Master's a Thesis Guidline (1)

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Guidelines and Policy for Postgraduate Programs

December 2016
Jigjiga University (JJU) is one of the higher institutions in Ethiopia which has become operational
since March 2007. JJU is the first university in Ethiopian Somali Regional State, established in the
capital, Jigjiga, as the direct outcome of the policy of the government to expand higher education.
Higher Education Institutes are focusing to grantee access of higher education for all citizens in
different corners of the country and expected to absorb ever increasing admission rates to higher
education which targets in producing competent and productive graduates, conducting problem
solving researches and providing socially meaningful outreach services. Currently, the university has
eight Colleges, one Institute, and two schools located in one campus.

In line with objectives and five-year sterategic plan of the University, the School of Graduate Studies
(SGS) was launched in the year 2012 to capacitate the quality of human resources at regional and
national level through various disciplines of graduate progrms. At the beginning, the school opened
four programs: Educational Leadership, Business Adminstration, Public Health, and Pastoral
Economics and Development. Later on, other graduate programs, including Disaster Risk
Management and Sustainable Development, Early Childhood Care and Education, Teaching English
as Foreign Language, and Dryland Agronomy were commenced between 2015 and 2016. Moreover,
the school is closely working with other colleges of the Univesity to increase the number of programs
and the student intake capacity of the existing graduate progrms in response to the demand of the
region in particular and countrywide in general. At present, the SGS runs educational service with 8
programs and more than 386 students enrolled in regular and weekend modalities.

With its existing programs and the ones to come in years, SGS is working towards the achievement
of its vision. As its vision, the school aspires to be a leading graduate school in the country with
regard to the production of well-qualified manpower and conduction of community-oriented problem
solving researches.

So as the SGS successfully comprehend its vision, the academic provisions of the school should
equip the graduate students with necessary theoretical knowledge and relevant and practical
research skills. The provisions need to enable the students to integrate their academic learning with
research undertakings. After doing course works, students in all graduate programs are required to
conduct a scientific research (thesis) to fulfill Master‟s Degree requirements in their field of
specialization. It is evident that a thesis project gives an opportunity to individual students to make an

effort in academic pursuits to identify and analyze problems with the application of relevant research

The synthesis of quality and relevant research thesis entails the presence of supportive guideline,
which leads the various activities of the research work. Cognizant of this, the SGS prepared this
guideline with the aim of providing a standardized guidance to students across all graduate programs
of the university in order that they develop sound proposals, undertake scientific research and
produce up to the standard research report. More specifically, the guideline has the following
 To give standard guideline that creates uniform working procedures for proposal development
and for thesis writing across all graduate programs of the university.
 To simplify the process of supervising, reviewing, assessing and approving the proposal and
research report.
 To provide quick reference to department heads, graduate program coordinators and relevant
bodies/institutions involved in thesis activities.


2.1. Eligibility
The preparation and submission of a research proposal is required of all graduate students in all
disciplines at Jigjiga University. The ultimate success of a master‟s thesis depends upon the
preparation of a sound research proposal. A graduate student who has successfully completed the
course work required by the program and registered for thesis work is eligible for perusing his/her

2.2. Selection and Approval of Thesis Topic

The preliminary task in the thesis work is the selection of researchable, relevant and feasible research
topic. The general potential sources of research topics could be the research thematic areas of the
university and the country‟s development needs.
Specifically, graduate thesis topics can be initiated by:
(i) Graduate student: a student who has developed an interest in specific area may consult an
expert staff in the area and formulate researchable title to be submitted to the department.
(ii) Potential advisors who are engaged in research and project studies.
(iii) Funding organization. When funding organizations, research institutions etc. are interested to
recruit graduate students to do their thesis on specific problems in which the
organizations/institutions are working, the Department Graduate Committee (DGC) shall select
the graduate students based on the term of reference (objectives) set by these institutions or
other relevant criteria set by the department.

2.3. Advisorship
During his/her study period, a master‟s student will have to work under the guidance of an assigned
supervisor who has the responsibility of following up the thesis progress that the student makes. The
supervision will give the student an opportunity to benefit from the expertise of the supervisor.

2.3.1. Advisors assignment

Assignment and approval of advisors shall be made by DGC:
(i) The assignment will be on the basis of area of interest and specialization.
(ii) It is worthwhile advisors be assigned from the university, but in instances where there is
shortage of staff, advisors can be assigned from outside the university.

(iii) In addition to the major advisor, there may be a co-advisor on condition that the major
advisor has official commitments, he/she is from outside the university or the research
area requires combined expertise.
(iv) The major advisor must have a minimum academic rank of assistant professor and above.
Whereas, the co-advisor must possess at least master degree and rich experience in the
envisaged research area.
(v) Advisors shall sign contract of agreement before commencement of the advisory duties
(See Appendix 18 and 19).
(vi) The optimum number of students that an instructor can advise shall be determined by the
DGC taking into consideration of the workload of the instructor, the number of students in
the academic unit, and other existing situations.
2.3.2. Duties and Responsibilities of Advisors
Supervisors will have the following duties and responsibilities:
i. Meet the student within the first two to three weeks of the assignment of supervision and work
out with him/her an activity plan for the thesis proposal.
ii. Make themselves available for discussion and consultation as per the plan agreed upon by
both parties.
iii. Provide critical feedback on all of the candidate‟s thesis work: proposal, upgrading work, and
the final report.
iv. Guide the student in the planning and conduct of pilot study by constantly checking that he/she
is on track and is working consistently.
v. Submit progress report to the program coordinator or unit on the candidate‟s research at least
three times in a year.
vi. Follow up the candidate work so that the thesis work is to be completed within the period set
by the program unit.
vii. Recommend the candidate for examination of his/her thesis.

2. 3.3. Duties and Responsibilities of Students

Graduate students will have the following duties and responsibilities:
 Meet their supervisors according to the agreed plan and take down minutes/notes of their
 Submit copies of their ongoing research work and other materials to be dealt with in the
meeting to their supervisors well in advance to enable them provide constructive

 Prepare a progress report (of what has been done and what is to be done) prior to each
periodic assessment.
 In case a student requires extension beyond the normal period of time designated for the
program of study, apply formally to the concerned Program unit for time extension. The
application must be supported by his/her supervisor.
 Be responsible for completing his/her degree within prescribed time limit.
 Familiarize and comply with the academic regulations and policies of the university
pertaining to the degree for which they are enrolled, such as the preparation of research
proposal, ethical conduct and concerning plagiarizing Intellectual Property Rights etc.
 Accept responsibility for the preparation of the thesis for examination.
 Make required corrections to the thesis after the examination within the allocated time, and
ensure continued enrolment in case of major amendments.
2.3.4. Right of Appeal
 In cases where an advisor repeatedly fails to observe consultation hours and to give
feedback on student's work as per the work plan, a student can appeal to the schools
Graduate Committee (GC).
 Upon receipt of written application from a student, the IGC will try to sort out the problem
by talking to the supervisor concerned.
 If agreement cannot be reached through the GC, the case will be referred to the Grievance
Hearing Committee and its decision on the matter will be final. This Committee is an ad
hoc work group established by the GC to handle such cases.
 A supervisor who finds his/her advisee failing to progress as planned, show up for
consultations as planned, and discharge the duties and responsibilities above may submit
reports with evidences and then request the GC for termination of the supervisory
responsibility. The GC assumes the ultimate decision for terminating this supervision.
2.3.5. Advisor Change:
If the disagreement between the student and the advisor can‟t be resolved, the program unit or the
school will assign an alternative supervisor.

2.4. Funding
Access to research fund depends on modality of sponsorship, availability of other fund sources and
competition for the fund.
(i) Students from public Universities shall automatically obtain funds from the Ministry of
Education through the hosting university.
(ii) Students from other government and non-government organizations shall obtain funds
from their respective sponsoring organizations.
(iii) Self-sponsored students can seek for other fund sources. In this case, SGS shall write
support letters to students.
(iv) The University shall also provide limited funding opportunities on competitive bases.
Students in categories (ii) and (iii) should enter an agreement with the SGS through their sponsors or
themselves for their sponsorship. The students need to pass through the following steps.
(i) After receiving admission letter (Appendix 1) from SGS, they need to contact their
respective college/institute graduate program coordinator to collect the contract
agreement form (Appendices 2 & 3), to know the amount to pay, and to fill the form in
the presence of the coordinator.
(ii) Students of category (ii) above are required to take the form to their organization and get
the form signed by the head of their organization. The agreement enforces each
organization to pay the total study fee (including research grant) of the student within a
semester after the student has begun the study. Once the total amount is paid by the
sponsor, the students are required to register each semester bearing the receipt of
payment to graduate program coordinator and the registrar office.
(iii) Students of category (iii) above need to sign the agreement form themselves to pay the
semester fee at the start of each semester. In making the fee, students need to:
a. First, transfer the semester fee to university account (to be obtained from SGS) at
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.
b. Then, take the bank invoice to the university finance to obtain the university receipt.
c. Next, show the university receipt to institute/college graduate program coordinator and
collect registration slip.
d. Lastly, take the signed slip, together with the university receipt, to the registrar office to
finalize the registration.

The thesis proposal submitted by a graduate student is expected to contain the following elements.
Each of these sections should start on a new page and all section titles should be capitalized.

1.1 General Structure of Research Proposal:

i. Cover page
ii. Acknowledgements (optional)
iii. Acronyms and abbreviations
iv. Table of contents
1.1 Background
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions/Hypotheses
1.5 Significance of the Study
1.6 Delimitation/Scope of the Study
1.7 Definitions of Key Terms/Operational Definitions (optional)
2.1. Research Design /Methods and Procedures/Materials and
2.2. Description of Study Area
2.3. Research Design
2.4. Sources of Data
2.5. Sampling Design
2.6. Instruments of Data Collection
2.6.1. Questionnaire
2.6.2. Interview
2.6.3. Observation
2.6.4.Focus Group Discussion
2.6.5. Documents
2.7. Ethical Consideration
3. Work-Plan

Details of these components are provided hereby.

2.1. Title
The title of the thesis proposal should accurately capture and reflect the main theme of the proposed
study. It should be informative/descriptive yet discrete and contain the key words of the proposal. As
well, it should be concise, simple and appealing. Preferably, it should not exceed 20 words.

2.2. Introduction
The introduction should set the background to the study, give a clear and concise statement of the
problem including objectives and research questions of the study or the hypothesis involved,
significance of the study, definitions of the important terms, and scope/delimitation of the study. These
are described in the following subsections.

2.2.1. Background
This section has to provide background information starting from broader perspective of the topic to be
studied leading to the specific problem to be addressed. The purpose of this section is to lay the broad
foundation for the problem that leads to the study, to create reader interest in the topic, and to make
the reader feel the urgency of the problem and the need to study it.
In writing introduction, the researcher should
 Start from already known theoretical framework of the study topic.
 Review related literature to show gaps in the existing knowledge and practice so as to provide
justification for the current research
 Concisely sets the aims of the research and show how it fills the identified gaps in the literature
and practice.
Please note that the background section gives you an opportunity to show that you have a good
knowledge of the body of literature, the wider context in which your research belongs and that you have
awareness of methodologies and related theories.

2.2.2. Statement of the problem

Statement of the problem describes the context for the study and it also identifies the general analysis
approach. A problem might be defined as the issue that exists in the literature, theory or practice that
leads to a need for the study. The problem statement
 Clearly and succinctly describes the issue that initiated the researcher to conduct the study on
the topic.
 Should be presented within the context in which the problem is imbedded.
 Answers the question “What practical and theoretical gaps necessitated the study to be
conducted.” If a researcher is unable to answer this question clearly and accurately, there is a
problem of confusion and lack of proper understanding of the problem to be addressed. This
usually results in rejection of the proposal.
 Establishes the foundation for procedures to be followed in the proposal and will avoid
conceptual and methodological obstacles typically encountered during the process of proposal
2.2.3. Objectives
The objective of the research should emerge from the statement of the problem and the topic of the
study. The main purpose of the research objective is to interlink the topic and statement of the problem
and to show the focus, direction and the ultimate goal of the study. Objectives may be stated as
„general‟ and „specific‟. The general objective should be written clearly and broadly covering the topic of
the research. The specific objectives should be formulated based on general objective. General
objective should be narrowed down to various sub components and all components together reflect the
topic of the research. The specific objectives should be formulated with action verbs such as...... to
explore, to asses, to examine, to formulate, to identify, to differentiate, to explain, to compare, to
analyze, to evaluate…. etc., It is good practice to avoid certain action verbs such as ………to study, to
know, to argue….etc action verbs. In methodology section researcher must show that how these
objectives to be achieved, through design, sampling and analysis.

Objectives should be simple (not complex), specific (not vague), stated in advance (not after the
research is done), and stated using “action verbs” that are specific enough to be measured.

2.2.4. Research questions and/or hypotheses

Research questions: pose a relationship between two or more variables and phrases the relationship
as a question forms.
A hypothesis represents a declarative statement of the relations between two or more variables.
These statements are supposed to be proved/accepted or disproved/rejected at the end of the study.
They should originate from the objectives and usually serve as a substitute to the research questions in
quantitative studies. Hypotheses can be null and alternative.
 The null hypothesis (H0) represents a theory that has been put forward, either because it is
believed to be true or because it is to be used as a basis for argument, but has not been
 The alternative hypothesis (H1) is a statement of what a hypothesis test is set up to establish.
It is opposite of Null Hypothesis and only reached if H0 is rejected.
Make a clear and careful distinction between the dependent and independent variables and be certain
that they are clear to the reader.

2.2.5. Significance of the study

It indicates how the proposed research will contribute to existing knowledge and practices in the field of
study. When thinking about the significance of the study, keep in mind addressing the following

 What are the expected outputs of the study?
 Who are the potential beneficiaries?
 How the expected results enhance the work of practitioners, researchers, experts, policy
makers, etc.?
 How will results influence programs, methods, and/or interventions?

2.2.6. Delimitation/Scope
A research should be delimited to a specific area of study. Delimitation addresses how a study is
narrowed in scope in terms of time and space. This section specifies the context, population,
methodological procedures, and issues to be addressed.

2.2.7. Operational Definitions

When the researcher thinks that some of the key words are used in a special manner in the context of
the current study, he/she needs to provide a section with operational definitions of terms. Similarly,
when the researcher thinks that some terms in the study are unfamiliar to the reader, he /she has to
provide definitions of the key terms in a section named definitions of the key terms.

2.3. Literature Review

The review of the literature provides the background and context for the research problem. The main
aim of review of related literature at the proposal stage is to show how the current study relates to
previous studies and to highlight gaps in the existing body of knowledge and practices. In a thesis
proposal, the literature review is generally brief and to the point. Only more relevant references should
be selected and included with the aim of identifying different methodologies used in the literature and
making a selection of appropriate methodological approach applicable to the current study.

Make sure to follow appropriate style of in-text citation and reference listing. So in this section, the
researcher may:
 compare and contrast different authors' views on issues related to the current study and show
own stand,
 group ideas of different authors who draw similar conclusions,
 make critical review of different components of previous research papers on the area,
 identify different methodologies used in the literature and make a selection of appropriate
methodological approach applicable to the current study,
 place the current study within the existing state of the art knowledge

It is important that you take special care to include sources which are very essential and current
publications. Besides, it is important to note that your review should not be simply a
description/summary of what others have said, rather it should take the form of a critical discussion,
showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments, theories and approaches. It should be a
synthesis and analysis of the relevant published work, linked at all times to your own purpose and

2.4. Research Methodology

This section might be named „Methods and Procedures‟, „Materials and Methods‟, „Research
Methodology‟ depending on the agreements in different fields. In this section, the researcher needs to
identify and provide detailed step-by-step description of the methodology in the study so as to enable a
reviewer or any other reader to clearly understand it. Thus, the section describes the design opted for
the study, subjects/participants used to provide data, tools/methods used to gather data, and
procedures followed to collect and analyze data. Specifically, the section includes:
 Description of the study area
 Description of study design (historical, descriptive survey, experimental or quasi
experimental, mathematical modeling, etc.)
 Description of study participants/subjects
 Determination of sample size and selection process (sampling techniques)
 Methods (tools) of data collection
 Strategies of ensuring data quality
 Description of materials and procedure
 Description of your methods of data analysis, including reference to any specialized
statistical software and simulation models (e.g., ANOVA, MANCOVA, AQUAD, SAS,
In some studies as a part of the research design conceptual framework/theoretical framework/analytical
framework is included. It provides the structure/content for the whole study. Make sure that this section
is written in the future tense at the proposal stage.

2.5. Ethical Consideration

Ethics of research here refers to the morals of investigation or intervention with regard to
minimal abuse or disregard of social and psychological wellbeing of persons, community and/or
animals participate in the research work. Therefore, the researcher needs to include a statement of
ethical consideration and needs to obtain ethical clearance. Here, the benefits, and any harm to the

study participants should be clearly presented. The issue of confidentiality (keeping the information
only for intended purpose without using any personal identifiers) should be indicated. Any research
which involves experiment on human subjects needs national ethical clearance.

2.6. Work plan

The work plan focuses on the budgeting of time for the implementation of the research project. The
student assigns time frames for the completion of various activities of the proposed research. Specific
activities needed to achieve the objectives of the research should be identified, listed in chronological
order and assigned to defined time periods for implementation. This is the general time schedule that
indicates: when the research starts and ends, whether there are particular stages in the research and
which activities are to be accomplished when. Therefore, work plan is used to guide, monitor and
evaluate progress of research activities. The plan of activities can be presented in the form of a table.
(Appendix 6)

2.7. Budget
This is the financial plan for implementation of the research. It should be clear, realistic, reasonable and
estimated based on real market price. Based on the requirement, budget may be itemized under the
following categories:

 equipment, stationery, materials,

 travel expenses (transport or fuel, per diem, etc),
 research assistance (advisor, data collection, laborers etc),
 Services (secretarial, photocopying, printing, and binding etc.), and others (to be specified).
The budget should be prepared in accordance with Jigjiga University policies. The budget chapter will
then have a budget summary table at the end of this chapter and the budget source shall be indicated.

2.8. References
The references chapter must include all works cited in the research proposal. All citations appearing in
the text of the proposal must be included in the references chapter and vice versa. In-text citations and
references should carefully follow the style shown in later sections of this guideline, which provides
many examples. Only references cited in the text are included in the reference list; however,
exceptions can be found to this rule. Some of the well-accepted and standardized formats/styles of
reference (APA, MLA, Harvard or VANCOUVER styles) should be applied consistently.

To maintain uniformity among all research proposals, they have to comply with the standard format
provided under.
1) Paper specification
Items Guideline
Color Black and white
Size 21 cm x 29.7cm (A4)
Typing with Computer
Left margin 1.25 inch
Right margin 1 inch
Top margin 1 inch
Bottom margin 1 inch
Alignment: Flush Justify (creating even left & right margins)
Spacing (between lines) 1.5
Spacing (paragraph) 6 pt before and after
Font size (text) 12
Font size (Heading 1,2,3) 14, 13, 12 respectively.
Font type Times New Roman
Font style Regular
Breaking a word on 2 lines Not allowed
Correction with fluid Not allowed
Overwriting Not allowed
Printing quality Laser or better quality
Copying High quality photocopy
Binding Spiral

2) Illustrations (Figures, Tables and photographs)

 Illustrations should be of good quality (clear, explanatory, well labeled, etc.)
 Place illustrations within the text at appropriate places
 Type table captions (titles) immediately above the table with the font type used in the text
 Type figure captions (titles) immediately below the figure with the font type used in the text
 Table and figure titles should be single spaced and aligned justified
3) Cover page (A sample is given in Appendix 4)
Typed in all capital letters, should include
 Approved thesis title typed in the middle of the page
 Name of the degree, e g. M.Sc./MA… Thesis
 Full name of the author typed in the middle of the page
 Name and location of the University
 Month and year of thesis submission typed 5 cm above the bottom margin

4) Title page (A sample is given in Appendix 5)
It is the first page under the cover page typed in all capital letters and center justified on each line with
the following information.
 Approved thesis title 5 lines below the top of the page
 Full name of the author typed 8 lines below the title
 Further 3 lines below, the following should be typed:
 Month and year of final copy of thesis submission should be given at the bottom line
5) Approval Sheet
 Each proposal submitted for defense/review will have two certificates
 Approval Sheet from the principal and/or co-advisor (Appendix-7)
 Approval Sheet from the Reviewers (Appendix-8)


4.1. Submission
i. A thesis proposal written following the specifications given in this guideline and in close
consultation with advisor/s shall be submitted to the respective departments after the approval
of the advisor(s).
ii. The proposal has to be submitted in three hard copies signed by the student and the
iii. The thesis proposal shall be submitted to the respective departments two weeks ahead of the
review date notified by the department.

4.2. Review and Approval

i) The DGC identifies a potential reviewer and a chairperson for each proposal to be reviewed.
ii) The reviewer has to be an assistant professor or above. In cases where there is lack of a
person with such rank, a lecturer with rich research experience can be assigned.
iii) Submitted proposals have to be sent to the identified reviewers 7 days ahead of the review
iv) The reviewer has to read the whole body of the proposal and make critical comments with the
view to improve the proposal.
v) An open presentation of proposals has to be arranged by the respective departments so that
the proposals are presented and reviewed.
vi) A student has to make 20 minutes of presentation followed by 30 minutes comments and
suggestion by review members.

vii) Other participants can attend the session, ask questions and give comments and suggestions.
viii) The reviewer is required to submit the review protocol to the chairperson of the review
committee at the end of the open presentation session.
ix) The chairperson of the review session has to take notes of the comments and suggestions
made and submit the minute of the review process to the department.
x) Students have to collect copies of the minutes with suggestions made and agreed upon by the
review members from their respective departments for further consideration of suggestions in
their final proposal.
xi) The final proposal has to be submitted to the respective departments within one week after the
review process.
xii) The reviewer thoroughly checks the inclusion of the agreed corrections and suggestions in the
final version.
xiii) The revised version of the proposal should be signed by the student, advisor(s) and reviewer
and be submitted in 3 copies to the department. Then, the DGC chairperson sign on approval
pages of the proposal puts a stamp and sends one copy to the advisor, one to the department,
one to College/institute Graduate Program coordinator.


5.1. Eligibility
A graduate student who has got an approved proposal and registered for thesis work is eligible for
perusing his/her main research.

5.2. Meeting the Schedule

The commencement and completion of the research tasks should comply with the timeframe specified
in the curriculum of the respective programs and academic calendar of the university. Moreover, it is
important for the graduate student to follow steps and procedures indicated in the methodology and
work plans of the research proposal to accomplish the activities. A graduate student will be held
responsible, if he/she fails to meet the schedule with no valid reason.

5.3. Withdrawal, Utilization and Settlement of Research Fund

In case the research has got specific fund for execution, students are required to strictly follow financial
rules and regulations of JJU and fund provider while withdrawing, spending and settling the money
earmarked for their research.

5.3.1. Withdrawal and Utilization

In order to withdraw the research fund, the student has to follow the following procedures.
i. After getting his/her proposal approved, the student should collect two copies of
research fund withdrawal form from college/institute graduate program coordination
office and fill it (Appendix 9).
ii. Then, he/she needs to get the form signed by the thesis advisor, the department head,
graduate program coordinator and Dean of SGS.
iii. Later, he/she presents the research grant withdrawal form accompanied by a letter from
SGS to the head of the finance office that also signs on the withdrawal form and
facilitates the withdrawal.
After withdrawing the fund, students need to utilize it in line with budget breakdown of the research
proposal. They also need to settle the fund as described next.

5.3.2. Settlement
The fund received and utilized for research activities is settled in two forms: pity cash settlement
(Appendix 10) and per diem settlement (Appendix 11) forms. In both forms, students follow similar
steps listed next:

a. They collect two copies of per diem/pity cash settlement form from college graduate program
coordination office and fill it.
b. Then, they get the forms signed by the thesis advisor, the department head, the graduate
program coordinator and the Dean of SGS. Here they make sure that they bear necessary
receipts and supporting evidences. The receipts are checked and signed by the Dean of SGS.
c. Finally, they present per diem/pity cash settlement form accompanied by a letter from SGS to
the finance office head, in which he also signs on the form and facilitates the finalization of the
5.4. Progress report
Regular monitoring and supervision of student research status is important to ensure quality research
outputs and help students complete their researches on time. Therefore, advisors are required to
consistently follow-up the status of research under their supervision. Students are required to submit
progress report at least twice (after the completion of data collection and data analysis). The major
advisor, after receiving and evaluating the progress report, has to forward the same to DGC with
recommendations as to whether the research can be completed within the plan or special consideration
is required.

5.4. Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection and analysis is the central part of any research. It involves the collection and analysis of
relevant information and data using instruments described in the methodology section of the proposal.
 Make sure that there is a close link between the data collection methods/instruments
(including items of the data collection methods/instruments) and objectives/research
 Remember to collect the required data by yourselves. If assistance is required, you have to
closely supervise the assistant(s) during the data collection
 Keep-in-touch with your advisor(s) while you are in the field mission to collect data.
 Please note that the quality of the research depends upon the quality (representativeness,
validity, reliability) of the data collected.
After the relevant and adequate data are collected, careful analyses is required. Therefore, make sure:
 to analyze the data using appropriate methods of data analysis indicated in the proposal
 to present and organize the results of the analysis in a way that enables you to draw
inferences and conclusions in line with the objectives/research questions.

5.5. Thesis Write-up
After data collection and analysis is completed, students are required to compile their thesis following
the standard format given in this guideline.
A thesis shall contain the following major components:
 Preliminaries,
 Main text/body,
 End matters
5.5.1. Preliminaries:-Preliminaries of a thesis include:
 Cover page
 Title page
 Declaration
 Approval pages (Advisor‟s approval page, Board of Examiners page)
 Acknowledgements
 Acronyms
 Table of contents
 List of tables (if any)
 List of figures (if any)
 List of tables in appendix (if any)
 List of figures in appendix (if any)
 Abstract

5.5.2. Cover page

Cover page (Appendix 4)
Typed in all capital letters, should include
 Logo of the university (3 cm diameter) in the middle top of the page
 Thesis title typed in the middle of the page
 Name of the degree, e g. M.Sc./MA… Thesis in the middle of the page
 Full name of the author typed in the middle of the page
 Name of the University on top of the page
 Name of location, Month and year of thesis submission typed 5 cm above the bottom
5.5.3. Title Page
This is the second page of a thesis (Appendix 5). It includes:
 Title of the thesis
 Name of the student

 Purpose or relationship of the thesis to the requirement
 College/institute/school and/or department to which the thesis is submitted
 Name of the university to which it is submitted
 Month and year of submission

5.5.4. Declaration
This is the page where the candidate declares that the thesis is entirely his or her own work (Appendix
12). The student states that all the information that he or she has included in the thesis has been duly
acknowledged and that it has not been submitted in candidature for a degree/diploma of this or any
other university.

5.5.5. Approval pages

Two forms of approval pages are to be provided: advisor‟s and board of examiners.
 Advisor‟s approval page should state that the thesis presented is done under his/her
supervision and is recommended for defense or examining (Appendix 13).
 Board of Examiners approval page indicates that the thesis is read, critically commented,
defended, and comments and suggestions are incorporated. Therefore, the thesis is accepted
and approved in the eyes of the examiners (Appendix 14and 15).

5.5.6. Acknowledgement
This section recognizes the persons and/or institutions the student is indebted for guidance and
assistance received, and those to whom he or she is thankful for special aid or support. The support
could be financial, professional, moral or in other form. Acknowledgments should be expressed simply
and concisely.
Acronyms and Abbreviations: Acronyms and abbreviations are listed in alphabetical order of the
terms when written in full form. Well known abbreviations do not need to be listed.

Table of Contents
Table of contents provides an outline of the contents of the thesis report. Contents should neither be
too detailed nor should too sketchy. All of the headings and entries in the table of contents should
correspond exactly in wording, fonts, and cases with the headings or entries as they appear in the
narrative of the thesis. Also, there should be no dotted lines or any other tab leaders connecting
headings and respective page numbers.
The section:
 Starts listing the preliminaries like acknowledgement, list of tables, list of figures, abstract and
their respective pages in small Roman numbers

 Continues with main chapter headings and the essential sub-headings in each section with
appropriate page numbers in Arabic numerals against each.
 Finalizes with the end matters such as appendices, and indexes.
An example has been given bellow.

Acronyms (if any)
Table of contents
List of tables (if any)
List of figures/illustration (if any)
1.1. Background
1.2. Statement of problem
1.3. Objectives
1.4. Research questions and/or hypotheses
1.5. Significance of the study/Benefits and Beneficiaries
1.6. Delimitation/Scope
1.7. Operational Definitions
5.5.8. List of Tables
The table of contents is followed by the list of tables on a separate page.
 This list should consist of the titles or captions of the tables included in the thesis along with
the page numbers
 They should appear in the list of tables in the order they exist in the text.
 The capitalized title „LIST OF TABLES‟ should be the central heading of the page
 The capital words „TABLE‟ and „PAGE‟ should lead the lists and page numbers at the left and
right margins, respectively.

5.7.9. List of Figures and Illustrations

If any charts, graphs or any other illustrations are used in the thesis, a list of figures on a separate page
is prepared in the same form as the list of tables.
The word “abstract” is written in capital letters and is centered. The name of the student is below the
title and is also centered. The abstract should be one single block paragraph. It should be no longer
than a single page in length. The abstract should not be divided into sections or paragraphs. In general
the appropriate line spacing between the lines should be single and italic style. The abstract should
summarize the background of the study, the methods used, data analysis methods, results obtained,
conclusions drawn and recommendations.
2. Main Body:
The body of the thesis is the most important section in the organization of the research report. It serves
the function of communicating the research findings to the reader in a clear and comprehensible
manner. This section of the thesis is divided into chapters. These chapters include the introduction,
literature review, methodology, results and discussion, conclusions and recommendations, references
and appendix. The text body of the thesis should contain the following chapters:
Chapter 1: Introduction
As stated in the proposal section of this guideline, the introduction should set the background to the
study, give a clear and concise statement of the problem including objectives and research questions
of the study or the hypothesis involved, significance of the study, definitions of the important terms, and
scope/delimitation of the study.
Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature
This chapter is an essential component of the thesis that critically reviews related studies, gives
account of up-to-date knowledge in area of study and identifies areas which need further research. It
also provides theoretical and conceptual framework upon which your research is built. It is important to
note that your review should not be simply a description/summary of what others have said, rather it
should take the form of a critical discussion, showing insight and an awareness of differing arguments,
theories and approaches. It should be a synthesis and analysis of the relevant published work, linked at
all times to your own purpose and rationale.
Chapter 3: Methodology of Research
In this chapter, the researcher needs to provide detailed step-by-step description of the methodology
followed in the study. Unlike the proposal this section is written in the past tense.

CHAPTER FOUR: Results and Discussion

This is the fourth chapter of the thesis. This part of the description consists the results and analyses;
and interpretation.

With the results, students present their findings without interpretation in narrative and also in the form
of tables and figures. Presenting the same data both in tables and in figures should be avoided.
Whether students write their results and discussion separately or not, the results part should be an
objective report of their findings. Interpretation of the results should then be made in the discussion


In the discussion, the students interpret their results. The discussion is used to highlight the importance
and describe the limitations of the study and implications for future research. If students choose to write
the results and discussion as one chapter, they should follow the description of major findings with
appropriate interpretation and discussion. However, when writing the discussion as a separate section,
students synthesize the discussion to flow with the results section.

Results and discussion are conceptually different. In the discussion, interpreting and synthesizing the
research results should be conducted. Restating the results should be avoided. A common mistake in
the discussion is to present a superficial interpretation that merely restates the results. If the results
differ from earlier published reports, explain why that may have happened. If the results agree with the
student‟s expectations, then describe the reports and interpretations to support them. It is not adequate
to simply state that the data agreed with earlier reports. In addition, students should not attempt to
discuss each and every finding. The discussion should focus on the major findings which call for
interpretation. Besides these, the discussion should not include any findings that have not been
described in the results.

3.2.3. Conclusions and Recommendations

This section of the narrative is the final chapter of the report. It draws conclusions and then gives
recommendations based on the results obtained from the research. In the conclusion section of the
chapter, the student should summarize the main findings of the study in relation to the research
objectives/questions. It is also a place where the researcher shows its views drawn from the results
and discussions of the study and reports the original contributions of your study to the existing practice
or knowledge. In this section, students should not use citations, figures, tables, references or figures.
Where required, references to numerical values and probability levels can be made.

Next to the conclusions, the chapter should provide recommendations based on the conclusions made.
In the recommendations section, you should

• suggest measures to be taken by different stakeholders to improve practices, policies,
knowledge, etc.

• recommend areas where further studies should focus.

 Recommendations should be relevant to the research and only derive from the research

5.7.11. End matters

After the main text the end matters come. These include:
Index or glossary (if any).
The detailed explanation of each specific section is given as follows. References
References refer to the list of materials which are cited in the text. Make sure that all materials cited in
the text are also included in the reference list and vice-versa. As mentioned previously, references
should be relevant and recent. The majority of the citations should be articles published in peer-
reviewed journals or recognized official reports from national and international agencies. Ideally, these
publications have been published within the last five years and no more than ten years old. Also, any
dependence on unpublished materials and printed or web-based encyclopedias as references is
strongly discouraged. There are styles and forms that must be followed in presenting references.
However, in making in-text citations and reference listing, you should follow the same citing style (e.g.
APA, MLA, HARVARD, and CHICAGO, etc.,) consistently throughout the thesis. APA (American
Psychological Association) and Harvard styles are commonly used styles in social and natural sciences
respectively. To provide an example, how in-text citations and referencing are used in APA style is
briefly discussed next.
A. In-text citation
In-text citation is applied when you summarize, paraphrase, or quote related ideas from sources. The
style uses author-date citation method; that is the surname of the authors and the year of publication
are put in the parenthesis in the text at the appropriate point. For direct quotations, page number is also
included, like. But if the name of the author appears as part of narrative, you need to cite only the year
of publication in parentheses. Look at the examples below.
Professional development program become effective when it is properly managed (Guskey, 2000).

Jones (1998) found "students often had difficulty using APA style" (p. 199); what implications does this
have for teachers?

According to Thijs (2002) teacher support materials enhance teacher professional growth……… Thijs
added that the materials encourage collaboration among teachers.

A work by multiple authors: APA style has specific rules for citing works by multiple authors. When a
work has two authors, always cite both names every time the reference occurs in the text. However,
when a work has three, four or five authors, cite all the authors for the first occurrence, but in the
subsequent occurrences, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al. and the year of

Use the following chart to determine how to correctly cite works by multiple authors in text.

 Citing Works by Multiple Authors in Text

Type of First citation,
First citation Subsequent citations citations,
citation parenthetical format
parenthetical format
One author Field (2005) Field (2005) (Field, 2005) (Field, 2005)
Gass and Varonis Gass and Varonis (Gass & Varonis,
Two authors (Gass & Varonis, 1984)
(1984) (1984) 1984)
Munro, Derwing, and (Munro, Derwing, &
Three authors Munro et al. (2006) (Munro et al., 2006)
Sato (2006) Sato, 2006)
Tremblay, Richer, (Tremblay, Richer,
(Tremblay et al.,
Four authors Lachance, and Cote Tremblay et al. (2010) Lachance, & Cote,
(2010) 2010)
Hay, Elias, Fielding- (Hay, Elias, Fielding-
Five authors Barnsley, Homel, and Hay et al. (2007) Barnsley, Homel, & (Hay et al., 2007)
Freiberg (2007) Freiberg, 2007)
Six or more Norris-Shortle et al. Norris-Shortle et al. (Norris-Shortle et al., (Norris-Shortle et al.,
authors (2006) (2006) 2006) 2006)

Example paragraph with in-text citation

A few researchers in the linguistics field have developed training programs designed to improve
native speakers' ability to understand accented speech (Derwing, Rossiter, & Munro, 2002).
Their training techniques are based on the research described above indicating that
comprehension improves with exposure to non-native speech. Derwing et al. (2002) conducted
their training with students preparing to be social workers, but note that other professionals who
work with non-native speakers could benefit from a similar program.

When a work has six or more authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by et al. and
the year of publication for the first and subsequent citations. In the reference list, six authors are
spelled out but for the seventh and more authors, et al. is used.

Use „and‟ to combine names in a multiple-author citation in a running text, but in parenthetical material,
in tables and captions and in the reference list, join the names by an ampersand (&).
Richards and Rodgers (2001) reported that….
This study has proved an important fact (Richards & Rodgers, 2001).
Organization as an Author: The names of groups serving as authors (corporations, associations,
agencies and study groups) are usually spelled out each time they appear in text citations. Names of
some group authors are spelled out in first citation and abbreviated thereafter.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) (first text citation)
(WHO) (2015) (2010) (subsequent text citation)
World Health Organization (2015) (in reference list)
Unknown Author: When the work‟s author is designated as „anonymous‟, cite in the text the word
Anonymous followed by comma and the date. In the reference list, the word Anonymous will be used to
alphabetize the work.
(Anonymous, 2008)
Two or More Works in the Same Parentheses: Two or more works cited in a parenthesis are
arranged following alphabetical order of the surnames of the authors followed by years of publications.
Each work is separated from the other work using semicolon. Comma is used to separate the author
from the year of publication. Two or more works of the same author in a parenthesis are ordered by
date of publication, the latest work coming last.
(Fullan, 2007; Guskey, 2006; Richards & Rodgers, 2001)
(Fullan, 2001, 2007, 2013)

Two or More Works by the Same Author in the Same Year: When reference is made to two or more
works of an author (s) in the same year, the publication should be numbered as (a) and (b) of that year
with the earliest publication of the year being designated (a) and so on.
(Voogt, 2013a, 2013b).

 Electronic Sources: If possible, cite an electronic document the same as any other
document by using the author-date style.
Kenneth (2000) explained…………..

 Sources without Page Numbers: When an electronic source lacks page numbers, you should try
to include information that will help readers find the passage being cited. When an electronic
document has numbered paragraphs, use the abbreviation "para." followed by the paragraph
number (Hall, 2001, para. 5). If the paragraphs are not numbered and the document includes
headings, provide the appropriate heading and specify the paragraph under that heading. Note that
in some electronic sources, like Web pages, people can use the Find function in their browser to
locate any passages you cite.
According to Smith (1997), …….... (Mind over Matter section, para. 6).
Note: Never use the page numbers of Web pages you print out; different computers print Web pages
with different pagination.

Personal Communication: For interviews, letters, e-mails, and other person-to-person

communication, cite the communicator's name, the fact that it was personal communication, and the
date of the communication. Do not include personal communication in the reference list, example:
(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001).
A. P. Smith also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (personal
communication, November 3, 2002).
Citation of a work cited in a secondary source: You need to give secondary source followed by the
original work placed in parenthesis in text when you use a work cited in a secondary source. For
example, if Fullan and Hobber‟s (1995) work is cited in Guskey‟s (2000) work and you are not able to
access and read Fullan & Hobber‟s work, you make in-text citation as given below.
Fullan and Hobber (cited in Guskey, 2000) or Fullan and Hobber (1995), cited in Guskey
(2000)... or
According to Fullan and Hobber (1995) as cited in Guskey (2000)….
Generally speaking, such type of citation is not encouraged. You are rather advised to search and
access the original work to cite in your research.
B. Reference list
The reference list at the end of a written work documents and provides information necessary to
identify and retrieve each source. Authors should see references carefully and include only the ones
used in the text in their reference list. All references should be arranged strictly alphabetically in the
reference list. Different sources and types of publications should be given as follows in the reference
Journal Article: Name (s) of author (s). Year of publication of the article. Title of the article. Full name
of the journal, volume no; and pages.
Moncaz, A, Kirstein, O., Gebresilassie, A., Lemma, W., Yared, S., Gebre-Michael, T., Hailu, A., and
Warburg, A. (2014). Characterization of breeding sites of Phlebotomus orientalis-The vector of
visceral leishmaniasis in northwestern Ethiopia. Acta Tropica 139: 5–14.
Journals paginated by issue begin with page one every issue; therefore, the issue number gets
indicated in parentheses after the volume. The parentheses and issue number are not italicized or
Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion 15(3): 5-13.
Books: Name(s) of author(s). (Year of publication). Title of the book. Volume number (in case of
multivolume book), edition no. (If it is later than the first edition). Place of publication: Publisher„s name.
Fullan, M. G. (2007). The new meaning of educational change (4th ed.). New York: Teachers College
Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
 Edited Book, No Author:
Duncan, G.J., and Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York:
Russell Sage Foundation.
 Edited Book with an Author or Authors
Plath, S. (2000). The unabridged journals. K. V. Kukil (Ed.). New York, NY: Anchor.
 A Translation
Laplace, P. S. (1951). A philosophical essay on probabilities. (F. W. Truscott & F. L. Emory, Trans.).
New York, NY: Dover. (Original work published 1814)
Note: When you cite a republished work, like the one above, in your text, it should appear with both
dates: Laplace (1814/1951).
 Edition Other Than the First
Helfer, M.E., Kempe, R.S., & Krugman, R. D. (1997). The Battered Child (5th ed.). Chicago, IL:
University of Chicago Press.
Contribution to composite Books: Name(s) of author(s). Year of publication. Title of
Contribution. Connecting word‟ In: following items of information of the source document:
Name (s) of editors(s). Title of the book. Volume no. (In case of multivolume book). Edition no.
(If it is later than the first edition) (Page number the contribution appears in the book). Place of
publication: Publisher.
O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing,
transition, and transformation. In: B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp.
107-123). New York, NY: Springer
A work cited in a secondary source
You need to enter only secondary source that you are able to access into reference list when you cite
a work cited in a secondary source. For example, Fullan and Hobber‟s (1995) work is cited in
Guskey‟s (2000) paper and you are not able to access and read Fullan & Hobber‟s work, you need to
enter only Guskey‟s work in the reference list like.

Guskey, T. R. (2000). Evaluating professional development. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin

Press, Inc.
 Contribution to conference/Workshop/ symposium/ seminar/ Proceedings: Name (s) of
author (s). Year of publication. Title of contribution. Name of the Conference. Place and date of
the conference. Title of the publication, Name (s) of editor(s). Place of publication: Publisher‟s
name, pagination (pp‟ should be used before writing plural pages).
Mahamud, A.G. (2007). Teacher professional development practices at Haramaya University,
Ethiopia: An exploration of the present status. National Conference on Teaching and
Learning in Ethiopian Higher Education Institutions to Meet the Challenges of Quality and
Relevance, Amist Kilo School of Graduate Studies Hall. Addis Ababa, December 21-22,
2007. Haregewoin, A., & Mendida, B. (eds.). Addis Ababa: National Pedagogical Resource
Center (pp.106-121).
 Theses and Dissertations: Name of the author. Year of submission. Title of the thesis. Name
of the degree. The word thesis. Name of the university, place.
Eyob Shenkut. 2010. Mathematics Anxiety of 9th and 10th Grade students: The Case of Three
Selected Secondary Schools in Dire Dawa. M.Ed. Thesis, Jigjiga University, Jigjiga, Ethiopia.
Harrison, J. 2008. Results or Process? Alternate Approaches to the Performance Measure of New
Zealand Secondary Schools, Doctoral Dissertation, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Government/Institution/Society publications: Name of the institute/society/place. Year of
publication. Title of publication. Place of publication: Publisher‟s name.
 National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS
Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
 Online sources
Authors using internet sources should direct readers to the information being cited and provide address
of the cited work.

Internet articles based on print sources
If internet articles are the exact duplicates of those in print version and do not have any additional data
attached, the same basic journal reference format can be used. But if you have viewed it in electronic
form, you should add in a bracket after the title of the article [Electronic version] as seen in the example
Barab, S., & Squire, K. (2004). Design-based research: Putting a stake in the ground [Electronic
version]. The Journal of the Learning Sciences, 13(1), 1–14.
An article in internet-only journal
Thorn, A., McLeod, M., & Goldsmith, M.(2007). Peer coaching overview. Mentoring and Peer
Couching, 3, Article 0001A. Retrieved October 31, 2012, from
Non-periodical documents on internet
Multipage document created by a private organization, no date
When an internet document comprises multiple pages (i.e different sections have different URLs), provide
a URL that links to the home. Use n.d (no date) when a publication date is not available.
Eg. Greater New York Area Health Community 2014, Taskforce on Teen and Adolescent Issues.
(n.d.). Who has time for family meal? Retrieved October 5, 2014, from Appendices
Appendices include the materials which are less important to be part of the main body albeit relevant to
provide justifications to the arguments in the main text. It serves the function of providing greater clarity
and authenticity for the readers or consumers of the thesis. The appendices usually include: tools of
research (the questionnaires used in the research, focus group discussion guidelines, and observation
check-lists), statistical tables, sometime raw-data (when data were processed through computer),
mathematical formulae, or confirmation reports, supplementary illustrative material and any other
materials related to conducting and completing the research.

The Appendix chapter begins with a new page containing the single capitalized word “APPENDIX” in
the center of the page. It has a page number. Each appendix should have a clear, precise and
appropriate title. Appendices can be labeled consecutively as appendix 1, appendix 2, etc. which could
then be listed in the preliminary sections as a single “list of appendices”.

Technical Layouts of a Thesis

To maintain uniformity among all students‟ thesis reports, the thesis has to comply with standard
format. Use the specifications provided under.
i. Paper specification
items guideline
Color Black and white
Size 21 cm x 29.7cm (A4)
Typing with Computer
Left margin 1.25 inch
Right margin 1 inch
Top margin 1 inch
Bottom margin 1 inch
Spacing (between lines) 1.5
Spacing (paragraph) 6pt before and after
Font size (text) 12
Font type Times New Roman
Font style Regular
Table Caption Above the table, Centered
Figure Caption Below the Figure, Centered
Breaking a word on 2 lines Not allowed
Correction with fluid Not allowed
Overwriting Not allowed
Printing quality Laser or better quality
Copying High quality photocopy
Binding before examination Spiral
Binding (final) Hard cover

1) Illustrations (Figures, Tables and photographs)

 Illustrations should be of good quality (clear, explanatory, well labeled etc)
 Place illustrations within the text at appropriate places
2) Outer cover (Appendix 4)
Typed in all capital letters, should include
 Name of the University/College/Institute/School of Graduate Studies; University Logo,
top centered, 3 diameters width
 Approved thesis title typed in the middle of the page
 Name of the degree, e g. M.Sc./MA… Thesis
 Full name of the author typed in the middle of the page
 Month and year and location of thesis submission typed 5 cm above the bottom margin
3) Title page (Appendix 5)
It is the first page under the top cover typed in all capital letters and center justified on each line with
the following information.
o Approved thesis title 4 cm below the top of the page
o Full name of the author typed 6 lines below the title
o The following contents typed 6 lines below the title:
o Three lines below type:
 Month, Year and location of final copy of thesis submission should be given at the
bottom line
4) Approval Sheet
 Each thesis submitted for evaluation will have two certificates
 Approval Sheet from the Principal and/or co-advisor (Appendix 13)
 Approval Sheet from the Board of Examiners (Appendix 14and 15)
5) Acknowledgement
 A short acknowledgement sheet should be next to the title sheet. It should acknowledge
contributions of all concerned including financial sponsors, if any. (These all should be
taken to their specification given earlier)


6.1 Submission of thesis

 A thesis that is recommended by the advisor(s) shall be submitted to the respective
departments in three copies to be distributed to the chairperson of board of examiners,
external examiner and internal examiner.
 Thesis should be submitted in accordance with the deadline set by the SGS.

6.2. Thesis Defence

6.2.1. General
i) The thesis evaluation will be done by the Board of Examiners including one senior staff as a
chairperson, one external examiner and one internal examiner.
ii) The external examiner should be identified and notified in time and obtain a copy of the thesis
of the candidate at least three weeks before the date set for the defense.
iii) The decision of external examiner shall play a major role in cases of dispute on passing the
iv) Selection of an external examiner should be free from personal relationships (e.g. friendship,
relative, business deal, etc.) to the examinee.
v) For the purpose of using varied expertise, the same external examiner should not be invited
for more than two consecutive rounds of defense sessions unless justified.

6.2.2. Purpose of external examiner

The purpose of having external examiners is to
 ensure that the degrees awarded at the University are comparable in standard with those
awarded by other universities,
 make the assessment fair and maintain the quality of the thesis work.

6.2.3. Selection and appointment of external examiners

i) The DGC selects and appoints the external examiners based on relevance of their
specialization, academic achievements, publications, and experience and recommends to
the SGS.
ii) External examiners should be anonymous to the examinee and the advisor. However, if
the situation requires, the advisor may suggest potential examiners.
iii) In all cases the external examiner must have an academic rank of at least Assistant
Professor (or equivalent).

iv) In approving the nomination of an external examiner, the DGC shall ascertain the
 An external examiner in general must be external to the University.
 Former staff members can be invited to become external examiners unless the
termination of service was due to discipline problem.
v) More than one external examiner may be needed per thesis where the study covers a wide
range of specializations.
vi) One external examiner should not be assigned for more than four theses at a time unless
vii) External examiners outside higher education institutions, for example from industry,
research institutions, etc. may be selected when necessary.
6.2.4. Selection and appointment of internal examiners
i) The DGC selects and appoints the internal examiners based on relevance of their
specialization, academic achievements, publications, and experience and recommends to
the SGS.
ii) Internal examiners should be anonymous to the examinee.
iii) The internal examiner must have an academic rank of at least Assistant Professor (or
equivalent) unless justified by the DGC.
iv) More than one internal examiner may be needed per thesis where the study covers a wide
range of specializations.
v) One internal examiner should not be assigned for more than 4 theses at a time unless
vi) Internal examiners may be selected from other departments in the university when there is
shortage of staff in the home department.
6.2.5. Selection and appointment of the chairperson
i) The DGC selects and appoints the chairperson/s based on relevance of their
specialization, academic achievements, publications, and experience and recommends to
the SGS.
ii) One chairperson should not be assigned for more than three theses at a time unless
iii) The chairperson may be selected from other departments in the university when there is
shortage of staff in the home department.
iv) Just like the other board members, the chairperson should read the thesis in advance and
comment on all aspects of the thesis.
v) The Chair governs the proceedings of the Examination Committee to insure that all
materials presented by the student for examination are evaluated.
vi) The Chair has the responsibility to act in a manner that conforms to basic principles of
natural justice, academic integrity, and professionalism, as well as to manage conflict
situations that may arise during the examination of the thesis.
6.2.6. Thesis defense procedures

The procedural guidelines to be followed in the administration of the thesis open defense examination
are as follows:
i) The thesis defense is open to all interested.
ii) The Board of Examiners shall take their designated seats to examine /evaluate the candidate.
iii) The chairperson of the Board opens the defense session by introducing the candidate, the
other members of the Board and the advisors. Then he/she invites the candidate to present
and defend his/her work. He/she also has to take notes of the comments and suggestions
made and submit the minute of the defense process to the department.
iv) The candidate presents the procedures and the main findings of his/her thesis for a maximum
of 30 minutes.
v) The members of the Board of Examiners cross-examine the candidate for 60 minutes on the
subject of the thesis. The External Examiner shall take 35 minutes, the Internal Examiner 25
minutes, and the Chairperson and Audience 10 minutes all together. The entire examination
should not exceed ninety (90) minutes.

vi) After the examination, the advisor shall be given a chance (by the Chairperson) to make
clarifications or give comments on relevant issues,
vii) The chairperson requests the audience including the advisor/s to leave the room to allow the
Board members to summarize the evaluation process using the criteria annexed in Appendix
15. Evaluation points given by each member of board of examiners are computed using the
respective weight of
a) External Examiner, 50% (0.5),
b) Internal Examiner, 40% (0.4),
c) Chairperson 10% (0.10).
viii) A thesis that is defended and accepted (Pass) shall be rated as “Excellent”, “Very Good”,
“Good” or “Satisfactory”.
ix) The grading scales of each rank are as follows:

Rating X (mark ) out of 100 Letter Grade
Excellent X ≥ 85 A
Very Good 75 ≤ X < 85 B+
Good 60 ≤ X < 75 B
Satisfactory 50≤X<60 C+
Fail X < 50
Grade Scale
 Excellent (85-100)
 A thesis rated 'excellent' ought to be an original contribution to knowledge. An original
contribution to knowledge can also result from a novel and perceptive reassessment of a
familiar question. The thesis should be exemplary both in the selection of problems and
data for consideration and in the manner by which conclusions are drawn about the
problems. If based upon empirical data, the thesis graded 'excellent' should report the
data clearly and completely. The conclusions drawn from the data should be persuasive.
The reader of a work rated „excellent‟ should conclude that he or she knows something
new about the problem.
 Very good (75 - 84)
 A thesis rated „very good‟ should demonstrate a mature and sustained critical
engagement with the theoretical and practical context of the work. The research
should show very high familiarity with the literature in the area of study. The work
should also reflect an in-depth integration of research data and a student's personal
contributions. The analysis and interpretation parts of the thesis should demonstrate a
clear understanding of the issues and critical judgment. The thesis ought to be well
organized, written, and proofread - with very few errors tolerated.
 Good (65-74)
 A thesis rated 'good1 need not be a contribution to knowledge, but should show sound
judgment, a substantial amount of work, clarity of thought and presentation, and some
creativity. The writer of a thesis with 'good' pass need only demonstrate that he or she
has thought intelligently and carefully about a problem and presented those thoughts
clearly and persuasively. If the thesis is an empirical one, the research design should
be sound and the data judiciously interpreted, although slight flaws in design or
analysis may occur. The thesis ought to be well organized, written, and proofread -
with occasional errors tolerated.

 Satisfactory (50-64)
 A thesis rated 'satisfactory' has to demonstrate some understanding of debates and
issues appropriate to the area of study. While a thesis with 'satisfactory' pass should
be deficient in no major way, it may be weak in selection of the problem, manner of
presentation, research design and analysis, or interpretation and conclusions. The
deficiency in a thesis with satisfactory pass may be in one of these areas or to a lesser
degree in a number of them. A 'satisfactory1 pass student is able, when provoked, to
offer limited critical reflection.
 Fail (Below 50)
 There is no reason why a student should automatically pass an oral exam just because
he or she has written a thesis. A thesis should be rated according to its merits. Poor
ones should receive poor ratings. A thesis rated 'fair shows minimal industry, deficient
understanding of the subject discussed, poor presentation, and insufficient familiarity
with the relevant literature.

The decision of the Board of Examiners is based on the thesis written report, presentation and the
candidate‟s ability to defend it. The decision can be made in any of the following categories:

6.3.1. Categories of acceptance

The thesis well written, successfully presented and defended can be recommended for acceptance as:
a) Accept as it is
The thesis may or may not require typographical and/or minor editorial corrections to be made to the
satisfaction of the advisor(s).
b) Accepted with minor modification
The thesis may require typographical and/or major editorial corrections to be made to the satisfaction
of the advisor(s).
c) Accepted with major modification
The thesis requires minor changes in substance and major editorial changes, which are to be made to
the satisfaction of members of the Board of Examiners or to a committee designated by the Board. The
examining board‟s report must include a brief outline of the changes required and must indicate the
time by which the changes are to be completed. The student has to complete the suggested changes
recommended by the board within the time specified (i.e. submission before the specified time is not
accepted) to the satisfaction of the external examiner or the internal examiner as delegate of external
examiner. It is the student‟s responsibility to request and get his/her thesis evaluation completed.
i) Pending
If the board of examiners felt the data is uncertain, the methodology adopted is not genuinely followed,
an act of plagiarism is suspected, etc. at the time of the thesis defense, the board can suspend the
decision until it gets proves. The chairperson takes the responsibility to collect additional information
required by the Board and call another meeting of the Board within one to two weeks. Candidates may
not be required to appear during the second meeting of the board.
ii) Rejected
A thesis may be rejected under the following conditions: If
1) the methodology followed is scientifically wrong.
2) there is complete mismatch between the research objectives and the findings
3) the work is plagiarized as judged by the examining boards; or
4) the work has been already used to confer a degree from this or another university.
The Board shall report the reasons for rejection and suggest possible ways to complete the study.

6.3.2. Appeal
i) A candidate has the right to appeal his/her complaints in writing to the SGS when he/she is
discontented with any decision made.
ii) A candidate who decides to appeal is required to pay 3000 birr to cover some of the expenses
for the reexamination of the thesis.
iii) The SGS will examine the candidate‟s appeal vis-à-vis the Board of Examiners‟ decision by
establishing a committee of professionals and pass a final verdict.

6.4. Approval and final Submission -After Thesis Defence

i) A defended thesis gets final approval when the candidate incorporates the decisions made by
the board of examiners and submits it to the chairperson of the board.
ii) The chairperson should check if the advisor and the external examiner or his/her delegate
have signed approving that the modifications are made as per the decisions. Moreover, the
head of the department and the college/institute graduate program coordinator should sign on
the approval page.
iii) Then, the department accepts three copies (for department, SGS coordination office, and
library) of the final thesis, both in electronic (in a PDF format) and hardcopy, from the
iv) A candidate who fulfills all the requirements shall be recommended by the head of the
department to the college/institute council for the award of an appropriate degree by the
university senate.
v) The Office of the Registrar is notified that the student has completed all thesis requirements for
the degree in order to be processed for graduation.
vi) Binding: Student must check with their departments for departmental binding requirements.

6.5. Clearance
After being awarded an appropriate degree and graduating from a graduate program, the student
should make him/herself clear from all properties he/she received from the university. To prove that
he/she is free of any property of the university, the student should obtain signature of all concerned
bodies. The following steps are passed through to clear from SGS.
1. Collect clearance form (see Appendix 20) from SGS office
2. Get the form signed by concerned bodies
3. Get clearance letter from SGS
4. Get official letter/certificate of completion from the university registrar
Sometimes, students could be forced to withdraw from their study before they complete the study for
various reasons. In such cases, they are also required to clear from SGS. They use the same form and
procedure to withdraw officially.


Appendix 1: Letter of Acceptance to a Graduate Program

Ref. No.______________________
Date: ________________________

To :______________________________________________(name of applicant)

Subject: Admission to School of Graduate Studies.

Dear applicant:

It is my pleasure to advise you that we are prepared to admit you in the discipline of
___________________________________________ at Master’s (underline one) level to our School
of Graduate Studies (SGS), Jigjiga University. Thank you and I appreciate the time and consideration
during admission process. The registration date for the program is _____________________. The
class starts soon after registration.

Please do not forget to report to SGS on the registration date and to bring all necessary documents
with you. Similarly, take a contract agreement form from your respective graduate program
coordination office and sign an agreement regarding your payment if you are self-sponsored; or take
the form to your sponsor to sign it for you if you have a sponsor.


• School of Graduate Studies

Appendix 2: Contract Agreement between Jigjiga University and Organization Sponsored PG

Contract Agreement between Jigjiga University (JJU) and-------------------------------------------------------------------

For MSc/MA Degree Education (for organization sponsored)
1. Participants & program
Jigjiga University (service provider) enters an agreement with _____________________________________
(hereafter called client) to provide educational service to upgrade the technical/professional knowledge and
practical skills of ______ student (s). The name(s) of the participant(s) and the program(s) to be studied
respectively include:
1. ___________________________in_____________________________________
2. ___________________________in ___________________________________
3. ___________________________ in ___________________________________
4. ___________________________ in ___________________________________
5. ___________________________ in ___________________________________
2. Scope of the Service
The services to be provided by the university incorporate teaching and research supervision of the student
during the contract period.
3. Documents
Upon the successful completion of the program, the university will issue an official diploma of completion that
provides evidence of the students‟ upgrading to MSc/MA level in their field of specialization.
4. The Schedule (contract period)
The program is to be completed within ______________________________ duration. The course shall be
given in _______________ regular/summer/weekend/evening semesters followed by one (two) semester
research undertaking which will be defended during the last regular/summer/weekend/evening semester (s).
The student (s) start (s) class ________________________________________
5. Payments
The organization/client hereby agrees to pay:
5.1. Registration and application fee: _______________________
5.2. Tuition fee including field work: _________________________________________
5.3. Thesis supervision fee: __________________________________
5.4. Research conduction and thesis production costs _____________________________
5.5. Total payment for contract period ____________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________ (the client) agrees to pay the total
amount once before the end of the first semester the student(s) start the study. It also agrees to pay contingency
of 10% to be paid under justifiable reason for price escalation with prior knowledge of the client.
7. The University hereby agrees to refund the remaining sum if the student(s) fail(s) to continue their study due
to academic deficiency, illness, death and other problems beyond his/her control. However, if the student
discontinues his/her study for any reason after he/she has registered for and started classes of a particular
semester, no refund will be made for that particular semester.
1. Service provider 2. Client
JJU, School of Graduate Studies ________________________________
Dean ____________________ Authority name ____________________
Signature __________________ Signature ___________________
Date ______________________ Date _______________________

Appendix 3: Contract Agreement between JJU and Self-Sponsored PG Student

Contract Agreement between Jigjiga University (JJU) and ------------------------------------------------------

---------------------------------------------- for MSc/MA Degree Education (for self-sponsored)
1. Participant & program
Jigjiga University (service provider) enters an agreement with
_____________________________________ (hereafter called client) to provide educational service to
upgrade the technical/professional knowledge and practical skills of the client. The client will specialize
in the program of _______________________________
2. Scope of the service
The services to be provided by the university incorporate teaching and research supervision of the
client during the contract period.
3. Documents
Upon the successful completion of the program, the university will issue an official diploma of
completion that provides evidence of the client‟s upgrading to MSc level in his/her field of
4. The Schedule (contract period)
The program is to be completed within ______________________________ duration. The course shall
be given in _______________ regular/summer/weekend/evening semesters followed by one (two)
semester (s) research undertaking which will be defended during the last
regular/summer/weekend/evening semester (s). The client starts class

5. Payments
The client hereby agrees to pay:
5.1. Registration and application fee: _______________________
5.2. Tuition fee including field work: _________________________________________
5.3. Thesis supervision fee: __________________________________
5.4. Research conduction and thesis production costs _____________________________
5.5. Total payment for contract period ____________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________ (the client) agrees to pay the
total amount in four installments (at the start of each semester/summer). He/she also agrees to pay
contingency of 10% to be paid under justifiable reason for price escalation with his/her prior knowledge.
7. The university hereby agrees to refund the remaining sum if the client fails to continue his/her study
due to academic deficiency, illness, death and other problems beyond his/her control. However, if the
client discontinues his/her study for any reason after he/she has registered for and started classes of a
particular semester, no refund will be made for that particular semester.

1. Service provider 2. Client

JJU, School of Graduate Studies Authority name__________________________
Dean____________________________ Signature __________________
Signature __________________
Date ______________________ Date ______________________

Appendix 4: Sample Cover Page (Outer Cover)








Appendix 5: Sample Title Page (Inner Cover for Thesis)







JUNE, 2015
JIGJIGA, Ethiopia

Appendix 6: Work Plan

No. Activity Duration Remark


Appendix 7: Advisors’ Proposal Approval Sheet


This is to certify that the thesis proposal entitled “

” has been developed by _______________ Id. No __________,
under my/our supervision. Therefore, I/we recommend that the student‟s proposal can be presented for
review and open oral presentation.

Name of Principal advisor Signature Date

Name of co-advisor Signature Date

Remark: This has to be signed in three copies and be attached with the proposal.

Appendix 8: Approval Sheet of Reviewed Proposal


Name of the candidate: ___________________________________________________

College/institute__________________________ Department/School: _______________________
Thesis Title: _______________________________________________________________________
Date of Review _______________________
1. Comment on proposal and open presentation
2. Suggestions made by the reviewer/s
3. Modification(s) to be made
4. Final decision by the Reviewer/s
Name of the Reviewer/s Signature Date
________________________ ________________ __________________
Department Head‟s Name Signature and Stamp Date
_________________________ __________________ ____________________

Appendix 9: Research Grant Withdrawal Form
1. Title of the project: __________________________________________________
2. Total project grant:___________________________________________________
3. Source _____________________________________________________________
4. Phase of the research: ________________________________________________
5. Amount of money permitted for this phase: ______________________________
6. Balance of account for this phase: ______________________________________
7. Reason/s of withdrawal:_______________________________________________

7.1. Per diem for research & driver (specify per name)
Sub total =
7.2.Purchase of stationary material/books (specify)
N NO Item Unit Qty Estimated Cost
Sub total
7.3. Purchase of research material/equipment
N NO Item Unit Qty Estimated Cost
Subtotal =
7.4. Travel expenses
N NO Item Unit Qty Estimated Cost
Subtotal =
7.5. Others (specify)
N NO Item Unit Qty Estimated Cost

Total amount requested to withdraw birr _________________ (in figure)

(__________________________________________ ____________________) (in words)

Requested by _________________ Sign ______________________ Date __________________

Checked up:
Approved by thesis advisor ____________________ Sign____________Date_________________
Approved by Department Head _________________ Sign____________Date_________________
Approved by SGS Coordinator _______________ Sign ___________ Date________________
Approved by SGS Dean _____________________Sign __________Date ________________
Approved by Finance Head _____________________ Sign___________Date_________________

Appendix 10: Pity Cash Settlement Application Form

Date -----------------
Ref. No -------------
Jigjiga University
Pity Cash Settlement Application Form
For Research Activities
Research Title: ___
Project code:
Total Grant Awarded: Balance: Budget Source Budget line
Advance Received:
I, the undersigned have purchased/spent the following (see table below) for project related activities
from the advance I have received/ from my own pocket and request the settlement/ reimbursement of
the expenses according to the credentials attached to this application form.
No Item of the expense Unit Unit Total Item of the expense Unit Unit Total
(NO.) cost Cost. No. cost cost

Total expense in words:
Applicant: _____Sing. ___ Date__________________
Thesis advisor: _________________________ Sig. _______________Date _________________
Department Head: Sing. _____ Date_________________
SGS Coordinator: _Sing. Date ________
SGS Dean: _______ Sing. Date _________

Appendix 11: Per diem Settlement Application Form for Research/Project Activities
Date: ----------------------------------------
Ref. No. ------------------------------------
To : Finance department
Jigjiga University
Per Diem Settlement Application form For Research/Project Activities
Name: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Research Title: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Project code: ---------- Total Grant awarded: --------------Balance: ----------------Budget Source------------
Budget line-----------------------
Traveled to: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mission of the Plan:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Duration: from ----------------------------------------- to ----------------------------------------------------------

No Departure Date Time Arrived at Date Time Transport Remark

Place (Place) cost

* Please attach the receipts for transportation cost:

I have accomplished the mission as per the plan and submitted the report in writing (see attached)
(please underline as appropriate) and request the settlement of my expenses.
Applicant: Name: ------------------------------------ Sign ---------------------- Date--------------------
Thesis advisor: Name: ---------------------------------Sign. -------------------- Date ---------------------
Department head: Name: ------------------------------ Sign. -------------------- Date --------------------
SGS Coordinator: Name: ---------------------------------Sign--------------------- Date -------------------
SGS Dean: Name: ------------------------------------ Sign--------------------- Date --------------------
Accounting (for Finance department use only)
Departure Date: Breakfast --------lunch--------Super--------Bed---------- total payable-----------
Duty dates: Per-diem rate: ---------total date/s----------Total payable ------------------
Date of return: Breakfast ------lunch-------Super--------Bed---------- total payable-----------
Advance payment received by the applicant: -----------------------------------------------------
Payment due to the applicant: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Balance due from Applicant: -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Prepared by: -------------------Checked by --------------------Authorized by: --------------------------

Appendix 12: Declaration
I hereby declare that this MSc/MA/MPH/MBA/ MD+ Specialty or equivalent thesis is my original work
and has not been presented for a degree in any other university, and all sources of material used for
this thesis have been duly acknowledged.

Name: _______________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________
Date: __________________________________________

Appendix 13: Advisors’ Thesis Submission Approval Sheet

(Submission Sheet-1)

This is to certify that the thesis entitled “

” submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master’s
with specialization in ________________, the Graduate Program of the Department/School of
_______________________, has been carried out by [insert name of candidate] under my/our
supervision. Therefore, I/we recommend that the student has fulfilled the requirements and hence
hereby can submit the thesis to the department for defense.

Name of Major advisor Signature Date

Name of co-advisor Signature Date

Appendix 14: Summary Reports on Master’s Defence and Delegate’s Approval
Name of the candidate: _______________________________________________

College/institute____________________________ Department/School: _____________________

Thesis Title: __________________________________________
Date of Defense: _________________________________________________
1. Comment on thesis preparation and defense
2. Suggestions made by Board of Examiners
3. Modification(s) to be made
4. Final decision by the Board of Examiners
5. Evaluation result (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory, Fail)

Name of the Chairperson of Board of Examiners _________________________________________

Signature__________________ Date________________

Appendix 15: Examiners’ Thesis Approval Page



Approved Title of the Thesis

By (name of the candidate)

We the board of examiners approve that this thesis has passed through the defense and review

1. ___________________ __________________ _________________

Name of Major Advisor Signature Date
2. ___________________ _ _________________ ________________
Name of Co-Advisor Signature Date
3. ____________________ ___________________ ___________________
External Examiner Signature Date
4. __________________ ____________________
Internal Examiner Signature Date
5. ___________________ __________________ ________________
Program Coordinator Signature Date
6. ___________________ __________________ ________________
Dean, SGS Signature Date

Appendix 16: Thesis Evaluation Protocol
A protocol for Assessing Final Master’s Thesis
Features considered in assigning and scoring values Assigned Scored
Values (%) Values (%)

General quality of the write up: formats, language clarity,

1 3
readability, organization

Abstract: clarity, integration and coherence (Briefly, Background,

2 5
Objectives, Results and Conclusions

Originality and clarity in the formulation of research area:

statement of the problem, significance of the study, study focus and
3 10
justification, anticipation of possible limitations and risk, research

Review of related literature: In-depth and critical analysis, it is

4 succinct, penetrating and challenging to read; identification of the 10
research gap, rationale and adequacy

Methodology: Methods and procedures clarity and adequacy,

relevance of research design, sampling/selection of study subjects/
institutions etc., techniques for data validation and checking
reliability with qualitative data, checking dependability, credibility,
5 22
and methods of triangulation of issues emerging across different
data collection tools. Methods of evaluating research instruments
and data items, methods of data analysis and linkage with the
research questions/hypotheses

Results and Discussion:

 The data is genuine and authentic and the implementation is
done as per the methodology; data is presented and
6 analyzed in a well-structured way; analysis is clearly linked 27
to the explicit research questions and hypotheses stated
 Discussion summarizes without undue repetition; main
findings are interpreted and related to theory and practice
where appropriate; an attempt is made to identify issues that
require further clarification.
Conclusion and Recommendation: the conclusions drawn are in
agreement with the main findings; are precise and concise; some
7 8
pointers to future work are indicated; recommendations are based
on the findings

Oral Presentation:
8  Clarity, use of aids, (e.g. PowerPoint usage); confidence in 15
subject matter, time management
 Response to questions and comments
Total 100
Evaluation Result and grading Scale

No. Rank Scale Grade

1 Excellent ≥ 85 A+
2 Very Good 75≤X<85 A
3 Good 65≤X<75 B+
4 Satisfactory 50≤X<65 B
5 Fail <50 C

Evaluation weight (%) = (0.50 *External Examiner‟s pt.) + (0.40* Internal Examiner‟s pt.) + (0.1*
chairperson‟s pt.) = __________________________________100%
Examiner‟s Name_________________________________________
Signature ___________________________
Date _______________________________

Appendix 17: Contract of Agreement (Internal Advisors for Regular Program)
For MSc/MA/MPH thesis supervision (regular program)
Jigjiga University hereby enters a contract agreement with Ms/Mr/Dr/Prof.
____________________________________ (client) for advising /supervising MSc/MA thesis of
_________________________________________________________ (advisee name) from
_______________________________ to ____________________________ (time)

The instructor has declared himself to be willing and professionally qualified to render the said services.
The two parties agreed as follows.
1. The university hereby engages the client to advise/supervise MSc/MA/PhD thesis of the
specified student during the specified period on the title:
2. The instructor declares to be governed by the academic rules and regulations of the university.
3. The instructor agrees to let the student/advisee complete his/her thesis within the specified
4. The instructor shall make progress report of his/her advisorship/supervision to the
college/institute graduate coordination office every three months
5. As workload, 1.5 LEH will be considered for the instructor for each student‟s thesis
advisorship/supervision during the specified period of time (32 or 16 weeks depending on the
time assigned for the thesis). For instance, an instructors with assist professor academic rank
advising a Master‟s thesis of one year duration will receive a gross payment of
32*1.5*120=5760 Eth Birr
6. In addition, the instructor shall receive an honorarium fee of 3000.00 (three thousands birr) if
he/she lets the advisee complete and defend his/her thesis successfully at the specified time.
In case, a co-advisor is assigned to assist the main advisor, the co-advisor shall share one-
third of the specified amount. However, the university will not pay the said amount if the
advisee fails to complete and defend his/her thesis within the specified time
7. The said sum shall be paid in one instalment and subjected to income tax.

Instructor College/institute coordinator SGS Dean

_____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________

________ ________ ________
Signature Signature Signature
---------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Date Date Date
------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------

Appendix 18: Contract of Agreement (Internal Advisors for Non-Regular Programs and External
Contract of agreement
For MSc/MA/PhD thesis advisorship/supervision (for non-regular programs and external
Jigjiga University hereby enters a contract agreement with Ms/Mr/Dr/Prof.
____________________________________(client) for advising /supervising MSc/MA thesis of
_________________________________________________(advisee name) from
_______________________________ to ____________________________ (time)

The instructor has declared himself to be willing and professionally qualified to render the said services.
The two parties agreed as follows.
1. The university hereby engages the client to advise/supervise MSc/MA thesis of the specified
student during the specified period on the title:
2. The client declares to be governed by the academic rules and regulations of the university.
3. The client agrees to let the student/advisee complete his/her thesis within the specified time.
4. The client shall submit progress report of his/her advisorship/supervision to the college/institute
graduate coordination office every three months.
5. The client shall receive a total amount of 4,500 (Four thousand five hundred birr) when the
advisee completes and defends his/her thesis successfully. In case, a co-advisor is assigned
to assist the main advisor, the co-advisor shall share one-third of the specified amount.
However, the university will not pay the said amount if the advisee fails to complete and defend
his/her thesis within the specified time
6. The said sum shall be paid in one instalment and subjected to income tax.

Instructor College/institute SGS Dean

________________________ _______________________
_____________ _______________________ _____________
Signature Signature Signature
---------------------------- -------------------------------- --------------------------------
Date Date Date
------------------------------ -------------------------------- -------------------------------

Appendix 19: Clearance/ Withdrawal Form

It is only with proper termination/clearance that transcripts, letters of enrollment or honorable dismissal
can be issued. Readmission to the terminated program will be considered if proper
termination/clearance is executed and certified by the Registrar‟s Office.
1. Complete part I of this form and obtain signatures from concerned bodies in Part II
2. Return the completed and signed form to the Registrar‟s Office not later than two weeks after
you absence from class has been reported.
3. This form becomes part of your permanent file and record.
PART – 1
1.1 Full Name ______________________________________ Id. No _________________
1.2 College/Institute _________________Department _____________Program___________
1.3 Class year__________ Semester___________ Last date class attended_______________
1.4 Reason for withdrawal/clearance (please tick an appropriate reason and attach evidence).
End of academic year Graduation Health problem

Academic deficiency Social/family/personal case

Other (specify) ___________________________________________________


2.1 Department head: --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------

2.2 Accommodation Service -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------
2.3 Graduate program coordinator: ------------------------------------------------ -------------------
2.4 Finance & budget sub-process: ------------------------------------------------ -------------------
2.5 School of Graduate Studies library -------------------------------------------- --------------------
2.6 School of Graduate Studies Dean : ------------------------------------------ -------------------


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