Report About Reptiles & Proferan_by_EED

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Examples: Common lizard (Zootoca

REPTILES Vivipara), North American Spiny

Lizard (Phrynosomatidae Lizard)
Compiled by: E.E.D
5. Scales and/or scutes:
- Scales are made of keratin and are
 class Reptilia actually dry, not slimy.
 grouping comprising all sauropsids - Scales help reptiles retain moisture
except birds. in their bodies.
 are a class of vertebrates made up - Scutes are the shells of many
mostly of snakes, turtles, lizards, and species of turtles are covered in
crocodilians. scutes which are plates made of
 recognized by their dry, scaly skin. keratin.
 all reptiles are cold-blooded REPTILES ADAPTATION
 most lay eggs—though some, like the
boa constrictor, give birth to live Physical adaptations, such as scales made
young. of keratin.

CHARACTERISTICS OF REPTILES Behavioral adaptations, such as basking in

the sun.
1. Lungs – All reptiles have lungs for
breathing. Some snakes can climb trees as a way to
2. Heart and Blood – Most reptiles (but catch their prey (animals they eat) or avoid
not all) have a three-chambered heart to predators (animals that eat them).
circulate blood.
3. Ectothermic (cold-blooded) – A
reptile cannot regulate its own body  Adaptation to survive in cold
temperature. Its body temperature temperatures: Brumation is a
fluctuates based on its surroundings, period of inactivity/ hibernation.
and therefore, it relies on the
environment to regulate body heat.  Adaptation to catch prey: Pit
- they often bask (lie in an area for organs, can be find between the eyes
warmth and light) and nostrils. The “pits” detect body
4. Vertebrates – All reptiles have a heat from animals which helps the
backbone and skeletal system. snake locate its prey.
- The individual bones that make-up
the backbone are called vertebrae Examples of snakes: rattlesnakes,
cottonmouths, and copperheads
 Oviparous – refers to animals that
lay eggs. Example: eastern Box  Adaptation to escape from
turtle, five-lined skinks predators: Detaching a tail - the
ability to detach (remove) their tail
 Ovoviviparous – refers to animals as a defense mechanism.
that produce eggs covered in a  To escape if a predator catches it by
shell, but these animals keep their its tail
eggs inside their body until  There are weak spots, that enable it
hatching. Example: cottonmouth to break off.
snake, massasauga
 Viviparous – refers to animals that
give birth to live offspring. SKINS
- skin is covered in a
horny epidermis, making it
watertight and enabling reptiles to
live on dry land, in contrast to
amphibians. Compared to
mammalian skin, that of reptiles is
rather thin and lacks the
thick dermal layer that
produces leather in mammals.
- Exposed parts of reptiles are
protected by scales or scutes,
sometimes with a bony base
(osteoderms), forming armor.

- Reptiles shed their skin through a
process called ecdysis. Ecdysis
involves forming a new layer of skin
under the old one.
- younger reptiles tend to shed once
every 5–6 weeks while adults shed
3–4 times a year. Younger reptiles
shed more because of their rapid
growth rate.
- Most reptiles are insectivorous or
carnivorous and have simple and
comparatively short digestive
tracts due to meat being fairly
simple to break down and digest.

- slower than in mammals, reflecting

their lower resting metabolism and
their inability to divide
and masticate their food.

- less intelligent than mammals and
- The size of their brain relative to
their body is much less than that of
Reptiles generally reproduce
sexually, though some are capable
of asexual reproduction. All reproductive
activity occurs through the cloaca, the single
exit/entrance at the base of the tail where
waste is also eliminated.
Porocyte cells - special type of epithelial
PORIFERA cells, are tiny holes that are actually the
hollow insides of porocyte cells
Compiled by: E.E.D - narrow and elongated cells that
connect the outside of the sponge to
the inside cavity
 comprises the sponges. - sometimes referred to as ostia
 Sponges are simple invertebrate animals - provide openings for water, which
that live in aquatic habitats. carries planktonic food and oxygen,
 All adult sponges are sessile, meaning to enter the sponge body
they live permanently attached to rocks or
other submerged objects and do not move Simple vase-like sponges have a single large
about on their own. top opening, called the osculum through
 their bodies are not organized in which water leaves the sponge.
organ systems or even tissues The oscula are surrounded by cells and are
 they don’t have digestive tract bigger than the ostia.
 asymmetrical

The inner surface of the sponge is lined with

cells called collar cells, also known
as choanocytes.
The collar is made of fine tubes surrounding
a long whiplike thread called a flagellum.
sclerocytes, which excrete spicules, the
structural element of sponges that also deter
Other species produce toxins that prevent
other sessile organisms, such as bryozoans
or sea squirts, from growing on or near

flagella (plural of flagellum) in the collar

cells move back and forth, they create a
current of water that moves into the ostia
and out the osculum.

The body of sponges are made of two thin

Sponges are described as filter feeders.
layers of cells with a jelly-like mesophyll
sandwiched between them, which is
primarily composed of collagen.
Some cells of sponges:
The outer layer of a sponge is covered in a
single-layer of external "skin" composed of oocytes and spermatocytes- reproductive
flat plate-like cells called pinacocytes. cells

Pinacocytes - form a skin-like layer on the Grey cells - act like immune cells
outer surface of a sponge. Myocytes - conduct signals and allow parts
- Protects and enclose the sponge of the animal to contract collagen producing
- Contracts and shortens, moving the
sponge body slightly
Amoebocytes budding
- only few species of sponges can use this
amoeba-like totipotent cells that can
- new sponge develops from an outgrowth or
transform into any other type of cell
bud on the parent sponge, which then drops
- Some serve special functions, like off
producing the sponge skeleton,
digesting and transferring nutrients,
or reproducing themselves fragmentation
- produce spongin
- more common but not all sponge species
can do this
- sponge regenerates from fragments that are
Ping-Pong Tree Sponge broken off
- found in Easter Island, South Pacific -only works if the fragments include the
Ocean, and in Eastern Indo-Pacific. right types of cells, like the totipotent
amoebocytes. It's true that some sponges can
- can be found at the depths of 8,860 completely regenerate from a single cell, but
feet must be the right cell.

make use of phagocytosis to gradually Gemmules

consume its prey which simple appears to - when environmental conditions become
be melting away on the translucent globules less hospitable to the sponges, like if
temperatures drop, many freshwater species
and a few marine ones produce gemmules,
Blue Photosynthetic Sponge which are like tiny survival pods of
unspecialized cells that can remain dormant
- house photosynthesizing
until conditions improve. Then, they either
endosymbionts within their bodies.
form completely new sponges or recolonize
- produce more food and oxygen than
the skeletons of their dead parents.
they consume
Main Sponge Structures
Simple tube or vase shape lined with
choanocytes known as asconoid.
Syconoid - pleated body wall that has inner
pockets lined with choanocytes, which
connect to the outer pockets.
Complex leuconoid pattern
- with mesohyl that contains a network of
chambers lined with choanocytes, connected
to each other and to the water intakes and
outlet by tubes.
- most common

Less common body structures:

1. Sylleibid - often considered to be a
transitional structure between syconoid and
leuconoid conditions
Asexual Reproduction:
2. Solenoid - characterized by complex
tubes lined with choanocytes (tiny black
things inside of the sponge).

1. Demospongiae - most common and
diverse class
- with over 8,800 identified species, 76% of
all sponge species
-soft-bodied leuconoid sponges with a hard
or massive skeleton made of spicules
composed of silica
- Ex. Agelas Cerebrum
2. Calcarea - can live for hundreds or even
thousands of years and grow to enormous
- include from all of the three main body
-spicule skeletons made of calcium
- small and drab in color
-approx. 400 species
- ex. Calcacerous Sponge
3. Hexactinellida - all deep-sea leuconoids
-" glass sponges"
- unique, can rapidly conduct electrical
impulses across their bodies
-quick response to stimuli
- ex. Venus’ Flower Basket

4. Homoscleromorpha
either massive or encrusting leuconoid or
sylleibid with very little variation in spicule
- phylogenetically distinct from the
- ex. Oscarella lobullaris

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