JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Software Requirements Specification V2.0

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Software Requirements


JMMB Virtual Queue

Management System

Prepared by Innovate 10X

February 4, 2022

Version 2.0

This document comprises the requirements for a Virtual Queue Management System to meet the
current automation and digital transformation needs of the Jamaica Money Market Brokers Group.
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Advanced Chatbot Solution Page ii

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... ii
Document Revision History ................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Background .................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations ................................................................................. 2
2. Solution Description.................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective & Contextual Architecture ................................................................... 3
2.2 Solution Components ............................................................................................................... 3
3. Business Requirements ............................................................................................................5
4. Stakeholder Requirements ......................................................................................................5
4.1 JMMB Customer Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
4.2 JMMB Client-Facing Stakeholder Requirements ................................................................. 6
4.3 JMMB Managerial Stakeholder Requirements..................................................................... 6
4.4 Administrative Stakeholder Requirements ............................................................................ 7
4.5 Marketing Stakeholder Requirements ................................................................................... 7
5. Functional Software Requirements ........................................................................................8
5.1 Appointment Booking ............................................................................................................... 8
5.1.1 Description ............................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Ticket Generation...................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 11
5.3.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.3.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Map Integration ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 12
5.5 Turn Skipping .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.5.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 13
5.5.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Queue Assignment ................................................................................................................. 13
5.6.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 13
5.6.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Check-In ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.7.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.7.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.8 Information Display ................................................................................................................. 14
5.8.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.8.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.9 Customer Feedback ............................................................................................................... 16
5.9.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 16
5.9.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.10 Announcements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.10.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.10.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.11 Notifications ............................................................................................................................. 17
5.11.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.11.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.12 Customer Servicing ................................................................................................................ 18
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5.12.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 18

5.12.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 18
5.13 Scheduling ............................................................................................................................... 19
5.13.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 19
5.13.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 19
5.14 Reporting & Analytics ............................................................................................................. 19
5.14.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 19
5.14.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 19
5.15 Marketing.................................................................................................................................. 21
5.15.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 21
5.15.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 21
5.16 Customer Assistance ............................................................................................................. 22
5.16.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 22
5.16.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 22
6. Non-functional Software Requirements ..............................................................................23
6.1 Availability Requirements ...................................................................................................... 23
6.2 Integration Requirements ...................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Omni-Channel Support Requirements ................................................................................ 24
6.4 Performance Requirements .................................................................................................. 24
6.5 Flexibility Requirements ......................................................................................................... 24
6.6 Security Requirements ........................................................................................................... 25
6.7 Audit Logging Requirements ................................................................................................. 25
6.8 Interface Requirements.......................................................................................................... 25
6.9 Authorization Requirements .................................................................................................. 26
6.10 Regulatory Requirements ...................................................................................................... 26
6.11 Backup & Recovery Requirements ...................................................................................... 27
6.12 Roles & Permissions Requirements .................................................................................... 27
7. Other Requirements ..............................................................................................................28
7.1 Transition Requirements........................................................................................................ 28
7.2 Assumptions & Hardware Requirements ............................................................................ 28
8. Appendices ..............................................................................................................................30
8.1 Appendix I: Queue Management System Architectural Diagram .................................... 30
(Future-State) ....................................................................................................................................... 30
8.2 Appendix II: Queue Management System Use Case Diagrams ................................................ 31
8.2.1 Customers- Virtual Ticketing ................................................................................................ 31
8.2.2 Customers- Physical Ticketing.............................................................................................. 32
8.2.3 Staff – Client Facing ............................................................................................................. 33
8.2.4 Staff- Marketing .................................................................................................................... 34
8.2.5 Staff- Managerial .................................................................................................................. 35
8.2.6 Staff- Administrators ............................................................................................................. 36
8.3 Appendix II: Glossary ............................................................................................................. 37
9. Software Requirements Specification Sign-Off...................................................................39
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Document Revision History

Author Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Change Description Version
Innovate 2022-01-31 Initial draft 1.0
Innovate 2022-02-03 Minor Requirement 1.1
10X Changes
Added Use Case Diagrams
Innovate 2022-02-04 Minor Requirement 2.0
10X Changes
Added Section 5.16
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 1

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document outlines the revised initial set
of requirements for the Virtual Ticketing, Physical Ticketing and Staff Dashboard Queue
Management modules to be implemented in the Virtual Queue Management System for
the Jamaica Money Market Brookers (JMMB) Group. This set of requirements comprises
business, stakeholder, functional and non-functional requirements perspectives, as well as
hardware requirements, transition requirements and assumptions surrounding the project.
The requirements and supporting documentation contained within this document are to
support regional implementation of the solution across the JMMB Group locations in
Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, and Dominican Republic.

1.2 Project Background

JMMB intends to build and/or buy a virtual Queue Management System (QMS) as a part of
its digital transformation strategy. The implementation of a Queue Management System
will define the way that client flow is managed as the clients access the various services of
the JMMB Integrated Branch. The system will create seamless, intuitive customer journeys
that transcend channels. The aim of the System is to get shorten the time to service and
reduce the touchpoints experienced by the clients in accessing these services. The Queue
Management System will have the added benefit of reducing recurring in-branch traffic by
identifying clients who are ideal for migration to the Digital Services platform, based on the
indicated purpose of their visit. The system will also provide business intelligence, reports
and dashboards through a centralized reporting system that monitors all branches and
regions, gives Team Member performance, Service area efficiency and also optimizing
The implementation of the Virtual Queue Management System is expected to deliver the
following benefits:

• Increased Accessibility and Convenience for existing and potential clients

• Reduction and Management of Physical Branch Traffic
• Decreased Wait Times
• Decreased Service Delivery Times
• Improved Business Intelligence through Real-Time Feedback Collection and
• Personalized Marketing Opportunities
• Increased Usage of Digital Channels to Access Products and Service
• Increased Conversion
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1.3 Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations

Please refer to Appendix II for a glossary of terms used throughout this document.
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2. Solution Description
2.1 Product Perspective & Contextual Architecture
The Virtual Queue Management System is a new solution being implemented within JMMB
to provide increase the level of convenience for customers, improve customer experience,
and manage customer service journeys via physical and digital channels. The solution will
form a critical part of the client experience infrastructure of JMMB, seamlessly interfacing
with a Channel Integrator to facilitate the delivery of standardized, group-wide Omni-
Channel user experiences.
A comprehensive view of the Virtual Queue Management System as an architectural
component within the context of the JMMB internal infrastructure is detailed in Appendix I:

2.2 Solution Components

The Virtual Queue Management System will comprise three (3) main interface components
to deliver functional value across multiple channels and platforms:



Physical Staff Queue

Ticketing Management
Interface Dashboard
(in branch) (processing)
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 4

• Virtual Ticketing Interface

o The virtual ticketing interface will provide remote queueing and appointment
scheduling functionality through which JMMB existing and prospective
customers will benefit from an improved customer service experience. This
interface will allow users to manage their queueing experience from virtually
any location by allowing them to access functionality across their own web
and mobile platforms.

• Physical Ticketing Interface

o The physical ticketing interface will manipulate smart hardware including
kiosks and display terminals to provide queueing and appointment
scheduling functionality for existing and prospective JMMB customers who
begin their customer service journey in a JMMB branch. This interface will be
able to provide a queueing and appointment booking experience equivalent
to that gained through virtual ticketing but will also be able to provide a
physical ticket where required.

• Staff Queue Management Dashboard

o The staff queue management dashboard will serve as the processing hub for
the queues. This dashboard will filter information from the virtual and physical
channels into comprehensive, curated overviews for client-facing, managerial
and administrative staff. Staff will be able to manage queued customers and
scheduled appointments to improve service efficiency and communicate with
customers throughout their client experience journeys.

Section Five (5) of this SRS Document outlines detailed functional requirements and
maps each requirement to a functional interface component of the virtual queue
management system.
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3. Business Requirements
These are strategic objectives and goals identified from a business perspective, which are
expected to be satisfied and met, whether directly or indirectly, by the implementation of the virtual
queue management system.

Req. # Description
BR 1.0 The solution is expected to reduce customer waiting times
BR 2.0 The solution is expected to reduce customer walkaways
BR 3.0 The solution is expected to increase customer conversions
BR 4.0 The solution is expected to increase in-branch productivity
BR 5.0 The solution is expected to increase customer loyalty
BR 6.0 The solution is expected to increase resource allocation
BR 7.0 The solution is expected to reduce branch crowding
BR 8.0 The solution is expected to improve the customer service experience for customers
BR 9.0 The solution is expected to improve service efficiency
BR10.0 The solution is expected to increase the use of digital channels
BR11.0 The solution is expected to increase decision making capabilities
BR12.0 The solution is expected to decrease service delivery times

4. Stakeholder Requirements
These are high-level desires for solution functionality, expressed by stakeholders who will use the
solution once implemented. Stakeholder requirements will be organized by business role/ function.

4.1 JMMB Customer Requirements

These requirements are beneficial to existing and prospective customers and are based on functions and
features which are most important to this user group.

Req. # Description
SR 1.0 The solution shall facilitate ticket generation
SR 2.0 The solution shall facilitate appointment booking
SR 3.0 The solution shall facilitate appointment rescheduling
SR 4.0 The solution shall facilitate remote queuing
SR 5.0 The solution shall generate physical tickets
SR 6.0 The solution shall generate digital tickets
SR 7.0 The solution shall give alerts
SR 8.0 The solution shall give notifications
SR 9.0 The solution shall collect feedback
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SR 10.0 The solution shall display relevant queue information

SR 11.0 The Solution shall be accessible across several channels

4.2 JMMB Client-Facing Stakeholder Requirements

These requirements are beneficial to staff members who will provide service to JMMB customers and are
based on functions and features which are most important to this user group.

Req. # Description
SR 12.0 The solution shall display queued customers
The solution shall facilitate a team member indicating to a customer
SR 13.0 that the customer can now be served
SR 14.0 The solution shall manage customer allocation
The solution shall inform team members of customer service
SR 15.0 requirements
SR 16.0 The solution shall manage schedules

SR 17.0 The solution shall facilitate appointment management

SR 18.0 The solution shall facilitate queue management

4.3 JMMB Managerial Stakeholder Requirements

These requirements are beneficial to JMMB managerial-level staff who may manage client-facing staff and
require insight into queue management activities and are based on functions and features which are most
important to this user group.

Req. # Description
SR 19.0 The solution shall generate insights

SR 20.0 The solution shall generate reports

SR 21.0 The solution shall facilitate staff allocation

SR 22.0 The solution shall track staff activity

SR 23.0 The solution shall facilitate staff assignment

SR 24.0 The solution shall be able to make traffic predictions

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4.4 Administrative Stakeholder Requirements

These requirements are beneficial to users who will manage the queue management system in terms of its
configurations and operation and are based on functions and features which are most important to this user

Req. # Description
SR 25.0 The solution shall facilitate roles and permissions

SR 26.0 The solution shall maintain an audit log

SR 27.0 The solution shall be able to generate an audit log report

SR 28.0 The solution shall facilitate low/no code configuration

SR 29.0 The solution shall enforce access privileges

The solution shall facilitate performing CRUD operations for users
SR 30.0 and services

4.5 Marketing Stakeholder Requirements

These requirements are beneficial to the JMMB client experience and marketing teams and are based on
functions and features which are most important to this user group.

Req. # Description
SR 31.0 The solution shall be able to display targeted advertisements to customers
SR 32.0 The solution shall be able to gather and analyze customer feedback
The solution shall be able to manage promotional campaigns using push
SR 33.0 notifications
The solution shall be able to integrate with maps to provide location-
SR 34.0 specific responses
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5. Functional Software Requirements

These are technical descriptions of what the Virtual Queue Management System should do. The
functional requirements will be organized by feature, with each requirement further mapping to one
of the three functional interface components of the solution.

Requirements will be prioritized using the MoSCoW prioritization scheme, using:

• Must have- non-negotiable, mandatory solution requirements;

• Should have- Important solution requirements that are not vital but add value;
• Could have- nice to have solution requirements that will have a small impact if excluded;
• Will not have- solution requirements that are not of priority.

5.1 Appointment Booking

5.1.1 Description
This feature will enable the customers using the virtual queue management
system to create, edit and cancel appointments with JMMB staff members.
5.1.2 Requirements

Component Req. # Description Priority

The system shall allow a customer to
Virtual Ticketing REQ 01.0 Must have
request an appointment
The system shall capture the
Virtual Ticketing REQ 02.0 following appointment details from a Must have
-Appointment date, based on
Virtual Ticketing REQ 02.1 Must have
-Appointment time, based on
Virtual Ticketing REQ 02.2 Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 02.3 -Branch location Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 02.4 -Preferred representative, if any Must have
The system shall allow a customer to
Virtual Ticketing REQ 03.0 select the type of appointment which Must have
the customer would like to book
Virtual Ticketing REQ 03.1 -Callback Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 03.2 -Physical Appointment Must have
The system shall allow the customer
to indicate the product or service
Virtual Ticketing REQ 04.0 Must have
which the appointment should
The system shall allow a customer to
request an appointment up to a
Virtual Ticketing REQ 05.0 Should have
configurable number of days in
The system shall allow a customer to
Virtual Ticketing REQ 06.0 Must have
reschedule an appointment
Virtual Ticketing REQ 07.0 The system shall allow a customer to Must have
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 9

modify an appointment

5.2 Ticket Generation

5.2.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to collect
configurable customer details and service request details; determine priority
customers; and generate virtual and physical tickets to customers to join a
5.2.2 Requirements
Component Req. # Description Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 08.0 The system shall allow the Must have
user to request and retrieve
an electronic ticket.
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.0 The system shall allow a Must have
customer to join the queue
via the following methods:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.1 -QR Code Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.2 -JMMB Online Banking Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.3 -JMMB Website Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.4 -Smart Kiosk Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.5 -Mobile App Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.6 -WhatsApp Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.7 -SMS Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 09.8 -Chatbot Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.0 The system shall use the Must have
following details to facilitate
the generation of an
electronic ticket:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.1 -Name Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.2 -Phone Number Must have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.3 -Email address Should have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.4 -Preferred language Must have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.5 -Type of service/s needed Must have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 10.6 -Assigned representative, if Must have

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Virtual Ticketing REQ 11.0 The system shall allow a Must have
customer to select multiple
Virtual Ticketing REQ 12.0 The system shall allow a Should have
customer to indicate whether
they are disabled
Virtual Ticketing REQ 13.0 The system shall allow a Must have
customer to indicate whether
they would like to visit a
specific branch
Virtual Ticketing REQ 14.0 The system shall allow the Must have
user to view available service
areas and their locations.
Virtual Ticketing REQ 15.0 The system shall use the Should have
information input by the
customer to determine
whether a customer is a
senior citizen
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.0 The system shall collect the Must have
following information from a
customer in order to generate
a ticket:
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.1 -Customer Name Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.2 -Service/s required Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.3 -Customer unique identifier Must have
(email/ phone number/
account number)
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.4 -Assigned representative, if Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.0 The system shall issue a Must have
physical ticket with the
following details:
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.1 -Ticket number Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.2 -Date of issue Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.3 -Time of issue Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.4 -Estimated wait time with Must have
disclaimer (e.g., Actual wait time
may be more or less than estimated
wait time.)
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.5 -Branch/ Location Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 18.0 The system shall use Must have
alphanumeric sequences to
create unique ticket numbers
based on the type of service
requested by a customer
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5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to make
conditional recommendations to a customer based on services needed,
available channels, customer activity, and customer location.
5.3.2 Requirements
Component Req. # Description Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 19.0 The system shall determine whether the Must have
service/s required by a customer are
available via digital channels

Virtual Ticketing REQ 20.0 The system shall inform the user if Must have
service can be done via a digital channel

Virtual Ticketing REQ 21.0 The system shall prompt a customer to Must have
visit a digital channel if the service/s
needed are available via a digital channel

Virtual Ticketing REQ 22.0 The system shall be able to suggest that Should have
a customer reschedule their visit after
missing their turn a configurable number
of times
Virtual Ticketing REQ 23.0 The system shall be able to suggest that Could have
a customer skip their turn if the customer
is determined to be unable to arrive at the
branch location before their predicted wait
time expires
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.0 The solution shall allow a customer to Must have
choose from the following options if their
wait time has been extended:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.1 -Keep waiting Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.2 -Reschedule Must have
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5.4 Map Integration

5.4.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to use
customer and branch locations from a map integration to provide suggestions,
timing information and travelling details.
5.4.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 25.0 The system shall be able to send Must have
information to a GPS service
Virtual Ticketing REQ 26.0 the system shall be able to receive Must have
information from a GPS service
Virtual Ticketing REQ 27.0 The system shall store the location Must have
details of all existing JMMB branches
Virtual Ticketing REQ 28.0 The system shall track the location of Must have
a customer who attempts to join a
Virtual Ticketing REQ 29.0 The system shall be able to provide Should have
suggestions to a customer based on
the following:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 29.1 -Closest branch location/s to the Should have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 29.2 -Closest branch location which offers Should have
the required service
Virtual Ticketing REQ 29.3 -Closest branch location with least Must have
persons in a queue
Virtual Ticketing REQ 30.0 The system shall be able to provide Should have
the following details:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 30.1 -Proximity to the branch which the Should have
customer will visit (distance & time)
Virtual Ticketing REQ 30.2 -Predicted travel time to arrive at the Could have
branch which the customer will visit

Virtual Ticketing REQ 30.3 -Best time to travel from the Could have
customer's current location to the
selected branch based on travel time
and proximity
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5.5 Turn Skipping

5.5.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate a
customer in a queue to skip their place in the queue.
5.5.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 31.0 The system shall allow a customer Must have
to request moving further down in
the queue
Virtual Ticketing REQ 32.0 The system shall reallocate queue Must have
spaces once a customer has
moved further down in a queue
Virtual Ticketing REQ 33.0 The system shall update the Must have
following once a customer has
successfully been moved further
down in a queue:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 33.1 -Estimated wait time Must have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 33.2 -Number of persons before the Must have
customer in the queue

5.6 Queue Assignment

5.6.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to assign
customers to appropriate queues based on services required and staff
availability; and determine suitable staff for customer service.
5.6.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
ALL REQ 34.0 The system shall allow users doing Must have
multiple services to be assigned to a
Frontline Team Member who performs
multiple services.
Virtual Ticketing REQ 35.0 The system shall select the best fit Must have
Frontline Team Members for users
with single services.
Staff Portal REQ 36.0 The system shall assign Team Should have
Members to customers based on their
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5.7 Check-In
5.7.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate
customers checking in for service upon arrival to a service location.

5.7.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 37.0 The system shall allow a customer to Must have
indicate that they are ready for service at
a branch location
Virtual Ticketing REQ 38.0 The system shall prompt a customer to Should have
check in at a configurable time prior to the
end of their estimated wait time
Staff Portal REQ 39.0 The system shall flag customers who Must have
have checked-in as ‘available’ for service

Virtual Ticketing REQ 40.0 The system shall allow a customer to opt Could have
for automatic check-in upon arrival at the
branch location
Virtual Ticketing REQ 41.0 The system shall notify a customer when Should have
their check-in window has closed

5.8 Information Display

5.8.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to display
important queue management information to respective user groups across
different channels.
5.8.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Physical Ticketing REQ 42.0 The system shall display the wait Should have
status for persons in the queue
using digital signage/ timers.
Physical Ticketing REQ 43.0 The system shall facilitate the Should have
display of dynamic content.

Physical Ticketing REQ 44.0 The system shall display the Should have
number of customers inline to be
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 15

Virtual Ticketing REQ 45.0 The system shall notify a Must have
customer of the following updates
in configurable intervals:

Virtual Ticketing REQ 45.1 -Place in queue Must have

Virtual Ticketing REQ 45.2 -Estimated wait time Must have

Staff Portal REQ 46.0 The system shall allow a Team Must have
Member to view in real time the
number of customers waiting
Staff Portal REQ 47.0 The system shall allow a Team Must have
Member to view in real Time the
wait time for customers
Staff Portal REQ 48.0 The system shall allow a team Must have
Member to view in real time the
ticket number of a customer in the
Staff Portal REQ 49.0 The system shall allow a staff Must have
member to view the following
details for a queued customer:
Staff Portal REQ 49.1 -Customer name Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.2 -Customer Ticket Number Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.3 -Service/s required by the Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.4 -Customer unique identifier (email/ Must have
phone number/ account number)
Staff Portal REQ 50.0 The system shall allow a staff Must have
member to view the following
details for a customer with an
Staff Portal REQ 50.1 -Customer name Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.2 -Service/s required by the Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.3 -Appointment date Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.4 -Appointment time Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.5 -Customer unique identifier (email/ Must have
phone number/ account number)
Staff Portal REQ 51.0 The system shall display the Must have
following details on a staff
Staff Portal REQ 51.1 -Staff Station Identifier Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.2 -Number of customers queued to Must have
be serviced by the staff member
Staff Portal REQ 51.3 -Number of customers already Must have
served for the day
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Staff Portal REQ 51.4 -Average time spent serving Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.5 -Date Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.6 -Time Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.7 -Staff Schedule (summary) Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.8 -Customer wait times Must have

5.9 Customer Feedback

5.9.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to capture
feedback from customers using the system.
5.9.2 Requirements

Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority

Virtual Ticketing REQ 52.0 The system shall prompt the user with Must have
the option of giving feedback via the
following platforms:
ALL REQ 52.1 -Web Must have
ALL REQ 52.2 -SMS Must have
ALL REQ 52.3 -Email Must have
ALL REQ 52.4 -Mobile App Must have
ALL REQ 52.5 -QR Code Should have
ALL REQ 53.0 The system shall allow the configuration Must have
of feedback questions
ALL REQ 54.0 The system shall allow an email to be Should have
sent for feedback at a later time
convenient to the client.
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5.10 Announcements
5.10.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to manage
audio and visual alerts and notifications within given physical locations.
5.10.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
ALL REQ 55.0 The system shall be able to visually update Must have
the following information via notification board:
ALL REQ 55.1 -Ticket number being served next Must have

ALL REQ 55.2 -Station number serving the next ticket Must have
ALL REQ 56.0 The system shall be able to produce visual Must have
notifications with the following details:
ALL REQ 56.1 -Ticket numbers being served Must have

ALL REQ 56.2 -Station numbers serving current ticket Must have
ALL REQ 56.3 -Ticket numbers being served next Must have

ALL REQ 56.4 -Station numbers serving the next ticket Must have

5.11 Notifications
5.11.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to alert
customers who have joined a queue remotely, with important details at
configurable intervals.
5.11.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.0 The system shall alert a customer Must have
via the following channels:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.1 -Email Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.2 -SMS Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.3 -Mobile App Notification Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.4 -Online Banking Platform Could have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 58.0 The system shall allow a customer Must have
to choose their preferred method/s
of notification
Virtual Ticketing REQ 59.0 The system shall alert a customer Must have
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 18

with the following events:

Virtual Ticketing REQ 59.1 -Ticket next in line Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 59.2 -Wait time reduced to configurable Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 59.3 -Wait time extended Should have

5.12 Customer Servicing

5.12.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate
service delivery and management operations for a queued customer or a
customer with an appointment.
5.12.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Staff Portal REQ 60.0 The system shall allow Team Members to Must have
call customers to their station for service
based on services selected by the customer
Staff Portal REQ 61.0 The system shall allow a Team Member to Must have
transfer customer to another Team Member

Staff Portal REQ 62.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
select the next customer in the queue to visit
their station for service
Staff Portal REQ 63.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate the end of service for a customer
Staff Portal REQ 64.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate the beginning of service for a
Staff Portal REQ 65.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
transfer a queued customer to another staff
member's station/ queue
Staff Portal REQ 66.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate whether they were able to satisfy
the customer's needs
Staff Portal REQ 67.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
confirm an appointment booked by a
Staff Portal REQ 68.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
suggest rescheduling an appointment
booked by a customer
Staff Portal REQ 69.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
request transfer of an appointment to
another staff member
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Staff Portal REQ 70.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
accept the transfer of an appointment
Staff Portal REQ 71.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
refuse the transfer of an appointment

5.13 Scheduling
5.13.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to manage
staff schedules for use in appointment booking and queue assignment.
5.13.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Staff Portal REQ 72.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate unavailable periods
Staff Portal REQ 73.0 The system shall display a schedule for Must have
each staff member based on the following:
Staff Portal REQ 73.1 -Branch hours Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.2 -Requested appointments Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.3 -Confirmed appointments Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.4 -Unavailable periods Must have
Staff Portal REQ 74.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
update their indicated unavailable periods
Staff Portal REQ 75.0 The system shall prevent staff from Should have
indicating unavailability which exceeds a
configurable amount of time

5.14 Reporting & Analytics

5.14.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to track metrics
based on staff and customer activity; produce reports based on collected
data; and provide AI-based analytics and business insights.
5.14.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
ALL REQ 76.0 The system shall be able to track the Must have
following metrics based on each staff
member's activity:
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 20

ALL REQ 76.1 -Period of unavailability Must have

ALL REQ 76.2 -Customers serviced per day per branch Must have
ALL REQ 76.3 -number of customers served per day Must have
ALL REQ 76.4 -Types of services rendered Must have
ALL REQ 76.5 -Type of staff feedback per customer Must have
ALL REQ 76.6 -Type of customer feedback per customer Must have
ALL REQ 76.7 -Average time spent serving customers Must have
ALL REQ 77.0 The system shall be able to track the Must have
following metrics based on each
customer's activity:
ALL REQ 77.1 -Wait time per service Must have
ALL REQ 77.2 -Number of times a customer skips a turn Must have
ALL REQ 77.3 -Number of times a customer exits a Must have
ALL REQ 77.4 -Queued customers per day Must have
ALL REQ 77.5 -Queued customers per branch Must have
ALL REQ 77.6 -Service requested Must have
ALL REQ 77.7 -Customer feedback Must have
ALL REQ 77.8 -Time of queueing Must have
ALL REQ 77.9 -Number of times a customer requires Must have
assistance with using the system
ALL REQ 78.0 The system shall be able to produce the Must have
following reports:
ALL REQ 78.1 -Service popularity Must have
ALL REQ 78.2 -Branch popularity Must have
ALL REQ 78.3 -Branch efficiency Must have
ALL REQ 78.4 -Staff efficiency Must have
ALL REQ 78.5 -Peak times Must have
ALL REQ 78.6 -Waiting time Must have
ALL REQ 78.7 -Customer satisfaction Must have
ALL REQ 78.8 -Customer punctuality Must have
ALL REQ 78.9 -Queue drop-out rate Must have
ALL REQ 79.0 -Queue density Must have
ALL REQ 79.1 -Perceived vs Actual Satisfaction Should have
ALL REQ 80.0 The system shall be able to produce visual Should have
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 21

models of metrics and reports

ALL REQ 81.0 The system shall facilitate the export of Must have
generated reports to the following formats:
ALL REQ 81.1 -XLSX Must have
ALL REQ 81.2 -XLS Should have
ALL REQ 81.3 -PDF Must have
ALL REQ 81.4 -PNG Should have
ALL REQ 81.5 -JPG Should have
ALL REQ 81.6 -CSV Could have
ALL REQ 82.0 The system shall be able to employ Should have
Artificial Intelligence algorithms for
predictive analysis
ALL REQ 83.0 The system shall be able to predict branch Must have
traffic based on past and present data,
using predictive analysis
ALL REQ 84.0 The system shall be able to model trends Should have
based on queue management data

5.15 Marketing
5.15.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate
targeted and personalized advertisements and promotions for JMMB products
and services based on customer activity and data.
5.15.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.0 The system shall facilitate the Must have
configuration of promotional content for
display on the following:
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.1 -Digital Signage in branch Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.2 -Smart Kiosk Must have
ALL REQ 86.0 The system shall display targeted Must have
advertisements via the following
ALL REQ 86.1 -Digital signage in branch Must have
ALL REQ 86.2 -Smart Kiosk Must have
ALL REQ 86.3 -Mobile app Must have
ALL REQ 86.4 -Web application Must have
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 22

ALL REQ 87.0 The system shall be able to display Should have
personalized advertisements based on a
customer's required service

5.16 Customer Assistance

5.16.1 Description
This feature will enable the queue management system to facilitate customers
requesting assistance while navigating or using the system remotely or at a
branch location.
5.16.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
ALL The system shall allow a customer to Must have
REQ 88.0 request assistance via the following
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.1 -SMS Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.2 -WhatsApp Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.3 -Email Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.4 -Web Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.5 -Online Banking Platform Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 88.6 -Smart Kiosk Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.7 -Mobile Application Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 88.8 -Chatbot Must have
ALL The system shall determine whether a Must have
REQ 89.0
user is a first-time user
ALL The system shall display intuitive Must have
REQ 90.0
onboarding guides to first time users
ALL The system shall be able to alert team Must have
REQ 91.0 members of customers requiring
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 23

6. Non-functional Software Requirements

These are the software quality attributes of the virtual queue management system and describe
constraints on how the functional requirements should be implemented. The non-functional
requirements are organized by attribute and are all mandatory for implementation.

6.1 Availability Requirements

NFR 01.0 The system functionality shall be accessible via the following channels:

NFR 01.1 -Web

NFR 01.2 -Mobile App
NFR 01.3 -Smart Kiosk
NFR 01.4 -SMS
NFR 01.5 -Online banking platform
NFR 01.6 -WhatsApp
NFR 02.0 the system shall be available 99% of the time

NFR 03.0 the system shall be available 24/7

NFR 04.0 the system shall be available for use across all supported platforms/
operating systems

6.2 Integration Requirements

NFR 05.0 The system shall be able to integrate in to the JMMB enterprise
architecture framework
NFR 06.0 The system shall support API based integration

NFR 07.0 The system shall be able to integrate with the following:

NFR 07.1 -JMMB Chatbot

NFR 07.2 -JMMB website
NFR 07.3 -Calendar Application
NFR 07.4 -3rd party applications
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 24

6.3 Omni-Channel Support Requirements

Req. # Description
The system should provide functionalities across multiple channels and using
NFR 08.0 various methods of communication
NFR 09.0 The solution shall be able to communicate across the following channels
NFR 09.1 -Website
NFR 09.2 -Mobile application
NFR 09.3 -Phone system
NFR 09.4 -SMS
NFR 09.5 -WhatsApp
The solution shall be able to present data to a given customer across the following
NFR 10.0 channels:
NFR 10.1 -Website
NFR 10.2 -Mobile application
NFR 10.3 -Phone system
NFR 10.4 -SMS
NFR 10.5 -WhatsApp
NFR 10.6 -Online banking platform

6.4 Performance Requirements

Req. # Description
NFR 11.0 the system shall be able to capture large amounts of data
NFR 12.0 the system shall employ efficient predication and estimation algorithms
NFR 13.0 The system shall employ an efficient queueing algorithm
NFR 14.0 the system shall have a response time of under 2 seconds to any user input
the system shall be able to manage many simultaneous sessions without affecting
NFR 15.0 its response time

6.5 Flexibility Requirements

Req. # Description
the system shall be scalable to handle spikes in the volume of internal/ external
NFR 16.0 transactions required
NFR 17.0 the system shall be able to be localized as required across the following languages:
NFR 17.1 -English
NFR 17.2 -Spanish
NFR 18.0 The system shall have accessibility options for visually impaired users
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 25

6.6 Security Requirements

Req. # Description
NFR 19.0 the system shall mask the capture of sensitive data
NFR 20.0 The solution shall facilitate alerts in the event of a breach
NFR 21.0 The solution shall facilitate alerts in the event of a process error
The solution should be compliant with applicable security standards or frameworks
NFR 22.0 such as OWASP or other reputable standards

6.7 Audit Logging Requirements

Req. # Description
the solution shall log all attempts by users to access the system, including back-end
NFR 24.0 operations
NFR 25.0 the solution shall log the details of all activities performed by users within the system
the solution shall log all attempts made by authorized and unauthorized users to
NFR 26.0 perform activities within the system
the solution shall be able to generate a detailed audit trail of all actions performed by
NFR 27.0 system users
NFR 28.0 the solution shall be able to produce reports on audit logs for a given period
the solution shall be able to export an audit log in any of the following required
NFR 29.0 formats:
NFR 29.1 -PDF
NFR 29.2 -XLSX
NFR 29.3 -XLSX
NFR 29.4 -CSV

6.8 Interface Requirements

Req. # Description
NFR 30.0 The Staff Portal of the System shall be web-based
NFR 31.0 The system shall facilitate the following user interfaces:
NFR 31.1 -Text driven
NFR 31.2 -Voice Driven
NFR 31.3 -Command driven
NFR 31.4 -Menu Driven
NFR 32.0 The system shall provide a low/no code interface for configuration activities
NFR 33.0 The system shall facilitate configuration of colours, themes and branding
NFR 34.0 The system shall facilitate the configuration of the following:
NFR 34.1 -Feedback questions
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 26

NFR 34.2 -Greetings

NFR 34.3 -Ticket generation questions
NFR 34.4 -Notification intervals
NFR 34.5 -Notification conditions
NFR 34.6 -Check in period

6.9 Authorization Requirements

Req. # Description
the solution shall only allow authorized users to access back-end operations of the
NFR 35.0 system
the solution shall display an appropriate error message if an unauthorized user
NFR 36.0 attempts to access the system
the solution shall use the following details to authorize a user through the Channel
NFR 37.0 Integrator:
NFR 37.1 - User ID
NFR 37.2 -User password
the solution shall enforce password complexity in compliance with current Software
NFR 38.0 Engineering standards
the solution shall only allow authorized users to access levels of the system which
NFR 39.0 comply with the user's access permissions
NFR 40.0 the solution shall allow authorized users to login to the system
NFR 41.0 the solution shall allow authorized users to logout of the system

6.10 Regulatory Requirements

Req. # Description
NFR 42.0 The system shall be compliant with the following regulations:
NFR 42.1 -GDPR
NFR 42.2 -Data Protection Act
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 27

6.11 Backup & Recovery Requirements

Req. # Description
NFR 43.0 the system shall be able to expand its storage capacity as needed
NFR 44.0 The system shall have adequate backup and restoration capabilities
The system’s backup facility shall cover all system information, application, and data
NFR 45.0 necessary to recover the complete system in the event of failure
NFR 46.0 The solution shall have the ability to test and verify the quality of backups taken
The system shall, for disaster recovery, maintain a secondary system at an alternate
location. The secondary system should contain the necessary pre-configured
equipment to ensure continuity of operations should the primary system and location
NFR 47.0 be rendered inoperable.

6.12 Roles & Permissions Requirements

Req. # Description
The system shall allow for the configuration of roles and permissions by a user with
NFR 48.0 administrative privileges
The system shall facilitate the configuration of services being offered by staff
NFR 49.0 members
NFR 50.0 The system shall facilitate the following roles:
NFR 50.1 -Customer
NFR 50.2 -Team Member
NFR 50.3 -Manager
NFR 50.4 -Administrator
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 28

7. Other Requirements
7.1 Transition Requirements
Req. # Description
TR 1.0 Solution users shall be trained to use the system effectively
TR 2.0 change management activities shall be undertaken
Client-side stakeholders shall identify processes and information required for
TR 3.0 successful transition
the vendor shall be responsible for providing comprehensive solution documentation
TR 4.0 including:
TR 4.1 -System Specification
TR 4.2 -Technical Guide
TR 4.3 -Administrator Manual
TR 4.4 -User Manuals
TR 4.5 -Training Materials

7.2 Assumptions & Hardware Requirements

Assumption # Assumptions
A 1.0 Solution has been independently tested (vulnerability and penetration) by
reputable third-party security companies
A 2.0 JMMB has the required core infrastructure to facilitate the implementation
of the virtual queue management solution
A 3.0 the vendor shall provide necessary resources to implement the solution
A 4.0 implementation shall be completed within a specified timeframe agreed
upon by the client and vendor
A 5.0 the client shall provide resources as needed to support implementation
A 6.0 the client shall be responsible for change management activities within
the client organization
A 7.0 the client shall be responsible for developing and enforcing supporting
policy frameworks for the solution operation
A 8.0 The solution vendor shall be responsible for undertaking in-depth training
A 9.0 the client (JMMB) shall be responsible for change management activities
A 10.0 The vendor shall provide the following queue management
A 10.1 -Smart Kiosks
A 10.2 -Physical Ticket Dispensers
A 10.3 -Digital Sign Boards
A 10.4 -Digital Notification Boards
A 10.5 -Queue Informational Displays
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 29

A 10.6 -Teller Terminals

A 10.7 -Customer Feedback Kiosks
A 10.8 -Customer Feedback Tablets
A 10.9 -People counter
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 30

8. Appendices
8.1 Appendix I: Queue Management System Architectural Diagram
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 31

8.2 Appendix II: Queue Management System Use Case Diagrams

8.2.1 Customers- Virtual Ticketing

Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 32

8.2.2 Customers- Physical Ticketing

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8.2.3 Staff – Client Facing

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8.2.4 Staff- Marketing

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8.2.5 Staff- Managerial

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8.2.6 Staff- Administrators

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8.3 Appendix II: Glossary

Term Meaning
API Application Programming Interface, which is a software
intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.
Artificial Intelligence The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,
especially computer systems.
Back-End Parts of the system that allow it to operate and that cannot be
accessed by an external customer.
Chatbot Software that simulates human conversation through voice
commands or text chats or both.
Conversation Starter The rate at which a user responds to a chatbot first message
Response Rate with a question or answer.
Credential Vault A repository that holds the credentials (user IDs and passwords)
for shared accounts and resources
CRUD Operations Create, Read, Update, Delete operations.
Data Protection Act Jamaican legislation governing the use, processing and storage
or personal data.
GDPR The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law
on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the
European Economic Area.
GPS Global Positional System- a satellite-based navigation system.
JMMB [Group] The Client: Jamaica Money Market Brokers Group, an integrated
financial services provider.
Metric Standard measurements used to determine the performance of
the system within its operational context.
Omni-Channel Software which supports the cooperation of various back-end
Integrator channels across the organization to provide all-encompassing
access and perspective.
OWASP Open Web Application Security Project.
Sensitive Data/ Any data, including personal and financial data that should be
Information protected against unwarranted disclosure.
Physical Ticketing The creation and issuance of physical tickets to customers at a
physical branch location.
Predictive Analysis The use of data, statistical algorithms and machine learning
techniques to identify the likelihood of future outcomes based on
historical data.
QR Code A type of machine-readable optical label that can contain
Queue Management The process of managing the experiences of customers waiting
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 38

System in a queue to improve business outcomes.

SMS Short Message Service.
TRN Tax Registration Number.
Virtual Ticketing The creation and issuance of digital tickets to customers via a
digital platform
Software Requirements Specification for JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Page 39

9. Software Requirements Specification Sign-Off

By signing this form, all parties agree that the content of this document as provided in the
preceding sections has been carefully reviewed and accurately represent the requirements
the JMMB Virtual queue management System, to the satisfaction of the client. This
collection of requirements completes the requirements package for this phase. It is
understood that any subsequent change to this collection must only be a clarification or
elaboration of the current requirements; new requirements will be packaged in a new
collection for sign-off.

Innovate 10X Approval:

Approved by
On behalf of:
Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)

JMMB Group Approval:

Approved by
On behalf of:
Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)

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