2023 KUMITE 比賽規則 REV3 保 Compressed 1
2023 KUMITE 比賽規則 REV3 保 Compressed 1
2023 KUMITE 比賽規則 REV3 保 Compressed 1
1.1 The competition area will be a WKF Approved matted square, with sides of eight metres
(measured from the outside) with the mats in the outer one-meter area in red, marking the
比賽場地為舖有 WKF 認證的墊子,每邊長為 8 公尺(從外緣測量)的正方形場地,外
1.2 In addition, there will be at a further 2 metres matted safety area on all sides of the competition
area. This may be reduced to 1.5 metres to accommodate number of Tatami where the sports
hall has insufficient space for 2 metres.
另外,在比賽場地的四邊還有一個 2 公尺的安全區域。如果體育場館沒有足夠的 2
公尺空間,以容納場地的數量,該區域可以減少到 1.5 公尺。
1.3 There must be no advertisements, signs, walls, pillars etc. within one metre of the safety area's
outer perimeter.
1.4 Where monitors or displays are placed between the competition areas these must be placed far
enough from the competition areas to allow a safety area of 1.5 metres between competition
areas on all sides. (The monitors must be placed minimum 1.5 metres from the outside of the red
warning areas).
足夠遠的地方,以便在所有比賽區域之間留出 1.5 公尺的安全區域。(螢幕顯示器
必頇放置在距離紅色警告區域外至少 1.5 公尺外的位置)。
1.5 If the competition area is elevated another meter to a total of 3 metres is required on all sides.
如果比賽區域架高一公尺,各邊需要再增加一公尺安全區域,總共為 3 公尺。
1.7 The Referee (SHUSHIN) will be standing centred between the two mats facing the Competitors at
a distance of two metres from the boundary of the competition area.
1.8 Each Judge (FUKUSHIN) will be seated at the corners on the Tatami in the safety area. The
Referee may move around the entire Tatami, including the safety area where the Judges are
seated. Each Judge will be equipped with a red and a blue flag or electronic signal device.
1.9 The Match Supervisor (KANSA) will be seated just outside the safety area, behind, and to the left
or right of the Referee. He/she will be equipped with a whistle.
1.10 The Score Supervisor will be seated at the official score table besides the score/timekeeper, and
where video is deployed, so will the Video Review Supervisors.
1.12 Where the Tatami area is elevated, the Coaches will be placed outside the elevated area behind
their respective Competitors.
2.1.3 Referees and Judges must wear the official uniform at all tournaments, briefings, and courses.
2.1.4 For multisport events where a cross-sport uniform is provided for Referees at the cost of the
LOC with the feel & look of the specific event, the official uniform for Referees might be
substituted by that common uniform, provided that it is requested in writing to the WKF by the
event organiser and formally approved by the WKF.
給裁判提供統 一款式的制服,如果組織委員會向 WKF 提出書面申請,並獲得 WKF
2.1.5 If the Chief Referee agrees, refereeing officials may be allowed to remove their blazers.
2.2 Competitors 選手
2.2.1 Competitors must wear a WKF approved white Karategi without stripes, piping or personal
embroidery other than specifically allowed by the WKF EC and specified in the bulletin for the
除了 WKF 執行委員會特別允許和競賽公告中規定之外,選手必頇穿著由 WKF 核准
a) For all official WKF events (World Championships and Karate 1 - Premier League, Series A and
Youth League), the Karategi must have embroidered brands on the shoulders in respectively
red or blue according to drawing. Exceptions are incumbent Senior World Champions and
Premier League Grand Winners, whom must instead of the red or blue have embroidered
brands in gold.
對於所有 WKF 官方賽事(世界錦標賽和空手道 K1 超級聯賽,A 系列賽和青年聯
For team categories, the National Federations or Clubs will have the power to decide the
uniformity of the brands on the karategis of the members of the team that represents them,
in accordance with their regulations but with the same unified colour. All team members
must wear red or blue embroidery according to their competition category. Although the
team members must have shoulder branding of the same colour, there is no WKF
requirement for the team members wearing the same brand of karategi.
賽類別穿著有紅色或藍色刺繡。雖然隊員肩上必頇有相同顏色的標誌,但 WKF
d) In addition, identification issued by the Organising Committee will be worn on the back.
e) Competitors or teams must wear a WKF Approved red belt (AKA) or blue belt (AO) as
allocated by the draw, without any personal embroideries or advertising or markings other
than the customary label from the manufacturer. Belts of grade cannot be worn during the
選手或隊伍必頇穿戴 WKF 核准的紅帶(AKA)或藍帶(AO),除了原製造商的商標外,
g) The jacket, when tightened around the waist with the belt, must be of a minimum length that
covers the hi ps, but must not be more than three-quarters thigh length.
h) Female Competitors can wear a plain white T-shirt beneath the Karate jacket.
女性選手可於空手道服裡面穿上純白色之 T 恤。
i) Jackets without ties cannot be used. The jacket ties holding the jacket in place must be tied at
the beginning of the bout. If they are torn off during the bout, the Competitor is not required
to change the jacket.
j) The maximum length of the jacket sleeves must be no longer than the bend of the wrist and
no shorter than halfway down the forearm.
l) The trousers must be long enough to cover at least two thirds of the shin and must not reach
below the anklebone. Trouser legs cannot be rolled up.
2.2.2 The WKF Executive Committee can authorise the display of special labels or trademarks of
approved sponsors.
WKF 執行委員會可授權展示認可贊助商的特殊標籤或商標。
2.2.3 Competitors must keep their hair clean and cut to a length that does not obstruct smooth bout
conduct. Hachimaki (headband) will not be allowed.
2.2.4 Hair slides are prohibited, as are metal hairgrips. Ribbons, beads and other decorations are
prohibited. One or two discreet rubber bands on a single ponytail is permitted.
禁止使用髮夾,如金屬髮夾 。禁止使用絲帶、珠飾品或其他裝飾品。允許在單馬
尾上綁 1 或 2 條不明顯的橡皮筋。
2.2.6 Competitors must have short fingernails and must not wear metallic or other objects, which
might injure their opponents. The use of metallic teeth braces must be approved by the Referee
and the Tournament Doctor. The Competitor accepts full responsibility for any injury.
2.2.8 In addition, for Competitors <14 years of age the use of WKF Approved Faces mask or protective
WKF Helmet and Chest Protector is compulsory. For the same age group, starting 1.1.2024, the
protective WKF Helmet will be compulsory from 1.1.2024, providing a transition period of all of
2023 where either protection (WKF Approved Face mask or WKF Helmet) can be used.
另外,對於 14 歲以下的參賽選手,必頇使用 WKF 認可的面罩或 WKF 頭盔和胸部
護具。對於同一年齡組別,WKF 將從 2024 年 1 月 1 日起強制要求戴防護頭盔。
2023 年全年為過渡期,可以使用 WKF 認可面罩或 WKF 頭盔(二擇一)。
2.2.9 Glasses are forbidden. Soft contact lenses can be worn at the Competitor's own risk.
2.2.11 It is the duty of the Match Supervisor to ensure, before each match or bout, that the
Competitors are wearing the approved equipment. All protective equipment must be WKF
防護裝備都必頇由 WKF 核准。
2.2.13 The use of bandages, padding, or supports because of injury must be approved by the Referee
on the advice of the Tournament Doctor.
2.2.14 In case that deformities or amputations that do not allow for safe and secure fitting of the
protective equipment or could represent a risk to the athlete or their opponents, competitive
Kumite will not be permitted. In any doubt, the Referees should ask the doctor for the decision.
造成危險,則不允許進行對打比賽。 如有任何疑問,主審應詢問醫生的意見。
2.2.15 Competitors that appear at the competition area with unauthorized equipment or irregular
Karategi will be given two minutes to correct the attire, and the Coach will automatically lose
the right to coach that bout.
2.3 Coaches 教練
2.3.1 Coaches must at all times during the tournament, wear the official tracksuit of their National
Federation and display their official identification with the exception of bouts for medals of
official WKF events, where male Coaches are required to wear a dark suit, shirt and tie, while
female Coaches may choose to wear a dress, pantsuit or a combination of jacket and skirt in
dark colours.
界空手道聯盟 WKF 官方的獎牌回合賽,男性教練必頇穿著深色西裝,襯衫和戴領
2.3.4 The WKF Competition Supervisor, or the Organising Commission, can allow Coaches to instead of
the track suit top to use the federations official team t-shirt or a plain coloured t-shirt without
writing or logos.
WKF 競賽監督或組織委員會可以允許教練使用聯盟官方代表隊 T 恤或沒有文字和
標誌的素色 T 恤替代運動服夾克。
3.1.1 Definitions 定義
3.1.3 An “exchange” is the period preceding when the bout is halted, and the clock stopped.
3.1.4 A “match” is the total of all bouts between the members of two teams.
3.1.5 A “round” is a discrete stage in a competition leading to the eventual identification of finalists. In
an elimination Kumite competition, a round eliminates fifty percent of Competitors within it,
counting byes as Competitors. In this context, the round can apply equally to a stage in either
primary elimination or repechage. In a matrix, or “Round-robin” competition, a round allows all
Competitors in a group one performance against each of the other Competitors.
Kumite 之淘汰賽中,每一輪 淘汰其中百分之五十的選手,輪空者視同與賽選手。
在這種情況下,每一輪之比賽亦同樣適用於預賽或 repechage(單淘汰敗部復活賽);
3.1.6 The term “group” is here used a bout the up to four competitors participating in one of the eight
groups in the Round-robin phase elimination uses for individual Premier League competition.
3.1.7 The term “pool” is used for each half of competitors grouped together for the elimination phase.
b) Scales: 體重計
If the official scale shows a higher weight that the scale provided for test weighing the
Competitor can demand to be weighed again applying the weight shown on the test scale as
the official result of the weigh-in.
The host NF should provide enough calibrated electronic scales (at least 4 units) showing
only one decimal place, e.g. 51.9 Kg, 104.6 kg. The scale should be placed on a solid floor that
is not carpeted.
主辦國家協會應提供足夠的校準電子體重計(至少 4 台),只顯示一位小數,即
51.9 Kg / 104.6 kg。體重計應放置在沒有鋪設地毯的堅硬地板上。
c) Time: 時間:
Weigh-in must take place at the latest the day before the day of competition for the category,
unless specified otherwise for a specific competition. The official weigh-in time for WKF
events will be duly announced on the bulletin. For any other events this information will be
distributed in advance through the OC communication channels. It is the responsibility of the
Competitor to be aware of this information. A Competitor that does not turn up for the
weigh-in period or fails to weigh within the prescribed limits for the category in which the
Competitor is registered, will be disqualified (KIKEN).
過磅必頇最遲在量級比賽前一天進行,除非特定比賽另有規定。WKF 賽事之正
資格(KIKEN 棄權)。
f) Procedure: 程序
A minimum of two WKF officials are required at the weigh-in for each gender. One to check
the accreditation/passport of the Competitor and one to record the exact weight on the
official weigh-in list. An additional six staff members (official/volunteers) supplied by the host
NF should also be available to control the flow of Competitors. Twelve chairs must be
supplied. To protect the privacy of the Competitors, officials as well as the staff members
supervising the weigh-in, must be of the same gender as the Competitors.
1. The official weigh-in will be done category by category and Competitor by Competitor.
2. All Coaches and other team delegates must leave the weigh-in room before the start of the
official weigh-in.
3. The Competitor is allowed to stand on the scales only once during the official weigh-in
4. Each Competitor shall bring to the weigh-in their accreditation card issued for the event and
shall present it to the official, who will verify the identity of the Competitor.
5. The official then invites the Competitor to stand on the scales.
6. The Competitor shall weigh-in wearing only underclothing (men/boys – underpants,
women/girls – underpants and bra). Any socks or additional complements must be removed.
選手只能穿著內衣(男性/男孩 – 內褲,女性/女孩 – 內褲和胸罩)。任何襪子或額
7. The official supervising the weigh-in shall note and record the Competitor’s weight in
kilograms (accurate to one decimal point of a kilogram)
8. The Competitor steps off the scales.
NOTE: Photography or filming is not permitted in the weigh-in area. This includes the use of
mobile phones and all other devices.
3.3.1 Karate kumite competition take the forms of individual competition divided by gender, age
groups, and weight categories and/or team competition divided by gender without weight
3.3.2 The elimination system with repechage will be applied unless otherwise is pre-determined for a
specific competition or series of tournaments.
3.3.3 For individual competition in Premier League, the Round-robin system followed by quarterfinals,
semi-finals and final is applied. The maximum 32 Competitors per category are divided in in 8
groups of 4 Competitors and the winners of each group then compete in the quarter finals
followed by semi-finals and final.
多 32 名參賽選手,分為 8 組,每組 4 名參賽者,每組的優勝者晉級四分之一決賽,
3.3.4 For multiple sport games, such as continental games, Olympic Games, or other multisport events,
the format of competition will be determined for each event depending on modalities included
and restriction in participation. The format used is normally a two-pool system where the
winners of the pools go to the final, while number 2 of the one pool will face number 3 of the
other pool and vice versa to meet for the two bronze medals.
3.4 Seeding 種子
3.4.1 For WKF World and Continental Championships, and Karate 1 - Premier League, the eight highest
ranked Competitors present at the competition are seeded by their respective ranking in the
WKF World Ranking as per the day before the competition are seeded.
3.5.1 Individual Competitors or teams that do not present themselves when called will be disqualified
(KIKEN) from that category. In team matches the score for the bout not taking place will then be
set to 8-0 in favour of the other team. Disqualification by KIKEN means that the Competitors are
disqualified from that category, although it does not affect participation in another category.
個人賽之選手或團體賽之隊伍於比賽唱名時沒有出現,將被判 KIKEN(棄權),失去
該項比賽資格。在團體賽中沒有進行的回合賽,分數紀錄將被固定為 8-0。因
3.6.1 Male teams comprise five to seven members with five competing in a round. A male team must
present minimum five competitors for the initial round and a minimum of three competitors to
be allowed to participate in any following round.
3.6.2 Female teams comprise three to four members with three competing in a round. A female team
must present minimum three competitors for the initial round and a minimum of two
competitors to be allowed to participate in any following round.
3.7.1 Before each match, a team representative must hand to the official table, an official form
defining the names and fighting order of the competing team members.
3.7.2 The fighting order form can be presented by the Coach or a nominated Competitor from the
team. If the Coach hands in the form, he/she must be clearly identifiable as such; otherwise, it
can be rejected. The list must include the name of the country, the belt colour allocated to the
team for that match and the fighting order of the team members. Both the Competitors’ names
and their tournament numbers must be included, and the form must be signed by the Coach or a
nominated person.
3.7.3 Coaches must present their accreditation together with that of their Competitor or team to the
Coach Supervisor or Kansa Assistant. The Coach must sit in the chair provided and must not
interfere with the smooth running of the bout by word or deed.
3.7.5 The participants can be selected for each round from the full team. Their fighting order can be
changed for each round provided the new fighting order is notified before the round, but once
notified; it cannot then be changed until that round is completed.
3.7.6 The team will be disqualified (SHIKKAKU) if any of its members or its Coach changes the team's
composition or fighting order without written notification prior to the round.
3.7.7 If, through an error in charting, the wrong Competitors compete, then regardless of the outcome,
that bout/match is declared null and void. To reduce such errors the Score Supervisor must
confirm the winning Competitor/Team with the software technician immediately after the
3.7.8 In team matches where an individual loses on account of receiving KIKEN, HANSOKU or
SHIKKAKU, any score for the disqualified Competitor will be set to zero, and a score of 8-0 will be
recorded for that bout in favour of the other team.
在團體賽中,個人因 KIKEN,HANSOKU 或 SHIKKAKU 而輸掉該回合賽,被取消資格
的參賽選手的分數將設為零分,分數記錄將被固定為 8-0。
3.8.1 In Premier League competition the 32 participants are divided in 8 groups of 4 competitors. The
winner of each of the eight groups go on to regular quarterfinals, semi-finals and final. The losers
to the finalists in the quarter- and semi-finals compete for the bronze medals.
在超級聯賽當中,32 位參賽選手將分為 8 組,每組 4 位參賽選手。八組中每組的
3.8.5 Should a Competitor be disqualified, or for other reason not complete all bouts in the
Roundrobin the scores of completed or current bouts will be declared nil (results nullified), and
its points forfeited unless it is the last bout of the Round-robin elimination, in which case all the
previous results and points remain unchanged.
3.8.6 The winner and runners-up of each pool is determined by the most won bouts by counting wins
as three points each, a draw where points are scored as 1 point - and a draw with no points
scored, or a loss, as zero.
每個循環小組的第一名和第二名是由回合獲勝次數最多來決定的,獲勝者積分為 3
分,有得分的平手積分為 1 分,沒有得分的平手或敗者積分為 0 分。
3.8.7 The winners of the semi-finals will then go on the final where they compete for gold and silver.
3.8.8 Those who have lost to the finalists in the quarter finals and semi-finals will compete for the
bronze medals (One for group 1-4 and one for group 5-8).
在四分之一決賽和準決賽中輸給晉級決賽之選手者將爭奪銅牌 ( 1 - 4 組一位,5 - 8
3.8.9 In cases where there is a tie between two or more Competitors in a group, having the same
number of total points, the criteria below will be applied in the specified order. This means, if a
winner is found after one of the criteria, the following criteria will not have to be applied.
For each pair compared the criteria must be considered from the beginning of the list.
3.8.10 It is possible for a Competitor to be disqualified from a bout (HANSOKU) and continue the
competition. In this case, his/her opponent wins that bout by either 4-0 or for any score
obtained exceeding 4 points (i.e. 5-0, 6-0 etc.) and the other results remain.
3.8.11 If an already qualified Competitor is disqualified for misconduct (SHIKKAKU) at the end of the
Round-robin round the following will apply:
• The semi-final opponent will access the final by bye ("walkover").
• The two other Competitors will compete in the other Semi-final.
• Only one bronze medal will be awarded.
3.8.12 For competitions with limited number of Competitors a two-pool system is used where the
winners of the two pools will meet in the final while nr. 2 in the first pool will meet nr. 3 in the
second pool and vice versa to compete for the two bronze medals.
3.9.1 If a variation of the competition format other than described in these rules is to be
applied for a particular tournament, this has to be clearly announced in the
tournament bulletin.
4.1. Composition 組成
4.1.1 The Refereeing Panel for each bout shall consist of one Referee (SHUSHIN), four Judges
(FUKUSHIN), and one Match Supervisor (KANSA), a Score Supervisor, and where video review is
used, and one Video Review Supervisor.
4.1.2 The Referee, Judges, Match Supervisor, Score Supervisor, and Video Review Supervisor of a
Kumite bout must not have the nationality or be from the same National Federation of either of
the participants or have any other conflict of interest. It remains the duty of any official to self-
report on any possible conflict of interest before the bout or match starts.
4.2.1 For the eliminatory rounds the RC Secretary will deliver to the software system technician
handling the electronic drawing system a list containing the Referees and Judges available per
TATAMI. This list is done by the RC Secretary once the Competitors draw is finished and at the
end of the Referees Briefing. This list must only contain Referees present at the Briefing and must
comply with the above-mentioned criteria. Then for the Referees draw, the software technician
will enter the list in the system and 4 Judges, 1 Referee, 1 Match Supervisor (KANSA), and 1 Score
Supervisor out of each TATAMI deployment will be randomly allocated as Referee Panel for each
4.2.2 Where video review is used one Video Review Supervisor is allocated in the same manner.
4.2.3 For medal bouts the Tatami Managers will provide the RC Chairman and Secretary with a list
containing 8 officials from their own TATAMI after the last bout of the eliminatory rounds is
finished. Once the list is approved by the RC Chairman it will be given to the software technician
to be entered in the system. The system will then randomly allocate the Referee panel, which will
only contain 5 out of the 8 officials from each TATAMI.
4.3.1 In addition, for facilitating the operation of bouts/matches, 1 Tatami Manager, 3 Tatami Manager
Assistants, and 1 Score/Timekeeper shall be appointed plus 2 Coach Supervisors in instances
where the configuration of TATAMIS makes it necessary to see the Coaches requests for video
此外,為了方便回合賽/每輪比賽的進行,應任命 1 位場地經理,3 位場地經理助
理和 1 位記分/計時員,如果場地的配置需要查看教練的影像檢視請求,則應任命
2 位教練監督。
4.4.1 At the start of a Kumite match, the Referee stands on the outside edge of the match area. On the
Referee’s left stand Judges numbers 1 and 2, and on the right stands Judges numbers 3 and 4.
4.4.2 After the formal exchange of bows by Competitors and the Referee panel, the Referee takes a
step back, the Judges turn towards the Referee, and all bow together. All then take up their
4.4.3 When changing the Judges, the departing Officials, except the Match Supervisor, line up, bow
together (REI), and then leave the area.
4.4.4 When individual Judges change, the incoming Judge goes to the outgoing Judge, they bow
together and change positions.
4.4.5 In team matches, provided that the entire panel holds the required qualification, the positions of
Referee and Judges must be rotated between each bout. If one or more officials do not hold the
required qualification as Referee, they will remain as sitting Judges and be omitted from the
4.5 Procedure for refereeing Kumite with only two corner Judges
4.5.1 For Youth League competitions the use of only two corner Judges is allowed. This procedure is
described in APPENDIX 5.
對於青年聯賽,允許只使用兩位副審。程序將在附錄 5 中描述。
5.2 For tournaments without limitation to participation the duration of elimination bouts may be
reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes and from 2 minutes to 1.5 minutes provided that this is
announced prior to tournament start in a meeting for both coaches and officials.
對於沒有參賽限制的錦標賽,淘汰賽的比賽時間可以從 3 分鐘減少到 2 分鐘,從 2
分鐘減少到 1.5 分鐘,但必頇在比賽開始前在教練/領隊會議上宣佈。
5.3 The timing of the bout starts when the Referee gives the signal to start and stops each time the
Referee calls “YAME” or at the signal for full time.
5.4 The timekeeper shall give a signal, indicating “15 seconds to go” by one short burst with the
buzzer, and “time up” by two short bursts with the buzzer. The “time up” signal marks the end of
the bout.
計時員應發出信號,用蜂鳴器發出一個短促聲音表示“剩下 15 秒”,用蜂鳴器發出
5.5 Competitors are entitled to a rest period between bouts, equal to the standard duration time of
the bout. The exception is in the case of change of equipment colour, where this time is
extended to five minutes.
6.1 KIKEN is the decision given, when a Competitor or Competitors fail to present themselves when
called, are unable to continue, abandon the bout, or are withdrawn on the order of the Referee.
The grounds for abandonment may include injury not ascribable to the opponent's actions.
KIKKEN 是當一位或多位參賽選手比賽時唱名不到或不能繼續比賽,放棄回合賽,或
6.2 Forfeiture by KIKEN means that the Competitors are disqualified from that category, although it
does not affect participation in another category.
因 KIKEN 而被取消參賽資格,意味著選手從該量級被取消參賽資格, 但不影響參
7.1 The terms and gestures to be used by the Referee and Judges in the operation of a bout/match
shall be as specified in APPENDIX 2.
每回合賽/比賽時,主審和副審所使用之術語及手勢,應按照附錄 2 之規定。
7.2 For each round there will be a bowing ceremony starting with the Referee first having
Competitors and officials face the audience and bow SHOMEN NI REI followed by a bow to each
other, OTAGAI NI REI. At the end of the bout(s) the bowing ceremony is done in the opposite
(SHOMEN NI REI),然後互相行禮(OTAGAI NI REI) 。在比賽結束時,行禮再以相反的
7.3 The Referee and Judges shall take up their prescribed positions and following an exchange of
bows between the Competitors who are positioned at the front on their assigned mats nearest
their opponent; the Referee will announce “SHOBU HAJIME!” and the bout will commence.
前面位置互相行禮;主審將喊 “SHOBU HAJIME!”,然後回合賽開始進行。
7.4 The Competitors must bow properly to each other at the start and the end of the bout – a quick
nod is both discourteous and insufficient.
7.5 The Referee will stop the bout by announcing “YAME”. If necessary, the Referee will order the
Competitors to take up their original positions: “MOTO NO ICHI” and return to his/her position.
NO ICHI)然後回到他/她的位置。
7.7 When a Competitor has established a clear lead of eight points during a bout, the Referee will
call “YAME” and order the Competitors back to their starting points and award the applicable
score. The winner is then declared and indicated by the Referee raising a hand on the side of the
winner and declaring “AO (AKA) NO KACHI”. The bout is ended at this point.
“AO(AKA) NO KACHI”藍(紅)獲勝。此時回合賽結束。
7.8 When time is up, the Competitor who has the most points is declared the winner, indicated by
the Referee raising a hand on the side of the winner, and declaring “AO (AKA) NO KACHI”. The
bout is ended at this point.
勝者“AO (AKA) NO KACHI”藍 (紅) 獲勝。此時回合賽結束。
7.9 In the event of a tied score at the end of an inconclusive bout the Referee Panel (the Referee
and the four Judges) will decide the bout by HANTEI. The four judges will immediately give the
signal after the Referee calls for “HANTEI” when he/she blows the whistle. The Referee will
thereafter raise his/her arm and declare the winner; “AO (AKA) NO KACHI”, and if necessary, by
this action, break the tie.
如果回合賽結束時,雙方得分平手,裁判小組(主審和四位副審)將由 HANTEI 決定
勝負。四位副審在主審喊 “HANTEI” 吹哨後立即發出信號。然後主審將舉起手臂並
宣布獲勝者;“AO (AKA) NO KACHI”,如有必要,將通過這個動作解決平手。
7.10 When faced with the following situations, the Referee will call “YAME!” and halt the bout
a) When either or both Competitors are out of the Competition area, but with exception to
allowing a Competitor to immediately score on an opponent that has exited the competition
b) When the Referee orders the Competitor to adjust the KARATEGI or protective equipment.
e) When a Competitor seizes the opponent and does not perform an immediate technique or
f) When one or both Competitors fall or are thrown and neither Competitor manages to
immediately follow up with a scoring technique.
g) When both Competitors seize or clinch with each other without immediately succeeding in
executing a throw or a scoring technique or respond to WAKARETE.
WAKARETE 作出反應的情況下。
h) When both Competitors stand chest to chest without immediately attempting a throw or
other technique and do not respond to WAKARETE.
當兩個選手胸對胸站立而沒有立即執行摔技或其他技術,並且未對 WAKARETE
i) When both Competitors are off their feet following a fall or attempted throw and begin to
j) When a score is indicated by two or more Judges for the same Competitor.
k) When, in the opinion of the Referee, there has been a foul committed – or the situation calls
for halting the bout for safety reasons.
當主審認為有犯規發生時 – 或因安全理由需要暫停比賽。
8.1 A score is awarded to a Competitor when two or more judges indicate a score or when the
Video Review Supervisors agree on a score after a Coach has raised a Video Request.
8.2 Points are scored by a traditional karate technique with the hand or foot executed with control
to the scoring area.
8.3 Only the first correctly executed technique of an exchange will score with the exception of an
effective combination of techniques in which case the highest scoring technique will count
regardless of the sequence of techniques in the combination.
8.4 The scoring areas are the body above the pelvis, up to and including the collar bone (CHUDAN),
excluding the shoulders themselves, and the area above the collar bone (JODAN).
得分區域包含骨盆(髖)以上的身體,包括鎖骨(CHUDAN 中段),不包括肩膀本身,
以及鎖骨以上的區域(JODAN 上段)。
8.5 In order to be considered a score the technique must have the potential to be effective if it had
not been controlled, and must also fill the criteria of:
4) Maintaining awareness of the opponent both during and after execution of the technique
(Not turning away or falling down after completing a technique – unless the fall is caused by
a foul by the opponent).
– 除非跌倒是由對手犯規造成的)。
8.7 Techniques to the CHUDAN area may be delivered with controlled impact without causing
injury to the opponent. A loss of breath by the recipient of a blow does not in itself indicate
lack of control.
8.8 Techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped within 5 cm of the target for kicks and 2 cm
for hand techniques but may be delivered with light touch (skin touch), without causing impact
- with exception to the throat area where no physical contact is allowed.
上段踢的技術在距離目標 5 公分以內可以得分和手部技術距離目標 2 公分以內可
以得分,允許輕觸(皮膚接觸),而不造成傷害 - 但喉嚨部位不允許接觸。
8.9 For Cadets under 14 years and children, techniques to the JODAN can score when stopped
within 10 cm of the target for kicks and 5 cm for hand techniques.
對於 14 歲以下的少年和兒童,上段踢的技術在距離目標 10 公分以內可以得分,
上段手部的技術在距離目標 5 公分內可以得分。
8.10 “Skin touch” is allowed in categories for Competitors 16 years or older (Juniors). For categories
14 to 16 years of age skin touch is allowed for kicks only. Skin touch is defined as touching the
target without transferring energy into the head or body.
16 歲或以上的參賽選手(青少年)組別中允許“皮膚接觸”。對於 14 至 16 歲的組別,
只允許踢的技術有皮膚接觸。皮膚接觸被定義為接觸到目標 ,並且沒有將能量轉
8.11 Correctly executed techniques delivered at the moment the time runs out are valid.
e) one turns one’s back to the opponent after a technique (lack of awareness).
f) it in itself is, or follows, a violation of the rules (such as excessive contact, holding,
grabbing etc.).
8.13 A point may be signalled even if the Judge cannot see the actual point of impact if the
technique itself is executed correctly and can be observed to obviously not have been
obstructed in reaching its target.
1) Techniques which make excessive contact, having regard to the scoring area attacked, and
techniques which make contact with the throat.
2) Attacks to the arms or legs, groin, joints, or instep.
3) Attacks to the face with open hand techniques.
4) Techniques executed after “WAKARETE” before “TSUZUKETE HAJIME” has been called
5) Dangerous or forbidden throwing techniques.
6) Feigning, or exaggerating injury.
7) Exit from the competition area (JOGAI) not caused by the opponent or following a score.
非由對手的因素離開比賽場地 (JOGAI)或沒有得分而踏出比賽場地 。
8) Self-endangerment by indulging in behaviour, which exposes the Competitor to injury by
the opponent, or failing to take adequate measures for self-protection, (MUBOBI).
適當自我保護的距離 (MUBOBI”無防備”)。
9) Avoiding combat as a means of preventing the opponent having the opportunity to score.
10) Passivity – not attempting to engage in combat (Cannot be given after there is less than
15 seconds left of the bout or to someone having a lead by point or SENSHU).
消極-沒有參與戰鬥之企圖。(比賽回合還剩不到 15 秒鐘內不可以判處,也不
能對領先得分或因 SENSHU 領先的選手判處)。
11) Clinching, wrestling, pushing, or standing chest to chest without attempting a scoring
technique or takedown.
12) Grabbing the opponent with both hands for any other reasons than executing a takedown
upon catching the opponents kicking leg.
13) Grabbing the opponent’s arm or Karategi with one hand without immediately attempting
a scoring technique or takedown.
14) Techniques, which by their nature, cannot be controlled for the safety of the opponent
and dangerous and uncontrolled attacks.
15) Simulated or actual attacks with the head, knees, or elbows.
9.1.2 In addition, a Referee may, based solely on his/her own Judgement, ban from the competition
floor any Coach failing to conform to proper conduct, or that in the opinion of the Referee
interferes with the orderly conduct of the bout, and postpone the continuation of a bout until
the Coach complies. The same authority of the Referee extends to the compliance of other
members of the Competitor’s entourage present on the competition floor.
9.1.3 Only the Coach designated for that specific bout is allowed to coach and guide the competitor
from the place allocated to the coach close to the competition area. All other registered and
accredited Coaches, or other registered member of the delegation, attending the
Championships are not allowed to interfere, coach and/or guide the competitor during the
same bout at the risk of having their accreditation withdrawn.
9.1.4 Instructions and comments from the Coach must not interfere with the proceedings. The
Coach may freely speak to the Competitor when the match is halted but must at all times
refrain from commenting on judgements.
9.1.5 The Competitor may discreetly signal to the Coach the wish for him/her to request a
video review.
10.1.1 Informal warnings are used to facilitate the continuity of action without stopping the bout.
They are not meant to replace formal warnings when these are appropriate, and the Referee
should proceed with formal warnings or penalties as appropriate if the informal warning is not
reacted upon by the Competitors.
WAKARETE To break-up a clinch, using the same gesture as is customary for making
for breaking up a clinch the Competitors step back on the TATAMI combined with giving the
order “WAKARETE” to temporarily stop the action without stopping the
clock. The Competitors must separate – after which the order
“TSUZUKETE” is given for resuming action.
令,在不停止計時的情況下暫時停止動作。選手必頇分開 –
10.1.3 Once WAKARETE is called by the Referee the Coaches do not have the opportunity to make a
video request.
一旦主審下達 WAKARETE 口令,教練尌沒有機會提出影像檢視請求。
10.1.4 When WAKARETE is called when a competitor is cornered, the Referee must ensure that the
other Competitor withdraws sufficiently to disengage before TSUZUKETE is called.
當一位選手被逼到角落且主審下令 WAKARETE 時,主審必頇確保另一位選手在下
令 TSUZUKETE 之前有空間後退以脫離接觸。
10.1.5 TSUZUKTETE, unless preceded by WAKARETE, is not used if there is less than 15 seconds left of
the bout.
除非之前有 WAKARETE,否則如果比賽剩餘時間不到 15 秒,則不使用
10.2.1 There are two degrees of official warnings; CHUI and HANSOKU CHUI:
CHUI is given, up to three times, for smaller infractions that do not diminish
Warning the other Competitor’s chances of winning.
注意 為。
HANSOKU CHUI is given for more serious infractions that reduces the other
Warning of Competitor’s chances of winning, or to a Competitor for any further
disqualification in the infraction if three CHUI has already been given.
event of further 用於更嚴重的犯規行為,減少另一位選手的獲勝機會,或已經
infractions 給予三個 CHUI 注意之後,要再給予選手進一步警告。
10.3 Penalties 處罰
10.3.1 There are two kinds of penalties which are two different levels of disqualification:
10.3.3 Serious violation of conduct, discipline, or malicious behaviour on or outside the competition
area by the Competitor or his entourage may cause further disciplinary action from the WKF
Disciplinary Commission or Executive Committee.
WKF 紀律委員會或執行委員會的進一步的紀律處分。
10.3.4 When a situation appears to possibly warrant a disqualification the Referee can call one or
more of judges for a brief consultation (SHUGO) before announcing any decision.
名副審進行簡短協商 (SHUGO)。
10.4.1 Excessive contact: Where contact is considered by the Referee to be too strong, but does not
diminish the Competitor’s chances of winning, a warning (CHUI) may be given.
能會給予警告 (CHUI)。
10.4.2 Contact causing injury: Any technique, which results in injury, can unless caused by the
recipient cause a warning or penalty. The Competitors must perform all techniques with
control and good form. If they cannot, then regardless of the technique misused, a warning or
penalty must be imposed.
10.4.3 Observation after contact: The Referee must continue to observe the injured Competitor until
the bout is resumed and allow adequate time for observation. A short delay in giving a
judgement allows injury symptoms such as a nosebleed to develop or reveal any efforts by the
Competitor to aggravate slight injury for tactical advantage.
10.4.4 Overreaction to contact: A slight overreaction will receive a CHUI. An obvious display of
exaggeration will receive a HANSOKU CHUI. A more serious exaggeration such as staggering
around, falling on the floor, standing up and falling down again, and so on, may receive
HANSOKU directly.
對觸擊的過度反應 :輕微反應過度將會被判罰 CHUI。明顯誇張的表現會被判罰
HANSOKU CHUI。更嚴重的,如東倒西歪、摔倒在地上、站起來又摔倒等等,可能
會直接被判罰 HANSOKU。
10.4.6 Contact to the throat: Any contact to the throat, unless received by the recipient’s own fault,
must result in a warning or penalty.
10.4.7 Throwing techniques are divided into two types. The established “conventional” karate leg
sweeping techniques such as de ashi barai, ko uchi gari, etc., where the opponent is swept off-
balance or thrown without being grabbed first - and those throws requiring that the opponent
be grabbed by one hand or held as the throw is executed. Both are allowed.
倒 - 以及那些頇要以單手抓住或握住對手的摔技。兩者都是允許的。
10.4.8 The pivotal point of the throw must not be above the thrower’s hip level and the opponent
must be held onto throughout, so that a safe landing can be made. Over the shoulder throws
are expressly forbidden, as are so-called “sacrifice” throws.
10.4.9 Catching a kick: The only instance where a throw may be performed while holding onto the
opponent with both hands is when trapping the opponent’s kicking leg. Holding on with both
hands is only permitted when grabbing an opponent’s kicking leg for the purpose of executing
a takedown, and then holding on to the opponent’s leg while the other grasping the
opponents Karategi or body to break the fall.
10.4.10 Grabbing the legs: It is forbidden to grab the opponent below the waist and lift and throw
him/her or to reach down to pull the legs from under him/her. If a Competitor is injured as a
result of a throwing technique, the Referee will decide whether a warning or penalty is called
抓腿:禁止抓住對手腰部以下抬起來摔或從下方拉對手的腿。 如果選手因為摔的
10.4.12 Holding on to break a fall: Holding on to the opponent’s Karategi with one hand is permitted to
break a fall.
10.4.13 Exiting the competition area: JOGAI relates to a situation where a Competitor's foot, or any
other part of the body, touches the floor outside of the competition area. An exception is
when the Competitor is physically pushed or thrown from the area by the opponent or is
exiting after having scored.
離開比賽場地: JOGAI 是指選手的腳或身體的任何其他部位接觸到比賽場地外的
10.4.14 Self endangerment: A warning or penalty for MUBOBI is given when a Competitor is hurt or
injured through his or her own fault or negligence. This may be caused by turning their back on
the opponent, attacking without regard for the opponent’s counterattack, stopping fighting
before the Referee calls “YAME”, dropping the guard or repeated failure or refusal to block the
opponent’s attacks.
10.4.15 Passivity refers to situations where neither Competitor makes attempts to score, or a single
Competitor does not attempt to score despite being behind on points or the opponent has a
lead because of SENSHU.
SENSHU 領先的情況下,依然沒有嘗詴得分。
10.4.16 Avoiding Combat refers to a situation where a Competitor attempts to prevent the opponent
having the opportunity to score by using time-wasting behaviour such as constantly retreating
without effective counter, holding, clinching, or exiting the competition area rather than
allowing the opponent an opportunity to score. Avoiding combat during the last 15 seconds of
the bout (ATO SHIBARAKU) will, as a minimum, result in HANSOKU CHUI and loss of SENSHU.
合的最後 15 秒 (ATO SHIBARAKU)迴避戰鬥至少會被判處 HANSOKU CHUI,以及失
去 SENSHU 先取優勢。
10.5. Excessive celebration, political or religious demonstration: competitors are expected to respect
the ceremony of salutations before and after the bout or match. Any excessive celebration,
such as falling on one’s knees etc., political or religious expressions, during or immediately
after the bout or match, are prohibited and may be subject to a fine equal to the amount
determined by the Executive Committee for the protest fee.
10.6.1 HANSOKU or SHIKKAKU: In team matches the offended Competitor’s score will be set at eight
points and the offender’s score will be zeroed.
犯規(HANSOKU)或失去資格(SHIKKAKU):在團隊比賽中,對手的分數將固定為 8
10.7.1 If a Competitor receives KIKEN, or SHIKKAKU, in Round-robin competition all previous bouts
are voided from the result unless it is the last scheduled bout for the disqualified Competitor,
in which case the result of the match is recorded in the usual manner without consequence for
the results of the previous bouts.
11.1.1 An injured Competitor who wins a bout through disqualification due to injury is not allowed to
fight again in the competition without permission from the tournament doctor. No such
permission can be given to a Competitor that suffered loss of consciousness or otherwise have
any symptoms of concussion.
11.2.1 When a Competitor is injured, the Referee shall at once halt the bout and call the doctor by
raising his hand and verbally call out “doctor”.
11.2.2 If physically able to do so, the injured Competitor should be directed off the mat for
examination and treatment by the doctor.
11.2.3 A Competitor who is injured during a bout in progress and requires medical treatment will be
allowed three minutes in which to receive it. The Tatami Manager is responsible for instructing
the timekeeper of starting the 3-minute count. If treatment is not completed within the time
allowed, the Referee will decide if the Competitor shall be declared unfit to fight, or whether
an extension of treatment time shall be given.
11.2.4 10 second rule: Any Competitor who falls, is thrown, or knocked down, and does not fully regain his or
her feet within ten seconds, is considered unfit to continue fighting and will be automatically withdrawn
from all Kumite events in that tournament. In the event that a Competitor falls, is thrown, or knocked
down and does not regain his or her feet immediately, the Referee will stop the match, call the doctor,
and at the same time start a verbal count to ten in the English language indicating his count showing a
finger for each second. In all cases where the 10 second count has been started the doctor will be asked
to examine the Competitor before the bout can resume. For incidents falling under this 10 second rule,
the Competitor may be examined on the mat. The Tatami Manager must notify the central table when a
Competitor has been stopped from further competition based on the 10-second rule.
10秒計數 已經開始的所有情況下,醫生將會被要求在恢復比賽之前檢查選手。
11.2.7 The Referee must be aware of pre-existing injuries when evaluating to what degree the
present state of injury could be subscribed to actions by the opponent. The opponent should
not be penalized for any pre-existing condition.
11.2.8 Should a Competitor in Round-robin competition have to withdraw because of injury all
previous bouts are voided from the result unless it is the last scheduled bout for the injured
Competitor, in which case the result of the bout is recorded in the usual manner without
consequence for the results of the previous bouts.
11.3.1 If two Competitors injure each other or are suffering from the effects of previously incurred
injury and are declared by the Tournament Doctor to be unable to continue, the bout is
awarded to the Competitor who has scored the most points or has a lead by SENSHU.
以當時累積之分數較高者或有獲得先取(SENSHU )之選手獲勝。
11.3.2 In Individual bouts if the points score is equal, then a vote (HANTEI) will decide the outcome of
the bout, unless one of the Competitors has SENSHU. In Team Matches the Referee will
announce a tie (HIKIWAKE), unless one of the Competitors has SENSHU. Should the situation
occur in an extra bout for deciding a Team Match, then a vote (HANTEI) will determine the
outcome, unless one of the Competitors has SENSHU.
在個人回合賽,如果得分相同,則以投票 (HANTEI判定)決定回合賽結果,除非其
中一位選手獲得先取(SENSHU)。在團體賽中,主審將宣布平手 (HIKIWAKE),除非
將以投票 (HANTE I判定 )決定結果,除非其中一位選手獲得先取(SENSHU )。
12.1 General 準則
12.1.1 When two or more Judges signal a score for the same Competitor, the Referee will stop the
bout and render the decision accordingly. Should the Referee fail to stop the bout the Match
Supervisor will blow his/her whistle. When the Referee decides to halt the bout for any reason,
he/she will call “YAME” at the same time using the required hand signal.
決定暫停比賽時,他/她將同時喊 "YAME"同時作出規定的手勢。
12.1.2 In the event that both Competitors have a score signalled by two Judges, both Competitors will
be awarded their respective points.
12.1.3 If one Competitor has a score indicated by more than one Judge and the score is different
between the Judges, the higher will be applied. The same applies if there are two judges for
each Competitor with different scores.
12.1.4 If there is majority, but disagreement, among the Judges for one level of score, the majority
opinion will always overrule the principle of applying the highest score.
12.1.5 When explaining the basis for a decision after the bout or match, the Referee Panel may speak
to the Tatami Manager, the Chief Referee, or the Appeals Jury. They will explain themselves to
no one else.
12.2.1 The result of a bout is determined by a Competitor obtaining a clear lead of eight points, at
time-up, having the highest number of points; at equal score having the first unopposed point
advantage (SENSHU); obtaining a decision by HANTEI or; by a HANSOKU, SHIKKAKU, or KIKEN
imposed against a Competitor.
最高者;具有相同的得分但獲得先取得分優勢(SENSHU);因 HANTEI (判定)
結果或因對手 HANSOKU (犯規),SHIKKAKU (失格)或 KIKEN (棄權)而獲勝。
12.2.3 Individual bouts cannot be declared a tie, with the exceptions of team competition, or
Roundrobin competition, when a bout ends with equal scores, or no scores, and neither
Competitor has obtained SENSHU, in which case the Referee will announce a tie (HIKIWAKE).
得分平手或沒有得分,而且沒有選手獲得SENSHU (先取得分優勢),在這種情況下
12.2.4 In any bout, if after full time the scores are equal, but one Competitor has obtained ‘first
unopposed score advantage’ (SENSHU), that Competitor will be declared the winner.
12.2.5 In any individual bout, where no score has been obtained by either Competitor, or the score is
equal without any Competitor having a ‘first unopposed score advantage’, the decision will be
made based on the following criteria in order of application:
在任何個人回合賽,雙方選手均未得分或得分相同且沒有任何選手獲得 "先取得
12.2.6 Should also the number of Ippon and Waza Ari be equal, the decision will be by HANTEI, a final
majority vote of the four Judges and the Referee, each casting their vote based on their
individual judgement of which competitor displayed superiority of tactics and techniques.
如果Ippon和Waza Ari的次數相等,將由HANTEI (判定)決定。四位副審和主審根據
12.1.1 When deciding the outcome of a bout by vote (HANTEI) at the end of an inconclusive bout, the
Referee will move to the competition area perimeter and call “HANTEI”, followed by a two-
tone blast of the whistle. The Judges will signal their opinions and the Referee will declare the
winner. The Referee will then indicate the winner by hand signal and the order (AKA/AO NO
KACHI), and by this action also resolve any tie.
當以投票HANTEI (判定)決定一場沒有勝負的回合賽结束時,主審將退至場邊然後
喊”HANTEI (判定)”,隨後吹兩聲哨聲。副審將以信號表示他們的意見,主審將宣
布獲勝者。然後,主審會通過手勢和口令( AKA/AO NO KACHI )表示獲勝者,在解
12.1.3 If SENSHU is withdrawn when it is less than 15 seconds left of the bout, no further SENSHU can
be awarded to either Competitor.
如果 SENSHU 在比賽結束還剩 15 秒以內被取消,之後都不會任何一個選手獲得
12.1.4 In cases where SENSHU has been awarded, but a successful video request determines that also
the other opponent scored, and that a score in fact is not unopposed, the same procedure is
used for nullification of SENSHU.
12.1.5 In instances where both AKA and AO are disqualified in the same bout by HANSOKU, the
opponents scheduled for the next round will win by bye (and no result is announced), unless
the double disqualification applies to a medal bout, in which case the winner will be declared
by HANTEI, unless one of the Competitors has SENSHU.
如果紅方和藍方兩位選手同一回合中,因HANSOKU (犯規)被取消資格,下一輪之
這種情況下將以HANTEI (判定)宣判獲勝者。除非其中一位選手有SENSHU。
12.2.1 The winning team is the one with the most bout victories including those won by SENSHU.
Should the two teams have the same number of bout victories, then the winning team will be
the one with the most points, taking both winning and losing bouts into account.
12.2.2 If the two teams have the same number of bout victories and points, then a deciding bout will
be held. Each team may nominate any one Competitor of their team for purpose of fighting
the extra bout, regardless of if that person already has fought in a previous bout between the
two teams.
12.2.4 In team matches when a team has won sufficient bout victories or scored sufficient points as
to be the established winner, then the match is declared over, and no further bouts will take
12.2.5 In team matches, should a team member be disqualified (HANSOKU or SHIKKAKU), their score
for that bout, if any, will be zeroed and the opponent’s score will be set at eight points.
在團體賽中,隊員被判或失去資格(HANSOKU犯規 or SHIKKAKU失格),他們該回合
12.3.1 The Score Supervisor will use the following symbols for registration of points:
13.1.1 No one may protest about a Judgement to the members of the Refereeing Panel.
13.1.2 If a Refereeing procedure appears to contravene the rules, the Competitor’s Coach or his/her
official representative are the only ones allowed to make a protest.
13.1.3 The protest will take the form of a written report submitted immediately after the bout in
which the protest was generated. The sole exception is when the protest concerns an
administrative malfunction.
13.1.4 Any protest concerning application of the rules must not necessarily impede the progression of
the competition and the intent to protest must be announced by the Coach or NF
representative immediately after the end of the bout.
13.1.5 If the protest involves Competitors in an ongoing category, then the next round that could
involve the Competitor must be postponed until the appeal is decided.
13.1.6 The Coach / NF representative will request the official protest from the Tatami Manager and
will be expected to have it completed, signed, and delivered to the Tatami Manager with the
corresponding fee without delay.
教練 / 國家聯盟代表將向場地經理索取正式的抗議表,並應立即填寫、簽名並交
13.1.7 Failure of a Coach / NF representative to deliver a protest in a timely manner can lead to its
rejection if such delay, in the opinion of the Appeals Jury, is without reasonable justification
and impedes the progression of the competition.
13.1.9 The protest may also be directly decided and announced to the Appeals Jury by the RC
Chairman or the Chief Referee of the event, in which case no payment of a protest fee will be
13.1.10 In case of an administrative malfunction during a bout in progress, the Coach can notify the
Tatami Manager directly. In turn, the Tatami Manager will notify the Chief Judge.
13.1.11 The protest must give the name and country of the Competitors and the precise details of
what is being protested. The information of officials implicated is completed by the Tatami
manager. No general claims about overall standards will be accepted as a legitimate protest.
The burden of proving the validity of the protest lies with the complainant. The protest must
be submitted to a representative of the Appeals Jury by the Tatami Manager. In due course the
Jury will review the circumstances leading to the protested decision.
13.1.12 The protester must deposit a Protest Fee as agreed by the WKF EC, and this, together with the
protest must be lodged with the Tatami Manager who will turn it over to a representative of
the Appeals Jury.
抗議者必頇按照 WKF 執行委員會的規定繳交抗議費,並與抗議書一起提交給場
13.1.13 The written protest must be completed, and the protest fee submitted, within 5 minutes after
announcing the intent to protest.
在提出抗議意圖後,必頇在 5 分鐘內完成書面抗議,並提交抗議費用。
13.1.14 The decision of the Appeals Jury is final and may only be overruled by a decision of the
Executive Committee upon request of the WKF President.
訴願陪審團的決定是最終決定,只有應 WKF 主席的要求,裁決才能由執行委員
13.2.1 The Appeals Jury is comprised of three Senior Referee representatives appointed by the
Referee Commission (RC) or the Chief Referee. No two members may be appointed from the
same National Federation. They will be numbered from 1 to 3.
13.2.2 The RC will also appoint three additional members with designated numbering from 4 to 6 that
automatically will replace any of the originally appointed Appeals Jury members in a conflict-
of-interest situation. I.e., where the jury member is of the same nationality, have a family
relationship by blood or as an In-Law with any of the parties involved or any other reasonable
conflict or potential conflict of interest in the protested incident, including all members of the
Refereeing panel involved in the protested incident.
裁判委員會還將任命另外三名成員,指定編號從 4 到 6,在利益衝突的情況下,
13.3.1 It is the responsibility of the Tatami Manager receiving the protest to gather the Appeals Jury
and deposit the protest sum with WKF for any declined protest.
給 WKF。
13.3.2 The Appeals Jury will immediately make such inquiries and investigations, as they consider
necessary to validate the merit of the protest.
13.3.3 Where video review is used, the Appeals Jury may request to examine the video recording of
the incident before rendering a verdict.
13.3.4 Each of the three members is obliged to give his/her verdict as to the validity of the protest.
Abstentions are not acceptable.
13.4.1 If a protest is found invalid, the Appeals Jury will appoint one of its members to verbally notify
the protester that the protest has been declined, mark the original document with the word
“DECLINED”, have it signed by each of the members of the Appeals Jury, and inform the
protester of the decision.
議已經被駁回,並在原始文件上註記 “DECLINED”(駁回)字樣,並由每位訴願陪審
13.4.2 If a protest is accepted, the appeals Jury will liaise with the Organizing Commission (OC) and
Chief Referee to take such measures as can be practically carried out to remedy the situation
including the possibilities of:
13.4.3 The responsibility rests with the Appeals Jury to exercise restraint and sound judgment in
taking actions that will disturb the program of the event in any significant manner. Reversing
the process of the eliminations is a last option to secure a fair outcome.
13.4.4 If the protest is accepted, the Appeals Jury will appoint one of its members who will verbally
notify the protester that the protest has been accepted, mark the original document with the
word “ACCEPTED”, and have it signed by each of the members of the Appeals Jury, before
depositing the protest with the Chief Referee, and returning the protest fee to the protester.
被接受,他們會在原始文件上註記 “ACCEPTED”(接受) 字樣,並由每位訴願陪審
13.5.1 After handling the incident in the above prescribed manner, the Appeals Jury will meet again
and elaborate a simple protest incident report, describing their findings and state their
reason(s) for accepting or rejecting the protest.
13.5.2 The report should be signed by all three members of the Appeals Jury and submitted to the
Chief Referee and the Organizing Commission.
14.1 In WKF World Championships, Premier League, Olympic Games, Youth Olympic Games,
Continental Games, World Games and multisport games of this nature, the use of video review
of bouts is required. Use of video review is also recommended for other competitions
whenever possible.
在 WKF 世界錦標賽,超級聯賽,奧運會,青奧會,洲際運動會,世界運動會和綜
14.2 For conventional elimination system with repechage the Coach will be allowed one video
review card for the eliminations, one each for semi-finals, and finals as well as one card for
14.3 For Round-robin in groups of four the Coach will be allowed one VR card for each participant in
the round-robin phase, and one for each of the quarter-final, semi-final, and any medal bout.
14.4 The video review is initiated when a coach raises his/her video review card (manually or by
electronic device as applicable) to signal that a score of his/her competitor was missed by the
judges. The request for video review must be raised when there in the opinion of the Coach
has been a score. If a Coach pushes the joy stick’s button and then immediately regrets it, the
procedure will not be stopped, and the video review will take place accordingly.
14.5 If the Competitor wishes to have the Coach request a video review, this must be discretely
signalled without disturbing the progress of the bout.
14.6 The video review can be requested by the Coach in instances where the Judges awarded a
lower score than, in the opinion of the Coach, should be for a higher scoring technique.
14.7 The Video Review Supervisor may only award points if he/she agrees that the Competitor for
whom the request was raised had a valid score, i.e. scoring before or simultaneously with the
other Competitor.
14.9 The last 6 seconds before the bout was stopped for the request will always be evaluated, but
additional time can be added as deemed necessary to make the best possible decision. The
sequence must be reviewed at normal speed but can in addition be viewed in slow motion or
比賽因請求影像檢視而停止前的最後 6 秒影像將會被評估,但可以依據需要增加
14.10 If the video review reveals that the Competitor scored more than once during the exchange
reviewed, the highest score should be given.
14.11 If both Coaches requests video review at the same time, the Video Supervisor may only award
the point to whoever is deemed to score first. The only exception being simultaneous scoring
techniques in which case points can be awarded to both Competitors.
14.12 If one coach shows the card for video review and the other coach wants a review of the same
instance, the second coach must raise his card before the review starts in order not to lose his
right to request video review for that instance. The video review is considered started when
the Referee makes the gesture.
14.13 If the request is found valid, a red or blue card, with the number 3 for IPPON, 2 for WAZA ARI
or 1 for YUKO is raised. The Referee will then award the score in the usual manner. If the
request is found invalid, the coach will lose the right to raise another video request for the
remainder of the bout.
如果影像檢視要求有效,則出示一張紅色或藍色卡表示得分,編號為 3 代表
IPPON,2 代表 WAZA ARI 或 1 代表 YUKO。然後,主審將以常規方式判分。如果
14.15 If the Video Review Supervisor is unable to observe the technique(s) due to camera angle,
he/she will signal this by doing the gesture for MIENAI and the Coach will retain the card. In
the case that of technical problems (electricity, camera, or computer malfunctions etc.) it is
not possible to analyse the video and take a decision, the same procedure will apply, and the
Coach will retain the card.
如果影像檢視監督由於攝影機角度而無法看到該技術,他/她將做出 MIENAI 的手
14.16 If a Coach requests VR, but in the opinion of the Referee the technique was uncontrolled or
too hard, a warning or penalty must be applied, and the Coach will retain the card.
1) To ensure the correct preparation for each given tournament in consultation with the
Organising Commission, with regard to competition area arrangement, the provision and
deployment of all equipment and necessary facilities, bout/match operation and
supervision, safety precautions, etc.
2) To appoint and deploy the Tatami Managers and Tatami Manager Assistants to their
respective areas and to act upon and take such action as may be required by the reports
of the Tatami Managers.
5) To pass the final Judgement on matters of a technical nature which may arise
during a given bout or match and for which there are no stipulations in the rules.
1) To delegate, appoint, and supervise the Referees and Judges, for all bouts and matches in
areas under their control.
2) To oversee the performance of the Referees and Judges in their areas, and to ensure that
the Officials appointed are capable of the tasks allotted them.
4) To prepare a daily, written report, on the performance of each official under their
supervision, together with their recommendations, if any, to the Referee Commission.
5) To appoint one Referees with WKF Referee A Qualification to act as Video Review
Supervisor. (VRS).
指定 1 名主審,具有 WKF 主審 A 資格者,作為影像檢視監督(VRS)
15.3 Referees 主審
1) The Referee (“SHUSHIN”) shall have the power to conduct bouts/matches including
announcing the start, the suspension, and the end of the bout or match.
2) The Referee shall give all commands and make all announcements.
4) To stop the bout when an injury, illness or inability of a Competitor to continue is noticed.
5) To stop the bout when it in the Referee’s opinion has been a foul committed, or to ensure
the safety of the Competitors.
6) To call FUKUSHIN SHUGO (summoning the judges) when, in the opinion of the Referee is
deemed necessary, for giving SHIKKAKU, applying the 10 seconds rule, when the doctor
wants to stop the bout, or when directly giving HANSOKU.
當主審認為有必要:給予 SHIKKAKU、應用 10 秒規則、當醫生想要停止回合
賽、或直接給予 HANSOKU 時,將召集 FUKUSHIN SHUGO (召集副審)
7) To indicate fouls observed, and impose warning and penalties as required by the rules.
8) To explain to the Tatami Manager, Referee Commission, or Appeals Jury, if necessary, the
basis for giving a Judgement.
10) To conduct voting of the Judges, in the event of a tied bout, and if necessary, including
his/her own vote (HANTEI) to break a tie.
12) The authority of the Referee is not confined solely to the competition area but also to its
entire immediate perimeter including controlling the conduct of Coaches, other
Competitors, or any part of the Competitors’ entourage, present on the competition floor.
15.4 Judges 副審
15.4.2 The Judges shall carefully observe the actions of the Competitors and signal to the Referee an
opinion when a score is observed.
15.5.1 The Match Supervisor (KANSA) will assist the Tatami Manager by overseeing the match or bout
in progress. Should decisions of the Referee and/or Judges, not be in accordance with the
Rules of Competition, the Match Supervisor will immediately signal by blowing his/her whistle.
比賽監督 KANSA(監察)將協助場地經理監督比賽或回合賽的進行。當主審和/或副
15.5.2 Records kept of the match shall become official records subject to the approval of the Match
15.5.4 In the following situations the Match Supervisor will signal by blowing his/her whistle:
在下列情況時,Kansa (監察)將吹他/她的哨子:
1) The Referee forgets to indicate SENSHU.
主審忘記表示 SENSHU (先取)手勢。
2) The Referee forgets to remove the SENSHU.
主審忘記取消 SENSHU (先取)。
3) The Referee gives a score to the wrong Competitor.
4) The Referee gives warning/penalty to the wrong Competitor.
5) The Referee gives a score to a Competitor and warning for exaggeration to the other.
6) The Referee gives a score to a Competitor and MUBOBI to the other.
主審判一方選手得分後,再給予對手 MUBOBI (無防備)的處罰
7) The Referee gives a score for a technique done after YAME or after the time is up.
主審在 YAME (停)或時間結束之後完成的技術,判予得分。
8) The Referee gives a score made by a Competitor when the Competitor is outside the
9) The Referee gives a warning or penalty for passivity during Ato Shibaraku.
主審在 Atoshi Baraku (最後十五秒)期間,給予消極(passivity)的警告或處罰。
10) The Referee gives the wrong warning or penalty during Ato Shibaraku.
主審在 Ato shibaraku (最後十五秒)期間,給予錯誤的警告或處罰。
11) The Referee doesn’t stop the bout and there are two or more judges signalling point
12) The Referee doesn’t stop the bout when a Video Review is requested by a Coach.
13) The Referee doesn’t follow the majority of scores signalled by the judges.
14) The Referee doesn’t call the doctor in a 10 second rule situation.
15) The Referee does HANTEI/HIKIWAKE, but SENSHU has been obtained.
已經取得 SENSHU (先取)的情況下,主審要做 HANTEI / HIKIWAKE (判定/平 手)
15.5.5 In the following situations the Match Supervisor will not get involved with the Referee Panel’s
1) The Judges don’t signal for a score.
2) KANSA has no vote or authority in matters of judgments such as whether a score was valid
or not.
Kansa (監察)在判決分數是否有效之問題上沒有投票權或權力。
3) In the event that the Referee does not hear the time-up bell, the Score-Supervisor will
blow his whistle, not KANSA.
當主審沒有聽到比賽時間結束的鈴聲時,Score- Supervisor (分數監督)將吹響
他的哨子,而不是 KANSA (監察)。
15.6.1 The Score Supervisor will keep a separate record of the scores awarded by the Referee and at
the same time oversee the actions of the appointed score/time-keeper.
National Federations may modify these rules for purpose of national competitions or other
competitions not on the official WKF programme as long as no alterations are done to rules
pertaining to the safety of the Competitors, scoring, prohibited behaviour, warning and
penalties, injuries and accidents in competition, or criteria for decision.
國家協會可以為全國比賽或其他不在 WKF 官方計畫中的比賽修改這些規則,只要
SHOBU HAJIME Start the Match or Bout After the announcement, the Referee takes a step back.
勝負開始 回合賽開始 喊出術語後,主審後退一步。
ATO SHIBARAKU A little more time left An audible signal will be given by the timekeeper 15 seconds before
剩下一點時間 還剩下一點時間 the actual end of the bout and the Referee will announce “Ato shi
(15秒) baraku”.
同時喊“Atoshi Baraku”
YAME Stop Interruption, or end of the bout. As he/she makes the
停 停止 announcement, the Referee makes a downwardchopping motion
with his hand.
MOTO NO ICHI Original position Contestants and Referee return to their starting positions.
回原位 原來位置 選手和主審各自回起始位置。
TSUZUKETE Fight on Resumption of fighting ordered after WAKARETE, when an
繼續 繼續對打 unauthorised interruption occurs – or when the Referee gives an
informal order to commence fighting due to lack of activity
在 WAKARETE 之後下令恢復戰鬥,在未經許可而中斷比
TSUZUKETE HAJIME Resume fighting – Begin The Referee stands in a forward stance. As he says
繼續開始 再繼續對打 ─ 開始 “Tsuzukete” he/she extends his/her arms, palms outwards towards
the Competitors. As he/she says “Hajime” he/she turns the palms
and brings them rapidly towards one another, at the same time
stepping back.
手雙方, 喊“Hajime"時,快速轉手掌使其相對,同時退後
FUKUSHIN SHUGO Judges called The Referee calls the Judges to assembl.
召集 召集副審 主審召集副審集合。
HANTEI Decision Referee calls for a decision at the end of an inconclusive bout. After
判定 判決 a two-tone short blast of the whistle, the Judges signal their votes,
and the Referee indicates the winner by raising his/her arm.
HIKIWAKE Draw In case of a tied bout, the Referee crosses his arms, then extends
平手 平手 them with the palms showing to the front.
AKA (AO) NO KACHI Red (Blue) wins The Referee raises his/her arm on the side of the winner.
紅(藍)勝 紅﹝藍﹞勝 主審將他/她的手臂舉在獲勝者的那一側。
AKA (AO) IPPON Red (Blue) scores three The Referee raises his/her arm up at 45 degrees on the side of the
紅(藍)一本 points scorer.
紅﹝藍﹞方獲得三分 主審將他/她的手臂向上45 度,伸向得分之一方。
AKA (AO) WAZA-ARI Red (Blue) scores two The Referee extends his/her arm at shoulder level on the side of the
紅(藍)技有 points scorer.
紅﹝藍﹞方獲得二分 主審將他/她的手臂以肩膀高度伸出,伸向得分之一方。
AKA (AO) YUKO Red (Blue) scores one The Referee extends his/her arm downward at 45 degrees on the
紅(藍)有效 point side of the scorer.
紅﹝藍﹞方獲得一分 主審將他/她的手臂向下45 度,伸向得分之一方。
HANSOKU Disqualification The Referee points to the face of the offender and announces a win
犯規 取消資格 for the opponent.
JOGAI Exit from the The Referee points his/her index finger to the side of the offender
場外 competition area not to indicate that the Competitor has moved out of the area followed
caused by the opponent by the applicable warning or penalty.
非因對手之原因離開比 主審以食指指向違規選手方的邊線,表示該選手已離開
賽場地 比賽場地,然後是相應的警告或處罰。
SENSHU First unopposed point After awarding the point in the regular fashion, the Referee calls
先取 advantage “AKA (AO) SENSHU” while holding lifting his/her bent arm with the
優先對手得分的優勢 palm facing the Referee’ s own face.
的手臂,宣布“Aka (Ao) Senshu”。
SHIKKAKU Disqualification from the The Referee points to the face of the offender, then away from the
失格 tournament competition area, and announces a win for the opponent.
失去參與錦標賽資格 主審指著犯規選手的臉,然後指離比賽場地,並宣布對
TORIMASEN Cancellation A decision is annulled. The Referee crosses his/her hands in a
不算 取消 downward movement.
將判決取消。 主審將他/她的雙手交叉向下移動。
KIKEN Renunciation The Referee points downwards at 45 degrees in the direction of the
棄權 放棄 Competitor’s or team’s side of the Tatami.
主審向下以 45 度指向參賽者或團隊的墊子方向。
MUBOBI Self-Endangerment The Referee touches his/her face then turning his/her hand edge
無防備 使自己陷入危險 forward, moves it back and forth to indicate that the Competitor
endangered himself.
WAKARETE “Separate” The Referee motions for the Competitors to separate from a
分開 分離 clinch, or standing chest to chest, by separating his hands
with a motion with the palms outward while giving the verbal
order. The Competitors halts action and separate until
receiving the order “Tsuzukete”.
YUKO (1/2) YUKO (2/2) WAZA ARI (1/2) WAZA ARI (2/2)
一分 一分 兩分 兩分
犯規 犯規 失格 失格 失格
平手 平手 紅(藍)獲勝 紅(藍)獲勝
影像檢視 影像檢視 影像檢視 影像檢視
1. When using the two-corner judge system the corner Judges and the Referee all have mutual
responsibility for points. Flags are used by the Corner Judges for signaling.
2. In addition to showing points, the Corner Judges will assist the Referee by giving signals for Jogai,
excessive contact, and skin touch for categories where this contravenes the rules, but the
Referee remain autonomous in applying warnings and penalties.
3. Points are awarded if two Judges, or one Judge plus the Referee, agrees on the score.
4. In order to be able to cover all three angles of view, the referee should never position him/herself
in the same side as the two Judges
5. The Coaches should be placed in front of the Referee and not behind.
6. The Referee can show and ask support for points that are made in his/her field of play. In this
case the Referee´s signals for Yuko, Waza-ari and Ippon are the same as in the regular kumite
rules, with the exception that the Referee's elbow is touching his/her torso while indicating the
respective signal. After the Referee has received support, the signals when giving points are the
same as for bouts under regular rules.
Yuko、Waza-ari 和 Ippon 的信號與常規對打規則相同,除了主審在尋求副審支持時,
7. If one Judge signals for point and the other for a warning or penalty, the Referee will take the
final decision by supporting one of the Judges.
8. If the two Judges, or one Judge and the Referee, show different points for the same competitors,
the higher will be given.
10. The Referee can’t go against the opinion of both Judges showing points for the same Competitor.
It’s only in case of skin touch or any other warning or penalty that the Referee can ask the Judges
to reconsider and change their opinion.
11. If both Judges signal point, but for different Competitor, the Referee will award both points.
12. For categories 14 to 16 years of age skin touch is allowed for kicks only. Skin touch is defined as
touching the target without transferring energy into the head or body. For Competitors under 14
years no skin touch is allowed with Jodan techniques.
對於 14 至 16 歲的類別,僅允許踢的技術可以皮膚接觸。皮膚接觸被定義為接觸到
目標,並且沒有將能量轉移至頭部或身體。對於 14 歲以下的選手,不允許任何上