. Roger S Pressman and and Bruce Maxim, “Software Engineering - A Practitioner‘s Approach”, McGraw Hill International
Edition, Singapore, 2020.
2. Pankaj Jalote, “A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering”, Springer, New Delhi, 2011
1. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson Addison Wesley, Boston, 2017
2. Shari Lawrence Pfleeger, “Software Engineering: Theory and Practices”, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2009
3. Orlando Karam, Frank Tsui, “Essentials of Software Engineering”, SBS Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd, 2007 New
Fundamentals of Economic Analysis: Introduction – Scope of Engineering Economics – Circular Flow in an Economy –
Demand and Supply– Types of Efficiency. (7+2)
Cost and Inventory Control: Cost Concepts – Types of Cost – Short-run and Long-run - Cost-Output Relationship - Make or
Buy Decision – Criteria – Approaches - Inventory Models – Purchase Model – Manufacturing Model - With or Without
Shortages- Depreciation Methods – Problems in Straight Line and Diminishing Balance Method. (9+4)
Pricing, Revenue and Value Engineering: Pricing Practices and Strategies -Revenue Concepts – CVP Analysis- Problems in
Break-Even Analysis – Value Analysis - Value Engineering. (9+2)
Project Management: Capital Budgeting – Decisions – Steps Involved in Capital Budgeting – Methods of Project Appraisal –
Pay-back Period – Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return - Project Management - Techniques – PERT – CPM Models
– Case Analysis. (10+5)
Economic Growth and Development: Concepts of Macro Economics – National Income – Inflation – Control Measures -
Monetary Policy – Fiscal Policy – Technological Innovation in Banking and Economic Development - Sustainable Development
Goals – Circular Economy. (10+2)
Total L: 45 + T: 15 =60
1. Panneerselvam. R., “Engineering Economics”, PHI Learning Private Limited, 2012.
2. Metha P.L, “Managerial Economics – Analysis, Problems and Cases”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2016.
1. Zahid A. Khan., Arshad N. Siddiquee, Brajesh Kumar, Mustufa H. Abidi, “Principles of Engineering Economics with
Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
2. Varshney, R.L and K.L. Maheshwari, “Managerial Economics”, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2014.
3. McEachern and Indira., “Macro ECON”, Cengage India Private Limited, 2017.
4. Shalini Goyal Bhalla, “Circular Economy (Re) Emerging Movement”, Invincible Publishers, 2020.
1. Study of JDK,JRE,JVM, IDE and REPL
2. Classes and Methods
3. Inheritance
4. Interfaces and packages
5. Exception Handling
6. I/O and Files
67th ACM 30.07.2022
7. Collection classes
8. Generics and Lambda Expressions
1. Schildt H, "Java: The Complete Reference", Eleventh Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, 2018.
2. Deitel P and Deitel H, "Java: How to Program", Eleventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2018.
3. Hortsmann CS and Cornell G, "Core Java: Volume 1 - Fundamentals", Eleventh Edition, Prentice Hall, 2018.
4. James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha, Alex Buckley and Daniel Smith, "The Java Language Specification –
Java SE", Thirteenth Edition, Oracle America Inc., USA, 2019.
5. Daniel Liang L, "Introduction to Java Programming", Tenth Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2015.
6. Matt Weisfeld, "The Object Oriented Thought Process", Fifth Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, US, 2019.
1. Solving Problems using arrays
2. Searching and Sorting algorithms
3. Implementation of Linked List
4. Applications of Linked List
5. Implementation Stack and queue
6. Applications of Stack
7. Operations on Binary Search Trees
8. Applications of Binary Search Tree, AVL tree
9. Graphs - Depth First Search and Breadth First Search
10. Hashing and Collision Resolution
1. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, Second Edition,
Universities Press, 2011.
2. Jean Paul Tremblay and Sorenson, “An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications”, McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, “Introduction to Algorithms”, MIT Press,
England, 2009.
4. Salaria R S, "Data Structures and Algorithms using C", 5th Edition, Khanna Book Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
5. Amol M. Jagtap, Ajit S. Mali, ”Data Structures Using C - A Practical Approach for Beginners”, Chapman and Hall/CRC;
1st edition , 2021
1. Speed Mathematics (SAW, Oz, Mirror methods)
2. Speed Mathematics (High5, Minion, Butterfly methods)
3. Speed Mathematics (Inception, Goldeneye methods)
4. Thinking with Numbers
5. Problem Solving with Visual information
6. Words Puzzles
7. Resume Writing Essential
1. R.S. Aggarwal, “Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination”, S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
ENERGY RESOURCES: Introduction -National and International status- exploitation - sustainable strategies- Fossil fuels-
classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas; solar
67th ACM 30.07.2022
energy - introduction, harnessing strategies. Wind energy - availability, wind power plants, wind energy conversion
systems, sitecharacteristics, and types ofwind turbines. Supporting renewableenergy resources - tidal– geothermal-
hydroelectric. (6)
WASTEMANAGEMENT:Wastewater-Characteristicsofdomesticandindustrialwastewater-CODandBOD -
Variousstagesoftreatment -primary,secondary,tertiarytreatment-Biologicalandadvancedoxidationprocesses.
Solidwastemanagement -Characteristicsofmunicipalsolidwaste (MSW),biomedical,automobileande-wastes
andtheirmanagement -landfills,incineration,pyrolysis,gasificationandcomposting.
1. Gilbert M.Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2004.
2. De A K , "Environmental Chemistry", New Age International P Ltd, New Delhi,2006.
1. Benny Joseph, "Environmental Science and Engineering", Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2006.
2. KoteswaraRao MVR, "Energy Resources: Conventional &Non-Conventional", BSP Publications, New Delhi, 2006.
3. Deswal S and Deswal A,"ABasicCourseinEnvironmentalStudies",DhanpatRaiandCo,NewDelhi,2004.
INTRODUCTION: Components of Optimization Problem – Terminology - Classes of Mathematical Programs - Linear
Programming Models - Real-world problems – Linear Programming Formulations - Changing Form - Linearization of
Piecewise Linear Functions.(9+3)
ITERATIVE ALGORITHMS: Iterative Search and Constructive Algorithms - Improving Directions and Optimality -
Computational Complexity and Correctness - Convexity - Convex Sets - Convex and Concave Functions. (9+3)
GEOMETRY AND ALGEBRA OFLP & DUALITY THEORY: Geometry and Algebra of LPs - Extreme Points and Basic
Feasible Solutions - Optimality of Extreme Points - Linear Programs in Canonical Form - Optimality Conditions - Duality
Theory - Dual of a Linear Program - Duality Theorems - Complementary Slackness - Lagrangian Duality - Farkas' Lemma and
SIMPLEX METHOD & APPLICATIONS OF DUALITY: Simplex Method From a Known Feasible Solution - Degeneracy and
Correctness - Finding an Initial Feasible Solution - Computational Strategies and Speed - Dual Simplex Method - Network
Simplex Method - Primal-Dual Interior Point Method (9+3)
CONVEX PROGRAMMING: KKT Optimality Conditions - Lagrangian Duality - Convex Optimization Models - Separable
Programs - Unconstrained Optimization - Quadratic Programming - Primal-dual Interior Point Method (9+3)
1. Michael H. Veatch, “Linear and Convex Optimization”, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2021.
2. Richard W. Cottle, Mukund N. Thapa, “Linear and Nonlinear Optimization”, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC
1. Hamdy A Taha, “Operations Research – An Introduction”, Pearson Education Limited, 2017.
2. Stephen Boyd, Lieven Vandenberghe, “Convex Optimization”, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
3. David G. Luenberger, Yinyu Ye, “Linear and Nonlinear Programming”, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2021.
4. Edwin K P Chong, Stanislaw H Zak, “Introduction to Optimization”, Wiley India, 2017.
5. Charu C. Aggarwal, “Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning”, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020
67th ACM 30.07.2022
INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE: Purpose of Database System - Data Models - Database System Architecture – DBMS
ComponentsConceptual design withEntity-Relationship model - Enhanced-ER Model -Traps
Relational model:E-R to relational model - Codd’s rules- Integrity constraints- Relational Algebra- SQL Basics. Normalization:
Armstrong rules - Functional Dependencies –First Normal Form to Fifth Normal Form - Denormalization (9)
DATA STORAGE AND QUERYING: RAID - File Organization - Organization of Records in Files – Indexing and Hashing –
Ordered Indices - B+ tree Index Files - B tree Index Files - Static Hashing - Dynamic Hashing - Query Processing stages –
Query Optimization using Heuristics and Cost Estimation (9)
TRANSACTION MANAGEMENT: Transaction Concepts - ACID Properties - Schedules - Serializability - Concurrency Control
- Need for Concurrency - Locking Protocols - Two Phase Locking - Deadlock - Transaction Recovery-Savepoints-Isolation
Levels –SQL Facilities for Concurrency and Recovery-Backup and Recovery System. (9)
ADVANCED TOPICS: Parallel Database - Multidimensional Database - Datawarehouse-Multimedia Database - Web Database
- Mobile Database- NoSQL database. (9)
1. Abraham Silberchatz, Henry F Korth and Sudarshan S, “Database System Concepts”, Seventh Edition,Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2021.
2. RamezElmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Seventh Edition, Addison Wesley,
USA, 2010.
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, Fourth edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2008.
2. Gupta G K, “Database Management System”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi , "Modern Database Management", 12th Edition, Pearson, New
Delhi, 2016.
4. AtulKahate , "Database Managment Systems", 1st Edition, Pearson, New Delhi, 2011.
DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Introduction to Algorithm Design techniques - Divide and Conquer Methodology - Solving
recurrence relations - Finding Maximum and Minimum Element - Quick sort - Merge sort - Convex Hull. (9+3)
GREEDY METHOD: Greedy Strategy - Knapsack Problem - Minimum Spanning Trees - Single Source Shortest Path Method
- Huffman Trees (9+3)
DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Principle of Optimality - Knapsack Problem - All Pairs Shortest Path - Optimal Binary Search
Tree - Multistage Graphs (9+3)
BACKTRACKING: State Space Tree - Knapsack Problem - The Eight Queens Problem - Sum of subsets - Graph Coloring
BRANCH AND BOUND: Bounding Functions - 0/1 Knapsack Problem - Traveling Sales Person Problem - Assignment
Problem (9+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Anany Levitin, "Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
2. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms", Galgotia
Publications, New Delhi, 2010.
1. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson, Ronald L Rivest, Clifford Stein, "Introduction to Algorithms", 3rd Edition, MIT
Press, England, 2009.
2. Donald E. Knuth, ―The Art of Computer Programming‖, Volumes 1& 3 Pearson Education, 2 009.
3. Jeffrey J McConnell, "Analysis of Algorithms", Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2008.
4. Parag Himanshu Dave, Himanshu Bhalchandra Dave, "Design and Analysis of Algorithms", Pearson Education, 2008.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
INTRODUCTION: Operating System Concepts - System Calls - Services - User Operating System Interface - Design and
Implementation- shell scripting basics - Introduction to Virtual Machines. (6+3)
PROCESS MANAGEMENT: Process Model - Creation – Termination - Hierarchies - States - Implementation - Scheduling
Criteria - Scheduling Algorithms - Multithreading Models - Thread Libraries - Threading Issues - Thread and Multiprocessor
Scheduling Algorithms - Interprocess Communication. (10+3)
PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION AND DEADLOCKS: Race Conditions - Critical Section - Mutual Exclusion - Peterson’s
Solution – Synchronization: Hardware - Semaphores - Mutex - Monitor - Message Passing, Dining Philosophers Problem -
Readers Writers Problem. Deadlocks: Conditions - Detection - Recovery - Prevention - Avoidance. (11+3)
MEMORY MANAGEMENT:Main Memory: Swapping - Contiguous Memory Allocation - Paging - Structure of Page Table -
Segmentation - Examples. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging - Copy on Write - Page Replacement - Allocation of Frames -
Thrashing - Memory Mapped Files - Allocating Kernel Memory (10+3)
STORAGE MANAGEMENT: Files: Naming - Structure - Types - Access - Attributes - Operations - Implementation.
Directories: Operations - Path Names - Hierarchical Directory System - Implementation - Allocation Methods - Free Space
Management - Efficiency and Performance - Recovery. Mass Storage: Disk Structure - Disk Scheduling Algorithms - Swap
Space Management(8+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Silberschatz A, Galvin P, Gagne G, "Operating Systems Concepts", John Wiley and Sons, Singapore, 2018.
2. William Stallings, "Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles", Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2018.
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, "Modern Operating System", Fourth Edition, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2018.
2. Dhamdhere, "Operating Systems: A Concept Based approach", Third Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2015.
3. Harvey M Deitel, Paul J Deitel, David R Choffnes, "Operating Systems", Third Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi,
4. Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau , Andrea Arpaci-Dusseau, “Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces”, First edition,Arpaci-Dusseau
5. Achyut S Godbole, AtulKahate, “Operating Systems”, McGraw Hill Education, 2016.
INTRODUCTION TO MACHINE LEARNING AND CONCEPT LEARNING: Machine Learning applications - Concept Learning
Task - FIND-S - Version Spaces and Candidate Elimination - Inductive Bias.(8)
SUPERVISED LEARNING AND BAYESIAN DECISION THEORY :Learning a Class from Examples - Vapnik-Chervonenkis
Dimension - Noise - Learning Multiple Classes - Regression - Model Selection and Generalization - Dimensions of a
Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm – Bayesian Classification - Losses and Risks - Discriminant Functions.
PARAMETRIC METHODS AND MULTIVARIATE METHODS: Maximum Likelihood Estimation - The Bayes’ Estimator -
Parametric Classification – Parametric Regression - Bias/Variance Dilemma - Model Selection Procedures - Multivariate Data
- Parameter Estimation - Multivariate Normal Distribution - Multivariate Classification(9)
the Linear Discriminant - Gradient Descent - Logistic Discrimination - Strategy, Principles and Guidelines of Experimentation -
Cross-Validation and Resampling Methods - Measuring Classifier Performance - Interval Estimation – Binomial test - t test -
K-Fold Cross-Validated Paired t Test(10)
DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION AND CLUSTERING: Subset Selection - Feature Embedding - Factor Analysis - MDS - LDA
- k Means Clustering - Expectation Maximization Algorithm - Spectral Clustering - Hierarchical Clustering - Cluster number
1. EthemAlpaydin , "Introduction to Machine Learning", 4thEdition, PHI Learning, 2020.
2. Tom Mitchell , "Machine Learning", McGraw Hill, 2017.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Christopher M Bishop , "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Learning", Springer, 2011.
2. Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa , "Learning from Data", AML, 2017.
3. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hard, David G. Stork, “Pattern Recognition”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2020
4. Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong, “Mathematics for Machine Learning”, Cambridge University
Press, 2020.
1. SQL Practice: DDL, DML, DCL, TCL commands.
2. Implement Views and stored procedures.
3. Implement functions, Cursors, Triggers and Embedded SQL
4. Study of performance monitoring and tuning Tools
5. Study of NoSQL databases
6. Mini project- Application development
1. Abraham Silberchatz, Henry F Korth and Sudarshan S, “Database System Concepts”, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,
New Delhi, 2021.
2. RamezElmasri and Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley, USA,
3. Ivan Bayross, “SQL, PL/SQL the Programming Language of Oracle”, 4th Edition,BPB Publications New Delhi, 2020.
4. Rosenzweig, ”Oracle PL/SQL by Example 5/e, For Dummies”,5th Edition, Pearson Education India, 2015.
5. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, 4th edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New
Delhi, 2015.
1. Data Preparation for Machine Learning
2. Candidate elimination Algorithm
3. Implement Linear regression for data fitting
4. Implement Naïve Bayes for Classification
5. Implement Kmeans algorithm
6. Analyse how bias-variance trade-off relates to underfitting and overfitting using Polynomial regression
7. Compare Dimensionality Reduction techniques for a real world dataset
8. 8.Compare Spectral and Hierarchical Clustering Methods for a real world dataset
9. Design and analysis of machine learning experiment
1. EthemAlpaydin , "Introduction to Machine Learning", 4thEdition, PHI Learning, 2020.
2. Willi Richert, Luis Pedro Coelho, Building Machine Learning Systems with Python, Packt Publishing, 2018.
3. Aurelien Geron, Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras and Tensor Flow: Concepts, Tools and
Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems, O’Reilly, 2019.
4. Tom Mitchell, "Machine Learning", McGraw Hill, 2017
5. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hard, David G. Stork, “Pattern Recognition”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2020
0 0 21
1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
INTRODUCTION: Evolution of Indian Constitution; significance of constitution; Composition; Preamble and its Philosophy. (4)
RIGHTS, DUTIES AND DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES: Fundamental Rights- Writs and Duties, Directive Principles of State Policy
UNION GOVERNMENT: Union Government, President and Vice President, Houses of the Parliament and their functions;
Types of Bills, Stages of passing of Bill into an Act, Veto Power, Constitution Amendment Procedure, Various Amendments
made and their significance for India.(6)
STATE GOVERNMENT AND FEDERALISM: Composition of State Legislature; Powers, Functions and Position of Governor,
Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers; The Indian Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and
States (8)
JUDICIARY: Supreme Court, High Court; District Court and Lower Courts - Functions and Powers – Judges – Qualifications
and Powers - Judicial Review. (7)
Total L:30
1. Subash C. Kashyap, “Our Political System”, National Book Trust, 2011.
2. PraveenkumarMellalli, E., “Constitution of India, Professional Ethics and Human Rights”, Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd.,
1. Briji Kishore Sharma, “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2010.
3. Basu D.D., “Introduction to the Constitution of India”, Prentice Hall of India, 2016.
4. Jain. M. C., “The Constitution of India”, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
5. Shukla. V. N., “Constitution of India”, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.
Non Parametric Methods and Decision Trees: Nonparametric Density Estimation - Generalization to Multivariate Data -
Nonparametric Classification - Condensed Nearest Neighbor - Distance-Based Classification - Outlier Detection -
Nonparametric Regression: Smoothing Models - Univariate Trees - Pruning - Rule Extraction from Trees - Learning Rules from
Data - Multivariate Trees(9+3)
Kernel Machines and Local Models: Optimal Separating Hyperplane - Soft Margin Hyperplane - ν-SVM - Kernel Trick -
Vectorial Kernels - Defining Kernels - Adaptive Resonance Theory - Self-Organizing Maps - Radial Basis Functions - Learning
Vector Quantization (9+3)
Graphical Models and HMM: Canonical Cases for Conditional Independence – Generative Models - d-Separation - Belief
Propagation - Markov Random Fields - Discrete Markov Processes - Hidden Markov Models - Three Basic Problems of HMMs -
Evaluation Problem- Finding the State Sequence - Learning Model Parameters (9+3)
Modelling Reinforcement Learning Problem: Introduction – Elements of Reinforcement Learning - Tic-Tac-Toe - A k-armed
Bandit Problem - Action-value Methods - Incremental Implementation - Finite Markov Decision Processes: Policies and Value
Functions - Optimal Policies and Optimal Value Functions (9+3)
Solving Reinforcement Learning Problem: Dynamic Programming: Policy Evaluation - Policy Improvement- Policy Iteration -
Value Iteration - Monte Carlo Methods: Prediction, Estimation of Action Values, Control - Off-policy Prediction - Incremental
Implementation -Off-Policy Monte Carlo Control - Temporal Difference Learning: - TD Prediction -Optimality of TD(0) - Sarsa -
Q-Learning - Planning and Learning – Dyna. (9+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. 1.EthemAlpaydin , "Introduction to Machine Learning", 4thEdition, PHI Learning, 2020.
2. Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto , "Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction", The MIT Press, 2014.
1. Christopher M Bishop , "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Learning", Springer, 2011.
2. Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa , "Learning from Data", AML, 2017.
3. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hard, David G. Stork, “Pattern Recognition”, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2020
67th ACM 30.07.2022
4. Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong, “Mathematics for Machine Learning”, Cambridge University
Press, 2020.
INTRODUCTION: Artificial Intelligence - The state of art - Intelligent Agents - Rationality - Nature of Environments – Structure of
Agents - Examples. (9+3)
PROBLEM SOLVING AGENTS: Searching for solutions: Uninformed search - BFS, DFS, Uniform cost search, Iterative
deepening search - Informed Search - Greedy Best First search, A* search, AO* search - Adversarial search – Games - Optimal
decisions in Games, alpha - beta pruning (9+3)
KNOWLEDGE AND REASONING: Representations and mappings – Approaches to knowledge representation – Property
inheritance algorithm - First Order Predicate logic- Instance and ISA relationships – Computable functions and predicates -
Unification-Resolution – Question Answering. (9+3)
ACTING UNDER UNCERTAINTY: Quantifying uncertainty – Efficient representation of conditional distributions – Probability
and Bayes Theorem - Bayesian Networks - Exact and approximate inferences - Making simple decisions – Utility theory -
Decision networks – Value of information – Decisions with multiple agents (9+3)
PLANNING: Classical Planning- Algorithms for Planning as state space search - Planning Graphs – Classic planning as
Boolean Satisfiability - Analysis of planning approaches –Time, schedules and resources – Hierarchical planning
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Stuart J Russell and Peter Norvig, "Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach", 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight and Shivashankar B Nair, "Artificial Intelligence", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company, New Delhi, 2019.
1. George F Luger, "Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving", 6th Edition, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2021.
2. Deepak Khemani, “A First Course in Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2017.
3. John Paul Mueller, “Artificial Intelligence For Dummies”, Wiley, 2018
4. Lavika Goel, “Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applications”, Wiley,2021
5. Pradeepta Mishra, “Practical Explainable AI Using Python: Artificial Intelligence Model Explanations Using Python-based
Libraries, Extensions, and Frameworks”, Apress,2021
22 0 4
INTRODUCTION: Fundamental Components of Embedded Systems - Architecture of Embedded Systems - Embedded Design
Life Cycle - Development Environment (5+5)
MEMORY AND INTERRUPTS: Types of Memory - Memory Access Procedure - Memory Management techniques - Memory
Testing - Common Memory problems - Interrupts - Interrupt Service Routines (6+6)
Programming - RS422/RS485 - I2C Interface - SPI Interface - I2C/SPI Programming - USB (7+7)
REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS: Real-Time Concepts - Task Management - Task Scheduling - Classification of
Scheduling Algorithms - Clock Driven Scheduling - Event Driven Scheduling - Resource Sharing - Priority Inheritance Protocol -
Priority Ceiling Protocol - Commercial RTOS (7+7)
HOST and TARGET TESTING: Validation - Host and Target Testing - Debugging tool - CASE STUDY - Development of
Automatic Vending Machine - Protocol converter - Development of a navigation (5+5)
TOTAL L: 30 +T: 30 = 60
1. Arnold S Berger, “Embedded Systems Design - An Introduction to Processes, Tools andTechniques”, Elsevier, New Delhi,
2. Prasad K V K K, “Embedded/Real-Time Systems: Concepts, Design and Programming - The Ultimate Reference”, Himal
Impressions, New Delhi, 2003
1. Raj Kamal, "Embedded Systems - Architecture, Programming and Design", 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2017
2. Rajib Mall, “Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice”, First Edition, Pearson, 2009
67th ACM 30.07.2022
3. Sriram V Iyer and Pankaj Gupta, “Embedded Real-time Systems Programming”, TataMcGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2006.
INTRODUCTION AND MEDIUM: Building a Network - Network Edge and Core - Layering and Protocols - TCP/IP Protocol suite
- OSI Reference Model - Network Topologies - Internet Architecture–Physical Layer: Signal Characteristics – Transmission
media – Signal Encoding Techniques – Performance Metrics. (10)
LINK LAYER SERVICES: Link Layer Services - Framing - Flow Control - Error Control - Media Access Control - Ethernet -
Wireless LAN – Introduction about Bluetooth, Zigbee. (8)
SWITCHING AND ROUTING:Switching: Circuit Switching - Packet Switching - IPV4 - Global Address - Datagram Forwarding -
Subnetting - CIDR - ARP- ICMP - Routing Algorithms: Distance Vector Routing and Link State Routing - IPV6 Addressing –
IPV6 Protocol. (9)
Stream - Connection Management - Flow Control - Congestion Control - SCTP.(9)
APPLICATION LAYER SERVICES: Needs/Principles of Application Layer Protocols – Role of proxy, Web and HTTP - FTP -
Electronic Mail (SMTP - POP3 - IMAP - MIME) - DHCP - DNS - DASH – QUIC(9)
1. Larry L Peterson and Bruce S Davie,” Computer Networks: A systems approach”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, USA, 6th
Edition 2021.
2. James F Kurose, Keith W Ross,” Computer Networking - A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi, Sixth Edition, 2012.
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan ,” Data Communications and Networking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum and David J Wetherall, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India/ Pearson Education, New
Delhi,6th Edition, 2021
3. Prakash C Gupta,” Data Communication and Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014.
4. Prakash C Gupta,” Data Communication and Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013
5. Ajit Pal, “Data Communication And Computer Networks”, 1st Edition, PHI Learning,
1. Study of Network Components,Basic Network Commands and Network Configuration Commands 2. Chat Program using
TCP Sockets using C language
2. Sliding Window Protocol using TCP Sockets using C language
3. DNS using UDP Sockets using C language
4. Study of Wireshark Tool
5. Capturing of packet header at each layer using Wireshark
6. Tracing of TCP and UDP Connection using Wireshark
7. Study of any Simulator Tool
8. Performance comparison of TCP and UDP protocols using Simulation tool
9. Set up a typical network in a lab
10. Set up a typical network in a lab
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan ,” Data Communications and Networking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2021.
2. Andrew S Tanenbaum and David J Wetherall, “Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India/ Pearson Education, New
Delhi,6th Edition, 2021
3. Prakash C Gupta,” Data Communication and Computer Networks”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2014.
4. Prakash C Gupta,” Data Communication and Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2013
5. Ajit Pal, “Data Communication And Computer Networks”, 1st Edition, PHI Learning,
67th ACM 30.07.2022
<Problem Formulation and Design>:
1. Problem Identification
2. Requirements Analysis and Design
1. Development of required packages
2. Implementation of the application using coding standards and the packages developed.
NOTE: The students can develop Web based Application or Mobile Application of their choice. The Language for development
can be chosen based on their application requirement.
Total P: 60
1. Love, Chris. Progressive Web Application Development by Example: Develop Fast, Reliable, and Engaging User
Experiences for the Web. United Kingdom, Packt Publishing, 2018.
2. Robbins, Jennifer. Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics. United
States, O'Reilly Media, 2018.
3. User Interface Design: Bridging the Gap from User Requirements to Design. United States, CRC Press, 2018
4. Carlson Ph D, John R, and Carlson, John. Cross-Platform Mobile Application Development: A Beginner's Guide Using the
Corona SDK. N.p., Amazon Digital Services LLC - KDP Print US, 2019.
5. Mobile Apps Engineering: Design, Development, Security, and Testing. United Kingdom, CRC Press, 2018.
0 0 21
1. Algorithmic Thinking, Branching & Repetition Problems
2. Logical Reasoning - Data Arrangements & Relations
3. Solving problems based on Coding & decoding, Series, Analogy, Odd man out and Visual reasoning
4. Problems based on Ages, Logical Connectives, Syllogisms, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency
5. Solving problems on Clocks Calendars, Direction Sense & Cubes
6. Problems based on Number system, Percentages, Simple & Compound Interest
7. Resume Update
1. 1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
INTRODUCTION: Security goals –threats and attacks. – Services and mechanisms – A model for Network Security crypto
Systems: Introduction – symmetric key cryptography-substitution cipher – transposition cipher -stream ciphers and block
ciphers – Data Encryption Standard - Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (10+3)
PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOSYSTEM: Basic Concepts of Number Theory - Principles of Public key cryptosystem – RSA
cryptosystem - attacks on RSA – Diffie – Hellman key agreement–Elliptic Curve cryptosystem. (8+3)
MESSAGE INTEGRITY, AUTHENTICATION: Message digest – Cryptographic hash function - Message authentication code –
Message authentication Requirements- Message Authentication Functions - Digital signatures- Digital Signature standard.
DATA BASE SECURITY: Security Requirements – database administration security – SQL injection and exploitation and
defense methods - database roles and permissions – Object level security - Sensitive data (9+3)
DATA PRIVACY: Foundations of privacy: Privacy and Contextual Integrity, Privacy regulations, Goals of Privacy engineering,
taxonomy of privacy, Attacks on private data - DATA PRIVACY MODELS AND DISCLOSURE RISK MEASURES:Formal model
of Data privacy, K-anonymity: Definition of k-anonymity, Practical Implications, Mechanism design, Evaluating the risk of
disclosure- Limitations of K-anonymity. Disclosure Risk Measures: Attribute disclosure, identity disclosure, Synthetic datasets
and network trace analysis (8+3)
MASKING METHODS & DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY:Perturbative methods - non-Perturbative methods - Synthetic Data
Generators. DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY:Definition of Differential Privacy (DP), Privacy and databases, Noiseless differential
privacy- Promise of DP, Formalizing DP, Lower bounds, Mechanism Design, Machine learning and Differential Privacy-
67th ACM 30.07.2022
Differential privacy for large data- Differentially private social network analysis – Web privacy: online tracking and advertisement
Applications of Differential privacy (10+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. William Stallings, " Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice”, 8th Edition,Prentice Hall of India,
Pearson Education, New Delhi , 2020.
2. Vicenc Torra,” Data Privacy: Foundations, New Developments and Big Data Challenge”, Springer, 2017.
1. Behrouz A.Forouzan and DebdeepMukhopadhyay, “Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. AtulKahate,” Cryptography and Network Security”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2013.
3. TianqingZhu, GangLi, WanleiZhou, Philip S. Yu, "Differential Privacy and Applications", Springer, 2017
4. Benjamin C.M. Fung, Ke Wang, Ada Wai-Chee Fu and Philip S. Yu, “Introduction to Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing:
Concepts and Techniques”, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
5. Charu C. Aggarwal, “Privacy-Preserving Data Mining: Models and Algorithms”, Springer, 2008.
PARALLEL PROGRAMMING WITH OpenMP and MPI: OpenMP:Overview of Features-Additional Feature Details:OpenMP
Directives-Synchronization-Runtime Library Routines-MPI:Introduction to MPI-Basic Point-to-point Communication Routines-
Basic MPI Collective Communication Routines-Environment Management Routines-Point-to-point Communication Routines-
Collective Communication Routines (9+3)
DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING: Definition, motivation, communication protocols – RPC-RMI, Coordination – clocks- mutual
exclusion – leader election, Replication management – Consistency protocols. (9+3)
GPU COMPUTING: CPU vs GPU, Architecture of CUDA capable GPU – GPU computing – Data parallelism – CUDA program
structure – Vector addition – CUDA thread Organisation – Matrix-matrix multiplication – Blocks – OpenCL data parallel model,
device architecture (9+3)
TOTAL L: 45 +T: 15 = 60
1. Vivek Kale, Parallel Computing Architectures and APIs: IoT, big data stream processing”, CRC Press, 2020.
2. Andrew S.Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen, “Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigm” Prentice Hall,2016
1. AnanthGrama, Anshul Gupta, George Karypis and VipinKumar,”Introduction to Parallel Computing‖”, Second Edition,
Pearson Education, 2009
2. David Kirk, Wen Mei W Hwu, “Programming Massively Parallel Processors”, Third Edition: A Hands-on Approach”, Morgan
Kaufmann Publishers Inc, 3rd edition, 2016
3. Roman Trobec BoštjanSlivnik , PatricioBulić, Boru”tRobič , “Introduction to Parallel Computing”, Springer,2018
4. Shane Cook,”CUDA Programming: A Developer’s Guide to Parallel Computing with GPU’s ( Applications of GPU
Computing),MK Publishers,2013
5. Wan Fokkink, “ Distributed Algorithms: An Intuitive Approach”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd,2nd Edition, 2018
INTRODUCTION:Need for Deap Learning - tensor operations - Activation Functions – Loss Functions - Deep Feed forward
Networks – Regularization for Deep Learning (DL) – Optimization for Training Deep Models – Applications of DL (9)
CONVOLUTIONAL NETWORKS: Convolution operation – Motivation – Pooling – Convolution variants – Down sampling, stride
and padding –Local, convolution, tiled and full connections– CNN training – Structured outputs – Data types – Efficient
convolution algorithms – Random or unsupervised features – Neuro scientific basis of CNN - Applications (9)
SEQUENCE MODELING: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) – Unfolding computational graphs – RNN design patterns -
Backpropagation through time – Bidirectional RNN – Encoder Decoder Sequence-to-Sequence Architectures – Deep recurrent
67th ACM 30.07.2022
networks – Recursive neural networks - Challenge of long-term dependencies – LSTM and GRU –Attention and the
Transformer (9)
DEEP GENERATIVE MODELS:Sampling and Monte Carlo Methods – Deep Boltzman Machines ––Directed Generative Nets –
VariationalAutoencoders - Generative Adversarial Networks– Normalizing flow models – Diffusion models (9)
Total L: 45
1. Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio, Aaron Courville, “Deep Learning”, The MIT Press, 2017.
2. Magnus Ekman, Learning Deep Learning, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2021
1. Charu C. Aggarwal, “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”, Springer 2018.
2. Adam Gibson, Josh Patterson "Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach ", OReilly, 2017.
3. Umberto Michelucci “Applied Deep Learning. A Case-based Approach to Understanding Deep Neural Networks” Apress,
4. Nicholas Locascio and Nikhil Buduma "Fundamentals of Deep Learning: Designing Next-Generation Machine Intelligence
Algorithms", OReilly, 2017
5. Giancarlo Zaccone, Md. Rezaul Karim, Ahmed Menshawy "Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neural networks with
Python", Packt Publisher, 2017.
WORDS: Introduction - Mathematical Foundations – Linguistic Essentials - Regular Expressions, Text Normalization, Edit
Distance - Finite State Transducers - Language Modeling with N-grams - Naive Bayes Classification and Sentiment - Neural
Nets and Neural Language Models - Hidden Markov Models - Part-of-Speech Tagging.(10)
SYNTAX: Formal Grammars of English - Syntactic Parsing – Ambiguity – Cocke Kasami Younger (CKY) algorithm – PCFG –
Inside and Outside probabilities – Dependency Grammar – Transition based parsing – MST based Dependency parsing.(8)
SEMANTICS: Vector Semantics - Semantics with Dense Vectors - Word Senses: WSD and WordNet - Lexicons for Sentiment
and Affect Extraction - Representation of Sentence Meaning - Computational Semantics - Information Extraction – Named
Entity Recognition - Semantic Role Labeling and Argument Structure - Coreference Resolution and Entity Linking(9)
PRAGMATICS AND APPLICATIONS: Discourse Coherence – Neural Sequence modeling: RNN, LSTM – Text Summarization
- Topic Modelling - Question Answering. (9)
NATURAL LANGUAGE GENERATION: Architecture of NLG Systems- Generation Tasks and Representations- Application of
NLG. Machine Translation: Language similarities and differences – The transfer metaphor – Direct translation – Statistical
translation - Translation involving Indian Languages – Generative Pre-Training – GPT-n (9)
1. Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin, “Speech and Language Processing”, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2017
2. Christopher D. Manning, Hinrich Schütze, “Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing”, The MIT Press, 2018.
1. Yoav Goldberg, “Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing”, Synthesis Lectures on Human Language
Technologies, April 2017.
2. Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper, “Natural Language Processing with Python - Analyzing Text with the Natural
Language Toolkit”, O,Reilly. 2019
3. Li Deng and Yang Liu, "Deep Learning in Natural Language Processing", Springer, Germany. 2018.
4. Dipanjan Sarkar, “Text Analytics with Python - A Practitioner's Guide to Natural Language Processing, Apress, 2019
5. JalajThanaki, “Python Natural Language Processing - Advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques for
natural language processing, Packt Publisher, 2017.
Deep learning Packages Basics: Tensorflow, Keras
Implement the following from scratch
67th ACM 30.07.2022
1. Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio and Aaron Courville, “ Deep Learning”, MIT Press, 2017.
2. Josh Patterson, Adam Gibson "Deep Learning: A Practitioner's Approach", O'Reilly Media, 2017
3. Giancarlo Zaccone, Md. Rezaul Karim, Ahmed Menshawy, Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Explore neuralnetworks with
Python, Packt Publisher, 2017.
4. Antonio Gulli, Sujit Pal, Deep Learning with Keras, Packt Publishers, 2017.
5. Francois Chollet, Deep Learning with Python", Manning Publications, 2017.
0 0 21
This course involves preparing students to think innovatively and present possible solutions to identified industry/academic
problem or issue
1. Logarithms, Progressions, Geometry and Quadratic equations
2. Attention to detail&Image Interpretation
3. Voices and Speech
4. Algebraic Expressions
5. Surds, Indices and Simplification
6. Set Theory & Functions
7. Cryptarithmetic & Trigonometry
8. Advance Quantitative
9. Advance Verbal
10. Advance Logical
11. Preparing for Business roles, Case studies, &Guesstimation techniques
12. Handling Stress
13. Handling Peer pressure
14. Resume progress check
1. R.S. Aggarwal, "Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examination", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
2. P.C.Wren and H.Martin, "High school English grammar & composition ", S Chand Publishing, New Delhi, 2017.
3. Norman Lewis, "Word Power Made Easy", Goyal Publisher, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Arun Sharma, “How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for the CAT”, 8th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2018.
67th ACM 30.07.2022
BIG DATA OVERVIEW: Big data- Needs and challenges - Architecture of big data systems, NoSQL data models, CAP
theorem, Components of Hadoop Ecosystem, Map-Reduce programming – Columnar Database - HBase, big data software
lifecycle. (9)
DOCUMENT DATABASE: Introduction to MongoDB - Installation of MongoDB – Create Database, collection and documents –
CRUD Operations - Query and Criteria. (9)
GRAPH DATABASE: - Overview of Neo4j - Neo4j Architecture - - Exploring Neo4j using Cypher Query Language: Create
Nodes and Relationships - Importing Data with Neo4j. (9)
MINING DATA STREAMS: Concepts - Stream Data Model and SPARK Architecture – RDD – Transformations – Bloom Filters
- parallel programming - Data Frames and Spark SQL. (9)
DATABASE INTEGRATION: Importance – Types and Complexity - ETL – data lakes- Schema Extraction Approaches– Data
Integration Framework - Semantic Integration - RDF Schema –Traditional Ontology Languages: OWL (9)
Total L: 45
1. G. Sudha Sadasivam,R. Thirumahal, "Big Data Analytics",Oxford University Press,2020.
2. April Reeve, “Managing Data in Motion”, Elsevier 2013.
1. EMC Educational Series, "Data Science and Big Data Analytics", Wiley, New Delhi, 2015.
2. David Stevenson, "Big Data Demystified", Pearson Education, 2018.
3. Mohammed Guller, Big Data Analytics with Spark, Apress,2015
4. Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi, "Modern Database Management", 12th Edition, Pearson, New
Delhi, 2016.
5. Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, Emil Eifrem, “Graph Databases: New Opportunities for Connected Data”, Second Edition,
O’Reilly, January 2016.
0 0 42
1. Map Reduce Program 1
2. Map Reduce Program 2
3. CRUD Operations in MongoDB
4. Mongo DB – case study.
5. CRUD Operations in Neo4j
6. Neo4j – Case study
7. Spark streaming using R - Case Studies
8. Local and global schema generation through XML.
1. Tom White “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” Third Edit on, O’reily Media, 2012. • Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan,
"Big Data Analytics" Wiley 2015.
2. Tom Plunkett, Mark Hornick, “Using R to Unlock the Value of Big Data: Big Data Analytics with Oracle R Enterprise and
Oracle R Connector for Hadoop”, McGraw-Hill/Osborne Media (2013), Oracle press
3. Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, Emil Eifrem, “Graph Databases: New Opportunities for Connected Data”, Second Edition,
O’Reilly, January 2016
4. GuyHarrison, “Next Generation database: NoSQL and big data”, APress, 2015
5. Shannon Bradshaw, Eoin Brazil, Kristina Chodorow,” MongoDB: The Definitive Guide: Powerful and Scalable Data
Storage”, O’Reilly, 3rd Edition, December 2019.
The project I involves the following:
Identification of Real-World Problem
System Requirement Analysis and Specification
Developing a Model and Solution for the Identified Problem
Consolidated Report Preparation and Presentation
67th ACM 30.07.2022
The Project work II involves
Preparing a project - brief proposal including
Problem Identification
A statement of system / process specifications proposed to be developed
List of possible solutions including alternatives and constraints
Cost benefit analysis
Time Line of activities
Presentation highlighting the
Design based on functional requirements
Testing and Validation
Results and future work
Consolidated report based on standards