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import requests

#A class containing API Methods for Black Duck Hub

# For educational purposes only
class HubAPI:

#When initializing this class it will store the endpoint of

# the hub instance. Must include the full path.
def __init__(self, endpoint):
self.URL = endpoint
#Hub uses session authentication.
#This object will store the session and must be passed to each request
#to authenticate
self.aSession = requests.Session()
### Hub 4.0 and later all operations are in https
## Please work iwth your IT infrastructure to manage HTTP certificates
# Variable to hold CSRF token which must be included in the header of all
# requests that attempt to modify the system.
self.CSRF = ''
#Helper method to build path
def urlCompose(self, path=''):
return self.URL + '/' + path

#Helper method to get Hub API links from Response

#Params -- self - required pythont parameter
# meta - the meta section of an API Response
# tag - the name of the link to get
def getLink(self, meta, tag):
for i in range(len(meta['links'])):
if meta['links'][i]['rel'] == tag:
return meta['links'][i]['href']
print( "ERROR: getLink(" + tag +') failed. Tag not found')
return 0
#Authenticates the session
def authenticate( self, username, password):
# Username and password will be sent in body of post request
authParam = {'j_username':username, 'j_password':password}
#Send a post request to authentication endpoint
response ='j_spring_security_check'),
data = authParam)

#check for Success

if response.ok:
self.CSRF = response.headers['x-csrf-token']
return 1
print("Error in authentication")
return 0

#Sends request to project endpoint. Parameters are optional and mapped directly
# from API documentation.
def getProjects( self, limit=100, offset=0,sort='',q=''):
payload = {'limit':limit, 'offset':offset, 'sort':sort, 'q':q}
response = self.aSession.get(self.urlCompose('api/projects'),
if response.ok:
return response.json()
print('Bad response in getProjects')
return response.json()

#Sends request to version endpoint for a given project.

#This endpoint will be retrived from the project response data and passed
# directly here as projectURL.
def getVersions( self, projectURL, limit=100, offset=0, sort='', q=''):
payload = {'limit':limit, 'offset':offset,'sort':sort, 'q':q}
response = self.aSession.get(projectURL, params=payload)
if response.ok:
return response.json()
print('Bad response in getVersions')
return response.json()

#Sends post request to have Hub create a report about a version of a project.
# reportURL comes from the body of the getVersion response.
def generateReport( self, reportURL):
reportFormat = {'reportFormat':'CSV'}
response =, json = reportFormat, headers={'x-
if response.ok:
return response.text
print("Error: bad request in generateReport()")
return response.text

def getReports( self, reportURL):

response = self.aSession.get(reportURL)
if response.ok:
return response.json()
print("Error: bad request in getReports")
#Downloads the report from reportURL to dest
def downloadReport(self, reportURL, dest=''):
response = self.aSession.get(reportURL)
with open(dest, 'wb') as output:
for chunk in response.iter_content(2000):

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