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pract12 Salt Analysis 2 (NH4)2CO3

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Sualtative tnalya?s
- Aim To anayse thu gtuen 1at lor acidic &Boufc
Expt. No. Date lo|lol24
Page No.
Qualiahive Aralyats
An: To analuse he given salt lor aiaic 2boe
Abharahut and Chmica Rsquixed. Test tube,
Lii DX disile d waer dil H, So.u tet shatula, qla rod, dzabheL.-
conc Ha So. tett, dil HU
Ha S0.Na0H, Has qa4, conc HNO, NH O, NH,OH (NH) Co, , hot
A CH, CO0H K, CrOss platinum wise Cont HClwatch alau
kx þaber

fhystcal Examånaon o, alt.

|Exbesimurnt Obser vaiory Tn<erente
White shoue thu absence o

Smll Ammorical small Preaence o NH

Chamical Exainatfon o Salt

Observaiong Inlerence
Tat lox açdic xadnu
Teacher's Signature :
ChamicaJ Rachiorg
Dil. H, SOy Tut
Caso, t Hy0+ co,

Dil HO Teat

(ta 0aler) (rileinau)

Expt.No. Page No.

Alrelininary Tat
0 Diluk H, So, Teut Coloux less,0dourle gas Co, may be
Ahinch o aalt wa with Bxisk ellervescence. þkAent.
taben ina tet tube Wal evolued which tus ha
21-2 ml ol dil H, So, Jimu wateI mulk

@Gonlfimaesy Teut
oofL. HO Teat Brisk ellerVecence 2 co,co,2 Hay be
JA pinch o, salt wa Luak evolved which tungtett ula conrmud
takan în a test tube and im watI milky in thu qin dalt.

Wexe gdded înto it.

OHoqnaiu mSalbhate Testwhite pt twa lomd onfsmed

AbinchoAalt altakun in aisen dalt.
n a Teat tube and its
soluion. a buhard
in water than Mg So
uouhion wa addid into

|Tet Lox Bayic Radcal

Teacher's Signature:
Chemi cal Rsacfong:

Na, Co, + H,0 + NH‘

(NH, C0z t Na OH

white Lumas

-Nesles's Rrogant
2 k, CHgL]+ NH+ 8KOHHzN. Ha0. Hg N 7kI +2Hj0
NeLgier's Roagarut Brown Ppt

Result : Thu Psexence o, Co 2 NHñ Stadicali wadonnd

in tho
Expt. No. Date
Page No.
in a tet tube and was
baakd with Na0H(one harohtetshic anmonicol NHodcal onlra d
in ths aiven salt fe

Thun. a glass od dibped, hile lums, exe NH aical spas

bxogtt obsesyed
YAGT to noutho, te

Neler's Rsagant Tet

Tha tonlismad in the
paued hiough Neulex's. qivn dalt.

Result. Iha þxsente ol, co, 2NH adfcals was conirad fn thu
aiven Lalt.

Handle tha glas ahhaxahus carelull

e thy drobber to add aide in tha alt

Toccher's Sigpature

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