The teacher has to recognize the content of the textbook on the subject into suitable units. Unit has developed psychologically in the
student as a means of integration unitary teaching necessities the interlocking of ideas in order to achieve understanding.
A large sub division the subject matter, herein a principle of a topic or a property is central to the well, organized matter. Planning the
unit is known as planning unit.
Self-access work.
Learner training.
Developing reading skills, listening skills, speaking skills and learning skills.
Create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom.
Unit planning recognize that learning take place most effectively in terms of wholes rather than of fraction.
C. Unit planning recognizes that learning takes place most effectively when there is an understanding and acceptance of goals to be
achieved and when there is full and free participations in planning for the attachment of these goals.
D. Unit planning recognize the for providing the individual difference in the rates of learning and interest. Therefore, a variety of
E. Unit planning recognized that true learning renders the learner increasingly skilled in self direction therefore opportunity are
provided for the student steadily and gradually to assume more responsibility for the selection organization and evaluation of many of
her own learning experience.
F. Unit planning provides a sound basis for evaluation setting up of goals in terms of change of behaviour.
The needs, capabilities and interest of the student should be kept in view.
Variety of experience should be planned for better learning.
The previous experience and background for the student should be taken into account.
The length of the unit should be based on interest of the students.
Provide an opportunity for new experience.
Familiar and related topics should be included in the unit.
It should be related to social and physical environment of the students help, anticipate and satisfy some of the future needs of
the students.
Unit should be part of sequence that permits growth from year to year.
Unit planning should be result of co-operative planning of teachers and students.
Signifies the unity of wholeness of learning activities related to some problems of projects.
Psychological principle learning by whole is followed.
Importance has to be given to integrate learning outcomes.
Represent both subject matter and learning experience as well.
Organizes the subject matter into units of experience.
Organizes similar type of subject matter
It achieves as set of specification and objectives.
Teachers should have through Knowledge about subject content so that she can decide the difficult unit.
The availability of periods should be conceded.
1. Selection and statement of objectives to bring desirable a change and behavior which are manifested result of specific teaching
and learning activities.
2. Selection of content:
Facts, concepts, principles which acquire to objective of the unit.
Information, generalization, subject matter which are organized into the knowledge.
Sources for its knowledge component textbooks, references, periodicals, generals.
Audio visual aids
Educational resources- study of a client as homes, hospitals or clinic or any situation
The content and learning experience for a unit vary according to the type of unit, objectives, the field of study.
Pre-test has to be administered to test the knowledge, understanding and skills in the area.
Study-guide has to be prepared by the teacher in advance and give to the student to work out earlier as it orients, review
the topics related to the unit and familiarize student for the topic.
4. Organization of content of the unit to meet the desired objectives keeping in mind that curriculum policies, administrative
pattern, subject matter or learning experience has to be organized for student development.
Produce a cumulative effect i.e. accumulation of result of experience in a desirable manner.
Reinforce in a manner.
To create a broader and deeper understanding of knowledge base.
To develop, refine and strengthen the skills already acquired.
6. Teacher expertise:
The teacher should have the knowledge of the subject that she is teaching.
Teaching-learning process.
Learners for whom she is planning the course of the unit
Her positive attitude towards teaching and her student together with her in teaching.
Teacher expertise plans a pivotal role in snapping the students in the desired matter and molding them with positive
2. Experience unit and process unit: It is the basis for the activity programme emphasized in elementary grades
Students purpose unit: It is based on the series of activities which the learner carries out in order to achieves a given and
objective. Culmination occurs when the learner achieves the purpose setup. It must be planned continuously as it develops.
Students need Unit: This unit of learning is based on needs which the student recognized as essential activities and subject
matter are selected in relation to student’s needs. The unifying force is the student requirements.
3. Resource Unit: A compendium of suggested activities and material, accompanied by statement of significance, scope, objectives,
educational resources material and suggestions for everything used by teachers in their preparation for teacher - student unit
It helps in proper coverage of the syllabus of that subject with in available time and duration of the course as syllabus is
divided into units.
It provides organization of subjects matter and learning experiences into meaningful units.
It makes both the students and teacher clear about the goals and objectives of the content matter to be covered in the unit.
Unit plan lays stress on the formulation of teaching learning objectives of the unit in behavioral terms.
In unit planning, a teacher is well informed about the types of methods and strategies used and the material and material and
resources utilized for teaching learning of various sub divisions. It helps teacher to make adequate preparations for the utilization
of proper methods and resource material for providing instructions.
Planning of activities and resources beforehand add division of the content material into complete and meaningful units and the
sub units.
It helps for the proper provision for the diagnosis of learning difficulties.
Unit planning has a proper provision for the review, recapitalization, practice and drill work related to the content and learning
experiences of the sub units.
Unit planning paves the way for a proper and appropriate daily lesson planning. A teacher feels comfortable in his daily task of
his daily lesson planning in view of the blueprint provided by it.
The division of the contents of the syllabus into meaningful and complete units and sub- division s in not
an easy job. Improper and faulty formation of units and subunits may create hurdles in the path of the teachers
and students for the proper teaching and learning of the subject.
The unit planning puts restrictions on the freedom of teachers. The predetermined objectives, learning experiences,
methods of evaluations, etc. leave little scope of originality and creativity of the teacher needed in the changed
situations and circumstances in the classroom environment.
The teaching – learning process becomes too much time bound through the adoption of unit planning. Limitations and
restrictions of time provided by the unit planning makes a big obstacle for the desired teaching and learning in one
or the other subjects of the curriculum.
Unit planning may make the teacher too much conscious for the implementation of planned scheme as the planning
becomes an end instead of remaining means for the realization of the teaching- learning objectives.
It makes the teaching and learning as planning – centered rather than student – centered.
It prevents flexibility in the teaching – learning process.
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