10 Electrons are ejected from a metallic surface with speeds up to 4.60 x 105 m/s when light
with a wavelength of 625 nm is used. (a) What is the work function of the surface? (b)
What is the cut-off frequency for this surface?
Ans: 1.38 eV, 3.34 x 1014 Hz
11 The stopping potential for photoelectrons released from a metal is 1.48 V larger
compared to that in another metal. If the threshold frequency for the first metal is
40.0 % smaller than for the second metal, determine the work function for each
Ans: 3.70 eV, 2.22 eV
12 Two light sources are used in a photoelectric experiment to determine the work function
for a metal surface. When green light from a mercury lamp ( = 546.1 nm) is used, a
stopping potential of 0.376 V reduces the photocurrent to zero. (a) Based on this what is
the work function of this metal? (b) What stopping potential would be observed when
using the yellow light from a helium discharge tube ( = 587.5 nm)?
Ans: 1.90 eV, 0.215 V
13 X-rays of wavelength o = 0.20 nm are scattered from a block of material. The scattered
X-rays are observed at an angle of 45° to the incident beam. Calculate their wavelength.
What if we move the detector so that scattered X-rays are detected at an angle larger than
45°? Does the wavelength of the scattered X-rays increase or decrease as the angle
Ans: 0.200710 nm, INCREASES
20 (a) An electron has a kinetic energy of 3.0 eV. Find its wavelength. (b) Also find the
wavelength of a photon having the same energy.
Ans: 7.09 x 10–10 m, 4.14 x 10–7 m