AGRI 171 Fertilizer & Pesticides FS 24-25
AGRI 171 Fertilizer & Pesticides FS 24-25
AGRI 171 Fertilizer & Pesticides FS 24-25
Lecture Outline (2 meetings)
• Presidential Decree (PD) No. • Product Stewardship &
1144 Responsible Care
• Fertilizer and Pesticide • Dirty Dozen, Phaseout
Authority (FPA) Powers and • Monitoring/Enforcement
Responsibilities • Fertilizers
• Pesticides • Definitions
• Definition • Classifications
• Categories/Classification • Registration
• Registration and Accreditation • Monitoring/Enforcement
• Labelling • Ethical considerations
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA)
• Fertilizer and Industry Authority (FIA)
• Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 135 (Ferdinand
Marcos, 22 February 1973)
• Serves as response to the decrease in rice
• 1977 – FIA’s regulatory powers expanded to
• FIA then replaced by the Fertilizer and Pesticide
Authority (FPA)
• FPA – P.D. 1144 (30 May 1977)
PD no. 1144, Section 1. Creation of Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority
1. Information Campaign Conduct public awareness on safe and effective pest control methods
Promote and coordinate fertilizer and pesticide research with relevant
2. Research Coordination
Request information and assistance from government entities and the
3. Government Collaboration
private sector
4. Regulation and Licensing Establish rules for product registration, licensing, and related fees
6. Legal Action Initiate proceedings against violators of the Decree and regulations
Delegate powers to cooperatives, associations, or individuals to aid in
7. Delegation of Authority
FPA functions
Execute any necessary actions within legal bounds to fulfill FPA
8. General Authority
PD no. 1144, Section 6.III. Pesticides and Other Agricultural Chemicals
Prohibited Acts
It shall be unlawful for any handler of pesticides, fertilizer, and other agricultural chemicals or for
any farmers, planter or end-user of the same as the case may be:
What is a pesticide?
Any substance or product, or mixture thereof, including active
ingredients, adjuvants, and pesticide formulations, intended to
control, prevent, destroy, repel or mitigate directly or indirectly,
any pest.
The term shall be understood to include insecticide, fungicide,
bactericide, nematocide, herbicide, molluscicide, avicide,
rodenticide, plant regulator, defoliant, desiccant and the like.
Pest Control Agents Regulated by FPA
Pest Control Agents
Dirty Dozen
• The 12 initial persistent organic pollutants (POPs) under the
Stockholm Convention
• Recognized as causing adverse effects on humans and the
• Three categories: pesticides (9), industrial chemicals (2), By-
products (1)
Dirty Dozen
Phase out
Methyl Bromide:
• Fumigant for: Soil-borne fungi, bacteria, mites, nematodes, rodents,
stored products, and facilities.
• Uses: Quarantine and Pre-Shipment (QPS) control.
• Ozone Depleting: Regulated by 1992 Montreal Protocol.
• Phaseout: 2005 for developed, 2015 for developing countries (QPS
• Philippine Regulation: Import volume restricted; companies must justify
increases and report usage before applying for another license.
Phase out
• Insecticide used in agriculture & for pest control
• Banned by FDA as a household pesticide in 2018
(FDA Circular 2018-008)
• US Environment Protection Agency banned it in
2021 (neurological damage in children, reduced
IQ, loss of working memory, attention deficit
• US EPA in 2001 disallowed its use from
residential & professional use
• Banned in South Africa 2010, UK 2016
Phase out
Coordination with LGUs & POs:
• Authority Delegation: Mayors and Barangay Captains enforce FPA rules.
• Health & Environmental Monitoring: Track pesticide poisoning and
• Data Collaboration: MAOs collect barangay data via MOA.
• AgTech Solutions: Technology used to monitor pesticide dealer compliance.
• Ongoing Oversight: PAOs and MAOs identify pesticide use issues, including
banned chemicals and pollution.
• Regional Compliance Checks: Ensure compliance among distributors and
• Residue Monitoring: Follow CODEX MRLs for monitoring pesticide residues.
Powers and Functions Under PD 1144:
• Field Inspections: Authorized personnel may inspect farmers'
fields to ensure only recommended pesticides are used,
following good agricultural practices.
• Prohibitions (Section 8): It is illegal for handlers and farmers to:
(b) Use pesticides contrary to good agricultural practices.
(g) Violate any Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) regulations.
• Penalties and Prohibited Acts Under PD 1144:
• Violations (Section 10): Up to 1 year penal servitude and fines
from ₱5,000 to ₱10,000 for non-compliance.
• Prohibited Acts: FPA can ban, impound, or seize harmful
pesticides to protect public health and the environment.
Greenbook: 2.8.4. Specific Considerations (Labelling)
• F. Prohibition/Warranty Statements
1. The following statement is required:
1. Continuous
Monitor the domestic and global fertilizer supply and demand.
Establish and enforce sales quotas, production schedules, and
2. Market Regulation
distribution areas to ensure market stability.
Determine wholesale and retail volumes and prices for fertilizers and
3. Pricing Control
4. Import/Export Implement and oversee regulations for the import and export of fertilizers,
Regulations including negotiating contracts.
Import fertilizers exempt from customs duties and taxes, and sell to
5. Tax Exemptions
qualified entities under the same exemptions.
Regulate all marketing companies (importers, wholesalers, retailers) by
6. Marketing Oversight controlling prices, terms, distribution channels, and promotional activities
in the domestic market.
PD no. 1144, Section 6.II. Fertilizers
Licensing Requirement
A license from the FPA is necessary for exporting,
importing, manufacturing, distributing, or selling
pesticides, fertilizers, or agricultural chemicals.
Product Registration
Fertilizer products coverage: f. Microbial inoculants/biological
1. Inorganic fertilizer 1.Beneficial bacteria
a. Traditional 2.Beneficial fungi
b. New grades 3. Fortified organic fertilizer
c. Specialty grades
d. Controlled release 4. Genetically modified organisms
2. Biostimulants
a. Humic substances 5. Decomposers
1. Humic acid 6. Soil conditioner/soil
2. Fulvic acid ammendment
b. Protein hydrolysates
c. Seaweed extracts 7. Plant growth regulator
d. Chitosan & other biopolymers 8. Raw materials
e. Inorganic compounds
Product Registration
1. Full registration 2. Provisional registration
a. Traditional fertilizers 1 season of bioefficacy trial
Bioefficacy data not required
b. Valid for 3 years Valid for 1 year and renewable for a
maximum of 2 renewals to give time for
c. Non-traditional fertilizers complete bioefficacy test
Bioefficacy test on 2 distinct season
or 2 agro-climatically different Department Circular No. 1, Series 2022 titled “General
locations Guidelines on the registration of new fertilizer products
with required bioefficacy trial and mandatory publication
of the bioefficacy trial terminal report”
• Bioefficacy trials in 2 cropping seasons (wet & dry)
• Mandatory publication of the technical report in
scientific bulletins or research journals
Restricted Fertilizer
Potassium Nitrate and other Nitrates
• Health concerns – potential carcinogens
• Explosive manufacture
Regulatory Framework:
• Handled by FPA licensed mango contractors, FPA, and PNP FE Office.
• Governed by RA 9516 (amending PD 1866) regarding unlawful possession, manufacture,
dealing, acquisition, or disposition of explosives.
• Import and Sales Authority:
• SEC. 4-C:
• Only individuals or entities with a manufacturer’s, dealer’s, or purchaser’s license from the PNP-
Firearms and Explosives Division can import, possess, or sell chemicals for explosives.
• Chemicals Covered:
• SEC. 4-D:
• Includes chlorates, nitrates, nitric acid, and other chemicals used in explosives manufacturing.
Beirut Port Explosion