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Civil Appeal/ Cvil Revision/ Criminal Appellate Jurisdiction
Original .• '2 ., 1
·c1v11 Writ/ Sult No...A.Jb.t3.J?.~.1. o, ~ 2 ~~

PArsAL<' a, c; t J AL I lMI Ir u Petitioner

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S. No. Particulars Court Fee Pages


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Dated: this 23 day of \0 ~ 20<1

S U\-V\ \ ) lL'r , S ,'n sl,
Advocate For \

Petitioner/ R e s p ~
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IN THE COURT OF tIT Cr t\ c C?U F:-1 &f ()fl Hr AT --ALE w OIf. l he
Suit/ Appeal No. A R \3 , P. j 2 Cf 2 / J C2 ¼ JURISDIC1ION OF 20~ Lf ,,.
In re:-
PAIS A( (9 t?rGTIAl LTf'/l 1 TEJ2 Plaintiff(s) Or Petitione~•)
Appellant(s) Complainant(s)
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~ r -£~---Defendant(s), Respondent(s) , Accused

KNOW ALL to whom these Present shall Come that-I-/ We ~S

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The above named qYJ 0-/ do hereby appoint

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H (it.,{U Le~ ),.&/1M- u.J ~ :._ l{e>CJ t,I
(herein after called the advocate/s) to be my/ our Advocate in the above - noted case authorize him:-
To act, appear and plead in the above-noted case in this court or in any other court in which the same may be tried
or heanl and a.l so in the appellate court including High Court subject lo payment of fees separately for each court by me/ us.
- --:---,=,,
To sign file, verity and present pleadings, appeals cross-<>bjections or petitions for
executions review, revision, withdrawal, compromise or other petitions or affidavits or other
docwnents as may be deemed necessary or proper for the prosecution of the said case in all its
stages subjects to payment of fees for each stage.
To file and take back documents, to admit a •ld/or deny the documents of opposite party.
To withdraw or compromise the said case or submit to arbitration any differences or
disputes that may arise touching or in any manner relating to the said case.

To take execution proceedings on paying separate fee .
To deposit, draw and rec~ive money, cheques, cash and grant receipts hereof and to
do all other acts and things which may be necessary to be done for the progress and i n the -
course of the prosecution on the said case.
To appoint and instruct any other Legal Practitioner authorising him to exercise the power arid ~utnorlfy hereby
conferTed upon the Advocate whenever he may think fit to do so and to sign the power of attorney on our behalf.
And I/We the undersigned do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts done by the Advocate or
his substitute in the matter as my/our own acts, as if done by me/us to all intents and purpose .
And I/We undertake that I/We or my/our duly authorised agent would appear In court on all hearings
and will Inform the Advocate for appearance when the case is called.
' result of
And I/We undersigned do hereby agree not to hold the advocate or his substitute respons ible for the
the said case. The adjournment costs whenever ordered by the court shall be of the Advocate which he shall receive
and retain for himself.
And I/We undersignee-do hereby agree that In the event of the whole or part of the fee agreed by me/us to be
paid to the advocate remaining unpaid he shall be entitled to withdraw from the prosecution of the said case until the
same is paid up_ The fee scwe is only for the above case and above Court. I/ W e hereby agree that once the fee Is
paid, I / We will not be entitled for the refuha" of the same in any case whatsoever and If the case prolongs for
more than 3 years lhe ori ginal fee shall be paid again by me/ us.
IN WITNESS WHERE OF I/ We do hereunto set my/our hand to these presents the .contents of which .have

l-\ ,
been underst~d by me/ us on this ········-····Z:.>·························day of ..........\.0·········-----············2012_

Acooplcd sub1oc• to u,c <enns of u., fees. dJ L0,v~'rf :_a~ /

~ ~ ~lie! P / ~ ient
I Identify The Signature/ Thumb Impression Of Below Mentioned Person,
Signed In My Presence. The Client

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