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Object-Process Methodology Applied to Modeling

Credit Card Transactions

Dov Dori

Engineering Systems Division, School of Engineering

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management
Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Haifa 32000, Israel

Abstract Object-Process Methodology (OPM) is a system development and

specification approach that combines the major system aspects - function,
structure and behavior - within a single graphic and textual model. Having
applied OPM in a variety of domains, this paper specifies an electronic
commerce system in a hierarchical manner, at the top of which are the processes
of managing a generic product supply chain before and after the product is
manufactured. Focusing on the post-product supply chain management, we
gradually refine the details of the fundamental, almost "classical" electronic
commerce interaction between the retailer and the end customer, namely payment
over the Internet using the customer's credit card. The specification results in a
set of Object-Process Diagrams and a corresponding equivalent set of Object-
Process Language sentences. The synergy of combining structure and behavior
within a single formal model, expressed both graphically textually yields a highly
expressive system modeling and specification tool. The comprehensive,
unambiguous treatment of this basic electronic commerce process is formal, yet
intuitive and clear, suggesting that OPM is a prime candidate for becoming a
common standard vehicle for defining, specifying and analyzing electronic
commerce and supply chain management systems.
Keywords: Object-Process Methodology, Supply Chain Management, Electronic
Commerce, Credit Card Transactions.

Current object-oriented methods suffer from three major inter-related problems:
the encapsulation problem, the complexity management problem and the model
multiplicity problem.
The encapsulation problem is a direct consequence of the OO encapsulation
principle, which requires that any process be "owned" by some object, within which it
is defined. While being a helpful programming convention, a direct, unavoidable
consequence of this encapsulation requirement is lack of explicit process modeling.
Conforming to the OO encapsulation principle suppresses the dynamic aspect of the
system and imposes an unnatural modeling of the real world, because processes
usually involve more than one object class. Hence, while being a suitable
programming paradigm, this unnecessary encapsulation constraint has been a source
of endless confusion and awkward modeling of real life situations.
The complexity management problem is rooted in the fact that OO methods cope
with managing the complexity that is inherent in real-life systems by breaking it into
various models, one for each aspect or facet of the problem: structure (the object/class
model), dynamics (Statecharts), actors (use cases), etc. When the system is large and
complex, no good tools are available to seamlessly present parts of the system at
varying levels of complexity.
The closely related model multiplicity problem stems from the fact that the
fundamental OO object/class model, which is at the basis of all OO methods, is
inadequate for accommodating the functional and dynamic system aspects. OO
methods must employ a host of models to specify the various aspects of the system.
The currently accepted UML standard (Fowler, 1999; OMG, 2000) requires nine
different models, including class diagram, use case diagram, message trace diagram,
object message diagram, state diagram, module diagram, and platform diagram.

The model multiplicity problem refers to the need to comprehend and mentally
integrate a variety of models of the same system and constantly take care of
synchronizing among them.
This problem arises from the requirement to concurrently construct, maintain and
consult several models that represent various system aspects. Some of the confusion
caused by model multiplicity is expressed in the following excerpt (Kovitz, 1998) that
discusses the best mix of using UML class diagrams (the static model) and
collaboration diagrams (the dynamic model):

Class diagrams cannot stand alone. Neither can collaboration

diagrams. They reinforce each other, and need to be developed
concurrently with each other. Failure to develop these diagrams
concurrently will result in dynamic models that cannot be supported
statically, or static models that cannot be implemented dynamically.
We have empirically established (Peleg and Dori, 2000) that maintaining a clear
and coherent image of the systems under development using such a plethora of
models is a source of inherent difficulty. Comparing the major predecessor of UML -
Object-Modeling Technique (Rumbaugh et al.), to Object-Process Methodology
(OPM), we prove that an approach which is capable of specifying systems with just
one model is significantly better than a multi-model one.

Object-Process Methodology
Object-Process Methodology - OPM (Dori, 1995; Dori, 2000) is a systems
development approach that responds to the challenges which problems with the
aforementioned OO methods raise. Using a single, integrated graphic and natural
language model, OPM caters to the natural train of thought developers normally
apply while trying to understand and build complex systems that involve humans,
hardware and software. In such systems, it is usually the case that structure and
behavior are intertwined so tightly, that any attempt to separate them is bound to
further complicate the already complex description.
OPM achieves model integration by incorporating the three major system aspects -
function, structure, and behavior - into a single model, in which both objects and
processes are adequately represented without suppressing each other. This approach
counters contemporary object-oriented systems development methods, notably UML,
which require several models to completely specify a system. OPM is therefore not
yet another OO analysis and design method, as it recognizes the fact that separating
structure from behavior while engaging in system modeling, which results in the
model multiplicity problem discussed above, is counter-intuitive and therefore

To avoid model multiplicity, OPM incorporates the static-structural and

behavioral-procedural aspects of a system into a single, unifying graphic-textual
model. Founded on a concise and compact ontology, in which processes and state-
exhibiting objects are the only building blocks, OPM generically models the structure
and behavior of physical and informatical things. In the OPM ontology, objects are
viewed as persistent, state preserving things (entities) that interact with each other
through processes - another type of things. Thing is a generalization of an object and
a process. Processes are patterns of behavior that transform objects by transforming
them. Transformation is a generalization of effect, consumption and generation.
Hence, transforming objects implies affecting them (i.e., changing their states), or
generating new objects, or consuming existing objects. The synergy of structure-
behavior unification within a single model, combined with a dual graphic-textual
model, results in a highly expressive modeling tool. The OPM approach combines the
graphical and textual modalities.

Graphics-Text Synergy in OPM Systems Development

OPM uses Object-Process Diagrams (OPDs) for the graphic specification and
Object-Process Language (OPL) for the textual specification. This combination of
graphic and text may seem redundant from a pure information-content viewpoint. In
fact, however, these two modalities complement each other from the user's
perspective, because they go hand in hand such that if the diagram reader encounters
some unclear point on the graphics side, she or he can directly consult the analogous
textual OPL specification. Conversely, if the text is not well understood at some point
along the OPL script, the corresponding OPD sentence (a construct made of one or
more OPD graphic symbols) can be examined to obtain clarification. This graphics-
natural language combination is a major advantage of OPM for the target audience -
the professionals for whom the system is being developed. However, the same
graphics-text synergy is instrumental not only for the system specification readers but
also for the developers (system analysts and designers) already at the analysis and
design phases.
The optimal scenario for quality systems development in terms of the professionals
involved is a team comprised of one or more system architect and one or more
domain experts. The domain expert knows his/her field best, but is usually not a
software professional and is not supposed to be one. The system architect is proficient
with systems theory and applications, but in general lacks deep knowledge of the
domain within which the system is to be developed. Together, they gradually acquire
knowledge about the current state of affairs surrounding the system under
development. They record the knowledge accumulated using the combination of
Object-Process Diagrams and Object-Process Language. When recording OPD
symbols, immediate feedback is provided through OPL sentences. This enables real-
time verification of the correctness of the intent and design. If the natural Formal
English sentence does not reflect the designers' intent, immediate rectification
follows. The next section describes each of the graphic and text modalities and how
they relate to each other.

Object-Process Diagrams (OPDs) and Object-Process Language (OPL)

OPM uses Object Process Diagrams (OPDs), drawn using OPCAT (Dori and
Sturm, 1998), for expressing the objects of a modeled system and the processes that
affect them. OPCAT responds to some of the challenges Jarzabek and Huang (1998)
propose for current CASE tools. The OPDs are elaborate workflow-like hypergraphs
that model the system or parts of it at various levels of detail. We present the
notations and symbols OPDs use gradually as we show OPDs of supply chain
management and the electronic commerce processes associated with them.
Objects and processes are connected by procedural links, which can be either
enabling links or transformation links. These two different kinds of links are used in
the OPD of Figure 1 to connect objects to processes, depending on the roles that these
objects play in the process to which they are linked. Objects may serve as enablers -
instruments or intelligent agents, which are involved in the process without changing
their state. Objects may also be transformed (change their state, generated,
consumed, or affected) as a result of a process acting on them.

An enabling link connects an enabler to the process that is enables. Enabler is an

enabling object that needs to be present in order for the process to occur but it does
not change as a result of the process occurrence. An enabling link can be an agent
link or an instrument link. An agent link is denoted by a line with a black circle at the
process end, such as the one from the object Retailer to the process Post Product
Supply & Retailing. An agent link denotes that relative to the enabled process, the

enabler is an intelligent agent - a human or an organizational unit that comprises

humans, such as a department or an entire enterprise. An instrument link is an
enabling link denoted by a white circle at the process end, which denotes that the
enabler is an instrument - a non-human physical or informational object (machine,
file, etc.) that must be present for the process to take place but is not affected by the

effect link
Input link Output link

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Object states and effect links. (a) The process Retailing affects the object
Product by transforming it from state 'manufactured' to state 'retailed'. (b) States of
Product suppressed. (c) The incoming and outgoing links are merged to yield the bi-
directional effect link

Figure 1 shows the underlying principle of how such bi-directional effect link is
generated. Arrows denote transformation links, which can be effect links,
consumption links and result links. Figure 1(a) shows how the process Retailing
affects the object Product by transforming it from state manufactured to state retailed.
In Figure 1(b), the states of Product are suppressed and then there is no point in
keeping the incoming and outgoing effect links separate. In Figure 1(c) these two
links are therefore merged into the (bi-directional) effect link.

The consumption link is a transformation link denoted as a unidirectional arrow

from the consumed object to the consuming process.

Based on a constrained context-free grammar, a textual description in a natural-

like Object-Process Language (OPL) can be automatically extracted from the
diagrammatic description in the OPD set. Devoid of the idiosyncrasies and excess of
cryptic details that feature current programming languages, OPL sentences are
palatable to humans with no prior training, and can therefore be a prime candidate for
becoming a business language for electronic commerce.
Applications of OPM
In this paper we present an application of OPM to modeling the basic electronic
commerce process of credit card transaction as a case in point to demonstrate OPM's
semantics, systems, and breads of scope. However, OPM is domain independent and,
as we show below, has been applied to a large variety of domains. OPM does not
depend on a particular domain of discourse but rather on fundamental definitions of
an ontology that captures what an object and a process are. . Due to this generic
nature of OPM, it has been found to be most suitable for developing systems in a
large variety of domains. In fact, modeling of any single domain, in which OPM has
been attempted as a systems development tool, has produced enlightening results.
Semiconductors manufacturing and sintering technology for metal cutting tools
manufacturing are two domains in which OPM has been effectively applied to
produce large-scale operational systems.
Sintering technology entails mixing, pressing and "baking" rare metal powders in
extremely precise conditions to obtain near diamond hardness for metal cutting.
Using OPM, a team of system analysts and designers during a period of six months
specified all the technological processes involved in the manufacturing of inserts.
They came up with a detailed, complete specification of the system to be developed,
expressed as a set of Object-Process Diagrams. The OPM design document they
produced served as a blueprint for the implementation of the system. The OPD set
they produced was the document that constituted the basis for contracting with the
software house that implemented the MANTI system. MANTI is currently
operational and serves as the backbone of the technology know-how management at a
world leading insert manufacturer.

The Semiconductor Automated FAB Design Project involved 10 system analysts

who used the OPM as the framework for the analysis. OPM was used by 30 in-house
and 10 contractor programmers who developed the code for the system. The system
was developed as an add-on to the WorkStream™ MES (Manufacturing Execution
System) of the fab. The project included a detailed analysis of the fab information
system. The system included as main objects the machines, the operators, the
automated material handling system and the wafers. The main processes included the
major manufacturing processes (i.e. etching, photolithography, diffusion, testing,
etc.), the releasing process of wafers into the fab, the transfer of wafers from machine
to machine and all the transformations in the wafer status. As the project leader has
noted, "The use of the OPM dramatically increased the effectiveness of the
development process, since all parties (Analysts, Programmers and Users) were able
to use unified terminology that covered all aspects of the system."
Other domains in which OPM has been successfully applied include studyware
design (Dori and Dori, 1996), Computer Integrated Manufacturing, (Dori, 1996a)
image understanding (Dori, 1996b), R&D management, (Meyersdorf and Dori, 1997),
representation of control flow systems (Peleg and Dori, 1998), real-time systems
(Peleg and Dori, 1999), and algorithm specification (Wenyin and Dori, 1999). In the
area of document analysis and recognition, OPM was instrumental in works dealing
with the Machine Drawing Understanding System and line detection (Wenyin and
Dori, 1998).
The large variation of the domains listed above, in which OPM has already been
successfully applied, demonstrate the generality of OPM, which makes it suitable for
specifying systems independently of their domain of discourse. In particular, as we
show in this paper, modeling supply chain and electronic commerce systems with
OPM provides complete and concise specification that is palatable to software and
domain experts alike.
What is involved in credit card processing?
The steps in credit card processing are as follows.
The merchant must first obtain authorisation for the charge from the merchant's credit card processing
company. Authorisation simply means that the card has not been reported stolen, and there is sufficient
credit on the card. It results in the customer's credit limit being temporarily reduced by the value of the
There are two ways in which authorisation may be obtained:
1. Manual: The merchant downloads details of the sale from the computer that is acting as web server.
The merchant then requests authorisation using their normal method such as a point of sale (POS)
terminal or PC program.
2. Automatic: The server software communicates directly
with the credit card processing company computer and
arranges authorisation on-line.
Clearly option 2 is preferred, but this is more complex
and the costs are greater.
The final stage is for the credit card to be debited. This
can happen at the same time as authorisation provided the
merchant guarantees that delivery will take place within a
certain fixed time. Otherwise capture should take place
when the goods are shipped.
If the merchants business is such that capture can take
place immediately, then this can also happen
automatically. Otherwise a second manual process is
Charge back
Regretfully there is sometimes a further stage where the
customer is dissatisfied and arranges for the transaction
to be cancelled. Because many Internet sales are made to
overseas customers many banks perceive that there is an
increased risk of charge backs. It has been reported that
some merchants will not accept orders to Russia because
of the frequency of charge back.
Note that the fact that a payment has been authorised by the bank does not provide any protection
against charge-back.

Figure 2. Natural language and schematic description of electronic shopping and

credit card processing

Credit card transactions

Figure 2, adapted from Textcor (1998), describes credit card processing in a free
natural language, while an accompanying pictorial scheme provides the details of
electronic shopping that precedes the credit card processing.
The description in Figure 2 concerns details of the Retailing process, which is the
focus of the OPD depicted in Figure 3 and its corresponding OPL paragraph in Figure
4. The two modalities - the graphic specification through the OPD and the textual one
through the OPL - complement each other and reinforce the clarity of the system
specification. The structure and behavior of Retailing are self-explanatory to the
extent that there is not much to be added without simply repeating the content of the
OPL sentences. In what follows, we examine the system specification obtained so far
to study several unique features of OPM.

Modeling prose specification

While modeling a system (or "problem statement") given in prose, some details are
not modeled in the OPM model, while others that are not explicit in the prose
statement are expressed in an explicit manner. Thus, in Figure 2, the word
"Regretfully" in the sentence "Regretfully there is sometimes a further stage where the
customer is dissatisfied and arranges for the transaction to be cancelled." is not
modeled, since it is a state of mind that is not very relevant in the model. This is
where Actor Network Theory, discussed below, could be useful.

Figure 3. Zooming into the Retailing process

Retailer handles Retailing.
Retailing zooms into Selecting & Adding, Credit Card Submitting and Credit Card
Retailer handles Selecting & Adding.
Selecting & Adding requires Catalog.
Catalog describes many End Products.
Selecting & Adding changes End Product from distributed.
Selecting & Adding changes Virtual Cart from empty to filled.
Checking Out occurs if Virtual Cart is filled.
End Customer handles Checking Out.
Checking Out yields Transaction Amount.
End Customer handles Credit Card Submitting.
Credit Card Submitting yields Credit Card Details.
Credit Card Processing requires Credit Card Details.
Credit Card Processing changes End Product to retailed.
Figure 4. The OPL paragraph of the OPD in Figure 3

Structural links and fundamental structural links

The word describes in the OPL sentence
Catalog describes many End Products.
of Figure 4 is written in the OPD of Figure 3 along an arrow with an open
arrowhead, which symbolizes a (general, or tagged) structural link. Unlike procedural
links, which connect a process with an object or object state, structural links connect
one object to another or one process to another. The name of the relation, describes in
our case, is written such that a legal natural English sentence is produced when the
source object (e.g., Catalog), the relation name (tag) and the destination object (End
Product ), are listed in this order. The word many reflects the " m" next to the
arrowhead in Figure 3, which symbolizes a one-to-many participation constraint.
Aggregation, generalization, characterization and instantiation are fundamental
structural relations.

Fundamental structural relations are the four structural relations which, due to their
frequent usage, are denoted by special (triangular) symbols. Characterization, for
example, is denoted by a black-on-white triangle, as shown in Figure 5 and translated
to the OPL sentence
End Customer features Satisfaction.
Credit Card Processing is represented in Figure 3 as a sub-process of Retailing. To

model the free text description of Figure 2, in Figure 5 we zoom into Credit Card
Processing, and in Figure 6 we provide the corresponding OPL paragraph. As before,
the combination of the OPD and OPL is almost self-explanatory.
Control structures
Figure 5 demonstrated two basic control structures: if-then and if-then-else. The
object Satisfaction and its states exemplify the if-then statement.
The OPL sentence is
Back-Charging occurs if Satisfaction is low.
The object Authorization and its states exemplify two if-then statements:
Capturing occurs if Authorization is granted.
Notifying occurs if Authorization is denied.

Since there are only two Authorization values, these two OPL sentences could be
combined into the following single OPL sentence:
Capturing occurs if Authorization is granted, else Notifying occurs.
A case statement is a generalization of these examples, where the number of states
is not limited to two. In Peleg and Dori (1998) we show how other control structures,
like loops and recursion, can also be explicitly modeled within OPDs.

Distributing procedural and structural links

A link from an enabling object to the circumference of a zoomed-in process
implies that the link is attached to each one of the sub-processes within the zoomed in
process. Thus, for example, the instrument link from the object Transaction Amount
to the abstract, higher-level process Credit Card Processing implies that Transaction
Amount serves as instrument for all four lower-level processes Authorizing,

Capturing, Notifying and Back-Charging that comprise Credit Card Processing and are
depicted within its zoomed-in enclosing ellipse. The enclosing high-level process acts
as a graphic shorthand notation that saves drawing many links from the enabling
object to each one of the enabled processes.

This is analogous to a pair of parentheses in an algebraic expression that act to

shorten the expression through the distributive law, where aℜ(b+c+d+e) is equivalent
to aℜb+ aℜc+ aℜd+ aℜe. In this case, a is the object Transaction Amount , ℜ is the
instrument link, and b, c, d and e are the four processes Authorizing, Capturing,
Notifying and Back-Charging that comprise Credit Card Processing. More generally,
ℜ can be any relation or operation that obeys the distributive law and a, b, c, d and e
the proper operands.

The distributive nature of relations exists not only for procedural relations but also
for structural ones. Thus, in Figure 8, the structural relation holds emanating from
Web-Server is common to both Transaction Amount and Credit Card Details.
Therefore, in Figure 9, instead of writing the two separate sentences
Web-Server stores Transaction Amount.
Web-Server stores Credit Card Details.
we write shortly, in one sentence:
Web-Server holds Transaction Amount and Credit Card Details.

Figure 5. Zooming into Credit Card Processing of Figure 3

It should be noted that this is a simplified model as it does not take into account
the distinction between the card issuing bank and the acquiring bank - the bank that
has a business relationship with a merchant and receives all credit card transactions
from that merchant. (Rosenberg, 1993).
Retailer handles Credit Card Processing.
Credit Card Processing Company handles Credit Card Processing.
Credit Card Processing requires Transaction Amount.
Credit Card Processing requires Credit Card Details.
Credit Card Processing affects End Customer.
Credit Card Processing zooms into Authorizing, Capturing, Notifying and Back-
Authorizing yields Authorization.
Authorization can be granted or denied.
Notifying occurs if Authorization is denied.
Notifying yields Notification.
Capturing occurs if Authorization is granted.
Capturing affects Income.
Retailer earns Income.
End Customer exhibits Satisfaction.
Satisfaction can be high or low.
Back-Charging occurs if Satisfaction is low.
Back-Charging affects Income.

Figure 6. The OPL paragraph of the OPD in Figure 5

Our model does not include the Interchange Fee - A fee the acquiring bank pays to
the credit card issuing bank in order to process a credit card transaction involving a
card holder's account (Rosenberg, 1993). The Merchant Discount, which is a
percentage of the retail sale the merchant pays as a fee to the acquiring bank for
processing the credit card transaction is not accounted for either. The more accurate
model, based on (Lamond, 1996) appears in Figure 7. For the sake of brevity, we
refer in this model to both the acquiring bank and the credit card issuing bank as the
"Credit Card Processing Company".

Paths, use cases and threads of execution

Figure 8 and Figure 9 deal with the Authorization process. In the narrative text that
describes the system (Figure 2) we find that there is a manual option and an automatic
There are two ways in which authorisation may be obtained:
1. Manual: The merchant downloads details of the sale from the computer that is acting as web
server. The merchant then requests authorisation using their normal method such as a point of sale
(POS) terminal or PC program.
2. Automatic: The server software communicates directly with the credit card processing company
computer and arranges authorisation on-line.
We denote these two alternatives as two different paths, marked Manual and
Automatic. A path in an OPD is a collection of procedural relations. Together they

denote a use case - a possible scenario or happening, or part of a scenario in the

systems that needs to be differentiated from one or more use cases.
Boolean objects
A Boolean object is an object with exactly two states (values): yes and no. Its
name is phrased as a statement containing the reserved word is and ending with a
question mark, which uniquely identifies a Boolean object. There are two Boolean
objects in Figure 10: "Credit Card is Reported Stolen?" and "Credit Limit is
Exceeded?" These have been introduced to model the system specification of Figure

2 that reads:
Authorisation simply means that the card has not been reported stolen, and there is sufficient credit on
the card.
The OPL sentence pair that refers to a Boolean object are phrased so as to make
sense in a natural language. For the "Credit Card is Reported Stolen?" Boolean object,
the two OPL sentences, which appear in Figure 11, are as follows:
Legal Use Denying occurs if Card is Reported Stolen.
Credit Limit Checking occurs if Card is not Reported Stolen.

Merchant transmits the credit card data and sales amount with a request for authorization of the sale to
their acquiring bank. The acquiring bank that processes the transaction routes the authorization request
to the card-issuing bank. The credit card number identifies type of card, issuing bank, and the
cardholder's account. If the cardholder has enough credit in their account to cover the sale, the issuing
bank authorizes the transaction and generates an authorization code. This code is sent back to the
acquiring bank. The acquiring bank processing the transaction and then sends the approval or denial
code to the merchant's point of sale unit. Each point of sale device has a separate terminal ID for credit
card processors to be able to route data back to that particular unit.
Figure 7. A more detailed model of the authorization and capturing processes that
includes the interaction between the acquiring bank and the card issuing bank

Application generation from the OPL specification

Figure 12 specifies precisely the following system requirement denoted in Figure
It (authorization) results in the customer's credit limit being temporarily reduced by the value of the

Figure 8. Zooming into Authorizing of Figure 5

Web-Server holds Transaction Amount and Credit Card Details.
Authorizing zooms into Manual Downloading & Keying, Automatic Data Transferring
and Verifying.
Manual Downloading & Keying requires Web-Server and Credit Card Processing
Automatic Data Transferring requires Web-Server and Credit Card Processing
Credit Card Processing Company enables either Manual Downloading & Keying or
Automatic Data Transferring.
Web-Server enables either Manual Downloading & Keying or Automatic Data
Manual Downloading & Keying requires either Point POS or PC.
Verifying requires Transaction Amount and Credit Card Details.
Verifying yields Authorization.
Figure 9. The OPL paragraph that corresponds to the OPD in Figure 8
Figure 10. Zooming into Credit Card Processing of Figure 8
Verifying requires Credit Card Company.
Verifying zooms into Legal Use Verifying, Legal Use Denying, Credit Limit Checking,
Credit Denying and Approving.
Legal Use Verifying requires Credit Card Details.
Legal Use Verifying determines whether Card is Reported Stolen.
Legal Use Denying occurs if Card is Reported Stolen.
Credit Limit Checking & Decreasing occurs if Card is not Reported Stolen.
Credit Limit Checking & Decreasing requires Transaction Amount and Credit
Credit Limit Checking & Decreasing determines whether Credit Limit is
Credit Denying occurs if Credit Limit is Exceeded.
Approving occurs if Credit Limit is not Exceeded.
Credit Denying yields denied Authorization along the credit thread.
Legal Use Denying yields denied Authorization along the theft thread.
Approving yields granted Authorization.
Notifying generalizes Alerting and Customer Notifying.
Customer Notifying requires denied Authorization along the credit thread.
Customer Notifying yields Notification.
Alerting requires denied Authorization along the theft thread.
Credit Card Company handles Alerting.
Customer Notifying yields Notification along the credit thread.
Capturing requires granted Authorization.
Figure 11. The OPL paragraph of the OPD in Figure 10

Figure 12 and Figure 13 are the pair that specifies the Limit Checking & Decreasing
Figure 12. Zooming into Credit Limit Checking
Limit Checking & Decreasing zooms into Comparing, Credit Limit Decreasing and
Comparing requires Transaction Amount and Credit.
Comparing determines whether Limit is greater than Amount.
Credit Limit Decreasing occurs if Limit is not greater than Amount.
Continuing occurs if Limit is greater than Amount.
Credit Limit Decreasing affects Credit Limit.
Credit Limit Decreasing establishes that Credit Limit is not Exceeded.
Figure 13. The OPL paragraph of the OPD in Figure 12

Summarizing the Credit card transaction system specification, we see that we

started with Retailing - a very broad system definition. Following a series of
refinements through zooming into processes and unfolding the associated objects, we
ended up with a very concrete, down-to-earth minute detailed processes such as
decreasing the credit limit of an end customer. Theses can be automated to generate

OPM and Actor-Network Theory

Actor-Network Theory (ANT) was born out of ongoing efforts within the field
called social studies of science and technology and developed from studies in two
related but distinct fields: the social practice of science and the introduction of new
technologies. An early paper by Latour and Woolgar (1979) looks at struggles over
scientific truth in a laboratory, while one of Callon's early studies (1986) considers
fishermen and scallops as some of the stakeholders in a changing fishing industry.
These examples already exhibit some of the main features of ANT.
The underlying idea of ANT is that business is never done in a total vacuum but
rather under the influence of a wide range of surrounding factors. The actors may be
humans, organizations, cultures, ideas, animals, plants or inanimate objects, and these
are treated symmetrically irrespective of their ontology. These actors have interests
which are represented (in both the semiotic and political senses) by themselves and
other actors. In line with its semiotic origin, actor network theory is granting all
entities of such a heterogeneous network the same explanatory status (Akrich and
Latour 1992, p.259).
ANT and OPM share in common breadth of scope that extends well beyond
information systems in their traditional sense. Both ANT and OPM view the entire
universe as the stage where existence and action take place. ANT actors are OPM
objects, and ANT actions are OPM processes.
The act an ANT actor carries out and all of the influencing factors should be
considered together. The actor-network is a shifting system of alliances and
exchanges among the actors. It is the act linked together with all of its influencing
factors (which again are linked), producing a network (Hanseth and Monteiro, 1998).
An actor network consists of and links together both technical and non-technical
elements. Not only the car's motor capacity, but also one's driving training and
conditions influence the driving. Hence, ANT talks about the heterogeneous nature of
actor networks.
In OPM terms, an ANT network is the system defined by an OPM specification,
which is expressed by two completely equivalent modalities: a set of Object-Process
Diagrams - OPD set, and an equivalent collection of Object-Process Language
sentences - the OPL script. Like ANT, OPM can incorporate non-technical objects
and processes, including humans, political or industrial organizations, and any kind of
inanimate item or living organism along with their structure and behavior. Behavior is
the dynamics of each object and of the system as a whole. It is exhibited as a
transformation in one or more objects in the system, which can be a change in an
object's state, its generation or its consumption.
Akrich and Latour (1992) claim several advantages for the ANT approach. It is
symmetrical with respect to type of actor: it treats humans and machines equally; it is
symmetrical with respect to outcome: failures have the same types of explanation as
successes; and it is symmetrical with respect to causality: each actor influences and is
influenced by other actors and the network as a whole.

The equal treatment of people and machines has been criticized but Underwood
(1998) suggests that it may be realistic in terms of power relations and it prevents
issues from becoming invisible when their representation is transferred (translated) to
an actor of a different type. If, for example, some data collection functions are
transferred from police informers to computer programs it is still important to be able
to talk about the power relations and motives of the collectors and their allies.

Like ANT, OPM provides the system developer with facilities to account for
actors, which are the OPM enablers - agents and instruments. Unlike ANT, though,
agents are humans or organizations with intelligence and intent, while instruments are
any physical or informatical objects that are non-human and therefore are not
characterized by free will and intent. While it may be important to be able to talk
about the power relations and motives of the collectors and their allies in the above
example, the computer that stores that information is a mere instrument that cannot,
on its own, make any political use of the information is stores. In OPM, a clear
distinction is therefore made between the two enabling types. Moreover, while an
OPM process transforms (affects, consumes or generates) at least one object, enablers
do not change as a result of the occurrence of a process.
The interests of ANT actors are represented by scripts, usually imperative
statements such as "shut the door", "pay your taxes" or "calculate the gross pay".
Akrich and Latour (1992) give a comprehensive set of definitions of script-related
processes (such as inscription and conscription). These processes describe (amongst
other things) the translation of scripts among actors, often involving a change of
medium, for example from conditioned response in a human to lines of code in a
computer program.

ANT scripts are OPM processes in the sense that they specify what transformation
an object undergoes. Thus, the script "shut the door" is like the Door Shutting"
process in OPM, where some enabler (agent or instrument) changes the state of the
object Door from "open" to "closed". Likewise, the "pay your taxes" ANT script is
the "Tax Paying" OPM process, where an agent (the object Citizen) changes the state
of the object Tax from "unpaid" to "paid". Gross Pay Calculating" is the OPM
process of the ANT script "calculate the gross pay". Here, an instrument (the object
Computer) or an agent (the object Clerk) changes "Gross Pay" from "unknown" to

Of particular interest is ANT's idea of description (de-scription), the discovery of

the words behind the things or actions. This discovery is only possible in contrived,
exotic or crisis situations, such as reengineering, consultancy or system failure; in a
time such as IS development when nothing is taken for granted. Indeed OPM' users
experience a similar phenomenon. While trying to explicitly determine all the
processes and objects with their states in the system even the most experienced
domain experts frequently find themselves in a situation where they need to define
and invent names for things that are central to the domain of discourse. These are
things with which the domain experts had been working for years without giving
themselves or others account about the exact nature of those things.

Scripts are imperative but don't have intentions; actors do. An actor can develop a
"program of action" (Akrich and Latour, 1992) perhaps with the intention of
maximising the number of actors following a particular script. Some actors may avoid
this by following an anti-program. A program of action can include the creation of
new actors suitably inscribed. The inscription is most effective if it becomes
irreversible, if the actor is, with respect to that script, a "black box" and the script
becomes inaccessible to other actors.
ANT helps us to understand the course of a project or enterprise. We can asks
questions such as "How did it come to turn out this way?" (through the changing
alliances of actors), "Who is influencing it?" (who has been doing what scripting?) or
"Why are some actors acting this way? " (what scripts are they carrying?). OPM goes
a long way in pinpointing cause and effect. Consider the OPD of Figure 10. One can
tell exactly why, for example, authorization for some transaction was denied.
Some of the more spectacular applications of ANT have been to the genealogy of
now well established scientific theories (Latour, 1987), the meaning of simple
technical devices (Latour, 1992) or the acceptance of a new product (Bijker, 1992).
More recently ANT has been applied to the development of information systems.
Monteiro and Hanseth (1996) claim that ANT allows a finer grained analysis of
information systems than some other interpretive approaches which can treat all
information systems as essentially similar.

The majority of IS development projects still follow, albeit loosely (Fitzgerald,

1997), methodologies derived from the systems approach to problem solving
popularized by the RAND corporation in the 1950s (Optner, 1973). This approach
takes us through the steps of problem definition, search for solutions, selection of the
best alternative, implementation and evaluation. As with many methodologies what
starts as a description of how particular projects were done soon becomes a normative
or prescriptive theory, which promises future success. This may be a reasonable
transformation if the original projects were successful, but after 40 years of IS
development several factors encourage IS researchers to look for different theoretical
bases for methodologies (Underwood, 1998).

Firstly, a large percentage of computer based information systems are generally

acknowledged to provide less than satisfactory service to end-users and to fall short
of their original objectives. While some authors have attributed these failures to
developers not following accepted theories, there is always the suspicion that the
theories themselves may be at fault (Beath and Orlikowski, 1994). OPM can be a
concrete framework that serves as a unifying theory in itself, as well as a platform
with which more abstract (but less strictly defined) theories, such as ANT, can be
explicitly expressed and discussed.

To summarize this section, a comparison between OPM and ANT has revealed a
host of common features between the two approaches. OPM can be a prime vehicle to
express advanced ANT ideas and serve as a basis for developing and proving ANT
claims and hypotheses.
This paper has presented the Object-Process Methodology (OPM) as a viable
approach for precise and explicit specification of complex systems, such as
manufacturing, enterprise resource planning, electronic commerce and supply chain.
To demonstrate the relevance of OPM to electronic commerce we first analyzed a
broad, generic supply chain management system and its supporting electronic
commerce infrastructure. Gradually, we narrowed our focus to the electronic
commerce aspects of the system. In particular, we focused on the final stages of
electronic commerce that takes place between the retailer and the customer. Within
the retailing process we further focused on credit card based payment, which is a
broadly practiced electronic commerce activity. While noting that business-to-
business electronic commerce can also practice this method of payment, we restricted
the analysis to the interaction between the end customer and the retailer with the
involvement of the credit card processing company.

OPM appeals to the human intuition as it combines system structure and behavior
into a single model that caters to the natural train of thought humans apply while
trying to understand a complex system. As shown throughout the paper, the synergy
of combining structure and behavior using the formal graphic representation along
with a corresponding equivalent textual representation yields a system specification
tool with high expressive power. Due to these virtues of formality on one hand and
intuitiveness on the other hand, Object-Process Methodology is most suitable as an
infrastructure for Internet-based systems engineering environment, within which
inter-corporate business processes, such as ERP, and other electronic commerce
activities can be seamlessly defined and conducted.

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Dov Dori - Short Biography

Dov Dori is Visiting Associate Professor at the Engineering Systems Division at MIT, Cambridge,
MA. He is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion,
Israel Institute of Technology and Founder and CEO of Systemantica, Inc., which develops OPM-
based systems development environment. Dov Dori received his B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering and
Management from the Technion in 1975, M.Sc. in Operations Research from Tel Aviv University in
1981, and Ph.D. in Computer Science from Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, in 1988.
His research interests include Systems Development Methodologies, Information Systems
Engineering, Computer-Aided Software Engineering and Document Analysis and Recognition. Dov
Dori is Associate Editor of IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (T-PAMI)
and International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition. He is Fellow of the International
Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) Senior Member of IEEE, and Member of IEEE Computer
Society and ACM.

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