Revision Grade 8 Computing

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Grade 8 Revision Questions

Subject: Computing
1 An algorithm that takes 20 numbers as input from the user and outputs the
average (mean).
for count = 1 to 20
OUTPUT "enter a number
INPUT userin
next count
total= total/20
2 Read the following flowchart and write the output for the same.

INPUT data will have values = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


3 Write an algorithm to ask the user to enter the age of five people they know
and output the average age
for count = 1 to 5
OUTPUT "enter a person's age"
total = total + age
next count
end for
total = total/5
OUTPUT "your average age is",total

4 Write a python program asks the user to enter the age of the people in their
group. Only people 15 years old or older can take part in an activity.

5 What is user experience?

6 Give two examples of accessibility features on a tablet device.


7 Explain why protypes are useful for identifying what improvements can be
made to a device’s design.

8 What kind of software are operating systems, utilities and translators?


9 Give two differences between a compiler and interpreter.


10 A photo is 5.67 MB. What is this in terabytes?

1 terabyte is 1000000 MB

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