JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Software Requirements Specification V2.0
JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Software Requirements Specification V2.0
JMMB Virtual Queue Management System Software Requirements Specification V2.0
February 4, 2022
Version 2.0
This document comprises the requirements for a Virtual Queue Management System to meet the
current automation and digital transformation needs of the Jamaica Money Market Brokers Group.
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... ii
Document Revision History ................................................................................................... iv
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Project Background .................................................................................................................. 1
1.3 Definitions, Acronyms & Abbreviations ................................................................................. 2
2. Solution Description.................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective & Contextual Architecture ................................................................... 3
2.2 Solution Components ............................................................................................................... 3
3. Business Requirements ............................................................................................................5
4. Stakeholder Requirements ......................................................................................................5
4.1 JMMB Customer Requirements ............................................................................................. 5
4.2 JMMB Client-Facing Stakeholder Requirements ................................................................. 6
4.3 JMMB Managerial Stakeholder Requirements..................................................................... 6
4.4 Administrative Stakeholder Requirements ............................................................................ 7
4.5 Marketing Stakeholder Requirements ................................................................................... 7
5. Functional Software Requirements ........................................................................................8
5.1 Appointment Booking ............................................................................................................... 8
5.1.1 Description ............................................................................................................................. 8
5.1.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Ticket Generation...................................................................................................................... 9
5.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................................. 9
5.2.2 Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 9
5.3 Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 11
5.3.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.3.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Map Integration ....................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 12
5.5 Turn Skipping .......................................................................................................................... 13
5.5.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 13
5.5.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
5.6 Queue Assignment ................................................................................................................. 13
5.6.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 13
5.6.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 13
5.7 Check-In ................................................................................................................................... 14
5.7.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.7.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.8 Information Display ................................................................................................................. 14
5.8.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.8.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 14
5.9 Customer Feedback ............................................................................................................... 16
5.9.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 16
5.9.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.10 Announcements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.10.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.10.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.11 Notifications ............................................................................................................................. 17
5.11.1 Description ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.11.2 Requirements ...................................................................................................................... 17
5.12 Customer Servicing ................................................................................................................ 18
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1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document outlines the revised initial set
of requirements for the Virtual Ticketing, Physical Ticketing and Staff Dashboard Queue
Management modules to be implemented in the Virtual Queue Management System for
the Jamaica Money Market Brookers (JMMB) Group. This set of requirements comprises
business, stakeholder, functional and non-functional requirements perspectives, as well as
hardware requirements, transition requirements and assumptions surrounding the project.
The requirements and supporting documentation contained within this document are to
support regional implementation of the solution across the JMMB Group locations in
Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, and Dominican Republic.
2. Solution Description
2.1 Product Perspective & Contextual Architecture
The Virtual Queue Management System is a new solution being implemented within JMMB
to provide increase the level of convenience for customers, improve customer experience,
and manage customer service journeys via physical and digital channels. The solution will
form a critical part of the client experience infrastructure of JMMB, seamlessly interfacing
with a Channel Integrator to facilitate the delivery of standardized, group-wide Omni-
Channel user experiences.
A comprehensive view of the Virtual Queue Management System as an architectural
component within the context of the JMMB internal infrastructure is detailed in Appendix I:
Section Five (5) of this SRS Document outlines detailed functional requirements and
maps each requirement to a functional interface component of the virtual queue
management system.
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3. Business Requirements
These are strategic objectives and goals identified from a business perspective, which are
expected to be satisfied and met, whether directly or indirectly, by the implementation of the virtual
queue management system.
Req. # Description
BR 1.0 The solution is expected to reduce customer waiting times
BR 2.0 The solution is expected to reduce customer walkaways
BR 3.0 The solution is expected to increase customer conversions
BR 4.0 The solution is expected to increase in-branch productivity
BR 5.0 The solution is expected to increase customer loyalty
BR 6.0 The solution is expected to increase resource allocation
BR 7.0 The solution is expected to reduce branch crowding
BR 8.0 The solution is expected to improve the customer service experience for customers
BR 9.0 The solution is expected to improve service efficiency
BR10.0 The solution is expected to increase the use of digital channels
BR11.0 The solution is expected to increase decision making capabilities
BR12.0 The solution is expected to decrease service delivery times
4. Stakeholder Requirements
These are high-level desires for solution functionality, expressed by stakeholders who will use the
solution once implemented. Stakeholder requirements will be organized by business role/ function.
Req. # Description
SR 1.0 The solution shall facilitate ticket generation
SR 2.0 The solution shall facilitate appointment booking
SR 3.0 The solution shall facilitate appointment rescheduling
SR 4.0 The solution shall facilitate remote queuing
SR 5.0 The solution shall generate physical tickets
SR 6.0 The solution shall generate digital tickets
SR 7.0 The solution shall give alerts
SR 8.0 The solution shall give notifications
SR 9.0 The solution shall collect feedback
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Req. # Description
SR 12.0 The solution shall display queued customers
The solution shall facilitate a team member indicating to a customer
SR 13.0 that the customer can now be served
SR 14.0 The solution shall manage customer allocation
The solution shall inform team members of customer service
SR 15.0 requirements
SR 16.0 The solution shall manage schedules
Req. # Description
SR 19.0 The solution shall generate insights
Req. # Description
SR 25.0 The solution shall facilitate roles and permissions
Req. # Description
SR 31.0 The solution shall be able to display targeted advertisements to customers
SR 32.0 The solution shall be able to gather and analyze customer feedback
The solution shall be able to manage promotional campaigns using push
SR 33.0 notifications
The solution shall be able to integrate with maps to provide location-
SR 34.0 specific responses
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modify an appointment
Virtual Ticketing REQ 11.0 The system shall allow a Must have
customer to select multiple
Virtual Ticketing REQ 12.0 The system shall allow a Should have
customer to indicate whether
they are disabled
Virtual Ticketing REQ 13.0 The system shall allow a Must have
customer to indicate whether
they would like to visit a
specific branch
Virtual Ticketing REQ 14.0 The system shall allow the Must have
user to view available service
areas and their locations.
Virtual Ticketing REQ 15.0 The system shall use the Should have
information input by the
customer to determine
whether a customer is a
senior citizen
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.0 The system shall collect the Must have
following information from a
customer in order to generate
a ticket:
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.1 -Customer Name Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.2 -Service/s required Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.3 -Customer unique identifier Must have
(email/ phone number/
account number)
Physical Ticketing REQ 16.4 -Assigned representative, if Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.0 The system shall issue a Must have
physical ticket with the
following details:
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.1 -Ticket number Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.2 -Date of issue Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.3 -Time of issue Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.4 -Estimated wait time with Must have
disclaimer (e.g., Actual wait time
may be more or less than estimated
wait time.)
Physical Ticketing REQ 17.5 -Branch/ Location Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 18.0 The system shall use Must have
alphanumeric sequences to
create unique ticket numbers
based on the type of service
requested by a customer
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5.3 Recommendations
5.3.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to make
conditional recommendations to a customer based on services needed,
available channels, customer activity, and customer location.
5.3.2 Requirements
Component Req. # Description Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 19.0 The system shall determine whether the Must have
service/s required by a customer are
available via digital channels
Virtual Ticketing REQ 20.0 The system shall inform the user if Must have
service can be done via a digital channel
Virtual Ticketing REQ 21.0 The system shall prompt a customer to Must have
visit a digital channel if the service/s
needed are available via a digital channel
Virtual Ticketing REQ 22.0 The system shall be able to suggest that Should have
a customer reschedule their visit after
missing their turn a configurable number
of times
Virtual Ticketing REQ 23.0 The system shall be able to suggest that Could have
a customer skip their turn if the customer
is determined to be unable to arrive at the
branch location before their predicted wait
time expires
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.0 The solution shall allow a customer to Must have
choose from the following options if their
wait time has been extended:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.1 -Keep waiting Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 24.2 -Reschedule Must have
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Virtual Ticketing REQ 30.3 -Best time to travel from the Could have
customer's current location to the
selected branch based on travel time
and proximity
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Virtual Ticketing REQ 33.2 -Number of persons before the Must have
customer in the queue
5.7 Check-In
5.7.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate
customers checking in for service upon arrival to a service location.
5.7.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 37.0 The system shall allow a customer to Must have
indicate that they are ready for service at
a branch location
Virtual Ticketing REQ 38.0 The system shall prompt a customer to Should have
check in at a configurable time prior to the
end of their estimated wait time
Staff Portal REQ 39.0 The system shall flag customers who Must have
have checked-in as ‘available’ for service
Virtual Ticketing REQ 40.0 The system shall allow a customer to opt Could have
for automatic check-in upon arrival at the
branch location
Virtual Ticketing REQ 41.0 The system shall notify a customer when Should have
their check-in window has closed
Physical Ticketing REQ 44.0 The system shall display the Should have
number of customers inline to be
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Virtual Ticketing REQ 45.0 The system shall notify a Must have
customer of the following updates
in configurable intervals:
Staff Portal REQ 46.0 The system shall allow a Team Must have
Member to view in real time the
number of customers waiting
Staff Portal REQ 47.0 The system shall allow a Team Must have
Member to view in real Time the
wait time for customers
Staff Portal REQ 48.0 The system shall allow a team Must have
Member to view in real time the
ticket number of a customer in the
Staff Portal REQ 49.0 The system shall allow a staff Must have
member to view the following
details for a queued customer:
Staff Portal REQ 49.1 -Customer name Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.2 -Customer Ticket Number Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.3 -Service/s required by the Must have
Staff Portal REQ 49.4 -Customer unique identifier (email/ Must have
phone number/ account number)
Staff Portal REQ 50.0 The system shall allow a staff Must have
member to view the following
details for a customer with an
Staff Portal REQ 50.1 -Customer name Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.2 -Service/s required by the Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.3 -Appointment date Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.4 -Appointment time Must have
Staff Portal REQ 50.5 -Customer unique identifier (email/ Must have
phone number/ account number)
Staff Portal REQ 51.0 The system shall display the Must have
following details on a staff
Staff Portal REQ 51.1 -Staff Station Identifier Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.2 -Number of customers queued to Must have
be serviced by the staff member
Staff Portal REQ 51.3 -Number of customers already Must have
served for the day
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Staff Portal REQ 51.4 -Average time spent serving Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.5 -Date Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.6 -Time Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.7 -Staff Schedule (summary) Must have
Staff Portal REQ 51.8 -Customer wait times Must have
5.10 Announcements
5.10.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to manage
audio and visual alerts and notifications within given physical locations.
5.10.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
ALL REQ 55.0 The system shall be able to visually update Must have
the following information via notification board:
ALL REQ 55.1 -Ticket number being served next Must have
ALL REQ 55.2 -Station number serving the next ticket Must have
ALL REQ 56.0 The system shall be able to produce visual Must have
notifications with the following details:
ALL REQ 56.1 -Ticket numbers being served Must have
ALL REQ 56.2 -Station numbers serving current ticket Must have
ALL REQ 56.3 -Ticket numbers being served next Must have
ALL REQ 56.4 -Station numbers serving the next ticket Must have
5.11 Notifications
5.11.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to alert
customers who have joined a queue remotely, with important details at
configurable intervals.
5.11.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.0 The system shall alert a customer Must have
via the following channels:
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.1 -Email Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.2 -SMS Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.3 -Mobile App Notification Must have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 57.4 -Online Banking Platform Could have
Virtual Ticketing REQ 58.0 The system shall allow a customer Must have
to choose their preferred method/s
of notification
Virtual Ticketing REQ 59.0 The system shall alert a customer Must have
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Staff Portal REQ 62.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
select the next customer in the queue to visit
their station for service
Staff Portal REQ 63.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate the end of service for a customer
Staff Portal REQ 64.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate the beginning of service for a
Staff Portal REQ 65.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
transfer a queued customer to another staff
member's station/ queue
Staff Portal REQ 66.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate whether they were able to satisfy
the customer's needs
Staff Portal REQ 67.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
confirm an appointment booked by a
Staff Portal REQ 68.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
suggest rescheduling an appointment
booked by a customer
Staff Portal REQ 69.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
request transfer of an appointment to
another staff member
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Staff Portal REQ 70.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Should have
accept the transfer of an appointment
Staff Portal REQ 71.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
refuse the transfer of an appointment
5.13 Scheduling
5.13.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to manage
staff schedules for use in appointment booking and queue assignment.
5.13.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Staff Portal REQ 72.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
indicate unavailable periods
Staff Portal REQ 73.0 The system shall display a schedule for Must have
each staff member based on the following:
Staff Portal REQ 73.1 -Branch hours Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.2 -Requested appointments Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.3 -Confirmed appointments Must have
Staff Portal REQ 73.4 -Unavailable periods Must have
Staff Portal REQ 74.0 The system shall allow a staff member to Must have
update their indicated unavailable periods
Staff Portal REQ 75.0 The system shall prevent staff from Should have
indicating unavailability which exceeds a
configurable amount of time
5.15 Marketing
5.15.1 Description
This feature will enable the virtual queue management system to facilitate
targeted and personalized advertisements and promotions for JMMB products
and services based on customer activity and data.
5.15.2 Requirements
Component REQ. # DESCRIPTION Priority
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.0 The system shall facilitate the Must have
configuration of promotional content for
display on the following:
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.1 -Digital Signage in branch Must have
Physical Ticketing REQ 85.2 -Smart Kiosk Must have
ALL REQ 86.0 The system shall display targeted Must have
advertisements via the following
ALL REQ 86.1 -Digital signage in branch Must have
ALL REQ 86.2 -Smart Kiosk Must have
ALL REQ 86.3 -Mobile app Must have
ALL REQ 86.4 -Web application Must have
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ALL REQ 87.0 The system shall be able to display Should have
personalized advertisements based on a
customer's required service
NFR 07.0 The system shall be able to integrate with the following:
7. Other Requirements
7.1 Transition Requirements
Req. # Description
TR 1.0 Solution users shall be trained to use the system effectively
TR 2.0 change management activities shall be undertaken
Client-side stakeholders shall identify processes and information required for
TR 3.0 successful transition
the vendor shall be responsible for providing comprehensive solution documentation
TR 4.0 including:
TR 4.1 -System Specification
TR 4.2 -Technical Guide
TR 4.3 -Administrator Manual
TR 4.4 -User Manuals
TR 4.5 -Training Materials
8. Appendices
8.1 Appendix I: Queue Management System Architectural Diagram
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Approved by
On behalf of:
Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)
Approved by
On behalf of:
Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)